Reiki, an alternative health therapy, originated in the late 1800s before Pentecostalism and is believed to clear, straighten, and heal energy pathways, allowing life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. It is associated with a spirituality that conflicts with some belief systems, and Catholic healthcare facilities are restricted from offering this therapy because it conflicts with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Reiki is often compared to witchcraft or devil-worship, as it manipulates and employs symbolism upon the client or recipient. However, it is important to note that Reiki healing is not biblical or godly and has been compared to witchcraft and black magic. The Catholic Church’s Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholics rejects this type of communication or energy invoking activity as witchcraft, sorcery, mediumship, and idolatry.
Most witches are women, who naturally attune with the positive energy of Reiki. However, it is important to recognize that Reiki is not a substitute for other spiritual practices, such as polarity therapy, massage, Qigong, acupressure, shiatsu, and other hand healing techniques. Mistaking Reiki for witchcraft or devil-worship can cause harm and damage relationships, and it is crucial to focus on Christ and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
📹 Reiki Healing is not what you think it is..
In this video, I’m going to discuss the differences between Reiki Healing and what many people believe it to be. I’ll also discuss …
Is Reiki paganism?
Reiki, founded by Mikao Usui, is not a pagan or religious practice. Rather, it is a healing technique designed to be compatible with an individual’s pre-existing religious and spiritual beliefs.
How does the church feel about Reiki?
The bishops have ruled that Reiki therapy is not compatible with Christian teachings or scientific evidence, making it inappropriate for Catholic institutions or Church representatives to promote or support it. This has sparked rebuttals from Reiki practitioners, particularly Christian ones, who argue that healing by laying on hands is practiced by Jesus and his followers. Some believe that Jesus could pass the healing power on to others, similar to the Reiki attunement process.
However, some practitioners find the bishops’ guidelines helpful and believe that their Reiki experiences are a distraction from their growth in a Christ-centered life. They warn that much of Reiki practice is subtle and alluring, and that there are other less harmful and less questionable ways to learn relaxation and stress management.
Is Reiki allowed in Christianity?
As Reiki’s popularity rises, many Christians are embracing this healing art to express compassion, relieve suffering, and connect with God. This laying on hands technique, similar to Jesus’ practice, is particularly appealing. This site aims to answer questions about Reiki and provide a platform for Christians practicing to share their ideas and experiences. The website was created by Christians who practice Reiki. The goal is to create a closer connection with God and promote understanding of the healing art.
What does the Bible say about spiritual energy?
Integral Prayer Part Four discusses the concept of spiritual transmission, which is the process of releasing spiritual energy and healing within us and sending it out to the world. In the Old Testament, spiritual energy was the ordinary vital energy that made a person alive, while in the New Testament, it became the non-ordinary awakened consciousness only available to certain leaders. After Pentecost, this spiritual energy became available to everyone, including you.
Jesus instructed his followers to transmit healing and awakening energy to others, and after the collective awakening of Pentecost, spirit-breath-awakening was transmitted from awakened friends of Jesus to new followers. Our Whole-Body Mystical Awakening practice distinguishes our spiritual knowing and energy among our head, heart, gut, and feet, each with a unique flavor or composition that can be noticeable in transmission.
Why Reiki is not allowed by Catholic Church?
Rev. Tom Weinandy, a US Conference of Catholic Bishops member, criticized Reiki for falling between the cracks as neither a medical or scientific technique nor a religious technique compatible with Christianity. Reiki, developed in Japan in the early 20th century, uses various hand positions to help clients access a universal life force, a spiritual or divine energy force, which can reduce stress and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. It is popular in New Age centers and hospitals and medical clinics.
Gina Ferret, who experienced Reiki with her mother during her cancer treatment, found it to alleviate side-effects and symptoms of radiation and chemotherapy, ultimately allowing her to peacefully pass away.
Are chakras biblical?
The concept of chakras is one that is embraced by some Christians as a means of integrating spiritual practices, particularly in the context of spiritual healing. The tenets of the power of prayer, meditation, and spiritual practices are held in common by both chakra and Christianity, despite the differences in language and practices. This connection serves to underscore the shared importance of spiritual well-being.
What is the controversy with Reiki?
Reiki is a pseudoscientific practice based on metaphysical concepts, claiming that qi is a physiological force that can be manipulated to treat diseases or conditions. However, there is no evidence that qi exists as an observable phenomenon. The marketing of reiki has been criticized as fraudulent misrepresentation and a nonsensical method, with recommendations for the American government agency NCCAM to stop funding research due to its lack of substantiated health value and scientifically plausible rationale.
The Catholic Church claims reiki is based on superstition. Clinical research does not show reiki to be effective as a treatment for any medical condition, including cancer, diabetic neuropathy, anxiety, or depression. Studies reporting positive effects have had methodological flaws. The English alternative medicine word reiki comes from Japanese reiki, meaning “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign”.
Can Reiki be bad?
Reiki, a complementary energy healing therapy, has no known direct risks. The practitioner facilitates the transfer of universal energy from their palms to the client. Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding its efficacy, a considerable number of individuals have reported favorable outcomes. This article provides an overview of Reiki, including its treatment, reported health benefits, and medical opinions surrounding it.
What religion is Reiki based on?
Reiki is a healing technique that originated from Eastern belief systems and is based on spirituality. It was discovered by Mikio Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk, who studied Tendai and Shingon Buddhism, as well as the Japanese technique of kiko (life energy). After a critical illness in the 1900s, Usui claimed to have received visions and directions from Mahavairocana Buddha, the Great Central Buddha, regarding methods of healing.
He sought knowledge about the esoteric science of healing and energy disciplines that focus on the use of “ki” energy. Usui practiced and developed this method of healing based on his study of Buddhism’s healing disciplines, calling it the Usui Reiki healing technique.
Despite Usui’s death in 1926, his method of healing continues to be used internationally. Mrs. Takata, a Hawaiian native, brought Reiki to the United States after claiming she was healed through a series of Reiki treatments offered at a Japanese hospital. She received Reiki training at a clinic using Usui’s methods and became a Reiki master on February 21, 1938.
The information provided suggests that Reiki is linked to Buddhism, as it is a type of complementary and alternative medicine that utilizes an energy form of healing derived from an Eastern belief system. The Reiki Foundation, an international association for Reiki, has many members, students, and affiliates who have come to Dharma through the pathway of Reiki.
Why don’t Christians believe in chakras?
The concept of chakras, which are believed to be spinning vortexes or wheels of energy, is often regarded as pagan by Christians, who view them as a form of “Eastern” mysticism. Nevertheless, the New Age chakra movement eschews Christianity as an oppressive belief system. In ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are described as spinning vortices located at various points in the body. In the early stages of yogic practice, practitioners identified seven key nodes that could be used to regulate pranic flow.
What does the Bible say about chakras?
The Bible does not explicitly mention the chakras or energy, which may seem like a cause for concern. However, it is important to note that the Bible is not the only source of information about God’s creation. It also shares God’s promises in the world. The Bible was not intended to be an exhaustive text describing the intricacies of God’s creation. However, we can find concepts like the “breath of life” in Genesis 2:7, which refers to the vital life force or life-giving energy. This highlights the importance of considering the Bible as the Word of God and not as an exhaustive description of God’s creation.
📹 Reiki Deception, former Reiki Master warns
Reiki was deceptively marketed as Christian in the 1930’s, by a woman named Hawayo Takata who spread untrue stories that the …
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