Are Spells For Christians Real?

Magic is a practice that has been historically associated with Christianity, but it is forbidden in the Bible. This has led to false distinctions between magic and Christianity, which have continued to advance Christian supremacy today. Christians must respond biblically to the portrayal of witches as “cool” in mainstream society, as they are not biblical and can manipulate powers to achieve desired results.

Christian witches can pick up Bibles, tarot cards, pray, and cast spells, and many claim that Jesus cast “spells” and “hexes” in his miracles. A study of how curses impact people is crucial for Christian leaders to undertake. Some Christians believe that this biblical warning against all occult practices implies a prohibition of any fantasy that includes elements of magic within its.

Christian views on magic vary widely among denominations and individuals. Many Christians actively condemn magic as satanic, holding that it is a direct prohibition of any fantasy that includes elements of magic within its. Witchcraft, including Wicca, paganism, folk magic, and other New Age traditions, is one of the fastest-growing spiritual paths in America.

While many modern people tend to see “magic” and “religion” as separate, magic was integral to the development of Christianity. The use of spells, potions, and curses can manipulate these powers to achieve desired results. Christians believe that the miracles of Jesus can be explained as magic, and the Bible condemns magic.

📹 Magic of the Real: A Christian’s Perspective on the Fantasy Genre

Last summer I had the privilege to attend the 2020 Realm Makers virtual writer’s conference, where ND Wilson (100 Cupboards) …

📹 Andrew Wilson BAFFLED By Christian Witch!

Full video: Dating Talk is LIVE every Sunday “560” height=”315″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen>

Are Spells For Christians Real?
(Image Source:

Pramod Shastri

I am Astrologer Pramod Shastri, dedicated to helping people unlock their potential through the ancient wisdom of astrology. Over the years, I have guided clients on career, relationships, and life paths, offering personalized solutions for each individual. With my expertise and profound knowledge, I provide unique insights to help you achieve harmony and success in life.

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  • I was lead to this article by God himself today. Literally a miracle. I am what i would call a born again Christian. Today, i was flipping through some of my favorite fantasy illustrations. Inspired, i was thinking about drawing my own fantasy based illustrations myself as i am an artist. Wondering what Gods take on it all was. Then this comes up NOT bc it was on my suggested. But bc i was listening to Owl City and saw your comment on the music article “angels” i clicked on your profile to find this article. Woah 🤯

  • You know. Even Christians know “kindness” alone isn’t enough to be awarded salvation. You follow God’s will, you move away from sin and aspire to be like Chist. Not “exactly” Christ. Perfection is what Jesus was. God made into flesh. It’s virtually impossible to be perfect when God made us imperfect. Instead we aspire to be better than we were yesterday.

  • I am a Pentecostal Christian, which would put me in the Protestant camp. We do teach that it is an on-going process of God changing to making us become more like Christ, Romans 12:2, ‘And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.’

  • ‭‭Galatians 5:19-21 NIV‬‬ The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

  • Matt 5:48. Be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect. This clearly shows why Christianity has failed. The followers don’t believe or have enough faith in Jesus’s admonition to be perfect as God. There is no way you are going to do greater works than Jesus(as He said you would) unless you are as perfect as God. If you have the Mind in you, the same that was in Christ Jesus, you are perfect as God. Then when people see you, they are looking at the Father in your person.

  • People always emphasize the love of God and how God wants us to be kind to each other, which is true, but they leave out the part where God wants us to forsake our sins and be holy. Holiness and self denial are just as important as love and kindness in the eyes of God. That is something America has forgotten.

  • She doesn’t believe in God. Does it matter what nonsense spews from her mouth, her actions prove that she does not believe in God. Because when people believe in God they go out of their way, exercising their free will, to be closer to him. To be like him. She is stating that she believes in God while going out of her way to distance herself from God. That means that she may acknowledge that God exist but she wants nothing to do with him. She’s not a believer she’s a liar

  • “I still believe in God at the end of the day, and that’s what matters to me, so…” I have an answer for you: Romans 6:1-2 KJV What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Unfortunately my cousin (who just so happens to ALSO live in California) who was raised Christian and from all I could tell did receive Christ has also fallen down the same pitfall of witchcraft. She used to be one of my favorites and was very musical as well, but I think the bitterness about her childhood was used by wicked forces to lure her in to the occult. I pray for her still, and I pray that the Lord can open her eyes to the truth that God says in his word about the heart, because I think that is the root issue..

