The Tree of Life is a fundamental concept in Hermetic Qabalah, representing the structure of the universe and the spiritual and metaphysical path to enlightenment. It is often depicted as a diagram composed of ten interconnected spheres (called sephiroth) and 22 connecting paths. Due to Gershom Scholem’s work, it became the founding term of an academic field dedicated to the study of “Jewish Mysticism”, which gained considerable prestige in the 20th century.
The Key to Kabbalah opens up the world of Jewish mysticism, giving readers a first taste of the teachings of Pnimiyut HaTorah, the inner dimension of the Torah. This series explains the mystical meanings of Hebrew letters, including their names, phonetic sounds, graphic design, and corresponding numerical values. Sefer Yetzirah, or the Book of Creation, is an ancient Jewish mystical work that describes God’s process of creating the universe.
This unique guide to the world of the Jewish mystics will refashion the way you understand life, God, and religion. Rabbi Yoel Glick uses the secret traditions of Judaism and other faiths to show people how to deepen their self-knowledge and live life with greater meaning. The cosmic tree of life with its ten spheres, or divine attributes, has been the central image of kabbalistic meditation.
In summary, the Tree of Life is a significant symbol in Jewish mysticism, representing the structure of the universe, spiritual and metaphysical path to enlightenment, and the importance of an intense mystical life against evil.
📹 What’s DANGEROUS About Learning Kabbalah?
Kabbalah is an exciting subject that’s very attractive to newcomers to Judaism. Learning the Torah’s hidden secrets and perhaps …
What is mystic Kabbalah?
Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah are not interchangeable, but they are related belief systems that explore the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Kabbalah aims to understand the Torah’s mysterious aspects, such as the creation story and Ezekiel’s chariot. The course aims to teach students about these aspects and their importance. The course aims to provide students with insights into the Jewish Bible and its teachings, allowing them to better understand and apply their faith.
What do Jews think of Kabbalah?
Kabbalah, a Jewish mysticism, is considered a necessary part of the study of Torah and is distinct from earlier Merkabah mystical concepts and methods. Theosophical Kabbalah, which emerged in the Middle Ages, focuses on understanding and describing the divine realm using imaginative and mythic symbols of human psychological experience. This theosophy implies the innate, centrally important theurgic influence of human conduct on redeeming or damaging the spiritual realms.
Meditative-Ecstatic Kabbalah, exemplified by Abraham Abulafia and Isaac of Acre, strives to achieve a mystical union with God or nullification of the meditator in God’s Active intellect. Abraham Abulafia’s “Prophetic Kabbalah” was the supreme example of this, building upon the philosophy of Maimonides. Practical Kabbalah, on the other hand, aims to alter both the Divine realms and the World using practical methods.
Theosophical interpretations of worship see its redemptive role as harmonising heavenly forces, while Practical Kabbalah involves white-magical acts and was censored by Kabbalists for only those completely pure of intent. It formed a separate minor tradition shunned from Kabbalah until the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt and the required state of ritual purity is attainable.
Moshe Idel writes that these three basic models can be discerned operating and competing throughout the whole history of Jewish mysticism, beyond the particular Kabbalistic background of the Middle Ages.
What is the difference between spiritual and mystic?
Mysticism is the practice of uniting with a perceived Supreme Being or beings, often involving a specific belief system. In contrast, spirituality does not entail extrasensory perception and is not associated with any formal belief structure.
Who is Yahweh in Kabbalah?
The name Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, is a tetragrammaton consisting of the Hebrew consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh. After the Babylonian Exile (6th century BC), Jews stopped using Yahweh due to its universality and the sacred nature of the divine name. The Hebrew noun Elohim, meaning “God”, replaced Yahweh to demonstrate Israel’s sovereignty over all others. The divine name was also considered too sacred to be uttered, so it was replaced in synagogue rituals by the Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lord”), translated as Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint.
The Masoretes, who worked to reproduce the original Hebrew Bible, added the vowel signs of Adonai or Elohim to “YHWH”. Latin-speaking Christian scholars replaced the Y with an I or a J, resulting in the artificial Latinized name Jehovah (JeHoWaH). As the name spread throughout medieval Europe, the initial letter J was pronounced according to the local vernacular language.
