The Darakaraka is a planet in Vedic astrology that represents the characteristics of an individual’s spouse, with a focus on who they are more than what they look like. To find the Darakaraka, one must identify the planet with the lowest degree in their birth chart, excluding the nodes (Rahu and Ketu). This planet signifies important aspects of an individual’s romantic inclinations.
The Darakaraka is the planet in any individual chart that holds the lowest degree out of all planets (Sun through Saturn) in the natal chart. Studying the Darakaraka can reveal profound insights into an individual’s romantic inclinations. A Darakaraka calculator can be used to find the ideal life partner according to Vedic astrology.
In Rohini Nakshatra, the Darakaraka means your spouse (husband or wife) has qualities of the main symbol an Oxcart and the characteristics of the ruling deity Brahma. The planet with the lowest degree in the birth chart can be Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Sun, or any planet can take the position.
To find the Darakaraka, one must calculate the Degree of Each Planet in the Signs excluding Rahu and Ketu. Darakaraka and other charakarakas have only one position in the sky in degrees of an arc and will not occupy new houses or sign in a new chart. The planet with the lowest degree or longitude in one’s birth chart is called the Indicator of Spouse or Darakaraka in Vedic Astrology.
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This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. Darakarak is a planet with the lowest degree that shows the spouse, the person you go to bed …
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