Invocation of spirits involves calling upon a deity or goddess to join you during rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork. This can be done through prayer or supplication, using calm and reflection to communicate your intentions, desires, goals for the craft, and how you would like to grow within it and with them. It is important to research the energies of these deities before calling on them.
There are several goddesses that can be invoked and honored in ritual work, such as Hel, the Norse goddess of death, and Hecate, the Witch Mother. She is powerful in all realms of magic and sorcery and has a deep sense of intuition. If she chooses to lend her favor to your craft, then your manifestation abilities will increase.
When writing spells, it is crucial to write down your intention for the spell. This may be because you need a new job or protection. Wicca is a wide set of practices, and some witches perform evocation and invocation. Alexandrian Witches Janet and Stewart Farrar have published the Alexandrian Book of Shadows, which provides useful notes on customs and customs.
Hekate is one of the main goddesses that witches will call upon, as she is a crossroads goddess. She is also known for her influence on Wicca, Celtic Polytheist, Traditional Witchcraft practitioner, Bi, and Polyamorous.
In conclusion, summoning a deity or goddess is a crucial part of any ritual or work, and it is essential to consider your intentions and the purpose of the spell. By understanding the various goddesses and their energies, you can better connect with the spirit of your craft and enhance your manifestation abilities.
Learn how to communicate with your deities and also how to know who your deity may be just by signs in your every day life.
How to communicate with a goddess?
Divination is a popular method of communication with deities, offering various techniques such as tarot, oracle, runes, pendulum, scrying, bibliomancy, and shufflemancy. Meditation is another popular method for connecting with deities, as it allows for receiving messages and signs while mediating and opening up to more receptiveness in daily life. Astral travel is another popular method, where people talk about receiving messages from their deities and engaging in full-on interaction with them.
Dreams are another easy way to communicate with deities. Recording your dreams can help you notice patterns and patterns that may take multiple dreams to receive a message. You can also ask your deity to appear in your dreams if you so choose. If you’re into it, you can use herbs and stones to better receive messages in your dreams and remember them when you wake up.
Journaling is another important aspect of communication with deities. It helps you spot patterns and possible signs that might be missed otherwise and helps you make connections between actions and emotions that could help you better understand your deity. It’s recommended to keep a journal even if you choose to engage in other methods.
Opening yourself up to the universe can be achieved through various methods, such as using certain stones, burning certain herbs/incense, using oils, casting spells, and doing rituals. These techniques aid in receiving messages and improving your connection with deities.
Talking to others can also be helpful as long as you find the balance between looking at what someone else does and not seeing their devotion as the “one true way”. Instead, think of it as a brainstorming session rather than comparing and seeing their devotion as the “one true way”.
In conclusion, divination, meditation, dreams, journaling, opening oneself up to the universe, talking to others, and talking to others can all contribute to better understanding and communication with deities. By finding balance and finding the right balance, individuals can better connect with their deities and gain valuable insights into their lives and experiences.
How do you activate goddess?
To awaken your inner goddess, you can release the masculine urge to control the outcome, which is about decisive action. Be vulnerable, as releasing control goes hand-in-hand with vulnerability. The ultimate tip for awakening your inner goddess energy is to practice a ritual called KEYS SOULCARE, which is inspired by the magnetic power of divine feminine energy, which exists in all genders and identities. This energy fuels our intuitive power and allows us to turn inward and trust our inner knowing.
It allows us to welcome our deepest desires and hold space for manifestation, while masculine energy moves us to take actions to bring our manifestations to life. Feminine energy also grants us permission to feel safe enough to move forward on our path, even when we have doubts or cannot see what’s ahead.
How are goddesses Worshipped?
Hinduism has long been a significant religion, with numerous goddesses worshipped in various forms and contexts. Some goddesses’ stories and iconography are pan-Indian, while others are regional or limited to specific locations. Bhakti, or devotion to a personal deity, is generally defined as devotion to a deity expressed in praise texts in Sanskrit and devotional songs and poetry in vernacular languages. Some goddesses are part of devotional traditions within a Brahmanical socioreligious order and temple orthodoxy, where rituals are performed by a priest.
Śāktism, the worship of the fundamental cosmic power, śakti, is conceived as the Goddess, supreme deity, and ultimate reality. In Śaivism and Vaiṣṇavism, the goddess is worshiped as the śakti of the male gods Śiva and Viṣṇu. The goddess is also equated with prakṛti, the material foundation of creation, so Śāktism centers on the sacredness and reality of the material world.
In some Śākta traditions, bhakti is the primary mode of attention to the goddess. Contemporary devotees may consider the goddess as transcendent, immanent, ultimate reality, or intimate Mother. Goddesses are worshiped in iconographic forms, such as images in temples and home shrines, natural sites in the landscape, aniconic forms, or the center of the human heart.
Rituals may be performed by priests or other specialists, but many are performed by devotees themselves, who may make a vow to perform particular rites in exchange for desired goals. In Śākta tantra, the goddess may be worshiped in yantras or sacred diagrams and mantras or sacred syllables, and women manifest the goddess in ritual contexts. Through esoteric yogic and ritual techniques, practitioners access the correspondences between the microcosm of the human body and the macrocosm of the universe to realize their fundamental identity with the goddess and achieve powers and ultimate liberation.
Can you call a goddess a god?
A deity or god is a supernatural being considered sacred and worthy of worship due to their authority over the universe, nature, or human life. They are often referred to as gods or goddesses, or anything revered as divine. A deity interacts with humans in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness. Religions can be categorized by the number of deities they worship. Monotheistic religions accept only one deity, while polytheistic religions accept multiple deities.
Henotheistic religions accept one supreme deity without denying other deities, considering them as aspects of the same divine principle. Nontheistic religions deny any supreme eternal creator deity but may accept a pantheon of deities that live, die, and may be reborn like any other being.
Most monotheistic religions envision their god as omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and eternal, but none of these qualities are essential to the definition of a “deity”. Various cultures have conceptualized their deities differently, with monotheistic religions typically referring to their god in masculine terms, while other religions refer to their deities in various ways, such as male, female, hermaphroditic, or genderless.
How to invoke a goddess?