Does Kabbalah believe in God?
Medieval Kabbalists believed that all things are linked to God through emanations, making all levels in creation part of a great, gradually descending chain of being. They agreed with the divine transcendence described by Jewish philosophy but only referring to the Ein Sof unknowable Godhead. They reinterpreted the theistic philosophical concept of creation from nothing, replacing God’s creative act with panentheistic continual self-emanation by the mystical Ayin Nothingness/No-thing sustaining all spiritual and physical realms as successively more corporeal garments, veils, and condensations of divine immanence.
The innumerable levels of descent divide into Four comprehensive spiritual worlds: Atziluth (“Closeness” – Divine Wisdom), Beriah (“Creation” – Divine Understanding), Yetzirah (“Formation” – Divine Emotions), and Assiah (“Action” – Divine Activity). Together, the whole spiritual heavens form the Divine Persona/ Anthropos.
Hasidic thought extends the divine immanence of Kabbalah by holding that God is all that really exists, all else being completely undifferentiated from God’s perspective. This view can be defined as acosmic monistic panentheism, which states that God’s existence is higher than anything that this world can express, yet he includes all things of this world within his divine reality in perfect unity, so that the creation effected no change in him at all.
One of the problems considered in the Hebrew Kabbalah is the theological issue of the nature and origin of evil. Some Kabbalists conceive “evil” as a “quality of God”, asserting that negativity enters the essence of the Absolute. The foundational texts of Medieval Kabbalism conceived evil as a demonic parallel to the holy, called the Sitra Achra (the “Other Side”), and the qlippoth (the “shells/husks”) that cover and conceal the holy, are nurtured from it, and yet also protect it by limiting its revelation.
In Lurianic Kabbalah, evil originates from a primordial shattering of the sephirot of God’s Persona before creation of the stable spiritual worlds. In the divine view from above within Kabbalah, emphasised in Hasidic Panentheism, the appearance of duality and pluralism below dissolves into the absolute Monism of God, psychologizing evil. The mystical task of the righteous in the Zohar is to reveal this concealed Divine Oneness and absolute good, “converting bitterness into sweetness, darkness into light”.
What is the biblical meaning of mystic?
Mysticism is a concept that involves contact with the divine or transcendent, often involving union with God. It has played a significant role in the history of Christian religion and has gained influence in modern times. Mysticism has been studied from various perspectives, including psychological, comparativist, philosophical, and theological. Hermeneutical and deconstructionist philosophies in the 20th century have brought attention to the mystical text.
Theoretical questions have been debated, such as whether mysticism constitutes the core or essence of personal religion or whether it is better viewed as one element interacting with others in the formation of concrete religions. Some argue that experience and interpretation cannot be easily sundered, and that mysticism is typically tied to a specific religion and contingent upon its teachings. Philosophers like Walter T. Stace and Robert C.
Zaehner have employed typologies of mysticism, often based on the contrast between introvertive and extrovertive mysticism developed by Rudolf Otto. The cognitive status of mystical knowing and its clash with mystics’ claims about the ineffability of their experiences have also been important topics for modern mysticism students.
Do Kabbalah believe in God?
Kabbalah, also known as mysticism or occult knowledge, is a Jewish tradition that focuses on the essence of God. Kabbalists believe that God moves in mysterious ways, but they also believe that true knowledge of this inner process is attainable and can lead to the greatest intimacy with God. The Zohar, a collection of mystical commentaries on the Torah, is considered the underpinning of Kabbalah.
Kabbalistic thought is often considered Jewish mysticism, as its practitioners view the Creator and Creation as a continuum rather than discrete entities. They desire intimacy with God due to the powerful mystical sense of kinship between God and humanity. Even mystics who refuse to describe such a fusion of God and man still find the whole of Creation suffused in divinity, breaking down distinctions between God and the universe. Moses Cordovero, a Kabbalist, states that the essence of divinity is found in every single thing, nothing but it exists.
What religion believes in mystic?
God-mysticism represents a form of Eastern mysticism that posits the return of the spirit to its infinite base, the Ultimate Divine. This aspect is more characteristic of Western mysticism and is found in religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.
What is the mystic version of Judaism?
