Magic is a powerful concept that allows us to do something over here and affect something over there, similar to the placebo effect. In the real world, people who perform magic tricks are illusionists who learn how to do this from books and each other. However, some people may think that magic only exists in popular literature and movies.
Science can help us understand the closest thing to real magic. Technology we use on a daily basis, such as computers and cell phones, can represent the closest to real magic. Escapism, a deep feeling of being free from our physical and mental limitations, is one of the closest things to magic.
Photosynthesis, a six-step chemical reaction, can create a 100-foot-tall multi-ton tree out of nothing but air, water, and sunlight. In our humble yet magnificent existence, music may be the closest thing we ever experience to real “magic”.
Arthur C. Clarke once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Amy and Andrew discuss their answers to what the closest thing to real magic is, including David Blaine’s stunts of physical endurance, escapism, and writing.
In conclusion, magic is a powerful concept that can be experienced through various means, such as the placebo effect, the placebo effect, and the power of belief. While some may view magic as only present in popular culture, it is important to recognize that it can also exist in everyday life.
📹 The Closest Thing to Real Magic
The Modern Rogue Pen of Greatness! ————— accreditation …
Why is music so magical?
Music enhances health, mood, and emotion by engaging the neurochemical systems responsible for dopamine. It triggers the nucleus accumbens and amygdala, which are linked to seeking pleasure and emotional expression. Music releases dopamine, bringing emotions like happiness, love, sadness, fear, and motivation to achieve goals. Some people find music like a drug, as it increases dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens, similar to how cocaine acts on the brain.
Who is the first magic?
The first recorded magic trick was performed by a Magician named Dedi around 2, 700 BC, known as the cups and balls trick. The images were found on pyramids in Egypt. However, some stories suggest he was a fictional Magician, and historians have debated this. The first official recording of a magic trick was by a group of Roman Magicians called the Acetabularii in 300 AD, using small stones and vinegar cups. Most magicians agree that the cups and balls trick was the first magic trick ever performed.
What is the real magic?
The concept of “real magic” can be classified into three primary categories: the mental influence of the physical world, the perception of distant events, and interactions with nonphysical entities.
How to learn magic in real life?
Those new to the art of magic should engage in regular practice, recall that the essence of magic is the art of acting, and perform for an audience as often as possible. It is essential to cultivate confidence, infuse one’s performances with a distinctive personal style, and engage in consistent practice.
What is the closest thing we have to magic?
In essence, the closest approximation to the concept of magic is the human soul, which is regarded as a truly magical entity. The term “magic” is typically defined as a phenomenon that transcends the natural laws of physics and chemistry. This quality lends magic a unique and transcendent quality, rendering it a distinctive experience.
Can I be a real magician?
Becoming a magician is a fun way to impress friends and family at parties or gatherings. To become a professional magician, start by learning simple tricks, such as card tricks, misdirection tricks, and coin tricks. Start with fundamentals like the back palm vanish, card rise, and coin knuckle roll. Read magic books and watch videos of magicians online to learn more about the craft. Consider asking a local magician to mentor you.
There are tricks for all levels of magicians, and simple sleight of hand tricks and card tricks are great for younger magicians. For more complex tricks, learn more fundamentals like the back palm vanish, card rise, or coin knuckle roll. Some tricks may require preparation before performing for an audience.
Is there a place to learn magic?
The Academy of Magical Arts is the premier global association for magicians. With experienced instructors, they guide students through the past, present, and future of magic theory. Signing up for magic classes is not required for membership, but they make a great gift for loved ones, holidays, birthdays, or even during the pandemic. These classes are a first step towards becoming a member of the club. For questions about becoming a Magician or Associate member, contact membership@magiccastle. com.
Is there a science behind magic?
Magic tricks often utilize principles of physics and mathematics, such as the Möbius strip and magnetism. The magician’s trick involves pulling endless scarves from his hand, arranging them in a loop that mimics this structure. Levitation tricks use hidden magnets to create an invisible “cushion” that creates an invisible “cushion” that gives the illusion of levitation. The experience during a magic trick is not just a function of the trick itself but also our brain’s response to it.
Our brain has evolved to understand and predict everyday physics, and magic tricks often subvert these predictions, causing surprise and amazement. This connection between magic and our brains is crucial in understanding and interpreting magic.
Is music the closest thing to magic?
The author describes a mystical experience they experienced while listening to a Neil Young song in a car dealer’s waiting room. The song, “Old Man”, evoked deep melancholy, sadness, sorrow, and a sense of spiraling downwards within their soul. They believe that music may be the closest they ever experience to real “magic” in their humble existence. This experience highlights the power of music in bringing people together and transcending time and space.
What are magic humans called?
Magicians, also known as archimages, mages, magus, spellcasters, enchanters, sorcerers, warlocks, witches, or wizards, are individuals who use or practice magic derived from supernatural, occult, or arcane sources. They have a rich history in mythology, legends, fiction, and folklore, and are common figures in fantasy works like literature and role-playing games.
In fantasy works, the terms magician, mage, magus, enchanter/enchantress, sorcerer/sorceress, warlock, witch, and wizard have different meanings depending on the context and the story. An archmage is used to indicate a powerful magician or a leader of magicians. Enchanters typically practice imbued magic that produces no permanent effects on objects or people and is temporary or of an indefinite duration.
Examples include enchanting a weapon or tool, transforming a person or object, creating illusions, compelling a person to perform an action they might not normally do, or attempting to charm or seduce someone.
For example, the Lady of the Green Kirtle in C. S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair can transform herself into a large green serpent and enchant Rilian, compelling him to forget his father and Narnia. When the enchantment is broken, she attempts further enchantments with smoke and a musical instrument to baffle him and his rescuers.
What’s the closest thing to magic in real life?
The term “magic” is used to describe the ability to manipulate events through mysterious or supernatural forces. However, there is currently no evidence to suggest the existence of such forces. The closest approximation to magic that we have at our disposal is science and technology, which are used to influence events.