To establish a connection with a deity, one should simply call out the deity’s name and speak as though the deity is present in the room. As spiritual entities pervade the physical world, deities are present in numerous locations simultaneously. Therefore, invoking their name can effectively capture their attention.
What is a female god called?
In the context of mythology, a goddess is a female deity, often associated with love and beauty. A considerable number of religions, including those of the ancient Romans, Greeks, traditional African religions, and Hinduism, have female deities or goddesses. Notable examples of goddesses include Juno, Gaia, and Lakshmi. The term “deity” was first applied to mortals in the late 16th century. The Earth is regarded as the feminine principle of fertility.
How do I connect to goddess Energy?
The Goddess Path is a meditation practice that focuses on connecting with the feminine energy, which is created, feeling, and flow. Traditional seated meditations may not always be effective in connecting with the Goddess, who desires to be free to move. To practice, stand with feet shoulder-width apart, let your arms hang, and close your eyes. Deeply breathe into your body, feeling for the Goddess energy within you. Focus on the feeling of warmth, movement, love, or power pulsation, and allow it to grow louder.
Sit in front of the mirror and notice any judgements or struggles. Be kind and gentle, holding yourself through these moments. If you find yourself pulling parts of your appearance apart, pause, place your hands over your heart, and breathe. Start again when you feel ready. Repeat the phrase “I see you, I see you, I see you” to see the image of the Goddess being reflected back to you.
How do you know if you have Oshun energy?
Women with Oshun energy are independent, confident, and generous, loving freely without feeling victimized. They are kind and helpful, but not martyrs. They can communicate their needs effectively and listen to their partner’s needs. In an ideal world, relationships would be easy, with open communication and respect for each other’s needs. However, relationships are often difficult due to trauma, ego fixation, and withholding affections. To overcome these challenges, connecting with the goddess Oshun can help give love with ease and help move on if love is not reciprocated.
She reminds us that the only love we need is the love for ourselves, allowing us to act from a place of abundance, which can attract and sustain healthy relationships. By connecting with Oshun, we can move forward and find love for ourselves, fostering a more fulfilling and fulfilling relationship.
What is the most powerful name of God?
Yahweh is the principal name in the Old Testament, revealing God’s identity and being the most sacred and distinctive name. Jews often avoided using Yahweh and substituted Adonai or Elohim when reading Scripture. The pronunciation of Yahweh in the Old Testament is uncertain due to its use of consonants. The English form Jehovah was formed during the Middle Ages by combining the Latinization of YHWH with the vowel points used by Masoretes to indicate that the reader should say Adonai when encountering YHWH.
Jehovah appears in various translations, including Tyndale’s Bible and the King James Version. In Christianity, hymns dedicated to God invoke the divine name using the vocalization Jehovah, such as Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. The Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Restorationist denomination, consistently use Jehovah. Jah or Yah is an abbreviation of Jahweh/Yahweh/Jehovah, often used in the interjection Hallelujah, meaning “Praise Jah”, to give God glory.
What are the abilities of a goddess?
The Olympian Gods and Goddesses are powerful beings with abilities such as near omnipotence, immortality, superhuman strength, shape-shifting, teleportation, and omnipresence. They also possess energy-based abilities like magic and energy projection. They can grant powers to non-godly things, such as life-giving to objects or giving supernatural powers to those who don’t possess them. Each god has specific powers based on what they force represent, but they all share certain powers and abilities specific to their individual domains. The Big Three, after overthrowing the Titans, took one of the three physical domains on earth (the heavens, ocean, and underworld), making them the most powerful and influential gods on Olympus.
📹 DEITY WORK FOR BEGINNERS || How to communicate with deities as a witch or Norse Pagan
As a Norse Pagan and a witch I have now accumulated quite some techniques on how to get in contact with deities. So if you want …
I’m a senior in high school and really got into this when I was a sophomore and did a guided meditation one time second try I went into the temple and saw Apollo, Persephone, and Hades. I looked shocked and said wow…you guys are actually here and heard Apollo laugh slowly I got out of it and feel horrible hoping they don’t think I forgot them
this will sound strange but it comforts me to see a man talking about these topics. male and female are really different energies (not referring about genders or genitalia) i was born male but i flow and exist within the sacred feminine energy so every time i want guidance it’s easier to find feminine witches,who are amazing sisters but ultimately i end up needing a masculine perspective so i can have a look at the bigger picture. your experience serves a great purpose, thank you for service to the world. 💖
This article was great! I recently figured out Anubis has been reaching out to me and has been for a long time. On two separate nights I felt the urge to look out the front door in the middle of the night and both times saw a fox running down the street. I live in a very populated area so this was pretty strange but this was last year. Then two weeks ago I was perusal tiktoks and a random fox article pops up and I went there’s the fox again this can’t be coincidence. I posted on a witchy group on Facebook asking if anyone knew which deity uses foxes and came up with Anubis. I started doing research and quickly saw other things that had been happening, like back in 2001 I was volunteering at a dog rescue (an acceptable offering for Anubis) and my dog had just died. A litter of puppies came in and because I was a volunteer I got first pick, so I chose the runt who looked exactly like a fox pup. He was the only one in the litter with that colouring. I also read he favours psychics/mediums and people who work with divination…I’m a claircog/clairsentient empath who does tarot and an eclectic grey witch. Thank you for doing these articles and the ones on tiktok, I really appreciate it!
i just did a guided meditation to meet my deity and i really just felt an overwhelming presence of love and almost cried. i had a black candle lit and the way the wax fell was in a shape that i kept seeing in the meditation…i’ve been feeling a connection to hades lately so i wonder if that was him trying to confirm with me?
