The role of jinn in Arabian magic has been a significant part of the Arab world’s myths, legends, and folklore for centuries. Jinn, powerful supernatural beings, are integral to Arabic culture and pre-Islamic Arabian beliefs, with mentions in the Quran highlighting their existence and spiritual significance. They are made up of a smokeless mix of fires, similar to energy.
Jinns are a creation of Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) and are not visible to humans. There are good and evil jinns, known as shayāṭīn. Magic also includes protection from other forms of magic, such as black magic, the evil eye, demons, and evil jinn, which are thought to bring illness, poverty, and everyday misfortunes.
A jinn is placed in his service who gets information for him, making his knowledge appear “miraculous” to those unaware of these methods. This article focuses on jinn possession and mental illness in Islam, discussing spirit possession generally and its classification in DSM-5. Jinns are locked up during the blessed month of Ramadan, and people perform magic (or sihir) on others out of jealousy.
A Magic Jinn is a great toy that asks questions after thinking of an animal. After several questions, Magic Jinn guesses the animal, and it usually answers correctly. Jinns have their own communities, civilizations, and technological advancements. The Quran is the religious book for Jinn, and they have their own communities and civilizations.
The Magic Jinn uses voice recognition to play 20-questions, asking questions about animals and their abilities. It is a fun and educational tool for both young and old, providing a unique way to explore the world of jinns and their spiritual significance.
📹 How Magicians Call Upon The Jinn
How the magicians call upon jinn how they invoke jinn, because in our society we see people who claim to be a sufi-baba and all …
What is the magic item that lets you talk to animals?
A ring of animal influence, also known as a ring of animal friendship, was a magical ring created by the druids of High Forest. These rings were made of preserved green brambles and twigs, smelling of edible berries. Each use allowed the wearer to cast spells targeting beasts, which could be used up to three times. The ring gradually recovered its magic over successive dawns. Pre- Spellplague versions only contained animal frienship, which could be used at will.
What language do animals think in?
The greatest obstacle in understanding visual thinking is the fact that it exists, and this is particularly true for animals. Animals live and think through their senses, storing memories of previous experiences as pictures, sounds, smells, tastes, or touch memories. Sensory-based thinking and memories are recollections of experiences without words. Grazing or herbivorous animals, such as cattle, antelopes, giraffes, elk, and deer, use visual dominance to detect threats and are constantly on the lookout for predators.
Octopuses, with sensory systems wired into their tentacles, rely on touch, taste, and smell, while canids, from wolves to dogs, live through their sense of smell, coupled with high-frequency hearing. Dogs, being highly social animals, use smell to get their information, known as “pee-mail”. Dogs have three hundred million olfactory receptors compared to humans’ six million, and their smell center in the brain is forty times greater than the equivalent part of the human brain.
Insects can differentiate between same and different, and bees can learn to distinguish between colors and lattice patterns that are the same or different. Some animals’ brains create categories with distinct boundaries, such as pigeons spontaneously grouping shapes into categories and pigeons learning to tell a Monet painting from a Picasso. Squirrels use visual thinking to remember where they hid their nuts, and ants use visual memories to find their way back to the nest.
In conclusion, visual thinking is an essential aspect of animal cognition, and we have underestimated and misunderstood its existence. Understanding the inner lives of animals and their sensory systems is crucial for recognizing and appreciating their unique abilities and behaviors.
What animal is closest to human thinking?
Research has shown that chimps are one of the most intelligent species on Earth, with 99 percent of human DNA shared with them. They can recognize themselves in mirrors and on video, a skill humans only develop around four years old. Elephants, also known as “an elephant never forgets”, are extremely intelligent, recalling specific migration routes, finding water, and distinguishing between different predators based on smell and sound. These abilities make chimps a valuable resource for understanding human cognition and behavior.
Do animals have consciousness?
Bees, wrasse fish, and octopuses have been discovered to have inner lives and be sentient in the last five years. These discoveries suggest that many species may have conscious thought or experience, including insects, fish, and some crustaceans. Researchers on animal cognition have published a new pronouncement that they hope will transform how scientists and society view and care for animals. These discoveries highlight the growing body of evidence supporting the idea that many species may have inner lives and be sentient.
Can we really know what animals are thinking?