📹 What’s the closest thing to magic in existence?- (r/AskReddit)
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Tell a friend about the show? Tell a friend about the show! Our free giveaway this week is our latest, coolest puzzle box—Black Diamond. These handmade boxes are designed with a puzzle to solve and accented with incredible black lacquer. Plus, it includes Diamond Jim’s ingeniously marked playing cards and a challenge coin. We’re giving away a misfit Black Diamond Box to one lucky winner of this week’s free Scam Stuff giveaway at (no purchase necessary, giveaway ends 2/27/2020, misfit items may include minor or cosmetic imperfections). Congrats to the winners of last week’s Badassify Your Wallet Bundle giveaway: George McLauchlin, Tony Magri, Thomas Archer, Daniel Owens, and Athena Dresser (we will contact you via email within two weeks) (edited)
Fun fact: a few hours after perusal this article I went ahead and bought the pen, received it today, and so far it is exactly as promised. Writes beautifully on most any surface, works smoothly despite my animalistic need to twirl pens around, and I cannot wait to bring this pen with me through my life. What truly caused me to appreciate this pen is being in the Military, where I need to sign forms where some require black pens, which need one portion red, with tags written in pencil. I’ve got pockets full of different writing utensils that are able to fall out and cause a hazard. Now, I’ve got one sturdy pen that can survive being banged around a little while in my arm pouch and still be a single reliable choice when any forms need written. Legally I cannot tell you that the military endorses this pen but hopefully I may be able to convince several of my coworkers that this pen will be worth it. Thank you Modern Rogue Robots, Bryan, and you few madmen and women in the comments who’ve read this far. Write on.
I purchased this pen a few weeks ago and just felt the need to come back and say something here. The Modern Rogue and Scam Nation have helped me through some extremely dark times in my life by giving me something to learn, a way to tune my brain to something and let the rest of life just fall away for a few minutes a week. Since receiving this pen I have used it to sign the closing paperwork on my new home and my marriage license, 2 events that I never dreamed would happen in my life. I am so very grateful to the crews of both of these websites for being there when the darkness crept in and I am overjoyed that I now have a way to make you guys a part of the good times in life and you will be involved with all the good times to come. Thank you SOO much again for the amazing content.
So my thing which i found as my magic wasn’t writing my goals or goal setting, what has helped me was writing poetry. Through my poetry, I have formed better bonds with my family, understood myself better, and even learnt to deal with the emotions i have trouble expressing. I started writing poetry my Freshman year of High school (I am a Senior now) on a whim, and over time it had slowly evolved from me just writing random rhyming words, into something that allows me to show the emotions and feelings that I had bottled up for so long, it allowed me to feel free, to feel liberated. To me, my magical moments in writing was that random whim that I had to start writing poetry. I am sorry about how long this paragraph of a comment this is, I just hope that Brian may be able to see this and realize how writing itself is the magic that helps people advance, not just setting goals, but expressing how you feel in a society that oppresses you.
Re: goalsetting: When I started attending high school, I wanted to learn how to be a hacker and a programmer, and wanted to participate in competitions in that field. Long story short, last year, I got to represent my country in the European Cybersecurity Challenge in Bucharest. The moment they told me I was accepted in the team I was speechless, to the point of them actually asking me “Well, do you want to or not?” And stepping on that plane was amazing.
@themodernrogue My magical moment was looking at the thumbnail of this article, not clicking on it because it was 5 minutes. But instead I clicked on it and was inspired to follow my dreams not because the dreams are easy but because they are hard. In life success is defined by the challenges we surpass to reach a desired goal. It’s the journey that matters, it’s not being successful that matters it’s what you went through to get to the point you are now. I want to thank the modern rogue community for inspiring a world of intelligent and creative people who know how to have fun in life. @TheModernRogue
“I’m writing a book on magic”, I explain, and I’m asked, “Real magic?” By real magic people mean miracles, thaumaturgical acts, and supernatural powers. “No”, I answer: “Conjuring tricks, not real magic”. Real magic, in other words, refers to the magic that is not real, while the magic that is real, that can actually be done, is not real magic.” ― Lee Siegel
Being a subscriber for 8 years since scam school, and just starting to get into starting an edc this is a perfect pen. Scam school and the modern rouge has taught me so much and peeked my intrest so many times, I felt like that I should support this website in any way I could. Now I am more financially stable, I was able to make my fist drop in the bucket. The pen just came in today and it’s amazing in quality and writing. Thank you Brian and Jason for everything!
It’s not just goal setting feels like magic, but just achievement. 3 years ago I moved to Dallas from San Antonio with the goal of getting my life back together with a fresh start. It was hard. I had a lots of ups and downs. From sleeping on couches to getting promotions. From riding a bicycle. Getting it stolen then to owning my car. I started off at a sandwich shop. Now I’m employed by a large corporation making good money. I paid off most of my debt and I’m doing my best to live my best life. I’m happier than I ever have been. It took 3 years. And to be honest during that time I didn’t notice any growth, but reflecting on that has allowed me to realize how much I’ve grown and my situation has changed. And it honestly feel like magic. It’s almost impossible to think of
I didn’t write down my goals, but I told them to everyone who would listen. I went from a student who struggled to pass high school to an academic who has published papers on advanced topics in renewable power. I set my goal to do research, and now I am finishing my masters and have been accepted to a PhD program where I will live my dream. All this from a kid who was told that they would fail and be lucky if I even got an associate’s degree.
Omg writing down goals and looking back at what you wrote after accomplishing them IS SO MAGICAL! I’m a marketing college student and at the start of my sophomore year in college I wrote “get a paid internship”. Well two internships later and almost a senior, I’m applying to work for Disney NBC and other large corporations. Writing goals just sets it in stone for it to happen. And I also believe that IT IS MAGIC!
ordered this pen as soon as i watched this article as I’m heading off to university in September and this just hit me as the tool to take and make the next four years of psychology my most important getting me to where i want to get to! Thank you for all the articles that have entertained me and made my knowledge so much greater, also when Brian talked about writing a novel as I’ve been planning one for the past year and a half. Thank you all of the modern rogue both the website and everyone else who is subscribed with me.
