A square is a harsh aspect in astrology, representing frustration, irritation, and tension between two zodiac signs that are 90 degrees apart. It requires continuous effort and constant tension that cannot be eased. Squares form when planets are 90° apart, 120° apart form a trine, and 180° apart form an opposition. Cardinal T-squares can be impatient but also enterprising, while fixed T-squares can be persevering but stubborn.
Squares in astrology are negative when found in one’s natal chart or synastry chart with someone else, but they don’t necessarily mean you’re doomed. They can be seen as challenges rather than inherently bad. In the example of 95°, it is considered a square aspect with an orb of 5°, since it deviates 5° from an exact square. An allowable orb is the amount by which the two planets involved can deviate from the square.
Easy aspects may be positive, as they enhance opportunity for talent growth, while hard aspects may be negative, as they enhance a challenge or adjustment. Squares share an astrological quality with other signs but have little else in common. Square aspects may bring emotional stress or awkward tension, while opposition aspects can bring dangerous behaviors, violence, war, and more.
In modern psychological astrology, squares are considered “challenging” and active, but this doesn’t make them “bad”. They represent great challenges with great rewards, lessons to learn, and create friction and ambition in the birth chart. Squares and oppositions are two of the most important elements that frequently denote negative energy.
📹 Does YOUR chart have the Hardest Aspects in Astrology? Let’s check for Squares & Oppositions?
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Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo (Kate McKinnon) communicates with dead as she goes about her days on Long Island.
My best friend of 25+ years has Sun conjunct Jupiter in Gemini in the 8th House and she’s not “too much.” In fact, she’s been figuring out, and really coming into her own as an Empath. She has Scorpio Asc and Scorpio Moon. She’s been in a 20 year marriage with a very narcissistic partner who demeaned her for years, and diminishes her, and she’s a petite, soft-spoken person to begin with. She has a LOUD, violent-tempered Aries mother, and my best friend is still appeasing her mom. I have Pisces Sun, Aquarius Rising and Taurus Moon, and we get along like two peas in a pod. But we are different enough that we can make a great team, truly listen to each other, support each other; she has helped me so much, and she’s always so thoughtful. I have Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries, and you’re right; that is a hard aspect, and it’s in the 2nd House. I had an accident as a kid and my face (2nd House) was disfigured; it’s taken me 30+ years to build self-esteem and overcome certain things that I think are Venusian-Chironic in nature. I also have a Grand Fixed Cross, a double Grand Fire Trine and double kite pointing to Pluto in the 8th House. But I have 11 sextiles, which are helpful. I’ve studied astrology since 1991, so I’ve appreciated the opportunity to learn more from your awesome articles! Thank you for making vibrant article content. 😊
My daughter has her sun and 4 more planets! in the first house. You’re right, she’s the bossiest child I’ve ever encountered. She literally wants every bite of food to be equal to mine, I have to remind her every time that I’m twice her size! And she’s soo smart (aquarius sun, ascendant and mercury) with a scorpio moon in the 8th house. There have been, and still are power struggles and I have cried many mom tears over them. She will do what she wants and otherwise she will demand it to be so anyway, and I’m a Leo mom with venus in Virgo 😐 You can imagine the ways I’ve had to toughen up, get really strong in my own shoes. Luckily she’s also the sweetest child in the world and just amazing. And did I tell you how funny she is? She has the insight and humor of a 20 year old, she’s now 6,5 💕 So thank you for having us share these experiences, it means a lot!
My moon is conjunct Chiron. Everything you said about the painful relationship with my mom is so true. My mother and maternal grandmother. My maternal aunts. I’ve had to remove myself from the entire family to try to heal. But now that my mother has died, at an early age, I’m just left with so very much pain and confusion.
I have Venus retrograde and yeah… never dated, grew up pretty poor and alone a lot, had trouble making close friendships during childhood and still have never had a intimate romantic relationship probably due to the way I grew up haha… Could never seem to have love and intimacy come naturally in my life. Also have Jupiter conjunct my Sun. I relate to that a bit, I have had the side blinders on and been way too idealistic and optimistic when spontaneously getting into something and often that ends up with me disappointed or not having it work out the way I had hoped or imagined… but I’m pretty shy and realistic too so it’s rare and not bad but I do get in that grand mindset and indulge too lol.