Contemporary Judaism primarily practices esoteric Lurianic Kabbalah and its later commentaries, various schools of Hasidic Judaism, and Neo-Hasidism in non-Orthodox Jewish denominations. Academic studies of Jewish mysticism, particularly since Gershom Scholem’s Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, distinguish between different forms of mysticism practiced in different eras of Jewish history. Kabbalah, which emerged in 12th-century southwestern Europe, is the most well-known form, but it is not the only typological form.
Previous forms include Merkabah mysticism (c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE) and Ashkenazi Hasidim (early 13th century). Kabbalah means “received tradition”, a term previously used in other Judaic contexts. Medieval Kabbalists adopted the term to express their belief in revealing the ancient hidden esoteric tradition of the Torah. Alternative views on the origin of the Zohar, the main text of Kabbalah, attributed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the 2nd century CE, have opened up the study of Jewish mysticism.
Traditional Kabbalists view Kabbalah as originating in Tannaic times, redacting the Oral Torah, while academic scholars view it as a synthesis from the Middle Ages, incorporating earlier forms of Jewish mysticism, possible continuations of ancient esoteric traditions, and medieval philosophical elements.
What is God called in Kabbalah?
The Kabbalist’s name YHWH is pronounced using the substitution Adonay (Lord), which symbolizes the lower Sefira of Malkhut. The texts direct her to concentrate on the Name as it is written, particularly on the four letters Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh.
What is mystic interpretation of Hebrew Scripture?
Kabbalah is a mystical interpretation of the Bible that originated in Judaism. It is a middle-aged tradition that focuses on the symbolic and allegorical meanings within sacred texts and the pursuit of divine experiences.
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Most comments here are misinterpreting the Rabbi’s article. As he stated in his article description, “The true Kabbalists know the deepest secrets are united with the simple and straightforward fulfillment of the Torah.” Can you teach Calculus to a kindergarten child? The same applies to Kabbalah teaching. It is about the UPPER KNOWLEDGE that has been embedded into our sacred Torah and revealed to those who are ready. A child in kindergarten needs to receive the proper training in different levels of Math until they get to the point to start understanding the principles of Calculus and its relationship with nature and the universe. The true Kabbalist does not get the knowledge by “interpreting” the Torah. The true Kabbalist receive the teaching directly from HaShem through revelations/visions/dreams, and ALL OF THEM are filled with symbols with powerful meaning that cannot be expressed in words. When this happens, hidden treasures are unveiled to their soul. Isaiah 45:3 – “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”
When i flagged down some mormons lol i ended up on a rabbit hunt that led me to kabbalah. But since being introduced to kabbalah, while i still know very little, i recognised exactly what money is and what purpose it serves. I’ve wondered althrougout my life ever since i became “aware” of exitsence and things. I’ve never liked it but knew it was a device for control. Its truly the Epitome of coveting. It serves as a wedge between what is truly devine inside each and every one of us. I believe we are in and on the garden but the jewels are in our hearts. They are pure and its very important that we know how to utilize that love that is in all of us. Ive been a rageful person in my life, was raised by a veitnam vet who truly did dirty work because he had to. Either way it was quite something when i realised exactly what money is. Its used as a wedge. It hurts my heart to know how many are victim to money. Always has. Also everyone, if you want to believe in something please understand its roots. Love you all. And i love what I’ve learned from kabbalah. Theres always a contrast though the mind is important to understand what our hearts are doing and how we move forward.
I have had this realization with all learning as of recent in any subject. Who is the source of the lessons you learn. I am not associated with religion and discovered this through the mystical qabalah, so i know what i have learned would be considered something revised and edited, but i did learn far more than just power. I learned love because love is the greatest power. Perhaps i was not taught by rabbi, I have had only independent studies, but before my studies my entire life was poor choices and mistakes, lots of inconsiderate and untame emotions. After diving into this, ive come to learn so much about everything. Like everything. And though i sometimes feel alien compared to otherd in my growth, i am still greatful i had the opportunity to have had a taste something so divine. In the end, i agree, this useful system can be used maliciously by the wrong hands. Thank you for your message.
