The How I Met Your Mother fan theory suggests that Barney’s proclivity for wearing suits is a metaphor for his hard drug use. Despite Ted’s reluctance, Barney hires a woman named Mary and claims she’s a paralegal. Ted doesn’t believe him, but despite his reluctance, Barney takes it upon himself to hire a woman named Mary and claims she’s a paralegal. After 208 episodes, the Emmy-nominated comedy wrapped in 2014, not with Ted (Josh Radnor) living happily ever after with the mother of his children, but with his ex-wife, Robin (Cobie Smulders).
One fan theory posits that Ted (Josh Radnor) portrayed Barney as a womanizer and a bit of a jerk so that his kids would forgive him for chasing after Robin. The Mother is not more than that. Ted never actually calls the Mother his wife. So maybe the Mother is just that: the kids’ mom. Perhaps she and Ted get divorced and that’s why Ted.
One moment in Season 3 of How I Met Your Mother sees Barney confessing to something far worse than his usual womanizing and misogyny. Some people thought that Ted was misremembering what his friends looked like and that the real Marshall, Robin, Lily, and other characters were actually real.
The Mermaid Theory, directed by Pamela Fryman, features Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders, and Neil Patrick Harris. Ted goes on a boating trip with Zoey’s friend, Barnabus Stinson, a fictional character created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas for the CBS television series How I Met Your Mother.
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📹 Top 10 Dark Truths About How I Met Your Mother
Kids, these are the dark truths about “How I Met Your Mother.” For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the reported behind the …
The hot crazy scale is flawed in how it’s demonstrated in the show. When Barney’s example loses weight she becomes less crazy moving along the line when it is well known that she does not get less crazy she gets hotter moving upwards. Furthermore, sometimes the actions of craziness should also affect levels of hotness. When Barney’s example shaves her head not only is she increasing in levels of craziness (moving her further along the x-axis) the head-shaving would also result in a decrease of hottest. (moving her down the y axis) However, it is quite well known that the hot crazy scale is effective the main problem lies in the example provided by Barney.
Credit to the multi-talented NPH for miming the drawing of the Hot/crazy scale in mid-air, and writing the letters of “crazy” BACKWARDS (from his perspective) so we the audience can read them! (The letters in “hot” all look the same backwards as forwards, so weren’t difficult to write.) Cut here from that scene: “the (Stacy) Mendoza line,” a baseball reference for someone batting below/above .200
The reality is that Barney Stenson is someone we all hate agreeing with and liking. Barney is the guy everyone knows that is right when we really need them to be wrong. I will say, though, that the “reacher and settler” rule is true… though in reality it is more about personality and give in the relationship than looks. That is why many women are so obsessed with perceiving themselves as “settlers” when in reality they are the “reachers”. Looks fade, but the personality and give lasts. Lastly, Robin was Robin’s biggest problem during most of the show’s run.
These rules/theories actually make sense: 1. When you meet somebody again that you’ve not seen in a long time you (to a degree) monentarily become the way you were back then again 2. The cheerleader effect, where many girls in a group are hotter than each individually (probably evoltionarily, because if you have say 3 offspring of whom only 1 makes it, that’s about as good as 1 offspring that has a good chance of chance of passing on its genes) 3. The amount of time you plan ahead with somebody else should be roughly proportional to how long you’ve known them 4. No lying to a spouse of somebody who you could conceivably be into, based on their gender, about things you do together 5. Sometimes people over-correct, by basically doing the exact opposite of the initial mistake (not just relationships)
Lemon Law for Dating – 00:00:00 Olive Theory and Pause Rule – 00:00:28 Dobler-Dahmer Theory and New is Always Better – 00:01:02 Graduation Goggles and Revertigo – 00:02:03 The Lobster Situation and The Ring’s Power – 00:03:26 Three-Day Rule and Gremlins Rules – 00:04:19 Golden Rule vs. Platinum Rule – 00:05:40 Cheerleader Effect and Relationship Exits – 00:06:13 Ewok Line and Crazy Eyes – 00:07:14 Hot-Crazy Scale and Underpants Radius – 00:07:45 Sexual Tension and Single Guy Rules – 00:08:45 Early Relationship Chicken and Over-Correction – 00:09:18 Platonic Relationships and International Date Line – 00:10:25
Spoiler ALERT, Any H.I.M.Y.M. fan stop, reading, and watch Randy being Wing Man for Barney,, turns out Barney is Randy’s W. M.. Attractive young female at the bar, Barney comments on her petite Koala bear tattoo, close to her bra strap. Barney, ‘Oh it’s so cute’ girl at bar, OH YEAH, I just love Koalas ‘, Barnical,’ MY friend Randy, is a Koala expert, in Australia’, female, ‘Oh their just so special, tell me, what’s your favourite thing about the Koala?, Randy, in a daze, attractive female, taking an interest in him,’ Favourite thing about Koalas???, eh…. eh, their MEAT IS DELICIOUS ‘. So funny, I think, poss. funniest ever, and yet the only scenes the Barnical was in, and did not OWN.