That awkward moment when you watch this article like a month after you did exactly what he said: write down your goalsand dreams. And they watched them get crushed into the ground because someone thought it was fun… I know this wasnt intended, but this article made me pretty sad. I hope all of you guys get your dreams
It wasn’t my idea to write this bit down, but rather my band director’s. You see, to become the Drum Major at my school, there was an application one had to submit prior to the audition. The application required that you write down all of your goals for the next year – whether you got the spot or not. So I sat down and started writing. Right before my eyes, everything started to come together. A plan to become something beyond what I imagined I could do. A plan to propel my life into the next stage. A plan for my future. The plan worked, gentlemen.
I would like to sign my Marine Corps contract with it. You guys have helped me so much through the downs and I have watched your articles even in the ups. Your articles have such a great atmosphere where there is nothing but just joy and it is great. The effort you guys put in to The Modern Rogue is paying off and helping others. Hope to see more from you guys.
Had a turbulent undergrad experience and barely made it out alive. After that I had an amazing job in the field I loved with plenty of opportunity to grow. Six years ago I left that sure thing to take a chance and go to grad school. Over and over I kept writing down my next goal, the next plan, the next benchmark. Last week I was gifted an awesome fountain pen from my mentor; the one that signed my approval and made me a PhD. Tomorrow I’m using it to sign a job offer to help launch a company. Tl;dr: take a chance, stay focused, and use a good quality pen when signing something important.
Every goal I’ve set for myself I change my phones wallpaper to as a reminder of what to stay focused on. Wanted to move to Seattle; set the background to the Space Needle. Made it happen within the year. Wanted a new car; set the background to the car I wanted. Made it happen within 6 months. Wanted a house; set the wallpaper to the home I wanted to buy. Made it happen after 18 months. You spend more time looking at your phone than anything else. Make it a reminder of what you’re working towards every time you take it out of your pocket.
I haven’t had a moment where I wrote down all my goals, but I did have a moment in my life where nothing in my life felt like it was going right. I took the time to use a pen to list everything I was feeling, everything I felt was going wrong, and what I would prefer to instead happen. Writing those things down helped me gain immense perspective on myself and alleviated a ton of the anxiety I was feeling.
This 5 min ad read made me feel uncomfortable.. you DO sound like a kmart guru, you ARE espousing the think it and it will happen bs.. self help nonsense stuff that palm readers use.. I get it, it’s a cool pen.. i have a space pen myself and I like gravity pens.. maybe i would have picked one of yours up if you just said.. “hey we made these cool pens and want to sell them to sponsor our next article or new addition to the whatever machine.” Boom, that would have been fine to me.. instead It felt somehow slimier, like the pen itself needs some magic story to help it sell .. i don’t need your snake oil but a good pen is always handy.. that’s all it needed to be, maybe I am the extreme minority. maybe you don’t care what I have to say and that is fine too. I’m not trying to shit on you guys, i’ve been here a long time and I enjoy most of your content. good luck in your endeavors.
When I was a teenager, my father met his now wife and wanted me to move in with them. I hated her guts from about the moment we met, and maybe one month prior to meeting her I wrote down a small rudimentary list in one of my spiral school notebooks. Long story short, after 8 months of living with them, my father politely told me to pack my things and that I was being kicked from the house. I learned in that moment that I had incredible power that could get me what I wanted, given time and effort that I was able to put in, and at the same time that all of my actions had consequences. After I graduated high school it still took a few years to reconcile with them, which has emphasized just how my attitude from when I was 13 could affect relationships I had with family well into my twenties.
I have always loved magic and while I know a few simple tricks that amuse kids I can’t do what you do. I saw that clip of you on Jay Leno and it brought back the memory of seeing that. I thought I hadn’t heard of you before Scam School just a year ago. You are inspirational and I hate get sappy but you prove magic happens every day. I see you wanting to influence people and just make their mundane existence fun and have meaning. The desire to see there face light up when you do the magic. Thanks for what you do. This pen looks awesome!!!!!
At the start of my final year in school, we were asked to write down what we wish wish to achieve within the next 2 years after graduating. At the end of that same year we were handed back those pieces of paper to take home with us and I had forgotten all about it, only to read through it again and realise I had achieved everything on that list. It was a pretty surreal feeling
While it’s not being massive, the improvement of my photography skills I’ve seen by setting the goal of a picture a day for a monthreally gave me the moral boost to keep going despite a bad start of the year. Going on 35 days in a row, I’m pretty proud of myself. I really like seeing the growth of this website I’ve been following for a good 2 years now! great work and let’s hope for more!
When I was in my first semester of college, I dabbled in object-oriented programming. Not a class or anything, just self teaching. After a year and a half of my physics major not working out, I taught myself a lot more programming. I’ve begun writing down plans for projects that I’m starting in pen, but I want to actually start writing about project concepts in ink rather than on my Google Drive. I write myself notes on what to do in my current project, I have a list of identifiers and notes for bugs with sticky notes stuck to my monitor. I love a good pen and notebook and I would love this pen. Alas, I am going back to school for Software Development and am poor, but I might just buy it anyway since, although I would love to, I haven’t bought anything on scamstuff or supported on Patreon because, again, I’m just a poor boy. I have been with the website since it was on Scam School and love the project, so this might just be the first time I actually support the website. And as soon as I get it, I will write down my plans I’ve had for starting my business.
Im currently working on a short horror novel. I never realised how much stuff i wrote down on different pieces of paper. One day i looked at my counter and saw almost 200 sheets of written down story then i got the thought that “oh my god im done” its the best feeling when u dont even notice how much time you put in but by some reason its just done, accomplished and ready to go
Brian, you are absolutely a K-Mart Budget Guru, but you’re OUR K-Mart budget guru. You’ve taught us things we’ll never need to use but will always be there for us if one day we do. You’ve taught us amazing magic and ways to be better people. How to be confident. How to be Modern Rogues. We love you, we love Jason, we love everything you’ve done for us. So keep rocking it, Brushwood. We’ll be with you every step, just like you’ve been there for us.
TOTALLY on board with the idea that writing it down makes it happen. A little over a year ago I signed up for my first Strongman competition. Training was a struggle, and then I wrote down my goals and turned them into a dashboard. Bench, squat, deadlift, pull a car, etc. IN 7 months I was competing with a 600 lb yoke on my shoulders; lifting full kegs over my head and exceeding every one of my expectations.
