Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as “shrooms” or “magic mushrooms”, can open your consciousness to the limitless wonders of the universe and make you feel like a part of the universe. They are commonly consumed in various ways, including through eating them, which requires careful chewing to allow all the juices to come out. The psychoactive compound released by magic mushrooms is known to cause hallucinations.
The production, sale, and possession of magic mushrooms are illegal in Canada, but there is increasing interest in their potential therapeutic uses. To avoid adverse reactions, it is essential to start slow and take 3-5 mushies only. Dropping a shroom trip while out clubbing could end up in disaster. Wait until the effects have fully developed before dropping a trip.
Psilocybin comes from certain types of psilocybe mushrooms and is metabolized in the body to the active drug psilocyn. Some types of mushrooms contain psilocybin and psilocyn, substances that can cause hallucinations when used in large enough doses. New UGA research suggests that psilocybin, the psychedelic ingredient in magic mushrooms, has similar side effects to traditional drugs.
In conclusion, consuming psilocybin mushrooms responsibly is crucial to avoid adverse reactions, potential risks, and mental health issues. It is important to follow safety guidelines and research on the therapeutic potential of psychedelic and dissociative drugs, including psilocybin, to reduce the risk of negative experiences and injuries.
📹 Dosing Guide for Psilocybin Mushrooms
Discover magic mushroom dosing with our mushroom dosage guide. Learn about psychedelic mushroom micro-dosing, low …
📹 Magic Mushrooms Safety-Guide (Psilocybin)
This video has been created to educate people in order to help them stay safe. It needs to be clear that *We Do Not Promote The …
I have been doing edibles for the past year-ish and the most I have done was 100mg. I honestly don’t really remember how it went towards the end but the come up was real nice. I think I got blasted and went to sleep and the next morning had around 40mg of cannabutter on some morning pancakes and was high for the entire day but idk if I am ready for shrooms. I wanna try them but I feel like I should take more, say 250mg of edibles before shrooms? Thoughts?
I’ve only ever been to the breathing stage. I honestly thought I got a bad batch when I ate them with a friend. She was experienced and was pretty mellow, but it was my first time. I felt no effects for about two hours, so I walked home. About 30 minutes after I got home, though, I saw the curtains moving. I thought I left a window open, but nope. Then I looked at the wall. It was pulsating. I was still in control, but I had never experienced anything like that. It was pretty a-ok.
I need mushrooms so badly. I wonder when they will be legal as an alternative to prescription drugs at the therapist’s. I was about to start on Citalopram yesterday but I decided after the first pill that this was not something I want to get myself into again. They did nothing for me last time except give me a lot of bad side effects and I don’t think it’s healthy for the brain to get those chemicals every day. I truly believe that psychedelics, especially magic mushrooms can help so many people with getting a much better life..
I’m interested in producing mushrooms for personal use. I have suffer from severe headaches my whole life. I just had brain surgery for trigeminal neuralgia. When I get headaches now my trigeminal nerve reacts horribly. I have heard alot of success with mushrooms. I don’t think I would enjoy the trip but find relief from the pain would be enjoyable
Took 7g one time, being experienced with all doses up to 5g. Time felt like it wasn’t moving at all. Towards the last couple hours I felt I had slipped off of reality and started contemplating getting into a car crash of all things. My mind set was fully based off of what reality is and at that point I just wanted it to end because it felt like an eternity since i took them.
My first trip with shrooms, was everything you said not to do on your first trip. In the woods with strangers. I was being chased by bears, which was actually an air plane above. Then was surrounded by spider weds. Then I wanted to shower. Dont take a shower on your first time showering, it actually hurts. Cheers. Still wont touch it. Wow, dont ever go off by yourself.
i tried shroomz 3 times now and after yesterday i dont know how to feel about them anymore. i had the worst 3 hours of my life. never seen that many eyes legit millions all staring right into your soul at once even with closed eyes it was wow. scary. i was wondering if u ever experienced them like that?
