The Temperance Tarot card is a Major Arcana card that signifies balance, peace, patience, and moderation. It suggests finding inner calm and having a good perspective. The card also represents self-evolution and avoiding extremes. The Temperance card is traditionally female and represents the soul, mixing up subtle energies for personality evolution. It can appear in love, career, finance, and general readings.
The Temperance card is number 14 in the major arcana and is sandwiched by the Death card (meaning transformation and change) and the Devil (signifying obsessions, addictions, and a feeling of being out of balance). In a love reading, it denotes a harmonious relationship and points to a soulmate-level connection. If you’re single, the Temperance card can be read in both upright and reversed positions.
The Temperance card symbolizes the process of alchemy and striving for equilibrium. It can mean the flow of time or healing, whether emotionally or physically. It suggests moderation, balance, and frugality, warning against extremes in any situation. Drawing the Temperance card implies that you’ve found inner peace and have a clear perspective.
The word “moderation” in the card means restraint, choosing the middle way and not upsetting the apple-cart. The Temperance card is a positive sign in love, career, finance, and general readings, suggesting a harmonious relationship and a soulmate-level connection.
📹 How to Read the Temperance Card | Tarot Cards
Hello! I’m Ellen Goldberg and welcome to this taro moment from the School of Oracles. In this segment, we’re going to take a look …
What does the Temperance tarot card mean?
The Temperance card symbolizes balance, harmony, and patience, indicating a smooth life and inner peace. It encourages maintaining composure and emotional control, especially in challenging situations. The card also suggests a harmonious and balanced connection in a committed relationship or soulmate relationship, and encourages finding a balance between seeking love and taking time for oneself. For singles, it suggests finding balance between seeking love and taking time for oneself. The card also advises maintaining a balanced approach to financial decisions, avoiding unnecessary risks and hasty investments, to maintain financial equilibrium.
What things symbolize Temperance?
Temperance, a card in Tarot decks, is often depicted as a woman pouring liquid from one cup to another, often referred to as the virtue Temperance or an angel. It is one of three Virtues given their own cards in traditional Tarot, along with Justice and Strength. Temperance is used in game playing and divination. The figure is often referred to as Ganymede, who served as cup bearer to Zeus, or the goddess Iris or the archangel Michael. The rainbow above her head supports the former interpretation, supported by the flowers pictured in the Rider-Waite Tarot version.
Temperance appears in the oldest Italian decks (VI or VII), the Tarot de Marseille, and most contemporary decks (XIV). In the Thoth Tarot and decks influenced by it, the card is called Art rather than Temperance. The card is usually numbered 14 in Tarot decks.
What is the lesson of temperance Tarot?
In the major arcana, Temperance is represented by the 14th card, while Chariot is represented by the 7th. The card representing Temperance evolves from the card representing Chariot. Temperance teaches us when to push ourselves and how to go with the flow, while Chariot provides the conviction to channel our will and achieve our goals.
What is the true meaning of temperance?
The term “moderation in action” is used to describe a state of restraint in actions, thoughts, or feelings. It also encompasses the habitual moderation of appetites and passions, such as the abstinence from alcohol. It is a vital component of sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
What does temperance mean in your own words?
Moderation, defined as the practice of exercising restraint in one’s thoughts, actions, or emotions, is a vital component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It entails the avoidance of habitual indulgence in appetites or passions, as well as the abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
What does temperance help with?
Temperance is a moral virtue that balances pleasures and creates balance in the use of goods. It ensures the will’s mastery over instincts and keeps desires within honorable limits. Temperate individuals direct their sensitive appetites towards good things and maintain healthy discretion. The Catholic Church’s Catechism teaches that temperate individuals should not follow their inclination and strength, but walk according to their heart’s desires. Temperance is praised in the Old Testament as a way to restrain appetites and is referred to as “moderation” or “sobriety” in the New Testament.
What is the advice of Temperance?
