Early Christian mysticism, which dates back to the time of Jesus and the first few centuries CE, is a tradition of mystical practices and theology within Christianity. Many of the mystical experiences described from that time come directly from the New Testament, often presented as proof of the miraculous powers of Jesus and his disciples. The Upanishads and Brahmanas, ancient Sanskrit writings of the Vedic period, may consider the heights of religious insight and mystical experience as humanity’s supreme. Invoking God to explain mystical experiences is like invoking miracles to explain natural phenomena.
Mysticism has its origins in Greek mystery religions (muo; mystikos), later taken up by early Christian Fathers (mystical theology; mystical contemplation) to explain belief in miracles under conditions that would make controversy over miracles and change in evaluation of them. In 1911, Evelyn wrote Mysticism, a guide on everything from voices and visions to the dark night of the soul. Her later work, considered groundbreaking for its time, emphasized a mystical world.
Christian mystics believe there is more to life than what can be empirically measured or scientifically observed. The traditional hagiographies and writings of saints became designated as “mystical”, shifting from virtues and miracles to extraordinary experiences. Miracle workers, reformers, and the New Mystics contains more than 70 photos, illustrations, and biographies of men and women whose lives have demonstrated the existence of miracles and wonder-working saints.
📹 Top 10 Miracles That Can’t Be Explained
It’s a miracle! For this list, we’ll be looking at the most notable alleged miracles that have been certified by the Church, but whose …
Which religion is mysticism?
Mysticism represents a belief system that is found in a number of Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It is not tied to a single religion.
What makes someone a mystic?
Mystics, as a term used to describe someone who is out of touch with reality, are actually those who have gotten in touch with what is real. They possess powerful receptivity and sympathy, are porous, and can stretch beyond their protective ego. They are often courageous and find ethical opportunities out of this wide stretch.
Other people can be ordinary mystics, experiencing moments of mystical moments that extend their boundaries and increase empathy with others. These moments can occur in various aspects of life, such as art, parenting, creativity, and personal growth. As the mystical moments multiply, individuals become less prone to self-protection and have a greater empathy for the world around them.
If religion is defined as a strong sense of the divine, daily mysticism contributes to this sense by drawing individuals out of themselves and into nature and beyond. This perspective highlights the importance of embracing the mystical moments and the potential for personal growth and connection with the divine.
What are the three types of mystics?
R. C. Zaehner categorizes mysticism into three main types: theistic, monistic, and panenhenic. Theistic mysticism includes Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Hindu mysticism, while monistic mysticism is based on the unity of one’s soul and includes Buddhism and Hindu schools like Samkhya and Advaita vedanta. Nature mysticism refers to non-categorised examples.
Walter Terence Stace distinguished two types of mystical experiences: extrovertive and introvertive mysticism. Extrovertive mysticism involves the unity of the external world, while introvertive mysticism is an experience of unity devoid of perceptual objects. Unity in extrovertive mysticism is with the totality of objects of perception, while in introvertive mysticism, unity is with a pure consciousness. These experiences are nonsensical and nonintellectual, suppressing the whole empirical content.
Stace argues that doctrinal differences between religious traditions are inappropriate criteria for cross-cultural comparisons of mystical experiences. Mysticism is part of the process of perception, not interpretation, and the unity of mystical experiences is perceived and only interpreted according to the perceiver’s background. This may result in different accounts of the same phenomenon, such as an atheist describing unity as “freed from empirical filling” and a religious person describing it as “God” or “the Divine”.
Do mystics believe in the Bible?
Christian mystics, like most Christians, believe in a spiritual world where God, angels, prayer, miracles, and life after death are accepted as authentic realities. They accept an Omega Point of sentient power and creativity that is real, loving, and accessible. The life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth serve as a meaningful guide to spirituality, and many people embrace a world-view that includes a spiritual dimension.
Christian mystics take the teachings of the Biblical tradition seriously, including the Jewish scriptures and tradition that shaped Jesus and his earliest followers and disciples. The Bible, which includes myth, history, poetry, wisdom literature, prophetic writings, prayers, canticles, Psalms, Gospels, letters of instruction written by early leaders, and apocalyptic or visionary/revelatory writings, is considered an essential text for understanding Jesus, his teachings, the backstory of his life, and the origins of the spiritual movement that developed in response to him.
Christian mystics are open to the teaching that God is a Trinity, one God who we encounter as three persons. Most lineages within Christianity accept the idea that God is simultaneously one (the essential meaning of monotheism) and three, manifested as three distinct persons: the father/creator, the son/savior, and the spirit/sustainer. Some see this as a philosophical compromise, while others see it as a rich teaching in its own right.
The inherent nature of God includes love, relationship, community, intimacy, and familial bonds. The Biblical principle that human beings are created in God’s image and likeness, and that Christians form “the body of Christ”, opens up incredible possibilities in mystical theology.
