The root chakra is the first of seven chakras present at the base of the spine in our subtle body. It is connected to the sacral chakra and womb area, where our sexual and reproductive energy houses. Each vortex metabolizes an energy vibration that resonates at its particular spin frequency. For example, the base chakra has four small vortices.
When you feel vibrations in your root chakra, it could be a sign that your energy center is opening or that you are experiencing emotions you need to release. Meditation is a powerful tool for healing and balancing the root chakra. To open a blocked root chakra, techniques can range from physical activity to meditation and energy healing.
Misalignment may result in physical symptoms such as autoimmune issues, weak immune system, sluggishness, adrenal fatigue, chronic anxiety, leg/knee injuries, low back tightness, struggle, and resentment. Solutions for opening a blocked root chakra can range from physical activity to meditation and energy healing. When your root chakra is balanced, you have energy and self-confidence rather than arrogance or fear, and you feel calm, centered, and ready for life.
In summary, root chakra vibrations are a sign of Kundalini awakening or opening of chakras. By being comfortable with the sound of chakra vibrations, you can align your body and experience the benefits of rebalancing your energy center.
📹 Signs of an Opening Root Chakra ❤ Kundalini Awakening
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I had an odd pulling sensation when my root chakra opened. I did feel heat at the base of my spine and tingling, but not to the extent describe in this article. Another change was my sexual response. As a younger person, I would have one large orgasm and that would be that. After my root chakra opened, the initial orgasm is weaker, but I get what I call aftershocks. The intense warmth doeas not stay in my vitals but is all over my body, for longer then before. It’s more balanced.