The question of whether the devil can attack us and what authority he has is irrelevant. As Christians, we need to respond biblically to witches being seen as “cool” in mainstream society. The Bible clearly states that witchcraft is not biblical and goes directly against it. Many Christians may have general knowledge regarding witchcraft, how it’s evil, and how to avoid it, but otherwise don’t take it seriously.
Testimonies are evidence of the supernatural power of God lived out loud. Formed out of difficult chapters in our lives, His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (See 2 Corinthians). In today’s article, we will uncover what so-called “Christian witches” believe, what the Bible says about witchcraft, and why younger generations may find this set of beliefs appealing (and how to point them).
Witches, wizards, and other people who practice witchcraft have never written an equivalent fatwa against Christians. Christians used to defend themselves when people say they go against the bible because of witchcraft. However, many who are initially attracted to the allegedly more “innocent” forms of witchcraft may be more attracted to darker forms of witchcraft.
To guard against witchcraft, we must first realize that neither witchcraft nor the supposed witch has intelligence or power. Instead of following the belief that witches are “cool”, we need to take our stand for the Lord. Since God tells us witchcraft is wrong, we should take our stand for the Lord. Many Christians practice witchcraft every day and have no idea that they’ve partnered with the devil in broad daylight.
📹 Ex-Witch REVEALS What Happens When Christians Pray! This Changes EVERYTHING..
Ex-Witch Renee Shaffer reveals in her powerful Christian testimony what she saw in the spiritual realm when Christians prayed …
📹 How to Fight the Devil: 3 Ways to Deal with Spiritual Warfare as a Christian
How can you fight the devil? How can you overcome spiritual warfare when Satan tries to attack you in your life? Here are 3 ways …
I talked to a girl I used to date when I was younger and in the army, she was into witchcraft. After I was saved I called and talked to her and she said she was being tormented by evil spirits at night. I prayed for her that night after I talked to her and asked the lord to show her his power. I didn’t tell her I was going to pray for her, but the next day she text me and said thank you for the prayer, I haven’t slept that well in months. Yes people of God our prayers release the power of God. It’s true.
Fasting and praying is powerful, I had to do this to rid an evil spirit from a neighborhood, I saw it as a shadow person two nights in a row at my grandmother’s house. The neighborhood was an upper middleclass area in New Jersey, that had been experiencing murders, but not a killer, it was different families killing each other, and I had noticed that their was an evil energy causing my grandmother and I to argue, when I witnessed the shadow the 1st night, I thought it was my grandmother sneaking down to yell at me for being up perusal TV, but it wasn’t, she couldn’t be silent if she tried, wheezing and the stairs made too much noise, plus I got up and walked over to catch her, and the shadow basically scurried away, but she was nowhere to be seen, and speed was not on her side at 85 years old. I paid attention the 2nd night and right around the same time which was about 2:30 A.M. the shadow came back, I immediately got up and sprinted to the spot, and like before it scurried off, the hairs on the back of my neck atood on end, and I understood what was going on with the neighborhood and my relationship with my grandmother, it was a principality, an evil spirit which was in charge of the neighborhood, I lacked the faith to just simply rebuke it in Jesus name, but I knew that Jesus said; this kind cometh not out, but by prayer and Fasting. So I prayed and fasted for 2 days and I never saw it again and the neighborhood stopped having murders, also my relationship with my grandmother was restored.
It was a similar experience that brought me to Christ. I worked with a Christian and his peace really annoyed me. I would do spells and send demons against him and not only would it fail but for several days afterwards, I couldn’t even do simple divination. I realized I needed to find the Source of his “power” so I started looking into it and met Christ.
I was attacked by 3 demons in my dream. I was dressed in long white robe. They wanted to burn my soul because I shared the holy word of GOD since May 2015. Then I saw the gigantic holy right hand of GOD came and rescued me. GOD placed me on the holy palm of HIS right hand. HIS right hand was glowing with a white and blue light around HIS hand. GOD carried my soul for few minutes. GOD has anointed me and chosen me to share the holy word of GOD to make people repent and follow JESUS, then I woke up crying because I was so happy to see GOD in May 2018. I share this to glorify GOD. – Joyce
I remember when I was a kid, before going to sleep, my mom used to lead us 3 brothers to pray together for peace, safety, and protection. I remember at the time, we used to pray something like “Lord, please grant us protection as we sleep. Please send your angels to protect us from bad people and bad spirits.” A gossip spread through our subdivision, apparently from robbers who attempted to rob our house. They weren’t able to do anything, because (according to the gossip/story) they saw 2 huge men standing in front of our house. At that time, we weren’t that well off, so our gate was a mix of steel matting, plywood, and other materials as a makeshift gate and fence (common in middle- to lower-income Filipino households). So we were an easy target. Or so the robbers thought. 😅 Because of God’s protection, we were always safe. We still experience attacks from the enemy through using people, sins, lies, etc. as we lead our church. But nothing is impossible through God. We just need to pray and trust that He will do His will for our lives. Praise God! Jesus lives! ✝️
I once heard a story, very similar. It was a person who’s father introduced him to the demonic things. As well as having meeting with the devil himself. And one day he tried to curse a family, but it didn’t work. And when he spoke to the devil again, he was told that he could not touch that family. That was because of God’s protection. Mind you, after this. The gentleman is now a follower of christ.
