The Lot of Fortune is a symbol in astrology that represents worldly success, physical health, and career or vocation. It is calculated using the classic formula: Fortune = Ascendant + Moon – Sun for day births and Ascendant + Sun – Moon for night births. The Lot of Fortune is located at the intersection of the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs on a birth chart and represents areas where luck is found.
To calculate the Lot of Fortune, one should look at their natal chart and reflect on the house it resides in, which is the area that will bring abundance. The Lot of Fortune is a lunar lot and is calculated by taking the distance from the Moon to the Sun projected forward from the ascendant. The symbol for the Lot of Fortune is a circle with an X in the middle.
To find the Lot of Fortune, enter Latitude / Longitude manually and use the formula: Fortune = Ascendant + Moon – Sun for day births and Fortune = Ascendant + Sun – Moon for night births. The Lot of Fortune is a lunar lot and can be found in a birth chart, with the symbol being a circle with an X in the middle.
📹 Part of Fortune – Astrology – the Point of Money and Fortune in Your Chart
There’s a point in your Astrology chart called the Part of Fortune. This pinpoints the spot for you to make your fortune. This is from …
Which house is rich in astrology?
The Parasari School of Hindu astrology identifies the 2nd house or bhava, which is associated with earning and accumulation of wealth, and the 5th and 9th bhavas, which are the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship between these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become prime indicators of wealth, with the strongest indicator being the one that owns both the 2nd and 11th bhavas. Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, with income being judged from the 11th, gains through speculation from the 5th, and sudden unexpected gains from the 9th bhava.
Hindu astrology considers the 2nd house as the house of accumulated wealth and the 11th as the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associate, but only when they connect with the lagna can more significant results be seen. Parashara has paid extraordinary attention to the 5th and 9th bhavas in Dhana yoga formations, such as Venus in the 5th in own house and Mars in the lagna, Mercury in the 5th in own house and the Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 11th, The Sun in the 5th in Leo and the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn in the 11th, Jupiter in the 5th in own sign and Mercury situated in the 11th, Mars in the 5th in own sign and Venus in the 11th, and Moon in the 5th in own house and Saturn in the 11th.
Which planet gives lots of wealth?
Dhana yogas are astrological combinations or yogas for wealth and prosperity, which are more fruitful if both the lagna and its lord are strong and there are no Arista yogas present. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karakas, providing lifelong prosperity and financial stability. According to the Parasari School of Hindu astrology, the lord of the 2nd house or bhava, counted from the lagna (birth ascendant), and the 11th bhava are concerned with earning and accumulation of wealth.
The other bhavas to be reckoned with are the 5th and the 9th bhavas, known as the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship of these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become the prime indicators of wealth. The strongest indicator is the one that owns both the 2nd and the 11th bhavas, followed by the ones who own the 5th or the 9th.
Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, while the 11th is the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associating, but only when the yogas happen to connect with the lagna that more significant results are seen.
Which planet is responsible for fortune?
Astrology can help predict an individual’s susceptibility to attract and retain money. Factors such as a strongly placed Jupiter in a birth chart, which is associated with expansion, growth, abundance, and luck, can indicate potential for financial prosperity and good fortune. Additionally, certain favorable houses in a birth chart, such as the second house, sixth house, tenth house, eleventh house, ninth house, fifth house, and eighth house, are associated with financial matters.
However, some individuals may not have favorable birth charts. To attract money, some astrologists suggest several remedies. First, offer water to the Sun by rising early and filling a copper vessel with water, chanting the mantra. This ritual is believed to invite good fortune, enhance financial stability, and attract prosperity into one’s life.
Second, wear a silver ring on one’s right-hand finger to promote financial well-being and stability. This practice is believed to attract wealth and prosperity into one’s life. Finally, donate food to those in need, as it can help remove financial obstacles and usher in good fortune, prosperity, and financial stability.
What is the difference between lot of fortune and lot of spirit?
The Lot of Fortune and Lot of Spirit are two astrological concepts that represent the individual’s initiative and the use of their fortune. The Lot of Spirit is the reverse of the Lot of Fortune, providing formulas for day and night charts. The Hermetic lots are a set of seven lots associated with one of the seven visible planets, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus in the Hellenistic tradition of astrology.
These formulas were later introduced into the Medieval astrological tradition by authors like Abu Ma’shar al-Balkhi and Guido Bonatti, although their lists have been combined with an alternate lot tradition derived from the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens.