  • “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ — Matthew 7:21-23

  • if you put your faith in your cards/crystals/magic and not God that means you are not following Gods word. If you are a Christian that means you follow Christ teaching and Christ said many times he didn’t change Gods word only to reinforce it and keep the promise. I’m so sick of everyones “personal truth”, “personal definitions”, “lived experience” to push this post modern ideals…words have universal meaning.

  • Believe means commit. So if anyone believes in God and in Jesus Christ your duty is to commit your life to Jesus Christ, means whatever you do, think, say, behave, act take action it must be according KJV Bible which is original translation from Hebrew to English (for we live where on world English is must know language) and main thing what constant repeated (I do study it and teach it) is repentance/repent – stop sinning, physically and mentally stop doing evil (against KJV Bible) and choose do good (according KJV Bible). And knowing that word of God (KJV Bible) became flesh (Jesus Christ) and lived among us, and that Christ finished the law of God (KJV Bible) Jesus Christ in written form is KJV Bible. So if anyone tell they believe in Jesus Christ you must commit your life according God, Jesus Christ and KJV Bible. That’s why God Himself say move away from the world, and since only way to God is through Jesus Christ so only way to God is having faith in Jesus Christ (faith without works is dead remember that) and commiting your life to Jesus Christ according KJV Bible practical application. Once people get this simple logical explanation then people get why faith and commitment in practically to God through Jesus Christ is important and goes together, for faith without works – just saying ‘I believe” and not practically living KJV Bible written form of Jesus Christ such “belief” is dead, there must be tangible visible change in person living, communication, behaviour, actions, thoughts, even desires of heart.

  • The bible says THIS, do not do this! BUT Ladies and gentlemen listen to the key words that all people who who suffer from MEism always resort to. “Yes, but for ME” ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. I know what that says, but for ME. I know this equals that, but for ME. ME ME ME ME. They operate just like the Holy Trinity. ME MYSELF AND I. god is ME, god is MYSELF, god is I. MEism ladies and gentlemen.

  • Galatians 5:19–21 19 Now bthe works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, cdivisions, 21 envy,1 drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that dthose who do2 such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

  • “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I am warning you about these things — as I warned you before — that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭CSB‬‬ Listen girl….. you can’t serve 2 masters. You can not do sorcery, white or black, or otherwise, and also be following Jesus. It’s as simple as this….. serve God, or serve satan…… If you’re serving God, you are not serving satan. The Bible is explicitly clear on this

  • Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

  • This whole theosis trap is nonsense. A Christian is someone in the body of Christ someone saved by the blood of Jesus, not someone that attains something through process, that’s just another heretical teaching stemming from the Catholic church. Yes as Christians we should strive for good works and to be more Christ like, but this is why there are different crowns and rewards for us to receive in heaven. Remember Andrew to workout our salvation isn’t actually something we have to do to attain salvation, to work out something implies logically that you already have it.

  • He wasnt stumped he just realized you can’t win an argument with somone who isn’t intelligent enough to acknowledge their contradtiction. The next response is “you cant just pick and choose the commandments you want to follow. If you believe in being kind because of the bible you ought to be consistent in your moral convictions. To do otherwise is blatently sinful.”

