The arcane focus can be used as a spellcasting focus for wizard spells, making it easier to learn spells of 1st level and higher. Each time a wizard level is gained, two wizard spells of your choice can be added to your spellbook for free. Sorcerers are different from wizards in that their magic comes from innate magical talent passed down through their bloodline rather than studying the arcane arts. They have a relatively short spell list and fewer spells they can learn when leveling up.
The sorcerer class is often compared to wizards, but they still offer a strong option. To optimize your wizard, choose your race, background, ability scores, subclass, feats, and spells. Arcanists walk a line between wizards and sorcerers, preparing spells like a wizard but casting them like a sorcerer. They pay for this by gaining new spell levels one level behind the wizard.
Arcanists begin play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard/sorcerer spells plus three 1st-level spells of her choice. They also select a spell to replace an existing spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. They have better spellcasting mechanics and class features than regular wizards, but they require more spell slots and full actions to break out of their more complex abilities.
An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. However, the arcanist class may not be suitable for all players, as they may need to burn their arcane reservoir and perform full actions to break out of its more complex abilities.
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Hi. This makes no sense……. where does the smolder come from? You’ve turned off the only class feature that gives you smolder . Orb of imposition doesn’t give smolder. And swath of Destruction only adds damage to smolder. It doesn’t apply smolder as far as I can tell. So how do you apply the initial smolder with out scortch being turned on? All u have on is missles and cloud. Are you telling me that I have to stop in the middle of battle to switch from Scorch to chilling cloud and back??? Cause with an XBOX controller that’s Fn insane. You’ll be dead before you get out of the pause menu. I’m tying to make sense of the power sheet @5mins in Vid. How does smolder get applied if all of the smolder things have been turned off? I’ve been in the training room for 30 mins trying everything I can think of to apply smolder. Nothing works.
So I noticed that you said to start off with scorching first but you also had magic Missile so on PC you can switch at Will’s or you can load I mean you can set up three different at Wheels because on PlayStation 5 or 4 we can’t do that we can only slot two at Will’s chilling cloud and magic missiles just trying to figure out how to work around how to start the smolder off??
Instead of starting off with scorching burst could you use fanning the flames? That would replace repel. That way you could apply smolder easier. Is repel that needed? Switching out scorching burst in battle is annoying on master content. With this setup it seems the only way you’re getting smolder on target is with scorching Burst.