Cultural appropriation is the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another. Chakras, energetic centers, are not bound by cultural or religious boundaries but are the threads that weave through the fabric of our shared fabric. Chakras are an important part of Buddhism, as they are believed to be the “wheels” of energy through which energy moves. However, there is little research supporting how spiritual energy affects the body.
Chakras are a component of Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism religions, and their use is considered appropriation. White Sage, a white sage, is problematic due to cultural insensitivity and environmental unsustainability. Chakras, yoga, spirit animals, and dream catchers have also been repurposed and mass-marketed to the general public, ignoring the initial cultural significance.
Incorporating chakras into Kemeticism can result in cultural misappropriation, as each spiritual tradition has unique beliefs, practices, and ideas. Some claim that Western culture has oversimplified and misunderstood chakras, while others argue that like Karma, we have applied these practices to other religions.
In conclusion, cultural appropriation is the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another. Chakras, yoga, spirit animals, and dream catchers have been repurposed and mass-marketed to the general public, ignoring the initial cultural significance of these practices.
📹 Is it true that yoga will awaken deeper energy, which is called kundalini? | J. Krishnamurti
What does the Bible say about using crystals?
Crystals are often associated with witchcraft, as the Bible does not assign any holy or healing powers to them. This belief suggests that anyone who uses them for magical purposes is involved in the occult. However, many Christians and celebrities mention crystals as part of their wellness routines, but this may not necessarily mean they are engaging in witchcraft. The Bible references crystals as beautiful, but without healing powers. Some Christians view crystal use as idolatry or an occult practice, while others believe it is okay as long as one channels God’s energy through them.
Witches, on the other hand, consider crystals a tool for their practice, not a form of witchcraft. Occultism, on the other hand, focuses on magical or supernatural beliefs and practices, such as crystal use for healing, spirit channeling, or psychic healing.
Are chakras haram in Islam?
Chakras, Meridians, and Reiki are practices in Islamic healing that may not be explicitly impermissible, but they have some connotations and influence from other religions and cultures. It is best to avoid these practices and follow other prescribed ways of Islamic healing that are more fitting for your faith, physical, and spiritual journey. The divine energy and healing of Allah Most High and his Prophetic Light are better and free from doubt than other energetic healing methods. An example of a dua asking Allah Most High for light is to recite and memorize it, asking for His divine light to enter each limb and body.
Are chakras scientifically proven?
Chakras, a concept in Hinduism, are believed to correspond to physical body parts, particularly the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal column, which contain nerves that branch off from the spine in bundles called plexuses. Primary chakras, located down the spine, may correspond to the central nervous system and their connection to specific health aspects may relate to different nerve plexuses. For instance, a 2017 cadaver study found that the root chakra might be related to the inferior hypogastric plexus.
What are some examples of cultural appropriation in spirituality?
Cultural appropriation is a harmful practice that denies Indigenous peoples (BIPOC) access to wellness practices due to high prices and toxic power dynamics. It strips practices of their authenticity and sacredness, making them feel displaced from their ancestors and othered in spaces that are supposed to bring healing. To practice responsibly, seek out teachers who are part of the community from which your specific wellness practice originates, try different instructors within that community, and look beyond popular or readily available options. By doing so, we can work towards a more inclusive and respectful environment for all.
What cultures believe in chakras?
Chakras are believed to be the seven main chakras in the body, which are central to the nervous system. They are central to the body’s energy system and are used to balance and connect with the life energy that flows through our bodies and the universe. These systems, including Ayurveda, yoga, Hinduism, and Buddhism, have developed around the idea of a life energy that flows through our bodies and the universe.
Chakras gained popularity in the West in the 1960s-1970s as part of alternative spiritual movements, including psychology and complementary medicine. These systems focus on the root chakra at the bottom of the spine and the crown chakra above the head.
Are chakras scientifically true?
Chakras, or energy centers, are believed to be vital centers of energy in all humans, according to yoga and New Age practices. These energy vortexes, not visible to the human eye, are essential for our development and health. Karla Helbert, a licensed counselor, yoga therapist, and author of The Chakras in Grief and Trauma, views them as invisible energy organs with functions that impact all parts of the whole.
What is an example of cultural appropriation in yoga?
Yoga, an ancient Indian spiritual practice, has been criticized for its use of symbols like the Om ॐ symbol and mandalas to adorn bodies and yoga studios. Yoga as exercise, derived from medieval Haṭha yoga, has become a widespread fitness practice across the western world. However, scholars argue that the charge of cultural appropriation is not substantiated due to the continuous development of yoga’s form and changing contexts and goals. They suggest that the goal should not be for white people to stop practicing yoga, but rather to learn about its history and practice it responsibly in a genuine and healing cultural exchange.
Haṭha yoga, developed from the 11th century, aimed to unite the human spirit with the divine through physical postures. Modern yoga as exercise uses physical postures, but focuses on good health, reduced stress, and physical flexibility.
What religion do chakras stem from?
The term chakra, derived from the Hindu/Yoga tradition, refers to psychoenergetic centers in the subtle or nonphysical human body (lingadeha) discovered in ancient India. These centers move in a circular manner, funneling universal energy into the human energy system. The ancient Upanishads, dating back to the seventh century BCE, mention an esoteric human anatomy composed of subtle life energy or prana, consisting of 72, 000 nadis or channels. The Maitri Upanishad (6.
21) mentions the Sushumna channel, central to Kundalini Yoga philosophy and practice, as well as the chakras. The Upanishads also describe five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and ether – associated with this subtle body. Meditation and its practices are central to the Vedanta philosophy and practice, as described in Adiswarananda’s meditation guide and Avalon’s book on serpent power.
What are the signs of cultural appropriation?
Cultural appropriation refers to the act of adopting elements from one culture without permission or understanding, often without respect for the cultural significance or history of the borrowed elements. This can lead to the erasure of the original culture’s contributions, reinforce stereotypes, and cause harm or offense to the group whose culture is being appropriated. It can also involve a power imbalance, reinforcing existing inequalities and perpetuating stereotypes.
Examples of cultural appropriation include traditional Native American headdresses, regalia, costumes that caricature or stereotype a particular culture, and tattoos of religious or sacred symbols. Both concepts have different implications and often intersect, but they have different implications.
Can Christians do energy work?
Christians can express gratitude for God’s providential care in energy healing, as seen in mainstream medicine, prayer, and healing miracles. They have a strong theological foundation, not pragmatism, and have a brief glimpse of God’s general presence and revelation. However, many non-Christian energy healers refer to the source as an impersonal force or the universal life force.