  • Im curious how no one confronts Andrew swearing and his vulgar mouth as he calls her out doing something the bible tells you not to practice. He professes to be a cussing, unpleasant, “smoker”. This is why people dont like Christians and call them hypocrites. We need to do better for Jesus. Its embarrassing

  • Ok As someone who isn’t a Christian and has studied magick as a personal interest rather a religious practice. All religions use magick in some fashion including Christianity. Disagree all you like but when you pray you are acting out what is called an invocation. You are calling out to a high power (Jesus for Christians) for a form of divine intervention. When you pray to Jesus/God(s) and say “please bless my family”, you are literally calling on Jesus to intervene and protect them from the world. In Catholicism the act of exorcism use magick in the form of evocation to call forth or draw out a demonic presence in a person. In doing so they can control and cast out said demon through ritualistic incantations. In these instances magical talismans and relics may be used such as holy water, or a crucifix; perhaps in ultra rare cases an item of holy significance can be used as well. Magick is simply the projection of energy to manifest a desired result. You can’t cast a fireball but you can attune your spiritual energy to help produce the intended results.

  • How can you believe in God if you don’t believe His word? If someone came up to you asking for food and saying they would pay you back, and you responded with “i believe you” but then choose not to provide aid because you think they actually won’t, then no, you don’t believe them, and you’ve made yourself a liar.

  • Believing in Jesus isn’t a “get out of hell free card”. Either you follow the teachings of Christ, or you don’t go to heaven. Repent your sins and stop sinning. It’s all about identifying bad behaviors and eliminating them from your life. The better you get, the more you need to do. There is no finish line.

  • This is willful ignorance. She says “my opinion and what i think” so many times, her feelings and opinion is irrelevant to the clear words snd instruction of the bible. You cannot practice which craft and think it is okay. It is not only blasphemy to know god and reject his teaching but she is leading others astray with her “opinion” of god. I pray she opens her bible and reads to understand and find god because right now she is lost and actively working against him.

  • Belief in God is not the same as walking the path he wants people to walk. The Bible warns against false prophets and deceivers. This girl blatently disregards what she is commanded to do yet has the audicity to claim she is Christian. Fair warning, she is not bringing anyone to Christ and is not the example of following Christ as Christians should that she protests to be.

  • The problem is these women don’t understand why using tarot cards are bad People need to explain to women that communion with demons is the reason God doesn’t want you to practice sorcery Familiar spirits, who masquerade as the dead possess people They possess statues, they possess items Especially the living, they possess the living God doesn’t want us to do sorcery or worship idols, because he does not want us possessed by the spirits of the Nephilim It’s actually some really basic shit

  • I often wonder if i will make it on the narrow road because i know most wont find it. Then i see people like this and realize even with all my hang ups i am still at least pushing in the direction of God. What i am will never satisfy me because i know I’m a sinner who need to be reaching to Christ as a life preserver.

  • I appreciate Andrew’s discussions so much. I agree with almost everything he has to say. However, his little quips about Protestantism tend to hugely misrepresent us and lump all Protestant doctrine and into the same milquetoast intellectually inferior “feelings” faith. Does he feel this way about all Protestantism? (Not speaking on the heretical beliefs of this woman, but more to his remark specifically at 1:18.) Yes we believe that salvation happens in a moment, but because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are undergoing the process of sanctification continuously throughout our new lives as Believers

  • She’s going to hell, she knows she’s sinning chooses to continue sinning, practices an act God detest and speaks blasphemy knowingly yet still claims she’s a good person. I’m not religious and yes I’m throwing stones while being in a glass house but it doesn’t change what the bible says, which ever person who reads it and the bible is like a block chain a lot of people are holding a copy so everyone can fact check

  • The Bible doesn’t say anywhere that you have to be kind. Also demons believe in God, makes no difference whether you say you believe in Him or not. Jesus says if you love me, obey my commandments. It also says you can’t serve 2 masters. It also says for those who love the world are not of the Father and the love of the Father is not in them

