Loot the Mystic Chest is a level 50 Nazjatar Quest that offers a +75 reputation with Waveblade Ankoan. It is part of the Rise of Azshara, a hidden but dangerous quest in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. The quest involves revealing hidden treasure chests, arcane chests, and glowing arcane trunks, which can contain valuable artifacts such as Prismatic Manapearls, Benthic gear tokens, and War Resources. Using a stone gives a 5-minute buff to detect hidden treasure chests in most Nazjatar, which are required for the Nothing To Scry About achievement.
The quest is part of the ongoing storyline, unlocking the new area Nazjatar and the new HEART FORGE, and exploring the new essence upgrades for the Heart of Azeroth. The chest’s contents may prove valuable in the quest to defeat the Naga. To loot war supply chests in Nazjatar, players should kill the other guy before he kills them and click on the chest to collect loot. The quest is part of the ongoing storyline and continues to be updated with new content and rewards.
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