Sect is an ancient astrological technique developed by Hellenistic astrologers that divides the seven classical planets into two competing factions or teams. The concept, which means to cut or separate, is based on the primacy of light and takes into account whether a person was born during day or night time as a primary consideration in assessing the chart’s sect status.
In Hellenistic astrology, the concept of sect is essential for interpreting Natal Charts, which are divided into two main types: day charts and night charts. This technique is crucial for determining the strength and benefic quality of the seven classical planets in a natal chart.
The doctrine of sect divides the seven traditional “planets” into two groups: diurnal (day) and nocturnal (night) sects. This fundamental astronomical cycle is one of the most fundamental astronomical cycles. The concept of sect is a technical term used in astrology to associate different planets or parts of an astrological chart with either the day or night.
The position of the sun determines the chart’s sect, and this distinction does not depend on whether a person was born during day or at night. In this talk, we will discuss the concept of sect, its significance in ancient astrology, and how it works in practice.
📹 Sect in Astrology: Day vs. Night Birth Charts
In episode 274 of the podcast Chris Brennan gives a detailed overview of the concept of sect in astrology, which is the difference …
Can Christians look at astrology?
In Matthew 28:18, Jesus states that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him. This contradicts biblical wisdom, as chasing after false gods is a sin. There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to stars or astrologists. Pursuing predictions about our destiny or personality takes power from God and gives it to something other than God, which is biblically sinful. A horoscope cannot change what God has already ordained before we were even created. A study by YouGov found that 37 of Americans under 30 believe in astrology, making it crucial to provide a biblical understanding of astrology to teens.
What is my sect light astrology?
The term “sect light” in astrology refers to the luminary associated with a specific sect in favor in a chart. The Sun is associated with the day sect, while the Moon is associated with the night sect. The term is used to quickly identify the luminary that favors the sect in the chart being examined. It was commonly used by Greco-Roman astrologers during the Hellenistic tradition and is sometimes referred to as the “light of sect” in some texts. The term was often used by Greco-Roman astrologers during the Hellenistic tradition.
What are the 7 luminaries in astrology?
Planets in astrology have a different meaning than astronomical understandings. Before telescopes, the night sky consisted of fixed stars and moving objects, known as “wandering stars”. The Ancient Greeks, who learned from the Babylonians, considered the five visible planets to be the Sacred 7 Luminaires/7 Heavens, including the Sun and Moon. These planets were considered gods and named their 7 days of the week after them.
To ancient astrologers, planets represented the will of deities and their direct influence on human affairs. Modern astrologers view planets as basic drives or urges in the subconscious, or energy flow regulators representing dimensions of experience. They express themselves with different qualities in the 12 signs of the zodiac and in the 12 houses, and are related to each other through aspects.
In summary, planets in astrology have different meanings from astronomical understandings. Ancient Greeks, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Medieval Christians, and modern astrologers view these planets as gods and their influence on human affairs.
What does sect mean in astrology?
Sect is an ancient astrological concept that categorizes seven traditional planets into diurnal or nocturnal sects. It is a form of astrological polarity, similar to the distinction between masculine and feminine planets. Hellenistic astrologers placed greater weight on sect than any other astrological factor, as some planets were stronger in positive or masculine environments and others more effective in negative or feminine environments.
The luminary of sect is the luminary that rules each sect, with the Sun being the luminary of sect in a day chart and the Moon being the luminary of sect in a night chart. This distinction was crucial in determining the location of astrological Lots, especially in Hellenistic astrology.
Is Saturn out of sect malefic?
The ‘nighttime sect’ in astrology involves the Moon, Venus, and Mars, with Venus being the ‘benefic of sect’ and Mars being the’malefic out of sect’. This tool helps identify potential areas of success or struggles in our lives. Traditional astrology is based on the principles of sect and essential dignity, which classify planets as diurnal or nocturnal, and their strength or weakness determined by their position in a particular zodiac sign.
This article provides a comprehensive guide to these aspects of astrology, examining birth charts through the lens of sect and essential dignity, revealing the delicate interplay between strength and weakness that defines each planet’s influence. Each celestial body has unique attributes, and the balance between its power and vulnerability helps shape our individual and collective experiences.