The issue lies in the healer’s failure to give glory to God for the healing. They develop a “reality construct” or metaphysic to explain the phenomenon, leading to spiritual darkness and a new age spirituality. The root cause of spiritual deception lies with the sinful individual, and when God is not acknowledged, the truth is distorted by idolatry. Idolatry is a process that begins in the fallen human mind, suppressing and repressing God’s knowledge for idols. Christians must not forget that the warning about idolatry applies to believers, as they can easily slip into a nonacknowledgement of God’s work and replace it with idolatry.
Apologists are right to alert us to the faulty metaphysics found in new age healing, and Biblical discernment of correct teaching is essential. However, Christians should not just identify false teachings but also take the positive initiative to offer Christ as the completion of what is dimly grasped by non-Christians.
Are chakras a religious thing?
Chakra methodology is a significant concept in Hinduism’s Shaktism goddess tradition, alongside yantras, mandalas, and kundalini yoga. In Shakta tantrism, chakra means circle and is associated with group rituals like chakra-puja. The cakra-based system is part of yoga’s meditative exercises.
Esoteric traditions in Buddhism generally teach four chakras: manipura (navel), anahata (heart), vishuddha (throat), and ushnisha kamala (crown). In the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of chakras is Nirmanakaya (gross self), Sambhogakaya (subtle self), Dharmakaya (causal self), and Mahasukhakaya (non-dual self). These chakras are considered psycho-spiritual constituents, bearing meaningful correspondences to cosmic processes and their postulated Buddha counterparts.
A system of five chakras is common among the Mother class of Tantras, with their correspondences being:
- Manipura (navel)
- Anahata (heart)
- Vishuddha (throat)
- ushnisha kamala (crown)
- Mahasukhakaya (non-dual self)
These chakras are considered psycho-spiritual constituents, bearing meaningful correspondences to cosmic processes and their postulated Buddha counterparts.
📹 Have you had mysterious experiences? Is this kundalini? | J. Krishnamurti
Subtitles available in: ENGLISH Saanen, Switzerland 1983 – Question #3 from Question and Answer Meeting #3 ‘From what we …
I believe the meaning of this is- “no ego” Years ago I had some kind of spiritual awakening I like to call it. After that I started to realize more and more about life. When I saw people having a maybe “lower understanding of life” than me I felt the duty to talk and make them understand. But then I realized that I was, in my depths, feeling more superior! That’s when I realized I wasn’t truly awaken, or I didn’t yet understand many things. But it’s hard to get rid of it especially when u do it unconsciously. That’s when I started to get to fully know myself and who I am. Still doing it. Still trying to heal my soul. It’s a very very deep connection to your self. I believe, for one to awaken, u have to explore the depths of yourself. Especially your dark sides. You have to see it with your own eyes, accept it and then let it go slowly. It’s a journey that requires a lot of patience and courage. And I’m still on it. So not for one moment can I ever feel like I am better or worse now! I realize that we are all so unique and so different and so the same at the same time. Our life experiences is what makes us, us and I try to see behind every action a person takes before judging them. But do I still judge? Yeah sometimes I still do. “Removing the self” it’s maybe the most difficult thing out there because as humans we’re afraid to let go. But I’m glad that I am at least at this level of understanding right now. Still, I know I got a lot to learn. Just wanted to share this with someone that might need this.
8:20 “When the Self is not present, there is a different kind of energy to keep the mind fresh, young, alive. And that can come when there is absolutely no sense of the Self. Because the Self, the me, is in constant conflict (wanting, not wanting, creating dualities, opposing desires), this constant struggle that is going on. As long as that struggle is going on, there is a wastage of energy, obviously. When that struggle is not, there is a total different kind of energy taking place.”
I love bodybuilding. I’m an amateur at my best and I’ve been doing it for 15 years. I’m 37 years old now, and I’m getting weaker. My stamina and strength are deteriorating even though my knowledge has increased about diet form and execution of the exercises themselves. I also took martial arts in my mid 20’s and I kept getting hurt. Until recently, I felt I was hurting myself more than taking care of myself. My mother bought me a book one day, because she saw it at Costco, and found it fascinating and knew my interest on the human body. It was B.K.S. Inyengar, Light on Yoga. I took the book more as an exercise book. Wow, did it help me. It also got me into meditating, mantras, self hypnosis, etc. The yoga itself didn’t bring me enlightenment. I never felt energies or awakenings or epiphanies, but it started the path to a life I live in the now. Life has meaning again, and new disciplines have brought me joy.
As far as I know J. Krishnamurti did yoga asanas for many, many years. Someone asked him why he did this and he said it was just like cleaning his teeth. I think yoga can help many people to become aware of their bodies, relax and discover meditation. It did so for me. But I think he is challenging us to go far deeper than that.
Stand alone. That’s the gist of his message. Don’t use any kind of crutches. Find out everything you want to find out, by yourself…. He just burns the very ground you are standing on and makes you and you alone, totally responsible. .. and out of the acceptance of that responsibility will the answer spring… the only all encompassing answer that truly matters, to the only question that’s worth asking….
This is beautiful to hear, not wasting energy is the right use of energy. I missed seeing K. in person but am grateful to find and listen to living waters pour out on such topics. Thank you for sharing these articles, they are essential for seekers of true knowledge on the path of self knowledge, healing the body, and living without the self.
I tell my children to listen to this man when they grow up and they will have true realization of self and clarity of thoughts about life than following or reading any book on spiritualism or religion including reading Gita if I may say. I am re-discovering my life everyday with the help of this Saint. Grateful to have found him on YouTube.
I had what I would term a Kundalini experience during a meditation retreat. It was the most bizarre, unexpected, and unmistakable thing that ever happened to me. It was 100% tangible, and anyone who has ever experienced anything like it would never doubt it. It didn’t turn me into some enlightened being, but it did permanently change my perspective on how the mind and body work.
