Divination is a skill in Runescape 3, where players gather the energy and memories of a slain god to create useful Portents and Signs. As players level, they unlock the ability to transmute resources into better ones and create Divine locations for harvesting. To train Divination, players can configure rifts to convert memories into enhanced experience, harvest from wisps until a full inventory of memories has been obtained, and then use the “Convert memories” left-click option on an energy rift to deposit the memories. Players can also use chronicle fragments to empower the energy rift, charging it up by a base of 3.33 for regular and 6.66 for enhanced fragments.
The current minimum requirement for ranking in HiScores for Divination is level 15. Training at the throne room gives around 66,000 Divination experience an hour (at level 99 Divination). To gain Divination experience, players must take senntisten crystals from the corehuntingFC. Each level gained in Divination slightly increases a player’s chance of successfully harvesting divine energy and increases experience gained from it.
To train Divination faster, players should open the in-game skill guide and see what the best wisp they can harvest. At level 65, starting training at The Empty Throne Room is much faster than using luminous wisps. At level 90, players can train using luminous wisps to gain around 71,000 experience an hour without using bought energy or around 83,000 experience.
As players level, they unlock the ability to transmute resources into better ones and create Divine locations for harvesting. The most efficient way to train Divination is by harvesting the highest-level wisps available to them and converting memories for experience.
📹 1-99/120 Divination Guide | RuneScape 3
Welcome to my complete rs3 1-99 divination guide / 1-120 divination guide for runescape 3. In this guide I will show the fastest …
📹 RuneScape Official How to: DIVINATION
Play RuneScape Free: http://www.RuneScape.com Re-upload due to a minor mistake – sorry! 🙂 Today Silentc0re shows us how to …
wow this skill looks fucking boring. 1% boost here 2% boost there and it’s just sitting or running around. It might as well be named absolutely anything. Reminds me of fletching, firemaking or cooking, except those at least have some small real life symbolism whereas divination is just random magic glowing stuff that doesn’t mean anything.
One thing I would like to highlight that may not have been clear in the article is that if you train divination at incandescent wisps on world 79 with other players and boosts the xp per hour can reach 300k+ per hour since you will have the opportunity to harvest from enriched wisps for nearly the whole hour. This is also assuming you have the divine conversion relic. I hope you enjoy the guide! 🙂
I’m a huge fan of afking where possible, and in that regard would’ve liked to see a shoutout to ancestral energy and uncharted isles contracts. Don’t ask me what the exp rates are, idk. But it’s nice bc it’s completely afk and with 7 contracts you could average around 27k xp per contract (if you reroll) per day, not including the xp from gathering the energy. Otherwise very good guide 😀 Thanks!
While training the new skill my account logged out so I closed the explorer browser and opened a new one because I thought I had reached my 6 hour limit. When I went to sign back in my account had be disabled. My account status was “Perm Banned.” I attempted to summit an appeal, within minutes of getting banned, but was not able to. Please contact me for more information if you need it. Thank you – The Experts
Even if you run it all on max, and it runs smoothly, that doesnt mean your getting the best. It depends on your graphic card and a very powerful one can really push the limits as i have tested my self, i had no problems running rs before,but my new card ( cost 500 bucks about ) made it look like a different game almost O,o. and you can try to get a full HD asus monitor, they are really nice.
I rather have a game that use to be awesome in my childhood. Which was this game. This game got ruined because of EoC. EoC made everything crash in price and made combat way to easy. I would rather have a bigger community then a vary small one with a big percentage of bots. Logically the only way this game could survive now is good updates and get rid of all bots and get rid of EoC.
I’m not onlyone who wants pre eoc servers back, reason why people started playing OSRS was Eoc, it ruined combat and made it too easy, i bet if pre eoc servers come back most people from OSRS, Eoc and already quitted players will come back and start playing pre eoc servers, and i don’t mean it like 1 month fun and then they leave again, no, we need to be able to choose what we want to play, and we want pre eoc servers. Thank you for commenting, Have a nice day 🙂
Ugh…i got a years worth of mem around the time eoc first came out….i tried REALLY hard to like it and for a while i believed i did…but in the end i couldn’t stand it…yea i did pretty decent in the combat…but it just didnt feel right…i liked it at first..but just dont like it personally and the last straw was the bots, omg rs feels like its lost half its value over them so i quit rs ….so i tried rs 2007,.then the bots ruined that 2..some one got level 99 skill in 2 weeks..BS
‘sucked at pre-eoc combat’ Hahahaha, yeah you can really suck at clicking on an enemy once, monitoring your health, prayer and special attack bars while they slowly get to a point where you need to click again in reaction. The E.O.C takes that model and simply put, fills the gaps. So speaking literally based on that sentence alone it’s more complex, and in itself is more complex from a critical perspective as a combat model. If you’ve not researched the E.O.C combat model, don’t comment on it =P
ok dude, you’re not rude and i like that. but here’s the thing, you don’t get the point from what i said.. if the game had 3 servers the community would die more than it’s already dead. if you know what i mean. the game would have 3 servers, each server with 15k players.. that’s not a really bright idea, man.. I know alot of you guys on youtube want pre eoc but it’ll seriously be worse for the game if you thought deeply about it.
