In Clash of Clans, players can use the Archer Queen and Barbarian King to clear defensive buildings like Inferno Towers and Eagle Artillery. The Super Wall Breaker creates a funnel for heroes, who can then deal maximum damage once they reach the base core. The Poison spell is used on the enemy’s clan castle troops. Bat-bombs, where 5-7 bat spells are placed over an area with rage and freeze, were common in the past. If necessary, Freeze Spells or Lightning Spells and Earthquake Spells can be used to destroy the Eagle Artillery.
The best choice is to destroy wizard towers and multi-target infernos to ensure the bats can survive. The destruction of the Eagle Artillery should be easy when the Warden is Lvl20, as the Warden has a passive health boost. Siege with Cc and Queen is also recommended.
The LavaLoon Bats attack strategy in Clash of Clans first uses heroes to take down buildings like Inferno Towers and Eagle Artillery, then employs the Poison. A good strategy for Bat Spells is to place them near the center of the base, along with Rage Spell and Freeze Spell, aiming to destroy single-target Inferno Towers, Air Defenses, and the Eagle Artillery at the beginning of an attack.
A level 2 Eagle Artillery can be destroyed by 6 level 8 Lightning Spells. Bat Spells are effective against the Eagle Artillery, targeting the exposed base near the outer walls. A queen walk, king, and warden can be used for distraction.
📹 Bat spell to take eagle artillery #shorts
Hi I have used electro dragons and baloons to engage the defenses while placed the bat spell strategically to take down eagle …
Do bat spells trigger Clan Castle?
The Bat Spell is a Dark Spell that summons several Bats on the battlefield over time, with a method similar to a Skeleton Spell. These Bats prioritize defensive structures and bypass enemy buildings and troops while any defenses remain on the battlefield. They do not consider the Clan Castle as a defense, but consider the defending Grand Warden and activated Town Hall weapon as defensive buildings. Once all defenses are destroyed, Bats become like any other troop with no preferred target, attacking the nearest building to them and attacking enemy units if they become aware of them.
Bats spawned from the Bat Spell deal less damage to resource storages, particularly Town Hall’s Giga Tesla and Giga Inferno, as they are classified as a defense and a resource storage. The Bats also relate to the Builder Base troop, also known as the Night Witch, which spawns Bats related to the Bats in the Bat Spell. However, if the Lava Hound gets targeted by an Air Bomb, the resulting explosion from the traps will destroy the bats if nearby.
How many troops until Eagle Artillery activates?
The Eagle Artillery is a powerful weapon that targets enemies with exploding shells and has nearly unlimited range. It first activates after 150 housing spaces worth of troops, and it will activate at 180 for levels 1 and 2. Heroes and Spells deployed regardless of level count towards the housing space needed to activate the Artillery. Each Hero is worth 25 troop housing spaces, each Spell is worth 5 troop housing spaces, and each Siege Machine counts as 1 troop housing space.
Clan Castle troops do not count towards this number, but reinforcement spells do. Activating the Archer Queen’s or Barbarian King’s ability does not add more troop spaces. Units that spawn subtroops, such as the Golem or Witch, do not add more spaces. Dropping a Skeleton Spell only adds the spell’s equivalent worth of 5 troop housing spaces, while dropping a Clone Spell only adds 15 troop housing spaces. The Eagle Artillery does slightly more damage per hit to its main target, as the total damage per hit is the sum of the damage per hit and the shockwave damage.
How many level 5 Lightning Spells to destroy level 7 air defense?
Lightning spells are a powerful tool used to defeat strong defenses, such as Mortars, Wizard Towers, and Air Defenses. They can be used to destroy enemy Clan Castle Troops, Builder’s Huts, Barbarian King or Archer Queen Altars, Barracks, or Army Camps. A good trophy-hunting strategy is to use Lightning Spells to take out an Air Defense and then deploy Dragons. It takes no less than 3 Lightning Spells to take out an Air Defense of any level, and higher level air defenses require more.
Pseudo-Wall Breakers can also be used with Lightning Spells, as troops may partially damage a wall during a raid before being wiped out by the defenses. If the wall is lower level or sufficiently damaged, one or more Lightning Spells can be used to finish off the wall and open the path. However, higher level walls have a great deal of hitpoints and may require several Lightning Spells or have too much health entirely.
Dropping a pair of Lightning Spells directly between two Defensive Buildings (e. g. a Wizard Tower and a Mortar) can actually destroy both structures if the Lightning Spells are of sufficient level. A common strategy is to lure Clan Castle troops near defenses and then drop a Lightning Spell to eliminate them if their health is low enough and simultaneously damage the defenses in its radius.
Lightning spells can be used to kill/injure Heroes directly by dropping them on them and simultaneously killing Clan Castle troops if the timing is correct. As of the July 1, 2015 Update, Lightning Spells will no longer damage Gold Storages, Elixir Storages, or Dark Elixir Storages but can still damage Gold Mines, Elixir Collectors, Dark Elixir Drills, Clan Castles, and Town Halls.
Can you destroy a Clan Castle with spells?
The simultaneous detonation of seven explosives at the epicenter of the earthquake caused extensive damage to the CC, resulting in the destruction of the Eagle artillery but also causing collateral damage to smaller targets.
What is the max level in Eagle Artillery th13?
The Eagle Artillery is introduced at Town Hall 11 and can be upgraded to levels 2, 3, and 4. It is the sole defensive mechanism in the game that does not become operational until a specific number of troops have been deployed, thereby making it the only defensive mechanism that can be enhanced through upgrades.