Christian mystics, like most Christians, have their spirituality shaped by generations of mystics and contemplatives who follow Christ. Christianity continues to evolve over time and space, with each generation yielding great teachers, theologians, saints, and mystics who affirm the heart of the tradition while reinterpreting it in meaningful and sometimes surprising ways. Christians take Jesus seriously, the earliest followers of Jesus, and the wisdom and creativity of followers from generation to generation.
Christian mystics typically prefer an optimistic and love-centered interpretation of Christian beliefs and teachings, even if they take traditional teachings on sin and judgment seriously. They tend to emphasize God’s love and mercy over God’s wrath and judgment, and focus on Biblical statements that emphasize God’s closeness to us. A life given over to prayer, meditation, contemplation, and service fosters deep joy and happiness.
Christian mystics accept the Jewish and Christian doctrines that we are created in God’s image and likeness, that this God is a God of love and justice, and that while this God is profoundly mysterious, this God can be known. The Bible says we are created in God’s image and likeness, that Christian human beings are partakers of the divine nature, and that the Holy Spirit is poured into our hearts through Divine Love.
Mysticism is a universal form or expression of spirituality, not limited to any one religious tradition or belief-system. It has a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, and Buddhist form, and it does not require belief in deity. However, Christianity without mysticism is incomplete, and one can be a mystic without being a Christian.
In summary, Christian mystics believe in a love-centered, optimistic, and diverse interpretation of Christian teachings, which can be found in various religious traditions and belief systems.
Are miracles only in Christianity?
Miracle claims from non-Christian religions should not be considered threats to Christians. It is unreasonable to assume that all miracle reports are equally credible, as God may work miracles outside of an explicitly Christian context. To evaluate a non-Christian religion’s miracle claims, it is important to consider the theological framework and whether miracles should be expected. For example, Siddhartha Buddha, who was agnostic about the existence of a personal and all-powerful God, discouraged the working of marvels, such as magic. However, stories of his great powers began to emerge long after his lifetime, and his original teachings seemed to exclude or provide little basis for miracle-working.
Similarly, miracles were attributed to Muhammad many years after his death, and Ayman Ibrahim, a professor of Islamic studies, points out that in the Quran, Allah identifies Muhammad as a “warner” without a sign. Although Islam believes in a God capable in theory of performing miracles, we still have grounds to be critical of miracles later attributed to Muhammad.
For every miracle claim, possible supernatural and natural causes should be considered, as a miracle is an act of God in history for which no natural explanation is adequate.
Is mysticism compatible with Christianity?
Mysticism is a concept that involves contact with the divine or transcendent, often involving union with God. It has played a significant role in the history of Christian religion and has gained influence in modern times. Mysticism has been studied from various perspectives, including psychological, comparativist, philosophical, and theological. Hermeneutical and deconstructionist philosophies in the 20th century have brought attention to the mystical text.
Theoretical questions have been debated, such as whether mysticism constitutes the core or essence of personal religion or whether it is better viewed as one element interacting with others in the formation of concrete religions. Some argue that experience and interpretation cannot be easily sundered, and that mysticism is typically tied to a specific religion and contingent upon its teachings. Philosophers like Walter T. Stace and Robert C.
Zaehner have employed typologies of mysticism, often based on the contrast between introvertive and extrovertive mysticism developed by Rudolf Otto. The cognitive status of mystical knowing and its clash with mystics’ claims about the ineffability of their experiences have also been important topics for modern mysticism students.
Is Jesus a mystic?
The majority of Jesus’s disciples, as well as Paul and the majority of prophets, were mystics, and their insights and experiences have been invaluable in the understanding of Christian faith.
Who performed miracles besides Jesus?
In the ancient Israelite and Judean tradition, prophecy was not understood as a means of performing miracles. Rather, it was regarded as a gift from the Spirit of God, also known as the Spirit of the Lord or the Holy Spirit. This concept was exemplified by revered figures such as Moses, Elisha, and Elijah.
Which religion believes in miracles?
The Catholic Church views miracles as works of God, either directly or through the prayers of saints. They are often associated with specific purposes, such as conversion or church construction. The church is cautious in approving the validity of putative miracles and maintains stringent requirements for their authenticity. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints oversees the process. The Church has listed several events as miracles, some of which occur in modern times.
Before a person can be accepted as a saint, they must be posthumously confirmed to have performed two miracles. Notable miracles approved by the church include Eucharistic miracles where sacramental species of bread and wine attain the accidents of human flesh and blood, such as the Miracle of Lanciano and of Santarém.
Did Jesus practice mysticism?
Jesus was a teacher of teachers and a mystic of mystics, entering the mysteries of the Holy Life and ways of living. He invited others to join him in his journey. The term “mystic” can be associated with various mystics, such as Krisha, Buddha, yogi, Gandhi, Saint Teresa of Avila, and St. John of the Cross. Matthew Fox, a progressive theologian and Dominican priest, devotes an entire book, “The Coming of the Cosmic Christ”, to the mysticism of Jesus. Jesus’ teachings and teachings were deeply rooted in the teachings of his disciples, who were inspired by his teachings and the teachings of his disciples.
