This quiz helps determine if your chakras are blocked and how to address them. Blocked or imbalanced chakras can lead to physical pain, emotional distress, and spiritual disconnection. The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is the first in the chakra system and can be blocked due to physical problems, emotional or psychological problems, or spiritual problems. Techniques like meditation, yoga, tapping, mantras, and others can help unblock these chakras.
Heart chakra blockages can manifest as difficulty forgiving others, lack of self-love, being trapped in toxic relationships, grief, loneliness, fear of betrayal, immune issues, chest tightness, and more. To tell if your root chakra is blocked, you can feel stuck in life, stressed, ungrounded, unsettled, inflexible, and sluggish. If it’s in balance, you’ll feel empowered to take creative risks, embrace sexuality, and be outgoing.
Six ways to bring your sacral chakra back into balance include awakening kundalini and hovering over the Sacral Hara Chakra when kundalini is awakened. Blocked sacral chakras can cause difficulty in feeling pleasure, unstable emotions, and relationships. Blocked chakras can contribute to health conditions like depression, low self-esteem, constipation, and gut issues that reduce your quality of life.
The ancient energy system of the seven chakras includes the Root Chakra, which is associated with basic needs, safety, and security. When this chakra is blocked, physical symptoms may occur, such as difficulty communicating and expressing oneself. A blocked throat chakra can be identified when communication and expression are difficult. Blocked heart chakras can result in feelings of depression, closed-mindedness, negativeness, and a need to control surroundings.
📹 The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)
Here’s a BRO SCIENCE Guide to Chakras. We’re going to simplify the 7 major chakras and explain the at a practical level so that …
Which chakra is blocked by loneliness?
The heart chakra can be imbalanced, leading to feelings of loneliness, separation, and a sense of inadequacy. This can manifest as cold-heartedness towards oneself or others, or an overactive people-pleasing attitude. Resentment is another imbalance often found in this chakra, as it can be a heavy burden on the heart when someone hurts you. To address this, one should check their heart chakra, ensuring they can give and receive with equal ease and grace, have a sense of space in the heart center, feel gratitude, sense a deeper connection between all living beings and the earth, express boundaries lovingly, connect with their inner child, recognize others as themselves, feel kindness and compassion even if disagreed with, and forgive themselves and others. By addressing these imbalances, individuals can improve their overall well-being and relationships.
What chakra is blocked by trauma?
A blocked throat chakra can be caused by trauma, such as gossip, arguments, or childhood experiences that closed communication. To unblock this chakra, it is crucial to identify the root cause of the issue and work on energetic healing. Additional practices can help open up the throat chakra, promoting healthy communication with oneself and others. Understanding the root cause of the blockage can empower individuals to address and heal their throat chakra.
Which chakra imbalance causes overthinking?
An imbalance in the third eye chakra can result in a tendency to overthink, anxiety, a sense of spiritual disconnection, and mental distress.
What chakra is blocked by social anxiety?
An imbalanced solar plexus chakra can lead to severe anxiety and affect relationships, potentially causing jealousy and possessiveness. Eastern traditions believe there is an interconnection between emotional and physical health and the seven energy centers known as chakras. However, research on chakras and their role in anxiety development or management is limited. Chakras are wheel-like energy centers in the body that affect physiological and emotional functions, and emotions, lifestyle choices, and thoughts are also believed to affect chakra function. Anxiety can interfere with navigating the world and relationships, so understanding its impact is crucial.
What chakra holds abandonment?
The Heart Chakra, located at the heart center, is concerned with love, compassion, acceptance, and trust. It can be affected by overwhelming rejection and betrayal, leading to feelings of isolation, emotional coldness, and difficulty with forgiveness. The Throat Chakra, located at the throat, serves communication, inspiration, expression, and faith. It can be disrupted by being yelled at, lied to, and overly criticized, leading to shyness or fear of speaking up. Open the heart and throat to express without fear.
Which chakra causes shyness?
Beauty Holistic Avenue decor incorporates the chakra system to create a flow and balance in their clinic, with each treatment room featuring unique energy-giving colors. The chakra system consists of seven energy centers along the spine and ending in the brain, each with its own color and vibrational frequency. These centers are catalysts of consciousness and human function, governing various emotional issues such as survival instincts, self-esteem, communication, and love experiences.
