To remove spells from your action bars in WoW, open your spellbook and bag, or add the Vanishing Powder icon to an action bar for quick access. Right-click the Vanishing Powder and left-click the spell you wish to remove the glyph from. You may need to look at your actionbar settings to uncheck the Lock Actionbar box and then click, hold, drag the spell to get rid.
There are two options: press escape to bring up the WoW menu, select “interface” then “action bars”, and unlock the action bars. Then, drag and drop the spells to your heart’s content.
If you want to reorganize your action bars, there is a simple macro that will automatically remove all spells without you having to do anything. However, this issue doesn’t impact the rest of your characters.
In WoW, how can I toggle between multiple spell bar configurations via native features or add-ons? I’m trying to find a solution to stop spells going into my action bars when changing talents/specs. If anyone has a lead on how to achieve that, it would be great.
To clear all action bars, change the “1,120” to “1,24” and press escape -> interface -> action bars -> uncheck sticky actionbars. This will no longer have to shift click to move spells and enable four more actionbars to put spells into.
Although new to this mod, I am struggling to figure out how to remove spells on the action bars so I can reset the appearance. Every solution seems to be just dragging them to empty space and disappearing, or locking or unlocking the action bars in the settings menu.
Blizz should also consider removing spells from the game to improve social interactions. Cut down on addons, play with the default UI, lower all graphics to minimum, and turn off unnecessary stuff. A final option is to take another spell you want to be in the slot and replace it by clicking and holding and dragging out of the action bar.
📹 How to Keybind Spells in WoW
The biggest change you can make. Don’t limit yourself with the default keybinds.
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