What is the strongest aspect in astrology?
Conjunctions are powerful aspects in a horoscope chart, as they intensify the effects of the involved planets. They can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on the planets involved. Highly favorable conjunctions may involve the Sun, Venus, or Jupiter, while highly unfavorable ones may involve the Moon, Mars, or Saturn. For example, in 1970, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter were in a three-way beneficial conjunction, while the Moon, Mars, and Saturn were in a 3-way detrimental conjunction.
What is the luckiest aspect in astrology?
Trines are favorable aspects in astrology, occurring between planets approximately four zodiac signs apart (or 120 degrees). These planets are usually situated in the same element (fire, earth, air, or water) and create a gentle union distinguished by ease and fluidity. When they sync, these planets understand each other, allowing for easy movement with little external effort. However, too much trining can lead to problems, such as laziness and complacency.
The most notorious aspect is the square, which occurs between planets approximately three zodiac signs apart (or form 90-degree angle in the sky from our vantage point). These planets are usually situated within the same modality (cardinal signs), fixed signs, and mutable signs. Squares are considered hard aspects, creating tension and dividing intentions, leading to emotional or logistical roadblocks. Despite this friction, squares always catalyze action. They are considered motion-oriented, enabling us to easily identify issues and address them rather than sweeping them under the rug.
For example, when Mars (all about spontaneous motivation) and Saturn (all about rules and regulations) square, we may feel that our passions are being dampened by our responsibilities. However, this aspect also creates an opportunity to slow down and become a true master at our craft through refinement, hard work, and strategic planning.
To identify the zodiac signs that are always squaring each other, use the following list: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (fire), Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (earth), Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (air), Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (water).
What’s your sect mean?
A sect is a religious group within a larger religion, often referred to as a section of a particular religion. It often implies a breakaway part of a religion, often with a negative connotation in English. When comparing two sects, it is important to consider their sectarian differences. Examples include a religious society of women living together as sisters, or a Christian sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries, who practiced Albigensianism.
What is the luminary of sect in astrology?
The planets are classified into two categories: the diurnal (day) group and the nocturnal (night) group. Each group is led by a luminary, with the Sun designated as the leader of the diurnal group and the Moon as the leader of the nocturnal group.
What do Muslims think of astrology?
The Quran, the primary Islamic text, has been interpreted to disprove the idea that astrology goes against the fundamental principles of the Islamic religious tradition. Astrology is believed to be a means of providing physical guidance and navigation for individuals, with the primary purpose being to determine the time of the year and compass bearings. However, Islam gives rise to the use of astronomy, as distinct from astrology, in determining the Lunar and Solar Calendars and compass bearings.
The Hadith, a reference to the instructions and practices of Muhammad, also makes various claims regarding the legality or illegality of astrology within the Islamic religious tradition. According to Abu Dawud, seeking knowledge from the stars is considered one of the branches of witchcraft, which is inherently forbidden in Islam. The Hadith also points to the concept of rain as a bounty bestowed only by Allah (God) and suggests that any adherent who believes that rain is a result of the doings of any other being falls into disbelief.
Various scholars have differing opinions on astrology and its permissibility in Islam. Imam Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam and the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, saw astrology as fundamentally forbidden in the Islamic religion. He warned his followers not to learn the science of stars except for guidance sought on land or sea, as it leads to divining and an astrologer is a diviner. This belief in celestial beings having a greater influence than God constitutes disbelief in Islam.
On the other hand, prominent individuals like Ibn Arabi provide a limited scope of agreement with the principles of astrology. They emphasize that the planets are not considered God but do suggest that each prophet is intrinsically influenced by celestial beings. Prophet Idris, also known as Enoch, was gifted with great knowledge of the stars and used his gift to meditate upon God’s grandeur and teach others. With his complex understanding of astrology, Idris taught people how the universe impacted their lives and founded the study of the stars.
