Astrology has a long history in the Bible, dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. It is based on the use of stars and planets to “read into” a person’s past, present, and future. The first mention of astrology in the Bible is in Isaiah 47:13 (NIV), where God speaks to the people of ancient pagan Babylon. Middle East archaeology has confirmed that astrology did indeed originate in the Mesopotamian world, particularly in Babylonia, where it flourished as a form of fortune-telling.
The Bible has much to say about the stars, as they are believed to be created by God and show His power and majesty. The earliest evidence for astrology dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, with roots in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts. Early Christians, like the early Jews, were vehemently opposed to astrology, even attributing it to demonic origin. In the Enoch texts, called “scripture” in early Christianity, knowledge of the stars is among the “wisdom” taught to humans by rebel angels.
The Bible frequently talks about astrology, primarily in the Old Testament, whether it be full-time astrologists assigned to the task or the use of astrological terminology in Hebrew and Greek. Astrology began as a form of fortune-telling, which the Bible considers an occult and sometimes useless practice. The use of astrological terminology in Hebrew and Greek further highlights its presence in ancient Near Eastern cultures and its influence on Israelite society.
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Can Christians do astrology?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that divination, including predictive astrology, is incompatible with modern Catholic beliefs, such as free will. It rejects all forms of divination, including horoscopes, palm reading, omen interpretation, clairvoyance, and mediums, which conceal a desire for power over time, history, and other human beings. These practices contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear owed to God alone.
Astrology and science, Christian mysticism, Christianity and paganism, Esoteric Christianity, Jesus Christ in comparative mythology, Jewish views on astrology, Muslim views on astrology, and William Lilly’s book Christian Astrology are all considered incompatible with modern Catholic beliefs.
How old is the planet according to the Bible?
The genealogical records and the account of creation in Genesis 1 of the Bible estimate the age of the Earth and the universe to be approximately 6, 000 years. However, given the uncertainty surrounding the completeness of these records, it is possible to allow for a few thousand years more.
What does Islam say about astrology?
The earliest Islamic stance against astrology can be traced back to individuals such as Abd al-Jabbar and Abu Ma’shar al-Balkhi, who sought to justify the causal influence of celestial beings on terrestrial life forms. Historical texts like Kitab al-Daraj provide evidence of the presence of astrology in early Islam. However, even before these individuals, historians and theologians like Al Hashimi sought to justify the role of astrology in influencing Islamic adherents’ religion.
Al Hashimi, through philosophers like Masha Allah, explored the possibility of the influence of stars on one’s morality and religion in general. He cited Masha Allah’s idea that the Islamic prophet Muhammad’s birth was a result of a coming together of celestial objects, essentially pointing to the inherent birth of Muhammad as a result of astrological events. Both Masha Allah and Al Hashimi draw upon similarities but draw upon their inherent stance in pointing to the planets, stars, and other celestial beings as the primary means by which divine rule is exercised, i. e., how God emanates control over all life forms.
Early Muslims relied on the sun and moon to determine important things such as the direction of Mecca, fasting times for Ramadan, and the beginning and end of each month. They used astrology and the position of the planets to predict the health and well-being of individuals, with eclipses in Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini being predictions of worldwide plagues, and comets or shooting stars being predictions of famine and sickness.
Many interpretations of the Quran point to astrology as that which goes against the fundamental principles preached by the Islamic religious tradition. Astrology ultimately points to the role of celestial beings in influencing terrestrial life and the everyday lives of individuals, ultimately hindering their destiny. Various excerpts from the Quran are interpreted to disprove this theory, with the Quran in Surah Al-Jinn suggesting that any such presence of extraterrestrial influence on mankind is not plausible and is therefore haram (forbidden) in Islam.
The Hadith, a reference to the instructions and practices of Muhammad, encourages adherents of the Islamic faith to embody the concept of astrology. Muhammad made various claims regarding the legality/illegality of astrology with regards to the Islamic religious tradition, such as the belief that rain is a bounty bestowed only by Allah (God). The Hadith makes specific mention to the stars, suggesting that those who suggest rain originates as a result of a star are a disbeliever in Me (Allah).
This works to fundamentally embody the concept of astrology and the consequent belief in the idea that celestial beings have an influence on anything other than what enshrined in the Quran and Hadith as shirk (blasphemy), leading one to leave the fold of the religion.
Which religion is first in universe?