Barney really didn’t do his bible studies a large amount of people saw he died a very large crowd of people were there to see Jesus carrying one of the wooden poles that he was going to be crucified on, and though it a slightly smaller crowd but plenty of people gathered at Golgotha to mock/ridicule Jesus and the two zealots who were crucified at the same time
Let’s have a look to see if any of these hold water (at least in my personal opinion, feel free to prove me wrong!): – The Lemon Law: Can be good for first impressions but usually you don’t spot any red/green flags until well into the date. – Graduation Goggles: Very true. When I left home, I momentarily forgot about the reasons for leaving and focused on what I’ll miss. I worked hard to push through all of that. – The 2am Rule: Agreed. Unless it’s an emergency, go to sleep. – The Olive Theory: That makes a surprising amount of sense! – Pausing/Unpausing: Eh… all it will do is delay the inevitable. When in an argument, just try and resolve it as quickly as possible. – The Dobbler/Dahmer Theory: Very true, which is why you shouldn’t risk grand romantic gestures until you’re in a relationship. That way, you know she loves you and will find it sweet. – New is Always Better: I know a lot of pop culture fans (myself included) who will disagree with you! When referring to women, that’s gross dude. – New Relationship Smugness: Couples in the Honeymoon phase are definitely annoying but not all of them are smug. Then again, who knows. I reckon I’ll succumb to that one day. – The Reacher/Settler Dynamic: I don’t think it applies to every couple but it certainly applies to a fair few. I will likely be the Reacher. – The Mermaid Theory: I mean I guess but it can sometimes happen in reverse too. You meet someone hot and you want to tap that but over time, you could see that they’re either boring or cruel and they turn into a manitee.
This fucking show… the finale killed it for me. The writers created one of the best, most loveable characters in such a short time (although with a huge assist from Cristin Millioti’s talent and natural charm), and they squandered her. It’s just one of the many issues, but it still sticks in my craw.
I used to hate how it ended bc Ted finally found his wife and then him ending up with Robin again. But now as an adult and after seeing it all over again, his kids did give him the okay to go after Robin and even if we didn’t see it, I’m sure Ted didn’t just, run after Robin once the mother passed. I’m actually okay with both endings. But from the get-go, we all knew Ted wanted to be with Robin.
I never thought Ted was in the wrong when he didn’t like Robin keeping dogs from past relationships. Robin in the very same episode made Ted throw away so many things for the exact same reason. she was insecure and jealous Ted however after throwing away much of his possessions for her she reveals ALL of her dogs were gifts from past relationships in the same situation as robin he didnt like her keeping these symbols of her prior relationships around and its not fair disregard teds feelings but say Robin was totally fine to make ted throw away tons of stuff. as a side note I DO NOT THINK Robin should have had to get rid of her dogs I only think its unfair to fault Ted for feeling insecure like robin, Ted shouldn’t have had to throw away his stuff either.