In conclusion, the Quran and Hadith offer different interpretations of astrology and its permissibility in Islam. While some scholars argue that astrology is fundamentally forbidden, others believe that it is a means of providing guidance and navigation for Muslims. The Quran and Hadith serve as a guideline for those seeking to understand and appreciate the role of celestial beings in the Islamic faith.
How does a sect work?
Troeltsch introduced the concept of sects as a type of religious organization. Sects are informal organizations led by a charismatic leader, often attracting lower-class members who are disillusioned with society and reject mainstream values. They demand deep commitment from their members and expect them to withdraw from life outside the sect. Sects do not align with the state and are in direct opposition to it, but they believe they possess the monopoly of religious truth.
📹 Sect: The Difference Between Day and Night Charts
In this video I introduce the concept of sect, which is an interpretive distinction that was used in ancient astrology to distinguish …
Timestamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:26 Day and night 00:05:09 Sect definition 00:06:45 Diurnal and nocturnal teams 00:07:57 Sect as foundational concept 00:09:43 Domicile scheme 00:12:37 Aspects 00:14:20 Exalations 00:15:05 Exaltations, sect, and aspects 00:16:59 Planetary joys 00:22:58 Triplicity rulers 00:24:14 Lot of Fortune 00:25:56 Master of the Nativity 00:28:24 Annual profections and sect 00:30:24 Important and pervasive concept 00:33:33 How to tell if chart is day or not 00:41:02 Twilight 00:42:59 George Lucas’ chart 00:46:32 Barack Obama’s chart 00:48:35 Using sect in practice 00:50:05 Benefics and malefics 00:53:43 Sect alters the mood of the planets 00:57:25 Most positive and negative planet 01:02:49 House placement of positive and negative planets 01:19:12 Example night chart 01:29:36 Ernest Hemingway’s chart 01:33:02 Example day chart 01:36:04 Johnny Depp’s chart 01:39:40 Lisa Marie Presley’s chart 01:42:34 Maurizio Gucci’s chart 01:44:11 Elliott Smith’s chart 01:46:55 Britney Spears’ chart 01:52:30 Planets ruling the ascendant 01:55:24 Alan White’s chart 01:59:54 Ted Kennedy’s chart 02:04:08 Michael J. Fox’s chart 02:10:00 Benefic and malefic in same sign 02:10:41 Kurb Cobain’s chart 02:16:00 Christopher Reeve’s chart 02:19:25 Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo’s chart 02:24:07 Mitigating factors 02:27:28 Rejoicing conditions 02:33:24 Aretha Franklin’s chart 02:39:54 Chart of a doctor 02:41:55 Other ways sect is useful 02:51:27 Concluding remarks
You are a great teacher Chris, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. The doctrine of sect completely changed everything I thought I knew about astrology. Great presentation! I love your Hellenistic Astrology course. I’ve listened to your lectures over and over. I actually enjoy your in depth and lengthy lectures, must be a Scorpio thing 🙂 To anyone thinking about it, don’t hesitate and sign up for Chris’ course. It’s excellent.
Still perusal but really loved your advice for starting astrologers to go outside and observe the sunrise and sunset which is so important since traditionally astrology’s observational practice was a key to understanding the art and science of this beautiful subject and sadly got neglected over the past century with technological innovations.
Mars in Scorpio in 1st in a night chart (shortly after I was born, my father was imprisoned for anti-State activities/4th House Aquarius) makes Saturn in Gemini in the 8th, opposing Sag Sun in 2nd, the out of Sect Malefic. My first Saturn return coincided with the death of my mother and, consequently, I inherited some money (2nd-8th). Venus in Scorpio in 1st in a night chart – I’ve had extremes of good and bad in romance (foreigners and men who live abroad). I have had luck – Jupiter in Capricorn in 3rd may be in its Fall but I won a scholarship (other people’s money, Saturn ruling 3rd House Cap), through my high school, to college which changed my life – my sister also won the same scholarship #siblings 🙂
Nicely done, worth rewatching. Since you asked for personal experiences — mine is a Night chart, retrograde Saturn in 1st degree of Capricorn, 6th house, trine Pluto in the 2nd: studious, nerdy youth, worked almost every day of my life, have taken on lots of responsibilities and debts, never a “party animal,” will probably never “retire.” Saturn is more maleficent than malefic, sometimes. Not that I cannot be lazy, too — my Uranus in the Leonine 1st is in utter rebellion! Back to work now!