How are lots calculated?
Foreign exchange traders may select from three lot sizes: standard (100, 000 units), mini-lots (10, 000 units), and micro-lots (1, 000 units). The selection of the appropriate lot size is dependent upon a number of factors, including the size of the account, the level of risk tolerance, and the specific trading strategy employed.
Which house is Part of Fortune?
The Part of Fortune, an ancient mathematical point in astrology, is a unique location in a person’s birth chart that provides insight into their luck, abundance, and prosperity. This ancient esoteric point, also known as the Lot of Fortune or Pars Fortuna, is derived from a calculation based on the Sun, moon, and rising signs (the Big Three). It is a significant part of the “Arabic Parts” and is often referred to as your astrological pot of gold.
The Part of Fortune is a crucial aspect of a person’s life, indicating their identity, presence, sense of self, stability, material possessions, self-worth, friendship, peers, and local connections. It is a significant part of the “Arabic Parts” and is often considered the astrological pot of gold.
What does lot of fortune mean in zodiac releasing?
The Lot of Fortune is a theoretical concept based on the relationship between the Sun and Moon, which projectes the same distance from the Ascendant based on birth time. This projection goes in the direction of the light of the sect to the light contrary to sect, representing casting out into the undefined and unknown. As a lunar Lot, it embodies passive principles and signifies circumstances outside of one’s control, such as the way lots are cast, dice are rolled, and weather.
Zodiacal release from the Lot of Fortune shows ups, downs, and reversals in relation to one’s general circumstances and physical state. To calculate the Lot of Fortune, one must have their birth time. The Moon’s Lot represents the distance from the Sun to the Moon (light contrary to sect) projected from the Ascendant, while the Sun’s Lot represents the distance from the Moon to the Sun (sect light) projected from the Ascendant.
How to attract luck and money in astrology?
Astrology can help individuals attract and retain money by identifying factors such as a strongly placed Jupiter in a birth chart, which is associated with expansion, growth, abundance, and luck. A strongly placed Jupiter in a birth chart can indicate potential for financial prosperity and good fortune. Additionally, certain favorable houses in a birth chart, such as the second house, sixth house, tenth house, eleventh house, ninth house, fifth house, and eighth house, are associated with financial matters.
When the positions of planets in these houses are favorable, individuals can gain wealth in life. For those with unfavorable birth charts, astrologists suggest offering water to the Sun, wearing a silver ring, donating food, keeping the home clean, worshiping Lord Kuber, feeding roti to a black dog, and keeping salt in a container in the house. This ritual is believed to invite good fortune, enhance financial stability, and attract prosperity into one’s life.
What is the lot of fortune glyph?
In mathematics, the concept of Pars Fortunae, or the Lot or Part of Fortune, represents the length of a celestial body, such as the Sun and Moon, that is separated by a certain distance from the ascendant.
What is the lot of fortune in astrocartography?
If Venus retrograde or Mercury retrograde is causing you to feel overwhelmed, there is an astrological placement that can help you find your luck. The part of fortune, also known as the lot of fortune or Pars Fortuna, is the intersection point of your sun, moon, and rising signs on your birth chart. The sign it falls in can reveal your most auspicious attributes. These three signs, known as the “big three” in astrology, provide a comprehensive view of your personality, from your core principles and identity (sun), emotional reality (moon), and perspective and approach to the world (rising or ascendant). By calculating your part of fortune, you can find a point in your chart where things will feel easier or seem to flow with greater alignment or harmony.
How to calculate lots in astrology?
The Lot of Fortune can be calculated by comparing the degree of the sun to the degree of the moon and projecting it from the ascendant, as illustrated in night charts.
📹 Understanding the Lot of Fortune
Today I’m sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert to take some questions on the Lot of Fortune. If you have any questions …
#Grabbed My part of fortune is zero degrees Pisces in the 8th house. It is conjunct my zero degree Vesta. On July first of last year, just after Jupiter crossed both of those points the “one that got away” randomly came back into my life. Since then, we’ve purchased a home, and started an LLC together in order to start earning passive income. I figure that’s very 8th house. He is super into what I do with astrology and life coaching. It’s the most respectful, loving, genuine connection I have ever had. He proposed to me last month in one of our favorites spots right after the Sun crossed both those points, and Jupiter was conjunct my Juno and his asteroid in my chart. His asteroid and my Juno are only one degree apart. We are getting married July of 2023. Every past relationship I had was abusive and toxic. But I have Saturn conjunct Moon and North Node in the Virgo 2nd house. I had to learn to value myself first.