What did the mystics believe?
Mystics believe that their experiences reveal an extrasensory dimension of reality, which is phenomena that cannot be detected through sense perception. They differ significantly from ancient and Hellenistic philosophers in their claims about extrasensory realities. Ancient and Hellenistic philosophers like Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, and Stoic philosophers provided examples of the reality of the extrasensory.
These examples include the numbers and mathematical formulas of Pythagoras, the forms of Plato and Aristotle, and the Stoic concept of the lekton or “saying”. These examples demonstrate that numbers and mathematical formulas exist objectively, while the Aristotelian concept of universals builds from sensory evidence to concepts about these things. The concept of color, for example, concerns an extrasensory phenomenon, color in general, or color in the abstract.
All laws of nature describe interactions or relationships among perceptible things, but they are not themselves sensible or perceptible. For example, Newton’s third law of motion illustrates how the mind conceptualizes processes of action and reaction, equality and opposition, and attraction and repulsion. Emotional relationships, such as honor and revenge, are perceived by the mind through abstraction from complex physical interactions.
Mystics make claims about extrasensory dimensions of reality, similar to physical scientists citing physics laws or psychologists positing emotional complexes that govern healthy and morbid responses to events. During mystical experiences, extrasensory phenomena are said to be directly perceived by the soul, mind, imagination, or other faculty. These phenomena may be impersonal or personal, reflecting the medieval description of the extrasensory as “spiritual”, a usage that is reflected in the German word Geist (“intellect” or “spirit”).
📹 Truth about Jesus no one wants to hear and krishna – by Sadhguru
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💟 Jesus Christ Saved me from Depression, anxiety, panic Attacks, Failures and death. If you Cryout to Him then He will definitely Help You.. He is One and Only God, for there is no other God Except Him. 💟 He said, “Talk to Me like I was a Friend sitting across from you, and tell Everything that’s going on with You.” Now, God already knew what was going on inside of me, but He just wanted me to get it out so that He could put things into their proper Perspective
My was a Taoist, Buddhist and also done Yoga practices. When I needed help the most in life, I got to know Jesus. My life started to transform. Many illnesses were cured miraculously that doctors could not explain. Praise the Lord! Jesus is our saviour! God loves us so much that he gave his only son. JESUS to redeem us from our sins.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ESV “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14 ESV
Excuse me please Sir! Please dont talk about JESUS unless you have READ the BIBLE. YES JESUS IS GOD! Please keep away from discussing Christianity! The Name of Jesus is POWERFUL…people get healed from all diseases in JESUS Name! Do me a favour Sir you are ignorant of what Christianity is about…so don’t touch that subject!
🎉peace and grace yoo, in genesis1 lucyfurs virgin birthing genes is body shiva n female trans bodies,n. Gen 2 man spirit n eve, Gen 3 shiva male had sxx eve while adam also seduced by female lucy siva, so Cain is mix seed then Abel was formed when adam slept with eve n was ready to give birth to first cainabel twins,we r all god’s(psalms82:6) who became caniables,o only jesus says in book of Joel 2:25 I will restore to u all the years the worms have eaten from u,cheera Plz check out Zack Wintz utube,we r THE Aliens jesus came to set the captives free from abduction 🎉
Born of divine birth, Jesus Christ is the Living Son of God, sinless, crucified for our sins, he rose on the third day and defended to Hell where he locked the Devils ass and took the keys right from that fallen angel. Then, he returned to many witnesses before returning to The Father. I fasted for 30 days and HE showed up. Hallelujah!!! Christ is 👑
Jesus came to me multiple times when I asked him if youre god then come & heal me I was a drug addict for 7 years straight couldn’t stopped. I lost everything when asked that questions I felt Jesus appearance he talked to me I cried he cleaned me fully before he left he said now your life is changed. My life was changed I been sober since that day I Always pray. I love Jesus he’s our savior.
Im a hindu by birth but only after 25 years of my life i came to know that there is only one god who talks to humans, do miracles and loves us unconditionally.. giving my life to jesus is the best decision i ever made… Thank you Jesus for saving me from idol worshipping.. thank you for opening my eyes you are the only solution for all the problems in this world❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am a Godly devoted woman. I am not God, only a sinner, just like my other brothers and sisters. Yet by the Holly Spirit I know for sure, that God Father, and Jesus, my Teacher and my Brother and my King, love me, and that whatever Time will bring, it will be well with my soul from here to eternity.
