Witchcraft in the church can manifest in various ways, including manipulative leadership, division and gossip, false prophets, idolatry, lack of accountability, suppression of spiritual gifts, and absence of genuine worship. When a Christian is under an assault of witchcraft disguised as sorcery or magic, they may not know what they are seeing or cooperate with it. This can lead to young people jumping ship if their church promotes a doctrine-centered faith without discernible experience of power.
Witchcraft is primarily a work of the flesh, as described in Galatians chapter 5. It is brought into the church by multitudes of Christians who don’t know they are under the spell of witchcraft. Beware of “charismatic witchcraft”, recognize the counterfeit rise of “Christian witches” and psychics, and resist those offering deliverance. Wiccans represent about half of all witches, and about 13 or 14 of America is Wiccan/Witch. These Christian witches may be polite and strong tithers, never missing a church service, but they are operating in witchcraft that control.
There are several signs that may indicate the presence of witchcraft in a church, including the presence of charismatic witchcraft, the counterfeit rise of “Christian witches” and psychics, and the trend in many Christian churches to suppress spiritual gifts and experiences. It is essential for apologists to consider these facts before attempting to catechize individuals involved in witchcraft.
📹 How to Recognize a Witch infiltrated in the Church?
Derek Prince’s teaching on “Witchcraft: Public Enemy No. 1” unveils the hidden dangers of witchcraft in modern society.
What is a witch’s symbol?
The pentagram, a symbol with a long history in Wiccan tradition, is a five-pointed star connected to other stars. It has been the subject of much interpretation due to its connection.
What is a witch’s weakness?
Witches and warlocks are humans born with the natural ability to channel the energy of the earth and its natural forces, also known as magic. They have existed since the dawn of humanity and have been seen as leaders, healers, and even worshiped by cults as gods. However, as humanity evolved, magic became feared and those practicing it were persecuted. In modern times, magic has been almost forgotten, viewed as fantasy by most.
The ability to perform magic is hereditary, meaning only those with the blood of witches and warlocks can practice it. They can be killed through decapitation or heart extraction. The act of performing magic is referred to as witchcraft.
What repels witches?
Witches were believed to enter homes through various means, including sleeping with a Bible, silver dollar, or knife beneath the pillow, turning socks inside out before going to bed, scattering mustard seed around the bed, hanging a bottle with a cork stopper beside the bed, and having pins stuck in the cork. Another common practice was hanging a horseshoe above the door, which was believed to bring good luck. A variation of this idea was to take any horseshoe found along the road and nail it to the wall.
Carrying a charm, snakeskin, stud water, or money around the neck or ankles was also considered effective in warding off witches and other evil spirits. Various sources recommend collecting Stump Water on the new moon, the full moon, or other significant times.
What does the Bible say about witchcraft in the church?
The Hebrew Bible contains laws prohibiting various forms of witchcraft and divination, including Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 19:26, Leviticus 20:27, and Deuteronomy 18:10-11. These laws prohibit toleration of sorceresses, eating with blood, divination, soothsaying, and laying to death a person with a ghost or familiar spirit. Deuteronomy 17 claims that divination forms are of foreign origin, indicating that necromancy was practiced throughout Israel’s history.
The exact difference between the three forbidden forms of necromancy mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:11 is uncertain, as yidde’oni (“wizard”) is always used together with ob (“consulter with familiar spirits”) and its semantic similarity to doresh el ha-metim (“necromancer” or “one who directs inquiries to the dead”) raises questions about why all three are mentioned in the same verse. The Jewish tractate Sanhedrin distinguishes between a doresh el ha-metim, a person who would sleep in a cemetery after starving to become possessed, and a yidde’oni, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, and a necromancer.
What are the witch marks in churches?
Witch marks, also known as ritual protection marks or apotropaic markings, are believed to have turned away evil, providing protection to buildings and those within them. They may have been caused by demons, witches, or the evil eye. Witch marks can be found in various types of buildings, including barns, cottages, grand country houses, churches, furniture, gravestones, and caves like Reynard’s Kitchen Cave in Dovedale. The term “apotropaic” comes from the Greek word “apotropaios”, meaning “turning away (evil)”.
What are the two unforgivable sins?
Matthew 12:30-32, Mark 3:28-30, Luke 12:8-10, and Hebrews 6:4-6 all emphasize the importance of forgiveness for sins and blasphemy. However, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven, as it is considered an eternal sin. The Son of Man acknowledges the Son of Man before others, but denies him before the angels of God.
