The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh or Old Testament) mentions various forms of witchcraft and divination, which are expressly forbidden. These practices can be found in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. The Torah itself references witchcraft during the story of the Exodus, when Pharaoh’s magicians mimicked Moses’ supernatural signs. Other occult practices, such as necromancy, witchcraft, Santeria, shamanism, voodoo, brujeria, divination, and practices of fortune-telling, involve communing with outside spirits.
The original Hebrew word used in Exodus, translated as “witch”, is mekhashepha. The root denoting witchcraft is sfrr, which seems originally to have referred to magic circles. Practical Kabbalah, a branch of the Jewish mystical tradition, concerns the use of magic. “Witchcraft” and “sorcery” are the terms used in the Bible to designate the practice of the arts of divination, which were tabooed by orthodox religious beliefs.
In the popular sense, no mention of witches or witchcraft is made either in Scripture. The “witch of En-dor” (1 Sam. 28) was a necromancer, i.e., a witch. Witchcraft is defined as the practice of witches, the use of formulas and incantations to practice sorcery, and the act of producing extraordinary effects. The word mekhashepha was translated as “witch” in the Ben Yehuda Hebrew Dictionary.
📹 Is Witchcraft Forbidden in the Hebrew Bible – Old Testament?
Witchcraft #bible #hebrew Is the Bible really against Witchcraft? Is the Old Testament against magic and divination? What does the …
What is the origin of the word Pharmakeia?
Derived from the Greek term φαρμακεια, the term G5331 is defined as “the use of drugs, potions, spells.” In its broader sense, the term encompasses the practice of medication, magic, and witchcraft.
What is considered witchcraft in the Bible?
Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 19:26, Leviticus 20:27, and Deuteronomy 18:10-11 all prohibit the practice of necromancy, divination, and soothsaying. These laws are portrayed as foreign and are the only part of the Hebrew Bible to mention such practices. The presence of laws forbidding necromancy proves that it was practiced throughout Israel’s history.
The exact difference between the three forbidden forms of necromancy mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:11 is uncertain, as yidde’oni (“wizard”) is always used together with ob (“consulter with familiar spirits”) and its semantic similarity to doresh el ha-metim (“necromancer” or “one who directs inquiries to the dead”) raises the question of why all three are mentioned in the same verse. The Jewish tractate Sanhedrin distinguishes between a doresh el ha-metim, a person who would sleep in a cemetery after starving himself, to become possessed, and a yidde’oni, a wizard.
In summary, the prohibition of necromancy in the Hebrew Bible is a significant aspect of Jewish history.
What is the original meaning of witchcraft?
Witchcraft is the practice of using alleged supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others, with the term “witchcraft” traditionally referring to the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm. This stereotype has a long history and has been a viable explanation of evil in many cultures. The belief in witchcraft has been found in various societies worldwide, with anthropologists applying the English term to similar beliefs in occult practices.
In Europe, belief in witchcraft traces back to classical antiquity. In medieval and early modern Europe, accused witches were usually women who were believed to have used black magic or maleficium against their own community. These accusations were made by neighbors and followed from social tensions. Witches were sometimes said to have communed with evil beings or the Devil, but anthropologist Jean La Fontaine notes that such accusations were mainly made against “enemies of the Church”.
Witchcraft was thought to be thwarted by protective magic or counter-magic, which could be provided by the “cunning folk” or “wise people”. Suspected witches were often intimidated, banished, attacked, or killed, and were often formally prosecuted and punished. European belief in witchcraft gradually dwindled during and after the Age of Enlightenment.
Indigenous belief systems that include the concept of witchcraft also define witches as malevolent and seek healers and medicine people for protection against witchcraft. Some African and Melanesian peoples believe witches are driven by an evil spirit or substance, and modern witch-hunting takes place in parts of Africa and Asia.
What is the Hebrew meaning of magic?
Magic, a Hebrew verb meaning to practice magic or sorcery, was prevalent in Israel, as evidenced by the numerous prohibitions against its use by law and the Prophets’ struggle against it. Magic played a less significant role in Israel than elsewhere, but its influence was evident in the Bible. King Manasseh publicly utilized the services of magicians, and Jeremiah warned against trusting diviners, soothsayers, and sorcerers.
The New Testament writers held similar views on magic, with references to the legendary magicians of Pharaoh, Jannes, and Mambres who attempted to counteract Moses’ marvels. St. Paul berated Elymas, calling him an “enemy of all justice” and placing him with the immoral, licentious, and idolatrous. St. John also compared him to liars and murderers.