Embracing the Trinity means acknowledging that the Holy Spirit, Father, and Son are distinct yet share the same divine essence. When Jesus says, “I am one with God,” he expresses the profound unity within the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It’s a complex yet integral aspect of Christian theology, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the divine within this sacred triune relationship. 🙏 #Trinity #DivineUnity #ChristianTheology
Jesus was teaching non duality. In the western world where I live, that is a concept that is still not accepted and the translation of what he was saying hasn’t been deeply understood in my opinion. Matthew 25:40 he was saying we are all one consciousness/energy having a brief and subjective human experience. I find such comfort in not only his teachings but in the Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism and Hinduism as well 🙏
people here r like oh Jesus is the only way otherwise u will go to hell …now i understand there is absolutely no difference between u and a muslim ..yeah the only diff is u won’t go to the extent of beheading someone that easily but thoughts exactly same ….best in my religion that says all religions can lead to heaven if u do good deeds that’s it …jai shree ram
Just leave Jesus aside.. he had his way to convince the people.. who ever walked this geography is a human being.. tend to make mistakes… whether he said, he and his father is the same, we r not sure.. so does lord Siva .. Ghandi fought for India’s independence with his people, India got it, yet now people are commenting that he should have done this & that…humans never satisfied for anything..
When the Christ said, God and me are one, what He meant was They are one in spiritual attributes. The Christ perfectly mirrored the Father. From standpoint of man, Jesus is God. From the standpoint of the Christs Jesus was the Way, God’s Voice, God’s Vehicle for His messages for humanity. His never claimed to be the Unknowable Essence at all. A chosen Manifestation of God cannot be sacriligeous at all. Man has no capacity to really fathom the greatness of One, as Jesus the Christ, as Buddha, as Krishna, as Zoroaster. They are in a different spiritual station from any wise man whose station is servitude, an absolute servant.
Wow, as a Muslim. I’m fully respected this Sadhguru. “You can only know my father trough me” That’s means you will know God through my messages. And the last words when sadhguru said that “me and my father are one and bring death penalty in the part of world”. That’s a fact that Jesus isn’t God. I see. That’s te reason why we’re still keeping safe and guard the Hindu temples in Indonesia. Thanks Sadhguru 🙏 I’d appreciate that❤
We need to understand what Jesus said. He says in John 14:6,Jesus says to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” Here he says that he is the only way,one can go to the Father, reunite with Father for all the authority and Holiness of God lies in him on Earth. He is God in Flesh,God on Earth, that’s why he says in John 10:30 that “I and My Father are One.” The Jews followed the Old testament and understood that he is claiming to be God and hence picked up stones for blasphemy. Jesus says that He is God in Flesh and the “Lamb Of God”,the perfect sacrifice that was meant for forgiving the sins of all humanity. In the Old Testament it was clearly written that what the Messiah will do and say and what will happen to him. The People who will believe in him that he is the”Annointed One” the Messiah,the Lamb of God who has the perfectness and completeness of God in Flesh will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But those who love this world,and are not ready to leave it’s evil and unholy behaviour,customs and traditions are not worthy of God. But still,so that humans from every class,caste, region or religion may turn their back on their old ways,their old life and recieve the Salvation from sins by believing that Jesus died for every human’s sins and rose from the Dead. For if with your mouth you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart {one} believes to righteousness, and with the mouth {one} confesses to salvation.
No need to praise someone who doesn’t appreciate your faith. Hindus have been doing the same mistakes for the last 2000 years. We respect every faith but only if that other faith recognises our faith as equal to their faith. Else not. Sadhguru is running 🏃🏾 a business so he has to say all these things but ideally there is no reason to praise such faiths which look down upon other faiths. These faiths are CULTS made to divide people based on believer vs non-believer.
Krishna is not the way, because he was not born of a virgin, or the son of God, or sinless. So Krishna cannot redeem you, because he did not die and resurrect and after Jesus ascension into heaven, he did not send the Holy Spirit who is with us now… Jesus did all of the above, that’s why Jesus can transcend the 50,000 Christian denominations. Because there is only one Jesus whom we believe in.
Jesus, he is the alpha and the omega. The way,the truth and the life. No force in the world can destroy him for with him rests the ultimate power and authority.He is the son of God who taught us love,courage, faithfulness and forgiveness. Even on the cross when he was being crucified, he prayed for their sins to be forgiven. He never spread the message of violence but of love and forgiveness. Praise the Lord!May all glory be to him !🎉
Only sanatani god and goddess🕉️♾️💯 proud to be a💯🙏✨🪷🫶❤️ sanatani sanatan dharm is great and always remains the same Jai shree Sita Ram ji Jai shree❤️🌸🌸🌸🪘🫶♥️☁️🌍🌍 Hanuman ji Jay Ho sare Deviji or devtaonji ki they are my whole universe actually the fact is that made the whole universe and us also🌸🌸🌸❤️❤️
Krishna is the father of jesus, He came to earth before jesus, he called himself a god all the time, he never said i m the son of god like Jesus, wether the world accept or not, Krishna philosophy, his strength, power, his wisdom, knowledge,his Lela’s etc are out of the world.. jesus n Krishna cannot be compared and please you Christan stop conversion and stop destroying local people culture n traditions just in the name of heaven and hell
Noo Krishna is not Jesus!! If u read the bible you would understand!!! 😢 Krishna didn’t live like Jesus!! The life the way Jesus lived is holy unlike Krishna!!! Jesus Never said that Jesus and his father are one but the father himself said that Jesus is a part of him and that they are one!! Because Jesus is the son of god!!! Jesus Is love the truth the life and everything!!! ❣️
I have made little search. This is only shotcut. Have token out of full discourse article and meaning. On this way are confusing. Of course. Sadgurus discourse headline is “Is Christ Your Lord & Savior ? Time lenght 15:53. This particular part starts 10:55 and continues. Gives all meaning to the saying and topic. This is correct. Hopes that helps to bring clearness.