So I read Percy Jackson and I had a dream with Athena and Apollo. Athena had black hair and blue eyes, and she was the most intimidating, beautiful and intelligent woman I’ve ever seen. Apollo had light brown hair, light blue eyes, and he was the funniest, wisest and most carismatic man I’ve ever seen. So they told me things like “it’s the crown, don’t stop believing, we are with you” and I woke up and it was just like…. Well… I’m freaking out… Lol, but the next night I dreamed with her again, and the next one I dreamed with Apollo. And you know, I love literature, poetry, music, books and archery and it’s sooo weird because I have this strange powers that are kind of connected to the gods… So here I am😂 (Sorry for my English, I’m from Argentina)
This really helped me. I tried practicing almost 15 years ago, and it didn’t turn out so well (mainly, my mom being a Christian and she thought I was possessed when I told her). Now that I’m older and (somewhat) wiser, I know to do my research and everything before I truly begin practicing. I do want to say though that, even as a beginner, I’ve noticed that I have been seeing a lot of signs that are pointing me towards Loki. I’ve seen his image, articles on him, and animal signs of his. Quite literally, this happened for 2 weeks straight. And I’ve felt an energy that has drawn me in the direction of following him. Any advice you could give me regarding that?
Can you please share more if things like this on Tiktok. I am tired of seeing people post things with no real understanding. A girl posted a article about how Apollo has been trying to romance her. And when I explained that it’s not Apollo, that’s not really how it works, I was accused of Gatekeeping 😂
Anubis kept showing me his face and popping up in visions constantly. So finally I was like well what do you want lmao. And then he told me when I started meditating with him. I think Apollo is currently reaching out to me. Iv been getting visions of sun flowers alot and seeing them every where. Then when I was thinking of him the other day. The show I was perusal at the same time said his name.
I’ve always been drawn to Hades and Persephone, when talking to my pendulum it seems like it’s always Persephone. Although when I first used my pendulum it told me that it was Artemis. I’ve had more signs (well what I think are signs) from Persephone. Artemis, Hades and Persephone have spoken to me through my pendulum and when I asked the questions when speaking to Persephone “are you my main deity” it said yes, I then asked if “hades was one of my deities” it said yes, i then asked if “Artemis was one of my deities” it also said yes. It’s quite confusion tbh, I was wondering what to do, I’m fairly new and I dont know much about working with deities and it seem to me that Persephone is most present deity, were Artemis and Hades are somehow doing things in the background, I was wondering if you could help.
I did a pendulum reading because I’m not in a good place to meditate. The pendulum told me that Loki is reaching out to me and asked to try to contact him through dreams. I don’t cleanse or banish due to personal preference but I’m really looking forward to working with Loki cause I’ve been getting hints about him for a very long time. I’m going to try to meditate tonight and see what I can do. I do work mostly with lucifer but I am very attracted to Norse mythology and Loki has always been very interesting and relatable to me. Idk I’m only starting with deity work. (Been practicing for about 6 years now. Researching for 8, so I got some stuff down) awesome article by the way. Oh and the drawn to wolves thing: same! Along with snakes. Now I’ve actually been feeling lots of stir up in my house. Feeling watched or unsafe. And as soon as I got the name Loki, it fell away. Idk how, why or what but I’m definitely not complaining. I woke up every night at am exactly 2 minutes before 2 om for weeks on end and had tried inviting entities to show themselves in my dreams. One in specific did but it was unclear and in the dream I was unable to move at that moment. Do you have any extra advice for me?
Communication with deities has always been very difficult for me due to something I have that causes me to never remember my dreams and to have the inability to picture and visualize things. Thankfully a pendulum and gut feelings and physical signs have gotten me fairly far, but it’s difficult when a lot of witchcraft practitioners recommend visualization for a lot of things. 😅
I think Odin may have been trying to speak with me. I was originally Christian but i wanted to learn about the gods of my ancestors. So i started getting into the norse and felt good whenever i was researching Odin, at the same time i noticed crows(Odin’s favorite bird) had started heavily congregating around my apartment. Always outside my windows, always in the nearest tree whenever i leave the building. I never contacted him(cuz of my Christian roots). Perhaps i missed my chance.
Thank you so much for this and sharing. I found you on TikTok but don’t frequent it often so it’s nice to see you have a YouTube website as well. I’ve been wondering about my diety a lot lately. I connected with one about a month ago but haven’t connected since. I will meditate on it and more often to see if I can connect again. This was super helpful. And so many good reminders. I look forward to more! 🙏🏼💫✨
Hi! So I have a condition called aphantasia wich basically means that my mind’s eye is blind. It is known to be incurable. I’ve been researching about deities for a while now and tried multiple guided meditation but none of them worked since I am unable to envision stuff in my mind. I was wondering if you had any tips for my case. Thank you! Great article btw 🙂
I I really like how you brought up the point to be protected while meditation because a lot of people forget to talk about that because you are allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable So that protection while meditation is super important. I have a huge issue with meditation. I have super bad anxiety and ADHD and my thoughts click off and on and in and out from different things so fast. But it’s really hard for me to meditate and really the only way that I can even begin. And sometimes this doesn’t even work is I got a meditation without doing something like an enthiogen or something like that.
For some reason whenever I pictured protection it was never a circle. It was a pair of wings and thick brown scales. His name is a dragon named Xenan. He has always been there. Appearing here and there. I just don’t know whether he is a deity or if he is a spirit animal. This article is very informative since I literally know almost nothing about how witchcraft work.
Ive meditated a few times trying to contact whatever deity that was trying to contact me and I saw and talked to what i think was apollo, he said he was apollo and we lowkey argued bc i wanted to make sure it was him, the second time he gave me the vibe of like why dont you believe me, but i begged for a sign and that noght while I was perusal the sunset and 18 crows where taking turns circling my house and sitting in a tree next to my house, I’ve always been attracted to crows and sunlight, he answered and called me “my child” I’m not sure if that was like something of normal for deitys, all i remember was very positive safe warm energy about him, so im guessing it really was him
I lit a moon candle for my mom two days ago and our power started flashing throughout our whole house. It wasn’t raining and none of our neighbors experienced it. Yesterday I found a dead fawn in my backyard field. They may be signs of Artemis but I don’t know if she is trying to be there for me or hates me. Today I moved the fawn to a flower field, away from the vultures. Was it the right thing to do?
So I have this question. You can answer it or not it’s up to you. Me as a child was very connected to the spiritual world. Even made friends with them. But as I grew older they just disappeared and I can’t really see anything. So the bond was just gone. And now I feel like I don’t believe in anything and blame it on psychology and other scientific theories. But deep down I believe they are there. I recently been stumbling across these type of article like the one you make. I want to believe again. What should I do. And is it a good idea to try to call something??
