This article explores the connection between Buddhism and Tarot card readings, exploring whether Buddhists believe in or practice Tarot. Scholars and practitioners have explored the symbolic resonance between Tarot’s Major Arcana and Buddhist concepts, such as the Fool’s journey and spiritual growth. Buddhist-themed Tarot decks, such as the Buddha Tarot and Tara Wisdom Cards, employ an array of Buddhist images to guide readers.
In the Buddhist tradition, the use of tarot cards is not widely practiced or endorsed. Buddhist teachings emphasize the importance of meditation on various aspects of self and the use of Tarot cards may seem like “fun chance” but overlook their more profound aspects. There are even Buddhist Tarot Decks, such as Buddha Tarot by Liaofan, which explore philosophical, mythological, and symbolic correlations between Buddhism and Tarot.
Tarot is a recent, western invention, and no Buddhist scripture knows about it, so no Buddha can be on record to speak to it. However, despite the Buddha’s advice not to express forbidding tarot card readings, it is not acceptable and may lead to corruption and misunderstanding.
The Buddha Tarot is a recent western invention that has been mapped to Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and events, with the idea that the life of Siddharta Gautama, the Buddha, can be mapped on to the linear progression of the Tarot.
📹 Is there GOD or not ? What did Buddha say ?
For a long time mankind has been searching answer for answer of this question. Buddha reveals answer of this question in this …
Do Buddhists believe in fortune telling?
Buddhism does not reject the belief in deities, spirits, astrology, or fortune-telling. However, the Buddha advised against being a slave to these forces. A good Buddhist can overcome difficulties by using their intelligence and will-power. These beliefs have no spiritual significance or value. Instead, people should overcome problems and difficulties through their own efforts, not through deities, spirits, astrology, or fortune-telling.
In a Buddhist Jataka story, the Buddha states that luck is the individual’s star, and mere stars cannot achieve what they can. Thus, Buddhism emphasizes the importance of personal effort and intelligence in overcoming difficulties.
Do Buddhists believe in divination?
The Buddha viewed practices like fortune telling, magic charms, and fixing lucky sites as useless superstitions and forbade their practice. He referred to these as “low arts” and forbade his disciples from practicing them. The Buddha compared these practices to those of religious men who make a living through these low arts, such as palmistry, divination by signs, and interpreting dreams. He argued that these practices are not the best means of livelihood and that they are not the true means of achieving spiritual growth. The Buddha’s teachings on magic and fortune telling are considered the lowest arts of all.
Do Catholics believe in tarot cards?
Tarot cards and fortunetellers are practices that aim to discover the future, but only God knows the future. The Catholic Church teaches that God can reveal the future to prophets or saints, but a sound Christian attitude involves putting oneself in the hands of Providence and giving up unhealthy curiosity about it. The Catechism of the Catholic Church prohibits all forms of divination, including horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, omen interpretation, clairvoyance, and mediums, which conceal a desire for power over time, history, and other human beings, as well as a desire to conciliate hidden powers. These practices contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear owed to God alone.
People seeking guidance from tarot cards, Ouija boards, and fortunetellers may be dabbling in something forbidden by God, as they may open themselves up to demonic influence. The only way these practices can be “real” is if a demon works through them, giving false guidance about the future. This “real” practice is a real danger and can negatively influence us.
Is magic allowed in Buddhism?
Van Schaik examines the attitude towards magic in early Buddhist monastic sites in India, focusing on the statues of protective deities at entry points and the Buddha’s views on magic. The Pali canon provides evidence of Buddha’s views on magic, with some suttas condemning magical practices and others offering protective and medicinal spells. The Paritta, a compendium chanted to ward off misfortune, is the best known collection of suttas. Birch bark scrolls and other early texts in Central Asia show that magical practices were part of the repertoire of many Buddhist monks.
Magic and medicine were not easily separable in the ancient world, and bhikshus were renowned for their medical expertise. Their medical and magical service to the lay community ensured that monastic activities and institutions received continued support.
Van Schaik surveys the role of magic in Mahayana sources, analyzing protective spells and rituals found in major texts like the Golden Light, Great Cloud, and Lotus sutras. He focuses on the Dharani sutras, which provide a bridge between early Mahayana and tantric Buddhism. Tantric practices, emphasizing a “magical” understanding of reality, formed the ritual basis for later Mahayana practice in India and are still a vital part of Buddhism in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia.
Do Buddhists believe in luck?
The Buddha’s teachings on superstitions focused on individual responsibility and rational thought over social obligations and fearful superstitions. He did not criticize people for their cultural beliefs but instead provided guidelines on how to make their lives fortunate without relying on supernatural powers. The Buddha opposed practices of “low art” that do not require personal responsibility and do not involve individual work towards enlightenment, such as mindfulness and meditation. He did not directly answer questions about promising fortunes.
Does Buddhism have magic?
Early Buddhism incorporates magico-religious practices, where both magic and religion engage with supernatural phenomena beyond the natural world. Buddhist ideas about magic can be traced back to the historical Buddha’s supernatural acts, which are commemorated at four of the eight major Buddhist pilgrimage sites in northern India. The Twin Miracle, performed at Śravastī, reveals the Buddha’s complex attitude towards the miraculous.
The Dhammapad-Aṭṭha-kathā, the fullest version of this story, describes a layman suspending a bowl high off the ground and challenging anyone who claimed to have experienced it. This event reveals the Buddha’s complex attitude towards the miraculous and the importance of these ideas in early Buddhism.
Do Buddhists believe in chakras?
Chakras are esoteric ideas and concepts about physiology and psychic centers that emerged across Indian traditions. The belief held that human life exists in two parallel dimensions: the physical body (sthula sarira) and the psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical (sukshma sarira). The subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass. The psyche or mind plane corresponds to and interacts with the body plane, and the body and the mind mutually affect each other.
The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakra. The number of major chakras varied between various traditions, but typically ranged between four and seven. The important chakras are stated in Hindu and Buddhist texts to be arranged in a column along the spinal cord, from its base to the top of the head, connected by vertical channels.
The belief in the chakra system of Hinduism and Buddhism differs from the historic Chinese system of meridians in acupuncture. The chakra relates to the subtle body, wherein it has a position but no definite nervous node or precise physical connection. The tantric systems envision it as continually present, highly relevant, and a means to psychic and emotional energy.
These ideas are not unique to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, but they have overlapping concepts in other cultures in the East and West, known as subtle body, spirit body, esoteric anatomy, sidereal body, and etheric body.
Is tarot card reading true?