I remember reading a thing that said we will accomplish something like 80% of a list even if we never check the list again. Eventually we do it. We think we will forget and need to stay on task, but once written we have a great capacity to accomplish it I was Wicca for many years. I was always fascinated by candle magic. You light a candle for what you want. Say more money, When you see the candle you are reminded. It’s moves to the forefront of our minds. Is it magic? Is it law of attraction? Is it the universe answering? Who knows, but it is a lot like a self hypnosis or a Mentalist trick. Every time you see that candle, maybe that color, maybe a flame, the smell… even thinking about it, you look for and create opportunities to complete that task. You are also discrimination the law of attraction which is more than just ‘magic’ you seem open, your mannerisms your enthusiasm, your body language. It manifests others read it. Your eye is on the prize, You set yourself up to resonate. Others respond to it consciously and subconsciously. In a way that is magic in a way it is telepathy. You are communicating your wants your energy and resonance. We are very responsive to one another as humans we want that interaction. You are tapped into it. For a while I was telling a friend about my ‘kingly aura’ over dinner I explained if be picked from a group for participating, id be offered favors, things, opportunities, deals…. Over dinner the waitress topped my drink up like 7 times he could not even a refill.
7 years ago, I wrote down that I will graduate college with an education degree and be a teacher for those who don’t have a model to look up to. I wrote this because of where I went to school, I didn’t have a teacher that was a part of the lbgtq+ community, and I hated it. I even had teachers that were openly against it and I didn’t feel quite safe in their classrooms. I wanted to be that one teacher that could provide a safe space for all those students that didn’t have someone to look up to that was “different” or didn’t think being gay, bi, lesbian, trans, or anything else was appropriate. Now, 7 years from then, I’m a year away from accomplishing my goal, my penmanship has gotten much better since then, I’ve made new friends, and I’ve overall just look back at that moment in awe. I truly do believe that writing something down can be the most magical thing that is physically possible and not an illusion.
Love the articles you guys do! Impressed that you turned your focuses around and came to this brilliant point in your life. It all comes unexpectedly and we all need to learn to adapt and break the litany of tedium we call modern life. We all have a choice and whether we know it or not, we make our decisions much younger than we think. The world is forming around us a s we form around the world and yet it’s so subtle that we take it for granted. We lose ourselves in things that dont really matter to anyone except those who either buy or sell. We need to break free from this tedious cycle and take a page from these guys or the long list of others who have given in to a goal much bigger than they ever thought at first. In short, we need to do what we love and live the way we love. Life is too short and hard to give in to the peers no matter how subtle or strong they come. To everyone, please aspire to set time aside to figure out what it is that you really really want to do. Start it out as a list like brian did, annotating the things we like before all the other things that life has brought to you unwillingly. I guarantee that if you do this every day for just a small portion of your day, you will soon find a longing for something else, and maybe a hidden passion. Take it from a guy that is stuck in the rhetoric, realizes it, but does nothing and laments it every day. Motivation is literally the key to anything you want in life. You can’t stop a thirsty person from drinking from the lake but you can give them alternatives that are much better for their well being.
My magic moment was when I got diagnosed with D. I. D. I got very low and down. But back when scamschool was scam school and it was on reversion3. It kept me together. And for that I’m and forever greatful. My magic moment was finding hope in the darkest places. Thank you for everyhting you have done and continue doing awesome things. ( sorry its a little bit of bummer but it’s good things I swar) 🙂
18 mos ago I started a article production business with a friend of mine. He quit his day job to work full time on networking and I stayed at my day job and worked on gigs in my offtime. Working full time as a filmmaker/content creator has been my dream for 15 years and Now we’re at a place where we’re getting regular work. We’re getting people calling US. The plan is to quit by year’s end and we’re on very good track for me to be able to do that.
Writing a book. That was my goal during college and after a few false starts and dead ends, I not only finished it but published it. That’s also when I realized I wanted to be a professional author, no one telling me what to do, when to do it, nothing. Now I’m working on the third and hopefully will get that published soon.
I don’t know too much about the bigger goals working. But iv started a thing where I wake up in a morning and message a random friend telling them “Today is going to be a fantastic day” and so far the positivity is working, im more confident, im more productive, creativity through the roof. Its great.
I once wrote down a couple of pages of goals, then promptly lost track of the sheet of paper they were written on. I found it a few years later when I cleaned out desk. Upon review I found that, without ever thinking about the goals again, I had completed almost every item on that sheet of paper. Writing them goals down truly is Real Magic. And you can thank Mr. Williams MMM for your next order for a pen. Going to your website now.
I have experienced that thing. Where writing down your goals somehow makes them happen. In 2016, I drafted a plan to learn how to walk again after an accident that permanently damaged my spine. Putting all of the steps down on paper made it look more achievable, rather than it just all being in my head. Whenever I’d feel like I was going to give up, I just stared at that paper again to remind myself that I already got this far. It helps. I do recommend it.
I just made a goal list a few months ago. I have a dream to make a clothing brand. I’m taking sewing classes at my community college to learn the basics and I’m starting to see the pieces fall together. I mostly attribute that to goal setting and writing it down. I’m not exactly sure what it is but something does change when you actually write down your goals.
3 years ago, I weighed 120kg. I was tired and miserable all the time but i hid it well from the people I know. Then one day, instead of feeling sorry for myself as i usually did, I decided ‘thats enough’. I put my desires, my disappointments and insufficiencies all into positive action. Now, through intense sweat, tears and sometimes literal blood, I’m 75kg. 15% BF, topping my classes, working on an art side gig and soon competing in an amateur boxing tournament. Magic is real, people. It just turns out we were the wands all along, powered by action. We are all scuptures, and if we don’t decide how to make ourselves, someone or something is going to put a shape to us, and more often than not it is one we’re not comfortable with. So get out there and make yourself. And make it into something amazing. Here’s to more 10 years of magic, mayhem and modern roguery, Brian. All of us will be perusal. 🥂
The only time I experience what you’re talking about is when I take the time to reflect on where I am versus where I wanted to be five or ten years ago. It reminds me of that Matthew McConaughey speech he gave at the Oscars, how his hero, the person he looks up to, is him in ten years, and how he’s always striving to be that person. I wanted to make movie ever since I was a kid, but never considered it to be an actual job anyone could wind up having, least of all myself. But I’m in my last semester of film school now with several finished scripts and shirts under my belt. It’s going to be a long way to making it to where I want to be, but I know when I look back on myself in 20 years time it will feel like magic.