The throat chakra is particularly important for expressing one’s truth, purpose in life, and creativity. The focus is on expressing and projecting creativity into the world according to its perfect form or authenticity. The clinic’s decor is inspired by these chakras and their influence on various emotional issues.
Which chakra makes you sad?
The solar plexus chakra is the center of self-esteem and emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. It can cause physical issues like digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. Inadequately, it can lead to depression and low self-esteem. When balanced, it provides energy, productivity, and confidence. The heart chakra, connected to the heart and lungs, is the center of the cardiovascular system and is associated with compassion, trust, passion, and love.
Its color is green and its element is air. In imbalance, it can cause anger, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. Overactive heart chakras can lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and heart problems.
What is the chakra for isolation?
A closed sacral chakra can result in feelings of isolation and anxiety due to its potential to become stagnant and to impede access to the associated gifts. Such a state of affairs may give rise to feelings of loneliness and anxiety. In order to ascertain whether the sacral chakra is obstructed, it is advisable to undertake a period of observation, taking note of the energies, actions and traits that are currently active within one’s life. Additionally, obstructed chakras may manifest as dominant shadow aspects in one’s life.
What is the chakra for nervousness?
Regular chakra meditation can assist individuals in identifying and addressing the underlying causes of their anxiety by focusing on specific chakras, such as the root chakra for security or the heart chakra for emotional stability.
What is the chakra for Socialising?
The sacral chakra is responsible for relating to others outside of family and engaging in life’s pleasures. It is connected to feelings of desire, sexuality, and finances. However, it faces challenges from culture and external expectations, which can discourage pursuit of pleasure. As we settled into LockdownLife, we faced issues related to the sacral chakra, such as communication, sharing, and business.
Some businesses experienced a boom, while others were mothballed, reliant on government schemes, or working on pivoting their work. Despite the overwhelming external communication, we found space for internal communication and feelings in the first month. We were also aware of the restrictions and considering all possibilities.
What chakra is lack of empathy?
The green chakra symbolizes our interconnection with our hearts and others, whereas the blue chakra oversees communication, self-expression, and veracity. An imbalance in the heart chakra may result in feelings of loneliness, a fear of intimacy, and a lack of empathy. The throat chakra, associated with the color blue, represents our connection to our own truth and to the truth of others.
📹 “Once You Unlock The CHAKRAS, Reality Is Yours” (Ancient Method)
Joe Dispenza shares one of the key ways Dispenza suggests realigning the chakras, or energy centers in the body, is through …
As a practicing Christian I have found through personal research that alot of things that bring us to understand our higher spirit can be found through other practices in seperate religions. My moral compass isn’t changed by these new practices but my own self discovery and connection to God has grown 10 fold. Also great article mate thanks for the explanation
My biggest take away from this article was literally EVERYTHING. I felt everything you’ve said about the chakras on a personal level. I never would’ve thought. I’m only 22, but I wish I learned this sooner. I think my little brother has been practicing, 6-7 years younger than me. And he’s calm and understanding for a teenager of this generation.
Was a really interesting article…there are some things I would add/point out that stood out to me 1. The sacral chakra also called sex chakra which as you said is connected to sexuality and is as one could guess located around the genital area or pubic area and not the naval I have seen certain people explain it as being at the navel and other chakras being at different places but as far as I know this is the location. 2. The solar plexus also called the naval chakra is the one located at the naval (surprise surprise lmao) which you could say is almost at the center of the six packs right? lol 3. Also the third eye or sometimes called brow chakra is actually not located at the centre of the eyes although you could say it’s energy is projected there It’s rather located at the center of the brain where the ‘pineal gland’ is located. This gland is connected to the third eye chakra as the crown to the pituitary gland and the throat chakra to the thyroid gland and so on for the other chakras Also, chakras have a lot more uses, implications, influence…etc on your life that would take too much time to explain as stated in this article but I could maybe add a few things more.. 4. For example the first three chakra are connected to past, present and future and an imbalance or blockages in either could cause you to stay stuck in the past, ruin your joy and present life or prevent you from progressing and developing. 5. The heart chakra is the first to get you out of survival into spirituality where you start to connect with life, with God/Goddess, and with other people and is also the chakra that if blocked could be an obstacle with the answering of your prayers.