Hebrews 6:4-6 states that it is impossible to restore repentance to those who have once been enlightened and tasted the heavenly gift, shared in the Holy Spirit, and tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come. If we willfully persist in sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume adversaries.
Jacob Arminius defined the unforgivable sin as “the rejection and refusing of Jesus Christ through determined malice and hatred against Christ”. He differed with Calvin in believing that sin could be committed by believers, a conclusion reached through his interpretation of Hebrews 6:4-6.
John Wesley, the father of the Methodist tradition, discussed the unforgivable sin in a sermon titled A Call to Backsliders, stating that this blasphemy is absolutely unpardonable and that for those who have been guilty of this, God will be no more entreated. A prominent Methodist catechism, “A Catechism on the Christian Religion: The Doctrines of Christianity with Special Emphasis on Wesleyan Concepts”, states that for those who have been guilty of this blasphemy, God will be no more entreated.
What is a devil’s mark?
In the late 17th century, several hundred people were tried for practicing witchcraft in Salem Village, Massachusetts. Twenty-four people died before the Superior Court of Judicature dismissed the remaining cases, and Governor Phips granted amnesty to all accused and convicted. Evidence used to convict a person of being a witch included spectral evidence confessions, apparent proof of alleged supernatural abilities, and skin lesions characteristic of “devil’s marks” or “witch’s marks”.
It was believed that the devil would confirm his pact with a witch by giving her or him a mark of identification. Devil’s marks included flat or raised, red, blue, or brown lesions, sometimes with unusual outlines, while witch’s marks were most likely supernumerary nipples. It was believed that familiars (agents of the devil, usually in animal form) would receive sustenance by being suckled. However, there is no indication in the trial transcripts that anyone was convicted based on this evidence alone.
What a witch wears?
The standard witch costume in the 16th and 17th centuries was typically a black dress, cloak, or robe. Historically, healing women and witches would wear homemade, functional clothes in their village community. In the medieval period and beyond, these clothes would feature cloaks or hoods, making it likely that witches initially were not visually distinct from their neighbors. Katherine Walker, an assistant professor of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, explains that witches were not visually distinct from their neighbors.
What does a witch mark look like?
Witches and sorcerers were believed to have a witch’s mark waiting to be found, and accused individuals were scrutinized thoroughly. The entire body was suspected as a canvas for a mark, an indicator of a pact with Satan. Witch’s marks were believed to include moles, skin tags, supernumerary nipples, and insensitive patches of skin. Experts believed that a witch’s mark could be easily identified from a natural mark, and protests from victims that the marks were natural were often ignored.
Authorities in witch trials routinely stripped accused witches of clothing and shaved their body hair to prevent potential marks from being hidden. Pins were driven into scars, calluses, and thickened areas of skin, known as “pricking a witch”. The search for witch’s marks had disappeared by 1700.
Violence against accused witches included torture, as seen in the case of Catherine Boyraionne, who died in prison from injuries after being repeatedly applied hot fat to her eyes, armpits, stomach, thighs, elbows, and vagina.
What does a witch look like?
In the 1500s, witch hysteria in Europe led to the creation of visual stereotypes that portrayed witches as old, poor women with the “Evil Eye”. Women with a “crone-like” appearance, snaggle-toothed, sunken cheeks, or hairy lips were assumed to possess this trait. The broomstick emerged around the same time, derived from rumors that witchy women applied psychoactive ointments on their crotches and mounted the phallic mode of transportation. This sexist bias continued to influence the depiction of witches as sexually deviant and a hag.
Witchcraft became a capital offense in Britain in 1563, and between then and 1750, around 200, 000 witches were tortured, hung, or burned at the stake in Western Europe. A book, Malleus Maleficarum, directed witch-hunters to physically examine the female body for marks, often revealing a wart or mole that justified a witch’s killing. Shakespeare’s Macbeth, featuring the Three Witches, further fuelled this stereotype, as they appeared “wither” and wild in their attire, and their facial hair was considered “forbidden to interpret that you are so”. This description of witches as hideous, cauldron-stirring, toad-loving, and cackling social pariahs continued to shape the perception of witches in modern times.
What are the three sins God will not forgive?
Alma, a prominent figure in the Christian faith, had a profound teaching moment when he interviewed his son, Corianton, who had become involved with the harlot, Isabel. Alma warned Corianton that he was guilty of three abominable sins in the sight of God: denying the Holy Ghost, shedding innocent blood, and committing sexual sin. Adultery was third to murder and the sin against the Holy Ghost. To understand Corianton’s sin, he needed to understand its relationship to the two most abominable sins, enabling him to realize the possibilities of repentance and forgiveness.