So speaking of magic. i have a story from My granddad who past away 20 years ago but he had a back problem. And my dad and some of his family prayed to god. And after 14 days his back was fixed the doctors said it was impossible if it was under a year. So that was a story of magic from god. Thank you moderen rogue i just recently had depression and nobody wanted to talk to me. And YOU helped me. and YOU Guys made it better. So Thanks again
In regards to goal setting feeling like magic. I do a very similar thing to you for my New year’s resolutions. Instead of making specific resolutions (like I will lose 15 lbs) I write out my perfect week. What I will do for the moment I wake up tell Mama to go to sleep everyday for one week. And then for the first week of the year I flow it. I figure out what doesn’t work change it by the end of January I have a routine that I can follow that will lead me towards my goals.
I’ve definitely had a magic moment with a pen. Back in 2011, I went on a family vacation to Ireland and fell in love with the country. That was my senior year of high school State-side, and we had the stereotypical “I will” statements for what we wanted to do in the next ten years. “I will move to Dublin, apply to Trinity College, and become a doctor.” I’ll graduate from Trinity with my medical degree in 2022 and have lived in Dublin since 2017.
On the 9th of March I’ll be officially working at DELL, it will also allow me to start making enough money to get back onto my projects, what projects? Sword and armor making, jewelry making, furniture making, brewing, and working towards the 1001 insane ideas I have tossed all about my bedroom. This is it, the run up to the leap into the deep end
Well… This year, I started hardcore using a calendar, and wrote everything I wanted to do on stickies and put them on a sheet of card stock I labeled “to-do list.” There are three other sheets of card stock each labeled “doing,” “ongoing,” and “done.” And my calendar is full of things on my to-do list. When I take up a thing, I move it to “doing” or “ongoing” and if it has a finite end, it gets to go to “done” I don’t think you’re the only one! We gotta get shit done somehow!
In the late summer of 2018, I had a fleeting thought about doubling my income. My life was more or less in shambles at the time, my job was a shitty line cook position and my boss was the short Irish version of Satan. I wrote down that I wanted to double my income in a year, almost as an afterthought. In July of 2019 I landed a job that had everything I was looking for: people who listened and respected my input, travel, creative challenges, a supportive environment…and more than double what I’d been making the previous July. It almost felt like it fell into my lap. At the end of last year I wrote down that by the end of 2020, I wanted to be a homeowner for the first time. I put a downpayment on my first home yesterday, and we’re signing the final bits next week. Way ahead of schedule on that goal.
I have had one of those magical moments before. Back in high school for a class we had to make a poster with life goals. We wrote down 3 things we wanted to have accomplished in a month, 5 months, a year, 5 years, etc. and I still have that poster in my closet after all these years and even though stuff didn’t turn out exactly as I wanted I still managed to accomplish several of those goals. I improved my guitar skills, got my bachelors in engineering and other minor accomplishments along the way. Writing them down to me wasn’t so much speaking it into existence but rather it helped me to realize what goals mattered to me the most and what kind of future I wanted to create for myself. Much like that bubble graph Brian had, it helped me organize my career goals and allowed me to set in place approximate deadlines so I could accomplish them without stressing too much but also wouldn’t get careless
That was unexpectedly uplifting and encouraging, and also one hell of a sales pitch. Im an obsessive ink pen collector and user, so I’ll definitely be buying one of these, not just for the lifetime guarantee and ink replacement but because I admire your go getter attitude and the fact you had balls to leave a cushy corporate job. Props on finding a wife who supported you 100%, even when it seemed like an absurd pipe dream. seems like you’ve got it made buddy. cheers and congrats
I realized I hated my life and was under a growing mountain of debt. Write down a lot of stuff I wanted to focus on initially. Of that list, I’ve checked off every single one in 6 months. That includes: get a newer car, get debt free (minus the car. Set for next year.), Get the position I wanted, get off the harder drugs and quit smoking, move away from the people I knew, complete a small creative project, and a few others. It’s shocking to me how quickly it happened… But once I knew what I wanted, I was ready to sacrifice for it. And now I’m sitting down going “What’s next?” Which is probably going to be more health focused and possibly finding a place to live on my own by the end of the year, or with a friend.
First, my tale of goal setting: last year I had to drop out of school, was diagnosed with ADHD, I was cheated on by my girlfriend who I was living with, kicked out of my apartment, and had to move back home. I had 6000 dollars in debts (I understand 6000 isn’t that bad, but situationally it was a death sentence) and lamented being out of school. Hell, I even made an attempt on my own life. With only a part time job, I had a lot of time to sit and figure out what to do to fix the problem. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I wrote down a goal sheet and timeline. I was supposed to have the debt paid off by August 2020, yet my entire situation changed. I got a second job, paid off the debt in November of last year, ended up getting trained to get full time hours and overtime at the higher paying job, and am returning to school with a car, and in a house all by August. Second: is the pen steel barreled?
My magic moment has definitely been achieving my dream job of airline pilot. I’m writing this in a hotel room in Norfolk, VA after a day of exploring the city after I flew in. I’ve spent soooo much time working for this, whether it was studying hard for flight training, working hard to sustain myself during college, or even just researching from the very beginning what were all the steps I needed to take. And like Brian said, I planned for everything I could. Things didn’t go entirely to plan, and there were definitely difficulties, but when I passed my practical test for my airline to start flying, I couldn’t believe it for the rest of the day and flight home. I will admit, having that pen with that sentimental value I think would’ve been cooler signing the paperwork off, but I think using it to pay off student debt will the next best thing
When I first joint the RAF air cadets. Some mentioned to me about about a marching band. At first my goal was to just join it because I would be the only one in my squadron to do it. But eventually I got got in. I wasn’t the best but I slowly Improved. I started in 2014 and I 2016 I got i the national marching band and I played with them until I left in 2019. Some might see that as the end and of my goal but my aspirations are Infinite and I will always reach higher
I can’t agree with this enough. Also the opposite is true: I have a friend. Very bright chap with a lot going for him. He told me his dream was to start his own business (like I just had at the time we were talking). I told him to write it down. Not a plan, unless he wanted to. Just write down the goal. Pop it away somewhere. He said no. He said he couldn’t see the benefit. ‘Fair enough’, I said ‘but do it anyway.’ He refused to entertain the idea. I knew then that he would never do it. A pity because he would be very successful. Not saying if you dont write something down it wont happen, but he was too scared to even make that commitment to making it happen. 5 years later he’s still working his well paid job but not living his dream.