I have Venus retrograde.. and related to an extreme, with my family, with manipulative partners, and now I need to work on healing trough that. It has effected my current relationship with a partner who is not manipulative. Thinking they have bad intentions when they only want to love etc. I always think love comes with hidden different intentions but I am working trough that!
Libra Rising here! I have a 4H venus retrograde in capricorn Square my ascendent and conjunct saturn. Boy did I have an ugly duckling moment growing up. Never felt loved or safe around family, hated both my mom and dads homes the whole 9. I got picked on so much for how I looked and dressed by family more than anywhere else honestly and they were the reason I looked the way I did lol. I also have venus sextile pluto(2h) and lilith in the 1st house in Scorpio, as I got older attracting lovers seemed to get easier and I was in a 12 year relationship until my saturn return completely destroyed it. These days my sensuality makes it easy to attract people but rarely do they want to stay long term, and the ones who do are to obsessive or posessive/abusive in nature so I have to move on (I’m also an Aquarius sun and gemini moon). This makes my self-worth and self esteem ebb and flow all over the place. Im learning how to love on myself and believe in myself more. I’m not sure if I’ll ever find the love I crave so badly but I’m hopeful and open. I don’t think its all doom and gloom, the more in love with myself I become the better my relationships get. I have a beautiful chosen family now full of amazing soul brothers and sisters, a wonderful hooman baby and a fur baby that came from the 12 year debacle and many experiences that made life not seem so bad. I hope this can be encouraging to all those venus retrograde folk out there. I know it can be rough ❤
With the grand trine, and without the t-cross or the grand cross with this aspect is like an electricity that goes around and around and is useless, but with the hard aspects, they worked as a ground for to make it useful, like producing light and as such. I understand it very well when you described it explicitly. You sure has a PHD in this astrology, I love you.
Uranus opposition mercury. It is real, thank heavens it’s not a tight orb! I am a super multi tasker. Communication has been very hard for me, with Mercury conjunct Chiron too. Sigh. It’s hard for me to pay attention at a gathering with a lot of people talking at once bc I’m taking it all in and then get treated like I’m in lalaland. I just don’t know how other people do this. And I know you didn’t talk about the opposition, but seems pretty much the same to me as how you described it. And then moon quincunx chiron and was definitely neglected tremendously by my mom growing up. We have since healed our relationship but it has left scars and I do keep myself from getting too close to others very quickly and even still, the person must show exemplary behavior and compassion before I open to them.
6 planets and my Ascendant in the 1st house with Capricorn Sun, Mars, Uranus and Neptune as four of these planets… :S I’ve definitely found that I’ve had to learn to listen to others and not just go on about me all the time throughout my life. And it is hard, even though I know I shouldn’t just talk about me, my ambitions and spouting my philosophy at people too (Sagittarius Venus, Mercury and Ascendant also all in the 1st house).
I really don’t know how I feel about my Venus retrograde.. it’s all I have ever known. And lol so glad my sun is in the 12th house Because I do have a full first house 4 planets there.. Thank you so much for all that you share with us it is nice to know that there is a real explanation behind the vast emotions we experience when we have difficult aspects in our chart. I do feel sorry for the people out there who are clueless and live in misery and pain because they think that there just worthless or ruined or bound to have a terrible life while all along there is a answer❤️
As a Gemini stellium with only having a Jupiter in Leo as my only fire it’s exhausting. I have so many idea but it all weigh so much. I’m intimidated by my own ideas. I have no idea where the hell to start. I always feel guilty and think I don’t deserve all these innovative ideas and novel ideas when I can’t even execute them.
Moon conjunct Chiron here. Mom tried to abort me when I was in her womb but clearly she has failed. Then hell begin for me, multiple times dragged me out of the house by mom. I have to beg her not to abandon me. I honestly don’t know what I did wrong that she hated me so much. I tried my best to please my mom, I studied hard, I didn’t date in highschool, I tried to be a good girl as much as I can. I am a Libra rising, my whole life I tried to please my mom but she hated me. What u said is very true, I have been betrayed, bullied by my sis and my aunts as well. My chart is so hard, I scored so many in all your 3 hard aspects article. Many other ugly disgusting thing happened to me, too disgusting and painful to share.
