Astrology is a belief that stars and planets dictate our behavior, with each zodiac sign being “ruled” by a planet. The ten major planets of astrology are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each zodiac sign has its own ruling planet, which can affect one’s life and destiny.
According to astrologer Lisa Stardust, the 6-planet alignment is an “intense” astrological event. Astrologers believe embodying the ruling planet can help individuals tap into their truest self. However, planets do not control people, destiny, or lives; they synchronize and are responsible for solar activity.
Scientific studies have disproven this claim, with numerous studies finding no evidence to support it. Astrology is not based on the logic of cause and effect, as some believe that planets exert influence through gravitation or another unknown influence. Others argue that planets have no direct influence on the universe.
In a universe where planets have an innate mythology by some strange divine force, there are no extraordinary claims. Astrology has no scientific or logical basis, and it is a matter of faith. Sometimes predictions from astrology come true, but the purpose and destiny of one’s life are fixed by the individual. While everything has an influence, what is made out of it is what truly matters.
Sadhguru #sadhguru 2021 #sadhguruenglish #sadhguru2020 The purpose of This video is to demonstrate and conceptualize …
Why do Christians don’t believe in astrology?
In Matthew 28:18, Jesus asserts that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. This contradicts biblical wisdom, as chasing after false gods is a sin. There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to stars or astrologists. Pursuing predictions about our destiny or personality is biblically sinful, as it takes power from God and gives it to something other than God. A horoscope cannot change what God has already ordained before we were even created.
Does anyone own the planets?
Space activities are for the benefit of all nations, and any country is free to explore orbit and beyond. No nation can claim sovereignty in space, and weapons of mass destruction are forbidden. The Moon, planets, and celestial bodies can only be used for peaceful purposes. Astronauts from any nation are considered “envoys of mankind”, and signatory states must provide assistance when needed, including emergency landings.
Signatory states are responsible for their space activities, including private commercial endeavors, and must provide authorization and supervision. Nations are responsible for damage caused by their space objects and must avoid contaminating space and celestial bodies.
The Rescue Agreement and the Moon Agreement both state that celestial bodies can only be used for peaceful purposes, should not be contaminated, and the UN should be made aware of any station on non-Earth bodies. If resource mining on the Moon becomes feasible, an international regime must be established to govern its use. The United States is not a signatory of the Moon Agreement.
Can we change our planets in astrology?
Our horoscope cannot be altered, but we can strengthen our planets by making small changes to our daily routines and lifestyle habits. These changes can enhance the positive energies associated with each planet, which can significantly impact our lives. Strong planets can help us deal with life’s challenges better, while weak planets can cause issues like lack of skills, peace, stability, and strength.
Who decides zodiac signs?
The star sign is determined by the position of the Sun in a particular constellation at birth. As Earth moves around the Sun, each Zodiacal constellation is hidden behind it. The zodiac, which stretches 8-9 degrees either side of the ecliptic, is the region where the Sun, Moon, and planets are found (except for Pluto). The narrow band of the zodiac, marked by blue lines, stretches 9 degrees either side of the ecliptic. There are 13 Zodiacal Constellations through which the ecliptic passes, including the Sun, Moon, and planets.
Who rules the Earth signs?
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are three earth signs that are considered the builders of the universe. They are characterized by a strong affinity for structure and stability, yet remain free spirits. They work with determination, courage, and wisdom, and their egos do not interrupt their work or relationships. Earth signs are priceless people who are worthy of being cherished and revered. They enjoy tangible things, such as good food and quality jewelry, and can be connected through physical touch. To get close to an earth sign, one can connect with them through physical touch.
Which god controls all 9 planets?
It is a widely held belief among mythologists and ancient gurus that the Navagrahas, or Navagraheshwara, are under the control of Lord Shiva and are placed in his temples in accordance with their beliefs.
How do you control planets in astrology?
Afflicted planets in one’s birth chart can cause challenges, but remedies can be used to strengthen them. For the Sun, chant the Surya Mantra and offer water. For the Moon, chant the Chandraya Mantra and embrace moonlight. Jupiter can be appeased with the Brihaspataye Mantra and yellow attire. Vedic astrology, an ancient Indian system, suggests that each planet uniquely influences us, reflecting the universe’s connection with our existence. Nine planets, or Jyotish, rule over individual destinies and can bring success, growth, stability, and prosperity when positioned favorably.
However, when planets are afflicted, astrologers often recommend remedies to strengthen them to restore peace and prosperity. The Sun, representing power, authority, self-growth, pride, identity, and vitality, can be appeased with the Surya Mantra, ‘Om Suryaya Namaha.’
Are zodiac signs ruled by planets?
Zodiac signs provide insight into our personalities, preferences, and potential life paths. Each zodiac sign is determined by your birth date and the position of the sun at birth. The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each representing a specific segment of the celestial sphere. Understanding your zodiac sign and its ruling planet can offer insights into your character, behavior, and compatibility with others.
Why is astrology considered witchcraft?