I listened years ago to the testimony of a man that was thrown from his horse during a rodeo. He was clinically dead for two minutes. The announcers told the audience this man needs your prayers desperately. He said he could see as the people in the audience prayed these blue streaks of light emitted from them. He said it was thousands of these blue lights coming off the crowd. Then he heard a voice tell him to close his eyes. When he opened them he was in ICU two days later.
It’s good to hear testimonies from those who are actively fighting against the kingdom of God. As Christians we can often become complacent and “forget” about our stance in this world. Hearing these testimonies helps to awaken us again and understand that we are not here to just float along, but to actively contribute towards building the kingdom of God and that there is a real, unseen war going on and by staying and actively abiding in Christ, protects us from this war and helps to build his kingdom. Prayer is awesomely powerful, yet it is so simple and accessible for every single Christian!
As a kid when I prayed especially for protection and knowing angels surrounded me, I had a thought of a blue dom covering me as a prayed, not sure if it’s a thought or vision but whenever I pray I can imagine a blue dome that God has placed protecting me, even up to now I still think about it, and is crazy after so many years, an ex witch is revealing yes! There is actually a blue dome! God cares so much for his people. What can demons do, nothing, no power. Praise Jesus!!
So I met this girl, wasn’t a Christian but she was eager to learn more about Christianity. Yet at the same time she was so into this another power some sort of horoscope and other source of power. I told them you cannot lived that kind of life at the same time as being a Christian. She wasn’t understand that back then and long story short we were separated. But I didn’t just stop there. I continually pray to God for her everyday for some months. And now I’m seeing real change. She’s starting attending church and leaving the old life she was living. I love how God works through prayers
Amen 🙏 I saw this lady’s testimony before, and I remembered her saying that the “Our Father” is one of the most powerful prayers we Christians can pray. And now that I’ve accepted and devoted my life to Jesus Christ, I say the Our Father twice daily in my prayers, and any time I feel the horrible temptation of sin I recite it. Amen, Jesus Christ is amazing, and I love all of you out there 🙏✝️💯
Jesus saved my life from a near fatal spirit attack. I was deep in the New Age and witchcraft and after it, I gave myself to Jesus. When this was happening, I only called out to Jesus because He was last resort before death. He saved me, a sinner, no matter how much I ignored Him. It’s only after that experience do I realise how we are surrounded by darkness and we must give ourselves to Christ and no other. My life has totally changed ever since. Around the same time of this experience, a friends daughter had a dream that I died, standing in the exact spot of where this encounter happened, only that in the dream, I actually died, and my corpse was found rotting 3 days later. I believe had I not called out for Jesus to help me, this was going to be the result. Praise you Lord Jesus. I surrender my life to you forever xxx
This one time I new a person in the occult was attacking me they’d use their phone as a wand . I experienced gang stalking and this warlock would follow me and aim his phone and bad stuff would go wrong car crashes once happened and I was avoided . One time I was going to church waiting for my ride he came out his apartment used his phone and I started praying the Lord’s Prayer and I turned around and he starting yelling in rage and punching the air in failure .
I was also an ex witch but i went through a whole atheism thing before i was called back to Christ. God love his children and will bring you back to him no matter what. The devil will not and can not win even if we faulter. I was groomed at 16 by a male witch who was 31 when i met him. he of course ended up abusing me and i left thank God but I gave up witch craft and i think my heart was hardened so i ended up running away from God for a while. I seen demons; they are real.
Us Catholics and our Protestant brothers and sisters are a where of this. satan will loose big and there is nothing that he can do about. May The Lord our God protect us Catholics and protect our Protestant brother’s and sisters and our children from the snares of satan and satan’s demon’s, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen.
I am very pleased that young woman has realised her end that would have been seeing the face of satan at the hour of her death. She has rejected evil in the flesh and proclaimed Christ as her Lord, Saviour and one true and everlasting love. Her testimony is extraordinary and quite believable. I had not envisaged a blue dome of spiritual protection over us when we pray. I wonder if that also happens in private (solo) prayer?
I saw a glimpse into the darker side of things when I was involved in some things I had no business being involved with and what I saw terrified me. I went to war with the gates of hell and only survived because I had some of my Christian foundation left and because lots of faithful Christians on earth and in heaven prayed for me and intervened in tangible ways.
Bad stuff happening in your life or through your dreams is a call to get close to God. I had strange dreams couple of months ago with snake biting me, tree falling over my brother; demons attacking me and my brother, i called Jesus to help me in my sleep and i woke up. I knew i was living a bad life, pornography and anger almost every day, i felt spiritually attacked. It’s a hard battle to quit porn/being angered, but without struggle or suffering there’s no deliverance.