Thanks! I am trying to begin a course of study with Rabbi Silberstein in Brooklyn. But I worry whether I can truly return to the flock. I have lost my gentle loving spirit with my wife. I shall listen to your great loving words of Torah on You Tube. Is there an Avenue to study with your students? Please say a brocha for me. Todah for all your Chesed. Shalom
Absolutely true, today’s technology and wisdom can be misunderstood and abused. This man is wise, keep this man as a brother in your heart, yes life has choices but even if choices are hard to make those choices spark your heart, a light that your brothers help to keep alive. In the flesh and the soul. It’s of course a crime to make the teachings of Kaballah into a business model. But so is masking the truth because of illusions and shades of grey. A safety measurement one must not overlook is forgiveness. My God knows its monies spend well even if force enforces darkness. It takes you to underline the crown and to make the kingdom the task.
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
So beautifully put 🙏 I am not religious, but I love the wisdom and integrity of the Jewish people. In these times of the shift in consciousness, I find my self having to be very discerning, not only with the physical but with the spiritual. I let my defences down in 2008, as I began receiving increased spiritual guidance, I normally question everything. I don’t know if I was being deceived, but due to the love I felt I trusted. Yet can we trust our hearts ? New Age teachings love trusting the heart, yet the bible does say the heart can be deceived. 🤪🇦🇺
Rav Dror, I have a question. Why do people think Kabbalah is evil or dangerous. I’ve been studying for 6months after a long line of studies in hinduism, Christianity and growing up in a catholic family and school and through my own relationship with the creator. Everything I have learned about Kabbalah plucks the string of truth in my body and soul. Why do you think it can be seen as evil ? I think it’s profoundly powerful and about personal responsibility and free will. It doesn’t tell you to “do” anything but give you the map for how to be and stay close to the creator. I find it very interesting I found Kabbalah in my 40th year of life 39 turning 40 in October. 😇🙏🏼
And they followed what the devils say against Solayman’s reign. While Solayman was never a disbeliever but the devils: they teach people magic as well as what descended to the two angels Harout and Marout, in Babylon; but these taught nothing to anyone, unless they first said, “We are nothing but a temptation: be not an unbeliever”; they learn from them what sows disunity between the man and his wife. But they are only able to harm anyone with the permission of God. And people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And they know, most certainly, that whoever acquires (this power) will have no part in the hereafter. Certainly, what a detestable commodity for which they sold their souls! If only they knew !
Thank you, you are exhibiting something i rarely see, and that is a Jew defending Yahweh and his Spirit. I know Yah, and Yah is not happy, according to the Word, with modern day Jews…You are to worship and “call on” no other name, no other spirit, no other demon. The Tenakh is a history of Yahweh’s Chosen offending Him, and paying the price…Abba will assure you learn the lesson.
I have a question for Rabbi: More than 20 years ago, I met a woman at work who introduced me Kabbalah. I contacted the LA headquarters to buy the complete volumes of Kabbalah, translated into English. The sales lady told me to follow the guidelines to study Kabbalah. I told her that I didn’t know Hebrew. She told me that if I stared my eyes on the Kabbalah texts for ten minutes each day, I would be beneficial. Now I gave this entire set of Kabbalah to a Protestant pastor and I no longer own it. But I still have the Torah in Hebrew, as well as a Hebrew Bible. May I ask you, if I stare my eyes on the Hebrew text of Torah, (Hebrew letters) every day for 10 minutes, without knowing the meaning of the text, do I get the same benefits as the salesperson told me? I am now a Bible- believing Baptist.
Thank you & God bless you Rav Dror. There is far too much darkness in the world today. An evil power is destroying humanity. We need people like yourself to guide us into the light & back to God. God wants his children to get along & to help one another & cooperate for the good of all. It is not God’s plan for us to slaughter one another. Demonic spirits are taking us down that path.
Kabbalah is practical and achieves a realistic view of dealing and understanding human ego, among other things, in order to establish proper relationships and responses with fellow human beings in a way that is consistent, logical, and true, such as an understanding that ego cannot be destroyed — only controlled and understood— and ideas behind the differentiation of person and action, which leads us to better relate to one another, understand what suffering is, what we are, and practice proper relationships and understanding of others, as people, in order to bring about a more peaceful path to unity. There is absolutely nothing that I have found that says it is bad other than it may offend people and have some challenges to oneself. I’m not sure what people have been looking into.. but that’s not the Kabbalah I know.. The main place it differs from religion is that there is no tenet of “if I do X, I’ll get Y” because that way of thinking isn’t genuine. It’s self-serving and disconnected.
