A Mystic Theurge is a prestige class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that allows players to prepare and cast spells from one of their spellcasting classes using available slots from any of their other spellcasting classes. Spells prepared or cast in this way take up a slot one level higher than they originally occupied. The Faith Magic trick can give players the ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells as a wizard or Arcanist, but it would only get Wizard spell progression out of it. Lesser Spell Synthesis and other feats can be retrained into Extra Spell Synthesis later, allowing a 10th-level Mystic Theurge to use the capstone power several times a day.
A Mystic Theurge’s greatest strength is its versatility and ability to cover many roles at once, making it incredibly valuable in smaller parties that normally have trouble. They have a special ability to perform magic to aid allies or harm enemies. Some theurges will build with a combination of prepared and spontaneous casting classes, allowing them to draw on almost any spell they know with their prepared class. This grants them an unparalleled ability to react to the situation at hand.
The main issue with the Mystic Theurge is that players are three levels behind in spellcasting. Instead of requiring 2nd-level arcane and divine spells, the PrC only requires taking two levels in an arcane and divine spellcasting. Without Lesser Spell Synthesis, the Mystic Theurge prestige class is hot garbage and should not be taken unless you’re doing Spirit Whisperer. Instead, you can take all those points out of int and hyper focus them in wisdom as both casting classes use that as their main.
In conclusion, the Mystic Theurge is a solid class that puts players behind in spell power initially to get it at level 7. It feels good at level 8 when you get the opportunity to use it effectively.
📹 Pathfinder Kingmaker: All About Mystic Theurge
Hello everyone! I’m UnsungNPC, I have the power of my God and anime on my side! This is about how the Mystic Theurge works …
How does the circle of death work in Pathfinder?
The Circle of Death is a spell that results in the instantaneous demise of living creatures, with the amount of damage inflicted correlating with the caster level, amounting to 1d4 HD per caster level. The spell targets creatures with the fewest Hit Dice first, as well as those in closest proximity to the burst’s point of origin. It should be noted that creatures with nine or more HD are invulnerable to this spell, and any HD that is insufficient to affect a creature is effectively wasted.
How does arcane spell failure work Pathfinder?
Armor can interfere with the gestures required for casting arcane spells with a somatic component, potentially leading to arcane spell failure. Armor is typically the simplest way to protect oneself in a world of rampant threats. Most characters can only wear the simplest armors and some can use shields. To wear heavier armor effectively, characters can select the Armor Proficiency feats. Most classes are automatically proficient with the armors that work best for them. Cost is the cost in gold pieces for Small or Medium humanoid creatures.
How to become an Eldritch Knight Pathfinder?
To become an eldritch knight in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, a character must be proficient with all martial weapons and capable of casting 3rd-level arcane spells. These formidable warriors and spellcasters are rare among magic-users, as they can battle alongside fighters, barbarians, and other martial classes. Their versatility on the battlefield is immense, as they can level crippling spells against heavily armed and armored opponents.
Due to the combination of martial prowess and arcane power, eldritch knights often begin their journey as multiclassed characters, such as fighters, wizards, rangers, or sorcerers. They can be found in areas where arcane studies are as prevalent as martial training.
Does arcane focus work on all spells?
In the 2024 DnD 5e rules, multiclass characters can use an Arcane Focus if they have levels as a Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard. However, this focus applies only to the spells of the relevant class. For example, a Warlock/Bard would use an Arcane Focus for Warlock spells and a musical instrument for Bard spells. Multiclass characters can also use an Arcane Focus if they have adopted one of the new 2024 subclasses, such as the Eldritch Knight subclass or the Arcane Trickster subclass. Druids cannot use an Arcane Focus, but they use a separate feature called Druidic Focus, which serves a similar function but is tailored to their unique connection to nature.
How does Circle of death work?