Magic played a significant role in Israel, as it was seen as alien to Yahwism, as the Israelites were too aware of God as creator and their dependence on Him. The New Testament writers also mentioned the practices of Solomon magus, a raw neophyte, and Elymas, a Jewish magician.
What is a male witch called?
The term “witch” is primarily used in colloquial English, with women being the male equivalent. Modern dictionaries distinguish four meanings of the term: a person with supernatural powers, a practitioner of neo-pagan religion, a mean or ugly old woman, or a charming or alluring girl or woman. The term “witch” was first used to refer to a bewitching young girl in the 18th century, and “witch” as a contemptuous term for an old woman is attested since the 15th century.
What is the Biblical definition of magic?
The Old Testament portrayed magic as a negative practice that exploited supernatural powers through formulaic recitations to achieve unrealizable goals. It was banned under the penalty of death in various passages, but many Canaanite magical practices were later widespread in the divided monarchy. Jezebel practiced sorcery, Manasseh encouraged divination, Hebrew seers and diviners practiced the magic arts, and Isaiah condemned women who wore charms.
Magic was considered an aspect of pagan wisdom, with magicians counted as wise men and officials of foreign governments. The Old Testament writers did not see a connection between magic and the gods, as foreign magicians often called upon self-operating forces independent of the gods. Magic was considered human rebellion that unlocked divine secrets, making humanity equal with God.
Despite the formal ban on magic, Israelite religion appeared to have adopted some Canaanite magical practices. There are numerous references throughout the Old Testament to various imitative magical practices, including clothing, magic staffs, hands, mandrakes, instruments, hair, whispering, spells, belomancy, hydromancy, and various blessings, curses, and dreams. Old Testament ceremonial regulations had a magical flavor, with animals for sacrifice having to be the proper age, sex, and color. Many animals were probably not used because they were utilized in the magic arts of the Canaanites.
Who was the first witch in the Bible?
The Witch of Endor, a Hebrew figure from around 1020 B. C. E., was known for her unusual power, possessing a talisman to summon the dead. At King Saul’s request, she summoned the ghost of the deceased prophet Samuel, despite the king’s prohibition of necromancy and magic. The prophet’s spirit predicted Saul’s ruination, and her taboo power has been depicted in art, literature, and popular culture, making her a potent figure in biblical history.
What is the difference between magic and witchcraft?
Magic is the practice of using charms, spells, and rituals to control events or govern supernatural forces. It can be positive, such as love magic or canoe magic, or malevolent, like witchcraft or sorcery. Sorcery involves intentionally using powers for harmful purposes, often using artificial means. Witchcraft involves possessing supernatural power through a pact with evil spirits, which can be involuntarily exerted.
These practices operate at the individual level and often oppose organized entities. Access to full content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase, while public users can search the site and view abstracts and keywords.
Who was the first witchcraft in the Bible?
The Witch of Endor is a female sorcerer in the Hebrew Bible who was visited by Saul, the first king of Israel. Saul had banished all sorcerers and conjurers from his kingdom, but was concerned about the outcome of Israel’s battle against the Philistines. He disguised himself and asked her to conjure up the spirit of the prophet Samuel to tell his fortunes. The woman, who reminded him of the law against practicing her art, assured her that she would be protected.
The spirit informed Saul that he and his three sons would die in battle the next day and that the Israelites would fall to the Philistines. The story of the Witch of Endor has inspired further embellishment of her practices, with Chaucer referring to her as a “pithonesse” and Guillaume de Salluste suggesting she used a “flambeau” made from her son’s fat in her necromantic art.
What does witchcraft mean in Greek?
Ancient Greek did not have a word for “witch”, but it did have names like “pharmakis” (drug-giver), “aoidos” (singer, enchantress), and “graus” (old woman). Graus is closest to later European stereotypes, as it represents a mysterious old woman who is not part of a traditional family structure. Many mythical witches were women from distant lands, like Medea, a foreigner who did not follow Greek expectations for women’s behavior. Medea started her narrative as a princess who used concoctions and spells to help Jason, increasing male virility and life.
What is the difference between sorcery and witchcraft?
Anthropologists and social historians have different perspectives on witchcraft and sorcery. They debate whether to conflate them as forms of “mystical power” or make a clear distinction. Witchcraft is often seen as the expression of a malign power in a person’s body, while sorcery involves using magical skills or knowledge to harm or benefit others. Witchcraft is often seen as a consuming force, as the witch consumes the life power of the victim. Access to the full version of this content can be obtained through institutional or personal login options, or may require purchase if not available.
📹 Bible Verses About Witchcraft (KJV) | Witchcraft In The Bible Explained
Bible #verses #witchcraft Welcome to our deep dive into what the Bible says about Witchcraft. In this enlightening video, we …
The Bible states clearly that all who practice witchcraft even if it’s small will have their part in the lake of fire which is the Second death revelation 21:8. The Bible saids you cannot serve two masters you either serve God or the devil. The Bible states that in the last days witchcraft will be common and as we are living in 2021 I see it everywhere. You can still serve the devil if you want just be aware he knows his fall is near and he is trying to take as much people with him to hell as possible. You can choose to be destroyed with the devil or allow Christ into your heart he promises to set free those who are willing
In the Christian tradition that I grew up in (the Mennonite tradition), there were certain groups that would pray and draw straws to settle decisions. This was especially prevalent in church where they would have three men write three separate sermons, then draw lots right before the service to determine which sermon was designated by the Holy Spirit to be heard by the people in that particular point in time. When I heard about this as a teenager, I was very confused because it sounded like divination; But, just like everything else in the world, nothing is black and white. Christianity can have some witchcraft, witchcraft can have some Christianity.
If my elder sister Angela lived in the middle ages, she would control the world with her knowledge, assertive personality,beauty and creative mind, she would be the sweetest magic practitioner anyone could ever think of, and no religious leader would dare to protest as doing that would cost him to end up under her feet for the rest of his life ;)) (Your little brother Juad).
It’s very discouraging that many Christians have adopted a skewed vision of the divine. The teachings of Jesus are valid, but so are many other teachings and practices across many other spiritual traditions. I often think that Christians use their view of God is simply a manipulative and control tactic that has nothing to do with God. They are, after all, one of the youngest faiths.
Many UK churches have bibles based on the King James Bible and seeing how he was paranoid about witches and witchcraft we get his interpretation that has in it – “Do not allow a witch to live”. That’s what was used to excuse the murder of innocent witches who caused no harm other than to shun the evil of Christendom, where the blood of the innocents is shed.
Hi Angela! In the article you say that the bible talks about “only certain types of practices” yet I found a few clear passages that command the jewish people to not get involved in magic, why do you consider that only some where prohibited? Not to do sorcery. (Deuteronomy 18:10) Not to perform as or acknowledge those who purport to website spirits. (Leviticus 19:31) Not to perform as or consult fortunetellers. (Leviticus 19:31) Not to be superstitious. (Leviticus 19:26) To not self-induce a trance to foresee events or tolerate soothsayers. (Deuteronomy 18:10) Not to say incantations or cast spells. (Deuteronomy 18:11) Not to consult with mediums. (Deuteronomy 18:11)
To manipulate another’s freewill or their ability to find their own path and experience the results of choice and development of the moral compass and evolve or devolve. But not farm another hidden on a completely upside down field and control the perception too. That’s appalling, and there’s literally armies of salaries to ensure I can’t find stability. And I don’t think I was supposed to ever realize, but the schmuck that tried to tap my energy tried the wrong one for that to work
Academic fun indeed!!! Say hello to the copywrite most modern Bibles now include (the enterprise must be protected at all costs) ill stop right there and discourse it some other time (as of last check only the Gedion Bibles dint) but i digress… Both Hebrew and Aramaic present their own complexity only to say very wise observation! Fascinating!
Hi Angela, when Moshe rod turned into a snake, Exodus 7:8 pharaohs magicians did the same thing (all magic, yes?) When Joseph was elevated to second in command to pharaoh, he asks the questions of his brothers, “am I not known for my spells?” or something along this line Genesis 44:5. Also, when the donkey starts to speak Numbers 22:28 to Balaam…. is it magic? I do not know, but I expect you do. Thank you for all of your information!