I remembered my Pastor told us about a Witch in his village who had transformed into a huge bat and was taunting them one day and finally he (pastor) warned the witch to transformed back into human, or she would die if she did not do as she was told. The next day a sickly old women came to the pastor and confessed that she was the witch who was taunting them, ask to the pastor to pray for so she would be healed, and she was in great pain. The pastor then prayed for and her told her to go wash in the sea. She did so and she was healed instantly. There are a lot of similar stories in the 3rd world countries like mine where we still experience God’s miracles. People in the West don’t often experience God’s power like this because most are blinded by material things of this world. When you are poor in the things of this world, you will be rich in things of God. When you are rich in the things of this world, you will be lacking in things of the Spirit…
BigNik my man you are an inspiration, ngl you have gotten me closer and have opened my eyes to a lot of spiritual things that are happening. Praise Jesus we have an opportunity to have YouTube to share the gospel. But I soon want to make content and I would like to glorify the most HIGH, keep going, my friends
God is good all the time,and the holy spirit just returned to me last time I was 8yrs old the holy spirit came upon me but at the time didn’t know what it was it just felt like a warm glowing feeling in my chest it was a feeling I never felt again till a week ago when listening to a song from heaven by Niko’s politis on u-tube.eph 6:12 may god pour out his spirit on the whole world without measure and cover us all in the blood of Jesus Christ Amen and have a blessed day and let god lead the way amen .
Guys if you have read the late Dr. Rebecca Brown Yoder’s four books (He Came to Set The Captives Free; Prepare for War; Becoming a Vessel of Honour; Unbroken Curses) on this subject…she goes really deep. Her ministry that God gave her was exclusive to bringing Satanists to Christ Jesus. This sister gives more perspective also. God bless you all. Glory be to the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – who in the end is the Head of the Body as well as all Powers and Principalities.
Celestial father, Give my family, those I love, your church and me your messages, Take away all rebellion from us, Help us to see and to listen, Deliver us from exile, Make them pay attention to us when you give your message, Deliver us from all captivity, Help us know what to answer when we are asked something, Deliver us from every network and every trap, Bring us out of Babylon, Do not scatter us to the four winds or send a sword after us, Save us from dying in war, from disease, or from hunger, Forgive us for our sins, Provide us with food and water, Deliver us from trembling, despair and violence, Deliver us from destruction, Make all the prophecies that favor us come true, Deliver us from false visions and false prophecies, Thank you for your patience, for the time you have given us to repent, Do not delay in fulfilling all your promises, I ask and declare all of the above in the majestic name of Christ Jesus. Inspired by Ezekiel 12.
The fact that she was in an anti-Christian satanic cult, and that they had no power against praying Christians, should have indicated to her that God is real and more powerful than any evil Satan can muster up, and that she was on the wrong side. Maybe that’s what made her change. Whatever it was, good for her, all heaven rejoices when a new Christian is born!!
Well you’re right about the denominational divide amongst “Christians” and that’s because most people pick and chose what to believe and what to follow. 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears”. And let’s not forget the 100’s of Modern English Translations that’s added nothing but division and perversion of God’s word. They all use the minority text that don’t even agree with eachother and yet, people go along with it because they think God’s true word which was put into the KJV is somehow to “hard” to understand! I was to duped by those lies til I seen how much was actually taken out of Modern Bibles completely or altered in a way that completely changes the word and doctrine! We had God’s word in our language with the KJV for over 400 years but suddenly their is a problem?? So if you wanna know what’s happening, there you go! Hate me for that truth if you’d like but remember, I was just as deceived at one point. Heavenly father, thank you for your mercy on us and your word which was preserved and given in our tongue in the KJV Bible. Lord I pray peoples eyes will be open to your truth. I pray this in Jesus precious and Holy Name, Amen! ☝️✝️🙏🙌❤️🔥
Just subscribed thank you big nik as a woman of God struggling with her spirituality I can say this was very inspiring! Battling trying to do what I love at the same time not be influenced by the world is very difficult! I’ve had a numerous amount of psychic attacks to my brain and when I tell ppl they don’t believe me, sometimes when I have these attacks my body feels itchy inside and digusting everything around me moves slower and in a different pace the more ppl come into contact with me triggers my anxiety and I have to switch of my phone and not talk to anyone because I litterally scream and drop to the floor as the energy and attack effects my communication! No one believes me and always tells ppl I have had it easy and not rough as a way to block any source of help or support that comes my way! I’m battling with a case of everything looks perfect and goes my way on the outside but constantly having serious spiritual attacks and mental emotional abuse I try to distract my self I go church a lot but I find some people there to be undermining and false leaders of God! I haves a lot of people try and manipulate my glory downplay my efforts I have days I’ve almost died and no one knew because they are too focused on making sure not one sees the good in my rather than caring about if I’m genuinely ok! I feel like my bloodline has been cursed I feel like some people in my bloodline may also be cursing me and sending me these attacks although some of them talk about God and act like Good Christian’s I feel sick energetically drained and like dying around them including feeling like someone is trying to astral project to me and mess with my head it’s hard because i seem like a bad person for creating distance I’m I love I just don’t like the attacks I feel!