Hey man i am new to your website and i just want to say that i appreciate you for making these articles because they will help me out as i am currently trying to find myself and my deity and learning meditations and such. Im learning about my spiritual self and higher self and spirit guides so i will be looking into your articles more often. Thank you and i really appreciate the time u put into these!!
I’ve been hearing a being calling itself Lilith telling me stuff (nothing harmful or bad but just bumming me out). perusal this vid made me scared of it so I decided to sage my apartment. Literally after saging, the voice went away and so did the headache I’ve had for the past few days 😃 I’m terrified.
I’m new to this and I think my deity is poseidon I’ve always been drawn to water and loved going into oceans or swimming. I love the rain and sometimes I jokingly say stuff while it’s raining and according to what I say sometimes it stops and for some reason everytime I get nervous about doing sometime or when I guess he thinks I shouldn’t do something it rains
1. Does everyone have certain deities that watch over them and do we find out who they are when we pass on? 2. How would you describe what the gods actually are? Were they real beings formerly on Earth ascended to godhood? Are they figments of the collective imagination? Are they ether born spirits taking on attributes of the gods across time? Are they aspects of the human psyche? 3. Besides mundane signs, divination, meditation, what are other clues to help find a deity? 4. Does heritage play a huge role in finding a deity? 5. Do deities only chose those who are spiritually advanced/intuitive?
I appreciate this article. A week or so ago I was outside disposing of a spell jar contents — when I had wasps flying around and sitting on my hands. If they landed on my working hand — I guided them to my other hand and they would just sit there. I talked to them: Hi. How are you? Then I saw a spider — not keen on them… I asked it to stay where it was — it did. 😳 Oh and I saw 2 Millipedes. I have a peacock hanging around my house somewhere — I’ve only seen him 3 times but the times where very spread out. I have also been hearing Hakate’s and Persephone’s names in my mind. I don’t know if I’m drawn to them or what. 🤷🏻♀️ Yesterday, I saw a yellow butterfly. And months ago several yellow butterflies were flying around everywhere I drove. Any ideas/thoughts? Thank you in advance. Blessed be and well met. 🧹 🍃✨ 🌀
What I like to remind new practitioners is, sure, you might be new to consciously working with spirits, but you’ve done it your whole life without knowing it. Instincts can help immeasurably. Does something feel off? It probably is. Humans evolved fear as a safety mechanism when our senses pick something awry, it works just the same with most entities, just need to sharpen those senses. A misconception I see passed around like “wisdom” is the bs that the more you practice the more you’re likely to attract things. Not entirely true, sure that can make you a target of something, but so can simply walking outside, usually, however, that if an entity means to mess with or feed off you it’ll do just that regardless of if you are aware of it or not, you just won’t necessarily be able to tell that something has started chomping away at your energy body.
Hi! I enjoyed this article. Very informative! I have a question is there a limit to how many deities you work with? I think Apollo is trying to connect but not sure. Should you work with many different ones if you connect? Also how do you get rid of energy that you think may be trying to engage in another way?
I think mine might be Anubis but I’m not sure it happened when I started leaving Christianity to paganism it just happened a few days ago I was walking to my bus stop near me and it was dark I’m quite afraid of the dark not gonna lie and when I was walking down I was wondering what my deity was and something in the back of my mind instantly said Anubis I was kinda confused cause I never really looked into Egyptian deities but after that a shadow scared me and I prayed to him basically almost on impulse and I felt admittedly better like a warm blanket came over me and it didn’t go away till my stop and I was safe, the feeling felt so caring I almost cried on the bus and just today I had like a weird impulse buy today like something really wanted me to get this amethyst crystal so I did and it’s making me feel the same feeling as before I really dont know what this really means since I’m kinda really new to this but I hope you can give me some insight if you could, I also have a quite strong urge to make an alter for him but I dont feel rushed to do it yet at least . I hope I’m not doing anything wrong.
Hi. Thank you for making this article. I have been noticing foxes in the past couple of years. Which I never usually see one here. I’m a musical theatre/ theatre girl and well I saw a fox go to across my street. I have noticed if I am with someone who is toxic a fox runs past wherever I am. Then my friend and I drove a car and I saw a young fox run by and we almost got hit by a car and went home. Its weird since I started loving foxes as I thought it was my spirit animal . And I started seening wine products from hair and makeup products to actually thinking of buying wine its strange but I am not totally sure if it is a sign or not until I went back to Tiktok to see Dionysus tiktoks everywhere. I just want to be sure that there are signs or just random. I feel like there are more gods and goddesses that I want to work with me but I want to be sure that I am working with them.
I think Poseidon is my deity? Not only have we been having storms recently where I live, I asked for them to send me a sign through tarot’s and the hanged man came out. Along with that came the three of cups which I took as him being excited I’ve figured it out and then came the king of wands so I figured that meant him being a strong leader in my life. I am a baby witch so please tell me if this seems right😅
Hey, very interesting article. I’m not a baby witch, I’m just a curious guy who read a couple of books (not quite sure why) and I’ve found myself here. I’ve read through the comments and it would appear that I’m the only person here that is somewhat scared of the idea of deities or more importantly, anything’ negative’ reaching out to me. All this talk of protection gives me the fear to even begin. I also seen one comment about a girl saying she wasn’t careful when younger and was attacked. Maybe witchcraft isn’t for me after all….. 🤷
Can you do one explaining how to find your spirit animal, I’ve always been I love with giraffes and not sure if that could be mine or what but would love to find out. Also what about I to to find out your spirit guides I did do a guided meditation and the name Claudette popped in my head out of the blue and I asked my spirit guide to help with something and the feeling I got was that they already was but that it was going to take work and then today I found a note I had wrote that said Claudette on it and what I just typed about already helping me n it taking note and apparently on the same note it says father perusal over me (I don’t remember when I wrote this or writing that part, my father passed when I was 15 I’m now 39) wdyt
Does anybody knows what it means when you look at a your phone or to some watch and everytime the time is shown doubled, like for example: 21:21, 10:10, 13:13 ? This has been constantly been for years now and I don’t know what sign this is. Does anybody has a clue or idea? Is there a specific deity that matches that?
i want to try to connect with aphrodite but im not sure if i should wait for her or another diety to reach out to me or if i should try to reach out to her. does anyone have any advice? (ive been practicing witchcraft for quite a while and im sure im ready to move on to the next step and begin working with dieties)
Hiii, im new to deity work and i dont have a deity yet but i think a deity is trying to reach out to me. A few days ago I saw a women with a crescent moon tattoo and it along with dark blue have both been stuck in my head for no reason. I have a strong urge to work with Nyx and im wondering if either signs may be from her or maybe a different deity? Thanks!