chiron and venus conjunct in 1st gemini… about 4 degrees away from my asc. 😭😂 the way people talk about it, all i can do is laugh. like for real what do you even do? i’m 34 but life, my identity and my love life has been put through the wringer since i was a kid and it hasn’t slowed an inch. i always say, im over it! i’ll love myself and be done with relationships! then the next love of my life walks in, steals my heart and leads me by the nose for a few years. and then gives me grey hairs when i have to cut my own heart out and break up with them cause theyve become so cruel and vicious towards me. giving me a spiritual breakdown cause it really trips me out- lovers suddenly seem possessed with resentment or jealousy toward me out of the blue, for just no reason i can understand. and i’ll spend years trying to be loyal and patient and dissect their problems with me 😂like ok i get it now! i’m tired of being the one who has to protect myself in love and always breaking up with everybody. just once, i’d like to be dumped!! (kidding) in all unreality though, i think this is the most beautiful placement and a cherry on top of my life that i can be proud of, because theres no way i’d be flying into my 10th north node pisces without it, especially at my age. and especially having my 12th house in taurus sun conjunct jupiter (one degree apart, no less…) and mercury. i spent my 20s completely lost, dropped out of art school, became homeless for a while and was just treated like scum for existing.
I’ve watched all 3 articles on the hard aspects and I have a bunch of them but I also feel I’ve risen above most I think the council in my head cheers me on and encourages and comforts me when I needed it the most in some of my darkest times. Thanks again for the insight. And I agree that these experiences have grown me so much. You couldn’t shake me now no matter what or who tries, so it served that purpose at least.😊
I am a new subscriber…love your content. 💜 Thank you! 🙏 I have a comment. I have sun a degree away from Jupiter in the 9th; the over-the top behaviour description doesn’t resonate with me at all. I was actually surprised this aspect was on the list. It’s possible that I am not seeing myself clearly but I doubt anyone would describe me this way. I actually love the aspect as I feel a sense of relief when I get on a plane…Jupiter gives me a strange feeling of confidence when I am traveling, especially in the developing world. And I can forget where I am from. That said, I have Venus square Pluto. Saturn conjunct Chiron in the 5th. Mars square Chiron, and a moon Aquarius. Maybe this array keeps Jupiter in check?
Sun combust mercury exact and mercury square uranus exact my brain is a nuclear power plant than can def go overboard or scatter. It has a variety of positive traits, positive energy however that you did not mention…Some of the best methods to deal with both aspects is having alone time, retreat, chill out, having a bath, going to a spa, head massage, acupuncture, going to the ocean, any other tranquil space, tranquil music, or move and do sports to be physically exhausted
my sun moon are conjunction opposite saturn( all planets retrograde except Jupiter, Venus, and Mars), Venus Conjunction Chiron in Gemini 12th house.(without getting into it too much, YES) I was also born sun, moon, and rising in 12th house cancer. I have plenty of fire in my chart..water… and air obviously, but no earth. So no foundation. I agree it is a fast track to enlightenment… I understood much as a child… things i never should have understood as a five year old… and even though i have been dealing with all of these aspects my entire life… i am still stuck in the same position i was since childhood with that person, looking at them every day. all aspects across my chart form a grand square. it looks as though i am trapped in a box.
I have 6 planets (in sagg.and cap.) in 3rd house, if that counts as gemini energy, plus: i have a gemini moon. I don’t really feel like i can’t make a decision, it’s more that constant state of restlessness in my head (and the constant desire to be in a meaningful relationship i feel since forever. I had two serious longterm relationships and a few short ones that really got to me, so now i’ve been single for a long time and i think i got to getting to know myself and dig deeper in this solo time). So yeah, i have to remind myself and work on being satisfied and content with what i have in my life. I also like to go outside and walk in the nature just to get my head some break;) as perusal these 3 part series articles i see i have a lot of challenging aspect: i also have mars conj.pluto (on the same degree) and also the south node there (0-1° orb). I also have moon opposite saturn (2-3°orb), mercury conj.saturn (8-9°), sun combust Neptune, only mars and pluto in water (scorpio), gemini moon conj.chiron (4°) and mercury and uranus conjunction (6°). Waw, that’s no joke, right. ;)Does anyone else have that many challenging aspects? Btw, your articles are awesome, you really go so deep. And i like it. 🙃
5 planets in Gemini + AC all in 1 H + north node in Gemini And to boost that the moon in Gemini conjunct with the sun in taurus That’s my sister and we in our family say she is content, satisfied and grateful with nothing. A lot of disguised and self-rightous narzissism with highly stubborn tendencies that blames everyone, yet not herself. Somehow she believes everything revolves around herself and she is highly paranoid that in public she is watched by others. Normal highschool bully, a lot of 180 in her life from party b!tch to respectful religious person… yet still shoves sh!T shows about others.. no internal change, just the mask she wears. She can sit in her room 24/7 and still make enemies. She has a good amound of those. 🙂 The best quality of hers, she bakes some good cakes.