Though it’s not the ending I would have loved to have seen, it did bring the story full circle. In older Ted’s mind, he started the story with how he met Robin because that is where the road to meeting the mother started(no Robin, no Robin and Barney. No Robin and Barney, no wedding. No wedding, no meeting the mother). However, his kids were also right; it was a long, drawn out story confessing his feelings for their Aunt Robin. But there’s a difference between your ‘true love’ and your ‘soul mate’. Ted and Robin were in love at first sight, but weren’t ever truly happy together because they wanted different things in life; Ted wanted to settle down and have kids, while Robin wanted to focus on her job and didn’t want kids (though she was genuinely sad when she was told she couldn’t have any). When Ted met Tracy(the mother), he met his soul mate, the one person who he could truly be his nerdy, quirky self with and have his family with. And with his heart finally able to have the wife and kids he always wanted, his feelings for Robin were pushed to the VERY back of his mind. Once the mother died however, Robin came back into his life more and more often and therefore back into his mind. We see that Robin has an apartment in New York and once again has a mass of dogs, so we can assume that she’s stopped traveling for work like she used to. Therefore, it is the perfect time for her and Ted to get together: Ted had his dream of the perfect wife and kids, and Robin had her dream of traveling the world and becoming a famous reporter.
Himym learns you alot of lessons like for example it shows how barney commited for the first time to someone loved that person and give up half of his nonsense he really grew as a person but robin always loved ted she just knew that she couldnt give ted what he wanted and that is marriage and children
Mark Hamill had to stay quiet about the change in The Empire Strikes Back of Vader being Luke’s father for 3 years he didn’t even told Harrison Ford. I didn’t like the ending fully because I was looking forward of meeting Tracey and learn more about her in the last two seasons instead of the last season last few episodes. I didn’t know she had cancer. Fact: Neil Patrick Harrison is gay and in a lovely relationship with a wonderful man and they have two beautiful children.
What about “3 failed spin-offs”, “not filming in front of a live audience”, “having a dog allergy”, “hating to kiss a smoker” or “not liking Britney Spears”, let alone “having cancer” is even remotely “dark”. And that’s just the worst. None of these are actually “dark”. They are tragic and/or stupid and/or dumb luck and/or personal preferences and/or inappropriate… but NOT “dark”. And all of it is public knowledge. When I read “dark truths”, I expect news. Not public knowledge. Lately the “Mojos” (almost exclusively Ms and Watch) have declined. More and more lists are repetitive and don’t even contain what’s in the title. If you don’t have any new ideas, don’t make/re-make a article. And if you don’t have 10 (whatever), make a top 7, top 5 or even top 3…
“Ted made her give away all her dogs! What a jerk, right?” So we’re just leaving out the part where he was forced to give away half the stuff in his house because his jealous girlfriend was angry that he still had gifts from exes? We’re just leaving out the part where he’s just following her logic and it’s only fair for her to give away gifts from exes too?
It’s still crazy to me how people “hated” the final. The whole 9 seasons explain how: 1) Barney does not want to “settle down”. 2) Ted is absolutely in love with Robin. 3) The only stable thing in Robin’s life is Ted. And that’s why even whenever she’s about to commit, she goes back to Ted. They spent 9 SEASONS making this point. So why would suddenly Barney want to marry the only girl Ted has ever really wanted? The whole thing of them getting married was awful to begin with, they literally toyed with Ted’s heart until the end. It made sense that they didn’t work out, why would Barney suddenly change? For Robin? Come on, Barney is Barney. Also Robin parallels Barney, why would they work out? The only woman that could make that work was Quinn, imo. Ted deserved to get what he wanted, which is ROBIN. And the “wife”, was imo the most annoying character, it was like a wannabe Lily.
I will never understand the whole american phenomenon of “culture appropriation” what is so wrong about using celebrating and indulging in different cultures? Different cultures are the most amazing things we human have that make us unique and standout among others but it’s there for others to share. Everyone should be able to use and spread different cultures. And just because HIMYM did this in a satirical way big whoop! It’s a comedy show for God’s sake. HIMYM depicted many stereotypes of not only cultures but people, cities or countries and there’s nothing wrong with that. I think every single sane person knows it’s for the sake of comedy and chronically online twitter mob should never be taken seriously nor be treated as a valid criticism ever.