It’s not just goal setting though. It’s planning out how you’ll achieve those goals. It’s ok to aim high as long as you can realistically plan your way to it. Now no plan ever goes to plan, but no goal ever was achieved without one. So write your end goals and work out step by step the requirements you need and how to get them. Don’t fall into the trap of VAPID goals.
I never wrote down my goals, but I did achieve some, I wanted to become a proficient archer, I saved money and bought a compound bow, I practised, self taught, and when I joined my club, I was able to out shoot everyone there, so I joined the competition between clubs, had to practise more but I ended up out shooting everyone there too! I’m now taking on state competitions, my goals achieve than grow, I want to win state, move to federal, and a completed hobbie would be to represent my country in the Olympics Been perusal you since you were on youtube Brian Brushwood, you’ve grown, you’ve changed, and you never contest to disappoint!
A series of events that happened to me did sort of feel like magic, only because I kept repeating it in my head on how it was going to go… The only thing is I stopped at it last year and it seemed to spiral out of control after 2019 (More on that if you’d like). This all started when I was 15 (I am currently heading onto 26) so I’ll keep it brief. I always enjoyed making art of various degrees, comic books, illustrations, animations and sometimes legitimate paintings so I decided that’s what I wanted for a career but first I needed a profession to fall back on, so I picked a second career choice and that was computers. I graduated high school and went to my community college to study computers, aced it in two years and left with an associate’s degree. Two years later I go to art school and do four years before leaving with my Bachelors. I met my beautiful wife-to-be and I am working a full-time job that I hate but only for so long… I’m working on making changes to the last part.
Just got mine in the mail today, all the way down in Australia! This pen is incredibly awesome! Very sleek and nice feeling in the hand, and the mechanical pencil is quite a nice feature. Definitely recommend for those who need something sturdy that they can rely on in the shed, in the office or at home.
I’ve never been one for long term planning like this (although maybe it might help me with my ambitions) but when I do something, or want to do something, I usually write ideas down. I did this a lot when I was at university, whether for performances or in my spare time. I’d write at the top of the paper that this was “… Battle plan.” When these plans, these ideas, come to fruition, like the story I’m going to say, they feel special. In my second year of university, because of my drama course, I got to chose what I preferred to do for my final year. I wanted to do directing and that meant submitting a short piece about what I wanted to do. It a started with me looking at the play I wanted to direct and writing what I wanted to do and somehow making it make sense for their consideration. I got on the course. We had a long time to get ready before meeting our casts and every step, I’d add more to my plan. When I met my cast, I told them my ideas. Over the course of a couple of months I tried to distill as much as I could into the performance, even asking for the imput of my cast. The results of almost a year’s worth of effort was the most magical thing I’ve ever seen that was better than I imagined. My ideas were brought to life better than what I wrote. I have several ideas at the moment that, at the moment, are still just ink on paper. I graduated from university a year and a half ago where these ideas were just that. Maybe I should make the ideas a reality.
I never believed the whole write thing down, or the power of thought, but when I did give it a try, all I can say is holy crap!! It worked, but the hardest part for me is consistency, I often forget that writing things down actually works.. sometimes it takes articles like these to remind me, so thanks Brian!!
Not exactly the same but in a way connected: years ago when I did physical rehab for a disability I have, I was taught to write a detailed action plan for so that when various symptoms get bad I don’t have to think on the spot when my mind might not be the clearest, how to deal with it. I came home from that rehab and failed to integrate a lot of the stuff I’d learned into my life, but recently I have got into something kind of similar to bullet journaling and am integrating into that the process of writing action plans, similar to what I learned all those years ago, whenever I come up against issues that I am noticing in my life. I break the issue down into each thought, fear, specific difficulty, etc, and list below things that I can do or remember to counteract them. I have the action plan to refer to when I need it just like the rehab taught me, but the strange thing is that I often seem to be finding that I need to do that less once I’ve written the plan anyway. I copy it by hand into my bullet journal after doing a typed draft, even though the process of handwriting is painful for me, because I have read research that suggests the use of cursive can help cement things in your brain and aid learning, and it seems to somehow stick so that I am then finding it more reflexive to deal deal with the issues I have written the plans for and use the coping tools I have prepared when needed. I know some people believe there’s some kind of magic or law of attraction to writing down what we want but I think we just underestimate how amazingly our brains work and how we can use psychology and ‘tricks’ to make our own subconscious work for us instead of against us if we just learn how.
Thank you for disclaiming The Secret which really does blame anyone for their failure to achieve their goals when some times the goals are impossible and sometimes other people get in the way so thank you. I have had that magic moment happen when a major publisher released a book with my name on the front cover. Signing that contract would have been a pen of greatness moment
Yes. I wrote out what I wanted to do, and all the things I needed to do to get there I quite my job. Left my house behind and have been traveling free of almost all my debt for close to 1 year. Never been so free. Time to sit down and write out the next part of this journey. Got some ideas coming up.
Brian, the old saying YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT also is true for YOU R WHAT YOU THINK. I have not always been a goal setter (because I was too busy making a living) but one day I read the book think AND GROW RICH and one on goal setting and it REAKY really REALLY works. U R RIGHT ON. I love my Houdini puzzle box and mystery box. ROCK ON. We saw U 2 times in Daytona Beach, Fl. A great show.
Your story reminds me mine Brian!Its so uncommon in our days to do what you love for work..99% of people stay for life doing what they dont like just from fear of unknown!I just dont understood even how i become a pro Magician and a trainer also but i doing the things ever loved more than anything!Believe your self gyus and you can do anything!