Crazy life: Fixed Boomerang yod with Scorpio sun/uranus 11h Opposite Taurus moon 5h Libra pluto 9h/MC Sag mars 12h Fixed grand cross with Leo jupiter 8h cj 7h lilith Taurus chiron/sedna 4h Aqua juno 1h Scorp eros/venus rx 10h Scorpio uranus 11h conjunct Venus rx 10h, square leo jupiter 8h conjunct leo lilith 7h Sag mars 12h square virgo saturn 8h Sag mars 12h trine leo jupiter 8h Pallas conjunct ascendant capricorn
Venus square chiron. Have had a truly difficult relationship with my mother who was perfectionistic when I was growing up, harsh, and she’s in many matters one of those unevolved scorpios who likes to guilt trip others whenever their faults are pointed out. Conversely I was very close to my late father. I can never feel completely safe confiding in my mom because I don’t know when that would be weaponised in an argument. But I’m trying my best to work on the relationship because she’s the only parent I have left, and I do love her even though she won’t getting any awards for her parenting.
Yes!! Haha thank you for this my ascendant contains my sun, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Lilith plus a few asteroid… I was not surprised at the age of 30 to finally see my natal chart and see this in the first house. Sadly a lot of heartache, but luckily supportive family and friends, therapy and humble pie helps keep me focused off ME.. not all the time though, only human. You’re awesome and I love your articles! Also yes, my mom reminded me often how beautiful I was, what a miracle I am, how funny and smart etc… I thought I 💩 roses.
No fire except Leo in Uranus and that’s generational- Saturn opposes the moon-difficulty with my mother and maternal cousins for all of my life- Sun conjunct neptune attracting dysfunctional weird ppl and with Saturn In Capricorn 8 th house I hate it- I want better because I strive to be better but always attract that weak type Pisces energy from ppl- there is good and bad energy- I don’t attract the competent neptune Pisces energy- it more over the boundary dysfunctional Pisces energy. With that Saturn energy isolation loneliness is what has a choke hold on me- Venus square Saturn mother issues lovers betrayal for the other person- Jupiter In Capricorn 9th house- no good love- I’ve let all the relationship stuff go- I feel better but I do get depressed- I just feel some of us are here for relationships and some of us are not- I have venus and mercury in libra which helps lighten the load somewhat- oh I have a cancer moon 2 house- Gemini rising and mercury retrograde and it effects me bad as I always want to find out how to do more than one thing or one way at the same time and it’s in the first house, I have mercury retrogrades – life is a bowl of disappointments served on a wooden platter
Rx Venus Aries woman here who never ever felt loved by family, by baby daddies n by ex was-band. Im a fatherless daughter who was not raised by birth mother but was raised as only child. I am 61 years n i was raised in church n learned about bible n my Heavenly Father n that belief has sustained n healed me thru hard times. At this time, my 5 grown children and i are estranged n ive been alone most of my life. I now love my own company n ibknow i cant depend on others n im not co dependent either. I have been hurt, betrayed, scorned n lied on all my life by exes, jealous n envious people who take my kindness for weakness so i havecto be n stay alone. Im misunderstood continuously n i am frustrated by people who want to control me for their own wicked pleasures. Im giving to myself now because i appreciate what i have from my Higher Power. Love has been frustrating, one-sided n i dont believe it even exists any more these days. People dont like me n i get it but idk why. But regardless of my pluto square my ascendant, rx venus and being a single black childless woman, im gonna stay alone for my mental health.
I have venus and mars conjunct saturn in the 5th house. When i was young up until 19 i wasnt inhibited with doing fun things, dancing, art etc at all but yeah since then it has been hard. Idk why i cant just let go and go dancing or go to do fun things I actually want to go to. I actually shut down and cant be myself when im out trying to have fun. I used to paint everyday too but since 19 that also stopped. I thought because its in my natal chart this struggle shouldve been around since birth, but i only became this way after 19yrs old, im 31 now
How much are you chart readings? And would I be able to interact with you directly? It would be an honor to learn from you. And thank you for the content and insight? Edit*: I have an 11th house stellium where Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus AND Neptune are combust by my Capricorn sun, all within a 4° orb. And moon square Saturn. And Chiron square 10th cusp. Plus Saturn square Pluto and midheaven. What does this mean for me??
