The text discusses the use of Builder Potions in clan games, specifically regarding their stacking and potential limit. It is unclear if there is a limit to the number of potions that can be used simultaneously or if they should be used at a time. Builders are 10x faster for the number of hours equal to the number of builder pots, and using two potions will result in 40 hours of build done in 4 hours.
The text also discusses the concept of a queue, where only the durations of potions stack, not the amount of resources generated. The Clock Tower Potion can stack with the free boost, but it cannot be used if the potion was used first. The Sennheiser HD 6XX is a popular choice for building potions, and the Sennheiser HD 6XX is available for purchase.
The text also discusses the concept of quickened spells, subtle spells, and transmuted spells, which do not stack but work together in a way. While magic item effects do not stack, they do last longer. The first ever Clan Capital Challenge begins with the new endless haste spell.
For potions, they can be used multiple times, stacking, as seen with 3 Training Potions boosting your army for 3 hours (3 x 1). The text concludes by discussing the benefits and limitations of using Builder Potions in clan games and the potential for them to be wasted.
📹 What happens if we use 2x builder potions at once
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Should you stack builder potions?
It should be noted that the effects of magic items do not accumulate; rather, the second item used will override the first. The duration of multiple resource potions is cumulative, whereas the amount of resources generated is not. The duration of a potion is doubled when two are used simultaneously, yet the rate of effect is not multiplied by a factor of two. This is analogous to the functionality of the Training potion. The second potency will prevail over the first, and the durations will accumulate.
How many hours does 1 Builder Potion take off?
Each builder is required to complete 10 hours of work per hour, resulting in a total of 60 hours of work for 1 hour. Once this threshold is reached, the process will cease.
Can you stack spells in COC?
The Healing Spell is a powerful spell that can be stacked on top of each other to increase the healing effect. It is the second spell unlocked at Level 2 Spell Factory and requires Town Hall to be at level 6. When placed, it forms a stationary ring of healing on the ground, healing all friendly Troops and Heroes within the ring, including Healers. The healing rate is reduced to 55 the rate of normal troops, but Siege Machines are unaffected.
The spell lasts 12 seconds, with 40 healing pulses every 0. 3 seconds. It provides a medium-ranged radius with yellow shades of glowing color, and is particularly effective when used with high-health and slow troops with many defenses.
Can I use two builder potions at once?
Multiple potions at once only extend the duration of the effect, such as granting a 2x resource production boost for 2 days instead of a 4x boost for 1 day. The Power Potion boosts Troops, Spells, and Siege Machines to the maximum level allowed at Town Hall level for 1 hour, working in both villages. It can be used before any battle by tapping the “Boost Troops” button, including Clan War battles. While the potion is active, troops and spells display a bluish flame for their level.
Can you stack enlarge spells?
The Enlarge spell interacts with the Elixir of the Colossus, allowing for the creation of buffs that are technically different. Giga-Karlach, weighing 5, 005kg and having a carrying capacity of 440kg, is about 20ft tall and falls under the “Huge” size category. This has implications for players of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, which is the system that Baldur’s Gate 3 is based on. The Player’s Handbook explains that size is not an expression of physical dimensions, as a Medium creature is not 5 feet wide. The size categories table shows how much space a creature of a particular size controls in combat.
Can you stack clone spells in coc?
Clone spells are a powerful tool for cloning troops, but they are not suitable for larger troops like Golems or Lava Hounds. Level 8 spells can clone every troop in the home village, but multiple spells are treated separately. Clone spells can be used in a pinch or when there are no other solutions. Balloons can be used to clone troops, as they will tank for the Electro Dragon, especially if Seeking Air Mines are involved. Clone spells can also be used to clone other Clan Castle complements, such as Super Wizards or Super Archers cloaked under Invisibility Spells.
Cloned Super Barbarians or Rocket Balloons will not have their ability active when created, and cloned Sneaky Goblins can spawn with the cloak ability, but this ability expires once the original Sneaky Goblin’s cloak expires. Cloned Super Minions will spawn with all its long shots available, even if the original Super Minion has already used some or all of its long shots.
Is the Book of building worth 925 gems?
It is possible to obtain superior gem value when purchasing magic items from traders in comparison to directly upgrading with gems. To illustrate, the Book of Heroes costs 500 gems and can complete a 7-day hero upgrade, which would normally cost 1, 000 gems. The Book of Building/Book of Fighting has a price tag of 925 gems, yet it can facilitate a 14-day upgrade for 1863 gems.
Do spell towers stack coc?
The Poison Spell Tower’s poison ramps to maximum damage instantaneously, akin to the Giga Inferno’s death poison effect. It should be noted that the damage inflicted by multiple Poison Spell Towers deployed in the same area does not accumulate. Furthermore, the poison effect does not stack with the Giga Inferno’s Poison Bomb. In order to impede the progress of the assailant, it is advisable to maintain a safe distance and position them within a confined space.
Can you still make spells while upgrading?