Damn. That was really good. I like how he told the stories, got everyone laughing, then hit them with the serious business. People get an increase of energy from doing Yoga, but it is not the kind of energy he’s speaking to. There is another. I think of the energy and experiences with it this way: So many people want to be enlightened; but, if they got it, would they end up actually liking it? For the vast majority of the world, even those seeking – I don’t believe so. It’s Pandora’s box. You can’t turn it off, or give it back. Once it’s opened, it’s opened. It opens you to the essence of things. A great analogy would be learning to read body language – 90% of communication is non-verbal. Imagine being aware of up to 90% more of what’s going on in people’s minds around you, and you begin to get the picture.
krishnamurti Ji just dismissed the word ‘kundalini’ as a work of fiction published by perhaps many iconic Indian saints in the last century. His sense of humour is just infectious and extraordinary. He rather explains the so called kundalini as an extra energy that one naturally gains by eating less, breathing properly and moderate exercise which automatically gives mind an higher state of awareness which when joined with ego can make one feel like a supreme being and you get caught in it. Rather just take advantage of this additional energy and use it to better purpose instead of naming it with fancy words. That was simply brilliant Krisha Ji. Thanks for sharing such rare and clear auio/video footage for free. Great job by the way!
Yes!! This is extraordinary and so wonderful. A perfect description by Marcial Galaxio “Seeing Krishnamurti laughing is like seeing spring unleashed in the Himalayas” Thirty years ago I first read transcripts of his talks in California, in “The Flight of the Eagle.” His way of explaining is a treasure indeed. The timing for my finding this online could not possibly have been better. Thank you!
Most people misunderstood his message… modern yoga became a business model and JK talking about highly moralistic life will automatically connect one to higher consciousness… He talked about rajaYoga as one of the best according to him…yoga is not about body and mind but it’s manual to know the self…if one is not using to know the soul and purpose no yoga can save one…Thats what JK is saying…he got his kundalini awakened in his early years…read that and read his books…you will understand what a realstic genius he is
I HAVE A FEW WORDS TO SAY ABOUT THIS: I have been telling people the same for years, even before I knew what i was talking about. And after much research know its true. This article also clears up alot of misconceptions about other practices with the same hype around them. This is a gem 💎 diamond hard – adamantine in truth. For truth conquers all things. – Justin from Chicago USA
Namaskar. Truth is also, that during my first yoga weekend – meditative hatha yoga – i had an amazing experience while in Savanna; an experience that no one i knew was able to put a name on. Not even my teacher. After a lot of reading, it came out it was Sabikalpa Samadhi. I remember getting up after this session and saying “Wau, what a trip”, and i thought this would happen again at the end of every Hatha yoga session, but it only happened once again and it was a much shorter experience, even when i took a regular practice in a serious studio.
Its funny because I’ve only seen him start to laugh and cut himself off. But I could always see there was beauty and joy in there. I can’t tell you how nice it is to see him laugh. Shame he didn’t do it more. There was a nice energy to this talk. Interesting to find out he did yoga for the body. But he is right, you still have to put order in the house. Thanks for uploading this. Brought me a lot of joy to finally see this side of him.
From childhood I was very energetic and mindfulness person. I was too very ambitious and goal oriented . after adolescence when I got some failures I get depressed. The magnitude of the depression was so high I had to go under medication. then after I lost my aim in life. I was a very lazy person. I had other complexions like severe insomnia, anxiety,, etc. just three years back I started to do yoga pranayam and meditation. I achieved my lost confidence again. Now I have better nights and beautiful mornings. But I have not to spend a dollar with any spiritual leader. All you can get the fragrance of yoga without money near your bed.
To become enlightened or awakened spiritually is not something that happen once and it becomes a done deal. No. it goes along the journey of our life, when i first comes into this truth of when the self is not i realized that i have a life changing perceptions that gradually increasing on daily basis, that streams of unworldly knowledge or wisdom sometimes flood into my being and i began to understand many kind of aspects in life, and it really does expand on daily basis, as long as you keep or maintain the vibe of this newly acquired knowledge or perception that you were experiencing, it will renew and nourish your perception of life everyday, what amazes me is that the amount of knowledge i receive sometimes soon after receiving it, it will be gone just like that the same way i drink water, after finishing a glass i dont have any single drop of it anymore,but i eventually found out that this wisdom/knowledge are always accessible when you are in the right vibration, when the center of yourself which you called ‘me’ is not there then the veil will be torn out and you will be immersing in it.
I have seen many of this Gentleman’s talks some time over the years, and have always found him to be profound in his thoughts . Just a little back story on his life . Jiddu Krishnamurti was ‘discovered’ by C. W. Leadbeater near Madras in 1910 and taken under the wing of Annie Besant and the Theosophical Society, along with his younger brother, Nityananda . He was noticed, because of his kindness towards others, and thwy thought they could guid him . He later in life cut ties to pursue his own truth, instead of there’s . I could go on . In short great individual 😊 .
What I’m getting out of meditation I can’t fully explain, but perhaps close to what Krishnamurti said, I lose myself a little each day, and this loss of self, brings about a new energy. In no way, am I gonna meditate daily for up to an hour, for months, if i wasn’t tapping into something worth it – just sit, with no phone, music, or distractions, and if you start freaking out, there is reason #1 for you to start. I don’t teach yoga, sell anything related, nor spent a dime on spiritual retreats, or yoga groups, but I can emphatically suggest to start seeking Pranayama!
Namaste! I noticed 2 related thema in comments by people who felt that J.K. had erred in his thinking or speaking. Hurt, that he would disparage the practice of yoga, and that he stated how people weren’t necessarily achieving a ‘global awakening of consciousness’ by their practice. He did answer that question. Yoga, is to join, or to yoke the physical incarnation with the spiritual consciousness. The only way to achieve this is to lead a pure, or supermoral life. Hence, if the current teaching of yoga at the time, circa 1979?, was not leading to the students adopting the pure moral life, than all they were merely doing is exercising the body, w/o deeply aligning their individual spirit with the Universal Spirit. So yes, he did too answer the question, listen closer, listen w/o your butt-hurt ego blocking you from receiving potentially useful spiritual information. Namaste!
When he said about when the self is not, it is simply to remove the sense of “me” in our being, that means getting rid the ego’s first by being present which means not identifying that moment with anything…what im trying to say is, whatever we saw we identify it with the knowledge we had, that knowledge which is come from the past, but if we stop identifying it and rather comes to the moment@present like a child who does not know anything? is not that pure? returning to the state of unpoluted mind, would grant us another eyes to view the world in a different angle we would never notice before. when we return to this state, all possibilities become available for us.
