Casting spells requires concentration, which is why Concentration Checks are not available during a Rage. Bloodragers can use Blood Casting (Su) to do so, but not a Barbarian. The rage action specifies that a raging barbarian cannot use any action with the Concentrate trait unless that action also has the Rage trait. A rage power (Moment of Clarity) allows the barbarian to ignore all effects of the rage for one round without interrupting the rage.
While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies. Barbarians get Rage Powers instead of fighter’s feats, giving them more room to customize their barbarian.
While raging, a barbarian cannot cast or concentrate on spells or concentrate on them. Some barbarian Primal Paths have magical effects that they can use while raging, but these are not spells but may be similar to spells. A multiclass Barbarian Cleric can use channel divinity while raging.
In Mad Magic, casting using moment of clarity while in a rage allows the benefits of a normal rage. However, the prerequisites state that a barbarian cannot cast and/or concentrate on a spell while raging. The Rage Mage PrC from Complete Warrior allows it as a class ability, but the spell must have a casting time of less than a full round.
The fundamental problem with casting spells while raging is concentration spells. The Barbarian class has great incentives to have a high Con modifier and can activate a wand or staff.
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