The Bard, along with the Sorcerer and the Warlock, do not prepare spells but can cast any spell they know from the Bard spell list. As a 1st-level Bard, they know four 1st-level spells and have two 1st-level slots. The Spells Known column of the Bard table shows when you learn more bard spells of your choice, each of which must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Bards are full spellcasters, sharing many options with the Wizard but also getting crucial playstyle. Their spell list demands that they have 1D8 hit dice per level, meaning at 1st Level, their hit points will be 8 + your Constitution modifier. When choosing spells, it’s important to note their specific component requirements and if they take concentration, as these factors can dictate whether you can cast those spells at the right level.
Bards work off of spells known, so they don’t have to keep track of a specific list of ones. When creating a Level 20 Bard from College of Lore, they only have cantrips and prepared spells, not cantrips and… They prepare spells for each of their classes individually, referring to the spell slots of an individual class to determine the number and levels of the spells.
In the table top, you can change out your learned spells to prepared spells at the DM’s discretion, but only while in active. The idea is to ensure Bards get some iconic or useful spells regardless of whether they picked Arcane, Divine, or Primal spell lists. Any Bard may be prepared spellcaster via feats Corrupt Arcana and Arcane Preparation, but Corrupt Arcana requires a certain level of skill.
📹 D&D Spellcasting Explained | Part 1
This is spellcasting explained for D&D 5e! Here in part 1, we’ll go over go over spell levels, casting at higher levels, spell slots, …
📹 Complete Guide to Bard First Level Spells | D&D 5e
In today’s video, Sage walks you through all of the Bard’s first-level spells. Here we discuss their effectiveness, versatility, and …
Dissonant Whisper is maybe not versatile like command but it can hit like a truck. I would take it on a Sorcerer/Bard twin for 1 Point at higher levels 2* 3d6 + Opportunity Attack from 1 to xy players With Great Weapon Masters, Smither and Sneak Attack, Warcaster Cantrips oh boy that`s a HIT ! Command Flee would work the same but with saves a twin Dissonant Whisper would at last do it`s 3d6. I would still take command if i have enough space in my list. Drop Weapon, kneel,…. Command is very nice but for lev1 Damage DW would be my pick. The biggest point is, it CAN be the best level 1 Damage Spell by an insane amount. If the group works slightly in it`s favor it outright kills monsters 1 turn faster. “Best” level 1 Damage Spells Inflict Wounds 3d10 (Touch) ~16,5 Dam no Hit -> no Damage (can Krit) Guiding Bolt 4d6 (120 feet) ~14 Dam no Hit -> no Damage (can Krit) Adv on 1 Attack Chromatic Orb 3d8 (90feet) ~13,5 Dam no Hit -> no Damage (can Krit) Magic Missile 3* 1d4+1 (120feet) ~10,5 Dam Dissonant Whisper 3d6 (60feet) ~10,5 Dam -> save 1/2 ~5 Dam (no Krit) monster runs 1 Opportunity Attack Fighter level 1 -> 1d8 Longsword +2 Fightingstyle + 3 STR (sword an board Fighter with no feat) 9,5 Dam 1 Opportunity Attack Rogue level 1 -> 1d8 Rapier + ( 1d6 Sneak Attack with Fighter in 5feet ) + 3 Dex (0815 Rogue) 11 Dam No other level 1 Dam Spell could with this simpel setup do up to ~31 Damage if all Attacks hit. Clear it can miss, the Fighter and Rogue can miss Fighter and Rogue can Krit It becomes insane if you put 3 level 10-15 Players with Sneak attack, Smith and Booming Blade next to something and make 100-200Dam
A Story I Guess: I Was Playing A Bard In A Less Serious Game (Nobody Really Knew What We Were Doing More Just Trying To Do Whatever) We Ended Up Killing A Owlbear Bringing Back To Life I Used Animal Friendship And They Became Our Party Mascot (The Owlbear Became Our Animal Companion And It Was Pretty Cool)
One really good usage of the Thunder wave spell is if you’re surrounded by say for instance a ton of goblins, you can try to woo them all with a good performance check. Afterwards when all the goblins are within 15 feet of you, you can then use thunder wave and to make sure you’re in a hazardous environment where them getting pushed will knock them into sharp stuff.
The friend of mine that play Paladin told me that He can command an enemy toss himself out of chief. I said no you can’t and that friend went into a tantrum. Like common dude I’m planning a coffelock with book of shadows and Aspect of the moon however I made restrictions that I can’t have more spell slots then may spell table shows.
– I’m starting Curse of Strahd tonight. I went with a changeling eloquence Bard. I got good rolls and at lvl 3 stat wise I have 19charisma and will be taking the actor feat next level to get it to 20. – I know I will be a great at FACE char stuff but have never done a bard or any face. I usually go anti face wih charisma my dump stat. I speak a lot and often end up getting killed and it will be interesting to play a char where I have such a great chance at persuasion, deception and intimidate. I know combat wise I’ll be lacking and I have never played a char where the spells you pick are permanent as I usually main Druid.
Color Spray is a terrible spell. Between its 1 round duration, the short range (15′ cone) and the hit dice mechanic, it is super ineffective. At least sleep knocks them out until they wake up. (And it’s good for fussy kids, too) Color Spray doesn’t. 1 round. Which means sorcerers can’t extend it, because it’s less than a minute. Blindness can be a great debuff, if you can take advantage of it and 1 round isn’t enough time. Waste of a spell slot. I think this is a holdover from earlier editions of the game.
my bard has heroism but no healing word. Heroism is an action to cast, sure, its an action to cast, but it heals 30-40 HP over 10 rounds instead of 4-8 hp in one round. You can cast healing word and have the guy go down less than a round later. Heroism? he will be good for the next ten rounds probably. The situational buff barely matters, this is just a busted healing spell.