We owe Robert Schmidt an ENORMOUS amount of gratitude for his erudite contemplation of the subtle nuances of the greek language as it pertains to the astrological tradition. And especially for his recordings and published content which has encapsulated it (a necessary combination if one seeks to grasp the expanse of his contribution to us, as well as his brilliance).
Loved hearing about this! Would love if you did a article on the Vertex as well! This is an enlightening interpretation of the POF. I had heard the POF described as our joy in life. Mine is in my 5th house in Leo. Creativity, having fun (obviously) and romance are my greatest joys, but I also saw my POF as a symbolic representation of my little nephew, who became my greatest joy in life once he was born. (Child, and he’s a Leo sun coincidentally.)
This was SUPER helpful to me, thanks! My Lot of Fortune is @ 4° Virgo in the 4th house, exactly conjunct my Pluto in Virgo. My father & I had a very challenging relationship, & he was (now passed on) a Virgo and when I was about 42 I had to move back to his house (it wasn’t my childhood home) due to some extremely challenging things I was going thru, most notably loss of my health, loss of my home and my loss in the ability to support myself. I wasn’t married nor any kids-just my cat! Anyway, this move back home required travel back to WI as I was living in San Diego at that time. It caused me a great deal of stress but ultimately it also seemed “meant to be” in a fateful way. It took me 2 years to regain my health to resume my career as an Occupational Therapist and I worked in this field until some years passed that my health challenges became too much for me to continue working. Even tho life @ Dad’s house wasn’t always easy, it did afford me opportunity to explore my issues w/ him further. Also, if I hadn’t been able to come there, I would’ve been homeless! When my Dad was diagnosed with cancer, I helped him with his health problems and in essence, was his champion and health care “manager” to help him navigate in that world. He always wanted to die at home and because I was there and experienced in home health practices, my presence afforded him to not only rehabilitate there (when he was at that stage) and when hospice was called, he could remain at home and I felt supported by their presence & involvement.
#grabbed A friend experienced a sudden death when Mars transited her PoF last Summer. (She was fed peanut butter brownies which brought on anaphylaxis. Hospitalized for three days before being taken off life support.) As Mars applied to her PoF she was hospitalized. As Mars perfected the conjunction she was declared dead. An incredibly difficult experience for all of us. I learned of fated transits to the PoF shortly after this occurred. I watch closely for it now.
Wow. Just looked at this in my chart and I’m blown away with what transpired for me…Neptune crossed over my Lot of Fortune in 2016 in Pisces in the 12th.. I started having symptoms that couldn’t be diagnosed.. some kind of mysterious viral type of symptoms that would come and go. So I started looking at how stress and burying emotions subconsciously can manifest as physical ailments. Lots of transformation came from that period. Physically and mentally. Very much hits on the archetypal Pisces/Virgo axis and Neptune being involved (mystery, viruses) …wow.
Pluto transit to my LOF. Of course it’s been happening for a while, but the past 3 years now, many events have just come together to completely transform me. Started with an eclipse to my LOF in 7H, relationship came in and within 6 months of the eclipse, it abruptly ended (Sun/Saturn/Pluto conjunction within 4 degrees of my LOF during a 7H/Capricorn profection year). That experience was definitely the catalyst that propelled a complete transformation of how I was doing my life & how I saw myself interacting with others. Pluto just made the final exact hit to my LOF and I found myself in a crazy, synchronistic series of events that connected me to a person with whom I have some crazy synchronistic natal and progressed chart aspects. Who knows where this goes, but I’m glad to learn about the part the lot of fortune has contributed to this.
I have been studying the Lot of Fortune for quite sometime. It definitely acts as nearly another Ascendant but with the connotations described in this article. Predictive work using houses from Fortune and the Moon in conjunction with the natal ascendant have proven to be very comprehensive & effective. I often see a lot of modern astrologers spreading misinformation about what the Lot of Fortune actually is/signifies online, I loved the succinct treatment of the topic. Thank you!