you want a pre eoc server? the community is already split into two. you want 3 pieces of the community? like 12k players on each server? seriously? think before you type. there ARE people who like EoC and will not go play the pre eoc servers if they came back. Jagex’s worst decision was to bring 07 back, the community is 2 halves. I can say that there’s no longer a thing called “community” in this game.
2. Please make even like few servers with Pre-Eoc combat system, and if you are gonna do this don’t make us start from scratch as you did with 07, let us keep our items and stats and of course don’t allow using items that came after Eoc, Thank you for listening us 🙂 We really hope you can make it happen. – Rs Community Please like and share this around so Jagex can see 🙂 check out 13uffalo youtube website for more information, we can do it together 🙂
Divination isn’t a bad skill at all. It has his ups and his downs. but after a long time of training it, it becomes boring. i’m atm 79 and i’m going for my compcape back. If you compare Divi with dg its a little bit disappointing in my opinion. Its also kinda weard that its only going up until 99. Would be awesome if it was faster but a 120 skill. Nicee Skillcape Colours + Graphics at divination and nice rewards.
In addition having a battle like castle defense where waves of enemies/boss spawns and the players have to defend it. Including siege weapons, the players have to build within a time limit before the next wave. Harpoons that would become available before the boss spawns and they would hold the boss still for a period of time, giving players more time to defeat it.
I hope we see more World Events. Either events lasting as long as Battle of Lumbridge or smaller events only lasting a month. Possibly seeing a world event along side a smaller event lasting a shorter period. The events should have variety on how to participate in them. Having a boss fight in these would be awesome and have everyone participate in them. This could be in the middle or at the end of the event happening multiple times so that everyone can get in on it; having great reward.
That’s true, but ORS still has a good 1/4th of the concurrent playerbase at this moment, that’s a decent chunk of people choosing to play a 6 year old outdated and stagnating game. A lot of the players have moved on, I sure have. I only log on every 1 or 2 weeks. People want the experience back, but old versions of the game don’t give them all that. Thing’s have changed, for better or worse, but judging by the concurrent player decline it sure feels worse.
We`d like to see EOC –> Old school fighting, Yeh its kinda of you to make RSOS but I dont have as many time for playing rs as I had. So I dont wanna train all my skills again from 1-99 and EOC sucks. Divination looks like interesting skill, but me and a lot of other ppl wont play it only cuz of EOC system. Just look at GE there used to be tons of ppl now there are like 10-20 … same with Wild … there used to be many ppl PK … now you have luck when you find someone on your level…
I would not say Eoc was small uptade, it ruined whole combat. Of course people who sucked at Pre-Eoc are happy now because they have even chance not to lose at combat, I don’t play private servers, they are even more worse. Pre-eoc servers would bring so many combat lovers back. Thank you for having time to write your comment, Have a nice day. 🙂
I don’t get it. You are the one coming to this vid, taking time out of your life to belittle it and promote another website and when someone responds as to why they dont like the guy (on a website thats not his), you respond with thats why the community sucks. I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say it doesnt work that way.
okay Lemme say reason. There are many MMORPG games with EOC system… for example: Perfect world, WoW, Forsaken World… well almost any MMORPG have EOC system better then runescape… And that was why everyone played Runescape, it was something different then other Mmorpg games, and people liked it. now its one of the worst EOC games…
I can change it to ” 90% of Rs community ” if that bothers you so much, Eoc combat system… it is just so boring, it gives you no challenge, Pre-Eoc combat was fun and challenging, people loved it, specially those who did combat much like me, so many players quitted because of Eoc and if Jagex would make these Pre-Eoc servers, it would bring so many players back 🙂 Thank you for commenting, Have a nice day.
Bots are even in EOC, and I never botted btw, but I would rather play with bots then EOC without players… even after banning bots before EOC there were like 4x more players then now… I rlly dont like EOC becouse if I want play EOC game then I rather play for example “perfect world” which has same combat system but better than RS… Rs was something specially with the old school system and that was why so many ppl played it
Why can’t he? Sorry but he said nothing wrong. He pretty much said that the community has become crap and that is the major reason why Runescape is becoming a crap hole. Jagex hired these YouTubers because they want Runescape to have a better community and they feel they need people who can help bring Runescape to its older and better community days. Runescape is getting better with updates. But community wise, this community bitches and moans all the time.