  • As a christian witch myself. I can state that this interviewer lacks humility to try to understand her viewpoints. It’s as if he acts afraid of her, instead of curious about her view. I’m appalled that he compare S.A to doing witch-craft. We are given tools, gifts etc etc to glorify HIM. And not one of us, in which God created is ALIKE. Diverse-ness is very much appreciated by God. People held enslaved by protestant christianity lacks confidence in their authenticity. It is so frikkin sad. Who are you to call me a christian? Who are you to tell me HOW God is. There are so many interpretations of the Bible. And it’s become UNHEALTHY – as we all kind of “know” inside of us – that Christians hold the bible as their IDOL instead of focusing on the Love of CHRIST! I have spiritual gifts! Where can I use them? In tarot? ABSOLUTELY! I have relieved people through answers, and God knows my intentions. WHO are one to JUDGE! We are all created by God and we all are diverse. NOT ONE, NOT ONE – of any of us on this planet – IS ALIKE! Why are christians forgetting HARD AND DEEP that HE works in mysterious ways. HE IS MYSTERIOUS YET SO VIVIDLY LOVING TO ALL OF US, IN WAYS SO MANY DON’T SEE! I reclaim my belief in Jesus and I claim His protection and blood over my life according to his will posting this comment. I wish you a lovely day/night. And remember. IT IS DONE! <3 xoxo. God bless you very much. You are very loved and I wish you peace!

  • While you followers of Abraham bicker over who worships the ONE TRUE GOD the most accurate and pure…. there is another True believer taking root, who is beyond the constraints and limitations of your carefully crafted Bible’s. We know that God is not divided. WE KNOW THAT GOD IS INSIDE US. We do not need your permission to exist. We do not need a reason to resist. We are DEFIANT to the END. We are not COMPLIANT, or PRETEND. WE exist among and within YOU. WE persist beyond the bounds that bind TRUTH. So it is. So let it be… ALL IS POSSIBLE WHEN YOUR MIND IS FREE.

  • She basically said “I’ve invented a Jesus in my mind that never hurts my feelings or anyone else’s. That is His main trait.” Except when he condemned entire cities like Bethsaida and Corazin or when he called a lady a dog, when he threw out the Pharisees with whips and called them snakes and vipers. Or when He said that “you’re of your father the Devil who was a murderer from the beginning and it is his deeds do you do.” I can see why she doesn’t read the Bible.

  • Notice the parallel between her story and the story of Eve in the Garden of Eden? When pushed, she said, “Because I want to.” That was her whole motivation and she didn’t care one jot about the rule book. Just like Eve. She was given a set of rules, as Andrew pointed out, and she claimed the rules didn’t really fit her desires so she wasn’t going to worry about them because she was still being kind and that was good enough. What god said wasn’t really that big a deal. Just like Eve. Listening to her rationale is enough to give any sane person a headache, but the truly worrisome part is that the parallels to Eve are so clear. Nothing has changed in 2000 years.

  • It’s not kind to curse people with magic. To curse isn’t some mystical term it’s to slow or stop their progress, having them believe in something false, and a blessing is the opposite to hasten someone’s capacity, learning of truth, and growth. These things have personal and eternal implications. To say something false is good for you is a lie and it isn’t kind, it’s worse because you are pretending it is kind when it isn’t.

  • There actually are “christian witches”. Also, what people don’t realize is that whether you consider yourself a witch or not, it’s very common in certain regions, especially in Appalachia where I grew up, for Christian’s to actually incorporate witchcraft type things into their beliefs as a result of pagan superstitions that were left over from the christianized European region their relatives immigrated from in the past, that is why you will find certain weird rituals in Appalachia quite often incorporated with Christianity, they considered themselves just Christian and were against the idea of witchcraft while simultaneously participating in it, so people would just say “healers” or “granny healers”, or “workers of god”, it ranged from different names, but mainly titles that gave it a more “holy” light”. The most famous examples of these “mystical” Christian practices are Haint trees and Haint Porches, which often incorporated Bible verses as well. There are specific Bible verses that are used as a “fix” or “spell” for specific things-a Bible verse to cast someone off your property and prevent entrance, a Bible verse to curse a liar, a Bible verse for healing, etc. My great granny used to have a ward in her home over the doorway, which said, “May those who love us, love us; And for those who don’t love us, May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we will know them by their limping.” She had carved this into a wooden plaque that was rubbed with herbs and oil, and had a pine branch with bells hanging from it.

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