Early French occultists claimed that tarot cards had esoteric links to ancient Egypt, the Kabbalah, Indic Tantra, or the I Ching. However, scholarly research reveals that tarot cards were invented in Italy in the early 15th century for playing games, and there is no evidence of significant use of them for divination until the late 18th century. The belief in the divinatory meaning of the cards is closely associated with a belief in their occult properties, which was propagated by prominent Protestant Christian clerics and Freemasons.
From its uptake as an instrument of divination in 18th-century France, the tarot went on to be used in hermeneutic, magical, mystical, semiotic, and psychological practices. It was used by Romani people when telling fortunes and as a Jungian psychological apparatus for tapping into “absolute knowledge in the unconscious”, a tool for archetypal analysis, and even a tool for facilitating the Jungian process of individuation.
Is tarot ok for Christians?
The notion that tarot cards can exert control over one’s life is a pervasive one, yet there is a paucity of empirical evidence to substantiate this claim.
Are tarot cards mysticism?
Tarot cards, originally used by Italian nobles and aristocrats as playing cards, evolved into a cornerstone of mysticism and spiritual exploration. They were initially used for skill, strategy, and luck in a game called “tarocchi”. However, they also had hidden potential for unraveling life’s mysteries, divining the future, and exploring the human psyche. Italy played a significant role in this transformation, with the Visconti-Sforza deck, created in the mid-15th century for the Duke of Milan, being one of the earliest surviving tarot decks. The deck’s intricate imagery and symbolism hint at a deeper, more mystical purpose, yet to be fully revealed.
What culture uses tarot?
Tarot playing cards were once widespread across Europe, except for the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula. However, they experienced a renaissance in some countries and regions, such as France, where French Tarot became the second most popular card game in 1973. Tarock games like Königrufen have grown in Austria, with international tournaments held with other nations, including Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Denmark remains the only Scandinavian country that still plays tarot games, with Danish Tarok being a derivative of historical German Grosstarock.
The game of Cego has grown in popularity again in the south German region of Baden. Italy continues to play regionally popular games with distinctive Tarot packs, such as Ottocento in Bologna and Sicilian Tarocchi in parts of Sicily. Troccas and Troggu are still played locally in parts of Switzerland. Early European cards were likely based on the Egyptian Mamluk deck invented in or before the 14th century, which followed the introduction of paper from Asia into Western Europe. By the late 1300s, Europeans were producing their own cards, with variations to suit symbols and court cards.
📹 Don’t Let Tarot Cards Ruin Your Life (MUST WATCH!!)
A lot of people ask if Tarot card reading is accurate. There’s actually a lot of truth in Tarot card readings. However, people who do …
As a Catholic, I find the Buddha’s teachings to be inspirational. I think his teachings apply to all people. I have to say, I agree with the lesson of these words. I believe in God and Jesus, yet I also know that it is unknown whether God exists or not. We must get all perspectives and look at the sides of believers and nonbelievers. This can help us grow in intellect and thought. It can help us become critical thinkers. We have to look at and understand the ways of life and beliefs of others. Back in 2020, I became closer to God through the internet and YouTube. I also like to learn about others believe in. Also, there aren’t just two kinds of people when it comes to religion “theists and atheists” you also have agnostics. But I find his words to be of inspiration for me.
Buddhism is about Buddha’s “wisdom in teaching of life” not about worship. When Buddha’s teaching went to China it became Taoist Buddhism and they made him a prime deity instead of just learning most would just worship him. When Buddhism went to Japan it became Zen Buddhism where it also made him a deity. Seek wisdom of his teaching and not expect to be enlightened by just worshiping him. Some people just don’t seem to want to learn but pray & worship instead.
this is quite correct, I searched for God when i was a young man (in India actually ) and God came to me in a most beautiful way, this was after a lot of prayer, searching,but most importantly giving away to the poor everything i had materially, letting go and having complete faith that things would work out, and oh my God, it was a beautiful, amazing experience, such that I have never doubted for a single second since that time in 1973 . I now ” see” God with my own “spiritual eyes “each day . Found God thru basically chanting Hindu Prayers, then in 1983, found Bahaullah (The Glory of God ), which made the puzzle complete…Bahai Faith is the Religion for this age, True Religion is eternal in the Past, and eternal in the future, all the Great teachers are from the same “God” or Invisible Essence, or whatever you chose to call the unknowable.Abraham, 4000BC, Moses 1300 BC, Zoroaster, Christ, Bhudda, Krishna, Muhammed, Bab and Bahaullah . God Bless you all .
A tale of my own teachings…. Once upon a time my son was born and my wife got a Post parthem psychosis. After 1,5 week of happiness and pink clouds, she was put in an mental health clinic for 2,5 years. I gave up my work to take care of my son and went to the clinic everyday for 2 times. One visit in the morning, one time in the evening. This became a heavy task, for my wife looked hardly like the woman that i was used to look at. She was a ghost, a medicine junkie, a zombi. After almost 2,5 years of carrying i reached the point of critical discision making. Should I continu with the visits knowing that it would destroy me, and then my son lost his father too. Or should I stop with visiting and leave the woman that I loved so much and who was the mother of our love baby. We knew each other for 14 years at that time. I was brought up without religion, but with thrust that we all are guided. So I bent on my knees and asked, Christ, Buddha, Allah, Yehovah. Whatever God you are. When there is a guiding spirit over us. Please tell me what to do. Because I am going to collapse under the weight that I am carrying and this is going to have a big impact on my son. A vision of my grandmother appeared on the coffeetable and she spoke. Have faith, do not make the discision yet. In due time your wife is coming home. I thanked the spirit and rose up. After one more week of visits suddenly my wife stood in the house declaring that she was released from the clinic. We could begin a new chapter of parenting.
What’s the use of merely saying : I believe in God. We know many people who believe in God’s existence. We also know that these same people misbehave, are dishonest, hate and do harm to humans etc. So what’s the use of saying: I believe in God when you do not behave in a Godlike manner? It’s more important to be a good person, to do one’s duties conscientiously, to respect other people and to do good to all, than to merely say in words: I believe in God, and then behave like a hypocrite. Buddha was a good person who was not fond of money and wealth, but was one who lived a simple life and was a happy person. He had a magnetic personality and those who wanted to be like him and live like him, lived with him and became his disciples.