Animal thought is a complex concept, with sophisticated behavior making it difficult to accurately describe it. The death of Sarah, the world’s smartest chimp, in July 2019 provides an opportunity to reflect on the question of whether we can truly understand non-human animals’ thoughts. As a philosopher, the answer is no, as our language seems unsuited to express their thoughts. Animals’ sophisticated behavior makes it difficult to understand their thoughts, and our understanding of their thoughts is based on principled limitations. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the limitations of our understanding of animal thought.
What animal is associated with witchcraft?
For centuries, stories have been told of witches having “familiars” who take the form of animals such as dogs, cats, wolves, goats, birds, rodents, foxes, insects, and hares. Witches were believed to be able to take on the likeness of their familiar and assume their form. Hares are often mentioned as familiars of witches due to their quick and difficult to catch nature. Some legends suggest that a hunter would find a woman shot by a hare, or that the witch would speak simple words to transform into a hare or drink potions made from hare bones.
Cats also appear frequently in these stories, as seen in a witch trial in Caithness where a woman lost her leg while a cat was killed over night and its leg cut off. Crows are also often associated with death and have been known to act as messengers between the living and those beyond. They are highly aware of danger and adapt quickly to new predators, and many practicing witches use crow feathers or an image of a crow in protection spells. In many native American tribes, crows are a symbol of good luck and wisdom due to their intelligence. Celtic folklore also holds crows as signs of wisdom and good fortune.
What animal has the highest IQ?
Chimpanzees are the world’s smartest animal, with the highest IQ and advanced learning capabilities. They are our closest living relative and have demonstrated remarkable problem-solving abilities, learning through observation and imitation. Dolphins, another smart animal, exhibit remarkable social structures and communication skills, and are often considered one of the smartest animals in the world. Both chimps and dolphins have remarkable problem-solving abilities and communication skills.
What is it called when a witch has a cat?
In Western demonology, a familiar is a small animal or imp kept as a witch’s attendant, either given by the devil or inherited from another witch. The familiar can take on various animal shapes or be a grotesque creature of fantasy. It is believed to subsist by sucking blood from a witch’s fingers or other protuberances. During European witchcraft trials, suspected witches were searched for “teats” they fed their familiar, which were considered signs of guilt.
Do animals have thoughts like humans?
Animals, like humans, possess complex mental capacities, including the ability to name objects, use tools, and show empathy. These abilities are not unique to humans, but they share many human attributes. Body language and affection are essential in elephant communication and bonding, as seen in a gentle greeting between two members of an elephant herd. While no animal has all the attributes of human minds, some possess them.
What is the toy that guesses what animal you are thinking?
The Hasbro Magic Jinn Game is a toy that employs a form of telepathy to guess animal names and press its nose, with the objective being to outsmart the other animals.
How do animal whisperers work?
Pet psychics use their minds to communicate with animals, primarily pets, and their owners, often referred to as human companions. They relay telepathic messages to and from pets, using photographs or descriptions to make contact. Pet psychics can provide advice for various reasons, such as finding lost pets, determining inappropriate behavior, deciding whether to euthanize a sick or injured pet, or contacting the pet’s spirit after death.
Some pet psychics may act as mediums for deceased pets, but not all take cases involving missing pets, inappropriate behavior, or euthanasia. Pet psychics can help with various situations, such as checking in with pets, determining the pet’s location, preventing inappropriate behavior, and contacting the pet’s spirit.
PLEASE NOTE: Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Merciful Servant or any …
My mother and brother are going to hajj today. May allah accept their hajj ameen🙏🏽 Edit: Alhamdulillah my Mother and Brother made it back. May Allah allow me to take my Mother and Father to Hajj again Inshallah. May Allah allow all Muslim to have a trip to Hajj Ameen. One last Prayer is for my Father that currently has Covid-19, may Allah help him get through it and get Healthy Ameen.
Memorize the Quranic verse of “Al Falaq” and recite daily as a good defence against this. You can see how meaningful the verse is as shown here: “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak From the evil of that which He created And from the evil of the night and its darkness And from the evil of witchcraft when they blow in knots And from the evil of an envier when he envies.” — the envier is someone who is very jealous of you, hence you seek Allah’s protection.
I have seen the jinn in magician got talent manny time. Remarkable one is one of mind reader magician shows number 327 on stage in that number you can notice 3 tiny white objects and a blue object move faster and disappear. Other cases big round white object move away from the judges rows and disappear. Not all magician use jinn but some of them.