Finale just made no sense, how the kids actually wanted Ted to go ask Robin out on a date after him basically telling the story like. their mother was always a consolation prize is seriously weird and creepy. Also stupid to develope Barney and Robin all season 9 as a couple to break them up in 10min. It’s just cringe. If they wanted Ted and Robin together they had to spend season 9 trying to make it work because they spent 8 seasons basically telling us it doesn’t. Writers should have realised that good writing means they needed to adapt, they didn’t need to stick to the plan after one season because that plan made no sense anymore. At least they realised they s**t the bed and released the alternate ending even if they didn’t admit it publicly
I was more shocked about the storyline of the show itself than your dark truths. I mean there hardly ever was anything in the show that made any sense, whenever a remote chance for any logic in the storyline popped up in the show, the next irrational twist destroyed it instantly. Some random funny scenes are scattered throughout the episodes, but those have not much to do with the storyline. I’m just glad I didn’t watch the show when it first came out, but only recently, when I had all 9 seasons available to binge watch so I could skip forward when the story became just too irrational and I managed to watch all of it in 2 days, over an estimated net perusal time of about 3 hours. I believe when Robin first appeared in the show and Ted had a facial expression of love on first sight, we all wanted them to end up together, but 9 seasons later it made no sense anymore, because it turned all the stories in between, how both of them had love stories with others, got married to someone else and even having kids, into a bad lie they were both living. Imagine if this were a real story, how Teds kids must feel when they find out in this story that their father has always been in love with another woman and their mother has never been more than his 2nd choice, where her death as a lame excuse of how he could be free without a divorce is probably the most irrational twist in the storyline. A better title for the show would have been “how I wasted two decades of my life”.
HIMYM was not divisive until the makers decided to draw it out into a never ending story to squeeze every penny out of it they could, until the show sucked and we were just annoyed with Ted Shmosby… DUDE, f*cking die alone! I don’t care anymore!^^ I haven’t seen the show ending and how he met their mother as I lost interest. And seriously? Fans were outraged by the cultural appropriation? Nobody that counts was ever outraged by any cultural appropriation. Only idiots do that.
😂What a bunch of butterflies I am Asian and that Asian episode was hilarious. I was not offended and I bet all the ones that were offended, weren’t Asian Or don’t know nothing about asian culture and I don’t either who cares? What has society has come to your bunch of butterflies! And by the way, I was adopted into a white Italian family. Almost everybody’s in the military. How you like that! They shouldn’t never have to apologize to a bunch of butterflies.
Although I’m not the biggest fan of the ending, it kinda makes sense to me. The entire show revolved around his history with Robin and how they were made for each other, but didn’t work out because they wanted different things. She wanted to focus on her career, and he wanted a family and kids In the end, they both got what they wanted, and they reached a point in their lives where they could finally be together
Going into the comments and seeing all the Chinese-descent people saying they had no problem with the episode just goes to show that people need to lighten up. Most of the outcry is “white-guilt” anyway who have no connections with the culture being depicted. Besides, as an Italian-descent, I see many jokes poking fun of Italians or non-italian actors portraying Italians, and nobody bats an eye.
all that for a disappointing ending. Nobody really cared so much about Ted, Barney was the main shit and it’s because Ted is so weird in telling his kids how he just want to nail Robin now that their Mom is dead. The build-up for the mom was so extreme that it was disappointing when she was finally revealed.
This show wasnt shot in front of a live audience. I would have never known if it weren’t for the absolute clairvoyance of this article pointing it out to me as a very important dark secret from a series I used to love. 😮 No shit it wasnt shot in front of a live audience wth is it even doing in this top 10? Filler much? That’s effing lazy.
Yeah I don’t see how it’s offensive… it’s just boring because it takes too long and is well overly exaggerated. I mean it’s obviously a joke since… you know they had the cast playing the “masters”, it’s clearly an homage and a joke. It’s a comedy show, why would you take it that seriously? What hire actual Chinese people to teach him fake slapping fighting styles? If anything that feels more offensive and degrading.
Ted didn’t make Robin give up her dogs. She gave them up on her own. Fans also were not offended by the silly costumes. No one in the history of comedy fandom was offended. People who had nothing better to do were probably offended though, it was a slow tuesday after all. We all know the offended people were mostly white people pretending like caring about that was somehow a good thing.