The Chiron Return is a transformative period that occurs around age 50 when the planet Chiron returns to its birthplace in your astrological chart. This minor planet, also known as the “wounded healer”, reveals a core wound that may take a significant impact on an astrology reading. It occurs approximately every 50 years and can have a significant impact on one’s life.
Chiron’s return occurs when it completes a full orbit around the sun and returns to its natal position in your chart. This happens approximately every 50 years and can have a significant impact on one’s life. The Chiron Return (49 to 51) takes place after the Uranus Opposition, with about 5 to 6 years between it and the Uranus Opposition. During this transit, we need to heal our spiritual wounds, which we can do once more.
The Chiron Return happens just once in one’s lifetime and usually stays there for a period of seven or eight years. On May 17, 2021, the Chiron Return at age 50 sparks the spiritual transmutation of self that completes all the transformation work of midlife crisis. Chiron is an asteroid located between Saturn and Uranus, symbolizing our human nature and the outer world.
Chiron represents the wounded healer and can mean what we can do for others that we can’t do for ourselves. The second house represents our higher self. The Chiron Return marks the end of this cycle of growth but also the start of a new one, representing a critical turning point in one’s life.
📹 What every 50 year old needs to know about Chiron returns
If you’re approaching the age of 50, you need to know about CHIRON RETURNS! This astrological transit occurs once every 50 …
What does your Chiron return mean?
The Chiron Return is a powerful tool that helps individuals identify and address their core wounds and unresolved issues. It offers a simple choice: acknowledge and address these wounds, or avoid facing them and hiding. Accepting responsibility for one’s life is crucial, as not doing so can lead to victimhood and reduce the power to change circumstances. By accepting oneself as one is, individuals can fully home to themselves.
This choice is essential for those approaching, midst, or coming out of a certain stage of life. By understanding the Chiron Return, individuals may feel better prepared to face and heal their wounds and may even provide insight into their current life situation.
What does your Chiron tell you?
The Chiron sign, also known as the “wounded healer”, represents the trauma and hurt you are meant to heal during your lifetime. It offers insight into how to heal it and is validating for people to know their placement. Knowing your Chiron is crucial for confronting fears of intimacy, loss, and transformation. For example, knowing your Chiron is in Scorpio means your healing will involve confronting fears of intimacy, loss, and transformation. Chiron is one of the most important astrological placements, and everyone should know their placement, even if they don’t enjoy or believe in astrology.
What is Chiron in a birth chart?
Chiron, a comet in astrology, represents the wounded healer who helps others overcome life’s struggles. According to Greek mythology, Chiron was a healer, philosopher, and teacher who couldn’t heal himself. Its placement in the chart can reveal a core wound that may take a lifetime to heal. However, our Chiron placement is also our secret power. As we grapple with pain, we gain wisdom that we can pass on to others. Unlocking Chiron’s powers opens up a portal to deep, inner peace. Entering your birth details to find your Chiron sign and house in your astrology chart.
At what age is your Chiron return?
A Chiron Return, a concept in astrology, is when the “wounded healer” Chiron returns to the same position in the sky as when you were born around age 50. This event can help you identify areas in your life where you may need to focus on healing and personal growth. By understanding the themes and issues associated with your Chiron placement, you can take proactive steps to address any underlying emotional wounds and make positive changes that will benefit your physical, emotional, and mental health.
For example, if your Chiron is in the sign of Aries, you may have struggled with issues related to assertiveness and self-confidence. By becoming aware of these issues, you can take steps to improve these areas, such as seeking therapy or working on assertiveness exercises, leading to increased happiness and a better quality of life overall.
What does Chiron teach us?
The story of Chiron, from birth to death, teaches us the connection between pain and healing. We often view our own pain as a liability, causing us to seek a painless destination. However, understanding the story of Chiron teaches us that our relationship with our pain not only enhances our ability to thrive but also transforms our ability to help others. When we view our own wounding as a liability, we become obsessed with “fixing” it and ashamed of it. This leads to a shyness from the connection part of humanity, attempting to prove our wholeness and painlessness to ourselves and others.
What does Chiron mean in astrology?
In astrology, Chiron represents the wounded healer within humans, urging us to confront our deepest pains and take action. It symbolizes the strength of vulnerability, encouraging us to embrace the dark spaces of our past and take action. Chiron emphasizes that individual healing is collective, as the work we do to care for ourselves ripples outward, allowing us to heal others through shared experiences. On an individual level, Chiron encourages us to confront our most difficult memories, grapple with our greatest insecurities, and expose our deepest wounds.
The celestial bodies of our solar system, including Chiron, are shown in our birth charts, helping us understand and unpack our fears, desires, and ambitions. Starting in February 2019, Chiron moved into Aries, where it will cruise through 2026, marking the first time Chiron has stepped into Aries since 1976.
What is Chiron return human design?