Bugs?!? A lot! 😅Huge grasshopper jumped at me while working on an ear piece a couple days ago. Haven’t seen any all year. Went out to my car to find a cicada sitting on its shell that was on my tire and a horse fly right next to it. Spiders everywhere. I’ve been seeing bugs that aren’t there. An amazing big yellow butterfly while out with friends. Not scared of them or anything just so many sittings out of the blue. The craziest one was a ton (20+ at least) of spiders appeared out of no where all descending off an entrance frame. Used to have dreams of my room filled with bugs too. Who could that possibly be?
So how do I have a conversation with Apollo? When I try to communicate with him I always feel like I’m just talking to myself. I was able to use a candle to confirm that it was him. I don’t feel like he communicates to me through pendulum. I just don’t hear his voice and I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for or listening for. Any guidance or advice is greatly appreciated.
I also liked how you pointed out that the role of three about if something happens three times because I don’t see a lot of times young witches. I hate the term baby witch So I’ll stay Young witch will ceasefire right across the floor. Oh my oh my God it’s a sign. The goddess Arachne is calling me when it’s simply a spider. Oh my God I looked outside. I saw a Raven The Morgan. She must be calling me. I can’t say she must be calling me. It’s a Raven sitting on a branch doing what they do So it must be a consistent thing. And if you’re not sure, it’s okay to ask the deity I think I hurt you or I think I’m seeing a sign from you. Can you please confirm that again so that I know and that’s fine. I honestly believe that I don’t think they were going to get frustrated too. Because they know that you are human and you should be questioning things because as you said there are some spirits that are posing as spirits that are just trying to leech your energy
Thank you for this! gave me a little bit of clarity. i’ve been noticing a lot of interesting things around me lately, honestly thought it was the fae at first but something made me consider deities. my lighters, torches, etc keep breaking and going missing and my candles have been behaving interestingly. they only burn halfway through and then the wick just kinda disappears. things will literally fly out of my hands as if everything is attached to a string and just getting yeeted from me. even people around me have been behaving strangely with me and i pick up on it soooo fast, but instead of getting defensive and wondering why like i usually do, something constantly tells me i’m stronger on my own. not to mention my pain tolerance being non existent to heat/fire 🙄confused to say the least but i’m working on it!
if I researched about a specific deity (Apollo) because I’m interested in working with him and I give him offerings and just admire what he brings to the world, how long could it take for him to reach out to me? I’m not trying to force it I’m just curious because I already enjoy giving him offerings and such but I wonder if he can reach out to me thanks to that and if so how long can it take?
Hi ! baby witch here :). You look like to know a lot about diety. I would like your opinion on my situation. For the context : last summer i’ve been intersted by tarots cards and one month after i get the deck and begin to use it ; i fell a presence in my house. And i was relly fucking affraid of this ! But it never did anything except stay hère and look at me. Even if i was looking in his direction. And in january the presence totally deseapered. And it make around 2 weeks i’m in witchcraft and learn about diety, and believe in at least a little. Specially when i think to that presence. So, my questions are: A diety can be obstinate if they want something like several month? Is there some diety that can be scary? Can i “call” back to me? thanks for the reading and the bad english (that’s not my natural language).
I just did a guided meditation I saw a serpent like face, I was too close to tell what it actually look like, either a dragon or a snake it never gave me its name or anything just a 2 second glimpse of its face and their was too much brightness to tell what deity it was, need help on this, I thought it was abraxas but their is no real description on what he/she looks like just a representation what this god/goddess represents, thank you in advance
Hey, thanks for the tips! I’m currently working with Lachesis and Skaði and both have kinda motherly gestures (Skaði more even though lot of people who have more experiences with her says she’s kind of cold and distant on the start, which didn’t happened, so I hope I don’t have some tricky vision), so I would like to ask how you discover that deity is your matron? Both of them reached to me in meditation, so I think the,,bonds” are thanks to that easier for me to build with them.
I love your articles and I know you work with Anubis so I thought I’d drop a comment and see if anyone in the comment section might have advice? Ive had two dreams now where I’ve been halfway through something and it shifts, the first time I was surrounded by a maze with some kind of egyptian art on the wall and I believe Anubis was around or following me, when I took a nap today it happened again, I was by these small pyramids and when I got close he (or someone looking similar) started following me again? Kind of like he was chasing me but he wasn’t running? It was a bit odd because I wouldn’t say that I’m afraid of him or the idea of death, but during this dream I also saw a deceased relative and i kind of figured it may be similar? I remember also seeing Osiris I believe but these are two dreams I’ve had now where Anubis has been kind of lurking? I don’t know if I made him mad somehow, (I currently am only working with Hecate and Loki to my knowledge) or if it’s just a coincidence because he doesn’t really seem like the kind of deity to just chase people around for fun.
I know this article is old but for some people who may stumble onto this looking for answers I wanted to try and clarify something that confused me at first. When he mentions a deity will never ask you for a relationship (platonic or romantic) This does not mean your relationship with your god cannot be intimate but that the relationship is not a partnership like we would have.
So i got a question, im still a baby witch but when I started witchcraft, it was about a month since I started, I was with my friends and we saw a fox, the fox was directly looking at me and he tried to come closer but we were kinda scared so we backed off, then he slowly went on his way still looking at me. Since then I started to fell really good with myself, I started to really love myself and I fell like I didn’t need a lover. I felt like dancing more often then usual and when I was doing protection spells I sometimes smelled strong scent of the herbs, and my mom didn’t even tho she was just right beside me. Also I’m a Sagittarius. And I’m starting to think that maybe Artemis was trying to contact me by this. I still have not much knowledge so what can I do to find out? Some meditation maybe? I would very much appreciate your help.