I’ve ignored a lot of these ideas all my life. I’m 70 and you’ve opened my eyes with your articles they seem so logical. I’ve got three different cancers and was diagnosed two years ago – had chemo and also have injections, tablets and naturopathy. But I believe the power of my positive mind is keeping me alive so thanks Clark for giving me something else to explore.
One thing I’ve learned along my spiritual journey specifically when it comes to the chakras, to help unblock and cleanse them with sound frequencies, binaural beats are great. Just search the chakra or group you want to work on at the time and add in the deep breathing exercises and physical grounding outside and barefoot, you’ll feel SOOOOO much better.
Thanks, Clark. Here’s what I’ve developed for meditation and your article has helped me a great deal: Affirmation: I am Here (thought/physical) RED I am Now (presence/conscious) ORANGE I am Light (body/breath) YELLOW I am Love (emotion/spirit) GREEN I am Creation (wisdom/teacher) BLUE I am Infinite (truth/enlightenment) INDIGO I am the Creator (one) VIOLET
I’d like to add that there’s no reason to be afraid of the chakras, I found myself getting startled and finding the “why you should never open your third eye” articles but honestly once you’re finding balance in your life these things should start to align more naturally. This power is in yourself, there is no reason to fear it
Also the 7 days of the week and the 7 luminaries named after the days. The 7 virtues and 7 capital sins: Sunday – The Sun – Pride/Humility Monday – The Moon -Sloth/Diligence Tuesday – Mars – Anger/Patience Wednesday – Mercury – Envy/Kindness Thursday – Jupiter – Gluttony/Moderarion Friday – Venus – Lust/Chastity Saturday – Saturn – Greed/Generosity
My biggest take away is the fact that you hit the nail on the head, I’ve known about chakras for 5 months now and more recently I’ve been trying to explain this topic about chakras to my new friend but I never know where to begin from. Your article is soooo straight to the point. Thanks for the enlightenment
I’m new to spirituality and i feel so inspired to be my best self! It’s hard to rid myself of the things that no longer serve me or let go of old beliefs when that’s all I’ve known. I’ve been perusal yt articles for guidance and to learn more about spirituality and I can already tell by this first vid I watch of yours that your articles will help me so much! Thanks ! Awesome article 😊
When I heard you mention the seven-year cycle, I immediately paused, wrote down the key events in my life and figured out what my seven-year cycle is. From this I figure that my next chakra turning, whatever is next year. I kind of already knew that intuitively, but I really appreciate knowing about this framework on a conscious level.
The thing I noticed is I’m 27 and will be 28 next year in August. I’ve drank a lot of my emotions away…both parents have become distant to me within this age….one in illness, the other trying to create a new life. I’ve been struggling this whole time and wish I treated my body better in this cycle. I already feel my persona changing at 27…especially adding taking care of my mother and going through the lockdowns with Corona. I think 28 is a year to finally find my voice, be more sure of myself, to communicate without anger and without sounding rude or out of sorts. I’ve suffered from social anxiety my whole life. I’m ready to take on a new a better cycle, a better life after so much wallowing in sadness. 28 next 7 years cycle here we go wooo! 🙂 Thanks!
Great vid Clark! I read about something called the Law of Seven, which is basically what you said about the seven “year” cycle. Everytime something reaches its highest point, it tends to fall and renew itself in another new cycle. I never thought about it as being 7 years of life, but it makes a whole lot of sense. We could say that after 49 years (a 7 year cycle per chakra), a new life starts (another full 7 chakra cycle) and that could probably be why it’s believed that at 50 you start a new life. Amazing!