Chiron’s Return, a pivotal phase in Human Design, is a time for profound healing and self-reflection, allowing individuals to overcome personal challenges and experience significant growth. This period is influenced by genetic trauma, a concept rooted in Greek mythology. The line number in Design Mars, “Genetic Trauma”, highlights the profound and often subconscious impact of genetic trauma on our lives. By examining these three elements together, an intriguing picture emerges, highlighting the importance of understanding and addressing genetic trauma in Human Design.
What is the Chiron return in the natal chart?
In retrograde, Chiron reminds us that we are the medicine we need, and by embracing our presence and accepting our wholeness, we can create ourselves anew. Taurus Rising, known as the gateway between spiritual and human, helps us discover a new doorway that deepens our connection to the sacred and offers healing. Gemini Rising sees Chiron retrograde as a mirror to the medicine within us, which can become medicine for all when claimed. This is an invitation to step into the role of healer and observe how our experiences and gold are our offerings to the world.
How do I work out my Chiron return?
The Chiron sign in astrology represents one’s greatest emotional wounds and the ability to heal from them. It is found by entering the date, time, and location of birth into an astrology calculator. A Chiron Return occurs when the Chiron returns to its original position, usually once in a lifetime. The sign is named after a wise centaur from Greek mythology who could heal everyone’s wounds. It is represented by a key-shaped symbol on the birth chart, resembling a capital “K” centered over an “O”.
What happens during a Chiron return?
Chiron return is a time when you have strayed too far from your life’s purpose and path, giving you a second chance to make changes and realign yourself. This is not a metaphysical life purpose, but rather a feeling of being on the wrong path and desperate for change. The circumstances leading to this turning point can be painful and awkward, such as the death of someone controlling your life or the realization that you have destroyed your relationship with your children in the pursuit of money. This is a sign that you are experiencing your first Saturn return.
Does Chiron matter in astrology?
Chiron, an asteroid discovered in 1977, is now classified as a centaur, a group of comet-like objects orbiting between Jupiter and Neptune. It has gained significant attention in the astrological world due to its profound insights on mental health and trauma. Chiron’s mythological background reveals that he was an immortal centaur, half horse and half man, who was a master of healing arts. After suffering a severe injury, he retreated into a cave to heal himself. Zeus, the god king, granted him the ability to die, placing his soul in the constellation Centaurus.
Chiron’s story is not one of hubris or human folly, but rather a wise teacher who did not let his injuries make him hard. He taught legendary heroes like Jason, Achilles, and Hercules, but he was repeatedly wounded by circumstances, reflecting a key characteristic of astrological Chiron, which represents hurts done to us, usually in childhood.
📹 Your Chiron Return ~ The Key To Your Healing and A New Level of Self-Acceptance
Chiron is an asteroid associated with our deepest healing themes in this lifetime, and supports knowing our personal needs with …
I turned 50 in March and I have literally turned all those tragedies and wounds into strengths! I wasn’t aware of Chiron until last year but I made a promise and pact with myself to stop being a victim and heal myself five years ago before I turned 50. As I healed things and people were revealed and removed . Now I’m happy healthy and have a tight circle of those whom I choose to be in my life now because I recognize my worth and everyone is not invited to enjoy me and my energies, I worked hard for this🎉
Chiron in 4th house is either lack of belonging (feeling you have no family, you dont belong anywhere and your parents are strangers) and lack of roots, or the woud around mother and how she treated you when you were a small child. Many people that lost mother in first 10 years of their life have this placement.
Chiron Aries H8 ✌️ It feels like a flare up of my harshly aapected Moon in Aries (by both Pluto and Saturn) Meanwhile there is transit Pluto square natal Sun, Saturn is in my 7H doing it’s thing there plus by opposition to my 1H. Oh and that hormonal crazy train called menopause. I feel like my base level is an alternation of hanging by a thread on the verge of a nervous breakdown or totally incapacitated. “Like everything, this too shall pass” (🙏❗) ✌️
I have Chiron in Aries ♈️ in the first house I believe. Pisces ♓️ sun .. 11:03 you said It.. so why do I feel like ending my life. I can’t find a way out of this . I have my dog and self . Friends don’t want to know about it. Now I’m totally isolated and struggle to leave the house . I cry so much.. if this is my life I’m done.. I can’t find help. Hormones are crazy .. my male friend thinks it’s in my head.. I’m going crazy with that sentence. It’s not in my head. I don’t have any family anymore. I had to remove myself from their abuse. I just wish I had one person who cared about me at all..😢😢
23:42 ok so I’m to heal myself .. !! Right now that feels like a im a new born but being told to go out on my own after first 9 mths of life .. The lump that is in my chest after hearing you say this.. how the hell do I heal my mental health alone. People have life skills and some have not . I can feel right now where I was abandoned in life. And again just recently. I don’t know how to do this .. something isn’t right in my brain to connect these dots .. it’s frustrating and debilitating. I think that’s a rough statement when there’s more mental health than doctors have a clue how to help. On top of menopause. Hopefully you learn ur lesson at 50 since u can’t wait to experience it. Thanks for the slap to the face.. honestly
I thought I was having a “nervous breakdown” when this happened to me…I renamed the period of my life (now ten years ago) an emotional overwhelm but truthfully, the process is as you describe it…a time where I was asked to reevaluate my life and how I was going to grow, moving forward…and yes, I left marriage, left an abusive job, lost my Mom (my best friend) within a six month span…I had no identity because all of my ego masks fell away..I was naked and had to figure out who I really was…it was a brutal unravelling but then, I finally found my true self..I donned my true identity
I am 55. I have Chiron in Pisces. At 49 I fell, broke my wrist and dislocated it during working out. I compared the physical pain to the stress of my entire life, childhood and 25 years of a professional career and biz and also constipation, and in the course of the week following I decided to retire and become an actress. Doors have opened for me. It hasn’t been always easy but every day I learn to play.
