A Reverse Passage Ceremony For Galli?

The legal brokerage of youths’ asylum applications in the US has been a topic of interest for researchers. As youths increasingly seek asylum alone, the US has adopted policy changes that allow them more favorable access to the process. This is known as the “rite of reverse passage” concept, which refers to the process of reintegrating and stigmatizing young people. This concept has been used in various contexts, such as the development of ‘rites of passage’ by Lamar Empey and Steven Lubeck in 1971.

The construction of youth migration in the US asylum process has been influenced by the child-refugee narrative, which reverses the direction of their passage from adolescents to children. Street-level workers in the management of North African unaccompanied minor migrants (UAMs) have mobilized practices and representations to manage these migrants. Employers can undertake workplace risk assessments, especially geared to the greater vulnerability of young workers below 18. Practitioners can also communicate their wishes and attempts to help learners achieve their goals.

The World Commission has followed an Action Plan on Cultural Policies for the rights of a group of people to follow a way of life of its choice. However, the process of youth migration in the US asylum process has been complex and multifaceted. The process of reintegrating and stigmatizing young people has been a topic of debate and debate among scholars and practitioners.

📹 IBOGAINE – Rite of Passage (Full Documentary)

A revealing documentary about a unique tool that can help people overcome life hurdles such as drug dependency or other forms …

📹 Peru: From the River to the Jungle | Deadliest Journeys

In Peru, the shadow of drug trafficking and the Shining Path guerrillas still hangs over the Vraem region and the trails that run …

A Reverse Passage Ceremony For Galli
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

Pramod Shastri

I am Astrologer Pramod Shastri, dedicated to helping people unlock their potential through the ancient wisdom of astrology. Over the years, I have guided clients on career, relationships, and life paths, offering personalized solutions for each individual. With my expertise and profound knowledge, I provide unique insights to help you achieve harmony and success in life.

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  • Translation of the French parts: 1:05 – 2:14 There once was a hunter that went into the forest to hunt, and the first thing he came across was a porcupine gnawing a root. The hunter, who’s name was (…), approached it, grabbed his spear and speared the porcupine and with it, the root. The hunter starts eating the porcupine, but realizes the taste of the meat is rather bitter and not normal. When he ate the plant, he starts having visions, and realizes there is a relation to the plant he just ate. This is how the plant is discovered. 9:14 – 10:25 I am a traditional medicine man from Gabon. I am initiated by my grandfather. I am initiated in my family when I was 7 and because of that have learned all that I now know. This is the Iboga root. This is it in its raw state and this is a sample that I unrooted because people always ask me what Iboga looks like. We don’t use all of this of Iboga: we don’t use the wood, also not the first bark. That is not edible so we don’t consume that. But it’s the second layer of bark. Once you scraped that, the wooden underlayer appears. So it’s the second layer of bark we consume and that has therapeutic virtues to be initiated by Iboga. 20:00 – 21:45 The medicine man that works with a patient first needs to ‘read’ them. Once he reads them, he knows that they have a problem there or there. When he starts working with them, he knows how to handle it. He knows what is the matter with them and knows which method is best. That is why the use of Iboga is aimed precisely, narrowly framed around the person in question.

  • 3 things- – Yes his relationship with his kids was scary distant. The moment he reached for his bags instead of hid kids you could tell a deep-seeded seperation. – The girl with the red hair seems to have square pupils. – Eboga is a master healer. Modern man seems to be afraid of the Truth. The time is here.

  • I took it without knowing what I was getting into 10 years ago with poor guidance and regrettably my mind got really messed up for years. I am still haunted by it. Lots of trauma and mental instability for years and years later. I am returning to these documentaries to see what the healing side of iboga looks like, since for me, I went into psychosis and spent years becoming stable again with psychosis coming on and off which was never a problem before then… Witnessing positive experiences with this powerful medicine helps me to improve my relationship with the plant and with what happened.

  • High likelihood of abuse?! Hahahahs sorry anyone who has done ibogaine including myself will tell you it’s not fun and definitely not something you would ever want to do on repeat! It’s a hell of a ride that serves a purpose and it works! It cured my decade long opioid and cocaine addiction in one treatment plus micro doses after because I had methadone in my system that did not want to let go. When I was done I did not have any cravings or withdrawals whatsoever. Its the closest thing to magic I know of and it should be made legal in the USA to treat all of these heroine and fentanyl addicts for free, we would clean our society up quickly

  • Seeing all the people who make youtube websites simply filming walking some of these inner city streets (Philadelphia, LA and so on) … it’s like perusal an episode of the Walking Dead (no exageration). Screw corporations, let the government step in and do whatever it takes. These people are living dead roaming the streets with not a caring soul anywhere to be found…even police walk by because its just part of the landscape. I live in Toronto, Canada and it’s pretty sad up here too but much of it is hidden away… whereas in downtown Vancouver its much more out in the open. Also, I would love to have access to this treatment as an option for PTSD therapy but my income could never allow me to leave the country to get this treatment. Way too much bureaucracy amidst a crisis.