Alma distinguished between unpardonable and pardonable sins. Unpardonable sins cannot be paid for through the atoning blood of Christ or personal suffering. The only sin that falls into this category is denying the Holy Ghost. All other sins are forgivable or pardonable because the demands of justice can be met through the atonement of Jesus Christ or personal payment by the sinner.
The Apostle John taught that there is a sin unto death, and there is a sin not unto death. Elder Bruce R. McConkie argued that the death John referred to meant “spiritual death”. There are sins for which repentance does not operate, sins that the atoning blood of Christ will not wash away, and sins for which the sinner must suffer and pay the full penalty personally.
📹 God Told Me How to Recognize Witchcraft in the Church
The Holy Spirit told me a prophetic word about how to recognize witchcraft in Church leaders, and He showed me several witches …
Amen!! Was in a church 80s. Full godpel The man in the chior/youth teacher that was a professed warlock. Went to the Pastor with witness and he said i know but cant do nothing because his brother (cop) gave vast amount of $$$. Needless to say i ran from that church. Within 6m the Pastor that had been a pastor there 20+yrs. Moved to Mid West. Another church, knew this husband an wife were evil. Again went to them with others. They kept them working in office and tape shipping. Yes, ran from that church. People please be csreful.
It was something levelled at me from a young age because of my physical features and nose, and lots of women said that I was a witch. And men . Teasing you’re a witch . You’re a witch . People were scared as they really thought I was . Early years. From early age .. They were scared that I was a witch and kept saying that of me BUT if these people as adults doing that were “scared” about it, imagine me as a child having it pinned on me repeatedly, imagine how scared I was ? ? Idiot rude adults say anything. Have an interest in science and maths and good at those topics . And geography/geology sciences . Gardening, cooking and herbs and bush remedies . And I am interested in those topics, but you can drop the “witch” finger pointing . Witches practice magic . I cannot stand magicians and clowns; as I like sciences . Didn’t appreciate neurotic adults pinning that on me . So don’t pin it on me as a slander today when I am adult to defend myself against those kinds of degrading projections . Looking back, I actually believe the idiots behind that, were the ones who were witches . It made me scared of my own shadow .
…you speak of the poetry, but cannot interpret a thing, in His parables. …the witch (poisoner’ stabs children, leaving the mark a scorpion tail leaves, but causes death, rather than healing by it. …the false shepherds tickle ears for money, with what people want to hear, but they eschew the good that builds up strength, having changed what is truly valuable as wealth, on His table, having changed the meaning of the words, for something to be afraid to question, like their heart desires. …the false church, locks her doors, & the servants of hers, as her daughters, blind folded to the truth that they look at, do nothing to welcome a stranger in to care for them in their house truly. They hire out others in their ministry, never once being blessed themselves to bear in loves strength. …the hypocrites pray out loud, rather than in their closets. But take all this up with Christ, it’s not like you read His instructions more than His own, Bavel! …the American church, is the great apostate currently, as she preyed to be, & become, as if it would surprise any one not spoiled rotten. …even this, is nothing new, they just refuse to be taught, or corrected. So He corrects them, ignoring their prayers. Have it your way, as you always do so. They get fire… that’s it! ❤️🔥
“It is never the will of God for a husband to dominate his wife” – Why you are lying sir?)) 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. (KJV: 1 Timothy. Chapter 2)
You forget Satan is true to God. We all know that only humans have freewill, and only humans can sin. Satan has only God’s will and could never rebel. Satan was created to tempt on God’s behalf. Surely if he rebelled (and you know he can not) he would stop his work for God, temptation. He has not stopped Christians all acknowledge that he continues. Think! thats all it takes to throw off false preachers. Ask your preacher who God sacrificed Jesus to. If he can’t tell you the name of the God that gave you eternal life caste him out.
So by that logic I shouldn’t be praying that my Father gets out of the hospital after being in the hospital for a week straight with blocked Intestines and The Dr’s can’t even figure out what’s blocking his intestines Because according to that logic I’m praying for God to heal him and that counts as Soulish MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO ME 😠😤😡
I had a vision of God putting on His rich royal robe of righteousness on me as I worshipped Him this morning with song. I felt that same sentiment that He loves me more than I love myself….what grace…amazing grace…. For the sins in the church, I learned today through Ezra how it honors God to weep and pray when we see rebellion in the people of God and then call out the sin in gentleness, just as you are doing. Jesus wept for His people…the compassion! God is exposing sin and purifying His bride from everything that’s keeping us from knowing the fullness of his love for us….because He loves us. Hallelujah!