Is there anyway its OK to look into the zohar and midrash or kabbalah ? Being a Christian ? Mostly Gentile but I’m alittle Jewish 3 – 4 % Jewish Dna ( I remember Hashem saying I’ll gather the outcast ect you israel you Joseph’s sons will be great nations Israel will be as the sands of the sea as the stars in the sky so many so spread in last days be sought out be awakened right in the time before Jacob’s trouble gather again . Anyway what do you think Rav ? I don’t need or want anyone but him to answer please also over 30 yrs ago I saved a Jewish life they would of been burned up in a car but I saved there life I also dated his sister back then who knew right.
I insisted on studying Kabbalah years ago when I was in no shape ..I was not righteous. I was debauched and partying all the time. And then something horrible almost happened to me and I was saved at the last moment. I believe G-d saved me. And after that I didn’t touch it again except to learn it through my Rabbi. So one has to be careful of this knowledge can be dangerous.
How are people assuming that KABBALAH is evil here ? He is warning you to be aware of who you are learning from ….I think many are mistaking what he is saying here…. KABBALAH is not evil … it is the Sod of Judaism smh…. What is evil is the intention for self proliferation and not HaShem …. all wisdom is corrupted by evil hearts … hear with Wisdom .ברוך השם
My family is those dark evil people. And as of today I don’t know how to get them away from me. They have used incredibly sick tactics to keep me in the dark and use any possible excuse to force me into believing them since I was a little child. And somehow I ended up halfway decent. I’m honestly not sure if I’ll ever fully recover from some of the things they have mentally done to me. It’s evil and they are very cruel.
Torah is at the heart of Kabbalah💛 expansive like love and life (not the opposite —which is constrictive & suffocating — hate and death) —- even though there is a possibility that I may have tasted/started learning Kabbalah from an “unrighteous” teachers (and I would never really know, we are all humans anyway) I’m still very very grateful for them💛
Darkeness is there for those who will to take it up and seek other than the light of the most high who created us with free will to chose light or darkness. Humility is the light and arrogance is the darkness. People make their choices and follow their path accordingly, either gaining in truth or losing in falsehood.
thank you, very sincire and kind, words of wisdom . people who use kabbalah for evil purposes, eventually meet the smach mem . when engaged, disengaging is only when, god himself, saves them . hopefully kind and honest people, will not fall to the evil, not the angel, he is bound to god’s laws, and if engaged by a good and naive person, he will care and help . but other human beings, “in the hands of a man, shall not fall, fall to the hands of hashem, because he’s mercy is plenty “. @Rav Dror – Freedom Through Faith
Its all dark its what u fo with it. I van make a good man look bad and a bad man look beautiful. When u shut all these paths down by going into yhem you see you are the creator and you got sad because there was nothing but you so you made this beautiful movie kings and queens. Trust no one love thrm all.
Rabbi….I respect your suggestion…we should not teach KABBALAH… But with a good teacher is amazing to study ZOHAR….TORAH first, and ZOHAR is the soul of Torah, but you are right there are people that use it from and for the Darkness. May HASHEM give us wisdom to stay away from the darkness. I know that all our forthathers abraham, Yizsaack, Yaacob, Moshe, even David all knew Kabbalah…but we must stay with our Rabbi’s and in the light….kabbalah finds the ones that need to learn, but the teaching has to be approved by HASHEM
@RavDror I tell you this there is no light without darkness,via if you’re only teaching about the kabbalah light side of things it’s bais,the tree of life without opening up that 11th sphere daath=knowledge from darkness/unknown =Light Known,you’re not teaching what the ancients taught which was death,that was a big part of their Mysteries..go figure 🤔 eventually you will be swallowed up by the Qlipolth…
That can have some truth to it, but at the same time the danger is in the Individual or the wrong person, not Kabbalah itself. There is also a false conception of condemning certain concepts of Kabbalah, but many of these condemnations come from people full of Dogma, fanaticism, and fundamentalism. People who claim to have the one and only sacred Truth of GOD, and but the Infinite in a box of Religion, and are heavily endoctrinated that they have the only Holy truth of GOD, and condemn anything that challenges their institutional beliefs.