You guys… theres this boy that was raised by his step father… his step father summons jinns and calls them (jinn e mumin- no such things btw no good jinn would interefere or hurt a human being.) So anyways I got in contact with the boy at the time becuase I was curious to know what was he practicing and also to tell him about the kufr aspect of it… So this boy… was about 17 at the time told me he prayed salah reciting suratul jinn 72 times and they encircled him in a vicious manner and the test was so he doesnt break his concentration… If he does they come in and kill him. So he passed the test… now he had a pair of jinns visiting him every day after maghrib. They would go to living people’s graves and get info out of there and pass on to that boy. I was super shocked… So I asked him… Your jinns know where my grave is? He said yeah they do… and then I asked him so what can they say about me… Apparently i was involved in sin (so who isn’t?) And they couldnt find any specifics about me they were too scared to say or didn’t know… So they kept quiet… (That was my curiosity taking over) I did explain to him Islamically it’s Haram to practice these things… obviously he had an answer for everything… they always do but this boy was gunna go to India and practice deeper shit over there. Damn. Allah protect us… may Allah guide him. Ameen.
Here are the 7 situations where allah is most likely to accept dua as brother uthman shared 1. When praying giyam al Layl (night prayer, last 3rd of the night) 2. In sujood 3. Between athan and iqama 4. Before offering the taslem (Salam to right and left at the end of the prayer) 5. When it rains as rain is a baraka from Allah 6. When traveling 7. Last hour before Magrib salah on Fridays Inshallah our duas help the people of palestine and the people of Sudan who are also going through tough trails 🤲🏿
The article is actually very good so when we see someone claiming to know the unseen or doing something unsual like making some one rich or performing magical things, we will know he is only using jinn power and nothing else…and not get carried away or think they are some sort of supernatural beings. We shouldn’t forget to wear our Armour of protection, morning and evening azkar. May Allah safeguard us all🙏
My mom gets into all this stuff ever since i was born and i’ve gone and seen through so many weird things in life with even all these people she called. From them doing rituals with chicken and it’s blood, from eggs, from lime, all those weird talismans, I had no clue what was even happening, she would pay them so much always even and kept on believing them, asking them what will happen to my bro or sis, what my history is, what my future is gonna be as. I only learnt just 7 years ago that all this is SHIRK and i did my best to stop my mom from getting involved with this but she says she knows better and thinks of these people as pious people who knows islam way better. Even now she brings certain copper sort of frames with wordings, i can’t understand or know what it is even, has arabic letters but i got no clue of what it means, everything was going well but after all this we kept on going down and down even with a bunch of financial problems, my bro, sis and my education stopped, there would be arguments everyday with mom and dad even…lots of things…just a big headache
Allahu Akbar! May (Allah) protect me from all types of evil jinn. May they burn up by fire and by force. I denounce all evil spirits jinn and demons and devils from my presents. This day and forever more. In the name of (Allah). Please help me to cast all of these evil demonic spirits from my presents for all the days of my life. Aameen
Jinn are a very real part of this life. And understanding that knowledge related to contacting jinn and dealing with them is forbidden. To the makers of this article you sharing the means by which People can access the jinn. Remember of you are a true believer you would not want to know how to access that world Harut & Marut warned against learning these things. It’s best not to know! May Allah save us Inshallah
Jazakumullah for uploading and sharing this. May Allah SWT forgive us of all our sins and bad deeds, may he also strengthen our Iman and sharpen our akidah, to not let any hardship tempt us to ever come close to sihr. May Allah SWT grant us Mercy, Sufficiency for us and our family, may Allah guide us through problems we face in our life, and may we all be worthy of His Jannah. Aameen Allahu Yaa Rabbal Alameen
My family doesn’t believe going and praying from Mazars. But they do kinda believe that Babas and peers can help to break the spell. But since my younger age, I’ve been telling that these Babas are the ones who do these all cr*ps and make you approach by people who u know. They require worn or dirty clothes to find out the if it was an evil eye or Taweez(Spell). A peer visited us few years back. He said everyone in this hour has spell and Evil eye😂. Give me $50 for each. Indeed these are the people who destroy your houses.