Upgrade the Spell Factory to continue brewing spells at half the normal rate of six minutes per housing space. This is due to the fact that spell production may not keep up with troop training. The factory is home to veteran Wizards who are better suited for creating magical weapons. Additional spells can be queued in the factory, similar to how troops can be queued in Barracks or Dark Barracks. The brewing queue is shared with the Dark Spell Factory, so Elixir and Dark Elixir spells cannot be brewed simultaneously. The boost timer will continue to count down even if you aren’t creating spells, so don’t boost the factory until you are ready to use it.
Will potions be stackable in Minecraft?
The game’s consumables, such as potions, soups, and milk buckets, are underutilized due to their limited stacking capacity. To address this issue, the mechanics of milk should be adjusted to make it more consistent with potions. This includes making milk buckets placeable in Cauldrons, adding a Bottle of Milk, and moving the effect-clearing functionality from Milk Buckets to Bottles of Milk.
How much time do 5 builder potions take off?
Legend claims that dropping 5 builder potions while having all 6 builders activates the builder base clock will immediately finish everything, with 9 hours for each active builder. This can be achieved through various mediums such as amazing, animals and pets, cringe and facepalm, funny, interesting, memes, oddly satisfying, Reddit Meta, wholesome and heartwarming, action games, adventure games, esports, gaming consoles and gear, mobile games, role-playing games, simulation games, sports and racing games, strategy games, tabletop games, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, computer hardware, consumer electronics, DIY electronics, programming, software and apps, streaming services, tech news, and virtual and augmented reality.
📹 Is It Better to Buy Hammers or Builder Potions in Clash of Clans?
Clash Bashing is going to be discussing the differences between the builder potions and various hammers in the league medal …
Always stockpile CWL metals. I use them to jump-start my next TH level. It’s nice to instantly have like lab up, get your troops you use maxed, barracks up for new troops, etc.. After that’s done I only ever buy hammers of fighting/spells as I progress to try other strategies. You’ll have research complete in no time, well before your base catches up. I just moved to TH14, got my lab, barracks (for titans), pethouse, titans maxed, miners maxed, and only a couple days left to use a hammer on hogs which completes my hybrid (my most used strategy so I can still farm with max troops). Just remember the 1week cool down per hammer, so if you’re planning on doing this, it’s nice to buy one of each hammer BEFORE your TH upgrade has a week left and sit on them, since they don’t stack.. Which by the time your upgrades done, you can spend them and immediately buy more which jump-starts 4-6 things (2 buildings, 2 troops, 2 spells). It almost feels like cheating as it removes research grind, and the grind for things like barracks, army camps, etc.. the important buildings to be your peak for your TH level. Already strong for CWL/War, and the rest is just the long grind for maxing your defenses/walls, and a small hero grind as it’s usually just 5 additional levels per hero which isn’t bad. I NEVER use hammer of heroes. Sure it negates the time but in the same sense, you can only buy 1 a week, and their normal upgrade is 1 week (plus half day) so to me the value isn’t there, especially being the most expensive hammer.
The math is a bit wrong because potions take an hour to work. So if a building takes 100 hours, 10 potions would give 100 hours PLUS the 10 hours they take to work. So really you’d only need 9 pots (90 hours) plus the 9 hours they take to work. If you added a 10th pot itd be useless because the 10 free hours would be wasted on a finished building. It’s even more serious of an error on larger buildings.
Math says, to make a hammer worth it the hammered building needs to be 9d to have equivalent value (ignoring the loot spent). Builder potions save 9h/Builder, they are 30 Medals and a Hammer is 120. So 4/1, 4 Potions are 9×4=36h (1,5d) per Builder. So if you have 6 builders it’s a total builder time of 9d. So as long as the hammer Building is 9d or longer you should hammer. (Loot saved with hammer can change this for some people but for me i have enough loot usually so it’s more about raw time saves.)
4 builder potions are worth it specifically for heroes across 6 builders. If you have all 4 heroes down and use all 4 builder potions, youve taken 1 day 16 hrs off all hero upgrades, or 6.7 days. At lower levels, this is FAR better than a hammer of heroes, but at high levels, its not really. Im addition to skipping the farming for dark elixir, once you get your heroes to abiut th13 levels, your hero upgrades are going to be 7 days or more.
Research potion 24x 1 hour @20* Hammer of fighting instant @120(trophies) 6x price of pot If research is greater than 6 days, use hammer/if not just buy research potions using trophies/in shop i.e., 1 day upgrade = 1 research pot(20*) 5 day upgrade = 5 research pots(100*) 7 day upgrade = 7 pots(140*) or 1 hammer (120*) If upgrade is exactly 6 days, i would use the potions because they are easier to come by and dont have a week cool down after purchase
For building: – One builder potion can reduce a maximum of 2.25 days (total across 6 builders, 9 hours saved per builder) – A hammer costs 120 medals, equivalent to 6 potions. If we buy 6 potions, we can save 13.5 days (total across 6 builders, 2.25 days per builder) So if upgrade is longer than 13.5 days -> buy hammer; if we need to speed up multiple shorter upgrades, potion is not a bad choice. Me: I save medals for statues and skins :))