I studied mechanical engineering and designing for like 5 years, everybody’s saying i’m talented at it, and they say it’s stable and good paying But after actually working in a manufacturing environment, i realized that if i kept working like this, i’m not going to have a life and just become a design vending machine. I don’t have a girlfriend, i wanna play with my friends, i’m still 22, all my friends are having an opportunity to spend time with more mature friends then a highschoolers and im here grinding for my lonely future? Problem is i don’t have a clear end goal to write in this if i don’t follow the designing path, and if i follow the designing path the end goal is just make money till i die I want to just get out of this and have a job that i can meet new peoples, even if it doesn’t pay well I really hope it comes true
Writing down your ideal life in details or even vaguely is called scripting. It is very popular in subliminal communities. (Where people overlap music/other audio above affirmations (talking voices)). Although without the subliminals is just as effective as long as belief is involved (little or a lot). Doubt is the weakness to everything. You can practically find a subliminal for anything and the results are sometimes ridiculous otherwise impressive. You just have to type on the search bar “(topic you want) subliminal” For example: Good grades subliminal Btw i was so happy to see you find out this method. Sorry for writing a lot XD
I achieve my goals up to a certain point then for some reason make what were great goals, smaller and more achievable goals; “this is fine”. Working on a long burn goal currently (gave it 9 months) and I think it’s already unfolding within a month of declaring it. It’s one thing when you’re feeling, “Crap, I’m losing my career” to getting another career and that’s when the fighting and clawing seems to slow down, just as mentioned in the beginning of the article.
My goodness, what a pitch… I had one of the pens (the base pen obviously, not the awesomely branded Modern Rogue version) many years ago. Was planning on buying one of these BIC 4-in-1 pens, because I was fed up of having to carry several pens for filling out forms at work (I had to use different colours for different reasons). Saw this pen in the local stationary store and grabbed it. That pen served me well. Smooth writing. Very reliable selection method, which becomes second nature and doesn’t need you to look at the pen after a little practice). In fact it was so good, that somebody stole it 😭 I hadn’t thought about that pen until today… I do need good pens for drafting my plans, and it would be nice not to have to carry separates… And I no longer work with anybody that would steal my pen…
Idk if i’ve ever had something happen that was surprising or wild because of a prophetic list of goals or some such, but I totally get why you had the experience and how cool it is. It’s basically about embracing your own sense of power and agency, no matter how small or fraught it is, and saying “I will try, and I know what I want to try.” If you don’t do that, you float around like ocean garbage letting anyone take advantage of you. The first time you really sit down and say “This life belongs to me”, it’s a really special moment, and yes, it will change you forever. As for actual magic, as in wiccan rituals and such, this is related to a process called manifesting, which “the secret” is basically a classist perversion of. Manifesting, in short, is about calling an outcome or object to yourself by putting out intention to receive it. Like “accio broom” in harry potter but less hocus pocus-y. The reason we actual do manifestation, is it puts you in an open-to-opportunity mindset, where you are ready to recognize and appreciate the things that come to you, to be able to spot good luck, to push yourself to bravely accept good things into your life, and in general be attentive towards positivity. If you hear a witch say “I’ve been manifesting this promotion for months”, that means they’re not only open to being promoted– they’re waiting, perusal, moving towards it, keeping it in focus and accepting the possibility. What makes the difference between manifesting and happenstance, is that you’re not necessarily ready for a good surprise, and may not know how to take it.
every large moment u could think of was just another day of my life. All graduations, all jobs, all promises, birthdays. I imagine if i was to have a wedding it be like a visit at a local government office and then its back to making dinner. Id skip my own death and funeral out of boredom and insignificance
After 10+ years of blood, sweat and tears, I finally qualified as a doctor in the summer. It was my singular goal that I orientated my entire life around. I know Brian said that I should only use the “pen of greatness” for monumental moments, but can I get a pass to use it as my daily driver? A good pen is something I valuable more than any other piece of equipment given the amount of time I spend using it…and it seems like using it to live out my goal might be a good use case?
Yes. It happened to me also. I wrote on some universe website 13 yrs ago to have a NEW VW Transporter for a work ute. About 6 to 8 weeks later my old van broke down and repairs were making it uneconomical to keep repairing it. So long story short the Transporter brand new fell into my lap so to speak. Its really freaky that when you visualise something it happens. Put it out there and visualise it! Then you shall have it!
I did have an experience where I wrote a goal down that I would be making a certain amount by a certain date. I put the note away in a drawer and forgot about it. Things happened at work and I ended up getting promoted because the rest of my department was eliminated. I found the note when moving offices and it was almost exactly the amount I was now making. Cue spooky music.
Funny you should put out this article now. In January I went to see family in Oklahoma and I wanted to move there. I’m stuck in a job I hate in California and I sat down with myself after my vacation and said what do I want outta life. I came up with this great plan to move and now in April I’ll be out of my rut and moving on in life. It won’t be sunshine and rainbows but now I have a plan, a goal, something to reach for!
Brian I’m gonna tell you now, that you are not alone. In my life I’ve had many such similar experiences, of the slow, but inevitable transition from imagination, into reality. There is a famous quote that says, “The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” I respectfully disagree. The future instead belongs to those who believe int he REALITY of their dreams. Because believe they are real ALREADY, means you have already made the decision, to do whatever is needed in your life to make that dream a reality.
Very heartfelt article, enjoyed it and I think i’ll start writing down what i want out of life, maybe it’ll help. It was a treat to see all those pictures from Brian’s past, what was that hair! Haha. Anyways, I’ve just bought my pen it’s in Texas at the moment according to USPS. It did put into perspective though that I’ve bought what i would consider to be an expensive pen from a long, long way away… How does the ink replacement work, I understand that if the pen breaks you can send it back, but how do the refills work, do you have to send the empty cartridges? It seems like it would just be cheaper to buy refills, at least for me…
I’ve loved your stuff for years, but what does this pen provide that I can’t get from a $2 gel pen? I’m not really concerned about a pen breaking or ink refills, so that’s not enough of a selling point to convince me. That all said, I love the idea of writing down your goals, talents, and inspirations, and diagramming how they’re connected. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the advice. 🙂
I’m usually not one for ads, but god dayum that pen looks amazing. I do art occasionally, and having a good pen that will let me sketch and ink at the same time would be incredible. Just kinda wish I could swap out the different pen modes to fit my needs, for instance, two sizes of mechanical pencil, ballpoint, and felt tip, or even something like highlighter, ballpoint, pencil, red ink. Edit: Wait, hold up. I can probably make that.