Thank you my dearest friend 🕊 I’m for ever great full to God Almighty to have found you at less 🕊 Buddha’s Wisdom is intoxicating🕊 I feel like he & I were were one soul in two body🕊 Exactly, the way I feel about you when you speak🕊 When you speak, I feel pain and suffering that you have felt in your journey of enlightenment🕊 When a person speak & I don’t hear that pain in their voice . I stop listening to them🕊 May you always be blessed 🕊 You seeked knowledge & graciously sharing with all of us🕊 This is the quality of a noble man🕊 People always want someone also to do the hard work& then gave them the answers 🕊 Because, they are Narcissistic and egoistic 🕊 they do not want to Waist,their precious time,that they can make money and have fun, Searching the truth🕊 after all 🕊with truth,they cannot make money or have fun 🕊because knowing the truth means now they have to see the suffering they have caused with their money and their ego……………….🕊
I am a MALAYSIAN Chinese who became a Christian in year 1999 and attended a Bible class where I learned to worship God with songs and ‘singing in tongues’. I talked to God-my Heavenly Father everyday in a relationship but I had no response. In June 2020 I was very depressed and couldn’t sleep at home because my parents had disbelieved me when I had told them that God existed. From the bottom of my heart, I cried out ‘Fatherrrrr’. Suddenly, my ears opened as if there was a tunnel connecting to my ears and I heard an audible thunderous echoing voice “I-am-hereee”. I saw 3 bright white yellow shining angles standing at the foot of my bed, silhouettes showed curly hair and long gowns. I felt peace and encouraged. Depression left me. Praise God
There is a sutra about the misconception of ‘All is Caused by God’s Creative Action’; the Buddha described to his disciples (bhikkhus) his encounter with the ascetics and brahmins who had this view… “Then, bhikkhus, I approached those ascetics and brahmins who hold such a doctrine and view as this: ‘Whatever this person experiences-whether pleasure, pain, or neither-pain-nor-pleasure-all that is caused by God’s creative activity,’ and I said to them: ‘Is it true that you venerable ones hold such a doctrine and view?’ When I ask them this, this affirm it. Then I say to them: ‘In such a case, it is due to God’s creative activity that you might destroy life, take what is not given, indulge in sexual activity, speak falsehood, utter divisive speech, speak harshly, indulge in idle chatter; that you might be full of longing, have a mind of ill will, and hold wrong view.’ “Those who fall back on God’s creative activity as the essential truth have no desire (to do) what should be done and (to avoid doing) what should not be done, nor do they make an effort in this respect. Since they do not apprehend as true and valid anything that should be done or should not be done, they are muddle-minded, they do not guard themselves, and even the personal designation ‘ascetic’ could not be legitimately be applied to them” The sutra explains it all. The Tathagata’s level of teaching is incomparable.
As a life-long Buddhist, I would answer this question thus. If there was such a creator God of this universe and everything in it including mankind, then why is there so much suffering in this world? Surely, if there was a God, mankind would live a life of peace and happiness forever. But that isn’t reality. The reality is captured in the three marks of existence: dukkha (suffering), anicca (impermanence) and anatta (not-self). This is Reality!
I feel that praying continously with full faith and then when the consequences seem adverse…the faith in G.. begins to wither. Here lots of people will give mammoth lectures on G.. and F…. but in my situation and with my experience I can only say…be a good human being and dont think of the existence of G..
The moral of the story is perfect. However it is a fable, because the Buddha would never tell a lie, even if it was to alleviate suffering. There are four kinds of speech, and the Buddha used only one of them. He would speak the truth to alleviate suffering. But he would never speak a truth that causes suffering. He would never speak a lie to alleviate suffering, and he would definitely never speak a lie to cause suffering
I had been asking this question since young and keep thinking about it. Couple years back while doing nothing and just thinking about this question again, the concept of dependent origination pop up in my mind and suddenly i can only smile. Have read this dependent origination before but it just dont gel until that day. i am quite satisfy but i believe there is more profound meaning that i had yet to understand.
As an Ex Buddhist Monk for 3 Lifetimes, My understanding is that their is not One God or Many but the All Knowing Mind, Access to this All Knowing Mind you have to Have Love and Kindness for all Living Beings with divine Wisdom. So the answer is abstract, and Exact. Try it and See and Feel the Truth and Power of the all knowing Mind, Past, Present and Future become One.
This was a good article. I’m researching Buddhism and came across this article. Although I myself am a Christian and if bourse believe there is a God, this shined light on a couple things. Yeshua has told us in his teachings the importance of passing down his laws and showing love to one another. Without this there is no respect and there is no love. We must teach, live by example and love one another. God bless everyone
To anyone who’s perusal this article and reading the comments, my wish for you is that any troubles or anxieties that have been weighing you down will begin to lift. May your mind be cleared of negative thoughts, incessant overthinking, and any doubts that have been holding you back. May clarity replace your confusion, and may your life be filled with peace and calmness. Take the wisdom from this article and empower yourself to achieve all that you seek. 🙏✨
This is a common conception I hear all the time. I am a 52-year old Ch’an Buddhist who has studied the Pali, Sanskrit, and Chinese scriptures across all 3 vehicles for decades. The Bhagavan was a non-theist. In all three vehicles you will read about interactions between Bhagavan and deities, in fact it is said that after enlightenment, he was just content to keep it to himself until Brahma asked him to teach it. Bhagavan often would go to the deva realms – realm of various gods – to teach them. Even in the Pali Canon – the Abhidharma – you will read his spiritual advice to pay tribute and/or homage to 6 things, what he called the Recollections. The gods were 1 of those 6 things that all Buddhists should “Recollect.” The problem wasn’t whether god or gods existed. For Bhagavan, it was teaching that they were not ultimately immortal, they just had longer lives and siddhi, or powers. He also taught that they were subject to karma, eventual death and rebirth (not reincarnation), and could be consumed by emotions like greed, lust, anger, jealousy, rage, etc. In fact, even the Xian god admits his jealousy and throughout the bible he shows his anger and rage – killing people for minor offenses and in Genesis drowning all of humanity which, of course, had to include innocent people, pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and children. In this way, Bhagavan showed that the gods were only special in their longevity and powers, but they were fallible and would die too. He NEVER denied the existence of gods, he denied that there was a god that created the universe and taught that the universe had always been and will always be, just coming and going through endless big “bangs” and big “crunches.
G~d is the truth and light. Finding G~d is everything. Self realization, a tool to find G~d because it helps you to focus on prayer and being receptive to His holy presence. He will appear to you, if you seek Him and His kingdom. Thank you, Budah stories. You help me in day to day life and in seeking the truth.
As far as I studied Buddhism, Buddha did not believe in a god and he himself not proclaimed himself as god. I think this whole story is made up, It is unthinkable of an entitled one to give different opinion on the same matter. what if both person had died after meeting buddha, both will be misguided.
IT IS TRUE THAT GOD EXISTS. He who has created the universe, he is the Ultimate reality and truth of the universal existence. BY Finding who we are and what good things we need to do is the things to find God . When we help poor people we can feel the blessing of God .In these ways we can know God .I am a Hindu Saint of God shiva. I believe in him Strongly and I see him in every where and in everything. One thing that we can learn from lord Shiva is to help those in needs .I consider him as the supreme Brahma, The truth himself. Any way the point is that who in believe is not important but to do always good things and to help the poor as you can is important. By helping them we can know the Ultimate truth, and of course we need to do meditation as well it makes our mind clean from bad thoughts. So there is God in ourselves we just need to look in ourselves and we can See the Truth. So we need to do always Good karma, and God will bless you.
Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
I am always amused that people spend so much time about debating between the believe in GOD AND FINDING YOUR SELF. This artificial distinction is pure intellectual tripe. Finding your Self is vouchsafed by believe in GOD. The confusion is the definition that suits all. This confusion will disappear if the freedom to define is left to the individual. Do not shy away from the word GOD because you think it does not confer rationality…..nothing can be further from the truth. Know your GOD AND YOU WILL HAVE KNOWN YOURSELF. AS Sri SATHYA SAI BABA SAYS:” WHEN KNOWLEDGE IS FULL THE KNOWER BECOMES THE KNOWN. JAI SAI RAM.
Buddhism can be simplified; 1. We all suffer. 2. To end suffering, think correctly. Nothing is needed after you learn these two nobel truths. Thinking correctly leads you to the rest of the 8 fold path. Thinking correctly will solve your problems that lead to suffering. The relationship between quantum physics and Buddhism is irrelevant. Reincarnation is irrelevant. God is irrelevant. Dont waste time on irrelevant issues.
I was an atheist but then I had two experiences which I think may have been with GOD, if they were not with GOD it was with something which is extremely powerful and can talk to a person, someone/something there was no way I was going to disobey. I had found myself in the astral plane by my aunts hospital bed (before that I hadnt even known she was in hospital) and witnessed her dying (which turned out to be true, she did die that very night) and going into the light, I’d tried to follow as the light was so very beautiful it had like a magnetic pull on me too the closer I got to it and the powerful voice suddenly commanded “HALT, go back” so I had to go back to my physical body. On the other occasion I was trying to become Breatharian as I wanted to know if we could control reality with our thoughts and after 3 days and nights without water or food I’d suddenly collapsed upon the bathroom floor after getting out of a hot bath and could not stand again as huge waves of dizziness was going through me. Something then very powerful, an energy then picked me up as if I was a puppet on strings and put me onto my feet and ordered “STAND CHILD”. I then could stand and I was fine. I ended up going just over 8 days without food and water and had no more collapses (I still do not believe the bible thou)
The mind is a main cause! Man is a main effect! The mind of the consciousness thinks and the mind of the subconscious automatically receives.Whatever the mind thinks, it definitely receives it. Thus the Mind of man creates everything(God-Evil-Satin, Heaven-Hell, War-Peace…) Vipassana will enlighten the one who really wants the Noble Truth (first keep the mind 100% still, without thinking, then you will see what has happened inside your body.)
Abraham was older than Buddha, yet Jesus said unto them,” Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” Abraham borned in 2150 BC (1500 years older than Buddha) and Buddha borned in 623 BC. Why then Jesus said he is older than Abraham? Jesus even going beyond Abraham. Adam was born around 4000 years ago (even older than Buddha by a great margin), yet Jesus said he existed even before Adam!!! Why so? The book of John chapter 1:3, recorded that, Jesus created ” All things were made by him (Jesus Christ); and without him (Jesus Christ) was not any thing made that was made.” If you wanted to talk about world history, this is the purest you can get.
There is NO God but only books provoking this thought. Having thought of having someone who is there in sky is actually a very helpful combination of Support to human consciousness. We all are chemical reactions and bacterial growth, at the same time we are collectively a consciousness seeking support to survive.
Thanks you so much. I don’t know you are still survive in this world or have found real peacefulness. But your description make also peaceful my soul. I thought that only myanmar(Buddhism) know the truth about Buddhist teaching. Now that is wrong or may be i’m in hallucinations about buddhist’s teaching. All i feel is that surviving your life is just prolong your journey and have to gain eternal peacefulness that can gain only by practice according to Buddha’s teaching. I’m afraid of being miss Buddha’s teaching coz many wrong ways and concepts appear after buddha. So i don’t believe my thinking coz fear of not to get real concepts from buddha. Thanks for your enlightenment.
These are not words of wisdom . These are words of confusion . Buddhism is not at all concerned with the existence of God whether God exists or not it does not has to do anything with it . Buddhism is neither completely a religion neither completely a philosophy . It is what you believe . If according to buddhism there is no God then who made the trees, mountains, valleys, stars, planets, sun, moon and all the human beings with the same number of hands and legs and eyes and mouth for each and every person and same process of eating from the mouth and same process of taking birth in 9 month duration .. It is definitely not the cosmic energy released due to cosmic explosion billions of yrs back as told by the scientists .
Their are many Gods in Buddhism including the Gods of creation. Buddha was a genius, he never spoke of God yet his path opens the door and takes you to God. I am speaking from experience. I will not speak of God either but the noble eight fold path leads to godliness without ever trying to explain God. Anyone who says Buddha was an atheist knows very little about Buddha or Buddhism.
In essence, there is no straight answer given. For me Jesus is the ONLY answer. He loved me even before I choose to love him. He gives me eternal joy and peace that paases all understanding. He will be with me forever. He teaches me unconditional love. He gives me a purpose in this life. What else can I ask for?
Buddha is really smart.. he want us to think of what we believe.. to what extent we really believe something and how real it is? Just imagine.. if you really believe in God.. will u be in doubt if anybody tells u there is no God? And if you really dont believe there is God.. why shud u be hesitate to believe it that way then others might think otherwise? Everything that you think you believe actually most of them just YOUR WORD… you might be just utters words that lying to yourself…
When one person has delusions we call it insanity, but when a lot of people have delusions we call it religion. Adults who believe in imaginary beings are stupid. THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS THE ONE WHO SHOWS HIM SELF TO EVERYONE. NOT FAITH BUT FACTS. Good people do Good things, bad people do bad things, but religion can make good people do bad things.
