The Murmuring Mystic is a powerful card that can be used in various decks, including battles, planeswalkers, enchantments, and artifacts. It has 27 instant and sorcery spells, and its triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. The card’s primary plan is to play Murmuring Mystic on turn 3, then use Cantrips, Card Advantage, and Tutors to assemble a combo while simultaneously building a Bird.
Mystics affect Shrine of Chance, raising chances but not guaranteeing a category. They cannot give Rare Talent Cards but can give Advanced Talent Cards. Murmurs are Talents obtained by completing an objective or requirement that allow users to channel the Song in various ways to gain special buffs or abilities.
When casting an instant or sorcery spell, players may draw a card and discard it, triggering only once each turn. When casting an instant or sorcery spell, they create a 1/1 blue Bird Illusion creature token with flying.
Permanent spells, such as creatures, planeswalkers, enchantments, and artifacts, cannot target certain creatures like Ulamog or the Ceaseless Hunger. The release notes include information about the release of a new set, clarifications, and rulings involving that set’s cards.
In this article, we will construct a spellslinger deck that builds a wide board state thanks to Kykar’s and similar abilities. The Murmuring Mystic is currently sold out, but you can register your interest to be notified when it becomes available again.
📹 Our Favorite Made for EDH Cards | Better than a Booster August 2024 w/ @33elk#mtg
Mtg #thetrinketmage #trinketmage #magicthegathering If you want to pick up any cards I talked about in this video you can go to …
📹 Enduring Enchantments| Precon Upgrade Guide | Cut-Rate Commander | Commander | MTG | EDH
Its looks like we’re going back to Theros (or what’s left of it after the Phyrexian Invasion) to meet the new ruler of the Underworld …
While I have taken it out of my deck I can say that while it was in my deck Staff of the Storyteller was absolutely gas. Only reason why it’s outnis my token deck (Malcator, Purity Overseer) is running blue so there are some better card draw options but in any other W/x token deck it’ll draw you so many cards.
I must say, I think I have to agree with Elk on Copy Land. It’s not bad, but it’s not really too crazy. As Elk said, being an enchantment is really bad for the interaction and the recursive element of landfall, which is worth considering. Not to mention that their more conventional equivalents, Vesuva and Thespian Stage, are both also budget-friendly as well, each being cheap enough to have been in this article even while also being colourless, making them more flexible in the kind of deck they can be played in. If your deck is really built around copying a specific land and getting it’s triggers/effects, I suppose having one slightly less efficient equivalent in there is good for it. I could see Copy Land actually being decent as an option for enchantress decks more-so than lands decks, being able to get some land-utility like the coffers trick you mentioned while on-synergy. For my money though, I’ll always enjoy Thespian Stage best. It might miss out on immediate utility, but being able to better choose the timing of when it becomes that copy can help you scout out the best thing you need and still functions as mana in the meantime.
Just a heads-up, reality scramble still does pair with squee alright as with current rules you can put it back to the commandzone instead of the bottom of the library: 903.9b If a commander would be put into its owner’s hand or library from anywhere, its owner may put it into the command zone instead.
Sweet picks! I will definitely be picking up a surge to victory. It goes infinite with any extra combat spells too (providing you can actually connect in a combat, but if you can’t… why are you casting it lol). HUGE Fiery Confluence guy. I don’t think I’ve ever lost a game with Neheb after resolving Fiery Confluence. That’s kind of best case scenario, but still. Big agree on Fractured Identity in politics. It’s very fun. You make everyone except the permanent’s controller so happy that you basically don’t have to worry about the crackback. It’s great.
I play fiery confluence and I like it a lot. I actually use the artifact mode a fair amount personally. It can just hit three powerful artifacts if you need to or destroy one and do a mini board wipe. It’s super good against decks that drop a ton of 1/1 tokens. It saved me from a board of 1/1 spirits one time. Still lost to their commander eventually but it gave me an extra turn.
I’m with the Elk for Fiery Confluence, I run it in my All Chandras deck, usually to wipe the board a bit (basically Anger of the Gods minus the exile), or to push a lot of damage with a damage modifier, also very fun with Chandra’s Incinerator, aince that turns it into “burn your opponents for 6 and get 3 shocks for their creatures” The artifact removal is more situational, but very good when you need it
Im running Copy Land in my birds tribal, at worst to me it doubles up on whatever utility land im getting value out of at the time. Since I added it in, Ive had 3 separate instances of copying Three Tree City from an opponents board, and since its a new instance of the card, choosing Birds for mine. I genuinely would rather keep Copy Land so long as Three Tree is considered an auto include for Kinship decks. It’s so funny to me that despite refusing to pay 25+ dollars for one new land card, I still get to play with it anyways. Usually its not a spot removal target until it’s too late or the player I copied from gets salty and even if the latter, Im running Blue myself.
It’s 4 cards…. and 3 out of those 4 you’re likely running anyway.^^ There is also Ornithopter, Phyrexian Walker, and Shield Sphere if you want more 0 drop creatures. Might I suggest adding Carnival of Souls to it? Whenever ANY creature comes into play (Yours, your opponents, token or nontoken) lose 1 life and add a black.
I’m definitely gonna back up reality scramble. I use it to polymorph out guile in my Baral and Kari Zev deck(guile is the only creature), but I also love using it on some spare mana rocks or servo tokens to try and flip into a sphinx bone wand. Any deck with spare permanents and big hits can make great use of this spell. There’s also the 6 mana instant version Reweave. It’s not quite as good, but why not run both?