I got Jupiter 3 degrees conjunct the Sun in Virgo 10th house. My biggest boundary breaker is when a conversation is supposed to come to a close I have trouble ending it so I usually extend the conversation over what it should be sometimes even causing it to be awkward which also probably comes from having Saturn in Aquarius 3rd house
Oh my my sun was 2 degrees into 6th house or it would have been 5th house with Scorpio lol..that was close!!! Is this because I fall into the date range of the Scorpio Sagittarius cusp or no relation fir being that close?? I am guessing where time also comes in because if closer Birthday would be almost on the line. I must buy my son as he is Libra Scorpio but if I look under Chinese Zodiac he is nit Scorpio but he is Libra and looks like 1 aspect of fire so very interested in his chart. You will see my purchases soon!! Love all if these articles…so much I never thought if but also so many trines etc. Is that good I thought it was good now nit so sure lol
Hi Meredith! Could you please do a article on the mysterious “Finger of God”, the Yod pattern ? My daughter has it, with Neptune being the apex planet, in the 4th house in Aquarius. Her sextile planets are Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Cancer. I ma trying to figure out how to help her work with these energies! The destined finger points to Neptune in the 4th. Could that mean integrate spirituality and imagination into your deepest core? Work through illusions around family life ? I would really appreciate your input -thank you !
My mother, true narcissist. Learned early to protect myself, but my strong will and Aquarian sun, Scorpio rising, an coruler Pluto in Leo in the 10th square the Ascendant, I were able to stand for myself, I loved her but she shaped and made me who I am today. By being myself, she is the very first to teach me not to be intimidated by authority, not by rebelling but reasonable and able to prove to her what my skills and limitations are and using my head for solving my problems, so she learned to trust my judgement and respect my individuality.
LOL I am an Aries but no fire signs in the 1srt, 5th and 9th house. I am not a passionnate person, I never got what passion truly is and tbh I don’t trust passions( too much undeserved devotion to something or someone,which in a way can limit your freedom) I prefer balanced feelings, balance in my hobbies. Seriously have you lived with someone obsessed with their passion? They can’t be in a relationship . How about Scorpio? No fire but the real passionate sign in the zodiac.
I have mercury in the ninth in Gemini conj midheaven opposed by Saturn in the third conj I.C. also I have Uranus opposed by the moon exactly. Uranus is the release point of a yod. Uranus is in the eleventh. I have no skill in compartmentalization. I can’t differentiate which is propelling me around at any given moment. Help.
I’m so puzzled at the fact Kate is still working at snl and hasn’t branched out to successful movies or series. It’s either that she must really really enjoy and love working at SnL, she’s scared to start something new because she needs to know she has the financial security, or simply, she’s that type of person who hates breaking up so much they just put up with being in a unfulfilling relationship until they realize it’s their 50th wedding anniversary and they’re 80 years old. I say this because she’s just like so many of the other talented people who got their start on snl and immediately stood out as one of the funnier/more talented cast members. It really sucks to know that the only thing that separates her from those other past snl stars is that they ultimately left to become the leading role in romcoms or host the tonight show. Etc.. lol. Because I feel like 100% of every cast member that was as good as she is (or even not as good) have all moved on to have these grand careers that will leave them with a legacy that won’t get tied back to a single show they were on. So it must be 1 of the 3 reasons I mentioned before as to why she isn’t able to open her eyes and realize how much more she has to gain from leaving than staying. Plus…isn’t she bored and tired of that show? You know…kinda like the rest of the world?
SNL should have just gotten Mariah Carey and Rosie O’Donnell to do this skit because they are both from Long Island for real and both have a great LI accent. btw, dont think about the New York phrase fugetaboutit which is an Italian phrase from Brooklyn, New York. The Long Island, New York is a little similar. But, LI people speak different and it’s noticable to other New Yorkers.
EXCELLENT, SNL! Three male friends predicted a split between the Caputo COUPLE, many years ago; They said they didn’t need to use their psychic abilities to be able to predict that no man wants his wife’s wigs to continually increase three times the original size; that it would push them away from even trying to be close. Hard to emotionally connect with Barbie Doll wanna-B’s. They also said that ” at least Dolly’s doesn’t interfere with her everyday life”..course it couldn’t interfere with her husband since he doesn’t live with her anyway. QUOTES.