I agree with K if he says that when, while meditating, you do all kinds of stuff, you are not really meditating, but exercising. But Yoga does give your body the capacity to give more energy to the mind. So Yoga can help meditation. In meditation, it is possible that Kundalini can awaken. What you must do, is try to find some sitting position that is as comfortable as possible, and then pay total attention and at the same time trying to understand everything that is going on within you. In other words, you pay as much attention to everything that is going on within you as you possibly can. That is meditating. While doing that, ask yourself one question. This question is: what am I? Not who am I? what Ramana Maharshi asks you to do. No, ask yourself: what am I? At some point, your mind begins to understand, that there is no “I” that does the thinking. No, there is only thought. In other words, there is no thinker that does the thinking. No, it is all thought. So, the answer to the question: what am I? is: you are a thought! At any moment there is just one thought that you are. But it constantly changes. One moment you are one thought. The next moment you are another thought. So the ‘I’ is not a fixed entity, but it changes constantly. Or, to put it more, but slightly different than K would say it: ‘at any moment there is a thought. And that thought is the thinker.’ In the normal state, the brain does not have enough energy to understand that. You need the tremendous amount of energy present in Kundalini to really understand that you are not a person who thinks.
Yoga asanas actually provided me the peace (mentally and physically) to actually sit in meditation for long periods of time. With the way the lifestyle is set up in America, the asanas are most important for us because the way we live creates tension in our bodies. It wasn’t until asanas that I was able to truly be at peace with my spiritual path. The asanas are tools on the path, but you still have to do the ego deconstruction to experience a small taste of samadhi.
One of the things I love about Krishnamurti was his confidence while speaking (his crankiness was endearing at times) and yet something that always seemed to me as openness for disagreement… and disagree with this I do. Hatha yoga is not a golden ticket to a kundalini awakening, but neither is Raja yoga, not necessarily. Heck, you’d think something as close-minded as a Pentecostal church as not even part of the topic, but members have had cases that, when weeded out of the ubber Christian palaver, are clearly kundalini experiences. And that’s not even mentioning the awakenings experienced by many people not even involved in any type of practice to begin with.
Ce guide avait le don de démystifier les aspects spirituels dits new-age. Tellement de concept et de tendance a embrigader les gens en soif et besoin d’autre chose qu’ils se font berner car impossible de se remettre en question de jour en jour et continuant aveuglement de suivre toute personne prétendue être guide, coach, “maitre”, etc. Une ribambelle de gens s’appellent même thérapeute et ne sont que des charlatans avec plus ou moins voir pas de don et pas forcément sain pour éveiller ou guider. On peut même dire qu’un bon nombre sont carrément toxique. Alors MERCI a Jiddu Krishnamurti de permettre aux auditeurs de se remettre en question afin de lever le voile des illusions qui dominent le monde.
Hatha yoga admits itself as a preparatory practice to Raja Yoga and never quite claims to be a separate discipline. Some exercises like Surya Namaskar etc came to popular attention around the time Krishnamurti mentions but this discipline is much older than he talks. Just because some commercial minded men have defamed Hatha yoga doesn’t mean it is futile.
I’ve been questioning so much the nature of the already mostly accepted concepts of “soul” and similar concepts. I think many people persue those kind of things through life, without ever questioning the true nature of that, since it’s already called a deep concept, involving deep understanding of your own self, the feeling those people have when they feel attached to the concept of soul, is that they are more advanced then others, it’s enough reason for them to believe and keep persuing it.
So truthful with the wasting of energy of ones self conflicts and in those conflicts people are trying to steal energies also, yoga and the discipline of it form many expressions of defense spiritually, tho I concur this isn’t going to relight your spiritual lights or open your third eye or intuition, your hand gestures and hand mastery is likely more beneficial in your spiritual protection,, or how you talk with your hands, very intuitive. Thank you for posting this article, thank you for your kind and truthful words and perspective.
“To keep the mind, fresh, young, alive. That can only come when there absolutely no sense of the self The self is in constant conflict, wanting not wanting, creating dualities, opposing desire, that constant struggle that is going on. As long as that struggle is going on, there is a wasting of energy.” “You all are ega, I am not touching this” 😛 Great article, thanks.
An exotic and mysterious name given to anything can help it sell and fly off the shelves……. If you are alive you have the energy already. The only question is how to increase it. Olympic athletes have it in abundance even if they have never done yoga because of their consistent conscious mental focus & visualization along with their physical activity. It is true that you can increase your kundalini washing dishes. Perhaps one of the best ways to increase this energy is through a well paced, slightly increased meditative walk.
If anyone has an answer or pointer, thank you -I have been perusal quite a lot of J. Krishnamurti, and I … well, my conscious attention is quite limited over time, I had a period of blissful “enlightenment”, for lack of better words, I was aware and unhindered by thought, but I still could use thought freely – all things made sense beyond anything explainable. I could engage with anything and understand it immediately, make new music (piano) without effort, there was no fear, even death made perfect inner sense.. and since this was a transient time for me, I wonder if J.Krisnamurti has at least some “positive” pointer, to how to actually move in the world as it is now, with all the extreme hangups of my mind… While still being able to create within the societal framework, which accepts all these hangups as normal, or worthy of celebration even? I mean… when I collapse to “doing”, I engage in thinking along the lines of the society and… overtime it leads me back to not seeing anything… or rather, just seeing the world “normally” again, which I can no longer stand, because I know deeply, that that is not reality… I feel trapped again, every thought betrays me and every action seems wrong… I thought I had it, but… as of now, I cant see myself staying “with it” without completely rejecting the world and separating myself in monkhood or something similar. But I dont desire this, really…
The Kundalini experience is in all religions back to Shamanism. It is an evolutionary adaptation for tribal survival in periods of crisis via the Shaman’s tapping into Universal Wisdom. It may be a traumatic experience and even arise from trauma, like a PTSD experience. The book ‘Achilles in Vietnam’ describes some PTSD experiences very similar to Kundalini. Read Hakuin’s biography to see another expression of Kundalini. The advice I got from a zen teacher was: ‘Dont fight it and dont force it, hold the reins loosely but firmly like this’
Asana (called yoga in the west) is important as a preparation for deep meditation. Pranayam is another important preparation. These both really help us to experience the Self as unbounded in meditation. There’s no reason to get irritated when someone asks about its value. The master-disciple story was a damaging thing to say.
The scientific explanation of what happens during a kundalini awakening is incredible. I’ll explain it briefly. So inside of your pineal gland (or third eye) are crystals which are piezoelectric (which means that when mechanical force is applied to compress these crystals together an electromagnetic field is released from these crystals) Now if that is the case then how do we compress or squeeze together these crystals to produce this orgasmic & spiritual experience? To do this we are going to tighten our core and use our breath to move our spinal fluid right to the base of our pineal gland and hold it there. In a resting state, a healthy person’s spinal fluid bypasses the brain two complete cycles in a 24 hour period. With breath work and focusing our conscious mind on the pineal gland, we can generate this experience. Where the mind goes, so does our energy. Focusing on and imagining our pineal gland in our minds eye whilst practicing our breath work & tightening our core up into our body will both help us to attain this state.