I hear knocking alot frequently in the past it scared or annoyed me now it doesnt scare me but ill find it annoying sometimes i ask for it to stop and it does other times they dont but becomes somewhat less annoying after I do and the knocking is to the point where I cannot function for long without a ac blowing twenty four seven sometimes I can handle it off in the afternoon but not much but sometimes the knocking sounds playful but not very often my interests in deities change alot on and off but I learned something new about deities at least thanks
BroDeest thank you very much, honestly your energy constantly centers me and the masculine nature truly makes me feel safe. Your gonna be amazing d a d, I sense upcoming blessings of fertility for you and your beautiful partner. Please grace her with your love patient’s and strength, I see so much goodness in you. Lady’s bleed monthly for your existence and we want to do so with honer, keep us loved and proud. Xo DaD Momma loves you
Okay so um I saw lilith once in my dream or and heard her name more then I saw her in my dreams… my first dream about her was that like this : there was a woman standing with a long black hair she was holding roses and had this jewel with red gemstones in it and I walked up to her and asked her name but it’s like she didnt directly told me it like I heard it and after that I kept seeing and hearing her name a lot on my dreams. And also before I dreamt about that I wished in a bay leaf to meet my spirit guides which is when she showed up .but also idk I’m seeing alot of cats especially black cats and white.. and I’m so scared idk I kept getting different informations about her everywhere so I’m not sure which is right… I dont wanna make a mistake
Hey, i have a question. Idk if ive found my deity/deities. I feel a strong connection to apollo ever since a child and ive always find myself seeing apollo in social media, and i am completely enchanted over archery and ive seen many other ‘signs’ but idk if theyre coincidences. i dont know if hes my deity becuase i dont feel connected magically enough to the sun, i am more of a moon/rain witch.
I have a question. I just did a guided meditation and first saw a fennec Fox which would without a doubt be Set and then the actual god I first thought of and saw was Anubis so why was Set there to begin with? And another thing yesterday I was praying to Set and in my ceiling a shadow of Anubis’ head appeared so idk if they are both with me or what
hey, so i believe that apollo has been trying to contact me for quite some time. i’ve looked up various things with apollo and feel fairly confident it’s him, but when i tried the guided meditation i couldn’t quite see him and i never really got any confirmation that it was him. i just felt warm and safe. do you have any tips to help me feel more confident in this or am i putting too much thought into this?
stumbled across this article & it was very well explained & informative.. you started talking about deer’s & tonight I was walking home in a dark park & deers were all over the pathway! I was amazed.. now this is some cool chiz! thanks for this upload! also subscribed! hope to see you again on my feed! 🦋 gratitude
After a number of spiritual incidents & beginning my journey I used sage incense (just for the smell, not for any particular reason) and since then nothing has been happening & I feel really disconnected. Have I removed my “positive energies” as in my spirit guides/deities? If so, how can I invite them back? Please and thank you and blessed be 🙏
Curious if you could tell me something…. Ive been told something has been fallowing me for most of my life… Hangs in the bathroom most of the time, thats the only time I notice him is around my bathroom or the hall… I was told by someone he watches over me and that he is called Damion…. Any ideas of if what I was told was bogus. Details were revieled to me by someone I didnt know very well but she said she had visions of me and then procedded to tell me things she should not have known, said I had two cats and a black cat that will stare into the corner for no reason. It was all true and she had never been to my house at all. She said he introduced himself to jer as Damion and he was pretty cocky with her and had a smooth voice.
I’m currently (3-4 months) getting into spirituality while i was saging i said “i would love to work with a deity” and my windows closed shut and go confirm whether it was a deity i used my pendulum. But then i grabbed my tarot and got the moon card, the king of cups and 8 of cups, and asked about who it can be. So i asked the pendulum their gender, found out it was female, then later asked for names and asked questions. But i get signs cuz i was making moon water and ive been attracted to the moon lately. Now my friend with her third eye open and said that she is around me and has been with me for a few days, she could hear her, talk to her, and somewhat see her. Could you let me know what i can do from now? My third eye isn’t open and i can feel energies but i can’t hear anything or get many signs just minor ones. Any advice please!
I have been seeing what I believe is a spirit or possibly even my spirit guide in my doorway, I’ve been seeing it for about a year straight and I finally got to see its form clearly for the first time. I’m not sure what to refer to it as because I’m not sure exactly what its intentions are but it seems to mostly just hang around, some sort of guardian I suppose. I saw it for the first time and it takes the shape of a two blue crescent moons, a small moon facing right on top, and a larger moon on bottom facing left. I’m not quite sure what to make of them but am looking into making contact with them!
I have been seeing white butterflies everywhere I go and I thought it was strange.I started researching about psyche and I realized that she was sending me clear signs and I can’t really explain it but I can feel her presence and energy.And she would do random stuff with my incense and I didn’t realize at first because I was so confused like that’s not how gravity works but now I am like I know.
Is there a difference between a negative/misguided energy trying to be in a relationship with you and working with a deity that comes with a strong sexual energy? Because a few of the deities that have come to me since I’ve started my journey have exuded a sexual energy, which follows with their generally perceived abilities/personalities (I’m talking about Aphrodite and Apollo, respectively). Aphrodite might bring a sexual, feminine driven energy for obvious reasons, while Apollo has been known in his stories as being pretty promiscuous and not very subtle about it. I’ve also had experiences with deities that haven’t given me this sexual energy (Hades and Persephone). But since Apollo is one of my biggest ones (him and Hades), I hope I haven’t been misunderstanding it this whole time, lol. I’ve done many pendulum and tarot readings, and meditated on it a few times, and the same energy keeps returning to me with the name/symbols of Apollo. Thank you! Great article. Edit: I never perceived this sexual energy as being “you’re mine now” and moreso like “I’m here help and protect you, and you’re also feeling my sexual energy”.