It is soo sad cause the place where i live have these kind of people and you won’t believe who these people are one person i know and i have also gone to him he is an islamic scholar he takes help from jin .When i came to know about it by perusal these articles (this is the answer for all those people who are saying that why is he telling all this information) I sincerely repented and now i stay away from these people
I’m never going to try any of this but I want to understand it. For instance the Magician dynamo, when he reaches his hand through a glass cabinet and takes things out, is this just mirror tricks or help from the Djinn? I read before dynamo got famous he told a friend he went deep into the woods and did some weird ceremony inside some sort of circle. That seems not right to me!! I know some of his tricks are jus mirror illusions though. If you have time please message me
May who or whatever see this comment should now know God loves them. Unless the one reading this comment is completely asleep even when awake even one that is blind knows that bad people in your society have begun departing this planet at hogher and higher rates. If one has not noticed then one is either bad or too far gone for hope of ever contributing to the betterment of your races, nature or truly anything at all. Sit back and thank your god that you are still going to be here. The first ones you see and then the first ones the ones you first saw see and then the first ones those seen see. Only 3 branches per person. Chosse wisely. Make your ones you see count. The time is here. 72 hours for any reading this to spread this message from their Creator, G.O.D. because it shows him you believe. Of course always freewill always. One reading this can not understand that this planet is at end times and not believe. Good luck. God is sick of this abomination. Peace love and lightning fellow humans.
Trust Allah and his protection and keep strong in your heart. Never trust annyone to help you for your problems on invisible way! Only Allah or as for christians God, only Allah can help on invisible miracle way and to get this help from Allah is to talk to pray to make dua to Allah the one and only!
Where in Quran and sahih sunnah it proves that Magic cannot be performed without the involvement of Jinn? I tried searching but couldnt find so i need someones help in understanding it please, i have researched the main ayahs of magic mentioned in Quran & gone deeply in tafsir and explanations but dont see that magic which a human performs is carried by a jinn, i researched Sureh Bagara 102, Sureh Al araf verses 117-122, sureh Yunus verses 80,81, Sureh Taha verse 69, sureh Falaq verse 4, i couldnt find aswell from any Hadhith too, please help me…
When my mom went to sheikh to solve her turbulent marriage, he told her that her mother in law used to sit on the Qur’an Kerim in the toilet and telling the incantations. This article has confirmed what I didn’t believed back then. Thank you and may Allah (SWT) guard us all from the devil. Allahu Ekber
you missed something that when the magician did everything means he did all genre of kofer and shirk then the satan not jinn says there is nothing left to do i cant serve you anymore then the magician will beg him and guess what the satan answer him ok but you have to bring others tell them you will help them in everything they wish and many ppl will be involved as customers the most are women to lure husbands or get a spouse or vengeance etc also they do shirk although they are aware as prophet muhamad (saaw) told us that most of ppl in hell are women
Who is this brother and what is his name and if you can share your experiences plz. It’s ok to educate ppl of magicians but to recite what they recite be it u-tube or anywhere is also not good. It would be great to share your experiences so that way ppl can identify their experiences when thy have visited and what the outcome of going to a magician the impact had on their lives. As’salam walaikum
Worship god or worship Jinn, what is the difference…the only time we don’t worship, will be the time we are abandoned. Seems god and Jinn are just same crappy ego centric being…seems the day when human holds no fear to death, god and jinn are just same to human…in this physical world, god has betrayed a lot of us… and the day we betrayed him, he is going to let other beings to betray us just because of them delivering what we want that we can’t be granted from fucked ego centric god? Fuck that and fuck god …in a sense, we are born to be chained, either by god or by what jinn can control of us. So I say fuck both of them, I ain’t fear playing with both of them. The only thing they can do is to kill me….but without the experience I want as human and live freely, what is difference.
I love being muslim honestly. Islam is so intellegent and truly from the creature of our universe and beyond. The Qurans linguistics are amazing and im so glad we know of the jinn. What they actually are. Its so naive to think ghosts are real. They arent. Its literally another species, just playing and mimicing the dead, which is actually terrifying. But there are good and bad jinn, just as there are good and bad humans.
Allah has sent down magic with harut and Marut,so Allah told beforehand,to let humans know that if they choose voluntarily to learn magic from them,that they are going to commit shirk which will displease the Lord,but if they do not pursue the learning of magic,they were taught by harut and Marut,then they have done the right thing,this was just a test from Allah!!! To see which are pious and which are corrupt,that’s all the purpose of sending down those two angels,who were sent as a trial for people(don’t y’all get it). From somalia
Upon hearing the methods, especially the third @6:00 I was so displeased and disgusted my stomach started reacting on its own (I e. nausea). Aside from the normal disgust that such unheard-of practices elicit in the normal person, does my body reaction indicate something particular? I have paused the article while I type to take rest from such things, which must be exposed so we can take refuge in Subhan’ Allah and never get even close to such things!