Lot of Fortune is one of those points in the chart I’m intrigued by, but have not determined how to interpret. Along with the Vertex, I always include these two points in my charts and keep an eye out for patterns. Mine is in the 8th house in Cancer… In looking at celebrity charts with 8th house LOF, I did notice a trend that marriage led to the person’s success in some way. Marrying into royalty, marrying someone who gives them their lucky break in their career, etc.
You mentioned the lot of fortune being fated. How does that relate to the vertex point and antivertex, which I don’t understand well. I would love to hear you speak about those points, perhaps including their relationship, or not, with the lunar nodes. My interest lies in my vertex point anaretic at 29°+ scorpio being conjoined exactly by my husband’s Saturn (1′ off from exact) My husband is a 12° capricorn (my descendent degree). I have never understood why we are together, we have never been in love but we stayed together, so far 40 years. He is dying now. It has been “a long strange trip”. I want to find meaning/purpose in the journey we took together.
Today actually transiting Sun, LOF, Mercury Neptune and Jupiter all within 7 degrees of my natal LOF in the 6th house (although I use two different types of software and they give me a different position). I have to say that these days I am doing a ton of stuff that is very positive for my life and future!! (I have some other great transits as well)…
Thanks for this Cat and Acyuta-bhava Das. 🙂 I haven’t followed transits of planets conjoining my natal LOF (in Sag. in the 3rd place) but will keep an eye out for this moving forward. I do, however, have a particularly memorable LOS transit: in August 2020 I had an incredibly vivid even visionary dream in which an Artemisian figure (linked to my guardian daimon but a few steps removed) came to me in a protective dimension. #grabbed I cast a chart for this dream upon awakening and found that both the Sun and Mercury (the chart’s ruler) were closely conjoining my natal LOS (in Virgo in the 12th place) at that exact moment. It was eerie…The dream felt incredibly daimonic to me and the chart seemed to corroborate that intuition. It felt like a message from the Imaginal Realm(s), home of the daimon…The experience had a very Mercurial quality: liminality, traversing the realms – i.e.: between waking and dreaming. I also, out of curiosity, searched for Artemis and/or Diana asteroids. I don’t really work with asteroids, but thought it might be fun to just see if anything popped up. Weirdly enough, it turns out there are asteroids named for both Artemis and Diana and at that moment the Artemis asteroid was almost exactly conjoining my natal LOS and Diana (the asteroid) was conjoining my natal ascendant (third decan of Libra) within 2 degrees! It was pretty surreal to see how many astrological correspondences there were for this incredible and life-altering dream! (Chart details: August 27, 2020 at 7:30am, Northfield, MN).
I really wish I had the money to do a reading with you… one of the more lvl headed people. Even than, not sure what I’d ask. Life has been insane since 2018, and affirmations etc are not working. Need to know if an end in sight to it. And I’ve hit so many different things… out of ideas. And pandemic chipped at my hope/faith that enduring now would lead to better future
Thank you. This has been a burning question for you..I’m in ur class but we’re not there yet. I have fortune in my 8th as well. Have Neptune there too. I have benefited from inheritance but lost my favorite people. Have always seen it as a blessing and a curse, a double edge sword, so to speak. That symbol makes sense now. U and Kat as always are a delight 😊
I wouldn’t sleep on progressed planets activating this point as well. I have my LOF in Cancer in the 12th. Both times my progressed moon conjoined it, major shifts in lunar circumstances were triggered. The first time it happened, my parents divorced. The second time I was laid off and moved back to my city of birth. In both instances, my sense of safety, security, financial independence, and familial relations were challenged through loss and separation I felt I had no power over. I had to learn to go within, strengthen my connection to the divine, and embrace it’s timing to make it through. Not only make it through, but prepare to be open to the next lunar chapter that was beginning as my progressed moon moved into my first house.
#Grabbed I left a previous comment about my current Jupiter to POF transit. I decided to go back to my first marriage, which took place June 30 2007. We married for religious reasons, and not for love. The North Node via transit had just crossed my POF and Vesta in the 8th house. Chiron was on my 7th house Mars in conjunction via transit, too. And Mars via transit was sitting right on my tenth house Chiron in Taurus. Venus and Saturn were conjunct transiting my first house Lilith in Leo. Mercury and the Sun were combust in my Cancer 12th house. The marriage was abusive and toxic. It pushed me to learn how to break family cycles. I left him in 2016, knowing nothing about astrology. But that year, I had a nodal return. It’s at 17 Virgo 2nd house. The day I moved out the North Node was conjunct my 11 degree Virgo Saturn exactly. Saturn rules my 7th house.