It may not be a goal more of a survive plan for me. So I am as broke as my work isn’t good from past few months till now due to COVID-19 (Working as Ac-hod) but somehow I survive by paying every bill with zero income and not in any loan from friends or anywhere else. How does it happen? I have no idea, somehow everything just went smoothly when I start write my plan out on how to squeeze every penny as well as keep track where my money goes. Once I start to have a stable job which is soon, I will be supporting by buying this pen and start planning again.
Thanks, but my Fisher Space Pen Bullet in matte black is my pen of greatness. I can’t count how many really nice pens I’ve lost from shirt pockets because they came loose during some kind of physical activity. Now I rarely even wear shirts with pockets. Rather than change my lifestyle, I found a pen that fits securely in the bottom of my jeans back pocket, doesn’t leak while stored, and the cap becomes an extension that gives the pen the length to write just like a full-sized pen. And because it’s a genuine space pen, it writes literally anywhere, in any position. I wasn’t the best at writing things in words, but drew crude diagrams to plan out everything, both real and fantasy. As a kid I’d plan stuff that I wanted to do, but was beyond my reach. Those childhood things didn’t come true, but the schematics helped me organize my work as an adult. I was no artist, in fact I failed technical drawing twice. Before and after PowerPoint existed, I never could make flashy presentations, but my stick drawings on a whiteboard proved to be good enough. Saved time too.
Nice design, and gravity is a great way to go. Also nice to be able to replace at will, though if there is a way to refill myself given the option so I am not away from my pen for a few days, that would be cool as well. Any chance a future version could include a tactical / glass breaker tip or cap? 🙂
honestly? every single time i was unemployed desperately needed cash for a trip or something (never anything life threatening or a real necessity, though), i got a new job offer. i’m living with my mother, so she holds down most of the fort for me, but i’ve always felt incredibly lucky to be able to hold my own when it comes to leisure. it’s happened three times, so far.
I tell myself in my head on the daily that I have plans and I’m going to stick to them. I call my life goals my bucket list, because I’ve made so many I dont see how they could all come true before I die! It starts with broad things like traveling the seven continents and getting financial stability, but it’s where I also keep things like paying off a house and achieving a six figure annual income, things like starting a saltwater aquarium and raising ducks. This year I’ve crushed more of these goals I set then any year before and I. Never. Saw. It. Coming. So yeah! I know where your coming from with the writing it down thing, but in my case I use repetition to keep it fresh hahaha! I’m hoping by the end of this year I’ll achieve 1k a month in passive income and investments and have started my own content creation website.
About 2 years ago I had just finnaly broken down an emotional wall i built up over years and years and I remember praying to have someone come into my life and help me to keep that wall down forever that night I got home from school and wrote it down in the form of a poem titled “the day our eyes met” it’s a short poem i wrote and about 6 months later i had met that person it was my then band new girlfriend and now girlfriend of almost a year and a half noelle and soon enough i plan to propose and make her my wife
Last year, I set the goal of saving up $5,000 in a year to be able to move up to the Northwest…on a part time wage of $9.50 per hour. And by part time, I mean some weeks I was lucky to get 10 hours. It was “impossible”. But here I am, and I made it early. It took a lot of hard work, and like four raises/promotions, but I did it!
Honestly, that goal writing thing is true. Something about making those thoughts manifest and putting them into the world, even in such a simple way, is like a placebo effect to achieving them. I started out doing joe jobs, pizza delivery, even a security guard making minimum wage and one day, I was just sick of it. I don’t know if it was eating ramen every day or having my paycheck disappear to bills before I even knew what happened, but I was tired of it. I talked with my girlfriend at the time and realized all those times of perusal house and shows on TV could be something, well not really but hear me out. Having used a similar thought map thing that Brian was talking about, I decided that living on joe jobs wasn’t for me. I don’t have it in me to be a magician but I wanted to get into medicine. (If the Modern Rogue needs that, I’m listening!). I used that method and applied to a bunch of different schools and got into a school for pharmacy. After 6 tough, I mean TOOOOUGGH, years of it I finally graduated near the top of my class. It’s still a bumpy road but it’s amazing to see how much you’ve grown looking back at where you started to where you are. All those “I don’t know if I can do this” moments seem so silly. That’s my story, I guess as a part of the modern rogue audience.
I know it’s not a huge thing but a lot of my achievements in the Boy Scouts, especially recently, feel like the magical “everything falling into place” sorta thing. I got first class, which is the rank requirement for stuff like staffing various camps as well as I’m now the assistant youth leader of the troop I’ve been in for about 5 or 6 years. Neato stuff man
1:05 – Ahahaha. Fortunately that pretty much never really happened to me in the IT world. In fact, when working at IBM they managed to turn what was touted as a “promotion” into something that basically meant I earnt LESS money for about 6 months, until I complained about it… And then the “financially rewarding” option was grudgingly upgraded to be about the same as what I was earning before… Of course, that’s all ancient history, and as an unpunctual, eccentric, non-team player with no respect for authority, I’ve basically accepted my unemployability in the modern workplace…
i feel that magic when i have certain ideas of what i wanna accomplish, i.e. making music, short films, and modeling but i just need to apply it but i lack the confidence and i blame it on too busy with being in college, i know the path i’m on now isn’t exactly for me but i’m too scared to jump off and i don’t want it to be too late :/
Got my pen, I think I wasn’t paying attention to how it actually worked in the article. I struggled for a bit trying to figure out how it worked, but once i got it working, man is it cool. The box was a nice touch but mine got smushed a bit, which is weird considering it didn’t go that far. Haven’t done more that test scribbles but D&D night is soon. c: