Mystical Theology is an approach to theology and spiritual knowledge that focuses on learning the truth about God and the world through direct spiritual experiences, contemplative prayer, and meditation. Mystics believe that their experiences reveal the existence of an extrasensory dimension of reality, where phenomena that cannot be detected through sense perception become apparent during mysti. This practice involves the pursuit or achievement of personal communion with or joining with God or some other form of the divine or ultimate reality.
Mysticism is a religious ideology studied by academics extensively and is characterized by religious beliefs. Under the influence of William James’ Varieties of Religious Experience, philosophical interest in mysticism has heavily focused on distinctive, allegedly, experiential knowledge of spiritual things. Richard Rohr understands mysticism as experiential knowledge of spiritual things.
For mystics, the spiritual is not just something to think about but also something to be encountered. Spiritual phenomena may be experienced when they are thought about in such a way that a depth of feeling becomes attached to them. Mystical knowledge is an internal experience of knowledge occurring in certain states of consciousness that are unmediated by mental processes.
Mysticism emphasizes prayer, meditation, contemplation, worship, community, and living a virtuous life as keys to discovering union with God. God or Ultimate Reality is the only One who ultimately gives all spiritual knowledge, mystical power, and wisdom. Many “truths” revealed in the religious, mystical, or spiritual realm have been proven to be untrue, but some have proven to be true.
In conclusion, mysticism simply means experiential knowledge of spiritual things, as opposed to book knowledge, secondhand knowledge, or even church.
📹 The Most Sacred and Mystical Knowledge. Your True Self
Spiritualenlightenment #mysticalwisdom #innertransformation 00:00 – Your Inner True Self 01:35 – The Mental Plane: The Maze of …
How do you know if you are a mystic?
An ordinary mystic may experience moments of ego loss and absorption in the divine, such as feeling lifted out of one’s body and lost in beautiful art or nature. This can occur as a parent, creative person, or a creative person, and can lead to mystical moments that extend the boundaries of oneself and increase empathy with others.
If religion is defined as a strong sense of the divine, daily mysticism contributes to this sense by drawing one out of oneself and into nature and beyond. It is important to take these experiences seriously and make something of them, weaving them into one’s thinking, feeling, and relating. These experiences become part of one’s life and identity, leaving the mystic empty and lost in a positive way, yet alert and ready for the next revelation and opportunity.
Religion begins with the sense that life makes sense within a larger one, with a bond between oneself and the world, and that happiness depends on the happiness of the beings around them. The mystic may even realize that their soul participates in the world’s soul.
Did Jesus practice mysticism?
Jesus was a teacher of teachers and a mystic of mystics, entering the mysteries of the Holy Life and ways of living. He invited others to join him in his journey. The term “mystic” can be associated with various mystics, such as Krisha, Buddha, yogi, Gandhi, Saint Teresa of Avila, and St. John of the Cross. Matthew Fox, a progressive theologian and Dominican priest, devotes an entire book, “The Coming of the Cosmic Christ”, to the mysticism of Jesus. Jesus’ teachings and teachings were deeply rooted in the teachings of his disciples, who were inspired by his teachings and the teachings of his disciples.
What is spiritual knowledge called?
The Church Fathers used the term gnosis to refer to spiritual knowledge or specific knowledge of the divine, contrasting it with gnostic sectarians. Cardiognosis, a term from Eastern Christianity, is the view that only God knows one’s relationship with God. In Orthodox Christian thought, gnosis is the spiritual knowledge of a saint or divinely-illuminated human being. In Byzantine and Hellenic cultures, gnosis was a knowledge or insight into the infinite, divine, and uncreated, rather than the finite, natural, or material world.
Gnosis is transcendental and mature understanding, indicating direct spiritual, experiential, and intuitive knowledge, mystic rather than rational or reasoned thinking. It is gained through inner experience or contemplation, such as an internal epiphany of intuition and external epiphany such as the theophany. Even in early Christianity, matters were complex, and anti-gnostic writers like Clement of Alexandria could regularly invoke the notion of gnostike theoria in a positive sense.
What does mystical mean in the Bible?
Mysticism is a concept that involves contact with the divine or transcendent, often involving union with God. It has played a significant role in the history of Christian religion and has gained influence in modern times. Mysticism has been studied from various perspectives, including psychological, comparativist, philosophical, and theological. Hermeneutical and deconstructionist philosophies in the 20th century have brought attention to the mystical text.
Theoretical questions have been debated, such as whether mysticism constitutes the core or essence of personal religion or whether it is better viewed as one element interacting with others in the formation of concrete religions. Some argue that experience and interpretation cannot be easily sundered, and that mysticism is typically tied to a specific religion and contingent upon its teachings. Philosophers like Walter T. Stace and Robert C.