🔴Don’t like the story. 🤔Because its based on a false view of who God is. God is not merely a belief and acceptance of a religious system. A man who truly KNOWS God, will know that God is the director of all things and beyond religions. And hence his spiritual journey of truth is continuous. I rate this article with a F grade.🙏🏽
The more you learn about Buddhism, the more you drill away from the real God . Jesus said, ” I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to Father except through Him ” The only way to Heaven is through our Lord Jesus Christ . I study Buddhism when I was young, I realise that, Jesus is real and Heaven and Hell is real . Our souls is real . There is life after death . Buddhism teaching is just Philosophy. Philosophy is by human ‘s thinking n mindset . In the bible, God said, ” my way is higher than your way, my thoughts is higher than your thoughts ” Religions are all man made .. Hope we mankind have wisdom to find out the real God . May God opens the eyes and hearts of those who are being blinded by Satan 🙏🙏🙏
there is a difference between a god, and the creator. God is worshiped, but the power of creation itself which is constantly in motion and alive and kicking today as we evolve, is not worshiped. Love and life are proof of the power of creation. However, people prefer to pray to hire entities who have ascended, instead of the power of creation, which is not a person, rather, a power. it is also impossible to explain to a human and human language what the creator is, because he is an alien or it is an alien compared to how humans think. And it would be too complex for any human to understand white lies behind the creation of the material and immaterial dimensions of this universe. He therefore abstained from explaining further. But you can’t make something out of nothing especially if the thing that made it doesn’t exist. so we do not know if the Buddha said there is no God, and the word God does not mean creator. So even if he did, he never said “there is no creator”. If there was no creator, we would not have creation. Things don’t create themselves except that which is self created. And I’ve never seen such a thing because of cause-and-effect. And so cars is the creator and effect is the created. praise creation for it is sacred and miraculous! It is impersonal which is why sometimes babies die when they don’t deserve it, and injustices happen. But that is also a matter of the free will of each individual to act skillfully or unskillfully. if there is a God worth worshiping, it is conditionless love.
2: 163. And your Deity is the Single Deity, no Deity except Him, the Impartial, the Merciful. The Truth and Proof Adhikr is revealed to all three hundred and thirteen Messengers to teach mankind that there is no deity except Lord Allah and so to serve Him alone as told in verses 21: 24-25. It is told in verse 32: 4: “Allah is the One Who created the Heaven, the earth and all in between them in six days, then He established on the Throne, you have no protector or intercessor besides Him, will you then remind others in their heart’s language?” Only one in a thousand becomes a believers who testifies Adhikr propagates Adhikr to entire worlds and helps the Impartial Lord. The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are hiding and rejecting Adhikr. So the heard, read, and touched verses will argue and witness against them and will push them into Hell as explained in verses 9: 30-31. They will neither transform their Jinn soulmate into a believer with Adhikr nor change their ledger from Sijjeen of Hell (83: 7) into Illiyeen of Paradise (83: 18). See explanation 1: 2, 4, and 2: 132-133. From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book
If these words from Buddha are true, then believing the existing of God is relative for everyone. If you’re in the dark and lost and was wondering around, then it makes sense to tell them that God exist because the truth is God is what move you and giving you life and if you don’t believe it, then you have lost. If you’re already believe in God and that it exist, then there is nothing to believe externally because you’re God itself, only manifested in parts.
That the true power of humans. Real humans never depend on other’s. By find themselves and improving wisdom humans and society grows, geetting advance day by day. Have you ever heard improvement of gods? Some of them still use animals back as vehicles 😅 . Humans should only worship mother universe and its energies. Because every creature is an infant infront of universe.
Isn’t it Satans way to lie? Both lost their faith in what they believed. Could it be the right explanation is, i told the atheist there is God therefore the atheist have no excuse on judgement day. I told the believer in God there is no God so the believer who lost his faith will be judged on judgement day. There are many Gods in Buddhism. They are called Guru
No thinking atheist today would ever assume that another human being, a buddha, or otherwise, could possibly know whether God exists. The affirmative claim, either for, or against the existence of God is an unfalsifiable proposition (neither provable, nor disprovable). Thus, no human could possibly know with certainty if a God exists. The atheist in the tale was a poor example of a thinking atheist who approached the buddha as if the buddha were omniscient (all knowing). And this, of itself, is to make a god of the buddha….something that no thinking atheist would, or should do. It’s contradictory.
Very revealing at 5:02 “Whether you believe in God or not is not important.” Interesting. Logically, that statement boils down to: Your belief in God is not important and Your belief in no god is not important. THEREFORE THINK: WHO WOULD want to convince you to believe in God is NOT IMPORTANT. This anti-God is the hidden author of Buddhism. Do you want really want to follow this entity? For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,7 in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal MAN and birds and animals and creeping things.
haven’t you ever wondered where you made the most sense out of things and then you will see people who try hard but never will achieve, and then of course the ignorant ones who probably doesn’t want to know or refuse to know even if its the truth. Its just the order of the world isn’t it? It’s just the way it is. Feel appreciated within yourself that you are one of those possibly chosen ones to understand many sensible things in your life. Its a gift by itself, but it comes with a price in this world. There is no right or wrong, there are no answers nor do you need one, there are only conscience and existence, the present.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in Buddhist scriptures, with references: Almost all the Buddhist scriptures that speaks about a “Maithree” to come. “Chakkavati Sinhnad Suttanta D111, 76” It says that ‘’Another Buddha will come by the name maithree. The holy one. The supreme one. The enlighten one. And Dowd with wisdom and conduct. Auspicious having knowledge of the universe. Whatever he will get from super natural knowledge he will preach to the whole world. He will preach a religion which will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax, glorious at the end. He will preach a way of life which will be truthful and wholly perfect. He will have several thousands of monks as I have several hundreds of monks. ‘’ These prophesy also repeated in the ‘’ Sacred Books of the East Volume 35 Pages 225.’’ That a maithree will come which such and such criteria and qualities. And further it says that he will be a leader to thousands of people as I’m a leader of hundreds of peoples. Its further mention in ‘’Gospel of Buddha Page 217- 218’’ Ananda asked Buddha ‘’Oh blessed one… after you have gone who will guide us.?’’ So the blessed one Buddha he replied: ‘’I’m not the first Buddha in the world. Neither is I the last. There will be another Buddha will come The holy one, the supreme one, the enlighten one and Dowd with the wisdom and conduct. The auspicious having knowledge of the universe. He will preach a religion which will be glorious at the beginning, glorious at the climax, glorious at the end.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Subject: I am in the DARK 👤 * I have good feelings towards others but it’s of no use. * I have good attitudes towards others but it’s of no use. * I have a helping hand towards others but it’s of no use. * I have no bad thoughts towards others but others have filthy feelings towards me. * I have a pure heart and a kind mind but all I face is frustrations and painful events in life. * But after having all these good things with me, its result is that today, ‘I AM IN THE DARK ‘ 👤 The above are the truth and I say this frankly and painfully. By: Dawood ✍ Written on: 12.02.2022
The last recent Buddha aka Siddhartha Gutama wasn’t the first Buddha but the 26 th in line out of 27 (im tired of Western lies) Buddha brotherhood were prophecies over eons ago. We are in the age of enlightenment but still very ignorance. The last Buddha aka basically Jesus Christ return (mention in the Bible) will manifests himself back on this planet and spread his righteousness Dharma around the world. Thats like another 2000 – 4000 years easy. So no guys Jesus isnt coming back anytime soon…
Through the history of our planet, God knows, may be there has been thousands and thousands of Gods… The Nepali Prince Siddhatha Gautama’s word is one human being’s word and opinion and theory amongst billions and billions others… according to the linguistic sciences called “Philology”: the word “God” is possibly expressed because the Homosapien Sapien can speak and the crocodile cannot…
Buddhism have some facts within it, but compared to Christianity; it lacks foundation in terms of practice. Example giving up your desires. What if I desire to do right? Do good? Why is there no concern for a God? Wouldn’t that be something to look into? Who gets to define what is good and evil; right and wrong? This ideology is basically a self righteous belief. Catered to the human mind. And when I compare Jesus Christ to Buddha, Jesus Christ is more reliable simply because he never sinned and has kept his promises.