It’s weird. All religions claim that astrology is a evil practise and must be forbidden. But, they can’t help saying that God put those stars up there. My question is why God would put so many heavenly bodies in the sky, if it’s not good for our soul. Furthermore, why all religion are based on astrology and the movement of planets sun and moon, like : easter, christmas, pentecost, muslim ramadan, jewish hannuka etc…it’s more like : do as I say, don’t do as I do
7:20 Thank you my friend. I asked God for this answer. so Astrology is Sihr. How do I cleanse myself? I never knew Astrology was Sihr. I thought the Koran said in one Surah that God created the Stars for those who have the wisdom to know their workings. Something like that. It seems I have misinterpreted this verse as a consent for Astrology. Again thank you. Should I burn all my books? How do I get rid of them?
Buraydah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: تَعَلَّمُوا الْبَقَرَةَ فَإِنَّ أَخْذَهَا بَرَكَةٌ وَتَرْكَهَا حَسْرَةٌ وَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُهَا الْبَطَلَةُ تَعَلَّمُوا الْبَقَرَةَ وَآلَ عِمْرَانَ فَإِنَّهُمَا هُمَا الزَّهْرَاوَانِ يَجِيئَانِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ كَأَنَّهُمَا غَمَامَتَانِ أَوْ غَيَايَتَانِ أَوْ كَأَنَّهُمَا فِرْقَانِ مِنْ طَيْرٍ صَوَافَّ تُجَادِلَانِ عَنْ صَاحِبِهِمَا Learn Surat al-Baqarah, for adhering to it is blessed, leaving it is sorrow, and the sorcerers cannot defeat it. Learn al-Baqarah and Ali ‘Imran, for they are both the brightly illuminated chapters coming on the Day of Resurrection as if they were two clouds, or two canopies of shade, or as If they are a decisive wall of birds in ranks, arguing on behalf of their reciters. Source: Musnad Aḥmad 22975, Grade: Sahih li ghayrihi
What about those people that called them as Peer, Sajadah Nisheen, Prophet children, big personality etc They would call on people that they will do everything by will of Allah by reciting Holy Quran and hadith and writting Quran and hadith and those abjad tables. To make an ill person healthy or fulfill someone wishes or anything else the person wants. Further they. Have like called a Mawkal or angel or shaikh unseen that only they can see talk with at night etc about something or to order them to do something etc…. What do you say about these…. Is this a right way??? Is this make kufr for those who has been through this ??? And how Allah will forgive those who been in these situations???
this is not a good article brother I appreciate your work but many fools will try this you are just literally teaching the fools and disbeleivers how to do black magic just delete this brother this is so dangerous for you if anyone do this and have success on this in the day of judgement that person will say to allah that this article lead me to Sayatin that’s why I do the sin brother awareness is good but don’t put yourself in harm
Basically every verse in al Quran is guarded by angels … if you really believe seriously, then Allah will send guardian angels … especially if you read the ayat Kursi … then the presence of an angel is indisputable … the angel has ultraviolet spectra … . and jinn are specktrum infra red..both are fused together … cancel each other out … if you are a bad person then read ayat Kursi to fight the djinn .. ?? Which angel would help you … ??? I do not think so…
My brother recently been effected. Clever guy, intelligent but recently talking about dark things and dark stuff i have no knowledge about. I’m personally a simple guy and follow Quran & Sunnah. I have been reading left, right and center, i have stopped working and just seeking knowledge so maybe I can save my brother. In this 21st century no sheikh about to help & give treatment through Quran. My knowledge is weak, I was more of a Fiqh guy, always telling people what is permissible and what isn’t. I have no knowledge in this subject, all know is he has 99 names and nothing is greater than Allah and i am fearless. He can see the moons shape standing on Earth,describing it to me in very detail, he see’s things of other dimensions flying in front of him, he has detached from this world, his sits alone, does not talk and is often heard at night talking to to Djinn. He says to me has the ability to burn ‘Ifrit’ Djinn, couple of months ago he was claiming to be the ‘Mahdi’ Nauzubillah. He had many friends who follow the Sufi order of Naqsbandi. All i know is some powerful Djini is inside him, doesn’t stay but comes and goes very frequently. In the Naqsbandi order they belief in the 7 lataifs, the 7 energy centers of the body and activating them so you reach maximum enlightenment. He has never told me and refuses to tell me what he done, he says I don’t want to corrupt you. I’ve told him, I wouldn’t do a shirk knowingly and he still doesn’t tell me. All I know is some hardcore thing is effecting him, 1 Imam who I went to got scared and said ‘the shaitaan himself’ is here with your brother.