True story .. when I was a kid me and my brothers had just watched one of the Harry Potter movies at my grandmothers in New Orleans . I wanted that power so bad . I told my 2 brothers “watch I’m going to turn the lights off” and took a piece off a picture frame the top portion it was similar to a wand so I said “wingadrian leviosa” which is the levitation spell I believe in Harry Potter. Mind you everybody is sitting down . So I said it and sure enough the lights went out. And then I did it again and the lights came back on.. I do believe witchcraft is real even Solomon dabbled in magic . But God is against witchcraft. But He can and wants to forgive 🙏🏼
A brilliant article. I’m obviously a bit sceptical about your desire to sell merch, but that’s a matter of swings and roundabouts. You have to have a bit of the rough with the smooth, and to be fair, those are some pretty good T-shirts. What is solid, is that you have delivered a really great message. I can share this. This is valuable. I just left a article of Ray Comfort’s and it concerned me that he uses the gentle voice of a horse whisperer to convince people to go to Hell for their sins, which is really not the right way to do it. We’re definitely supposed to be pointing them towards Heaven.
Everyone needs a congregation of living waters in love and unity. We need to build ourselves in prayer and unity as the body of ישוע המשיח in His Father יהוה we need to arise on a new level and through רוח הקדש we need to fight cause all are one and all got the same personality as Yeshua said “when you have seen me you have seen the Father, I and the father are one.” So pray and rise, there is no time to hide under the rock of depression, we need to turn it as suppression of the evil forces through the Yeshua all mighty, the Father’s words inside as the Spirit of God unites us as one!
If endowed with the Holy Spirit, a person has a degree of protection/immunity. The fallen know their boundaries. One approached me in a dream while I was a guest at a mosque. Nvr had had such a dream B4 or since. It appeared as a Pennywise-like clown staring at me from a gap in the floorboards. I felt a lil unnerved. Soon, it arose from the floor, accosted me, got in my face and moved around looking at me with direct eye contact. The clown was expressionless. I became afraid & sad. I told the clown ~”But, I love you.” Then, a friend must’ve heard me in the nightmare & woke me up. That reinforced my Christian faith. It was like I had entered this demon’s territory and it wanted to ck me out & intimidate. I’m not prejudiced against Muslims at all. I had hung out with a couple cool Saudi guys in academia. Needless to say, Jesus Christ is our only link to God the Father.
I know that this witchcraft is happening. The holy spirit reveal it to me. Even in church and neighbours are doing these things. Family also…christians have to pray everyday, put on our armor of God, breaking every attack from the enemy for yourself and your family, speaking in tonghs to God. Walking with your bible in your bag and trust God He’s going to protect you and your family withvthe blood of Jesus and His hedge of angels.
I need some guidance. I work in a dental office and according to the doctor I work for, I’m supposed to use preferred pronouns and refer to a female as a male or vice versa. I just can’t help them lie to themselves and have almost been fired for not wanting to play along in these lost people’s mental illnesses. What am I to do?
I had a time in my life when I was a Holy Spirit filled Christian but was surrounded on all sides by servants of the enemy who performed many false signs and wonders and constantly tried to place unclean spirits in me which they never could. Our Father permitted this to happen to me to bring me to repentance and open my eyes because I was in active addiction at the time. I still have sin in my life I need to root out but we all do. If we are not moving forward we are moving backwards. The Lord promised to me through his Spirit that he would deliver me from my iniquity years ago and now He has. I have been sober 10 months. “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement, thou shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17
Hmm, Christians don’t be deceived by these so called experiences especially from ex-witch. I’m not saying “don’t believe” what I’m saying is “becareful of what you believe.” So, if I was alone and not praying am I open to spiritual attacks, does this protection only applies when I’m “actively praying”? And why does it have to be a group? How long has she been a witch for? how do you know that what you’re saying is exactly what the devil wanted you to say
Fellow listeners. Just be careful, there are some trollers here who try to stir you up with nonsense. That’s their game. Amen to the comment on church unity. Work together for unity across Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. There are authentic followers of Jesus in all of these groups. It seems to me (and I have been a believer for 44 years now) greater unity because in the West particularly, there is a polarisation between believers and unbelievers. We share in common “The Apostles Creed” and the “Nicene Creed”. That’s unity!