Yogic practice does develop energies not normally observable in ordinary life. But the same as physical exercise – one can exercise with the intent of getting stronger physically for vanity, OR one can develop with the intent to use the increased strength and powers to help one keep up on one’s path to the development of one’s wisdom and insight. For how could one think one thought if one were so tired as to fall asleep or not be able to think straight due to lethargy? The one who practices for power will develop only to a certain point… the one who practices to gain power in order to assist in the wisdom factor…that one will not encounter limitations.
Kundalini can rise from the root chakra through non-ego meditation / ‘stop thinking’ or calming the mind but the fundamental condition is CHASTITY. Without sex or dirty thoughts, life must be lived. And after a certain time of accumulation and distillation Kundalini itself will burst rising to the top of the spine. Practicing day by day, doing meditation instead of sex or other things, this energy of creation will rise higher and higher, aiming to unite with the last chakras/Sahasrara to make the complete cycle and Man suddenly becomes enlightened. But that is depending on the level of personal development, karma or moral purity, the Kundalini may not rise above the solar plexus chakra for most ordinary mortals. For me personally, after a few years, the Kundalini barely climbed the Manipura chakra. A good goal is to reach the Anahata Chakras where Kundalini totally transforms man into a unique and total love for everything around. But it is a long road and of course requires sacrificing, among other things, ordinary sex but also many other routines related to eating, sleeping or conscious breathing. Bless you all!
Full respect to KrishnamurtiJI but Hatha Yoga was not ‘ invented ‘ in the 17th century . Asanas like the Padmasan and Vajrasan, Bhujangasan etc. and various Mudras have been mentioned in texts which are much older than 17th century. The Gorakha Samhita for example was written somewhere in the 11the century and deals quiet a bit with Hatha Yog.
As I scrolled through the comments, I’ve seen several ppl misunderstand what JK said in this article. My own take is Yoga could strengthen the body and mind to a level that allows the yogi to transcend the ego. But it is a stepping stone. One could do lots of yoga stuff and still remain as the ego of the ‘yogi’. So there is a much greater work to be done beyond the breathing techniques, poses etc.
I think the energy comes forth through one pointed focus in the mind. We all can feel our skin, when somebody blows air through their mouth onto our skin despite our eyes closed. Imagine having an awareness where you recognize that the breath you inhaled has just reached the outer surface of the skin. You could have that awareness ( but the pressure within your body is very very subliminal, to pay attention the breath touching the interior body organs you have to be super quiet and have strong inner sense of awareness. That’s where yoga and meditation come in.Habing inner awareness of breath to such subtlety also helps you to really understand the consciousness within the human body deeper level and perhaps helps them to harness human potentialities non-existent in common man.
Krishnamurti had fun with this question, Lol… amazing reply on his part: “when the self is not” could it mean united or not being alone? Crown chakra kundalini (whatever you wanna call it – different names in every culture), but the same symbology = trinity. He and She spiritually reunited with the divine higher consciousness??? Who was JK? from Wikipedia: “I am concerning myself with only one essential thing: to set man free. I desire to free him from all cages, from all fears, and not to found religions, new sects, nor to establish new theories and new philosophies.”
As rightly said by Sri J K, you need to dissolve the self, there are eight limbs of Yoga final stage of the last limb is nirbeeja samadhi dissolving the self. Asanas or exercise is one part of Yoga and Meditation,Pranayama is another small part which is only an aid, but as such will not give ultimate reality unless the self gets dissolved. Even people who have not done Yoga can dissolve the self through Bhakti and other means
I didn’t know he had such a sense of humour. Asana yoga is purely physical,which is why it is the lowest form of yoga practice. The yoga phenomena that has been embraced world-wide is limited to the physical-domain and has indeed become ridiculously egocentric. So what!… if it helps people to stay in better shape,consider healthy diet and leads to embracing an inner-life then,wonderful. But endowing it with properties it doesn’t have such as “spiritual-energies”,mystical or esoteric under-tone, is very deceptive. On a higher level of yoga – Siddhis – are even considered ‘non-spiritual’ and the attainment of psychic-powers is merely becoming more ‘natural’. Meaning these are abilities that we all have but remain unaware of. Mr.Krishnamurti once said about yoga; “I do it everyday,but have never made a habit out of it”
For you who found this: what our beloved speaker means by Self is just your physical body. In the moment your Mind learn to be in control and not be controled by your phisical body, there is the change he talks about. Makes sense now why he talked about Raja Yoga, right? To have a life full of high standards and beauty, uniting the higher with the lower. But, truly, I may be quoting someone, for I have not yet reached the goal. However I write these words with an honest desire to help and a brotherly heart.
people who are criticizing one form or another of practice without having themselves a true spiritual realization are just imitating masters and do damage around themselves and become arrogant. So listen to this man of if you to proceed in the way he indicates but please refrain from just copying some of his words and labeling other people.
I love Krishnamurti for his clarity and I attended some of his speeches, but his vision on yoga I remain a little bit doubtful. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (8 limbs of yoga) is written 5000 years ago. Krishnamurti in his speech, mention that yoga has been invented between 17th and 18th century?!! There are very ancient sculptures with yoga postures found in Indus civilization more that 12000 years ago. May be we need more meditation upon this article.
I was perusal one of the Kdrama series. They had a seen where according to them,they were performing yoga. I was shocked to see the postures which were quite intimidating. People has made Yog a business and what not. They add up things to make it interesting and making the beautiful spiritual knowledge into some crap.
I like him because he is honest. He has no idea what Kundalini is and admits it openly. The same goes for all the Indian gurus(they have no real experience). They write books about Kundalini, but none of them has awakened it. Once I started having real experience with Kundalini, i tried the books and quickly noticed this fact. Kundalini has nothing to do with enlightenment. Only the mind can achieve it. Kundalini has another very important task.