Blasphemy! This is wrong! Jesus is the only way! Every other religion points to jesus as being good a prophet something holy because they all know he is the only way they cannot refute his teaching they can only affirm it. But jesus himself said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me. Is every other religion affirms jesus as a prophet then every other religion affirms the fact that jesus said he was the son of God and absolutely is. I am that I am.
Sadhguru is talking about the technique that reach the cosmic experience but people in the comment section are very intelligent to get into their elobe. Unfortunately lower level life form never fail to amuse me. Their greatest argument was Jesus is the truth when the topic was never about that to begin with.
The day is coming soon… Every knee shall bend and every tongue shall confess in HIS presence … in Jesus’ second coming!!! BEWARE … this time you are not going to face a lamb… but a lion!!! Even these gurus and babas of the world will have no comfort to give you !!! Ask, Seek and knock to find Jesus ! You don’t have to believe in what people(including me) say.. just ask him… he is living, prayer answering GOD!!! Talk to him, get to know truth!!
Thank you Sathguru for your kind a wise word moreover it’s an wisdom of truth and knowledge that you have pertained us and we from our side have tried to acquire and atleast follows and followed what you have foresighted us and enlightened us the spirituality of Jesus thank you Sathguru yes Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏thank you yes I bestowed
Indeed, that’s why everything comes down to the resurrection… If a man claims to be one with God then is resurrected after predicting he would be, well then I would say that is vindication of the claims, and you have no choice but to look at it… Problem is, if Jesus is the way, then it excludes every other way… And that’s actually what no one wants to hear…
You can compare Krishna & many others to Jesus but you cannot get Krishna and those many others to have their Coming foretold, Then fulfill his coming, By splitting time in two. Heal the sick, Walk on water, Raise the dead, & Then raise his own body back to life. Wait, there’s more. The same Jesus has impacted people’s lives over the last 2000 years, changing hearts, heals sicknessess, whose Spirit is moving in all those who repent and put their faith in Him. If Krishna or any other mystic person Sadguru mentioned really existed, you’ll still find their bones in the grave if they have one… But walk up to Jesus’ tomb and it’s empty. That’s what only the true God does.
1 Most High Creator Jesus is the WORD of God that became flesh & dwell among man. ALL things were made by him. After man’s fall from God & Eden’s paradise he became the Lamb of God. Our Savior. He is the WAY to the Father No man comes unto The Father but through Jesus! Praise ABBA! Holy is the Lamb! And his love & mercy endures FOREVER.
Please leave a comment after reading this. Thank you. To possess a target body you need three demons one to pull-out the soul and hold it then two to go into the target body and three to pull out the second demon when they are done having fun with it. The reason the third demon is needed is to pull out the second because the body won’t let go of a soul because a soul is life and without that soul the body will die in minutes. The body can only house one soul at a time. If this was a real possession the sign of possession is the body going limp like death before and after possession. Theirs no soul in it when the first demon pulls the target soul out and the body goes limp, it happens again when then the second Demon is cast out during an exorcism. The body will start to die without a soul in it and with an exorcism the first Demon that is the one holding the target soul must let go of the target soul it is clearly up to the target soul to go back into it’s body or not. The target soul usually goes back in but if the body is to damaged it will be on the other side for good and what you’re left with is a dead body. When the Demons ask Jesus to cast them into the pigs what you had was many Demons taking turns with the target body. The body can only house one soul and back then Demons only had one form of entertainment now times are different most Demons watch TV with you they are also found in big cities and street corners you know the one’s with the stop and go lights that shows the little walking man light.