Worthy 🕉 God of Israel Ezekiel Gen21.19 she is worthy mother and father God gave us liveing creachers lion young bull face of a man and eagl worthy of worship 🕉 God is always you budah face of a man you are lord Gods7 spirits liveing creachers lion young bull face of a man and eagl worthy of 🕉 God bless you Jesus with all liveing creachers 🕉
Isaiah 45:5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded you, though you had not known me: Isaiah 44:6 This says the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; “I am the first, and I am the last;” and beside me there is no God. :7 And who, as I, will call, and will declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? And the things that are coming, and will come, let them show unto them. :8 Fear you not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? you are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? Yes, there is no God; I know not any. Says the all knowing God Psalms 139
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13). “Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). 6) Therefore eternal life is a free gift to all who will trust in Christ as Lord and Savior and supreme Treasure of their
The first Great Budhist Council was assembled 200 years after Budha’s death. Until then the Budha’s teachings were kept in the memory of numberless devotees and passed on to the next generation. There was nothing written, no tape recorders, no articles, no nothing, just plain human memory. Can you imagine the results? Actually nobody knows what Budha said. How uninformed you are, how naive you are, how ignorant you are!!!
For anyone wondering if Buddha was a god: Buddha is no god. He achieved pure bliss through ultimate wisdom. He gained the wisdom by the practices he followed through many lives of his existence. Existence can be thought as “a thought” in its simplest form. A thought can navigate through vast times and distances (space and time continum). Buddhism is a science. Not a religion. It will only exist until the scientific method is followed. Anyone can be a Buddhist. They don’t have to be named themselves as such. They just exist – trough space and time – in various forms of existence.
Please answer three statements science journey, rational world, atheist: 1. Do you believe religious marriage than who is almighty? Or only signing court’s paper, anyhow, if no aatma in body and don’t follow religion also than relationship with father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, animals same same as wife! Body body sex, no need marriages. 2. Whichever things, living or dead bodies occupy space, place cannot be almighty . 3. If no parmata, no aatma, no swarg, no narg, so y marriage, then no paap, no punn, acche burey karam, sub narm narm. Phir kahey ghabraye.
BUDDHA NOT A GOD BUT GOD LIKE DUST IN FRONT OF BUDDHA WANNA KNOW WHY ❤…… Buddha not a god but he more powerful than any god wise than any god…he was born highest god realm before (past lives) he becomes Buddha . According to Buddhist teaching anyone can go to heaven and become a god by doing sufficient good karma…But GOD REALMS NOT ETERNAL IT JUST ANOTHER REALM but gods have long enjoyable life….but it not eternal after end of your good karma’s results you have to leave realm (dead)……so Buddha was not here to teach to human how become a god… his teaching far beyond that “breaking the birth and dead cycle” ….. so god also trapped in this cycle. (Theravada Buddhism) ❤❤❤❤
Evolution is a fallacy popularized by Charles Darwin. It was in world thought before Darwin. The Greeks believed in it. However, It is said that Darwin repented of his unbelief on this deathbed and the theory of evolution. This story is very controversial. He said that he was a man of unformed opinions. He seemed to be amazed that his theory was thought as fact. He was taken aback that his theory spread so quickly. Darwin marveled at the infinite complexity of the human eye and wondered if something like that could evolve through random mutations. One also has to take into consideration the DNA code. Your DNA blueprint is actually a language with instructions of how to put your entire body together. This DNA molecule has enough instructions to fill an entire library. That is why the intelligent design proposal is gaining upper ground. A computer has to be built by man, but something as complex as a human evolved? Impossible. God had to create man and woman. God Himself created man and woman in his image (Genesis 1: 26). Lady Hope and other discoverers said that the portion of scripture that he was reading on his deathbed when she entered was the book of Hebrews, This is the only portion of scripture (Hebrews 6: 4-8) that was found marked in the whole of his Bible. It dealt with salvation: v4) For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Buddha was asked by both men to tell the truth. The logic of two opposite answers (No God. and Yes there is a God.) which Buddha gave, would be based on the old “Ends justifying the means” explanation. Such logic still has a problem when it comes to the truth. Truth should never be based on relativity, if it is to be real truth. Real truth never compromises itself with anything but the actual truth. Relative untruthful answers originate when one is lying.
There is no god, no soul, only the karma of rebirth. should keep the 5 precepts: not to kill, not to be greedy, not to commit adultery. Do not speak maliciously, do not drink alcohol. if you don’t believe? When you are angry with someone, you will be angry back. When you hurt someone, you will suffer. Rental 0
The Kingdom of Heaven dwells within us our inner soul, which is our own inner God/Goddess, and the Kingdom of Hell dwells within us, which is our inner ego, which is our own inner Devil/Deviless. And with which the 3 Christ/Conscious Teachers Joshua Bar Joseph, Gautama Siddartha and Mohammed Ali had tried to teach back then and are still trying to teach today
Buddha according to this vid was a pain in the rear!! The story Buddha’s denial of God has become like “Chinese whispers” with all its distortions. Just leading searchers down complex rabbit holes. And we don’t need that do we? In this vid Buddha is somewhat like Saad Guru. While they don’t really know the answers, they can befuddle people with a load of sophisticated ambiguity such that they go away more confused than first the were. People are still hungry for the truth of the existence of God, and thereby discerning the truth of themselves in this universe.. Mystics no matter their name or title, we can know are there to do only that; to mystify earnest searching people. Buddha would have been the worse person to ask about the truth of God’s existence anyway, because coming from a tradition of a pantheon of God’s and avatars, how could he have know about the where or what not of a single creator God?? 😀🔯☯️🙏♏☯️😍
Part of seeing reality is that everyone has their own truth that they believe in and they follow it. This remains unless they believe it is fiction and they choose another truth to believe as fact. Children believed in Santa Claus for many years and this was their truth until they believed in someone else, their parents, as gift givers and so the truth was changed. Buddha’s answer basically was that if a man believes in God, yet has doubts, he doesn’t truly believe then. If a man doesn’t believe in God, yet has doubts, then he truly doesn’t believe. Buddha planted a new seed of truth for them to discover for themselves.
