The realm of witchcraft is diverse and offers various paths and practices, including traditional coven-based Wicca, solitary hedge witch paths, and ancient Egyptian Kemetic witchcraft. Discovering your true witchy nature is essential for a fulfilling journey. Explore different witchcraft traditions, types of witches, and experimenting with different practices to find the path that resonates most with you.
There are dozens or even hundreds of witchcraft paths, from cottage witch to kitchen witch, shadow witch to hedge witch, and more. It’s important not to try and label yourself; instead, spend years fooling around with different aspects of witchcraft to find what you like and what you are good at.
Wiccan and Witchcraft are two separate paths, and being a Witch does not mean being Wiccan or vice versa. A person can certainly be both, choosing the path they choose may be Wicca (the only religion of Witchcraft). Grey magic is magic with good or positive intentions for you.
As you delve deeper into the craft, you may find yourself drawn to specific paths, such as Wicca, Hedge Witchery, or Eclectic Witchcraft. Eclectic witchcraft is highly recommended for beginners and is often the most popular among those not drawn to one specific type of craft. Wicca is not synonymous with being a witch, so not all witches are Wiccan, but you can be both or may be Wiccan without identifying as a witch.
Witchcraft and paganism are not the same, but they are often related, and many witches adopt pagan and neopagan beliefs systems. Wicca/White Magick is currently the most popular path, and it’s where many people start their journey.
📹 What is Wicca? || Is this the Right Pagan Path for You?
📹 What I Wish I Knew Before I Began Practicing Witchcraft
Witchcraft is a journey, it’s something that we all find in our own very personal and unique ways but this doesn’t mean it isn’t a bit …
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