It’s a fallacy that krishnamurti was a philosopher… he chose to be a philosopher… he was a mystic.. perhaps greatest of the 20th century along with ramana maharishi.. these two were the real MCcoy…. never claimed to be the godman… jiddu used logic and reasoning to defy logic and reasoning… and perhaps his speech was misconstrued philosophical because he chose to use common language bcos people were glued and addicted to fancy words and jargons thereby missing the real meaning of the real and authentic meaning of “truth” so he used words like ‘timeless’ for soul and maintained that creation is the most sacred and holy thing.. he was not an atheist… you can see in his eyes and voice that he was always on a ethereal spiritual high… jiddu always addressed himself as the “speaker” because he believed and realised that he doesn’t belong to any country, cast, colour or creed and any religious sect….. he hardly used the word “GOD” to avoid misunderstanding amongst spiritual seekers.. he once said ” timeless is and will always be there – even without your invitation..” or “truth is a pathless land..”.. be a light unto yourself…”.. he realised that the concept of ‘creator gods’ was deviating humans from what ideally was the “TRUTH” or “ETERNAL”… he wasn’t against praying but felt that meditation is the ‘choiceless awareness’ and insisted that that meditator and the meditation are the same just like suffering and sufferer are the same so maintained that action without motive is the real action because it’s not seeking for any results when done without motive.
KrishnaMurti has always been anti drug, and I know a lot of people are, but I do believe drug taking can be done morally, especially when combined with meditation, I’m thinking plants (drugs) like Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, Peyote. I think Krishnamurti had an bias against these things because he just didn’t know.
Is he was alive today to see the modern Gurus he would have such a laugh. He is the last modern spiritual leader ( although he will laugh at me to call him that) . It is very important nowadays to distinguish between the entertainment of the Ego and the knowledge of the self. Read him and you will know what am talking about. He couldn’t not be understand from everyone. Some people will feel offended by his words. But anyway his words was not for them…
So Patanjali write about asanas in his Yogasutra. Krishnamurti Talking about the merchandised western yoga. You want learn about asanas? You must pay! You want to try walking in the spiritual path? You must pay! For most western people kundalini seems like a sacred promess… most of rich people go to India for increasing spirituality, most of this are an ego spirituality. Krishnamurti don’t judge Yoga or kundalini in fact.
Why did this person even talk about yoga? Why discredit yoga and the laugh about not being an expert? What a very foolish person. It seems this creature milked the Guru system and then had a good laugh at everyone’s expense as to say “Yes I am an idiot but you are worse off because you believe what I am saying.”
As far as my understanding goes, the real peace comes if and only when you dissolve the Self or the “I”. Call it by any name, you like. When you don’t put yourself at the top of fellow beings in a vertical arrangement and thereby treat yourself as just a part of other fellow beings, (horizontal arrangement), naturally the stress on your mind is reduced. That means, you are at peace. Imagine the stress that Hercules might have undergone
Ridiculous…..A nice man but he is so wrong ….A truly enlightened being would never be so presumptuous as to state yoga was invented in the seventeenth century or discourage people from practising it .What nonsense,Yoga stretches back into pre history far beyond Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus valley civilisation 3300 bc ..and Yes yoga does awaken latent energies,How do I know this ? from my very own experience stretching over 46 years off and on .
Krishnamurti is mistaken here in many ways. The “scholars” he spoke with were also mistaken. He met my master in the1980’s and my master would have set Krishnamurti straight should the topic have arisen. Kundalini energy is very real and it exists in all individuals but is dormant to greater and lesser extents depending on the individual. It can awaken or be stimulated in numerous ways. My first memorable experience of it was when I was 6 years old listening to the words of Jesus in a movie: “the things I do, you will do and greater things still.” It was the idea that Jesus shared and my understanding of it as a child that caused an immediate physical reaction in my body. It was blissful and joyful and hair raising and shook me for about a minute. It was shocking but it confirmed the truth of my thought. As I child I called it “the God energy,” and believed it was connected to things of universal truth. In the 1990’s, as a young man, my master came and found me one day. He showed me certain exercises combined with breathing focuses that he called “movements.” The effect of these exercises was the same hair raising effect of massive energy flow through the body. My master spoke of Kundalini from day one, so I did not realize that it is considered a more advanced form of yoga at the time. He did say that it was more like climbing straight up the rock face of a mountain without ropes rather than taking the longer paths around the back side of the mountain. All paths bring you to the same destination eventually, one is just a bit more difficult and more direct.
In consciousness several years ago i would naturally shut my eyes and a net like light would pulse from me and cover the whole planet now I can physically move small objects without touching them and when I’ve recorded it I can see faint light vortices coming from my hands to the object I can see spirit energy with my eyes partner can too not just my perspective my ear ringing has evolved to a constant high pitch frequency in center of my head when I mist my plants a rainbow is revealed all around me and the experience’s im having are so profound cannot be verbally conveyed love Paul 🙌☮️🌈🌏🌷I can feel the resonance physically of everything it’s feels similar to repelling magnets I reach with my hands to plants and it pushes sometimes pulls my hands even the sun pushes down on my hands when I reach out to it divine feminine looks in on me in meditation it started with a single eye over time revealed more 🙌🌷🌈🌏☮️
Only “when the self is not” do I awaken. “When the Self is not present, there is a different kind of energy to keep the mind fresh, young, alive. And that can come when there is absolutely no sense of the Self. Because the Self, the me, is in constant conflict (wanting, not wanting, creating dualities, opposing desires), this constant struggle that is going on. As long as that struggle is going on, there is a wastage of energy, obviously. When that struggle is not, there is a total different kind of energy taking place.”
Everyone look at this flower 🌹 and all you would see is something precious. But is a flower precious because of it’s beautiful looks? Or of it’s smell or the Joy of giving it too someone? Non of these things make flowers precious! Flowers are precious because of their non-selfish intentions. They are simply in existence to just be in a evolutional state of growth, nothing more nothing less. Mankind too could be precious if they stay without selfish intent and in an evolutional state of growth that would be precious, don’t you think..?
As a student of Yoga and with great regard for the Hindu culture of which this is just an aspect( though not small), what he is saying is, is that in order to even glimpse that which you seek through Yoga which by the way is not just asana like the physical aspect he meant, the silence or calm that one seeks. There is an entirety in which the subject has to be looked at to even have the privilege of being available to this abundance that is Yoga, which most people will never get because their approach itself is flawed due to its lack of authenticity
I practice yoga the western way. Like exercise. Via an app Have done so for 3 years. It has absolutely changed my life. I have a new life and I’m in serenity almost all the time. I make better decisions and I’m calm and I can’t be touched. So I don’t know why these yogis diss the western way if doing yoga. I cant imagine feeling better than I do now
With due regards to JK, there were many errors in what he said. Raja Yoga has 8 ‘limbs’. He touched upon Yama and Niyama. Asana is mentione by Patnjali as “Sukham, Sthiram, Asanam”. The rest of the other 5 limbs are Pranayama (which is meant to prepare the mind for meditation and definitely arouses kundalini), Prathyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. It is the first (and perhaps the most complete system) of spirituality. The Asanas were developed by 500 AD. Yoga as it is being practiced in the West is some certainly not Yoga in its true sense of the word.