Zaehner have employed typologies of mysticism, often based on the contrast between introvertive and extrovertive mysticism developed by Rudolf Otto. The cognitive status of mystical knowing and its clash with mystics’ claims about the ineffability of their experiences have also been important topics for modern mysticism students.
What does the Bible say about spiritual knowledge?
In this series, the author discusses the importance of spiritual understanding and the significance of understanding God’s will in all wisdom and wisdom. They emphasize that spiritual understanding is vital for our health and well-being, as it allows us to distinguish between what is true and what is for Christ. The author also mentions the concept of a maturing Christian, who manages both physical and spiritual senses to discern good from evil.
The author cites Hebrews 5:13-14, which states that everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the world of righteousness, as they are a babe. A mature Christian is one who manages not only physical senses but also spiritual senses, allowing them to discern good from evil. The author shares a personal experience with a family who celebrated their mother’s birthday, where the author and their two-year-old son, Isaiah, couldn’t make the distinction between the two.
In Philippians 1:9-10, Paul prays that our love would abound in knowledge and discernment, allowing us to approve the things that are excellent and be sincere and without offense until the day of Christ. He argues that when God’s love is abounding, our discernment will be full of grace, not criticism or judgment. This is exemplified by James 4:6-7, where Paul prays for grace towards others.
Paul’s desire for approval is based on his own joy and compassion for those who put him in prison for preaching the gospel. He believes that the things that happened to him have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, as he continued to pray for all involved. The book of Philippians is based on the theme of joy, as the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. When we approve the things that are excellent, it will only be through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, spiritual understanding and understanding are essential for our health and well-being. By growing in knowledge and discernment, we can better navigate the world and maintain a strong relationship with God.
What is mystical knowledge or knowledge of spiritual things?
Mystical experience and knowledge are interconnected, as they cannot be separated. Mystical knowledge is non-discursive, non-conceptual, and experiential, occurring in certain states of consciousness that are unmediated by mental processes or sense perception. It cannot be communicated due to its inability to be expressed in language or concepts. In Sufism, experiential knowledge is called “taste” (thawq), as it cannot be explained to someone who has never tasted one.
The possibility of mystical knowledge depends on our metaphysical positions. If we believe nothing transcends our material reality, we may not believe in mystical knowledge. The primary question is whether there is a transcendent reality to experience. Mystical epistemology can take one of two roots: affirmatively, grounded in metaphysical principles that explain these possibilities and justify the validity of mystical knowledge, or negatively, explaining mystical knowledge on material grounds and dismissing its validity.
Do mystics believe in God?
A mystic in the Catholic Church is defined as a Christian who adheres to the belief that personal understanding of God is the key to attaining and practicing divine love.
What is the spiritual meaning of mystical?
The term “mystical” refers to having a spiritual meaning or reality that is not apparent to the senses or intelligence. Examples of mystical concepts include a mystical union with God, a symbol with mystical powers, and a deep, almost mystical quality in poetry. Despite their differences, animals work together to navigate mystical landscapes, navigating challenges and dangers of adapting to a new world. Examples of mystical words include Harper, Pete Hammond, Steve Baltin, and Archana Venkatesan.
Love, whether mystical or human, is often described as a lotus blooming in response to the warmth and brightness of the sun. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word “mystical”. Any opinions expressed in these examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
What is the meaning of mystical things?
Mystical things are magical or mysterious, possibly related to the supernatural or occult. Fantasy stories often feature mystical characters and events, such as wizards, witches, and unicorns. Magicians often try to make audiences believe they have mystical powers, and these things are not real. Mystical things are not apparent to the senses or intelligence, but can be fun to imagine in a story or magic act.
Religions often involve mystical events, like miracles, and magicians try to make audiences believe they have mystical powers. Overall, mystical things are not apparent to the senses or intelligence, but they can be enjoyable to imagine.
What are the three types of spiritual knowledge?
This series on the three kinds of knowledge offers an expository account of Ginosko, Eido, and Epignosis, guiding readers on how to live a life informed by God’s revelation of knowledge.
What is an example of a mystical spirituality?
Mysticism encompasses a range of observable behaviors, including chanting mantras, meditation, and prayer. These practices are thought to facilitate a sense of oneness or union with the divine, thereby fostering a sense of unity and connection within the individual.
📹 How Do Gurus Transmit Mystical Knowledge To Disciples – Sadhguru | Occult & Mysticism Ep4
Sadhguru explains the arrangements of the chakras in the body, and how as more chakras become active in the body, a human …
🕉 In “Sanatana Dharma”/”Hinduism”, I do believe the ‘TRUE SELF’ is referred to as ‘ATMAN’ and ‘the ALL’ as ‘PARAMATMAN’ or ‘BRAHMA’/’SHIVA’/’VISHNU’ etc. In Ancient Khem (Egypt), the TRUE SELF was said to comprise of 9 parts, but ‘the BA’ being the most important amongst those 9 parts, is basically what equates with the (Hindu), ‘ATMAN’ (I do believe).
Amen my brother, I live across the world in America and sadhguru has touched my life and heart, I’m a totally different person now. I understand life and why we must respect energy and the body, because life is so much more than the physical. God bless all the people of earth, I wish you the best in 2020 and beyond, stand up and take control of your destiny.
I remember a day where I was with my ex-girl in a street party… And I thought how grateful I was of bring there. I wanted to fill it more intensely, to be more grateful, and wanted everyone to understand how good that was. Some seconds later, the girl turned to me and said how happy she felt for being there. I say if we flow with the Universe, It will help us. But first we must understand it, and that may be painful.
I only knew of the 7 main Chakras. I’ve been in two rear end car accidents, one that resulted in a serious back surgery. For the 10 years since the first accident, the only sensation I’ve felt from my lower back down to my legs, is pain. After Sadhguru mentioned the 114 chakras, I looked it up and started reading and all of sudden, I got a sensation similar to a nervous stomach, from my lower back, into the heels of my feet. Interesting. It’s been there for about 15 minutes.
I have been told by two very fortunate people who have been blessed to have met Sadhguru, that just being in eye shot of him, they could feel energy they had never felt before or since, and I was so envious…. But… I have, to the best of my ability tried diligently to enbibe all of the knowledge and wisdom I’ve found that Sadhguru has freely given to the world, and although I’ve had no guidance physically, ive found that this wonderful human, reaches me, so much so that I believe that I too, have felt and continue to feel what my friends have described to me, when I’m properly hydrated, eat the right foods and actually breath correctly (a lesson from sadhguru) I feel as though I am in very close proximity to this wonderful, crafty teacher, & I am forever a long distance devotee who is so incredibly greatful for every syllable he shares to the world, and me!
It’s so fascinating … thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I have been blessed with a life (I apparently chose) … (which has been unfair in comparison to some) but I am honoured by this blessing of human pain and trauma and uncertainty, at the same time… I would not change a thing because without that pain and suffering I could not appreciate or travel to the dimension I was blessed to communicate briefly with the other side…in what must have been a near death experience….I am no longer afraid of dying at all…. I can’t wait for Euphoria again!!! It was brief but imagine the honour it was…. I also had other episodes where i could visualise the tissues, veins and arteries under the skin on my face…. or I could visualise where the substance I was smoking was grown and sown… or another time the universe showed me a history of the world and how things have been recorded wrongly or misunderstood in the past…..another time E=MC2 just came to me without prior education… I had heard of it and Einstein of course, but somehow I worked out how atoms work etc…. at home by myself just by thinking and thinking and thinking!!! It just came to me and made sense at the time. I have learnt from experience not to say this as often as I would like too… im now aware that if others cant understand something, then they must file it under crazy – which is crazy – I was told I had rapid spiritual growth and this is what they all want to know…. I do love language and numbers and logic and its actually all connected in so so many ways.
I cannot say I was born in a meditative state, but I can say that from the time I remember, I have always been naturally meditative, no initiation no nothing, when i learned of meditation, I thought that it must be something big you do in yourself, some sort of trance state that brings on visions, or lets you talk with the divine, or takes you to another dimension, it took a long time to learn that if meditation is compared to a mountain climb then what I thought of as meditation was the top of the mountain, that the only reason I felt I wasnt very good at it, was because i was born already part of the way up the mountain, I was already climbing and didnt know it.
I was spiritual from birth. Always. I would utter sanskrit words as a toddler. Nobody spoke them around me. I still did. Parents tell me about it. As a school going kid i had a sixth sense(modern term) that would activate randomly. I would suddenly out of nowhere picturize something in my mind and the whole incident would come true in next few minutes or hours. I would by heart say something and it would come true effortlessly. At that time i didn’t realise what capability i had because kids don’t have that capacity but now when i do, i have receded from the spiritual state i was in when i was a kid(due to past lives efforts). I always wish i had got a true guru early in life who could show me the true path. Anyways i am always attracted to spirituality. I still strongly wish to sincerely pursue this route someday in my life and i will! I hate the thought of wasting this life and being born again in a regressed state of spirituality.
Sadhguru these are notes for those who think that they will be able to get to the realization in direct conversation with you and that through article you cannot reach the set goal.. Personally, I find that space or time are not dominating elements, since they are only the result of our perception.. In order to be able to receive energies in a more subtle form, attention must first be paid to the sharpeting of the senses that were dormant in the common man.. When the body becomes a vessel for preserving the knowledge, skills and abilities to create emerging world it will come by itself.. Until then, we should always be focused on the opportunities that are given to us.. Every good deed we do will be noticed through the nature of life itself.. Namaste 🙏🌬️🌀🌌
Wat he speaks of is interestin. The words bias and doubt ive learned causes many people not to be able ta get into the basic calm meditation or the base vibrations. Movements i found are very important to tuning and focusing the mind for meditation. Extreme postures are not needed ta attain these vibrations.
Sadhguru blessings,I know your a very busy man and our time is very precious,i know you cant help everyone in the world but if i could capture just a few minutes of your time.I have a curse placed on me since a child,i am now 48years old,i have suffered every day,i know who it is whom is cursing me,my question is,how do i stop them.I thank you for your time and i bless you with the work you do.
‘DOUBTING ” IS A SURE WAY TO BLOCK WISDOM from DIVINE ORDER….every design in nature is measurable mathematics of divine order… with FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE AND DESIGN for Harmony for our existence and HAPPINESS…of .surrender to your own HEARTS which is our direct connection to divine love and God’s Truth…perception and truth are given to all humanity who has the sincerity to live according to DIVINE ORDER..
Sadhguru I can actually Sense Power when ever I meditate I feel it on my fore head and my palms and Then I feel like I sink into a dark area but Its peaceful and calm and I dont wanna get out of it, One Day I will come to India and Visit you because I found out that my consiouness is Connected to Shiva conciousness idk how and Even Sadguru Conciousness is connected to shiva’s too thats why I can feel It from here. When I was 11 I had nervous system problems in my brain and meditation cured it thats when I knew There was Some power and it felt stronger each day. And I can feel all these Spirits and death being around Me.and Its not Mystical it actually existttt they exist the spirit world.
While there are said to be just 114 chakras, and here it is said two of these are outside the body, some other yogis and other researchers say that there are as many as 12, 14, 15, 22, or even 32 chakras more above the head according to their perception. When God is providing a subtle material and ultimately spiritual energetic system that connects all souls eventually on superconscious and then cosmic conscious levels, then on fully cosmic spiritual levels on the nitya siddha level, this energetic system must be huge. Any jiva soul already dwelling or resuming full consciousness within the infinite spiritual plane when fully dovetailed with the infinite Godhead beyond this life experiences spiritual cosmic consciousness with 78% of all the spiritual opulences and potencies of the Godhead soul themselves, and also possesses the ability to temporarily visit any material dimension as a liberated being. Lord Brahma for instance is just a jiva soul like any other soul incarnated in this world, but he is especially evolved spiritually and is fully cognizant also of the infinite living Goloka plane within which all souls really belong constitutionally and dwell, though some souls occasionally enter temporarily into states of forgetfulness of where they really are through their desire with free will to explore all potentials and consequently lose the full awareness of the spiritual infinitude and end up with material sense organs ‘here’ temporarily overlaying their spiritual senses for a while, such material mayic senses masking where they really are, as no soul ever really leaves the spiritual dimension.
If one, who you may not perceive to be a Guru initially by her or his appereance, holds the knowledge to transmit Energy and through that Energy Information, that person according to YogicLaws are people to be revered. Keeping in mind that the way transmission is possible, whitdrawel of Energy is also possible. Make no mistake, JagatJananiAdiShakti is Bhramacharani, the 1 who holds the Knowledge of the Cosmos in YogiForm, the Form who She took to obtain Her Ardhaang MahadevShiv, aswell as MahaKaali to, the Embodiment of Passion, Compassion, Enlightning through suffering and Sexuality out of wich the entire Ecology of Evolution in Manifestation appeared and took form. Besides this in every single being particles of this Union of ShivShakti is embedded, you can either benefit this Union or Suffer the consequences of having divided them whitin your own bodysystem. Either way, if Willing you benefit the Grace of Mothers Light or benefit the Darkness of Father. Every individual has a choice whitin this. Make no mistake, Energy is often mistaken with electricity and impulses coming of of it, this speaks to Energy transcending electricity wich is mearly captured by manifested tools. True Energy Transcends any Tools and need no manifested things to either Transmit or Whitdraw ENERGY whitin the Kundalinisnake every person has! 🕉
You know,now I’m starting to relate how the humans managed to secure themselves in a time where gods and demons were fighting. It should be said like if one managed to open the chakra points and achieved the highest level of the human body,no wonder he could go against any demon . The avatars of God’s may already have preopened chakra enabling them the superhuman powers rivaling the gods.