I knew all of the chakras but needed to get in balance. The way you just connected the chakras to the rainbow or better yet the color spectrum and the sound spectrum literally blew my mind and I took deep breath into my gut like you said and it literally got my high and light headed but in a good way. I’m definitely starting to do that every day because everything I mentioned made your article by far the best explanation of chakras I’ve ever seen and the way you connected the chakras to light sound and color really made a huge difference in the 20 min it took to watch your article. Your on the right path I believe… thanks ✌🏼
dude i want you to know that i love your articles. the last time i was on your website i did the breathing exercises you mentioned here and kept up with them, well after a while its like my brain was wiped and my spirituality and self awarenesses took a dive and ive just been slugging through life. im happy i found you again bc you dont make it seem like this is some mystical practice or the secrets to the universe or being a psychic or something. you seem very genuine and i appreciate you and your articles. i hope you have a lovely day, and thank you for shining a light down into the well ive been sitting in the bottom of.
I have to tell you, I’ve resorted back to this article a hundred times over the years. I’ve written down a chart much like the one you make in this article, as that’s a really good way to help me with memorizing things, and I’ve also shown this article to all of my closest friends and family members. You explain things in such a simple way that makes so much sense. It’s organized and formatted in such a way that i am able to use the chakras on a daily basis and understand their meanings for me and how i can balance them, keeping myself much more aligned. I am grateful you made it. Thank you so much. I love you and hope you are doing very good.
my biggest take away:) hey I’m ritika I’m 21yo from delhi, india just few months back i used to be very underconfident, isolated, introvert kind of person but i changed myself a lot in just few months I can’t tell you how happy and gratefull I’m for being where I’m today all thanks to this universe 🖤 i wish i could write my whole journey here but i think that would be so long…I’ve learnt so many things about my body, my soul and myself.. at a very young age i feel so full of myself 😭❤️❤️
Thank you for this great article. I’ve don’t a lot of reading and familiarizing with the chakras. The 7 synchronicity is very mind blowing especially how we cycle throughout our lives through 7 main energy frequencies. It’s beautiful cosmic masterful art in motion. I’m grateful for this article. Blessings abound for you and all the wonderful souls on this website 💛💛💛🙏🏽
Thank you Clark for teaching about these chakras and breaking it down, I found it really helpful. I think my biggest takeaway is that when the chakras go out of alignment it seems to suggest that it is caused by excess or too little. They say too much of anything is bad for you but too little of anything is not sustainable. It’s about finding the right balance within yourself as a human within your own physical being and also having an established sense of self. You have a new subscriber 🙏🌸💯
Incoming rant: Hey man just wanted to let you know that this is really what I’ve been looking for, a concise summary that manifests all these CRAZY thoughts I feel like I’ve been flooded with; wanting to connect to my spiritual side and feeling a sense of greater purpose that makes me want to pull myself out of the monotonous day to day drag of life. Keep the vids coming, I’m making sure to subscribe
This dude absolutely rocks my world. I’m sold. Liked, sub’d, bell, patreon next. What I love about bro here is the fact that he ties it back to the science; the physics, the chemistry, the biology, the psychology. No “woo woo”, just, yo, this is what it is and why it’s important. For me, the mic drop moment was when he tied sound freqs to the speed of light which results in a frequency on the EMS detectable by the eye/third eye: color. That absolutely cranked my tractor right there. And yeah… my brother was a male cheerleader. It is legit – those dudes are seriously jacked.
Thank you for this article; beautifully explained… the one thing I learned from this article was the 7 year life cycles coordinating with the chakras…. THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!! I knew the first 7 years are crucial to your mental foundation; and I know you can rewire your brain….but this was a wonderful moment for me! Thank you and much love 🫶🏼
So cool! My biggest take away…I love the part where you talked about the seven years as related to the chakra system and our growth. I’m totally experiencing the sixth chakra (third eye) as I’ve been experiencing deep wisdom and spiritual awakening at a heightened level now 42 years old. Excited to go through the crown chakra too soon! 👑
I feel like “I FOUND YOU!” I didn’t realize I was searching for you! I knew I needed your help though. I did not search you personally. You just appeared after I pleaded for guidance during my daily meditations and an odd series of little things lead me here. I don’t leave comments online, but this is different. I have to take this moment to say I am grateful for your efforts and work putting these articles out. I hope you know you are a light!