Dr. Puca–. Thank you SOO MUCH for the informative vid, I am currently deep into my studies of KABBALA and Hermetic TAROT, and also the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet, how all correspondences are present in this Phenomenal Tarot (HERMETIC TAROT) that I Love/Work with. You’re article here was very much a Synchronicity to my own research….HEKAU♓🌞🙏
Angela can I ask you a time sensitive question? A few years ago I had an encounter with a witch who was adopted by the Dupont family. She was nice and we spent a full 24 hours taking care of some errands that were completely exhausting and grueling and included dealing with some very difficult family members and problems. It was literally a plowing through all the worst of the worst. I fell into and panicked all the spiders behind a shed and the only way out was more spiders and hidden unstable ground, and had a gun pulled on me when I wasn’t compliant. Crazy. Then I took a shower at her house and I heard growling voices in the machinery and fan, and a slurp noise from the drain. Life’s been crazy difficult and interesting and progress has been made by the feeling of it, but rewarding in ways that don’t improve my situation and security. For instance learning so much and align with precious metals and elements that transmute neg and pos into neutral just like I do, but unable to do business and treated like a criminal crazy person and a fraud in situations where I attempt to seek service and guidance in how to make currency or negotiation to improve my situation. I heard that slurp 2 times today. A dish soap bottle and the hose. Should I be concerned? And do you know what implications the tellurides and Nobel elements that are shaped like seashells finding their way to me en masse can mean?
Hm, not sure whether you are trying to assure yourself that practicing magic, witchcraft or sorcery is okay, or if you genuinely did not do the full research. I assume that your argument is based on following verse: Deuteronomy 18:9-12 “When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.” If you cherry pick Bible it surely can sound like this one says in a context of ‘those other nations’, however if you look on a Bible from overall perspective you will realise that it is not the case. 1 Chronicles 10:13 13 Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance, Isaiah 8:19-20 19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? 20 Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. Exodus 22:18 18 “You shall not permit a sorceress to live.
I love this. Thank you! I have tried, for years, to make this point. To rationalise the use of magic within Abrahamic religion. But,I have not managed to convince myself yet. I’m quite sure that the Bible condemns absolutely all magic. The mentioned: “Do not turn to mediums or wizards; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them”. – Leviticus 19:31 seems crystal clear to me. Then there’s Leviticus 20:6, 1 Chronicles 10:13, Exodus 22:18, Micah 5:12, Isaiah 8:19…. list goes on. Then there is the very detailed: “There shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead” in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 . As you can see It reads “anyone among you” not among other tribes and there is nothing to indicate that these practices were from outside and not from within Hebrew culture. I cannot find words approving anything on that long list if practiced by an Israelite. The blunt and violent “”You must not allow a witch or wizard to live ” -Exodus 22:18 (when read in context) is not talking about non-Israelite witches at all. It’s about the Israelites! Although the snake staff that cured people bitten by snakes (Moses) sounds a lot like magic. If it is directly from God, it is not considered to be so.
From Debarim 18:10-12 “Let no one be found among you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practises divination, or a user of magic or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer. Or one who conjures spells or a medium, or a spiritualist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these are an abomination to Adonai and because of these abominations Adonai your Elohim drives them out from before you.” The Torah disagrees with you. Repent to Elohim your Adonai before he judges you and the nations.
May your light shine bright and warm many hearts and your salt give flavor to life of the Kingdom of Zion. Many you be born of the Living waters 💦, blood 🩸 and the Spirit 🔥 who give witness of your life. May you learn to walk in the courts of Heaven with humility and praise where you may make all your reason and case to the Most High Just Judged 👑 of the Realms, Thrones, Dominions, Principalies, and all the Host to overcome any condemnations against you by the Tribunal of Night and be set free from traps and chains from Monetering familiar Spirits and break their Alters and Strongholds. When you use the number 7, you are dealing with the 7 Archangels of God. Therefore, we see three sets of 7 Angels operating in the apocalyptic events of the Book of Revelation. The number 7 is intertwined into the completeness of the mysteries of God through the Angelic Orders of Heaven. The Council of Heaven rules by this number and the judicial orders are carried out via 7 Chief Angels. If we look closely, we also see the Angelic operation with Zerubbabel and the Priest Joshua who are the two Olive Trees and anointed ones of the Earth. Zechariah 4:10, “The seven lamps are the seven eyes of YHVH (“Yahuah” or “the LORD”), which see all over the earth.” Here we see 7 Lamps, each having 7 branches, which are the “7 Eyes of God on Earth; these are called the 7 Spirits of God. These 7 Spirits are 7 Archangels called 7 Lamps that burns before the Throne of God – Rev_4:5, “And seven lamps of fire were burning in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
Yes, magic was punishable by death in the Old Testament. “The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.” Revelation 9:20-21 NASB1995
Interesting topic, thanks as always Angela 👍 I didn’t research this topic much so it’s great to expand the horizons 🙂 It seems that the Hebrew people back in the days took the cautious approach instead of prohibiting the practices in general. Makes me wonder how the definition of witchcraft would change if we compared the modern definition with how it was understood in the Old Testament?