Yes, pray. Especially together. God is faithful to his followers and promises to be there with his presence where two or more gather in his name. He especially favors those who pray with conviction which is faith and trust in God. Beilieve with all your mind, heart, and strength. He will reward you the more faith you have in him. Believe that your prayers are anwered if you pray with the goodness and senserety of your heart. If you doubt, DO NOT FRET. Ask, and you shall receive. Ask the Lord for faith. Persevere and endure. I pray for all who see this that they may learn to love the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and love all his chrildren as he commanded. Stay strong brothers and sisters. YOU ARE LOVED ALWAYS
Big Nick I’m so happy to see you and that you’ve come this far. I was just perusal yr old vids with Sam & Colby and was surprised to see that you’ve changed so much! Pray for your former friends, Sam,Colby and others that they will repent and one day surrender their lives to Jesus. God bless you man ❤
Yeah well I say she was a phony whatever bc that is not true about Christians praying. When Christians pray they are not heard by the Almighty bc they are all just a bunch of hypocrites. The Word declares if they forsake the Word and stay in sin then their prayers will be an abomination to Him. Besides that they are supposed to be praying to the Lord until he reveals the Patyr’ and he said he does it to very few. so she lying
Thanks for the vid man, and please please pray for me and my Family, I will really appreciate it if you will include us, and please i know it will be powerful that in the Name of Jesus Christ you can pray together with your Warriors and tell the Lord God above to help me in the battle with demons around me, I am being attacked spiritually by demons that’s copying voices around me, and this may aound crazy but I think they are locking me so I can’t be with the Lord, and my family I need them to be safe. Please pray for me, I don’t know if they are witches attacking me and talking to me spiritually or mental telepathy or I am just Crazy now, but it seems so Real and I know it is some kind of deception so Please pray for me for I need believers Faith power to free me from this, I don’t wanna hear them ever again in Jesus Name Lord Save me and my family. thanks guys
Big Nik … I have no idea how long this woman has been a Christian, but someone should tell her that she still has things in her room that she shouldn’t. Like the cross with that binding or the painting above the door, it has symbols of the new age. On the other hand, you have a symbol that became fashionable, cutting your eyebrow in that way, it was a trend created by rappers alluding to gangs or criminals, so that is not Christian at all, and precisely for this reason What that woman says is that many witches and demons have access to Christians, it is because they live a fallacy of Christian life.
God didn’t say He is the “Alpha and Omega”. That’s a translation of what He said. He said, “I am the Aleph and the Tav”. Look up those 2 letters in Paleo (a.k.a. Proto) Hebrew. That’ll knock your socks off and bless you to no end!!! The “Alpha and Omega” is from the Hebrew being translated into Greek. Matthew, and Revelation were both written 1st in Hebrew and likely so were all the Gospels. Only a few of the epistles – written to Greek speakers which the early Christians were not. They were all 100% Jews who all spoke/wrote Hebrew which has been proven by Archeology and attested to by early church fathers’ writings.
When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. ²Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. ³And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, ⁴and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. ⁵Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. Revelation 8:1-5 God uses our prayers to accomplish mighty works on earth. Notice these are not final judgments which means God is showing mercy in revealing Himself to people. Ultimately our prayers should always be in the aim and hope to reach more people for the Kingdom of God. God calls us to pray but it is He who does the work.
JESUS CHRIST is coming back soon ❤❤So call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the one and only SAVIOUR of all mankind, and save your soul before the death happens 🙏””””The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”””
We get so caught up on names and words we no nothing of. WITCH is the name for someone who is connected to nature, is a healer, and has spiritual knowledge. The Catholic church didn’t want people to know that bcus RELIGION was designed to CONTROL you. OBEY, AND REGURGITATE the words they want. The language of an enslaved mind. So the individuals that practice sorcery with no understanding yes, you will tap into negative energies. high loving FREQUENCY, is the key, just ask Jesus. The creator wants you free from religion so did Jesus. The creator is in you not in a book or a religion. Do you know the god in the book is not creator, its a demigod proclaiming to be A GOD, possession of peoples minds for worships.
Why is he laughing about what this woman is saying??? That’s NOT funny or anything to laugh about whatsoever!!!! Just because someone says Scripture and tries to ACT saved, doesn’t make them saved. For if he truly knew what spiritual warfare is about and had a true relationship with the Christ, he would be deeply disturbed, sad, and prayerful. Not laughing and joking while playing praise breaking music. Be not deceived ppl
When I was a young boy, I was constantly having a nightmare every single night. They are all just the same, I was running and being chased by zombies, ghost and more things I can’t described ofcourse they are demons in disguised. Fast forward in time the night when I surrender my life to Jesus, a devil comes to me on my dream that looks like a human, He was cursing me and yelling at me but He can’t enter my room He was just standing at the door then suddenly that devil starts burning all throughout his Body, I even saw his face burned and saw the flesh and starts running away from our house in agony and in pain. Since then, nightmares don’t visit me anymore. I thank God for saving me.
Yes, the devil divides people in many ways. Example: different cults, religions. Jesus instituted one religion over 2000 years ago which the devil has been trying to wipe out with no avail. Even he knows that it’s the only one, Holy church. There are soo many of them claiming to be the one true Church. Soooo? Which one of “those” is it? None of them!