  • Que bueno fuera que todas las personas con adicciónes tuvieran los recursos económicos para hacer parte de esta maravillosa experiencia con Iboga, entre mas articles veo mas me conveso que esta es la solución. Espero que algun dia mi familiar pueda hacer parte de este proceso y ser libre de las drogas alfin .❤

  • That amount the lady takes at 19:30 looks like a LOT! I’m sure it isn’t her first time since they use it in their culture. I love how the woman seem to have such powerful and key roles in their culture too. I really wished they could have found a way to interview the lady who did the rite of passage before and after to get her thoughts.

  • OK, so the Bwiti Shaman is not speaking some indigenous Gabonese language, he’s speaking French! Was there really no one around who could translate French, one of the most widely used languages on earth? Cool, let’s hear the sad parts, when the people formerly suffering from heroine addiction summarize their struggles and stories. But, when the bright eyed, enthusiastic Shaman comes on, doesn’t matter what he’s saying! Forget about balance, keep the documentary sad. 😶

  • The message from this is… if you’re not partially wealthy your a waste of space …even though someone with less capital or money is in a position to make changes in humanity due to life experience and intelligence are screwed. Arrogance Help everyone… especially the people who want it and never received it due to money… Sad.

  • if you do it without the spiritual component, yes you might fall back into addiction. Go get the ancesters in Africa to help you with the spiritual part of of the process. otherwise you have on 50% of the iboga solution. why don’t you wanna treat it exactly how they treat it in the villages in Gabon? Cos you think you know it all??

  • To choose between taking a whacked out trip sold to me by a bunch of ex junkies alone wearing my shoes in bed and then being prescribed melatonin while in tears vs being surrounded by a whole community singing and dancing around me for days and washing me wildly in a stream and painting my whole body then I know exactly what would make me want to reintegrate back into my community.

  • Can you lift the law of. The ring and make the demon find forgiveness.are the faithful rise again.spit in the mud rup it on your eye…salvation from a vision ..where was this planted tree before the sword that guards the way night be lifted .the serpent said your eyes will open and you will be like god .his imadge .so mabie tell me where this was before the foundation of the earth was laid.the extra. Terra on the edge of the earth and the cold .lavoorhins. Gate.the sceuduail one was not keeped .then I even I have a sickness .the reprobate mind and there was givein the seeds to all that grppows .the center keeper can gjve .lest you. Take

  • Dear Phillipe and Frederic, and crew! I have to say THANKS and congratulations on this amazing job, I’m peruvian and have been working in so many different documentaries going through jungle, mountains, rivers, desert, and in many different geography places of Perú and other south american countries, I know well the Ashaninkas, and all the suffering their people went through for years. I understand what it takes to produce a story like this, and as a Peruvian again I want to thanks you so much for having done so much for Pastor Ignacio and his family as well as for many more villagers and people along the roads and places you visited. I’m sure that you have a very different point of view about the reality of this little towns and the locals live, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS GREAT STORY!

  • If anyone in France with the network that produces this documentary reads this, thanks for giving that man some food you guys. That was very kind of you. I hope you compensate these poor people when you record them. We need a behind the scenes documentary on how you make this show. There must be so much that happens in the process of making these. I bet the crew goes through some crazy shit while filming in these insane places..

  • Es terrible estás carreteras y dura la vida en estos lugares, pero es la vida real, se mira de frente y se sobrelleva, lo también admirable de esta parte y de ojalá de todo Perú, es que no olvida la crueldad de quienes fueron sus verdugos, y me suscribi a este canal cuando ví que no lo oculta, aquí en Colombia tienen a criminales como héroes y canales que todo lo maquillan

  • I watch these articles and I think how much closer to earth and nature these people live and I think they are blessed.this would break so many people in so called civilized countries.this life builds strength, perseverance, fortitude of mind and loving of soul.i think this is very important and if I were to have people at my back..it would be these kind of people.❤️

  • In today’s modern life, just a few hours without electricity is enough to make us feel inconvenienced and frustrated. But when I look at the people here, I feel a deep sense of sympathy. They face hardships far greater, where roads, electricity, and clean water are almost non-existent. What will become of the children here if they are unable to access advanced education?