I’ve been warning Christians to be very careful with this “Name it Claim It!” mentality. The Holy Spirit’s #1 mission is to heal the heart. Once the heart is healed, you don’t have to force the hand of God via the Faith claimers. It happens. You naturally yield and trust in him for all things, NOT material items or Social Status. This is NOT criticism. This is a Primary Focus issue! We need to set our eyes on HIM!😭
I was involved with new age practices for a few years before coming back to Jesus. The spiritual attacks have been difficult for the last 4 years but God has still been delivering me and healing me, leading me in the Truth. Nevertheless, the witchcraft seems to still follow me. I’m weary of being deceived/a deceiver. The Lord’s been leading me through a healing journey (which I was wearied about to begin with but I’m seeing how He’s working through it) so please keep me in prayer, whoever may read this. The mental struggles are difficult and I can’t do this alone. I’m thankful for Holy Spirit’s comfort, guidance, and help, though any prayers from y’all would be great. 🙂
Greatest man who ever walked on earth, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet rulers feared him. He claimed no territory, yet they called him King. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He defeated all his enemies, yet he never harmend anyone. He committed no crime, yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb, yet he lives today . His name is Jesus.❤❤❤❤❤❤
How Troy thinks the live session is going to go: Hey, everyone! I’m going to talk about these 9 points of how witchcraft has taken over the churches today, and that’s that. God’s plan: Holy Spirit have Troy well up with tears from the heart and interrupt him with messages of grace and love to comfort our people. Hahahahaha, I feeeeeeeel you Troy. Do not apologize for truly allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you, because guess what, he wants us to just sit down and talk about him for hours and hours, showering us collectively with his love. Truth is, not many people are willing to do so. Ignore the comments that rush you to get to the point. Lol. We love the interruptions from the Holy Spirit and we admire your open vulnerability. Take as long as you need. God bless you and your family. God bless all who take shelter within the Lord. Stand firm in faith, Fam. 🤍
Troy, I so appreciate your willingness to address this issue. You taught me some things, as I am a young Christian only 4 years out of Mormonism which is a high-demand works-focused religion. It’s important for me to learn of grace and have a relationship with the Father. I’ve been doing that, but these teachings will help me to stay out of error. I will write down all the verses you shared as I need to pray about these and later share with other believers who need to know these precepts.
This is so powerful, so good! I’m so glad for this teaching!!! Thank You, Jesus for Your truth being taught here! This is so profound!!!!!! So important!!! Thank You for Troy. Thank you Troy, for saying & teaching what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you & through you, & the truth of the Word! You don’t have any idea how much this teaching is needed in the Body of Christ right now! Especially about witchcraft, legalism, and the truth that we have a better covenant in the New Testament. We have confident access to the Throne Room!! So powerful. God bless you! These podcast are impacting me deeply!!! Please never stop teaching & speaking the truth in love! And especially biblical teaching, led by Holy Spirit…and about spiritually authority..that the Holy Spirit & Gods Word are the authority over leaders! And I love the scripture..all will know me from the least to the greatest…I’ve heard this taught a few times and that is so important..and it very eye opening & powerful!!! God bless you brother. I’m so thankful & appreciative of your ministry..and the way you are re-presenting the Gospel in a way people can understand, that you are speaking the truth of God’s Word!! Look forward to your next teaching!! ❤🩸✝️🕊️🔥🔥🙌🙌
Thank you Troy. If I may offer you some information on casting out demons. Christians all too often don’t know their place in the hierarchy. We are but children and servants, of the Mos High God. Through Jesus and by coming in His authority, we are allowed to participate in God revealing His power, for His Glory. When we are following Holy Spirit’s instructions (acting “In Jesus name”) then we pray and Holy Spirit releases His power and even demons are forced to obey His command. Our part is to pray, trust and command a result as we are instructed. We don’t cast out the demon, God does and we get to participate in it. I wish more Christians knew just how amazingly, awesomely powerful Holy Spirit is, and we get to be the focal point of all that power when it is unleashed, and we are always the focal point of His love, as His children.
Thank you Troy. Please pray for me and my sons. Heavenly Father I seem to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders as a single mom, I face challenges that can seem impossible especially with raising two children with special needs. Lord I’m struggling to make ends meet, to pay bills, and to put food on the table for my children and I feel so alone. I’m constantly in fear. At times I want to give up. Jesus give me strength and renew my faith.