The reality….of life is….each one has their own spiritual path….but here itself is the problem…..we r running behind spirituality……just a thought what if each of us are… enlightened…what if our body which is the most complex perfect working machine in this world….we existing is itself spirituality….how we take it from here on is the way to live… perhaps nothing is complex… everything is very simple….u take care of ur body u live….u don’t u need to perish then…in a similar way about every aspect in life… relationships,career,etc etc… actually all our problems are just self inflicting….just live ur day to the best what ur conscience feels right…
Dears K practiced yoga, pranayam and meditation since a young age thru middle aged and learned from BKS Iyengar through 1966 both in Saanen, Switzerland and India. From then on he requested T. Krishnamacharya to guide him however T. instead sent his son TKV Desikachar, who at the time was in his late 20s, to teach him and to aid him in healing some physical issues as well as other opportunities. They guided him and taught yoga to K until just before 1986. The above is excerpted from TKV’s books and KS own accounts. The above is probably what he meant about learning from the experts. In this article he comes accross as slightly demeaning yoga and maybe as it was taught “commercially” by the masses. However, it is undeniable that Yoga helped him in many ways throughout his entire life. I’m sure there is more evidence about this truth. Many blessings to all and to all who truly practice Yoga and Meditation and self inquiry as intended by the Great Masters….
I remember that talk from Saanen 40 years ago. What struck me at the time and in that tent, was his tiny figure and strong aristocratic, mocking humor, and the deferential audience. Contradictory in a way, though the audience is mocking the questions as well, as an incrowd of mini-K’s.. This feeling of moral superiority and tension has stuck with me.
True! You have to be empty of yourself, all, everything, and then you are not more, no wishes, no destiny, only emptiness….and then you get all and much more. It is not about sitting, praying, etc. It is about NOT you being….NOT world being…You get emptied….you get filled….simple, but true.
I have read some 20 – 30 comments about this article and I can see that for sure his point about taking sides (agree or disagree) which he emphasizes a lot is clearly not followed. All that makes the mind dull as he so often points out. We can of course fully approve what he is saying or not, express our happiness of having found a teaching that resonates with us or put up a guard (Do not touch MY Yoga). I can see that fear in both cases are playing a role here. I also want to tell the world of how happy I am to have found his teachings, but thats only creates confusion and causes further more dividedness as long as the world in this case isnt already whole. Who said that these things should be easy ? And if you are inclined to disagree, look again, was he really saying that Yoga was something bad or something you shouldnt do? The only thing he said was that you will not become “enlightened” by means of practicing Yoga, and even if you disagree with that it must be so that you are not enlightened yourself though you have practiced it for years. How do I know that you are not enlightened? Well what purpose would this webpage serve for you if you where enlightened?
The thing is, these methods are not wrong. The problem is they are or become the primary focus. What K teaches is how to find the true self, the INNER MOST self. the I AM, the center of being! Without that foundation, you will just go in circles. But it is the cornerstone. After one LIVES from this BEINGNESS within them- then all these things become great additions to perfect their temples.
Energy exists . Those are energies which were accumulated by certain practices of Mantra and Asanas. Those methods are mostly esoteric at the moment. Energy doesn’t equate enlightenment. As my father says, ‘a man with all siddhis but no control of vikaars of mind is bound to be self destroyed’. No wonder some rishis always had some anger issues and their curses got true simultaneously they lost their subtle energies in the process. Rama Krishna paramhansa tried so many methods of reaching enlightenment and he found every one works.
If he answers in affirmative and says yes, then yoga will become a mean to an end, and yoga will become important more than anything. Not being able to find something through practice because there is nothing to find at all, you will become bore and other will come and say, Ah, try this one, Vipassana, this will help. After getting bore of it, another beard will come and say with a rather fancy word and say, transcendental meditation is the final and finest mean and we fall for that. Trap after trap, we let ourselves used like a commodity, and in attempt to find a meaning demean ourselves in the court of heavenly stars and sun and Earth. Ashamed and abashed, thrashed and trashed, we remained holed up in our consciousness and leads an unholy life.
Yoga is a basic physical and mental discipline for enlightenment. It gives inner peace, better clarity to understand oneself. Yoga is being practiced since ages in India which is not a simple 17th or 18th century invention of exercises. Even JK is also vaguely mentioning that he spoke with some experts who are those experts? What is the process for highly moral life, he didn’t explain. It is obvious that he wants establish supremacy of his ideas.
K is so disciplined. Every moment he is responsible and aware of the implication of his words. Never indulges our herd-mentality. Never shares his personal experiences which are unverifiable for us and hence not useful. He never ever slips in his mission to set man unconditionally free. Never imprisons us in hero-worshipping K.. Just pointing out to us drop disorder, release energy and see for yourself what follows. The rest is useless, or as he says tommyrot :).
To all those confused/”objective” haters: He’s saying there’s no way you can read his thoughts to find out if he lived those experiences. And then he also goes on to say that he perhaps had those experiences, but to ponder on this is trivial and also not verifiable. He states the importance of it is what you get at the end of the road (that’s why he used the bath analogy). Then he explains how guru’s trick people to follow them with the simple authority trick.
Thank you for this article. I had JK’s lectures at J.J.School of Arts maiden on some evenings simply cos I was student St. Xavier’s college. It went all above head. Today, having mellowed after many empty doors, it seems to filter through like water through a sieve. Our own seeking calls the Infinite/Inner most come running to embrace us and even put in his/her lap!
i always will go back to this, the real beautiful inspiring persons are those with nothing or very little themselves, Who despite this, give all to help and inspire others, who don’t look to satisfy an ego but just doing good deeds for those lost in a very cruel society filled with people happy to look on and preach, or worse listen to these preachers, gurus etc. and then do nothing to help the helpless but think they are better for thinking a certain way. We are all guru, god, whatever word or spin you want to put on it, do your best without thought of self and help those in need, without judgement, we are all one living being on Mother Earth.
Dear Rowansart, I believe the message from K is any effort to strive towards something greater is actually the desire to strengthen the self. All experience instantly becomes memory and crystalizes into ideas, beliefs and concepts. All of this only strength the self. Only through active meditation, passive observation and self awareness allows us to live for every moment. It is the total negation of desire. It is ego death and that dear Rowansart is not something we seek. We only think we do.