Jesus never married Krishna had 8 wife’s, jesus never carried a weapon Krishna did, jesus’s only weapon is love, he changed the world, Krishna didn’t even change India, Jesus never asked to kill, but Krishna did, jesus never waged a war but Krishna did, jesus is not high caste and rich but Krishna is kshatriya, jesus came to forgive, Krishna said he came to punish, any man can punish but only God can forgive, jesus said love your enemies, Krishna said dushta sikshana and sishta rakshana, but the fact is none of us are pure we all are sinner in nature so stop comparing light and darkness
These are the people who dont believe as we believe GOD AND JESUS ARE ONE, rightousness will be judged, and many will go against us who believe, i am happy in JESUS, HE IS MY EVERYTHING, MY ROCK AND FOUNDATION, WHEN HE COMES HE SHALL CALL YOUR NAME AND ONLY YOU WILL HEAR AS HIS LANGUAGE IS LIKE NO OTHER BUT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND, soo many have come to know the scrptures but few truely understand, a seperation will come for this to see who believes, and it says every knee shall bow. Its going to happen.
MUST READ: If you read the supposed translation of Scrolls of Issa and his adventures that was recorded by the monks themselves during his stay in India and let us assume it is real, in that scroll Issa explicitly says that reincarnation/incarnation is not real and will never be. Nor idol/animal worshipping and human worshipping. Nor human sacrifices and division among men. Rather that they must stop or judgement will be upon them. All the teachings of Issa of India were exactly in line with those we find in the bible. Apparently Issa was, just as was in the bible to the Priest of Jews, against ALL the teachings around there – this includes hindus, zoroastrians, buddhists and so on; and they were trying to kill him. He found refuge in the high mountain among the monks where he studied ALL of their theology. To which Issa concluded are all wrong. presumably recorded and documented by the monks. This explains why the monks won’t let the world see those scrolls. Because even though the one point in the contents of Mossa (Moses) seems to contradict the Bible funnily enough it does not with Issa. And just as Philippians 2:11 wrote that every tongue will confess, even in these scrolls it is written that he is the BEST OF THE SON OF MAN, THE BLESSED ONE. Even the Chief Monk during this time viz the discovery of the scroll, confess that Issa is the one above all the Buddhas that have reincarnated. And every teachings/words of Issa we found in the scroll does not differ as written in the bible.
Be children of God. Be one with your Holy Father. The message of the Messiah is love God whom is above all, love yourself and love each other like you love yourself and follow God’s commandments. Know your father is all-benevolent, all-powerful, all-beautiful, all-love, all-knowing, all-present and all-merciful. God will talk through you, it will happen. 🙏
When ask how to get into heaven he said follow the commandments…when called good he admonished the person saying no one but god is good…when asked the greatest commandment he quoted the shema…christianity totally throws out everything jesus said i e. His teachings and hinges on the belief in Jesus
To all Indian Christians here saying Jesus is the only way, no other way, Krishna doesn’t exist etc…. Please note that YOU believe in Jesus because YOUR book tells you that he’s the only way to God. YOUR religion considers him to be supreme and above all. My religion doesn’t say anything about Jesus. I don’t give a damn about what your book says. You don’t get to come to OUR posts and denigrate OUR religious beliefs which are surely different than yours. We respect your customs, you respect ours. You do you, we do we.
I like Sadguru … But hes off base with this… He might have studied the bible… But he is speaking from a yogic perspective… Hes talking about jesus in a sense of hinduistic understanding… not as a Christian understanding.. Hes talking about a Tao or way … like an inanimate spiritual journey not from the understanding of a physical godhead..
“in that part of the world” he is talking about islam. In islam, “me and my father are one” is wahdat al wujood, unity of existence. its the biggest shrik. We cannot utter such word and compare it to God, as God cannot be put in any analogy. We cant comprehend God. With this unity of existence philosophy, you will end up praying to tree and stones, because tree and stones are part of God. and you will say that tree and stones have no sins thus they have more credibility with God and will send your prayer to God, and your prayer will have a higher chance to get answered.
Sir how can you even say his name with someone like Krishna/ Vishnu If Krishna/ Vishnu is God as you say Then how can an Almighty God marry her own creation? That also with so many human girls Sir do you really think that Vishnu Krishna is a God That God who became a girl named Mohini and Shiva came only to see her with her own human wife And that Krishna and Shiva have son name ayyappa Sir do you really think that God means Lust and goddess means bloodthirsty Sir do you really think that this is how an Almighty God should be? Sir please never ever compare anyone with Lord Jesus Christ Lord Jesus Christ was not lust Lord Jesus Christ was not greedy for power Lord Jesus Christ never sin Lord Jesus Christ changed person heart with his words Lord Jesus Christ love’s everyone Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins Lord Jesus Christ was and always will be a Living God Lord Jesus Christ came for love and only love and he died for love
And he is God. And that is why they killed him, because he is the heir of the vine and the vinedressers wanted to keep the vine for themselves. Acter wounding the prophets and killing some of them, they saw the heir and killed him too. What will the owner of the vineyard do to those evil workers and those who deny obedience to the Son of God? Those that equate him to false god Krishna? Those that do not obey the gospel? Romans chapter 2 has the answer.