I know Deity work isn’t a beginner’s practice and I’m a beginner, I’m just perusal this to remember later when I’m more experienced At the moment, all i have is Good Earth Incense, a Vegvisir Necklace, moon water, and a tiny glass bottle ( it’s currently filled with sand and tiny rocks that my mom gifted me along with a tiny ship as a souvenir from a coastal city she visited, i haven’t opened it yet but I am planning to use it as a witch bottle) so I’ve been doing this for a month now but have no spell experience at all due to the lack of materials
Thank you for this info! This has made me realize that, maybe, Khnum claimed me. I have been seeing a man with a rams head in my dreams and since starting the craft (about 2 1/2 years ago?) I was WAY to drawn to Egyptian lore (still am, have been since I was 15) and I always go to the same section and to the same statue unconsciously.
Hello ^^ I am pretty new to this and I didn’t start yet because I am trying to learn how and what to do 🙂 And your articles are really nice and easy to understand so thank you for it! c: Are you planning article about how to start work with our spirit guide? If it’s already in some article, then sorry for asking ^^
lmao wait, okay so like Maa kali is my spirit guide, but like I also work with her in spells a lot cause I can kinda feel her wanting to help me like I feel like we are friends in a way but like at the same time when im praying or whatever if I call her b- on accident (cuz I just do that with ppl) I can tell she doesn’t like it and I had things that didn’t belong set on her alter shelf area and the washer started sounding broken til I took it off. in yalls opinion is this the goddess or sumn else? cuz when u said that it spooked me a lil
Hey this has helped me a lot with me deities, but can on of your deities have a certain smell?, see I knew someone was there but I could only smell them, it was a really strong aftershave and I know that I don’t have that, But I also feel a more moon connected feminine deities too, but can you smell you deity? As I’m not being shown by them yet
I don’t openly practice. Yet. Anyway. I’ve always loved wolves. And I see them alot in dreams, especially daydreaming. I got drunk last night at my best friends house and as I was getting ready to leave the next day, I felt this strong pull to just stay there and lay down.. and started seeing wolves and werewolves in my nap dreams. Maybe my Deity is trying to say I should stay here for a while? I’m so new to all this and wanting to start lol. Your articles seem to calm me and make me want to practice more.
I love the spread a knowledge, so just some insight if you feel a relationship being romantically with a deity that doesn’t not mean it’s not them Gods, Demons,etc have been documented having these types of relationship with humans,shocker ik. God-spousing in particular is a act of devotion to said deity that’s has been around for centuries. As always be safe and trust ur gut and get conformation if needed🫡
hi, I’m interested in starting my journey into witchcraft but I’m a stay at home mom, I rarely have 30 minutes of quiet in my house and we rarely go anywhere so I don’t know how I’m going to see signs in the future 🙁 I also don’t want to get told that I’m not allowed to become a witch just because I have kids, my marital and parental status should have no bearing on my interests.
Ok so I’ve been getting a lot of sings from stolas (one of my favourite deties) and I said that I like and appreciate him and he said he likes me to and wants to work with me and now that you said they can’t like someone I am confused if it is him or not so I am going to cleanse my room and hope for help
Is it possible to have a possitive entity that is attached to you and can alter closed blinds and closed window candles and only reacts to a certain name, because i have clensed my space and self repeatedly and she is still here/there, i am curious because she seems nice amd protective and doesn’t cause harm/negative things happen
I used a guided meditation to try and find my deity. One of the questions they said to ask was to show a sign that they want to work with you. I was very drawn towards Aphrodite during the visualization part of the meditation. Her image just would not leave my mind. So before the meditation ended I asked her to give me a sign, an image of a pink heart to be exact, when I reloaded the page on youtube. Sure enough when I reloaded, a thumbnail with TWO pink hearts popped up. So I feel very confident that she was reaching out to me 🙂
Odin came to speak with me when I was 18. I was having my first sleep paralysis episode of my life and it was daylight outside. He was sitting next to me trying to tell me something but I couldn’t hear his voice. He realized this, laughed to himself and disappeared. I was Christian at the time. He has given me a sign since then but that’s it. 2 communications. I’m 48.
I’m still a beginner to witchcraft and I did loads of research. I’m an art witch and I’m interested in doing paganism I like to work with deities. I feel drawn to goddesses. I feel strongly drawn to Persephone, and now I’m interested in Artemis. I have fascination for moon and Greek and Egyptian deities.
thank you! I used to worship Aphrodite. I ended up not having the time or motivation to meditate or give offerings anymore and I wanted to study more about witchcraft and deity work instead, so out of instinct, I took down the whole alter😭😭😭 it’s been a couple years now and I’ve studied and gotten closer to myself and I’m ready to start all over again
I’ve been interested in Deities since I started practising and have contacted a few Deities. However, I felt an incredibly disturbing feeling of unease when conversing in who I thought was Hermes and just immediately burned all my research papers and didn’t touch Deity work for a while. I’ve now just started worshipping Hera and can’t wait to wirk with her.
My first experiences: (very VERY lenghty description of my first experiences!!!) So I wanted to share my very first experiences as a witch because I have no one to talk to about to this kind of things. I am very eager to share my first experiences with others. This article inspired me and made me feel at ease and more confident! I started the path of the witch a chouple of days ago. I was shopping in a different town. I had to buy a train ticked and the ticket booth was right inside a book store. Right next to the ticket booth there was a shelf with witchy books and such and one book in particular caught my attention. I was eyeing it the whole time. It was a book about beginner deity work specialized in goddesses. So I bought my ticket and the book which there was only a single copy of. In the book there were plenty of goddesses described: Their story, what powers they have and how they can help you in your daily life + what offerings they accept. The book also had small rituals for beginners like for protection or cleansing, luck,… etc. Very easy to follow. I know deity work is an advanced technique but I wanted to try it so bad since I’m in a really bad place mentally right now. I feel lost and very depressed and I thought I had nothing to lose so I just went for it and tried it out. I’ honest I grew up in a strict christian household so I was really scared of messing rituals up because I didn’t want to upset some deitys and other beings. But now I’ve seen articles of saying that it’s okay to mess things up and to take a break If it’s taking too much of a toll on you and now I feel a bit more at ease.
Me working on witchcraft for 16 years with no deities. Talking to a form of spirit that I truly love. After years I was just called by Freya and Vali and totally lost most of the signs. Until I realized wait wot.. I feel very interested and scared because there’s so much to learn. I need so many books.