Circle of Death is a level 6 spell that creates a negative energy sphere within a 60-foot radius, centered on a point within 120 feet of the caster. Creatures within the sphere must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 8d6 points of damage if they fail or half damage if successful. The spell deals the same damage as some level 3 spells like Fireball and Lightning Bolt. Its range is 150 feet, casting time is 1 action, and targets a point within range. It consists of verbal, somatic, and material components, and its duration is instantaneous. Sorcerers, wizards, and warlocks can cast it.
How does mystic mine work?
In the event that one’s opponent possesses a greater number of monsters than oneself, said opponent is unable to either activate monster effects or declare an attack. In the event that both players possess an identical number of monsters, they are permitted to annihilate this card on a single occasion per turn during the designated End Phase.
How does mystic theurge work?
The Mystic Theurge Class possesses a number of distinctive characteristics, including d6 hit points, a base attack bonus of 1/2 BAB, robust Will saves, and 2+ skill points. It is, however, not anticipated that the character will utilise a weapon at any point. Additionally, the class possesses a modest skill set, which is likely inherent to the class itself.
How does mysticism work?
Mysticism is a philosophical concept that involves an explanatory context that provides meaning for mystical and visionary experiences, such as trances. It can be related to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness, and the ideas and explanations related to them. It is important to distinguish between temporary experiences and mysticism as a process, which is embodied within a “religious matrix” of texts and practices. Mysticism may also happen spontaneously and naturally to people who are not committed to any religious tradition.
Some authors emphasize that mystical experience involves intuitive understanding of the meaning of existence and hidden truths, and the resolution of life problems. Mysticism is the doctrine that special mental states or events allow an understanding of ultimate truths. Mystical illumination is a central visionary experience that results in the resolution of personal or religious problems. The term “illumination” is derived from the Latin illuminatio, applied to Christian prayer in the 15th century. Comparable Asian terms include bodhi, kensho, satori in Buddhism, commonly translated as “enlightenment”, and vipassana, which all point to cognitive processes of intuition and comprehension.
What happens when you break the circle in Circle of death?
The game involves a circle of death, a King’s Cup, and a Ring of Fire, where players draw cards from a deck. The game is played clockwise, with each player drawing cards and following drinking instructions based on the card’s meaning. The rules are outlined in a table, and all suits, including hearts, are considered the same. The game begins when one player draws a card from the circle, but players must avoid leaving gaps or breaking the circle. If a player breaks the circle, they must drink the beverage in the center and the game starts over. The rules are outlined in a table, and players must be careful when drawing cards.
What are the prerequisites for mystic theurge?
To become a mystic theurge, a character must meet certain criteria, including having 6 ranks of knowledge in arcana and 6 ranks of knowledge in religion, and being able to cast 2nd-level divine and 2nd-level arcane spells. This prestige class allows for increased powers of divine and arcane spelcasting while minimizing level gain. As a result, magic increases by high amounts as the character gains experience. Characters in Order of the Stick with levels in the Mystic Theurge class are eligible.
What are the prerequisites for magic items?
Magic items require certain prerequisites, including feats, spells, level, alignment, and race or kind. These prerequisites are given immediately after the item’s caster level. Magic items are divided into categories like armor, weapons, potions, rings, rods, scrolls, staffs, wands, and wondrous items. Some items are cursed or intelligent, while others are rare and powerful. Artifacts are classified as minor or major.
Armor and shields offer improved protection and some confer abilities beyond the Armor Class. Magic weapons are created with various combat powers and improve the attack and damage rolls of the wielder.
📹 D&D 3.5 Theurge Mystic Theurge (A Deeper Dive)
In this video I take a closer look at the Mystic Theurge from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5’s Dungeon Masters Guide and more …
I think the only thing that wasn’t mentioned here is Mystic Theurge’s WEIRD prerequisites, which tend to make people try to come up with shenanigans to get spells faster. If they do (and there are several ways to do it Rules as Written), they can enter Mystic Theurge as early as level 4, which frankly makes it much better because they won’t be nearly as far behind. A Mystic Theurge doesn’t actually get that many more spells than a straight class caster due to being several levels of spells behind (if it’s entered traditionally).