In this week’s reading, the card representing Temperance counsels the seeker to pursue a middle ground between opposing extremes and to embrace moderation in their actions and thoughts. In making decisions, it is of the utmost importance to consider all available options, to evaluate both sides of the matter, and to conduct experiments to test hypotheses. Additionally, Temperance may indicate that one should take the initiative to effect desired change.
What is the main idea of temperance?
The temperance movement in America, rooted in Protestant churches, aimed to ban alcohol outright and encourage moderation among drinkers. The American Society of Labor (ASL) became the most successful single issue lobbying organization in American history, forming alliances with various constituencies to achieve its goal of a constitutional amendment banning alcohol production, sale, and transportation.
The ASL united with various political parties, including Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Populists, suffragists, the Ku Klux Klan, NAACP, International Workers of the World, and powerful industrialists like Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Andrew Carnegie.
With the ratification of the income tax amendment in 1913, the ASL moved into high gear, effectively connecting beer and brewers with Germans and treason in the public mind. Most politicians did not defy the ASL, and the 18th amendment was ratified by the states in just 13 months.
On January 17, 1920, the amendment went into effect, but just minutes later, masked bandits emptied two freight cars full of whiskey from a rail yard in Chicago, stole four casks of grain alcohol from a government bonded warehouse, and hijacked a truck carrying whiskey.
What are the four main characteristics of temperance?
This position paper discusses the status of positive psychological interventions (PPIs) in the field of temperance, a virtue of good character. Temperance is characterized by the ability to manage habits and protect against excess, and is composed of four key strengths: forgiveness, humility, prudence/self-regulation, and patience. Positive psychology has a growing body of knowledge about human strengths and virtues, but research on PPIs to develop such interventions is still in its infancy.
The paper highlights the challenges and opportunities for expanding the theoretical conceptualization of temperance and reflects on the challenges in temperance-related PPIs. It proposes a specific research agenda for each aspect of temperance and explores the need for PPIs to promote temperance and how growth in temperance intervention research can be fostered.
The paper also recommends attracting more funders to the area, developing new interventions, and employing new technology to promote more research in new interventions. As intervention research in temperance is in its infancy, the future looks promising for PPI researchers as we move into a second generation of positive psychology research.
In conclusion, this position paper evaluates the status of PPIs in the field of temperance, focusing on the current state-of-the-science in the conceptualization of temperance, the efficacy of temperance interventions, and the future prospects of PPI research in this area.
What is the spiritual meaning of temperance?
The Bible defines temperance as emotional restraint or self-control, with slow anger indicating understanding, and hasty tempers exalting folly. Daniel, a person with temperance, was a prime example of this. King Nebuchadnezzar arrived in Babylon in 605 BC and took articles from the Temple of God and ordered his officer to bring in Israelites from the royal family and nobility. These young men were to be trained for three years and enter the king’s service.
Daniel had two friends with him, and despite feeling angry and frightened, he had a strong faith in God. He chose to follow God’s leading, praying for guidance. The king assigned them daily food and wine from the king’s table, and they were to be trained for three years before entering the king’s service.
Daniel’s experience with God and his strong faith in God’s guidance demonstrate the importance of temperance in navigating life’s challenges.
What does temperance mean value?
Temperance is a modern term for moderation or voluntary self-restraint, which refers to the actions a person voluntarily refrains from doing. This includes refraining from revenge, arrogance, excesses, overindulgence, and rage or craving. The distinction between temperance and self-control is subtle, as a person who exhibits self-control wisely refrains from giving in to unwise desires, while a person who exhibits temperance does not have unwise desires because they have wisely shaped their character to ensure proper desires.
Temperance has been described as a virtue by religious thinkers, philosophers, and psychologists, particularly in the positive psychology movement. It is generally characterized as the control over excess, expressed through characteristics such as chastity, modesty, humility, self-regulation, hospitality, decorum, abstinence, and forgiveness. Temperance is one of the cardinal virtues in western thought, found in Greek philosophy, Christianity, and Eastern traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism.
It is one of the six virtues in the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths, along with wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, and transcendence. The term “temperance” can also refer to abstention from alcohol, especially with reference to the temperance movement, and alcohol moderation.
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