Taking verses in context. Understanding the content. Knowing the definition of words. Knowing the culture and history of the times. Using logic and common sense. Not basing some teaching on some far-fetched passage. Interpreting narratives in light of didactive teaching or teaching passages) The word hermeneutics means the interpretation of language, whether written or spoken. Generally, hermeneutics is an activity that interests biblical scholars, and the word is sometimes used in philosophy as well. ty, ‘new word’… rather ‘a hermit’ and fell into the sound of it, enchanted.
Lot of fortune in 9th conjunct Neptune, in Capricorn. During the last few month’s transits, my entire perception of this existence was altered. It was extremely difficult, but a gift was bestowed. Recovering and processing currently, and I thank God for my ability to read the stars, as it gave me ground, when there appeared to be none. Thank you Acuyta for all the wisdom and insight you give freely.
My POF is conjunct my Saturn in Sagittarius in the 6th. This explanation made a lot more sense than anything else I’ve read about the POF so far, considering that I really do experience my 6th house as a source of unexpected (fated) problems that are still eventually edifying (Saturn), meaningful (Sag), and constructive (6th house).
My Lot of Fortune is at 23 Pisces (in my 4th house, and 4 degrees from my South Node which is 27 Pisces). I’m listening to Adam share his story, and realized that Jupiter is just about to pass over my Lot of Fortune – while conjuncting Neptune – in a couple of weeks, April 9th-12th. Will be interesting to watch and see what happens. Thank you for this information!
#grabbed #lotoffortune The moon tranisted the lot of fortune in my 7th house in 1996 when I met my husband (who at the time was not “in my mind” going to be a serious relationship as I had just turned 20 years old. We got pregnant (surprise!!) right away and are still married & he is to this day my best friend! Cosmic clock – ya just can’t make this stuff up!
I have natal Saturn conjunct my natal LOF in the 5th house, right now I have my second Saturn return conjunct both of them. I’m having issues with love relationships involving overtones of issues around abusive fathering and misogyny. A lot of work around awareness and negotiating and cutting out things in my life that no longer serve my spiritual path. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is helping me move slowly through this difficult time. Any ideas of how to deal with this transit?
I was just thinking about my POF last evening and this morning. I was wondering if I should get an astrocartography reading. The reason being that my POF is in Virgo. In Chiron Rainbow Bridge between the inner and outer planets Barbara Hand Clow, states; The POF is the way of Blessing or joy in the natal chart. It shows what makes the native feel the best on all levels. When the POF is in Virgo, the native feels the best when really well located and grounded in the Earth plane so that he or she is free to explore higher consciousness. I am from a farming area and I currently live in a farming area in the mountains of Colorado. I have been wondering whether or not where I am living is truly the best place for me. I have had a tremendous amount of difficulties since I moved here in 2015. However, Pluto’s transit through my 5th house, trining my ASC, conjuncting my Venus and trining my Mars, which began 5 years ago and continues to this day, has been a huge factor in those difficulties. I know what it is like to go into the Underworld. I have been through so much that I wonder if it is me or the place I am living or both.
I believed my pof was 15.42 Libra in my 5th house, conjunct my moon. When I married in 1983 ( with child), my progressed moon exactly conjuncted my pof. The marriage produced 2 children & we divorced 4 yrs later. It all made sense to me. I just learned that due to .e having a night birth that my pof is actually 28.21 aquarius conjunct my MC. 15.42 libra is my part of spirit, not fortune. This has me perplexed & not sure what to make of it all now.
We,, I have natal khiron conjunct the LOF in my Pisces 10th house. As a child Saturn conjuncted the LOF and two days later I was in a car accident – clinically dead (obviously, I survived) but have had health issues ever since. Intriquingly, I also have Mars, Pluto and Uranus conjoined(Pluto/Mars conjunct) my Lot of Spirit. I’m still trying towork out how the natal aspects of LOS effect my daimon (as Kat discussesin her work).