Yes so grateful Troy for you! Speaking to holy spirit is easy I truly understand! I would rather speak in closeness than communicate to far places. Love the genuine feel of this ability to be close communication. I am a sinner I have sinned, I am redeemed through the blood of Jesus who died for my sins and raised up after 3 days to speak with Peter and the other apostles before their witness of the lords transfiguration to holy spirit . I am grateful for the lords unwavering presence in my life Amen!
Troy, I grew up needing Jesus, but there was so much freemasonry in the Presbyterian church. I didn’t realise until computers came out in the 80s that it was dark . Unfortunately I married one, I couldn’t understand when we got engaged, I felt a dark shadow over me,. Then it went away . I loved this man . Then when we married another dark shadow . My first son was born with cord round his neck and now 4 2 yrs old is in and out of psychiatric hospital. My daughter was ok until she took meningitis at 18yrs,mis diagnosed by a dr in casualty and put in psychiatric unit . She has problems with stress situations.because of meningococcal meningitis was only treated a week later . My husband dosnt pray . 🙏 I carry this cross alone . This is a warning yo others who think they can play at Christianity .I wish I had known from the outset . In In Ireland if a church minister wants to expose FM . He is threatened by the FM . This to me is a great deception. So people be careful who you attach yourself to .I can’t even get a divorce because he threatens me . But I’m separated. But Holy Spirit says I won’t be free from that spirit until I divorce.
This one was intensely important,brother Troy!!..And we thank you so much for the “strong medicine” in today’s program.We ALL need it! Actually,it seemed to me, those 9 points you brought out can apply to far more than those involved with witchcraft..Unfortunately, they can apply to a huge number of our fellow charismatic superstar sensation-driven ministries and online prophets..(and I say that as a fellow charismatic!!).Some of the warning points you mentioned, I have noticed are practiced by even 2 of the most influential networks of ministries,very famous and praised by so many.Sadly, some of their most popular leaders have used the slight of hand sophistry of sensationalism …and unwisely put more focus,(instead of on Jesus,) focus on our self, claiming our materilabeneifitsas “the head and not thetail”,or focusing on the crucial “need for Trump as America’s only hope” or on their own word-faith decrees,or talking more about “CERN” or the deep state kabal darkness ..or angry ranting against “woke” politicians or dabbling with mystic new age concepts of “sending out the anointing mantles, prophetic frequencies through mood-manipulating music worship “soaking”,… or” making Heaven’s Court decrees”,etc… or mocking the idea of the Rapture and instead focusing on “Kingdom Now Dominionism expectations,…or “wealth reversal as soon as 45 returns”… or signs&wonders impartations and declaring”word-faith”calling thingsinto existence … or casting out demons from Christians, and generally, sharing “newly downloaded revelatory words!
There’s a woman prophet who has a very large following who gives words from the Lord that speaks of His judgment and punishment. She seldom encourages or edifices the breathen with Gods grace or freedom from fear through faith in our Savior Jesus. The message is solely of God’s revenge. I followed her for a time until the cringing feeling in my spirit was too strong to ignore. I pray for her soul 🙏 in Jesus’ name. Amen 🙌
Starting to listen to the article, but this def is an answer to my prayers. NARs, teachings, manifestations, new age, witchcraft in so many levels and practices. Sometimes I just want to be in the secret with the Lord, learning from Him and the Word and Holy Spirit because there is witchcraft among huge influent churches, and the body have been living by waves of movements, with little discernment. God is good and merciful Lord, giving us guidance, more discernment and open eyes to see. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi Troy 😊, good to hear you’re feeling better on prior article. From 1Tim.18 through it’s end, Paul relates how important it is have good reputable leaders that hold the principles presented in the Spirit of the Word, and the principles we hold truly reflect the Principalities we serve. It states to not be a snare for satan. To not get on a witch hunt, not judging and hating, but back to how we need great examples, that live the principaled walk, and no doubt Spirit led. Paul ends with how we just need to focus on the relationship with Jesus, and not all the knowledge. There’s lots of knowledge to be known, and I don’t deny it, but it can be more of a distraction for many and so impersonal when it comes to relationship with The Lord . It’s better to rejoice with the Lord and sing in the Spirit. 🥰