Hinduism, a major faith with around one billion followers, is considered the world’s oldest religion with complete scriptural texts dating back 3, 000 years. The oral tradition that gave rise to the Mahabharata likely dates back to around 850 BCE, while its written Sanskrit form is 400 years younger. Zoroastrianism, the chief pre-Islamic religion practiced in Iran, draws on some of these Sanskrit oral compositions and later written texts.
Its founder, Zarathushtra, wrote hymns that predate written Sanskrit literature, making it possible to claim that Zoroastrianism is older than formally codified Hinduism. Judaism also dates to great antiquity, with an oral tradition nearly 4, 000 years old and written texts that may be older than the Sanskrit and Avestan texts of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism.
What came first, religion or astrology?
The evolution of hominid ancestors led to a shift in their field of vision, shifting from the earth to the sky. Climate changes also morphed the hominid environment from thick jungles to open fields savannas, allowing them to witness the movement of planets through fixed stars and constellations. Astrology emerged as a means to provide ritualistic stories about cosmic bodies and seasons. Astrology’s DNA is found in various religions and traditions worldwide, including the Mayans, Aztecs, druids, and ancient Egyptians.
In Islam, Ramadan is celebrated according to the Moon and always falls on the 9th lunar month. Buddhists celebrate Buddha’s birthday on the Full Moon in Vesakha, which usually falls on the Full Moon in Taurus. Christmas is a Christianized celebration of the pagan winter solstice, placing Jesus’ birthday on the solstice along with Mithras, Attis, Apollo, Artemis, and Horus.
Passover is the celebration of the equinox, Easter is celebrated according to an astrological formula, and the Chinese, Islamic, Tibetan, and Jewish New Years fall on a New Moon. The Persian New Year, Nawruz, is celebrated on the spring equinox, the first day of Aries, which is also the astrological New Year. Halloween is celebrated during Scorpio, the sign of death, Earth Day is commemorated during Taurus, Labor Day in the US is celebrated during Virgo, the sign of work and service, and International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8.
Astrology is not a fortune-telling art but rather a tool to help humans survive. It was discovered by a woman or group of women in early human evolution who realized the connection between intercourse and pregnancy. This intuitive woman, the first astrologer, managed to find a connection between the Moon cycles and ovulation, leading to the birth of astrology. The wisdom of the stars astrology helped us survive as a species and ensured our ability to overcome the death that overshadowed birth.
Is the Bible connected to astrology?
The Old Testament is rich in references to astrology, as seen in the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a troubled dream, and he called his usual dream interpreters but none could make sense of it. As he was about to have all the “wise men” in his kingdom killed for their failure, the prophet Daniel approached the king and asked for an appointment. Daniel explained that no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers could show the king the mystery, but a God in heaven reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days.
What does the Bible say about zodiac signs?
Astrology is a false belief that wisdom comes from the stars, as it is a form of worship that is not based on God’s guidance. The Bible lists astrologers as those who will be burned to stubble, and astrology is forbidden by God in Deuteronomy 18. It is important to focus on Jesus and His Kingdom, rather than relying on astrology or horoscopes. Praying for God to keep us from engaging in useless practices that may distract us from Jesus.
How old is the Earth according to the Bible vs science?
Usher postulated that the addition of the lifespans of Adam and his son Seth would allow for the determination of the actual age of creation, as evidenced in the scripture.
When did astrology originate?
The Silk Roads played a significant role in cultural exchange and the development of various scientific disciplines, including medicine, mathematics, geography, cartography, and astronomy. Astrology, a broad field concerned with the search for meaning and predictive information in the sky, was one such discipline that was widely accepted in political and cultural circles.
During the Tang (705-907 CE) period, foreign systems of astrology were adopted in China, particularly the practice of ‘horoscopy’, predictions made by an astrologer based on the position of the sun at the time of a person’s birth or the calendar significance of an event. Astrology often acted as a medium of transmission of other knowledge bases, predominantly from Indo-Iranian sources, especially within astronomy and the close mathematical observation of stars and planets.
Indian astrology was often introduced into new regions of Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau, and China alongside the introduction of Buddhism, another significant shared legacy of these trade routes. Early Islamic astrologers included numerous Indian theories in their works, most of which reached them via texts written in Middle Persian during a time when direct translations into Arabic of many scientific texts from Ancient Greek and Indian sources were made.