Why don’t u tell the WORLD abt THE VEDAS…INDIA’S TRUE RELIGIOUS Books ( RIG Veda, ATHARVA Veda, SAMA Veda, YAJUR Veda) where JESUS Is CLEARLY MENTIONED as PRAJAPATI ( SAVIOUR of MANKIND) Who would be born…Its mentioned there abt PRAJAPATHI… 1. HE would be HUMAN in APPEARANCE but GOD in CHARACTER 2. HE Would be the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for ALL SINS of man coz man cannot on his own be goid (The Good works of a Righteous Man us like SOILED cloth before the PERFECTLY PURE GOD). 3. HE would have to wear a CROWN of THORNS. 4. HE would die on a raised wooden pillar (Hanging) 5. They will put lot to win HIS Clothe 6. The TRINITARIAN GOD is also mentioned. 7. Being GOD, HE won’t Die but would Defeat DEATH & RESURRECT 8. HE would Teach abt GOD’S KINGDOM & WOO people to HEAVEN. 9. After Death, HIS BODY & BLOOD (as the PERFECT SACRIFICE for the IMPOSSIBLE REDEMPTION by Humans) shd be taken by all ( its a Redemption fir all Sins, Sicknesses, curses, anything for anyone who SURRENDERS to HIM)
Jesus is God. He us bot to be compared with any other deity who are created beungs John 10:30-38 English Standard Version 30 I and the Father are one.” 31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?” 33 The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.”
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen. (Surah Al-Ma’idah : 116)
One thing about Jesus that nobody REALLY wants to hear. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Not one person will EVER come to the father without him. He IS the stone that ALL enemies of God will stumble and break themselves upon. Also Jesus was God manifest. Jesus did NOT become God. God became Jesus. And him saying that DID get him killed. But then he rose again, defeating death and freeing the captives conquering hell and the devil.
if you are a learned man and know who is solomon … plz study His books Ecclesiastes 7:16 Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise— why destroy yourself? you will never talk or compare anyone with Jesus ever again …. may God give u wisdom u may have knowledge but ask God for wisdom Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For Christ Yeshua, is the excact radiance of the Glory of God, and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by his word of his power. After making purification for his sins, he sat down at the hand of the majesty on high, having become as much superior to Angels-Hebrews 1:3-4 For the LORD has seatheth, i will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son, and when he brings the first born into the world, the LORD setheth, let all God’s angels worship him. For the LORD makes his angels winds, and his Ministers a flame of fire, but of the son the LORD said, your throne o God. Is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kindom -Hebrews 1:5-8
Rejection of Materialism: Jesus warned against the dangers of materialism (Matthew 6:24). Islam encourages a focus on spiritual over material wealth and warns against excessive materialism (Quran 57:20). Christianity also warns against materialism, but the emphasis can vary widely among denominations.
No! Krishna is not saying the same. Jesus will not share his glory with a idol. John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. John 1:14 The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Who was the one who was born, lived and died for all and rose from the dead? Jesus Christ. Not the Hindu gods. You can not get to Christ though another god. Christ doesn’t work that way. Jesus said I AM the way, truth and the Life. No man can come to the father except they go through the son. Not anybody else. Period.
verse of John 10:30 “I and my father are one.” This verse, however is quoted out of context. The complete passage, starting with John 10:23, reads as follows: “And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one.” John 10:23-30 In divinity? In a holy “Trinity”? No! They are one in PURPOSE. Just as no one shall pluck them out of Jesus’ hand, so too shall no one pluck them out of God’s hand. Need more proof? Then read: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”
He and The Father are One, meaning God revealed in human flesh .Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Mind you,, this was prophesied 100s of years before Jesus was even Born.
Jesus was som of god, krishna is god himself, who came to earth to show qhats right and what’s wrong, jesus was mssgener of almighty god, who showed us what is the way to the ultimate one god for all.. So yes u cannot compare jesus and krishna.. BOTH ARE SHOWING U ONE THING, BE HUMBLE, BE RIGHTEOUS, BE A GOOD PERSON … STOP HATING EACH OTHER, BECAUSE NOR JESUS NOR KRISHNA WANTS US TO HATE EACH OTHER………❤❤❤❤ SPREAD LOVE
every scar of Jesus back if because i sinned …. His hand was nailed because my hand sinned … His legs was nailed because my foot went to wrong place …. His heart was pierced because my heart sinned …. His head was trotured with thorns because my mind thought bad …. please never dare compare Jesus Christ with krishna krishna is krishna Jesus is Jesus …
He actually states the text where Jesus said, I and my father are one. Which literally means that Jesus is God. He is God in human form. 1 Timothy 3:16 “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was made known to us in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”
The “truth” about Jesus?…nah…just another opinion about Jesus. One man’s opinion. Interesting how other major religions acknowledge and try to explain Jesus. He truly was,and still is, the most influential and controversial person who ever lived. You can love him, you can hate him, but you can’t ignore him. Unfortunately, “Christianity” as given him a bad name! If you read just what he said it speaks to the “heart” and soul.