The number 1 marker of witchcraft in church, that you are mentioning is VERY true. Alot of people do not speak from the Holy Spirit and his rhema. But they speak from their own personal experiences. One of the key things about spiritual wisdom and knowledge, is that it speaks from the mind of God and his spirit and it does not come fleshly opinions 👀🤷. I love that you are teaching this by the spirit. I just saw you come up on my feed and I don’t have to watch anyone, for the Spirit teaches me, but I had to come here from the Spirit. He wanted me to see who you were and hear what comes out of your belly for a reason. 👀🙏👼🙌🔥# I bless the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
What the leaders who teach kids these things in such a way, where they casually and recklessly “assume” everyone is doing it or even knows about it, don’t realize how they’re giving subtle permission to do those things. This is a similar theme to what the Lord remains working with me on. “Do as I say, not as I do” does NOT work. Beware what you call “normal”. It’s a subtle permission even if you’re attempting to reveal truth. Thank you, Lord, again for using Troy. 🙏🏽
Hi all I come from a lineage of witches and warlocks. I am also on the teeter totter of kingdoms. I have strong prayer and knowledge but I don’t know if I can handle it without others intercession right now. I have good discernment and I have seen my purpose but I’m tormented with a spirit of double mindedness and illusion. I “logically” know this but can not seem to shake it off. I keep “wanting” to delve into deeper darkness. Like I don’t know exactly what happens. Legion told me he’d win. I told him no I have a strong spirit, he laughed and said ok I’ll be around. I keep fighting but sometimes you’re so beat down the carnal mind takes over. I have a request for intercession.
My name is Elizabeth…I realize now the Lord wants me to pray for people in my previous neighbourhood i lived once…and i dont know what to say..then i heard your prayer and i know exactly what i must pray for..two of the woman who stayed close to me are very sick and i am not sure of the one salvation..Please help me pray for this neighbourhood
This is a very important teaching! There are some Christians who get excited about the supernatural and begin to go off in the wrong direction, doing things that are not of faith, such as burning sage in their home, using crystals even lighting, Santaria candles. They may believe that they’re purifying their home or using these things to protect it from evil spirits, however what they’re really doing is putting their faith in something other than Christ Jesus. Each of us must put our faith in Christ alone! I’m not saying that it would be bad for anyone to anoint their home; only whatever you do you do in faith and not in fear, and make sure you are trusting in Christ, rather fearing the enemy.
I’ve been perusal a woman. Who speaks to God’ and holy Spirit, her best friend. Gabriel brings scroll’s. Now I’ve been Praying for discernment ! While I listen to her ! I go to the Holy Spirit, also i look up all . The SCRIPTURES she gives. What i. Don’t understand she Prays long … Prayers against satan and principalities .. almost 20 minutes ? I’m slill trying to decern her . I don’t feel comfortable with what she says . ?? I’m sure Jesus will show me ?
I felt this in some churches in my town years ago but its really a Problem if the leadership does not have the gift of decerning the spirits too. They will not recognize the problem and if you tell them what the problem is they are often not humble enough to take it serious and to ask god to confirm it. Than, if witchcraft is practiced by a leader, what can you do to help? I cannot go there and cast the demon out even if I am called for the deliverance ministry they wouldnt let me do it because its a leader and „Leaders don’t have Demons” (thats what churches think) so the only thing i can do is pray for the leadership that god will open their eyes or ?
i was doing new age and i had NO IDEA it was new age!!! It seemed so innocent, i was trying to help my poor mental health with positive affirmations & self help but it took me down a rabbit hole of manifestation, law of attraction, love of money, i was sick, i was so sick, love of money is REAL AND TERRIFYING!!! I was losing myself and i had lost God. Cut that stuff off while you can.
My special needs 12 year old son just told me a dream he had a few times. He said he had to go through several rooms and buildings and each room he got bigger “taller”. In the last room him and 7 other were standing tall and proud while everyone else was sitting sadly and depressed around the 8 standing. Each person standing had a flag. Each flag represented a number. When they put all the flags out it was the date 11/18/25. Just thought I would share his dream. I have no clue if it means anything or does not but thought it was Interesting and different because he never speaks like that.
So many that attend church refuse to pray themselves – they take the word of these pastors as gospel ! They promote negative energy – they are hell bent on keeping you in guilt – judgement and the un certain end !! All I want to say is God will bring his GLORY to us that have the blind faith in him! I gave up the brick houses long ago and have grown in Jesus so much – right in my own garden !