  • At around the 46:00-minute part the narrator says the pastor maybe sees a massage in the breakdown. As a religious person the thing that came to mind was God mending us from the effects of sin. And that would probably be used as a physical example of a spiritual concept. I’ve worked on vehicles I owned and there is something to be said for being able to keep something running. This definitely proves that if it gets the job done you don’t need the newest or most expensive thing.

  • Porque le sobreponen una vóz en Español gritóna de paso 1:42 cuando el señor está hablando en el mismo idioma?:face-red-droopy-eyes::face-orange-raised-eyebrow:la gente está hablando en Español y pareciera que no es entendible el Español de los Peruanos que deben ponerles otra “voz” en el article como si de una traduccíón linguistica se tratase,no tiene sentido,es muy irritante 🤨🤔

  • Had to chuckle at “Angel” in his chauffeur driven vehicle trying to convince those trying to scratch a living by growing this & that, all the time knowing that they would have “no way” of getting their harvest to market. Angel go and lobby your government to make the roads passable before anything else.

  • Muchas gracias por tan magnífico documental. Dios bendiga al pastor Ignacio por sembrar la semilla de la fe en sus hermanos peruanos del Amazonas. Que Dios multiplique su hacer y le reditúe su esfuerzo. Que la misericordia del Todopoderoso llegue hasta el más recóndito sitio de la selva Amazónica y de su gente. Amén.

  • Muy buen documental o documentales me gustan la verdad ya que siempre me a llamado la atención de cómo son otras culturas, regiones, países etc… Disfruto mucho cada vez que puedo ver un documental de los muchos que hay en internet aunque a veces el idioma no ayuda en mi caso hablo y entiendo el español y creo que muchos les pasa igual a lo que voy es que veo la necesidad de hacer una crítica constructiva respecto a este episodio, yo me pregunto si lo tan narrando en español cual es la necesidad de traducir lo que dices las personas si ellos también hablan el español no veo la necesidad aparte que sería más bonito escuchar a cada uno de ellos en su acento y con sus propias palabras no era más lo que quería decir, gracias por tan bonito DOCUMENTAL.

  • Gran documental. El principal problema de países como Perú y Colombia es que la clase política siempre se ha beneficiado del negocio de los narcotraficantes. Es por eso que década tras década la situación es la misma, no hay desarrollo de las regiones en donde se cultiva la coca porque es la condición ideal para someter a los campesinos e indígenas a ser peones de los narcos y vivir de sembrar coca. Colombia ha intentado salir del problema, pero gente como Iván Duque y en general el partido de Álvaro Uribe se han encargado de que los pocos programas de apoyo para cultivos legales en esas zonas se acaben y el campesino tenga que volver a cultivar coca.

  • El problema de los lideres es la negligencia aunque vean mal las carreteras no son capaz de arreglar y luego se quejan de la carretera que esta mal . Por la negligencia de ellos mismos que no son capaz de arreglar . La vida es mas facil si solucionamos los problemas que hay y no siendo negligentes, para tener una vida feliz hay que solucionar los problemas desde abajo hasta el mas grande . Los problemas que tenemos somos nosotros mismos que los ocacionamos y vivimos asi envez de dar una solucion . Como por ejemplo arreglando la carreteras o vias. La negligencia detesto, Nosotros mismos somos respinsables de vivir una vida dura y dificil sino damos soluciones sino nos sentamos a pensar y dar soluciones . Es como empujar un barco malogrado y dejar que la gente empuje cuando se deberia arreglar al motor y la vida nos sera mas facil . Los problemas uno mismo lo acusamos. Y el desinterés de arreglar nos lleva a vivir una vida miserable . Igual es la ambision por el dinero te vuelve esclavo cuando deberiamos parar de ser esclavos y vivir una vida feliz Contento con lo poco que se tenga Dios provee cada dia lo que neceditas no lo que ambicionas . Si ambicionas mas te vuelves esclavos de tu ambicion . Y al final que ganas si vas a terminar igual al que no se preocupa de ser rico, La riqueza puede ser mejor cuando se obtiene sin ser esclavo, Primero pon a Dios primero. Lo demas viene por anadidura . Disfruta la vida se feliz con lo poco o mucho que tengas y no te mates o te hagas esclavo por ambicionar, disfruten la vida salgan de sus 4 paredes y disfruten.

  • “No conozco mucho sobre los recursos locales y locales de su país, pero tiene un clima agrícolamente muy rico, puedo entender que el gobierno esté completamente vacío, los problemas deben resolverse regularmente y con prioridad.. Vivo en Turquía, todo iba bien durante los últimos 10 años, hasta que un judío que no pensaba en Alá de su boca vino al país con una maestría a cambio de judíos.. lo primero que tienes que hacer es deshacerte del gobierno..

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