Every culture have concept of different god. Actually human can’t figure out things it’s own that way experience then human call base on their way of understanding by culture,region,or by someone picked up ideas about god. But people still fights in name of god and try to make convert to their idea. And that’s dangerous for world. Specially loving and peaceful religion or mazhub.
So many folks trying to understand if GOD exists yet they can’t brush their teeth let alone keep a marraige together or get along with others. Now, I won’t even bother to go into mankind or the animal kingdom or the physical universe and if you make it that far you might get back out of your body and only then “find” GOD. Solve all these riddles and then you will know GOD…YOU. Good luck.
Buddha is silent on God. Documentary is wrong. Unfortunately most Indians and almost all abhrahmics don’t understand concept of God in east. It’s not some out there in heaven who made this creation. Even Vedas don’t say that. Vedas try to express ultimate reality in positive way. People made God out of it. Buddha express it by silence, which I think is best expression of ultimate reality. Best expression of this silence by Buddha that it is not the God as you think. Doesn’t mean there is no God as well Nagarjuna the greatest teachers of Buddhism post Buddha expressed ultimate truth as catushkoti vinirmukta tatvam (beyond 4 categories of logic) So it doesn’t mean there no ultimate reality as well. Sorry it may take lifetimes to come close to understandings of great teachers So keep seeking knowledge.
Buddhism is not a religion actually. Buddhism is a philosophy. Buddha never forced anyone to believe his philosophy. He never disrespected other religions either. He told people not to follow buddhism if it doesn’t make sense to you. Lord Buddha said, true buddhism will live for 5000 years. There are more 2500 years to complete those 5000 years. According to buddhism, this world runs by karma. Karma is not a god or a person. When we do good deeds, we earn positive points. When we do bad deeds, we earn negative points, and those points are called karma. Every second in our life runs by karma. Every thought that comes to our minds are created by karma. Lord buddha have told that everything in this world is impermanent. Nothing is permanent. That includes brahmas, gods, humans, animals, every other beings, our thougts and emotions too. Buddhism is not just a simple philosophy. Buddhism is very deep. Just by living a good life, you can’t attain nirwana. You can go to heaven after death if you do lots of good deeds in your life. But life in heaven is impermanent too. According to buddhism, we live in a rebirth cycle. And it is like a prison. We are stuck in this. Lord buddha is the first person to find the way out of this cycle. Getting out of this cycle is called attaining nirwana. Going to heaven is a good thing, but it is not the eternal freedom. In heaven you get to live more tha 1 million years. But after your lifetime in heaven, you will die and born at somewhere else. It could be an animal life.
“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in JESUS. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.” I urge you to confess your evil deeds, exposing yourself to the LIGHT OF GOD…if you have not already.
Which sutta is this from? In every sutta I’ve ever read, Buddha refuses to answer such questions. Actually he very directly said such questions are pointless to ask… And in DN:1 there is a detailed description of what most call God… what it is, why it is, and why it thinks it is. The first being to appear in a given world cycle mistakenly assumes the role of God… but as for a God of all samsara, Buddha says the question is irrelevant.
God doesn’t mean Bhagwan. Enlightenment doesn’t mean Self-realization or Brahman-realization. Buddha never clarified about his enlightenment. At least it was neither a realization of Self nor of Bhagwan or Brahman. Buddha was an athiest and discarded existence of Bhagwan or Brahman without any proof. Strangely, people call an athiest as Bhagwan Buddha.
Interesting notion on whether one believes or not in God. What did Bhudda learn about himself after years of meditating? Does it make any difference in the existence of God if one chooses to believe or not? The creation declares there is a Creator, just as a painting displays there is an artist. A building? an architecture! Do you wonder why humans argue and debate about the existence and non-existence of God? Is God answerable to humans’ lack of faith and unbelief? If your conscience doesn’t speak to you, no one can. 🙏🇬🇧🇮🇳
It’s so sad story. Because, you all really were used it to stop you self in the way to the Truth. Whenever you don’t know about the Truth and if you don’t deceive youself, you will feel sad. But, what happened? You are satisfying with … nothing. It’s not wise, it’s just a denial from the Truth. If you really satisfy with nothing, the Truth immediately transform you to him. But what you are saying is “I satisfy with nothing and finding the Truth is nothing with me”. This is just human language not the Truth language. I hope a few reads these words will feel sad and continue their journey to the Truth. He is waiting for you and loves you so much. Don’t stop your journey anymore because the Truth indicated for it an end and you can change nothing but your choice!
Buddhism is not a philosophy it’s not a psychology or a science or religion. In the way one understands a monotheistic or polytheism! But as elements of all the former! Also this post does not represent the teachings in the Pali Nikayas. Know where in the Canon does the Buddha say there is no god? He actually refuses to answer such absolute questions and remains silent. So words are being put in his mouth here, notice there is no canonical reference. Any decent account of the EBT will follow faithfully, the original message of the Buddha. All metaphysical questions have no bearing on suffering and the end of suffering. But saying that there are obviously metaphysical statements in Buddhism, which is a later development and gross misunderstanding of his message! zAz Ps: Please show me any sutta where these words quoted?
If you go to church to pray to God you are expected to drop some money into the collection basket;Thats is why that man invented God because they realised the potential of earning money if you have more churches etc;then you earn much more money;that is why the Roan Catholic church ie the Vatican has billions of moneyand has assets throughout the world. So inter alia religion is a huge multi billion business; If there is a God then the main key question one must ask is “who made God?????”If someone reading this can answer this question then the next question is “what is God????;is He human/a spirit//a puff of smoke?a vapour??/an alien??; The other conclusion one can make is that religion is one huge scam;
“God is not a person. That is one of the greatest misunderstandings, and it has prevailed so long that it has become almost a fact. Even if a lie is repeated continuously for centuries it is bound to appear as if it is a truth. God is a presence, not a person. Hence all worshipping is sheer stupidity. Prayerfulness is needed, not prayer. There is nobody to pray to; there is no possibility of any dialogue between you and God. Dialogue is possible only between two persons, and God is not a person but a presence – like beauty, like joy. God simply means godliness. It is because of this fact that Buddha denied the existence of God. He wanted to emphasize that God is a quality, an experience – like love. You cannot talk to love, you can live it. You need not create temples of love, you need not make statues of love, and bowing down to those statues will be just nonsense. And that’s what has been happening in the churches, in the temples, in the mosques. Man has lived under this impression of God as a person, and then two calamities have happened through it. One is the so-called religious man, who thinks God is somewhere above in the sky and you have to praise him to persuade him to confer favors on you, to help you to fulfill your desires, to make your ambitions succeed, to give you the wealth of this world and of the other world. And this is sheer wastage of time and energy. And on the opposite pole the people who saw the stupidity of it all became atheists; they started denying the existence of God.
