Tarot cards are not inherently demonic or divine, but rather pieces of paper with images and symbols. The intention and use behind them often stirs debate, but they are completely safe to use if one is open to them. Some Christians may believe that tarot cards come from demons, but they are not like Ouija boards.
No serious research or historical evidence links tarot cards to evil forces, and even the Catholic Church doesn’t explicitly condemn them. The Bible states that Satan disguises or masquerades himself as an angel of light, and tarot cards and fortune-telling fall into this category. There are many cases of demonic infestation in homes where divination has taken place using Ouija boards, seances, and tarot cards.
There are no such things as spiritually neutral forms of tarot cards. They were used as playing cards in the mid-15th century, but they are not considered witchcraft. Tarot cards have rank, just like demons do, and each demon has a card of their own. There are also often demonic forces behind such practices, as seen in Acts chapter 16, where Paul casts a demon out of a fortune teller.
In conclusion, tarot cards are not evil or demonic, but they are used for divination and fortune-telling and have nothing to do with the devil or demons.
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