It’s To know (yada) the One Who wants you! 💞 Yada: to know Now this word “to know”—yada in Hebrew, ginöskö in Greek—indicates a combination of close, warm, and even passionate intimacy, combined with head knowledge that produces an edge in a person’s life that enables him to trust God and at the same time perceive what He is doing.
A witch came into the church I was attending, and so lied on me to one of the fearful and prejudice pastors of the church, who quickly rejected me as a child of God. Fear has torment. I didn’t know I’d been rejected until God told me that He (God) took it personally and would deal with that pastor. That pastor believed EVERYTHING the woman said. They even called security on me. This incident reminds me of the Book of Acts where the deputy of the city had a wizard right up under him running the show. I came to church wearing scarves, and she accused of having cancer.
For me when I went through the hardest trial that brought me through the most heart breaking pain. Who held me was Yeshua, He kept me, HE comforted me, while I was broken all I could do was lean completely on Him and confess that I still believe whether He took my son or healed him. Yeshua is my refuge and strength and joy. I truly pray this helps someone now. Yeshua took my son six years ago.
If this show is bad I do not see it. I am with Jesus Father God and Holy Spirit in my prayers always. Trying to read bible more. Troys words og God & bible are “wonderfully made”, of Father God. After 2000 my personal relationship with God/Jesus started for me. Amen. Question: is/was Jack Van Impe prophecy bible (and wife Rexella) a good bible to read/study?? I still read from this bible. Thank you.❤
You can NEVER BELIEF IN JESUS ALONE….If you believe in Jesus alone, you will surely be those who stand before GOD on final judgement and HE WILL tell you I KNOW YOU NOT…FOR THEIR ARE ONE ON THE THRONE…GOD, YOUR CREATOR, THE ONE YOU MUST ALWAYS GLORIFY…Read John, Read Revelation 22:14. Read Mark 4 and o boy read LUKE 12:10 and you WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE…never say, this girl did not warn you…
Sounds like the so called demon slayers. They talk a LOT about the demonic, they have an intense fascination of “the things of the spirit”, they dont talk about freedom and grace. 90% of the time they talk about demons. Even their hashtags in YouTube are “Demon”, thats it. Not “Christan”, or “grace”, or “jesus”. Because of them people are so hyped about demonic things, that they see demons everywhere, they think about it all the time. Their fokus gets havily shipped into demons an not jesus. For them Jesus is like a supporting character, not the main one.
Hi Troy, thank you for this important message. I watched a YouTube clip today that dealt with some borderline issues such as loving God first, then yourself first before others. Also touched on a new age subject and asked for tithes three times and then also in the final prayer. The sermon also mentioned not to be fooled by giving money away to the wrong friends or family members. It was strange. Your message opens my eyes now to this deception. Thank you Holy Spirit!
I wish I could ask you privately but I don’t have many options these days. I listen to you so closely. I started going into the garage and praying to hear from the Lord. I said exactly what you told me. But after a week of trying I can’t hear Him. I can’t even see Him in my mind. I feel the warm come over me but I don’t know what else to do. I wish I had a relationship. All I want is a relationship. I am 45, my boys are grown. I have pretty much given up on women. So I don’t have anything standing between me and The Lord. I repent everyday with deep tears. I try to be kind, learn all I can, and try and be available. But growing up as a Pentecostal preachers son, I am terrified of hell. To the point of PTSD. Also, I am so hurt by the suffering of everyone around me. But how can I help anyone if I can’t even find my own way. I want so bad to be in the fight with Jesus… Helping Him to save as many souls as possible. Giving people hope and showing them that someone does care about them. But I just can’t get past these barriers. I don’t want to mislead anyone. So I have to be able to hear from Holy Spirit. I have to be able to connect to the vine. But I live in fear of hell everyday. And even worse, I’m tormented because I know there are multitudes of people there suffering. I’m not qualified to even speak on it. But if I see someone hurting, it hurts me. I just want to run to them and tell them it’s gonna be ok. So the thought of millions being tortured in hell is just more than I can bare.
I learned very recently that I don’t need to know everything! Because I learned more than I should have and it does me no good to know what I do now and I had to work to replace the darkness with light. Once you know you can’t erase. I’m am blessed to have enough holy thoughts to chase out what I dig up. Evil is darker than I imagined and I wish I didn’t know. Cleave to the light!!