Hi, I recently went on my first ever psychedelic trip with acid. I loved it. I even used a Testing kit to stay on the safe side. Now I want to try mushrooms for self improvement. Since there is no test kit for mushrooms on that website( at least, I can’t find one) and you didn’t mention any testing of mushrooms in this article, is it just safe to assume that they are all safe to take? Also, my friend says that the “shrooms” he has are 4-ACO-DMT. Do you think it’d be safe to take that? Any replies would be greatly appreciated 🙂
I think level 3 is the farthest I’ve gotten. Just from observation on this article. Everything started to become intense and I just lost care for what was going on around me. Walking around in circles only made it more intense. I was at a music festival. I am not saying it was bad but it was totally worth it. I didn’t take shrooms for a whole year after that.
first time i took mushies my so called friends lit off bottle rockets and right as they went off cop sirens came on down the street so i told them to screw off and go home.. but yeah dont trip alone, i got put into this trance where i ran around in circles inside my head, if you do end up tripping alone, keep yourself occupied, i did dishes, vacuumed, and cleaned all while i had my carpet looking like little teantacles with fingers and eyes on them with more fingers and eyes ontop of those lol anyeay, dont let yourself become too lost, makes for like he said, a depressive trip..
I actually like shrooms a lot better than LSD. I took an eighth and I felt very in control of everything. I felt like I was able to just observe my thoughts and aspects of my life very clearly, and work through things comfortably. LSD gave me way too much energy to be comfortable. I was also around a lot of strangers since I was at a Shpongle concert but I just kinda thought everyone was funny even though I felt distant from them.
Well, I tried to take my committed dose last night. I committed to 4 grams, but didn’t finish the tea. So, I figure it was around 3.7. However, it was the most potent fucking trip Ive ever gone on. I drank the tea at 730 pm an by 8 o clock I had to sit down. By 830 I was full balls tripping. Such an unexplainable experience. The message I brought back came from a picture in my house that says ” It is what it is…but it will become what you make it”. I heard a voice that said ” It is what it is…period”. It is what it is, and that’s all it will ever be. Also, the message and what I kept repeating was ” Its ok, to be who you are and you just are”. It is ok for everyone to embrace who they are. We are watched after. These entities kept trying to get my attention. I was hearing those high pitched and low pitched voices you can never make out. When I would go outside, its like the voices in the house behind me were going ” Hey!!, wait we’re not done talking to you. Jesus what a fucking potent trip that was.
I’ve never done shrooms before and I don’t know what a good dosage is to start out with. I’ve been smoking weed for a long time but I’ve never done any other psychedelics. I really wannna do shrooms and lsd and I’m probably going to do shrooms first because they grow in my area hope you can help me out.
level 5 is scary, when you are high enough on that mountain there is no visuals because meaning it self is a visual. you become a creature with very limited understanding of anything. it takes away all the evolutionary and social conditioning that allows you to ignore the fact that we are on a rock floating in space expanding on a river of gravitational forces.
ever though settings are for lightweights first-time gun level 10 many many times and I’ve done nothing but get in touch with myself and my spirit guideI have never had a bad trip in my life and I’m over 60 years oldand it’s just I think it has something to do with DNA my lineage is partially Native American so I believe that it is part of me
I suffer from persistent depression and have done a lot of reading on “shrooms”. My biggest fear is having a bad trip the first time all alone. I am married but my wife is not supportive of this idea at all and I do not have any good friends close by to monitor me. I do not and will not take the poisons that big pharm is dishing out. I fight my condition straight on and it is tough to push away the suicide thoughts to say the least. At 48 years old and a successful male it is also embarrassing big time. Everything I have read about the positive effects of this venture drives me closer to trying it. I really wish the U.S. government would get over itself and let us truly live free and make choices for ourselves. That would open doors for people like me to do this under medical supervision outside of a study. Any comments positive or negative would be appreciated as I am at my whit’s end with my brain!