The Old Testament records a lot of prayers to God but they are mostly not for personal gain. There is no asking guidance for what SUV to buy but calls for justice, revenge on, or deliverance from God’s enemies. The most that is asked for, for personal gain, is for a child. Therefore, it can be assumed there was a great need for magic in Israel throughout its history.
Bohak is a secondary source, not a primary source reference. A good scholar references primary sources. You are not an expert in biblical languages, otherwise you would not have demonstrated such profound ignorance. The Old Testament categorically condemns all manifestations of witchcraft and magick. Just a few examples: Exodus 22:18: witch (kashap)= to practice magic or sorcery, to enchant, or to use witchcraft. (See, Brown Driver and Briggs Hebrew English Lexicon, s.v. 3784; International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, vol. 3; Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, vol.1, s.v. 1051). Deut. 18:10: divination (qesem)= divination, augury, witchraft, sorcery, fortune telling, omen, lot, oracle, decision (See, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, vol.1; Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, vol. 2, s.v. 2044a). Deut. 18:10: observer of times (anan)= divination, spiritism, magic, witchcraft, sooth saying (See, Strong’s Concordance # 6049; Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, vol. 2, s.v. 1656). Deut. 18:10: enchanter (nahash)= to practice divination, divine, practice fortune telling, observe signs or omens, or learn by omens. (See, Brown Driver and Briggs Hebrew English Lexicon, s.v. 5172; Strong’s Concordance # 5172). Deut.18:11: charmer (chabar)= casting a spell or tying up a person by magic. (See, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, vol. 1, s.v. 598). Deut: 18:10: witch (kashap)= to practice magic or sorcery, to enchant, or to use witchcraft. (See, Brown Driver and Briggs Hebrew English Lexicon, s.
Yeah Hebrews and Christian’s writings are full of supernatural/witchcraft divination whatever the correct term it’s really the backbone of those two faiths and similarities wether gentile or Jew pagan or Muslim it seems to be the backbone of everyone as far as belief of ancient myths and rituals and strange bloodline labyrinths I enjoy the course of learning so I’m patient but very long confusing path that I’m convinced I could live without but also convinced I would create a new strange belief system full of magic and tragedy and my interpretation of love authors of a new faith come one come all let’s live and die and tell stories and create a manic or magic adventure.
King James version. Deuteronomy 18. 9 When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13 Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God. 14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.
Do you know any places where I can study magic? I have trouble searching for clear answers online. For context, I’m a writer and I want to do something unique that’s a little more authentic and respectful. Lots of magic in fiction is people pointing wands at each other, saying some vocaes magic, and shooting what is effectively a laser beam. If you have any tips I’d be happy to listen! Love this website and you collaborate with ReligionforBreakfast.
Revelation 21:8 ESV “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Jesus is the only way to be save. Repent with full surrender and he will heal us of everything. Get baptized for spiritual cleansing and to acknowledge Him and follow Him by reading the bible and by His works. God bless.