If you check out Diocletian he was not always a Christian persecutor. His early years of taking charge as Ceasar in Ancient Rome took a turn after coming across the events of Christian disciples in Prayer. They began everything from the Sign of the Cross in the presence of Diocletian’s Pagan priest and having numerous interference in his Occult practice for oracles. He got full Maniac mode on Christianity killing many in his times. Prayer is a Weapon against the Enemy (Satan). Always be on gaurd against the Enemy. Peace of Jesus Christ be with you! 🙏🏻
As a current practicing Witch, who converted to Hellenic paganism from Christianity, I can assure you all that this whole article is nonsense. I could list many biblical examples where Jehovah’s followers prayed and prayed and even prophesied and either Jehovah lied or he wasn’t powerful enough to do the thing or his prophecy was wrong. Aside from that, have you people forgotten about the entire book of Job? Lol. “God” literally sends the devil to ruin Jobs life multiple times for his personal amusement. Being that he is all knowing this was no test, the trials of Job was a cruel game for this God. So I doubt very much that few people praying is going to just flat out stop a satanic attack, seeing as God loves to torment his worshippers by sending either Satan or a demon to mess with them on his own.😅
I’ve had a practicing wiccan and one witch tell me the same. When they tried to convince me how powerful “white magic spells” are, I tell them… “I don’t need white magic. I pray and have the protection of the Holy Spirit.” They both told me that prayer is the ultimate, unbreakable spell. I went on to tell them that there’s no such thing as “white magic”, because even spells meant to bless people with good things, override their free will. They actually couldn’t argue that, and said “I see your point”.
The ex of a fomer boyfriend send me a witchcraft but I had just prayed the rosary so when I went to sleep I heard this evil voice say Die!! And tried to grab my neck, but at the same time the mantle of Our Blessed Mother Mary and Our Lord protected me. So the voice I heard but not close to my ear and I had no fear and the hand tried but could not asfixiate me and I just turn to the other side very peacefully and I said: When God wants I will go. And went to sleep. Months later I was told my ex ex was into witchcraft and he knew I was dating my nos ex and to be carefull.
why don’t they attack other religions?? What happens if they attack other religions ? Most of them tell stories about their experiences attacking Christians, but I’m curious if there aren’t any experiences when they attack people with other religions than Christians? what they will see ? I’m curious..
Exodus 20:4-5 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,
Just remember denominations are not bad things. Obviously if they set us appart from one another as fellow christians it is bad but denominations are actually healthy. It means that people under God’s rule have a level of freedom to practice under His headship a certain level of freedom. The problem arises when those differences divide us. They supposed to unite us like the body. Many different unique parts but all work together for the betterment of all of us. The whole body is greater than the sum of the parts
There are three things. Knowing, belief, and religion. Religion is teachings false or true and influences what you believe in. Belief is what you think might be. I believe in science yes but I know that changes as new discoveries are being made to change how I look at certain things. But it is what is known that has power. I know there is God. He created the heavens and the earth. Jesus is him that came as a man of flesh and blood to teach us the way and became the way to be saved and free. I can’t exactly tell you why I know this. Not because someone told me but based on what I’ve experienced and learned. I can only attribute it be a deep rooted feeling. I know some might think that’s a shallow view or thought. But it has never been shaken or disproven only strengthened as the foundations of that knowledge are deep and wide. I’ve been to churches where they say and teach one way then turn in their heels and go the other direction. I’ve listened to others of different faiths but none have swayed my heart and I have shaken theirs. I have been asked why if God is all living why let evil priest. I counter that it is not God who let’s it persist but us as humans. We as humans make decisions in the end causing the good and bad. God or Satan doesn’t do these things. Example is if Satan were to come to me and tell me to kill or hurt people, it will always be my decision in the end on what I will do. Free will. We choose where we stand. I chose who I stand with as I know what he stands for.
The Oracles Apart from these, two stones regarded as Oracles, the Urim and Tumim (“illuminator and verifier”), possibly made from Sardonyx, were inscribed with the sacred Name of G-d and inserted in the folds of the Breastplate. It caused the letters inscribed on its stones to light up in response to queries posed by the leaders to indicate a positive or a negative response from G-d when asked a particular question. “And (Joshua) shall stand before Elazar the priest, who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of the Urim before G-d: by this word shall they go out, and by this word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him.” (Numbers xxvii:21). Additional examples can be found in I Samuel. XI: 18 when Saul commanded the Priest, “Bring hither the ephod”, along with similar references in Ezekial. XXI: 26; Zecheriah.X. 2. Hold that L
Amen sanctification is biblical God is our protector In the bible it says that we were made by God to worship God Amen Jesus Saves and cure Amen in the bible is says that if we commit one sin we commit all sin, and the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life trough Jesus we are not to judge unbelievers says in the bible but we are to jugje righteously those who are in the body of Christ Amen we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God Amen all sin has the same wight in the bible it says that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life trough Jesus Amen God loves us God loves the sinner wjile we were still sinners Christ died for us says in the bible God loves the sinnwr but not the sin Jesus is the way the thruth and the ife religon must die because christian is not eaven a religion its a relationship beetween person and God Amen i was saved when i was 13 y.o and i was sabed from lust pride religiousness and depresion rejection and anger and ivhave also back sliden and now God got me right back up now im 16 still serving the Lord our God Amen praise be to Him Amen God is love just and holy
i know you probably dont believe in auras but ive been able to see them sense before i knew the term “aura.” you, sir, have white flames in your aura. apparently that means you have a strong connection with God. ive only seen those flames in one other person in real life. i just wanted to share. it gave me pleasant chills when i saw it
Wait she did Lust in Astral Projection ?! I think that what happen to me cause I had Dream that I was under my covers my covers made it Dark but I saw the light was on through my covers and a female was on top of me kissing on my lips and jaws I didn’t enjoy it at all cause I could Barely see I didn’t see the person face but I heard there voice and I heard a female voice and tried to stop from kissing me I pushed them back with my arm in a defensive matter and I said who are you ?! And talked back to but I forgot what they said but I put my arm back and they started kissing me again then I woke up and under my covers
I’m currently a witch and a websiteer, and my experience with the occult has been much more positive. One filled with love, compassion, healing, and a deep and purposeful connection to nature and self. Not everyone’s experience is harmful or malicious. I actually experienced more of that around me as a Christian. It’s alright to have different faiths as long as it’s not harming others, and I truly wish this article offered more than just one perspective on some things presented here.