And he did sacrifice his life, then resurrected three days later. The ONLY God to conquer death and have the power and authority to travel between earth, heaven, and hell. Krishna was a fallen angel, a defyer of God, just like the Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, Nordic, ALL of them worshipped either fallen angels that were cast out of Heaven for sinning or their nephilim offspring. People lost faith in the Lord and started following earthly gods like Krishna because they had powers that we’ve never seen. It’s no coincidence that all of these ancient civilizations and religions all gave glory to these half animal/half giant human beings like Ra and the sphynx, they had the knowledge of Heaven, so people thought that they were god, not the true Lord, Jesus, he is the ONLY true God, the creator. You may be wise on earth, but it doesn’t mean that you’re correct. The old testament prophesized the coming of the son of God. The new testament fullfilled that prophecy, he passed and resurrected, 500+ people saw him AFTER he came back to life. No other god could do that, Krishna is in hell with Muhammad and the rest of the fake prophets and demons.
For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everything life john 3 :16 kjv bible 3:17 for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but the world true him mighty be save,God is not a man that he shud lie Number 23:19 i love ❤you and Jesus ❤️ you more ❤ Jesus paid it all for our sins he paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross he said it is FINISH HE WAS 100% GOD AND 100% MAN
And with every shred of his existence, Jesus supported the claim. Nixon’s cabinet buckled in the face of judicial scrutiny. Jesus disciples and early followers, and down through the ages, were willing to pay the ultimate price, once they encountered Jesus, “the bread of life”, “the resurrection and the life”, “the way, the truth and the life”. Jesus said that to do the work of God is to believe/assent to, rely on Him.
BG 10.20: O Arjun, I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings. Shree Krishna declares that he is not far from the soul—in fact he is closer than the closest. The ātmā or eternal soul is enthroned in the etheric heart of all living beings. The Vedas state: ya ātmani tiṣhṭhati (v21) “God is seated within our soul.” Seated inside, he grants the power of consciousness and eternality to the soul. If he were to subtract his power, our soul itself would become insentient and perish. We souls are thus eternal and sentient, not by our own power, but because the supremely sentient and eternal God is seated within, and is granting his powers to us. Hence, Shree Krishna declares that he is situated in the heart of all living beings. Our soul is the body of God, who is the Soul of our soul.
Jesus IS God. He is THE Way THE Turth and THE life. I left following and trusting and chanting to hindu false god demons and practicing yoga not knowing at first but then being shown it was demonic and God showed me His true presence. He IS REAL AND HE IS LOVE. HE IS LIFE. HE IS TRUTH. May many have the hearts to understand. Repent for the kingdom is at hand
I see so many people in the comments, triggered like a liberal. Cultural humility is severely lacking and respecting each other. Christ and Krishna are 2 words with similar pronunciation, in different languages, regions and culture, yet if we as humans actually step back and look at it objectively, both beliefs are very similar. Dogmatic monotheism is a belief of one Truism, meaning it is ego driven, hence the arguing and fighting, it’s based on Zoroastrianism from the Roman Empire. It has literally killed millions of people alone, during the Crusades, not even counting all the other battles and wars to this day, which would bring the death toll above a billion. Civilizations desecrated and demolished, going completely against what the Bible teaches, especially Thou shall not kill. For the Christians reading this, it’s time to lay your weapons down and stop being Childish. Remember this, When I became a man, I put away my childish ways? The childish ways is the ego, of not getting your way and then throwing a tantrum aka mantrum, like a child and weaponizing the Bible and faith against another human, completely ignoring what JC actually taught. The scripture Reap what you sow, is describing Karma. All Roads Lead Home, meaning they all work. One is no better than the other, so stop acting like a 3 yr old and throwing a fit, attacking someone else for what they believe. A foolish way to live is believing one way is the only way, that is a closed minded mentality. It’s also narcissistic tendencies and behaviors cloaked in white.
The Way The Truth And The Life, Saying I And The Father Are One, And You Notice layer upon layer placed By Our God And Father That One, Honoring Holy Spirit Building lauer upon layer a little here a little there….delivery of a sword for the first of the last type plowshare, soils fed in layers and feeding spread apart by watering When It Is Our Father’s Spirit Poured Out Upon …two groups.
John 1 King James Version 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
Yeshuah is God….choose to believe in Him and you will find the only True Living God; choose to reject Him, you will stand before Him on the Day of Judgment and into complete separation from God, with no hope and with no way out of a place of darkness and suffering for eternity…be wise and seek to know the Only One who came to die in your place and save you from this horrendous dark place.
I follow hinduism. But also, i do admire and love jesus christ. I’ve read the Bible and He’s comforting and kind. I love him ❤ But well I do not understand what the article says we shouldn’t compare eastern religions with Abrahamic ones. Because Eastern religions think out of box and focus on karma, life before death and moksha. While Abrahamic religions focus more on good deeds and afterlife. They both have their own ways to achieve. So yeah.