The ancients druidJewish Hebrew Norse Vikings Celtic ect around the ancients that’s what is told about in the beginning of written language time about the creations stories around the world the stonedaged Stonehenge druidJewish Hebrew Norse Vikings Celtic civilizations civilizations Greek Orthodox Christianity and Islam Arabic Russian Orthodox Christianity holy Roman Catholic what is considered now the holy Land all religious beliefs spiritual beliefs and practices rite’s and rituals marriages and deaths funeral rites rituals knowledge of herbs spices and flowers and plants having healing power based upon the contents of nature the old English language word for Wiseman and woman who had sacred geometry and algebra knowledge of herbs spices healing plants and to heal humanity animals these ancients witchcraft witchery wisdoms witchdoctor teachers and healer’s hunters gathering of Creation ancient times people would attach deer antlers or elk antelope antlers or in Greece and Turkey Russian also Arabic African countries it be deer or goat horned Hunter big buck deer the big horns used for hunting the healer’s teachers wise ones would able to come up close to the deer without being noticed because they also used deer hide that was how when the Spanish seen the Greek goddess with horns and in others like this and called them horned female hot like the Spanish word for devil is deoblo so this is how a different name and word later was confused about then in great Britain France and Italy Scandinavian countries all around the world had these ancients ancestors who had creation stories told about in books of genies and exodus the old English language word for magic magi Wiseman and woman magical healing Powers from the four quarters of earth the mystery mystical medical miraculous and mercy Mary mother of the sacred three Jesus and his twin brothers Jude and James his wife merry Ann Magdalene and Jude wife Simone of the line of king David and his son king Solomon and Mary mother was a druidJewish Hebrew Norse Vikings princess and the hole holy family was thought be ancient times from the line of Noah Abraham Moses king David and his son king Solomon and Jesus father Joseph was druidJewish Hebrew people who ancestors of mosses wandered in the desert praying for an answer for god and goddess these people had known about snow and the old English language word for Christmas Noel and in Arabic Hebrew and what Jesus family spoke arkarmic and languages used by people who came from Europe and Scandinavian ancient Norse civilizations in the 1and 2 BC centuries near Nazareth and galic Celtic old English and Norse Vikings civilizations that all had known about Stonehenge stonedaged society and stories about Creation the laws of Noah Abraham Moses king David and his son king Solomon it was until the start of the protestant pilgrims political agenda propaganda pimps and king James Bible and the church of Baptist Babylon gangs anti-Semitic racist anti Catholic anti religion anti education anti social behaviour and attitude that the word woman was evil and Eve payed with the devil Adam according with king James Bible that was written by king James of Scotland that Sat on the throne of England during the middle ages he wrote that book and some others that now are separate from the new king James haters Bibles that most of tv evangelists are making infamous and king James the worst of the Inquisition making marriage and procreation unlawful punishment for pregnant women midwife’s witchdoctor healer’s teachers and elders quorum witches circle around scared flame woman and children had flee in the forest and pregnant women gave birth by the light of the full moon punishment for anyone in secret of a husband and wife and a priests and Nunes Jewish rabbi who married man and woman had suffered unspeakable unmerciful horrible unbelievable deaths under the rule of king James and if he was alive today would be considered insane and so after 300 hundred years of murdering jews Catholic gypsy Europe and northern Europe Indian Celtic Gali and 93 million people and creature’s kind who had lost thier lives they had it with king James Bible pushers his pilgrims political agenda propaganda pimps church and unfortunate organizations the church of Baptist Babylon gangs anti-Semitic racist anti Catholic anti religion anti education anti social and he was removed from the throne just like what they did with the original John the Baptist king shitass of the itchitsassholes hittights and jesabel a Norse Viking warrior princess had his head removed for defiling nature king James father in-law king of Denmark on his special request to also have king James head removed also and sent back to Germany where the Inquisition first started packed plume full of rocks bullshit and feathers and then then they gathered up his crazy dam pilgrims political agenda propaganda pimps and king James Bible pushers they said you can stay and die or you can have these ships this royal police military will make sure you get to America was already founded by the ancients ancestors of Norse Viking warrior and then later by Christopher Columbus and the holy Roman empire holy church yes America was crowned Christendom long before you know and that bunch of pilgrims had actually landed on the coast on Canada and the second ship of trouble makers in the American so the protestant pilgrims political agenda propaganda pimps started thier crampola again in 1692 stared the witch trials again and 600 people who had been burned or hung how long are good hard working education who have employment homes and businesses farms and ranches who have husband and wife and children to take care of how long do we have to pay for your sins by the way the word pagan means poor Masses stew’s soups pagan a old English language word for the poor Masses that eat stew’s soups eat vegetables and fruits peasant cooking a old language French word for poor masses healing power based upon the contents of nature and the facts of life liberty and justice and peace keepers freedom from oppression be the newer king James Bible pushers have revised it to add not only the Greek mythology stories such as Perseus and the kraken but to add in John the Baptist a Germanic bohemian pimp from the middle ages and him Jesus Christ and Bigfoot are coming to judge the living and the dead in a spaceship yes the jovon musk perfume spaceship rocket that Ronald Reagan and pat Robertson melburn and his crazy dam brother Norris Nelson and some screwballs like George streek walker bush and his other little friend Terry barandstead blockbuster perhaps one would find them under a clothing rack in the woman’s department together who knows what are doing now anyway god and goddess blessed be the wise ones and always remember the burning and hanging times don’t forget that real devil is a ignorant bastard and the protestant hate for humanity thier ignorance is bliss for themselves but it’s hell for those who can see that know and believe