As a hindu let me tell you, don’t try messing around with your chakras without a guru, this is primordial energy, Kundalini can mess your life if not raised properly. This journey of awakening it be one with godhood, just meditate naturally as long as you can everyday when you are ready your guru will find you automatically
Biggest takeaway? You are adorable! Seriously though, this is my first introduction to chakras at the age of, well, let’s just say I’m very young at heart, it’s just a number anyway. Your article is both informative and very entertaining, I’m so glad I stumbled upon your website…..subscribed, absolutely!
Awesome job! 28 + 7 is 35. I was 35 3 years ago when I started waking up. When you said that we are operating on a 7 year cycle, it clicked! I’ve been saying for a few years now that I started waking up in January of 2020. The stupid pandemic ruined so many people with so much potential. I am grateful to have lived through it to understand the cycles around me. Thank you.
Love this!!! You’re right about being quick I love how you speak, straight to the point and your voice has so much passion and energy! I’m refueling my body by learning (again) how to balance my chakras and cane across your article. I’m really blown away and look forward to perusal all of your other articles. God bless Light is love and love is light 💡❤️
Thank you for explaining this! I was most confused about the solar plexus chakra. But after the whole 7 year analogy this blew my mind! What I love about chakras though is that you can work on them at any time! Also love how you explained the green as being growth in the heart chakra, like watering a garden
red chakra: deals with survival blocked by fear orange chakra: deals with pleasure blocked by guilt yello chakra: deals with willpower blocked by shame green chakra: deals with love blocked by Grief blue chakra: deal with truth blocked by lie light chakra: eye deals with insight blocked by illusion thought chakra : spirit deals with pure cosmic energy block by earthly attachments
14:35- 15:00 This particular section made things make so much sense to me. I’ve been doing various reading to “figure” things out but also realized it was stuff I already know. My takeaway from this particular section was “There is nothing to give that you don’t have in you already, you are enough. Learning is not about something new, but reconnecting with yourself” – Thank you!
I know a good bit about trauma, and am not near as knowledgeable about the chakra system, but based upon what I do know, and paying attention to my own body, heart, mind and spirit, trauma, especially childhood trauma (also called Complex PTSD or Developmental PTSD) can well and truly knock the chakras out of whack. One of the hallmarks of Complex PTSD is that one remains in permanent survival mode unless, until, and to the extent to which the trauma is healed. Healing modalities for that – well, that is often a complicated study, far beyond the scope of this post.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables To match your chakras is the way to go to help align yourself. E.G : Root chakra is red so you eat red fruits and red vegetables to help your root chakra. And so on … Match the colours of your fruits and vegetables accordingly to your chakras. You will become more balanced, healthier and aligned with your true self 🙂 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
This is what they should’ve been teaching us in school that we were growing up they teach us all this other BS which didn’t help you and Life have they been teaching us about the chakras and the meaning of life and how to get through life and the law of attraction it would all be much happier but they give us some BS that they teach us and him we’re just like totally lost I have to fend for self that’s terrible we need to be taught this from day one thank you for your spiritual guidance I really love your class Namaste
This is the kundalini meditation which shouldn’t be done without assistance. Indian sages specifically mentioned not everyone is ready for the awakening because it churns all the karma and energy coiled beneath your spine. If it awakens one has to leave their body within a month, most people won’t reach that state so oh it isn’t that easy. What we as humans can try is to align them but please watch read ascent and descent related books by Yoga sansthanas of India. I absolutely have no idea why westerners give half information regarding something so dangerous. This is a good article but please research more before going into all this.
Yes, to this article. One take away was your down to earth presentation and your enthusiasm. I’ve studied them before but had forgotten some of the information. I’m in the indigo and crown phase of my life, but that doesn’t mean that this system and it’s beauty doesn’t inspire me still. Nor that I haven’t gotten out of balance. Now, I’m reminded of why that is and what I can pay attention to, to find my balance. I especially like the part about walking barefoot in the grass.