I seriously don’t understand why is everyone scared of learning… You need to learn the value and the rules… People are just being scared cause others have scared them which is pretty dumb cause our creator does want us to be close to HIM. So why all the bolony souce? Just use it for the right reason to be close to our Creator not for selfish reasons That’s where you go in a dicy situation.
It’s just an interpretation of natural forces that is not owned by cult. It is an observation passed down to fellow man. From a source that creates gods that exists within nature. Non abrahamic pagans know this. Love to all who don’t, and do, understand this. It’s your cosmic duty not to complicate this.
Sounds like an Italo-Australian guy who’s always very angry.. This said, I studyed Quabbalah years ago, and gained an appreciation I never had for actual Judaism, removed from modern politics, not to mention it really saved my life, as I was in a very dark place. Incredible what knowledge can do to a wounded soul.
It’s not the Kabbalah that is at fault, everything is accessible now in this age of Internet and nearly all the Hebrew/Aramaic texts have been translated into English. This means that anyone can find an access point to these Sacred Teachings. The Kabbalah itself judges those who are pure and those who are not. A person needs to have a pretty good mastery over themselves to be able to enter into it and come out of it in Peace and not pieces!
Hello sir I was shown pictures that are in this book but not by people dreams and visions and I had no clue just digging n looking …when I came across this book 🤯 did not read seen a short article only to see what was shown I was shocked … I did a DNA test my roots is Levatine North Africa Spanish Portuguese etc to Europe! Other day at work a Jewish book fell out 3 times to me picking it up putting it back pls sir I feel like God is trying to tell me this bad this book or good I’m new i mean no offense ty blessings
The word initiation often brings a dark connotation… what the uninitiated do not understand is that they aren’t uninitiated due to someone else keeping it from them… quite the opposite, they just havent experienced the prerequisites that only God can give them! There’s darkness in this world and if the darkness inhabits a heart, you could tell them the secrets but nothing will be revealed to them, they will hear the same words, yet understand none of them… subtle is the path of love!
There are good sefarim that serve as a guide to the Zohar HaKadosh even in English. The problem I see is people skip learning tanach, mishna, Gemara and then think they can jump to these fake “kabbalists” but also Hacham Ovadia Yosef said it’s better to learn Zohar than not to even if you don’t understand anything. The source you are learning from is important. You’re not going to learn anything true or useful from people like Manis Friedman. You need to study Torah first, complete Shas a few times then maybe you’ll be able to understand some Zohar. Otherwise, you are completely wasting your time.
أتفق معك هناك دجالون ، مشعوذون ، لصوص ..إلخ يستخدمون هذه العلوم استخدامات سيئة ، حتى نحن لدينا في الملة الاسلاميّة من يدعي أنه يعرف هذه العلوم وهو كاذب ! وربما أخذ عليها أموال ، وسحت ! لكن هذا لايعني البتة ترك هذه العلوم أو تهميشها فالخواص والربانيون مازالوا يعرفونها ويتقنونها ويتقنون ما هو فوقها ولا سيما من تحقق منهم بالقرآن إذ هو جامع لجميع ما كان وما يكون والحمد لله كثيرًا :)) .
You are right in every word Maybe you should make a article in which you explain that the halacha is the ultimate determiner and according to it everything is valid, and no one is above the halacha. People would know how to apply what you recommended much better if they understood that even if a rabbi or leader tells them something that is not in accordance with the Halacha, then excuses like: “He knows what he is saying” will not have an effect because people will know to check what the Halacha explains about each and every thing.
When I was invited to study Kabbalah by my uncle when I was 40, I was the youngest among the elders, two elderly rabbi and one younger one. We were warned against teaching it to anyone, especially as we progressed and got divine illuminations, as we could lead 10s of thousands astray. After a basic framework, we looked again at the Torah, first to the women, and that which was not written, as a contemplation of responses, and reflection upon our own lives. Then at emotions, within the characters written about, and upon our own lives. Learning from each other’s experiences, and aha’s as we reflected. Then as we progressed into the deeper Kabbalah, it was made clear, we are clearing and preparing our vehicles, containers, for greater becoming. Definitely not for magic and power per say. Having elders, in synagogue we grew up in, all known to each other, willing to care for each other, especially our elders. To gleam insight from each other. Learning from each other’s lives, for further benefit for our present and future generations.