Full grown love turns fear out of doors -only these will remain, faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. -postures of prayer. It’s not so much praying without ceasing. It’s living your life in constant communication with God. Washing your dishes, sing a song, talk t Jesus, sweeping the floor, tell jesus what ur grateful for, do-everything your hands touch, everything you do with your heart to the best of your ability as if for the Lord. As if unto the Lord, your lives as a living sacrifice to God. If you get in the habit of doing the small things in a posture of prayer, you may not be praying, but you are in a perpetual posture of prayer.
So who should come together with whom? There are reasons some don’t break bread with others. Making blanket statements like “we should just come together with other denomnations” is very dangerous. Many are apostate. Test the spirits. But always look inward, considering your own salvation with trembling. Pray. Pray. And then pray some more. Pray without ceasing.
I was under attack by satan before perusal this, calling me names, saying stuff that I knew weren’t true but yet still got into my head, I had a huge panic attack and ended up harming myself a little bit, but I won’t let him take over . There’s this girl I’m in love with and he tries to hurt my love for her but I won’t let him do that either 💯
The devil got into my head with sinful thoughts and I literally ran for my Bible.. I didn’t even care what book or chapter I was reading but I started and asked God to hide me from the mischief… that’s my practice now because I realize now more than ever if left to our own devices and with no sword that is the word of God we are defenceless and exposed to the schemes of the devil..
This is exactly what I need to hear I been going though this circle of sexual sin wanting to give up my virginity. I still believe in marriage. it’s that sometimes I felt the devil and my actions got the best of me. I working on focus on Honor God in Marriage. I been in a 7 year relationship. I feel like this is the only way to break out of sexual sin. Once and for All.
So many things have been happening for the past four month. My therapist told me I’m living in trauma response not just experiencing it occasionally. Every time one more thing happens my first thought is too kill myself. I hear ” if you kill your self all of this will stop” it’s absolutely terrifying I’m trying so hard to hold on to Gods promises and I’m so deep in darkness right now.
I was going through some dark times and blamed my hurt of my grandma dying on god, that lead me down a dark path. I’ve found him again and my love and faith is much stronger. I didn’t plan on living long enough to graduate high school and now I’m 26 and married to an amazing woman. God works in mysterious ways
I didn’t agree with “Satan doesn’t have to listen to you…” Yes, he does, through the power and authority in me given to me by Holy Spirit. Take authority, and you will have it. 2 Corinthians 10:7 says “If anyone is confident, that He is Christs.” Hebrews 11:1 also defines Faith as Assurance and confidence. Take Authority!
It seems like it’s deeper than this. Spiritual warfare is real warfare. Followers of Satan can put real spells on us if we are willing or unknowing so we need to stand firm with Christ and God so we can be protected from these things. Demons are real too and at any opening, they’ll latch onto us. All sins have demons and they’re not idiots. They know how to get to us. So how do we stop them?
John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Repent from your sin and turn to God’s side for he sacrifice himself on the cross of calvary just he can pay our sins, open your hearts to jesus, he is waiting on you to open the door of your heart, resist the devil with jesus and he will flee from you because you have a God on your side and he will never leave you nor forsaken you, appreciate his sacrifice for us because he love us all, he is the only way to everlasting life and through faith in him we can be saved in eternal damnation, REPENT AND BELIEVE IN HIM BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE TO CHANGE AMEN
just a minute ago i had a Latina female trying to bend over infront of me she was a waitress im here at this Mexican restaurant with my mother n she keeps staring then she bends over infront of me i looked at first then tried to turn away she walked off after she took our order which she forgot only my order n came back after bending over infront of me the second time i looked away then I went to the restroom and prayed i went to the urinal to go to the bathroom n i see writing in Spanish and it says “dios es todo sin dios no eres nada” that means god is everything without god you are nothing immediately i felt so happy ik he is with me i came sat back down she brang our food i prayed b4 i ate then a women came into the place causes a ruckus screaming about cigarettes her voice sounded like a demons n she kept saying oh my god almost mocking me n i kept praying n i prayed for the women not looking in the direction where the waitress was im sitting here typing this now n it just happened spiritual warfare is real
The best way to defeat the devil is through reasoning and skepticism. And learning about logical fallacies and unfalsifiable claims were there’s no good reason or evidence to believe these claims of the devil even existing in the 1st place outside of these so called holy books and other people’s untestable testimonials.