sadguru takes the word tamil culture in his speech a lot giving contrast to other cultures, contradicting himself of the fact that he saying humans are separated by vague identities(such a paradox) there is no such thing as tamli culture. Our ancestors taught concept of Sanathana Dharma which is an eternal philosophy that holds good for all human race tills its existence regardless of class, culture, caste or sector. When we look at the sky we see sun as brightest star even when covered by clouds while other stars might just twinkle, let Sanathana Dharma outshine other so called cultures.
a Guru or param Guru only has to look at you or listen to you or think about you and if he or she wants they can impress your mind your consciousness with the information they choose they can send small amounts or large amounts with packages of information like a download upgrade on your applications it is not difficult to do anyone can do it by the power of fast thought this is my contribution to the question in a brief message
I just need to know in the present time how can someone resurrect himself whose pineal gland (sahastraar chakra connection?, Kaalaratri?) and pituitary gland (agya chakra connection?, katyayani?) were damaged by specific drugs administered to him by deceit. I don’t want to take away from the theme of this interesting article. So pardon me if it looks like that. But suggest please. Thank you. 🙂
All of us is keep on transmitting something! Today different visions are told to the human beings. This become a chaotik unbalanced energy and movin out of them. If you are among them their fields transfixing you and you become one of them if you not cautious. Ist a tremendeous work to change their fields, their illusion.
sadhguru, I’ve been thinking about a subject and maybe someone can answer… if someone were to have their brain cut out.. first would their heart still work and secondly more importantly, could it be proven that the Spirit is the facility of seeing hearing sensing rather than brain and it’s functions.. thanks sadhguru ji
How do we know how many chakras are open? 84, for example. I’m able to do things that nobody else I personally know can do yet, you might say “superhuman” that I didn’t train for or know was possible. But I also don’t know what else is possible yet. I’m asking more in terms of watermarks than I am about “cool powers”
Sahdguru why do I see 7 full moons instead of one 6 around the main moon it happened one night when I saw a lot of numbers the moon was really bright then others started to come out and surrounded the main moon then I saw my face and other relatives that have passed then I told them to come closer and they did then they went away
A Bonified Powerful Saint and Guru can transmit Healing 🙏 and Knowledge and Blessings and Protection Boons Liberation..etc Whenever They Want to whomever They Want at any Time any Place across Continents in Dreams in Person by Eyesight Gaze by Touch by Breath by Feather by any method They deem appropriate for their disciples’s a direct spiritual mind to mind transmission from Teacher to Student whether the disciple is prepared or not..A Guru that cannot do this is not a true Teacher just all talk..they have the power to break through the blocks of the student. Chakras open or not..The True Guru ignites the Kundalini..
Very interesting. At 6:50 he says the distance between the sun and earth is 108 times the distance between the moon and earth. This is wrong since it’s 400 times. But he makes three astronomical statements. The first two were that the sun’s distance to us is 108 times its diameter, and same for the moon. What’s incredible is that these two are right using average km distance from Google. The numbers are taken from the heavenly bodies and only 108 is coming from our side.
Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita that millions of years ago he explained this imperishable science of yoga to the sun god Vivaswan..The Earth is flat and stationary. Srimad Bhagavatam, fifth canto is not a heliocentric science indeed it is a geocentric science. Dhruva loka has always been Polaris the North Star. There will be no true peace until this truth is fully understood.
If u activate Anahata chakra(Heart chakra) Demented and distorted etheric beings are drawn to u. That’s why shiva is always surrounded by demented beings,ganas👻. If u activate throat chakra snakes🐍 will be drawn to u, that’s why snakes are on shiva body. If u activate Ajna chakra(third eye) 👁️u will see everything clearly the way it is with out distortions, that’s why shiva is having a opened third eye in his forehead which means his perception has reached its peaks. Ofcourse as Sadhguru says all 114 chakras are fully blossomed in shiva.
There’s a lot of confusing information out there for opening chakras. Are you supposed to start with a specific chakra as most people say(like root 1st) or does it matter? Another said you should work on your heart chakra because it’s the center of all… Since I don’t know I just listen to a Sadhguru meditation article with the corresponding sounds for each chakra (lam vam ram yam ham om)….or just om chant.