How many zaps to take out Inferno?
The Inferno Tower is a powerful defensive structure that can be a significant threat to heavy troops and light units. It can be destroyed by a combination of Lightning Spells and a group of Minions, especially if it is behind multiple walls and defenses. Small troops are stronger against the Inferno Tower in single-target mode, as it must heat up again every time it targets a new troop. Golems can be destroyed quickly, but if surrounded by Archers or Barbarians, it can be defeated quickly.
In single-target mode, it can only target one unit at a time, making it an easy target for attacking units. The Inferno Tower’s top can indicate whether it is in single or multiple target mode. A loaded tower glows with lava and flame, while an empty one is unlit, black stone. It takes 2 maxed Lightning Spells and one maxed Earthquake Spell to take down an initial level Inferno Tower. The Grand Warden’s Eternal Tome allows all troops in his range to be healed, preventing the loss of troops for a short amount of time.
How long does it take from th13 to th14?
Town Halls 13 and 14 contain comprehensive information regarding 775. The respective distances are 45 meters and 176 meters. The respective areas are 3 million square meters, with a total area of 1. 63 billion square meters and 304 million square meters. The aforementioned area is 3 meters in length.
What if both clans get 100% destruction?
In a clan war, a tie can occur if both clans have the same number of stars and total destruction rate at the end of the battle day. Both clans’ members will receive bonus loot but at a penalty, which is less than if the clan would have won. The “Wars Won” and “War Win streak” stats will be reset to zero. The war win bonus is loot earned if your clan wins the war, which can be increased by attacking and defeating enemy War Bases.
However, failing an attack will decrease the bonus. The current war win bonus is displayed in the top left corner of the war map. If your clan does not win the war, you will still earn a small percentage of the war win bonus.
How many spells does it take to destroy Eagle Artillery level 4?
The Lightning Spell is the first Elixir spell unlocked in the Spell Factory, which is automatically unlocked once the Town Hall is at level 5. It damages buildings and enemy troops within a small radius, except for resource storages, the Town Hall, and the Clan Castle. If a Defensive Building or troop is struck by the bolt, it is briefly stunned and retargeted. In combination with the Earthquake Spell, Lightning Spells can be used to destroy high hitpoint buildings like the Eagle Artillery or Scattershot directly. However, this is often not worth it unless you can destroy at least two such buildings or defeat the enemy Archer Queen simultaneously.
Can you destroy Eagle Artillery with spells?
The Eagle Artillery, a level 2 defense, can be destroyed by 6 level 8 Lightning Spells and 1 level 5 Earthquake Spell. It is commonly used in Zap Lalo or Hybrid armies and can be destroyed by placing all troops in one area. To defend the Eagle Artillery, place it in a location with a covered blind spot, like a Mortar, and centralize it to prevent easy access. In an anti-three-star base, centralizing the Eagle Artillery is more important than protecting the Town Hall. Keep it away from other important defenses, such as the enemy Queen and Clan Castle, as this can allow for easy value.
The Eagle Artillery is best supported by an Air Defense, as it destroys air troops while picking off ground troops. For extra support, a Wizard Tower can be placed to cover the blind spot. Offset the Eagle Artillery to keep firing while troops are in the core, as many troops tend to be clumped in the core. Keep the Eagle Artillery separated from other main defenses, such as Scattershots and Inferno Towers, to prevent attackers from using Zapquake or Overgrowth Spells.
Stun the Eagle Artillery before firing to force it more time to fire. When paired with a Rage Spell Tower, the Eagle Artillery is too powerful, so it is advised to destroy it as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the army.
Is the Eagle Artillery worth it?
The Eagle Artillery represents a formidable defensive mechanism, boasting an extensive range and the capacity to neutralize formidable adversaries with explosive shells. Nevertheless, the system only activates after a considerable number of troops have been deployed, despite the fact that it has a blind spot that encompasses the entire map.
📹 15 x DRAGONS + 10 x BAT SPELLS = UNSTOPPABLE! NEW TH13 Attack Strategy | Clash of Clans
Could Bat Spells + Dragons be the best TH13 Attack Strategy? Try this awesome 3 Star Attack! Clash of Clans Attack Strategy …
The bats went off into the woods because they said they had enough?!? Ahahahahaha! And then the cat wagging its tail in your face was awesome! I don’t ever put a promoter’s code in the field, but Sir Moose u r a funny personality and I will do it this once for u. You make perusal replays more fun as opposed to the classic listening to Dubb step sounds.
I’ve watched this article 3 times (rewatching it later) 🙂 It’s just so nice the attitude of sir moose and the 15 dragons and 10 bat spells just boggles my mind how it’s effective and works. I’d still think you want at least 8 loons but I suppose if you’re not going to early warden rage then just pure numbers of dragons might be actually better.
fantastic article and content Sir Moose as always, 1 of my clan mates has been using this attack and loves it, he shared a few attacks, I would suggest 1 small change, use 9 bat spells and get 1 extra freeze, which will give you more flexibility to take out splash damage weapons. Dave the dragon did an outstanding job filling in for Mike, LOL, keep up the great work
What the hell is wrong with you Sir Moose??? You could have suggest Mike in place of 2 barbarians… Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? You have ruined it.. Will forgive you this time only bcoz i will configure this cc by myself but u better watch it yourself in future… Most of people love Sir moose bcoz of Mike and i am one of them.