I’ve been dealing with something demonic touching me all the time since I moved to a diff house and I could hear so clearly frm the Lord saying just focus on me no matter what and dnt even talk about it but dnt back down. So I get the whole thing about not talking to him and I do only thank God for His purpose for my life while it’s happening but Mark, please please pray for me and plz give me any advice possible bc I’m not seeing any break through and btw it’s so cool that u mentioned Luke since that’s the exact scripture the Lord lead me to several times and it was right when he tempted Jesus the last time and had to flee when Jesus resisted, so that’s cool that it’s the one u said and just more confirmation. But with my specific situation I really need clarity to know what I should do that would even be resisting him if Idk how I’m not doing that already, so any advice would be so incredibly appreciated bc it’s been very very hard for 3months straight and I just dnt know what to do anymore since nothing seems to help.
I onlyy disagree with when you said, the devil doesn’t listen to us. God gave us authority through the name of Jesus to repuke the devil, and cast him out. ( That includes unclean Spirit and demons) and his word to fight against him. So yes, the devil listens to us through Jesus because he gave us that Authority. ” Away from me Satan” ” I cast you out” ” I give you no power over me,” through the Authority Jesus gave me when he died in the cross for me.
Im a muslim.What you said is true.. Dont try to dialouge with satan.When you say i will fight against him. He laugh on you. Its too hard to fight that not visible and powerful than men.Similiar in Christ and Islam.. Both belive in one god, jesus(Isa. pubh) will come back,Fight against satan.In the end we all gonna head for one god!Peace,Respect.
You said satan doesnt has to listen to us but to an extent i disagree because that same spirit that conquered death hell and the grave that same spirit that overcome satan also lives in us which means we have the authority over satan to disrupt his plans for the weapons of our warfare are not canal but are mighty through God by the pulling down of strongholds but its only through christ we have that authority and not by our own selves
This expresses that you believe the true way to heaven !! : Lord Jesus, I have admitted I’m a sinner being sorry. Therefore, I do not trust in my own works to go to heaven because I realize, being a sinner, I cannot offer the perfect blood sacrifice that you require to pay for sin. Instead, I fully trust, believing in my heart, that your finished work on the cross, your one perfect blood sacrifice; when you bled, suffered and died, in my place, paid for my sins in full, past, present and future ! And I believe that you rose from the dead and that you are God Almighty, God the Son, alive for evermore !!! Therefore, I fully trust that you have forgiven me by cleansing me from all sin in your precious blood, which purified my soul. Thank you Lord Jesus for greatly loving me, for forgiving me, saving me from hell and giving me eternal life and sealing me with the Holy Spirit dwelling within me forever! Rom.3:25,5:8,9,10:9, Rev.1:5, Ephes.1:7,13, 4:30, Heb.10:10-14,19,38,39,I John 5:7,13,20
Even if u don’t want devil sometimes make conversation. Even if u don’t talk for sure he will speak. There is verse in the Bible that they overcame by blood of the Lamb. So we always have to Look at Jesus. Pledge the blood of the Lord Jesus against devil and He have to leave He can’t cross blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also Satan don’t want to have direct confrontation with God bcoz he will lose it. So call to Lord and tell Him to confront Satan. He will go away quickly he is scared of his Creator. There is verse in Bible “even demons believe in God and they are trembling…” When Jesus was passing buy there was man posessed by spirits and spirits said to Him, you are Son God did you came to torment us before the time? They know their time is short. Even Michael Archangel said to satan Lord will rebuke you!!! Don’t fight alone. You have One who already overcame and took keys of death and he’ll from the devil. Devil can’t cross the Blood of the Lord. He have to leave. Thanks to the Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ that we have One who can cover us. Devil no need to talk to deceived unsaved people. His target are saved Christians. He want to destroy us. He knws we can’t lose salvation, He will try use false doctrine on Hebrews 10:26 this apply to people who reject Gospel when they hear truth this apply to different group of people in time of tribulation. Hebrews is to Hebrews in the time of tribulation. Not everything apply to Christians in the bible. Some things apply to tribulations saints.
as long as you worship a man, called Jesus which is just a messenger from God, so don’t worry, Satan will be all time around because you as Christians, you are easy to catch by the devil … we Muslims we called Jesus as peace be upon him, not just Jesus like you all do, you don’t have respect for the mightiest messenger of God, Shame on you …, we never had issues with Satan because our faith is strong and the devil has no chance with us.