I’m loving this. I’m poor so I’m working on my mental health with the help of YouTube and writing and this makes all the sense. When I feel emotions, I feel them in parts of my body, so I’ll speak to that part if there’s an issue and tell it to chill tf out or whatever, but now I know their proper identity, and as an intellectual, it makes more sense and gives me a better area to focus on
Im61. My whole life i have loved andhelped people. But since COVID i cant get all of me back. I dont have the emotional energy i had. I think i lost too many friends to death. The forced isolation took the wind out of my sails. I’m feeling that your articles are giving me a lift and i immediately want to hear more of what you have learned about yourself in your journey and i cant piggyback on to your energy and start to “fly”again. Im going to use some of the things you’ve said that reaonate with me and im feeling it maybe help me get back to that bouncy positive person i have always been. I miss her. Thanks for giving me some options and things to try
My biggest takeaways from this were: Frequencies create color, and for it to follow the rainbow is wild. And the 7 year cycle thing. I knew about the skin cell regeneration every 7 years, but for it to align with the Chakras so perfectly is wild! Thank you so much, you’ve informed me very well and I’m grateful
What I first got instantly was your natural self, to be you. Authentic. Once I knew this about you, I wanted to hear more. I’m always wanting to learn spiritual things.. …and you’re funny!.. I like the way you explain things that helps us understand… so, thank you… I just discovered you.! You’re doing a good things, so many out there are asking for big bucks for a service that we can do our selves….
Hi Clark this is a good article, thankyou. I would add that the mind reverses chakra knowledge and as we age retrospective mind provides an esoteric veiw of one’s self to correct life before you leave this plain. Much like light entering the eyeball is upside-down and the brain corrects it for us to veiw the world. I wish you well, keep going.Everyone, do not be impatient with frustration, own it.
🎉🎉 omg… I have never heard the 7 year Chakra Theory before. Blew my mind humbled me to the fullest. My son is 15 and I’ve been struggling with the “new” person in front of me, Im over assuming, talking in circles, thinking im dealing with spiritual possession 😂. Then you schooled me 🫠 Wisdom 🧠🧑🏾🎓15-21….. You don’t really look at that age as a wisdom but you’re right. It is we are defining our own wisdom in what we’ve learned up until that point. You have probably made my sons teenage years bearable (for the both of us😅) I embrace wisdom and know it’s necessary and what I’m taking as rude is actually him making sense of the world to him and attempting to let me know its okay he’s got this 🎉😊 Thank you! I am now going to be searching the other articles you mentioned
My biggest takeaway is you defined the symptoms of unbalance it track perfectly with my life and what my experiences were during each of my 7 year cycles…I’m 42 and have developed enough wisdom to seek how to “fix” sone of the imbalances thank you I have so many questions still but I have a next step to take that I understand abd that’s priceless thank you 🙏
I have studied Reiki off and on for years and due to the way my Adhd works I started when I was a teenager or younger but never dedicated myself truly to learning the basics i went on a different approach I guess in learning it and i feel this is the easiest way to describe it to someone that they can understand . I loved your profound wisdom and the fact you geek out on Osho and I do as well .. lol however the best thing is it came me clarity on issues I am having at this time on what direction to go to heal me and my family . i am looking forward to perusal many of your articles and passing your wisdom on to those I mentor who need help in crisis .. Thank you so much have a blessed day..
