As a sorcerer, you have numerous spell slots that can be used for “Divine Smite”. Using a 4th-level spell slot for a divine smite deals 5d8 radiant damage. At level 11, with “Shadow Blade”, the character can cast its warlock spells using its paladin slots and its paladin spells using its warlock slots. The character can also use both paladin and warlock spells.
In the 5e PHB, it is stated that you must expend a “Paladin spell slot” to use Divine Smite. However, under multiclassing, it is stated that you can combine paladin spell slots with other spellcasters. You can use a single spell slot per attack that hits to divine smite.
As a bonus action smite spell, the target takes an extra 2d8 Radiant damage from the attack. At higher levels, using Divine Smite may not be as good as Warlocks, as they only get 2 spells per short rest until they reach 11th level. However, all classes with the “Spellcasting” trait have the same spell slots.
Despite the original wording of Divine Smite, there is no such thing as a “paladin” spell slot. You can expend any spell slot, regardless of where it comes from. Divine Smite features do not require a Bonus Action to cast, so there is no restriction.
When fighting Tiamat or a Rakshasa, no spell lower than 6th level affects them. When using Divine Smite as a Paladin, you can expend spell slots. However, according to firm rules, you cannot. An alternative for a DM would be to allow you to expend Hellish Rebuke.
Divine Smite has been codified as an actual Paladin Spell, which opens up some fun, like using charging up Rings of Fire. The class power of Divine Smite is not a spell and cannot be counterspelled. Divine Smite caps out at 5d8, which requires a 4th-level spell slot. Therefore, a 2 Paladin / 18 Sorcerer can perform many more smites.
📹 How To Use Divine Smite On D&D Beyond
A way to add Divine Smite on the D&D Beyond character sheet to more easily roll that extra radiant damage for your Mary-Sue …
What are the rules for divine smite?
Starting at 2nd level, you can use the Divine Smite to deal radiant damage to a creature with a melee weapon attack. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, up to a maximum of 5d8. The D and D 5E Free Basic Rules only cover a fraction of the content available on Roll20. For more options, check out the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. As a paladin, you gain hit points, with 1d10 per paladin level and 10 + your Constitution modifier at 1st level and 1d10 or 6) at higher levels.
Can you use other class spell slots for divine smite?
Divine Smite is a melee weapon attack that doubles damage on a critical hit. It can be used multiple times per turn and can be used on the same weapon attack that benefits from a “Smite” Spell. Paladins can use Divine Smite on the same weapon attack that benefits from a “Smite” Spell like Wrathful Smite. However, they cannot expend multiple Spell Slots to increase Divine Smite damage of one attack.
Anti-magic Field affects Divine Smite, and it works in an Area of Silence. Feats like “Savage Attacker” only apply to the weapon’s damage dice, and the “Great Weapon Fighting” Fighting Style does not allow re-rolling a 1 or 2 for Divine Smite damage.
Can a paladin use warlock spell slots for Smite?
While WarlockPaladin is a formidable entity, it is advised to augment the capabilities of the Warlock. The Pact of the Blade, level 3, permits the utilization of CHA modifiers in lieu of STR or DEX for weaponry. To gain access to the GameFAQs Message Boards, one must either register for an account or sign in if they already possess one. In Honor mode, the Baldur’s Gate 3 and Paladin’s Smite can be employed to expend Warlock spell slots.
Can you use booming blade and divine smite?
It is possible to cast both smite spells and blade spells on the same turn without issue. However, a complication arises when a second attack is received, which can only be used when the attack action is taken.
What is the highest spell slot in divine smite?
Starting at 2nd level, when attacking a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The D and D 5E Free Basic Rules only cover a fraction of the content available on Roll20. For more options, check out the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. As a paladin, you gain hit points, with 1d10 per paladin level and 10 + your Constitution modifier at 1st level and 6 + your Constitution modifier at higher levels.
Can you use warlock spells with regular spell slots?
The game does not permit players to select between pact or spell slots for smite or spells. Warlock spells utilize pact slots, if available, whereas all other spells employ spell slots. It should be noted that the game contains content that may not be suitable for all age groups. This includes, but is not limited to, depictions of mature themes, nudity, and sexual content. To update content preferences on Steam, select the “Update Content Preferences” button.
Can you use thunderous smite with divine smite?
To apply both Thunderous Smite and Divine Smite, use a bonus action to cast Thunderous Smite, then use your action to attack a target and invoke Divine Smite if hit. These abilities work together without conflict, making them complementary and redundant. The game designers intentionally created a category of spells that step on the toes of and conflicts with abilities built into the paladin class. Even at level 2, this allows for 2d8 + 2d6 damage on top of regular weapon damage and can knock the opponent flat on their back, giving melee friends an advantage on their next round of attacks.
Can clerics use divine smite?
Cleric powers facilitate augmented damage from attacks, including Channel Divinity for necrotic damage, Path to the Grave for devastating smite, and Guided Strike for ensuring an attack hits. Nevertheless, there are a limited number of other powers that could potentially complicate the interaction between these specific abilities.
Can Oathbreaker Paladins use divine smite?
Paladins, half-casters, often use their spell slots on divine smites, but their spell selection is crucial. Some key spells for an Oathbreaker Paladin include the Dungeons and Dragons oath, which supports righteousness, protection of the weak, and justice. However, some Paladins find these oaths too lofty or cumbersome to champion. If a Paladin breaks their oath and chooses to forsake it instead of seeking forgiveness, they become an Oathbreaker, turning their light into the service of darkness.
The feats obtained at level 1 from Variant Human and Tasha’s Custom Lineage make these species stronger than any other benefit. Dungeon masters often use a homebrew rule that provides all species with a free feat at level 1.
Can a barbarian use divine smite?
The core of the build focuses on the combination of the barbarian’s rage and the paladin’s divine smite for high damage output. With two levels in both barbarian and paladin, the player can activate their rage and then slam in for a powerful divine smite attack. The 4th level character smiting deals 24 average damage, with 3 on average from great weapon fighting. Great weapon fighting applies to smite damage, giving better odds of hitting higher numbers. The build can be elevated into more powerful concepts, such as the Golden Ax, which aims to make a single mighty swing with a divinely infused great weapon for maximum damage bonuses.
Can you use pact magic for divine smite?
📹 SEARING SMITE | The Burning Smite – Spell A Day D&D 5E +2
Alrighty day 290! Today is Searing Smite. 75 more to go. Now we talk about smite again. It’s been a moment since the last one.
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