Lots activated = “Things Happen”.. When NN in Leo House 12 was partile trine H 8 Pars Fortune in Aries, I received a phone call that my house across country from where I was currently living burned down. This was a marital asset that I had never been cashed out on post divorce. This was also the day of the Total Solar eclipse in Leo 5 degrees away from said NN. A lot was going on behind the scenes and far away. 1 year previous to this, when Uranus was partile conjunct this Pars Fortune in Aries, I made the original move across country and assumed an inheritance (H8). This was a radical move. The last passing of several conjunctions by Uranus to this point, I decided to sell the home that was inherited and move back to original home city to finalize matters re the home that burned when eclipse NN was in trine to Pars Fortune 6 mos previously.
I have my Lot of Fortune in the same degree as my Mars (9H Sagittarius). I am trying to understand it and the implications. It seems like it will always be hard to detect the difference between the aspects with Mars and my Lot of Fortune, since they are essentially the same. Mars is also my chart ruler and guiding planet. The Sabian Symbol for them is “Men cutting through ice.” I have ADHD and my actions seem really circumspect and nonlinear most of the time, to most people’s chagrin 😂 . I’d like to believe that I am somehow fated for everything to work out. But another interpretation is that whatever actions I am taking will have an extra big impact on my fortunes overall. Maybe I have more control over my fate through actions? Or maybe fate hands me moments to take action. I guess there’s no clear answers but it is fun and to think about.
Question: I’m very curious about the practice of using the Lot of Fortune as an alternative ascendent. The question I had is: In terms of strength, does whichever house the lot of fortune fall in become angular in strength as far as the planets are concerned? (ie, lot of fortune in the 3rd, with jupiter. Can that be seen as Jupiter in the 1st (an angular) house)? Or does the angularity remain configured to the actual ascendent?
I have Saturn n Capricorn in 1 🏠 5 degrees..saggy raising 🐝 Fortune in Capricorn in 2 🏠 9 degress…moon n aquarius there with Chiron… Durning pandemic I was off two years just went back to work all the Capricorn energy helped and hurt I lost too people before 2019… financial security is always hard to keep.😇🌻🐝💛🌞🌞🌄
Hi there! First of all, brilliant discourse around astrology being a divination system, a hypothetical belief system! It’s always good to remember most things are open up to interpretation. A story I have is that Venus recently passed my lot of fortune & I had my first paid astrology client that came to me through what feels like a miraculous website – my IG story was seen & reposted by an unknown to me astrologer, and this person contacted me out of the blue & I had an immediate sale! I connected these 2 events, as my natal Venus sits in 2nd house of finance in conjunction with my True Node… 😮
I relate to what you said about transiting planets aspecting the Lot of Fortune. On December 31 2020, I had a really vivid nightmare about having ovary cancer that would eventually kill me. This made me go to my gynecologist, of course, and all was fine, except that I discovered I was HPV positive with lesions that needed to be removed. I checked the transits on the night of the nightmare and the Moon was passing on top of my LoF which is at the end of Cancer, 12th house. Furthermore, there was a full moon going on. I trust my LoF so much, I feel guided.
I have my Lot of Fortune quite close to my IC and Jupiter (9, 10, and 13 degrees of Virgo respectively), in the 3rd whole sign house. 2008 was a big year for me, when Saturn was transiting Virgo, stationed retrograde on my LOF, and there was a Mars/Saturn conjunction there a little while after. I was still a teenager, and I ran away from home in the middle of the night. Throughout that transit I moved around several times, away from my small town and into a larger city. My housing wasn’t ever stable but I always had someplace to stay, somewhat miraculously, for the rest of my teen years. I also had two pregnancies around this time, one was a somewhat difficult miscarriage, and the other was my oldest child (who is a lovely human, and one the lights of my life). I’ve usually associated my 3rd house, Jupiter in detriment on the IC to have to do with my upbringing in a rural evangelical home with many younger siblings (I have 11), but I’d never thought to piece in the LOF much, or to look at timing. Grateful to have been inspired by this article to pick up my ephemeris and take a look at my Virgo transits. Much love and thanks for this website!
Thanks Kat n Acyuta…I checked and my twins were born when the lof conjoined my natal lof in my 12 house Leo (I was in hospital for the birth)…and a Rx Jupiter was conjoining my natal lof when I was with my father for his passing (in a hospice)…and my first ayah ceremonies saw Venus conjoining my lof (a retreat, I’ve not checked the later ceremony dates but am guessing what I’ll find)….all 12 house fortunes/misfortunes. I’ll have to look into more on this abstract pot luck point now!;) thanks again guys x