JK was a beautiful human being. Speaks straight, sharp with his answers speakers about loving oneself and searching for you inner consciousness respects every questions by answering with patience, address someone as Sir that’s something great. Reading his biography was like a calm beach with lots of the then famous icons expecting a Messiah when introduces to public, K destroyed it with a hurricane saying I am not as they have described. Yet imagine the number of followers he had from across regardless of his cut throat reasonings. Man of his time and many guru’s follow his style of thoughts.
Even Krishnamutri saying it out loud= just a game and the game is over…when both realize…its like that❤. He is awsome. True so…that when this thoughtsplays become less…more energy is upcoming…though also it can be increased and harmonized in the body…by knowing what it is…this body and how it works well…Y8ga can heal the body from my experience…so of course a clear mental state…though that is real Yoga.
And since this self-destructive society is based on thought/conditioned mind, it calls it “life/living”. Therefore, K kept explaining that death is the presence of intelligence/love. And in that presence of death/love/intelligence, is the absence of thought/programmed mind. But the problem is that most of mankind is attached to thought/memory.
With all due respect I would like to deal with the fact that he doesn’t even try to talk about many spiritually things like in this case KUNDALINI while he is meant to do so. people have to learn about spiritual things.Having said that we cannot ignore the fact that all he is trying to do is to make people life simpler by asking them to ignore these things which are very complex an don’t play a role in our daily lives ….that’s the reason he is called world teacher 🙏
So having a spiritual awakening and experiencing other dimensions is a denial of this current world of thought and what makes up our minds and who we are? Is that what K is saying? If he were alive I’d ask him a few things about that? How is it that he can explain the state of the human race and all its madness and not see that as a creation of the insane mind, and then go on to tell us by giving energy to the guru, the kundalini awakening, or other experiences is denying our selves somehow?
I recently had a strange experience,Jan. 16, 2020. I live in northern Missouri, USA. The temperature was around 20 deg. Fahrenheit. While at my computer around 10 AM, I felt a few drops of water from the ceiling land on my head. This lasted about 2 minutes. Then no more drips. A leak in my roof? Not at 20 degrees. I won’t even try to interpret this experience. Though I have been into this Spirituality and Law of Attraction material.
This man is not “trying” to say anything. Rather he “said” through out his life one thing. Find your truth yourself. No one, from Sankaracharya to Sigmund Freud- from theists to atheists – from priests to scientists, are capable to give you self realisation. You have to investigate and find it. And when you realise the eternity, you will understand it is not important…
This man demonstrated, there in 1983, that without humility and a deep and healthy morality, the quest for knowledge / power is in vain. At 88, he still had a power in his speeches which would restore, in a few words, the fanatics who rule without humanity. In short, about the Kundalini, I may have experienced it twice, spontaneously. I think it should be considered that way, without trying to produce or reproduce experiences. Think about the atomic experiment and the first bomb sent to Japan to show the world the power of science over matter, through the use of uncontrollable energy … Krishnamurti invites listeners long after his death (thanks to the people who spread his teachings) to THINK (for themselves) instead of running like a chopped off hen’s head (this also really exists). It is an image to meditate on French speakers who are hypnotized by the spiritual new age.
K. Is the only one awake up to now, who does not describe himself as a guru.. still he fulminates against other gurus, who do.. like all guru’s he says, don’t listen to them… but he never says listen to me.. he says find out for yourself. And reassures you that you can. Tolle does this too, but sling lots of books makes him slightly less convincing.. always follow the money.. with K there was none..
He is like speaking in behalf of buddha wow!.. and just like telling beware of false prophets. And Yes kundalini everything third eye,to chakra etc. are real but actually it doesnt matter that is what he means.. if we are just being conscious and live properly those things are just normal.. he is like buddha saying there is no god so to avoid the people from having misconceptions and trouble he wants you know it really by yourself..he is cutting the good belief system cause belief system are oftenly hi jacked or used by the bad stuffs like those jihad thing..
Cet homme a démontré, là en 1983, que sans humilité et une profonde et saine morale, les quêtes de connaissance / puissance sont vaines. A 88 ans, il avait encore une puissance dans ses discours qui remettraient en place, en quelques mots, les fanatiques qui gouvernent sans humanité. Bref, à propos de la Kundalini, j’en ai peut-être fait l’expérience deux fois, spontanément. Je pense qu’il faut l’envisager ainsi, sans chercher a produire ou reproduire des expériences. Réfléchissez à l’expérience atomique et la première bombe envoyée sur le japon pour montrer au monde la puissance de la science sur la matière, par l’utilisation d’énergie incontrôlable… Krishnamurti invite les auditeurs, longtemps après sa mort (merci aux personnes qui propagent ses enseignements) à REFLECHIR (par eux-mêmes) au lieu de courir comme une poule dont on a coupé la tête (cela aussi existe vraiment). C’est une image pour faire méditer les francophones qui sont hypnotisés par le spirituel new-age.
As a young man, I loved reading Krishnamurti. I even went to hear him speak once when he came to SF. But, I find this clip disappointing. He seems to dismiss the questioner’s question as “trivial”. I don’t think it is trivial at all. I have had some strange experiences like those described, and I wonder, “Was that kundalini, or am I reading something into it?” “Was that other experience the spiritual dimension breaking into my physical/mental dimension, or is there some valid psychological explanation?” I really want answers; I don’t want my question dismissed as “trivial”. Perhaps Krishnamurti felt attacked by the question. But, the questioner obviously wants to know the truth and not wonder if they are being deceived by the kind of guru charlatan that Krishnamurti makes fun of. At any rate, that is my interpretation of what he is doing–becoming defensive, instead of sharing what went on with him.
What I really don’t understand is K saying meditation don’t matter, don’t follow a guru etc etc. If I could be my on guru, then am I not making myself more pathetic and worse being in this world? Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up working and chasing all these status/money/family responsibilities and go o begging with a bowl. Better of to live a short life like Buddha or Vivekananda than an immoral and utterly nonsensical life such as this. However, I think I will have my spiritual awakening eventually.
Few ppl who follows some religious gurus argued with me that if K is against gurus then why he was trying convey his knowledge/experiences to ppl and denying being a guru but ultimately he is doing the same thing. It sounds genius right? But I laughed inside and said if you would listen to K with all the attention and not follow him, you would understand what is the difference between following and listening someone with all the attention and focus. (I don’t know how many ppl would be able to understand my thing and I am not an expert) 🙏🏼