I have been a victim of a al-iqsam method. My “friend” has dragged me in a room, where everything of “al-iqsam” method was performed. It took me 6 years to remember this, and now all of it came to me. I went to ruqya, where the hfz. has discovered that I was fully possessed. I am still trying to remove this, please (if anyone was victim of this) help me!!!! Allah is the greatest!!!
As a believer of Quran, I do believe that Jinns do exist. I was unaware fo the fact that people do use them for Black Magic. Going by your narrative, a deal is made between the MAgician and the Chief Jinn to accomplish a task. Now I went throught the whole article where you narrate how they call Jinn but not where you mentioned the 2nd part. By Calling jinn the MAgician gets what he desire or whather is the need, but by teaming up with the Magician what does the Jinn gets ? this is not mentioned. If you shed light on this aspect, people would be more clear. Also if you tell the Do’s and dont’s to avoid/protect oneself from it, will be good. Thanks.
I live in the USA next to Hollywood California. In my apartment complex my land lord told me I would have to leave for 2 weeks because he needed to renovate my apartment and he gave me $1000 for compensation and a paid hotel room. I became sick, for the whole two weeks with intense stomach pains and weight loss. I get back to my apartment and noticed my personal items where missing and no renovation. My dirty laundry, and my cover on my bed were missing with no explanation. So my question is could be the result of witch craft?? Im not religious but I have a strong belief in God the Creator.
Question what does one do to break Black Magic that is done, is it not permissible to go to someone who’s a Muslim quran Hafiz and has knowledge of calling Jinn to break the Black Magic. Pls take note this is a serious question not to go into debate or defame. If you don’t know the proper answer don’t answer what u belive out of your own whims.
Subhaanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Adada Khalqihi wa Ridha Nafsihi Wa Zinata Arshihi Wa Midaada Kalimaatihi. Glory be to Allah and all praise is for Allah as many times as the number of His creation and in accordance with His pleasure and to the weight of His throne and to the extent of the ink used in His words. Allaahu Akbar
as selam aleykum, I want to thank you for your effort to teachn the muslims about this in the right and Islamic way. I get why most are afraid to know this but we should learn about it through Islam and islamic ways only! my dear, brothers, and sisters this things can help you. knowledge is a way of jihad, if you’re like me a very curious person then only ask shish about this. There’s something I have to disagree with you and that is I think that magicians calls upon shitan and not jinns. not all jinns are shaytan but all shaytans are jinns, those jiins who follow eblis are called shaytan, but there’s good and Muslim jinns, so I think that it is better to call them as shaytan rather than jinn, right?
Excuse me… Every moslems can easily call upon jinns as written in the Sura 72(al-Jinn). Just recite any sura/ajah of the Qur’an and many jinns from various kind shall come and listen. They used to sit in its positions to eavesdrop, but anyone listening(to their whisper) shall nowfinds a flame waiting for him(72:9). So unless anyone intentionally wants to be a witchmaster, it is not necessarily to conduct the ritual mentioned in this article. May Allah only lead us to the righteous path…
أَعـوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّيْـطانِ الرَّجيـم Mistaken identity. The Jinns won’t do anything bad. But the Saithans will do. GODS (Not God, Deivam (Hinduism), Jinns (Islam)) (God (The Creator) = Brahman/Bodisatva/Allah/’Avaricious, Evolving in Delusion”) The humans, who have collected merits in this dream, evolved as gods to an another dream. In the dream as a human, who had acquired certain crafts & knowledges, and from that, they help the humans, for the intent of acquiring merit, which will help them to live longer in their present dream as gods. Humans give merits, to sort out issues in the physical world, but gods cannot lead humans to spirituality. The gods cannot exist without the help of mankind. This is the reason most of the other religions are having so many gods.
I define “Black magic” as magic meant to cause harm to others. I do not practice “black magic” in this sense, but I am involved in the Occult. Black magic (in the sense of harmful) doesn’t require the use of Jinn, and not all work with Jinn is “black magic”. I was raised as a Christian, but Christianity did not work for me.