“Can’t Hold Me Down” is a song by Memory Spells and Maiah Manser, released on September 9, 2021. The lyrics of the song are “Burn through my shadows, Chasing, running through the light, Oh, I’m trying each passing hour, Racing, gunning out of sight, Open eyes / Give it up, let…” The song is written by Maiah Manser, Matt Bauer, and Malena Cadiz. It is a dark, alternative, heavy, and Indie song.
The song can be streamed on Spotify, Apple Music, and other platforms. The song features a 4:07 video of the song, with the chorus being “Burn through my shadows, Chasing, running through the light, Oh, I’m trying Each passing hour, Racing, gunning out of sight, Open eyes”. The song is available in Hi-Res quality on Qobuz and can be purchased for kr124,99/month.
The song is also available as a single on Apple Music, with a duration of approximately 4 minutes. The album can be downloaded in good quality online on Spotify.
In addition to the song, the song is also featured in Mina Akram’s playlist on desktop and mobile. Overall, “Can’t Hold Me Down” is a captivating and engaging song from Memory Spells and Maiah Manser.
📹 Can’t Hold Me Down
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Can’t Hold Me Down · Memory Spells · Maiah Manser Can’t Hold Me Down ℗ Memory Spells …
📹 Lucifer Soundtrack | Can’t Hold Me Down – Maiah Manser ( NETFLIX VERSION )
Lucifer Season 06 Episode 09 Soundtrack | Goodbye Lucifer Maiah Manser …
MY FAN FICTION VERTIGO IDEA :alright everyone will picture this if you can …. midday outskirts of LA John Constantine is getting everything packed up in his Chevy nova dark silver colored Lucifer:you thought you flew outta here and did not say goodbye? john turns around while saying :that’s more your style .not to mention you have the wings. Lucifer it seems we’ve both done our part.and say farewells. john:yeah .you really pulled the wool over my eyes.They look at each other and see you around Lu. LUCIFER:oh yes on much better and socialistic terms.he smiles like an ass john starts to walk to the car then sees a bottle of scotch in his bag and he reaches down to pick it up he grabs it and turns around…keep this on ice for me? Lucifer:I’ll save you a glass. they reach out and shake each others hands the song kicks in …john gets in the Chevy and starts up and then accelerates some then turns off onto the main road and floors it. Lucifer looks at the vehicle as it heads out of sight . he turns to head to his corvette stingray holding the bottle in his hand. fade out