Buddhism is the method for the self revelation of God, rather than the belief in God. Through meditation, one can gain the experiental knowledge of God’s light which Buddha called the luminous mind. Every religion says God is light. I don’t think the Buddha taught if you believe in God or not is unimportant. What Buddhist would say the luminous mind is unimportant? Belief that there is God or belief that there is no God are both equally useless, one has to realize the truth in himself with diligent self-effort.
Buddha didn’t say that there is no God exist. Siddhartha Gautama was born in a Hindu Family He brought up in A Hindu environment. He studied all 4 Vedas . He achieved Ashta Siddha from Hindu Gurus. In my childhood my grand mother said that Buddha didn’t believe in God. Blindly I believed it and kept Buddha away from me. When I studied Buddhism in Burma all blind view point of mine was changed. Buddhism is not different from Hinduism. In all the Sutras of Buddha,had explained About God and Goddess. He said find the hidden truth of your life and recognize who you are. Depending on God to find It, you will never be successful God won”t revel the truth by himself you have to find him going in to deep meditation. In his Pali Sutra from the beginning to end he has explained About God and Goddess. Even in his first teaching called dharma chakra sutra he had invited Gods and goddesses in all deva lokas. In Maha Samaya sutra he had called all Devata. Not only that when he was alive devatas used to come at mid night to meet him. Buddha was not kept them aside. It is said that his mother Maha Maya Devi was in Tusita Divya Loka He has gone to meet his mother to that highest dham. What happened was After Buddha, Some of his disciples created sects in the name of Buddha and they separated the spirits of Hinduism from Buddha’s teaching. And they add so many things that Buddha never taught to any of his disciples. And they made a religion making Buddha a totally different person . Fools didn’t understand the Buddha was An Avatar of Vishnu.
I feel bad when my muslim friends make fun of me and question me why do i believe a statue😔😔and insult my religion.According to them those who r muslims can only go to heaven and only Allah is real and so on but i really wanted to know why do u even care about me going to heaven or not it’s all about my believe.My friends ask me to change my religion bt i’m blessed in this life that i’m a disciple of Buddha🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻and i’m requesting everyone not to insult and say disrespecting words to other religion because it hurts just focus on yourself and your believe.
When you have reach enlightenment you will find the truth by yourself!! Look into the vastness of the Universe, feel the wonders of nature and its existence, its orderliness, its perfection and inperfections, its creations and destruction of inperfections then you see therr is God! There has to be an entity to create perfection and an entity to destroy inperfection. Inperfection is the result of sin, holiness, perfection the source of creation is God!.
There is a great difference between the truth and god. The truth can have many forms,from the same consciousness where buddha reached. Ultimately The Truth is one. No one can claim exclusivness on it. I as a Hindu has known what my spiritual teachers had thought in ancient times . The question what did Buddha said about god is irrelevant to all. If you want to find the truth search for yourself, because didn’t you wanted to see the truth with Evidence than now someone else will tell you and you will be convinced. This is not the meditation you do. The mediation can be of 2 types (typically) One for finding the Truth which if claimed is god or not. Second one for finding nothingness . Both lead to the same path whether you agree or not.
I have had muslims mock me and say ‘do you believe in Santa Claus?’. I say yes. It doesn’t matter if Santa Claus is real or fake, what matters is that Children are shown that there is selfless giving. They may not know Santa personally but he still gives them presents. What a wonderful spiritual lesson. Santa Claus is the representation of selfless giving for Children. Yes of course I believe in Santa Claus.
Very nice! We expect a lot from a 3 letter word in English,which stands for a concept in our limited,flawed minds,of a being beyond human conception. That may be the last idol to be smashed. The Christian mystic Meister Eckhart said,”God is utterly no-thing”,yet the Holy Qur’an states,” God is closer to you than the vein in your neck”. The 11th century French Philosopher-monk,Pierre Abelard offered this idea to ponder,”Doubt is as important as Faith,for doubt leads to inquiry,and inquiry leads to truth”,but if you don’t inquire,you can never approach the truth.
Buddhism is not really a religion but more a way of practicing. He didn’t really gave clear answers, what if someone did die before knowing the truth and how would someone know the truth without an understanding. may Allah open your hearts, guide you all and bless you all, scholars have already proven that Islam is the truth. The quran explained everything before science did, you can do research to see it yourself.
Lord Buddha tried not against any believes but teaches human to think by himself. No force to believe or punish anyone who are against his teaching. Indeed his knowledges are the basic of other religions. You may see that Buddhism Christianity and Islam have a linkage from the same principle. It is Metta and Karuna. This is the core of good relogions. Then, the one who create bloodshed or call for religion war is no longer a Muslim, Christian or Buddhist anymore. Don’t let any bad man lure you.
Vedism is the theology of the region that Siddhartha benefited from. Siddhartha was a prince before his enlightenment so his celebrity status was greatly impacted by his heritage influence. As a priest myself, vishnu has said to me that the bath of the Buddha is blessed by him as self regulation and not blindly believing anything is by far the best way to look at one’s existence critically. Remember all theological text has been tampered by human hands, therefore believing without analysis and criticism is akin to seeing the world in only black and white
Buddha reached enlightenment via the Buddhic plane and unlike most religions he did not speak of the Divine but of universal laws related to karmic debt and bondage and evolution. The equivalent Hindu way to spiritual progress is karma yoga – skillful and selfless actions based on these principles of natural law. It’s a form of yoga to remove bondage and agony for the soul after a good many years of practice. This would be for people who cannot work with more devotional forms or other rituals. Even those who can would need to renounce desires for earthly objects, so in one way all forms of spiritual yoga have something to do with karma yoga even if some of their methods are different.
Those who find Buddha teaching appealing to them understandably do so because such teachings mentions nothing about accountability in this life. Jesus Christ teaches men on sin, righteousness and judgment to come hence warning men that they must give an account of themselves to God after this life. Not only that! He offers His life as a ransom for mens sin through His death and resurrection. He is alive and trust worthy because He has overcome death, which is number one human enemy! Repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ. Buddha and all other men who have appeared claiming to be somebody are all dead awaiting to appear before Jesus Christ to be judged.
I am truly amused how pple here find wisdom in this story of buddha beating around/evading question if there is a God or not. What is spiritual truth? Both person can find truth on their own believing and not believing God. Faith in what? Mediating about what that can find the truth? The story changed and ended from finding a spiritual (eternal) truth to understanding oneself as a real entity relative to what? Why did the pple who asked Budhha not continue to ask him to show proof of what he said? Enlightenment or confusion? Blind faith and without understanding in buddha’s words.