It’s So proud that the whole world is following this indian culture belief knowledge ancient Chakra .. So many people around the world use Charka and kundalini but they even Don know this chakra who is given who is given kundalini.. chakra word it self is hindu world and kundalini is also hindi world not the urdu, English pronunciation
Wow I’ve always thought i had a grasp on my spirituality but I started questioning it I had separated myself from society and began questioning my core beliefs but once in started asking the right questions and seeking the answer to the so called “human condition” now I just hope I have the strength to not just think but act on what I need to do to better myself
I have not found any spiritual leaders that I fill comfortable following, I fill like i should get healthy spiritually and physically my self I am my universe maybe that’s why I haven’t felt good with accidental awakening I am experiencing and what to do with me !! You just opened my eyes to self healing and getting right with GOD, so to speak 🙂 I appreciate you and this is our first meet:) so nice to have found you 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊 saying all this with so much love 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Mr Clark I have been perusal and saving your articles when I am able and all I can say is thank you thank you thank you so very much form them because I feel like these are just what I have been truly searching for as far as articles go. Please continue to articles and continue to be blessed and share the knowledge for others like us who feel or felt lost on their lives❤😊😊❤
Really not have ever been too much into this stuff, never said it’s nonsense but you know how it is. And then some time a go.. I did Bufo Alvarius and in that trip I just did what the energy of love told me to do and one of those things was doing strange deep breathing and pressing my finger in to my solarplexus and then I focused the breathing in that point in my body, after that I have been feeling a bit uncomfortable feelings there but I got trust that it is good stuff and have been breathing in there more consciously. Great stuff brother, thank you❤
The universal creator, as well as, Each one of my family members, including my significant other and myself, are the key to balancing my chakras. Each person projects what’s blocking my chakra center. And working with each individually will balance everything not only in my life but my family’s life and will break all generational trauma and activate the full success and abundance that we will humbly accept and keep putting forward positive energy to those around us.
The one thing that I liked the most and made connections to is that spirituality isn’t singular. it doesn’t relate to just one religion or one group of people, it literally can apply to almost everyone’s sense of beliefs. It includes emotions, science, and believing in a higher power whether that is a god or faith in something. which in a way makes me question that maybe all of these ARE subcategories to chakras and spirituality taking different forms.
Thanks loved your presentation, I have been instructed that frequencies are arranged in octaves much like the keys on a piano, so that the eight (octave) frequency is the base chakra in the next level of frequencies, as such the eight is also the first in the next stage of enlightenment. I have also been told (higher self) that there is no limit to these levels in essence we never stop learning.
Great explanation, I am a massage therapist and a great way to remove blockages is acupuncture. I suggest it to all my clients and friends. Acupuncture clears blockages in your chakra, it also clears blockages anywhere in the body along the meridian lines, which connect the chakras. All of these areas we take in life force energy from the air and trees and sun. I got carbon monoxide poison in a house and had a brain injury and also competed in snowboarding and broke my neck, back and femur. Acupuncture brought me back to snowboarding all the time again and functioning highly and brought my brain back, also time helped.
Day Savage When you feel like you can’t change you won’t change! When you say that you will change and take action you will succeed beyond what you thought you can achieve. Your negativity keeps your life negative! Your positive mind set attracts manifestation and manifestation equals success Stay blessed
This was my first time perusal one of your articles and it was very informative. You’re very knowledgeable in the things you spoke on. I was wondering if you don’t have one, if you could do a segment on how each chakra aligns with a gland in the endocrine system and how we can care and strengthen them
Your articles have been really beneficial. Ive done a lot of my own research on chakras but today I learned that wisdom comes from the gut. Never thought of it that way. What I’m curious about is the difference between inner wisdom and wisdom and if these two energy centers have a dichotomy in terms of one benefitting the other? like the second chakra and the 5th. Thanks again. You’re awesome 😎
You finally gave me the connection to the number 42 that always eluded me. The third Eye opens from 36-42, and at the ripe Age of 42 you reach the answer of the Universe and transition into the Crown Chakra. That is if you’re fortunate enough to have awoken before 42. I always pondered why the greatest computer in the universe said the answer to the Question was 42 and it was certain its calculations were correct.
My biggest takeaway from this article is that all my chakras are imbalanced. hahah hell of a lot of work to do. Specially being 35 (passed the heart chakra) and being extremely toxic myself, due to childhood traumas. Hope I can use this new knowledge and try to reach some kind of peace of mind in this life. Thank you
I learnt so much! The only thing I find interesting and worthy of expanding on is learning more about the mind gut and if its sciense plays into solar plex directly or is it a combination of multiple. For example i feel my anxiety and depression in my gut so ill put my hand on it and ground myself mutiple times throught the day. You’ve probably covered this already in other articles but i was just schocked it wouldnt be part of this article mainly as ita been crucial for me to learn self love and calming the nervous system. Thank you so much ive had to watch this 4 times just to let it sink in while i run around at work. Ill have to watch ut again snd make notes so i can inprint it into my mind map.