Oversimplify is a card that’s been on my mind regularly, and it’s the only real, hard creature board wipe in Simic but… I just don’t come across decks that want it very often. Simic is usually creature based, and usually isn’t the deck that runs this kind of creature sweeper; they’re the decks that demand it, and Simic seldom has a good plan to come out ahead or profit from this, and wants something that tiptoes around their board in some way. I’d usually prefer just bouncing my opponents’ stuff to get blockers out of the way so I can hit them in the face.
The first three of @33elk’s cards work together. Token + life gain synergies. Stick ’em all in an Abzan deck with a Commander that can do tokens and/or lifegain. The fourth one is pretty much made for token decks, too, so I guess a Dune or 5-color deck with all four of those. Not really sure about a token or life gain deck that’s 5 color or Dune is really a thing, though. I see token decks as kind of a Selesnya thing that can add one of the other colors for a subtheme synergy (in this case, black), but making it 4 or 5 color doesn’t seem to be worth it.
I think copy land is pretty good in mono blue decks. Imo its a 3 mana rock floor (which feels bad but the tempo loss isn’t huge in lower power) and on the other hand you copy something like nyxthos in your deck, or other players strong lands and just gain a massive advantage in mono blue. I do think the card is actually better in mono blue decks then lands deck in general. At least if your regular pods abuse powerful lands like mine does. Even a maze of ith or glacial chasm can be super clutch to copy. The ceiling utitliy is very high. Great reccomendation.
I’m really on the fence about copy land. It seemed pretty good when it was spoiled as just the floor of a mana rock and the ceiling of a really powerful land. However, it is still an enchantment which means its very vulnerable. I was considering putting it in my UW tokens control list but with no cool lands of my own to copy it doesn’t really feel worth it.
This article is amazing, not only am I perusal my two favorite mtg youtubers starting to collaborate more and more but I also just love this article shining light on more casual yet strong cards (also this has made me rediscover my love for the strixhaven precons gotta be one of my favorite) and the best part is you two have a amazing rapport with each other that makes it feel like we’re sitting around a table talking bout our favorite cards while we’re waiting for the pizza to be delivered in-between games. Keep up the great articles both of ya!
Hey folks! Below is the full list of upgrades, sidegrades, and further upgrades mentioned in the deck tech for your convenience. Also, let me know in the comments what you thought of the build, if there were any cards I missed, and what commander builds you want to see me cover in the future. ————————– Creatures\t\t ————————–\t\t Narci, Fable Singer\t>>>\tCalix, Guided by Fate\t\t Erebos, Bleak-Hearted\t>>>\tGrim Guardian\t\t Heliod, God of the Sun\t>>>\tWeaver of Harmony\t\t Spirited Companion\t>>>\tShigeki, Jukai Visionary\t\t Arasta of the Endless Web\t>>>\tNesting Dovehawk\t ————————–\t Sorceries\t\t\t\t ————————– Nessian Wanderer\t>>>\tNature’s Lore\t\t Greater Tanuki\t>>>\tCultivate\t ————————–\t Enchantments\t\t\t\t ————————– Abundance\t>>>\tElemental Bond\t\t Love Song of Night and Day\t>>>\tAura Shards\t\t The Mending of Dominaria\t>>>\tSeal of Cleansing\t\t The Binding of the Titans\t>>>\tSeal of Primordium\t\t The Eldest Reborn\t>>>\tAura of Silence\t\t Culling Ritual\t>>>\tHallowed Haunting\t\t Omen of the Sun\t>>>\tSong of the Worldsoul\t\t Omen of the Hunt\t>>>\tGrowing Ranks\t\t Dreadhorde Invasion\t>>>\tSterling Grove\t\t Khalni Heart Expedition\t>>>\tPrivileged Position\t\t Cunning Rhetoric\t>>>\tCemetery Tampering\t\t Ash Barrens\t>>>\tTeleportation Circle\t ————————–\t Lands\t\t\t\t ————————– Golgari Rot Farm\t>>>\tLlanowar Wastes \t\t Orzhov Basilica\t>>>\tCaves of Koilos\t\t Selesnya Sanctuary\t>>>\tBrushland \t\t Temple of Plenty\t>>>\tMurmuring Bosk\t\t Temple of Malady\t>>>\tHaunted Mire\t\t Temple of Silence\t>>>\tRadiant Grove\t\t ————————–\t\t\t\t Sidegrades\t\t\t ————————–\t Nesting Dovehawk\t>>>\tGravebreaker Lamia\t\t Privileged Position\t>>>\tSphere of Safety\t\t ————————– Further Upgrades\t\t\t\t ————————– Cultivate\t>>>\tSmothering Tithe\t\t Courser of Kruphix\t>>>\tArgothian Enchantress\t\t Cast Out\t>>>\tAnointed Procession\t\t Felidar Retreat\t>>>\tParallel Lives
Great article. Defenly i will buy this precon in future. What card what let you put lands from your hand when you play enchanment and later put creatures instead lands. It speed up deck and great source of reaped ramp. You can stack triggers in this order: Drawing card and when you put land or creature.( If is enchanment creature you can reap proces). I saw in different article how this combo let someone to win game.
Does this deck work without commander on field? I loved these commanders when i began EDH as it made sense to have a commander that utilizes all the cards in 99 but as i grew as a play i notice more and more now how much removal is in the game and how many turns i end up wasting to rebuild, whereas if plan b in the deck is always able to survive then i feel a little better
This was my precon of choice, I feel betrayed by the high price though so it will likely be my last precon for a while until one shows up that all magic youtubers say it’s worth the price. Solid swaps here, and it is good that the sagas and Narci is taken out, I wanted to build her too… perhaps a Narci deck tech in the future? 🙂