The conviction in malevolent spiritual entities gave rise to a dual condemnation of magical practices that sought to benefit humanity rather than cause harm, as well as divination techniques of all kinds. This was largely due to the fact that the ability to foresee and predict future events was often perceived as being closely associated with witchcraft.
Which god controls all planets?
It is a widely held belief among mythologists and ancient gurus that the Navagrahas, or Navagraheshwara, are under the control of Lord Shiva and are placed in his temples in accordance with their beliefs.
Why do scientists not believe in astrology?
Astrology is a belief system that suggests a connection between astronomical phenomena and human events or personality descriptions. However, it has been criticized by the scientific community for lacking explanatory power and scientific testing has found no evidence to support its premises or effects. The most famous test, led by Shawn Carlson, concluded that natal astrology performed no better than chance. Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness in controlled studies and has no scientific validity, making it regarded as pseudoscience.
There is no proposed mechanism by which stars and planets’ positions and motions could affect people and events on Earth in the way astrologers claim, which contradicts well-understood aspects of biology and physics. Modern scientific inquiry into astrology focuses on the correlation between astrological traditions and the influence of seasonal birth in humans.
📹 How To Beat Astrology – Monk Explains How To Overcome Your Chart
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Study of planets tells more about a person and helps in self awareness. It’s never meant to write down a way of life on a piece of paper and live by it. It is meant for awareness of the inbuilt capabilities and the harms that a person might experience in life and much more. However, meditation and belief in God does help in overriding negative energies around us. For a person to be able to take full charge of its life, consciousness must be raised to the highest level.
It is very important to use your own intelligence while dealing with astrologers because like SadhGuru stated they all know which person needs to be told what.Astrology predictions made not in your favour can ruin your life because that starts defining you.So trust yourself and work hard.Leave the rest to God.
Astrology can be a very powerful instrument, however you need to know what things to tell to people and how. There are some clients that have a very surface level interest and only soft suggestions of corrections will make sense to them. When it’s someone with a deeper interest – you can send them on a yogic path. As an astrologyst I can tell that it requires undertanding of a psycology. We need to help people and not to scare them or harm them. Just introduce them to the laws of karma, dharma, etc. I always send Sadhguru’s articles to my clients to explain how to fix some of their problems. Because I want to share knowledge with people and give them hope and understanding.
I dont think people understand. We are affected by planets because we are in the physical body. Once we start doing spiritual practices we create a little distance from our physicality, we live in the body but being completely aware of the thoughts and actions we do. There is clarity. And when there is a gap between our emotional, physical identity and us as a life, the physical planets can’t affect us. I feel like a lot of astrologers know this but don’t want to let it out as they won’t be able to earn as much. I love astrology as a science, it’s fascinating. But I can’t do it as a job because spiritual practices is the only best remedy for all afflictions in my opinion (no offence)
I disagree with sadgurus view point on astrology, astrology does not predict what the next minute will happen, astrology will tell you what qualities you have, on that qualities you work you become what you like, that’s all. And you will be surprised if you check sadgurus astrology it will show high level of wisdom. So even if you don’t follow astrology still things will fall in place. So if he claims that he made a choice to become a sadgurus or he thinks he just became automatically like this by gods grace, you should check his astrology, I am sure all planets must have set him up to become a sadguru. Anyway not here for a fight. I have been listening to past several years and he is just awesome. Wishing everybody a mahasivratri
Astrology is not only about predicting. Every star and planets have their own effect on others and us. We can with astrology understand these things and reduce some Ill effects. If we are like buddha or any other spiritual beings then his words are true but 99% people don’t have spiritual level to that extent
Think planets do effect our behavior to some extent, how much no one really knows, but the way this simulation we are experiencing is designed due to the wave of many probabilities or the uncertainty principle rules out determinism or simply one can’t predict exactly what will happen to them in the future. It makes sense the simulated experience is designed this way because if you knew exactly what will happen to you every minute in the future of your life, then you have no experience which would defeat the purpose for the reason your here.
🗝️ 2:49 The value of Astrology lies in understanding “the energies available” for your Personal Development Practice. To apply exact physical application is in another Mind Set altogether, it is far more of the Ego Mind aka Lower Mind. Be in the habit of “Conscious in Thought” + “Applying Higher Mind”, aka Mature Minded (the Higher Mind is where all the Positive Thought Energies reside, where Wisdom is achieved). Nothing is all Black or White, there’s harmony in the Middle Ground. Release FEARS, those are what hold One from their Freedom, their Desires, their True Independence. (This statement is so valuable to all whom seek Answers.) 🗝️
Knowing the future helps you prepare for sudden events and transformations. If you know it’s going to rain tomorrow due to sudden weather changes, you can prepare yourself with an umbrella or a shelter. It is all about how prepared we are for the future when you know what’s going to happen. Not about being complacent.