In Medieval Central Asia, two distinct versions of the discipline emerged: one focused on mathematical theories and precise astronomical measurements, and the other on the interpretation of magical elements to make predictions. Al-Biruni, a polymath, differentiated astrology from astronomy, arguing that the former was more of an art or practice and criticizing its weak mathematical and scientific foundations. He also emphasized his theory that astrology is not a science through analysis of astrological doctrines from Ancient Greece, the Indian subcontinent, the Iranian Plateau, and Central Asian regions.
Did the Bible mention the planets?
Saturn is represented by the star Kaiwan, worshipped by the Israelites in the desert. The word Kaiwan, interpreted to mean “steadfast”, often designates the slowest-moving planet in Babylonian inscriptions. The Babylonian god Ninurta was merged with Saturn, and the ancient Syrians and Arabs also called Saturn Kaiwan. The Zoroastrian Bundahish equates Saturn to Kevan, while in Mandaeism, it is referred to as Kiwan. The other planets are individualized in the Bible by implication, and the worship of gods connected to them is denounced without any explicit intention to refer to heavenly bodies.
The best-warranted interpretations of biblical star names include Kimah, the Pleiades, Kesil, Ash, Mezarim, Mazzaroth, Hadretheman, Canopus, and Nachash. These star names are based on Schiaparelli’s authority and provide a comprehensive understanding of the celestial bodies in the Bible.
Does the Bible mention dinosaurs?
The Bible contains descriptions of creatures that could be interpreted as references to dinosaurs. One such example is the behemoth described in Job 40:15-19. Additionally, there have been reports of creatures in modern history that align with this description.
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End of March sign is Aries- First sign of zodiac. Isn’t Chinese New Year in Feb? I believe this. All things in this makes sense ! We are in a battle of Good vs. Evil. They (evil) have been messing with are natural rythem forever. Look at the key of our music.. change this to the key it should be and they’re now learning it naturally heals the body! Everything they do intentionally shortens our life, and causes us to be “off”.
As a person who follows God’s Holy Days, I was well aware of this calendar. Our Father made it very clear on what days are Holy and when those days are to be celebrated. He also gave instructions on how to celebrate said Holy days. It’s in our Bibles, however; it’s up to us to read the word and follow it. Yah bless those who read the word for themselves and not just go to church to be taught a doctrine of a religion. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with fellowship. I just don’t want a person telling me what to believe. We have the Holy Spirit and the Word for instruction.
Arabic speakers will agree with this. I have a friend who for many years has explained to me that April 1st is the true new year’s day. As well the days of the week start with Sunday being called the the first, Monday the second, Tuesday the 3rd etc all the way to Saturday which is a root word of 7. Only Friday is off. It means something about gathering. Even the months here are similar in Arabic.
Before the days of the week were named.. they were counted and it has ALWAYS been 7 days to a week. There has never been a miscount or change to this cycle. The Sabbath has ALWAYS been on the 7th and what has become known as Saturday today has been without question the 7th day of the week. God has not left us blind without a way back to the truth. Pompous men floating on their inflated egos have attempted to change the unchangeable, but the truth calls the honest amongst us back to the 7th day Sabbath as the rightful rest required of our Creator and Friend. ❤
It is true . I am a devout 7th day Adventist we know this information about March being the 1st month because we have to know it while studying the investigative judgement = Christ is still interceceding on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. I also know Sunday is the 1st day of the week and and much much more truths of the Bible drew me to start studying the truth for myself and I became a 7th day Adventist. We are condemned and called a cult but the Catholic Church, The Great Harlot of Revelation whom we expose are not called a cult!
When the British Government caught up with the Gregorian calendar, it caused a lot of date changes which were covered in my high school American history class about 70 years ago. Even George Washington’s birthday got moved around. I am surprised that anyone thinks this is news. On the other thing, someone thought God’s day had to be first on the calendar week rather than at the end as the Bible would suggest.
I knew it especially with the number 13 they did all of this to cause all the craziness that is going on in the world today because if they didn’t then people would be so powerful they couldn’t contained or control us and that was their power move to disassociate us from the truth and our true path in the human and spiritual life..
When did the seventh day of the week change to Sunday?  Tertullian followed in the third century. In A.D. 321 Roman Emperor Constantine established Sunday as a day of rest. And at the Council of Laodicea around 365, the Catholic Church made it illegal to “Judaize” or be idle from work on the seventh-day Sabbath.
Sunday is what day is always been. The 1st day of the week. Saturday has always been the last day. That’s why we call it the week. End. Monday is only the 1st day of the work we’re frying. Where Friday is the last day of the work week? 2 different things you’re mixing them together. That’s where a problem can come in.