Hwei, the newly announced champion of League of Legends, has an arsenal of 10 different active spells, making him one of the most loaded champions in the game. His base kit consists of a passive spell and four other abilities, but his kit explores three different “subjects” of art, giving him three different stances for a total of 10 abilities.
Hwei’s unique feature is that on top of his ultimate R ability and passive, his Q, W, and E buttons open up different spell books, each containing three spells, meaning he has 10 spells at his disposal. This makes his kit look overwhelming due to his complicated stack of abilities.
Totaling 25920 Hwei combos, factoring in basic abilities, R, and summs, there are 1026 unique combos. Hwei possesses a total of nine spells and one ultimate, grouped into disaster, serenity, and torment. Each of Hwei’s basic abilities contains three actual spells, giving him 10 total abilities with his ultimate (11 if you’re a math major).
In summary, Hwei’s base kit consists of a passive spell and four other abilities, but his kit explores three different “subjects” of art, giving him three different stances for a total of 10 abilities. His unique combination of spells, including Torment, Stirring Lights, and Molten Fissure, makes his arsenal a complex and challenging one to navigate.
📹 3 Minute Hwei Guide – A Guide for League of Legends
Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Hwei Mid Lane! Hwei is League of Legend’s newest champion who …
📹 Hwei Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends
Let your imagination bleed in colors. Unlock your artistic vision with the Hwei Champion Spotlight. Hwei Ability Rundown Page: …
slight correction / tip: starting with W is actually better since WE is just that great for early trades. It also nearly removes any mana issues from the start if you’re smart with it. If you go electrocute you can actually proc it at level 2 with a WE auto and a QQ since this will trigger your passive. And a really nice combo is WE QQ EQ R WE QW. For this to work you will have to buffer you WE for a while to reduce the cooldown. If you then quickly cast QQ EQ and it hits this will guarantee your ult hit through the fear. Since the ult slow increases you can use QW at the end of it for a nice execution and WE to gain another passive proc. (This will only work lategame since you need the Q cd to be low but then it does around 12k damage before resistances, meaning you oneshot any non-tank)
I really think Hwei will settle out to being more of an AoE sustained damage mage rather than a burst mage. His AP ratios are a lower than the standard mage unless he greeds for damage with WE. He’s closer to Brand than Syndra. Build Liandry’s, Archangel’s, then a Cosmic Drive unless the enemy has literally all squishies.
I’m enjoying Hwei as a support right now. Since his kit comes with team utility, cc, and damage, playing him as support gives your team an additional ap dps without sacrificing cc like all of the other mage supports do. Support item is great this season, and his diverse kit allows you to finely tailor items to the needs of the match without losing utility nor damage.
i don’t care if he has 20 abilities – it’s the fact that they are overly long range and spawn at your feet with cc and heavy damage on a large area with so short trigger time they are practically impossible to dodge even with boots when he centers them at you. he is so broken this cannot be an accident. they want to implement cheesy garbage like this to the game so people would buy more RP and skins. on the artistic side Hwei is justa another confirmation that riot doesn’t even bother to design the champions visually anymore. the tall skinny guy model is exactly the same to Aphelios, Jhin, Briar, Renata Glasc and Viego. they literally reused it and just painted over on the old basic character model.
Maybe it’s because I played him alot on PBE but he’s actually more simple than aphelios but is definitely balanced cuz he depends on the player playing him and which combos are the best in each scenarios, I’m still waiting 3 weeks to play him or else I’m going to rank and int and he’ll be only 6300 BE only🙃
There are only two options for this champion, either he is totally imbalanced with these abilities, or he is nerfed so hard that he is not/hardly played. Another champion that is easily overloaded, Briar is being nerfed with every patch for a reason. There simply has to be a maximum of what a champion can do.
the character complexity creep in league is unreasonable. Passives went from a sentence or two to a couple paragraphs (think Mundo and Akshan). Abilities did the same. And now we’ve got a champ with more than 9 abilities. Riot, balance matters a lot less than digestibility. If you want to lock out returning or new players, keep it up.
Finally bought him. Took him into my 1st match. Spent that match saying “wtf” for 30mins. Someone asked, “is that champ actually hard?” I said yes. Each skill is an actual paragraph that covers more than enough of the screen. But they finally did it. They finally made a champion thats made for high elo players lol”
So i guess this is a champ that will never be played…. the balancing on nerf and buffs will never match because of skill level, either he is too stronk for high skilled players so he will get banned 10/10 games or he is going to be nerfed so much that he is too bad even for low skilled players… but interesting idea of a champ kit, but sadly i forsee that this champ is never going to be played other places than aram and stuff where there is no ban…
The champ would have been more creative, if instead of having a damage, utility and cc spellbook, instead your would have an damage, utility and cc spell in EACH spellbook. Thus you could use 3 damaging spells, 3 utilitie spells, or 3 cc spells and create much more diverse scenarios. Btw. Invoker > Hwei 🙂
Riot developer: So….. we have already exhausted possibilitys to create a unique champion. Maybe we can finally focus on fixing the game as whole! Riot executives: But have you though about a champion that is basically 3 other champions? Riot developer: Uhm yeah…. we have neeko and Viego? Riot executives: Yeah but with a paint brush….
Part of the charm of league, has always been the complexity created by finding creative ways to use simple abilities. This character was clearly designed by someone who couldn’t handle the idea that someone might miss how complex their character is. So much depth, so much inner struggle. I’m so deep and misunderstood. It used to be that when you read a book, you could draw your own conclusions to modern events or find some hidden meaning / draw comparisons to things.. This character is designed by someone who has opinions that are louder than the rainbow behind his shoulders. It’s like a vegan trying to be subtle about why they think eating meat is bad when nobody was talking about food. As a fairly liberal consumer, who doesn’t care what anyone does to their own body — I just wanna play article games. I do not wanna know that the developers care more about sending a message than game design.. and quite frankly I’m getting really tired of companies like Blizzard and Netflix taking every opportunity possible to shove their ideology down my throat. I’ll vote for your ability to do whatever you want to yourself but please shut up about it.
i want to know the person who had so much influence that he feared the two person balance team at riot to let this champ through….like seriously to all the people who said this champ isnt that op needs to sit down and realize this isnt a grade school imaginary fight where they can make up new rules that allow them to be the strongest person that always wins. GROW UP and delete this champion
all his abilities are already pre-set.. doesn’t really leave much to the imagination when you are still literally just still losing the same moves over and over, it should be a pool of randomly selected ablities that have potential to appear, but always don’t and others will be in place of the ones that don’t appear in the slot.
Why did it have to be another human -_- couldn’t they go Okami and make it an actual living painting given 3 dimensions. So much themes and designs they could’ve made. Imagine a monster based on Ionian art and culture. Honestly as a programmer I love this kit a lot. You can see it as the menu in a game. Start, options, multiplayer. – Start: Singleplayer, multiplayer, training. Options: Sound, article, controls. Multiplayer: Host, join, find. It’s just a branched structure. Each ability with a theme of attack. Once you simply think of it as “an attack, a support, a crowd control” then the rest is just how you want to present it. Twisted Fate’s cards work similarly. You click once then you have to remember the 3 types of attack you want to make. Karma and Shyvana have the same except it’s just their ultimate changing all their abilities.
How can this kit be deemed not broken? This character not only have 3^3 combinations possible, but also an ult thats basically a growing aoe that can trigger the passive damage thing thats ALSO AN AOE. I’ve been playing league for the last 12 years on and off and simplicity was always making the game more fun. With these champs, you try to play a simple kit and you’re overwhelmed and can’t do anything.