Moon represents Mind in Astrology, and its funny how it sounds connected when he talks about it 3:46 and people who are SENSITIVE are not disturbed or unbalanced. They are more human than those who are not. HSP or Highly Sensitive People are most creative and deeply spiritual people who are often misunderstood like in his eyes. He needs to study more human psychology and “chose to be” (like he says about destiny) more emotionally sensitive and enlightened… And high and low tides of moon doesn’t affect everyone. That’s wrong thinking because he said somewhere before we are 75% water, but we are not flat like the sea, and he said that North pole badly affect our sleep if we face our head north during sleep, that’s another possibility for unbalanced mind. Not to mention we have own blood pressure which fluctuates, then allergies, wrong diet, introversion, stress etc…. Like that part where “some don’t say anything” 4:06… They don’t know what he is talking about…. Don’t follow this guru/yogi whatever… He lacks some enlightenment like life lessons in his destiny to just spread half of that wisdom to the world…. 4:50 Paradox of destiny: just listening to this man: 4:55 “yes everything has influence”… like his influence. He already influenced by his talk people’s destinies those who are sheep’s… Know beliefs of person you are listening to then decide if they on wrong path or right path. Influence/why words destiny/fate exists: “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.
I have huge respect for you Sadguru. May be you had some bitter experiences in past with some Astrologer however Astrology as knowledge is never about prediction it’s about showing right path like you do. It’s states the rules of may happen not will happen if you don’t take charge of your life. It also teaches you to take control of your life and be satisfied not always successful. I think successful and satisfaction have become synonymous these days. I am sure your criticism is towards some wrong practitioner of Astrology not as subject because it is also written by sages like Parashara, Varahamihira, Mantreswara etc and I am sure they have not written this misguide humans. I am sorry if my comments hurts anyone, my intention is just share my thoughts like everyone did. 🙏🙏
I am perusal this article 8th time now… I already watched it the day this article was uploaded… And followed what Sadhguru said… And trust me everything is magical… I recommend everyone whoever is perusal this article… Follow what as said by Sadhguru you will also see a miracle in life… Yes somethings will go wrong in life someday i agree but trust me guys those things won’t hurt you anymore…
Someone has written about regular chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama to control all stars and planets. I however strongly believe that the change that you seek should come from within to influence the world around you. Chanting is good because it sets your soul for that purpose, but the real intent behind such chanting is to change your character and imbibing the thoughts, knowledge and behaviour of Sri Vishnu bhagwaan (God Vishnu). Simple chanting will make one not more than a Parrot 🦜🦜🦜 The human life will get wasted.
Dear Sadhguru, I am an ardent admirer of you and your teachings. But i totally disagree on your views expressed on astrology. If it were so irrelevant to the mankind, it would not have been in the Vedas. Dont you think? It is a science, not a phylosophical mumbo jumbo. When the supreme lord himself teaches Jyotish, Ayurved and Yoga through the Vedas and the Puranas, and great Maharishis like Vedavyas, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Bhrigu and Maharishi Jaimini writes 100s of shlokas in their books to teach about different aspects about it, dont you think there must be some substance in it? Jyotish is a limb or anga of the Veda, thats why it is called Vedanga Jyotish. Is it your ignorance or mental conditioning that made you say things like this like an ordinary individual? Yes you are right; one should not predict in such a way that someone behaves irrationally, and there are astrologers who do anything for money. But so is true with Sadhus and sanyasis. Therr are spiritual masters who have done irresponsible things in the past, and there will be many such people around the world in d coming times. Does that mean I will say that I will throw Sadhus out of my area, they are all scammers? I dont know what you people have against jyotish? Most of the modern spiritual masters are so ignorant about what it is. Trust me you are miles away from the truth about Jyotish. The aim of Jyotish is to bring your body and mind in harmony with the energies of the cosmos so that you can be a better human being who is responsible to himself and the society.
@ Mahesh Babu . Ghattamaneni : Hi, a) On 20 th April 2022 Night around 11 : 00 P.M Narayanapuram Colony, Flat No : 219, lo New Delhi side lo nilabadinappudu aakaasam Vaipu chusinappudu observed two stars in the sky in Vaasthu direction like a diagonal in Vaayuvyam – aagneyam diection . b) On 21 st April 2022 na around 1:00 P.M observed two mangoes on a Mango Tree . Mangoes are in Vaasthu direction like a diagonal in Vaayuvyam – aagneyam direction . – Thankyou.
I challenge you sadhguru, live your life completely opposite to the natural laws, go against the law of getting up from sleep when sun arises, you plan your schedule according to the planetary motions, you conduct your maha shiv rathri celebrations, and inaugrate adi guru statue according to the muhurtha described by astrologers, if you are against astrology don’t follow any rules of muhurtha, I challenge you sathguru in this issue, don’t celebrate Indian festivals which are calculated according to panchanga, which is a basic formula of astrology, I will accept your wisdom about astrology if you prove me that you are beyond it
I like astrology only because I get to watch patterns and cycles, which is fun. But I learned a long time ago that if you stay centered in God, Spirit, your soul…whatever you want to call it….then the planets don’t affect you. You affect everything else. Yogananda said to stay centered in God and the planets could not touch you.