Oh bless you dear guide. My Chiron return finishes up in 3 days!!!!! Can I just say, this year was like my NDE. Life review, AND many lives review, I found. It was the year where lots of self love and patience is practiced. I am a new person. I also have Chiron inconjunct my ascendant in Virgo. I had A LOT to understand and heal. I also have a client on Sunday who is about to go through hers. This article will go to her, as do most your article’s. Haha! You are my favorite Hirophant dear girl! This was so helpful! 🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🙏🙏🙏🙏
It occurs to me that school teachers must have a unique experience. They have entire classrooms full of kids who have all the outer planets and Chiron in the same placements, so they could tailor their focus with these different generations of children to love and support them. Every kid born from 2014 to 2018 has Chiron in Pisces, for example. So they’re going to need a certain type of support for their particular vulnerability. An entire classroom of kids who feel like God, life, the universe has abandoned them. They’re going to need to be supported in faith and trust in the goodness of the universe. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn will all match, too for the entire classroom. You can probably feel the energy change over the years.
Wow, Molly, between 49 and 51 is also the big “do-over” for our Chakra Life Cycles too — as we finish the final cycle of 7-7 (crown-crown) at the end of our 49th year and come back to root/self/grounding again (0-0 transition at age 50 and then 1-1 root-root at 51). It amazes me how perfectly our Chakra Life Cycles dovetail with the astrology. Thanks for this insight. I love, love LOVE your work!
Natal Chiron conjunct Mars 7th House in Aries currently experiencing a Chiron return. Seems to fit the energy ✨️ and experiences that’s going on. Thank you for the book recommendations 👍 and sharing your experience with fellow soul travelers. I appreciate 🙏 you and the work that you do beautiful soul. ☮️❤️😁 and other highest forms of abundance all 🙌! 🙏😇✨️
Oh wow… my Chiron return was in 2018 and that was the year I had my Spiritual Awakening! I have been doing a ton of shadow work and healing in the last 3 years. It’s been a scary beautiful event in my life that I am grateful for! I have Chiron in Aries at 2.22° in my 12th house conjunct my Sun and NN (which is in Aries too at 0°.15) I have a Trine with Mars and Neptune. Opposition to Jupiter and Uranus.
Omg. No wonder. I turn 49 in May…Chiron in aries on the cusp of 10 and 11th house…astrogy opened up for me from just the mainstream sun sign newspaper astrology during August 2020…what I now know as the 888 portals and during the most intense pleidian meteor shower…my eyes had been glued to the sky that summer because I saw soooo many bright sparks in the sky…that didn’t seem to be just meteor debris…lol..2 years of fighting an illegal eviction etc…now listening to this…ooookay….the stars have my back prepping me….thank you Molly.. …xox
I finished my Chiron return at the end of 2020. It was in the 9th house and that isolation during 2020 helped me remove some illusions I had about the world at large. I also became really clear about what I really believe in, which was not necessarily what I was taught to believe in childhood. This clarity also pointed out where I still had some soft spots in the boundary work I had done to that point so I could adjust and make them stronger. I put up with so much less passive aggressive behavior than I did before my Chiron return and I feel so much lighter because of it.
THANK YOU, MOLLY! This was very helpful! I wish I could send you my information so you could see it yourself! I read my chart Placidus/ Tropical; 26* Pisces rising, 0* Gemini Sun- conjunct Chiron. Sun & Chiron are at the ‘top’ of a quincunx, with Neptune conjunct 0* Capricorn on my MC (28* Sag) and 29* Pluto in Libra at the base. I can’t even put in to words, and not only a Gemini Sun, but as an Aquarius Moon too, speechlessness is rare. All I can say is- I hope you feel my gratitude like a big, warm hug! Love, light and blessings on blessings to you and to ALL as we evolve 🤍✨✌🏼👽