I guess im on the fence, but i also noticed that certain churches make unwanted physical contact that is not laying of the hands in prayer. ill make a stronger attempt to diminish sin from my life also but invading someone’s personal space is a form of bullying and intimidation and possibly the word that rhymes with grape
Get your Bible off the shelf or table or attic.. dust it off and read your Bible.. not just read it!!! God says learn from it .. follow it.. do what it says and live it… I love u brother Troy .. but God says learn from Me… I Am Your Instucter or teacher. I AM. Through MY WORD u will know the truth and MY truth will set u free and give u knowledge beyond ur comprehension.. u just have to listen to ME.. God says.
I have enjoyed all of your articles I have seen brother Troy. It is all needed and you have helped me be solid on the fact that prophecy is for today. I think you misquoted scripture at 56:50. You said “WHEN you sin…” which I assume is quoting 1Jo 2:1 ESV – 1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. “So that you MAY NOT sin” and “IF anyone does sin” indicates to me that living in holiness without sin is an option available to us through the Holy Spirit, am I in error here? Disclaimer I have not reached that yet, but I hope to through prayer and trusting him. I have already come so far and I just never want to offend or hurt him ever again. But I also realize I am powerless to achieve that in my own power. Learning how to accept his power to walk in holiness.
🛑 I really love your content and I wished I could watch but every time I do, I don’t get barely to half of the article and I have to shut it off whether it’s to go to work or whatever the reason and then I never get to watch the article. May I please in the nicest story ask that you consider making your articles shorter, in return, more money, more articles for you. TIA, God Bless!
Hi Troy, no disrespect to you at all I just would like to ask if you could say the scripture reference like a little bit slower so I can take it down I know I’m not the only one I mean I’m sure others want to take down the scripture references that way we can go back and look at them because I think a lot of us parents have that problem on this particular article we have that problem in our own households because we have a tendency to be emotional towards our kids that’s what I did so I know I’m guilty my kids are grown now but it’s good to know these things in case we are there to help other young people which I’m sure we will thank you for this article and the other ones also
Troy would I be right in saying as believers we will not be judged, but if we judge someone to be unworthy of Christ then we open a door of judgment upon ourselves and the least of our own sins become the size of a log. Now our sins are judged with the same measure that we have used and we could end up forfeiting our salvation. Or am I completely misunderstanding Christ’s teachings?
They was being prayed for bc they was getting the church started right? We don’t have to have anyone anymore right? To get the baptism of Holy Spirit with tongues our prayer language? Its just more probable with more people praying for it besides just yourself right ? Please & ty😇Im sorry Im rambling, just trying to understand.
Most evangelical and charismatic Christian and pastor and church put a special requirement and burden on anyone who is gay. We are told we must either stop being gay before we can be saved or we must immediately stop once we come to Christ or we aren’t really saved. We are told by the public facing face of Christ, that we have this special condition placed on us. This is applied to us even by those who hold to a more grace filled position. We are told that we must repent of being gay, even though to us, we don’t choose it and it’s more than just sexual preference but rather even our personality that is considered wrong. Christians don’t understand also that it’s as much about who we do not desire sexuality as about who we desire. We have e super heavy burden placed on us to shift our fundamental attraction, as a condition of not going to hell (so, we are threatened with punishment if we don’t stop being gay). We are told that if we come to Christ, and don’t change then that demonstrates we haven’t truly repented or aren’t truly in relationship with Christ.
Please do not misquote Scripture. “If” we sin, Troy, not “when”. I checked over 30 translations to be sure you couldn’t be quoting something I’m unfamiliar with in good faith. I assume this is a mistake and you’re not claiming the Holy Spirit gave you a special interpretation. Sin is not an expectation for those who follow the Spirit, but we do have an Advocate. 1 John 2 V1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if (G1437) any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: V28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when (G3752) he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. G1437 Original: ἐάν Transliteration: ean Phonetic: eh-an’ Thayer Definition: if, in case G3752 Original: ὅταν Transliteration: hotan Phonetic: hot’-an Thayer Definition: when, whenever, as long as, as soon as
Get to the point! Stop prefacing and dilly-dallying. The Scriptures state that in many words sin is not lacking. I do thank the Lord that at least relating the topic of witchcraft in the Church was correct. First time in a while that you hit the nail on the head in that regard. I just hope the Lord bids you to be more succinct since that benefits understanding.
You have a complete misunderstanding of the law of Moses. That is the 613 mitzvot, which is a way to earn salvation. It is NOT the Law of God (Ten Commandments only) which the Lord fulfilled through His death and resurrection in which we have salvation through God’s Grace and our faith in Him. In Hosea it is written that My people perish for lack of knowledge. How about studying to show yourself approved instead of spouting what you feel.