Kabbala changed my life. Being able to observe all things through the lens of finite formula, Kabbala seeps into your mind and and pervades all things, and it’s like learning a language, the language of nature or God. But just like any other spiritual concept there are many crooks ready to take advantage of this sometimes hard to grasp knowledge and lead people astray
sadly evil and selfish motivation find the way to corrupt everything so we al have to be able to avoid exploided for own sake but als so that we don’t lose the trust to God cause after so many time of exploitation you ene up believing God doesn’t love you or cares of you any of your family and the degradation, corruption and fall starts . You are heart but first know that wll grab yoyr principles of goodness that will save you follow them an pray for advice cause thatvthe right thing do wll others is a trick.
Kabbalah is not originally Jewish. The Egyptians passed it into the Jewish and before the Egyptians had the knowledge it was the Summerians. Please do not misinform Kabbalah is Jewish or originated with the Jewish-it never was. 🙏🏻 Yes, I studied Kabbalah but I’m not Jewish- I was born Irish Roman Catholic and I’m highly well read in Gnosticism and Astrotheology
the big question why happened holocaust? or babylon? and changed jews? because worser things waite st they yet so is written in tje bible. and man see how so advance. to this help they kabbala and talmud. stay before the Temple and there Him Whom original bouilt say how not so is. thereafter stay before mans with this!
Very honourable words and intent. Do you teach Kabbalah? If not can you recommend a good source for learning Kabbalah from? I am not Jewish, I was raised Catholic but have branched into Gnosis and Zoroastrianism, which from my understanding have similarities between Kabbalah, such as Zarathustra’s explaination of why evil exists using a torch and a goblet. Just for some background information.
The application of Kabbalah, a mystical Jewish tradition, to the history of America can be an intriguing exercise in exploring metaphors and symbolic interpretations. However, it’s important to note that Kabbalah is primarily rooted in Jewish mysticism and focuses on Jewish teachings and traditions. The connection between Kabbalah and the history of America is not a direct or traditional one. That being said, we can attempt to provide a broad, metaphorical interpretation of the history of America through a Kabbalistic lens, acknowledging that this is a creative exercise and not a definitive perspective: Founding and Sephirot: Just as the Sephirot represent different aspects of the divine, the founding of America can be seen as an emanation of various principles and ideals. The pursuit of liberty (Gevurah), equality (Tiferet), and justice (Yesod) can be seen as foundational values that shaped the nation. Spiritual Journey: Kabbalah emphasizes the spiritual journey of the individual. Similarly, the history of America can be viewed as a collective spiritual journey, with the nation evolving and progressing over time. This journey includes struggles, challenges, and transformative moments that have shaped the nation’s identity and values. Tikkun Olam: In Kabbalah, the concept of Tikkun Olam refers to the responsibility to repair and heal the world. This idea can be applied to America’s historical narrative, as the nation has grappled with social injustices, seeking to address them and create a more equitable society.
It is great to see this as a Christian who is concerned with the Talmud influence over modern judaic way of life. I know that masonic incorporates also gentile paganism and gentiles too. We are well aware. I have heard your rabbis or many of them are like our bishops. They are gatekeepers so to speak. Keeping the laymen down or in the wrong direction. We don’t conflate. One does not equal all. Studying your physiognomy, microexpressions, tonality, you are sincere. This is great to see. Love you.
The 1st thing Kabbalah teaches is not to be judgmental. I know exactly who you are referring to. And thru his teachings. Hundreds of thousands of people have been brought closer to HIS teachings. And by the way if you had any idea of how much Splendor is contained within the Zohar, you would agree that $60,000 is a bargain for the amount of Light the Zohar spreads. I’m not going to name, names either. Kabbalah is a technology that must be taught by proper teachers in a proper school. I know you are referring to my school. I invite you to come in and join us in revealing the Light of the Creator (B”H)❤