The author has recently played on their hunter alt and is curious about the possibility of using ranks in a macro. They have tried setting up a macro like this: Mend Pet (Rank 1) / Cast (modifier:ctrl) Mend Pet (Rank 3) and found that the addon Clique works only when mousing over player frames. However, it won’t work using a repeater.
There are many useful downranks for mage, such as Lvl1 Frostbolt for instant cast slow and Lvl1 Blizzard for buying time in an AOE pull. Spell Trace bouquets can be built-in or created by personal choice. If adding other spells to track, they should be added by name rather than by Spell ID.
The author also mentions that once you reach 60 and have +healing on more than a few pieces of gear, you can start down-ranking some spells. This is not necessary unless you are raiding. Downranking spells allows you to manage your mana on your own, as certain lower ranks of spells still gain full value from your spell power while costing only a fraction of the mana.
Healers can down-rank spells, using a lesser ranked spell to heal a player if they don’t need as much healing. However, there is no need for this situation if you play with people on your level. If you play with low level players, overhealing doesn’t matter.
In Classic, lower ranked spells are less powerful and shorter to cast, but they consume a significant amount of mana. Shift+clicking a spell in the spell book when the macro pane is open will insert it along with rank if applicable.
📹 Why rank 1 spells are SUPER powerful and WHEN to use them
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📹 Why rank 1 spells are SUPER powerful and WHEN to use them
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hey xar, great article. Just wanted to opine that Rank 2 fireball is the most efficient fireball to use, with the longest dot to mana cost/cast time ratio. I feel that 8 seconds is rarely ever needed, even vs. rogues. casting 1s faster is definitely worth a 2 second loss in any case. again, just an opinion that i thought i’d toss out there!
Hey Xaryu! I like your classic articles about mage, they keep helping me getting a better understanding of the mechanics. I would have one more question… How about the chance of resistance when using a rank 1 nova against a let’s say lvl 60 mob or something like that? Isn’t the chance of the mob resisting our spell increased when using a rank one spell?
(Macro Name) Arcane Explosion #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Arcane Explosion /cast (modifier:shift) Arcane Explosion(Rank 1) (12:44 PM) (Macro Name) Fire Blast #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Fire Blast /cast (modifier:shift) Fire Blast(Rank 1) (12:45 PM) (Macro Name) Fireball #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Fireball /cast (modifier:shift) Fireball(Rank 1) (12:45 PM) (Macro Name) Frostbolt #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Frostbolt /cast (modifier:shift) Frostbolt(Rank 1) (12:45 PM) (Macro Name) Frost Nova #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Frost Nova /cast (modifier:shift) Blizzard /cast (modifier:ctrl) Blizzard(Rank 1) (12:46 PM) (Macro Name) Cone of Cold #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Cone of Cold /cast (modifier:shift) Cone of Cold(Rank 1) (12:46 PM) (Macro Name) Polymorph (!Mouseover) #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Polymorph /cast (@mouseover, modifier:shift) Polymorph /cast (modifier:ctrl) Polymorph(Rank 1) (12:46 PM) (Macro Name) De-Curse (!Mouseover) #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Remove Lesser Curse /cast (@mouseover, modifier:shift) Remove Lesser Curse (12:46 PM) (Macro Name) Counterspell (!Mouseover) #showtooltip /cast (nomodifier) Counterspell /cast (@mouseover, modifier:shift) Counterspell (12:46 PM) (Macro Name) Shoot (No-Clip Wand) #showtooltip Shoot /cast !shoot (12:47 PM) (Macro Name) POM Frostbolt (Instant Frostbolt) #showtooltip /cast Presence of Mind /cast Prostbolt(rank 10) (12:47 PM) (Macro Name) Cannibalize (Eat, Drink & Cannibalize) #showtooltip /cast cannibalize(racial) /use conjured sparkling water /use conjured sweet roll NOTE| Change ‘Conjured Sparkling Water’ & ‘Conjured Sweet Roll’ to name of another food & drink to get it working.
Xaryu do you think hearthbeat ressist is affected by using Poly rank1 or toprank as well?? In Classic longer CCs can brake on their own from enemy due to “hearthbeat” resist that was only on vanilla retail, nor privates. Thank you for input, if you have some.
Top rank poly is better in PvE, since is more mana efficient for the duration, and you lose less damage, when reaplying it. Since last rank last for 1 minute. And, as Frost mage, you always want to open with fireball on mobs that you dont need to slow, since it does much more damage. Unles you have alot of Frost spell power, and that damage get equalized…
(restro sham) spam that lvl 1 build healing wave stack talent while tank stable. once every 10 sec usually since ur mana starts to regen 5 sec after casting. u can also stack healing wave buff on tank before a big pull. the stacks fall off after 18 secs so usually good to fit it between abilities if u dont want those stacks to falloff. i got rank 1 healing wave on 2 key and max rank on 3, lesser healing wave 4.
Xaryu, your a god and obviously high IQ so you know this, but you forgot to mention Rank 1, Ice armor, int, dampen/Amp, and Mana Shield so when your getting dispelled/purged you can waste the enemies Mana, globals, and also fodder your ice barrier. These noobs need to know this! Bring it up in a future vid maybe? Much love 🙂
You can stack flame strike overtime dmg. So cast highest then second highest for much crazier AOE when grinding or in PVE instances. They both burn for 8 seconds I believe. Then Blizzard in top of them, or arcane explosion, depending on situation. For 5 second both Flame strikes will be doing damage overtime. Works even better if speced into Ignite talent.
I’d recommend having Arcane Missiles Rank 1, it is useful when a target is LOSing you and you are oom, to keep them in combat to prevent either drinking or restealth. Another spell that can be useful is rank 1 flamestrike, using it like a hunter flare against stealthers. Used that more in bgs than arena though. Polymorph has a similar story like Frost Nova: in PvP Rank 1 does all you need. Leaving some of my favorite macros here: #showtooltip /stopcasting /cancelaura (mod:shift) Ice Block /cast !Ice Block this can be spammed without modifier to get into ice block asap (without breaking it), or it can be spammed WITH modifier to get in and out of iceblock immediately default mouseover/focus/target macros (stopcasting optional): #showtooltip /cancelaura Ice Block /stopcasting /cast (@mouseover,harm,exist)(mod:shift,@focus,harm,exist)() Counterspell will cast on mouseover if you have one (priority 1), on focus target if you have one and use shift modifier (priority 2), and will simply cast on target if none of the conditions are met. replace CS with any other spells. simple downrank macro (replace spell with any other) #showtooltip /cancelaura Ice Block /cast (mod:shift) Cone of Cold(Rank 1); Cone of Cold
Hello Xaryu i whispered at you in the game yesterday, i got from you some new rank 1 spells i wasnt using, good to force my brain memory and be Alt-Moding my Spells at the right time. hope i could join your guild or be friends with you at Faerlina Server. My character is Called Magiician, i saw you Wanting to sell something at the chat yesterday and tryed to contact you..tnks for the article bro cheers