So… I’ve recently started doing deity work and I’m working with Fenrir. He came to me when I was 16 and I wasn’t a witch at all. I was just doing tarot cards that my friend got me for my birthday (he gave me sleep paralysis and astral projection all at once and since then, that was the most trippy experience I’ve ever had). I’ve only recently learned who Fenrir is (I’m 19) and a friend of mine helped me identify him. The night I found out, I asked Fenrir to give me some sort of sign that it’s really him. The next night, I found a black feather right outside my house. (Black feathers meaning spiritual protection). Later on, I have this friend and I just got his snap and next to his name is a wolf. I thought how ironic it was until a few days ago, while visiting him at his house, he gave me sandalwood incense (sandalwood being Fenrir’s favorite smell and I didn’t have sandalwood incense so I was using jasmine incense a lot) without knowing anything about deity work (he’s not a witch). So, I’m constantly getting some sort of reassurance but it’s still hard communicating with him when a) He doesn’t just straight up trusts chuu. He is a wolf afterall. B) I can’t find much on working with Fenrir on the internet. He’s my only deity at the moment so… Wish Me Luck!!
This was very helpful and perfect timing because I just recently fehlt the urge to Start working with deities… 👍 Thank you so much! 🌻 One Question: if a deity does not want to work with you, how Do you know that? Will they simply not answer or will they Tell you in divination that they don’t want to work with you?
Thank you so much! I’ve always felt like deitities wanted to communicate with me, but never knew how to answer to their message. I’ve been feeling the presence of aphrodite a lot, and I see her everywhere (I started painting women portraits, decorated my house with pink stuff, and I’ve been trying to overcome my fear for the ocean). YOur article really helped me to start planning a way to contact her and start working with her. Thank you, beautiful soul!
So I always felt the energy and presence of other entities. Even as a Kid. But I kinda closed myself to it and stoped having such strong experiences and Im reopening to it now. What I have learned now is that one deity was with me probably from what I can remember even when I was a kid. Always sensing someone in the shadow. Feeling like someone is with me in the dark room. Almost never being alone in the dark. I felt the eyes, the presence but never saw anything. And after starting my deity work I learned it is Erebosus. He is with me probably my whole life, giving me signs and keeping me company in the dark nights, protecting me. I did meditaion, tarot and pendulum. He always answered. Such a respectable energy, kinda creepy but also safe and very interesting. He wants to contact me even through a dreams and he even did for once now. I have very vivid, strong dreams. Sometimes my dreams are so strong, that if I for example hit my leg, my leg will then hurt me even in reality. Im really exited to learn more about dreams and how to work with them. Its beautiful to work with these deity.
I was listening to a Meditation a few days ago and I saw Anubis… With a Ankh staff and I got every interested in Anubis and I asked him for signs, He gave me two, Candles, WW2 Uniform… (Random. But true) and A Tape Cassette Player… “Strength and Power through offerings and Divine contact and it’s your decision…” That’s the message I believe came out of the dreams I remembered…
It’s been about a year now and I feel that my connection to the gods has shifted from deity to deity and I’m trying to get back to the roots of deity work, I’ve taken up rune reading and attempting to relearn both the futhark, offerings, and establishing another bond with Odin. Thank you for being so informative on Norse Paganism. I’ve come back to this article time and time again and I just recently watched your book recommendation article and I am confident in establishing a even stronger link than I have before!
This was very informative and helpful. Thank you. Yours is the first article that I have seen that talks about protection. I think there are intersecting plaines of consciousness which make up our reality, and the realm of deities is one of these. And it’s like a forest or an ocean – full of wonder and beauty but also danger to the unwary. I would be very interested if you had a more in depth article about protection, especially in the context of working with Norse (or in my case Anglo Saxon) pagan deities. Thank you again.
Also I like how you said you can ask questions and “see” the answer because when I close my eyes sometimes I can do that and I’ll see the word yes or no. I would love to be clairaudience but I’m actually schizoaffective so I hallucinate voices anyway so I like the idea of using tarot, runes, crystal ball as apposed to clairaudience because I wouldn’t believe the voices anyway if I heard them. Lol.
I had a meditation a while ago of meeting my spirit guides with an experienced psychic. I have 7 spirit guides, I’m a huge light bulb to malevolent entities. One of them she named herself Nox, had a whole black dress and something that was covering her face. The psychic said her power is very very high. and I looked her up so.. does that mean Nox/Nyx decided to work with me?? I kind of teared up a bit when I found her from searching her up. The appearance described for goddess of the night compared to the woman I saw in my meditation was uncanny! I’m just amazed. :>
You explained this so very well. Thank you. I’m very on the fence about if I believe that deities are real or not. I was raised in the bible belt so I was forced into Christianity. I tried multiple times to reach out to God to no avail. I always got complete silence and never any signs. There would be no harm in me trying to reach out to a deity to see for myself. 😊
I’ve been perusal your YouTube vids, I love it. I’m so glad I’ve found more informative articles to help keep me in line to my research. Thank you so much for posting. I’ve been a practicing pagan for awhile now and still feel like a baby witch despite being a practitioner for the past few years, I always love brushing up on my research. Thank you again for your wonderful work!!!
Hi! I have a question. I feel like Ares is deity that tries to contact me and to work with me, BUT I am not sure. I am new at deity work, and I am kinda too shy to ask him personally, so I asked my best friend which is working with Aphtodite, If it is Ares, and she said indeed it is Ares who is contacting me. But I don’t know if I can 100% trust Aphrodite opinion – I am just too scared to met a malicious entity. Could you help me out what to do?
Ello! I’m a begginer celtic witch and Ive always been fasnicated with Wicca but never really got to do much research because of personal issues but now that I finally am I am working on having a connection woth a deity I wrote down a few I’d love to do research on & my first deity im interested in is Cernunnos the god of nature and masculine energy:)
I kinda feel like this article is a way of a warning, I left a candle for Hades bc he went to my help on a terrible nightmare once, and promised to him a candle, so I did, every now and then I change it, I talk to the candle leave him offerings, as I know Im not ready for deity work. Sometimes I just randomly lit the candle to speak to hopefully hades, Im aware he might or might not comply my requests, but ig this is a sign for me to start looking into it.