Recently got into astrology. This group is my go to source for knowledge on this subject. Appreciate the care and knowledge imparted in these. Thank you three very much In regards to whether or not a chart is day or night when the sun is within a few degrees of ascendant would Jupiter and its placement not sway the chart one way or the other?
Another fantastic episode Chris! I appreciate your comments how SECT compliments many of the modern techniques, especially with transits. Can totally relate. I have a day chart with Jupiter in the 12th so I eat Astrology for breakfast and with Mars in the 9th has caused a few hiccups when travelling overseas and also it took me forever to complete my BA in Psych. I am studying a post grad now and I get so easily distracted and very unproductive with this Mars retrograde! One awesome podcast uploaded by the Astrology Podcast and damn there goes another 3 hours! LOL 😉
Thanks so much for this clear, well-organized, detailed lecture on sect. The practice examples were extremely helpful for learning how to identify the most important elements of a day/night chart at a glance. I had a passing knowledge of sect before but had some of the common confusions you identified and clarified. I was born on a winter evening with the Sun hovering less than a degree above the Descendent, so I especially liked hearing your thoughts on the day/night chart “margins”… will now go back in time to review significant events and see whether Mars and Jupiter have indeed had the strongest malefic/benefic impact on my life. Appreciate all you do to help us, Chris 🙂
With more and more time I appreciate your work even more, your work it’s quality, simply terrific. Well structured, good information, straight forward. Your material presentation it’s objective and that’s much better because usually it isn’t based on an opinion or feeling but simply a fact. Personally I’m not a person of “what you’re feeling, what you believe” that’s rubbish. You answer where does that Ideology comes from and why it is that way. Congrats Chris, you and Vic diCara are the people that I found reliable when it comes to quality and well structured information. If you got other people to look for that are reliable as well, please let me know. I support quality, so do I support you Chris. Regards
Thank you for clearing up the decedent of Kurt. This is excellent review material of your book. It is clearing up so many of my questions. I just finished your book and I have been going back using the appendix to relearn material. You are giving away priceless info here in which showing your genuine character to help others at what ever cost. I am so grateful. Because of your podcast and book I have excelled my astrology in one year beyond anything I could imagine. I can’t wait to take your course. Night chart. Libra rising. Gratefull for my benefic – Exalted Venus is the in pisces(6 house of illness, injuries) saving me from a rupture in my aneurysm. Malefic retrograde Saturn(detriment) in Leo(11th house of friends, hope) exchanging with sun in Capricorn in copresense with mercury and exalted mars(4th house of parents, home). Not sure if there is mutual reception with Saturn and the sun because of aversion. Need to look more into the qualifications for mutual reception. I have had a rocky passive aggressive life with parents but things are getting better. Also have friends that are disrespectful but close like family. So cool and on point. I still want to try master of nativity starting from my nocturnal moon. And have so much to learn.
Wow Chris. First though, I saw in recommendations; 3hrs and I was like ‘great day’, but man did I sit it out from the beginning. Started over after falling asleep on it last night. This was exciting (the joys), interesting (sects), and I learned so much in one podcast. Also like live format, open to questions. Thank you!
Thank You Chris! This was very helpful. My Asc is 24 of Scorpio with my Sun in Scorpio at 23 degree just above my ascendant, making my chart a day chart. Even tough my natal mars is exalted in capricorn, last year when we had the long mars in aries period, with it‘s retrograde it completely crushed me. It was transiting my 6H and even though I have been struggling with anxiety for a few years this time it just blew it out of proportion and made it worse then it ever was in my life. I became very sick during this period and surprise surprise, when it exited out of aries, it was over almost like some sort of weird magic trick. It also made so much sense why I never had SUCH a hard time with Saturn transits. Like yes they are not the most pleasant ones, but at the end of the day I always loved Saturns tough love and always felt like I was protected through everything I was going through during Saturn transits until now. And Jupiter in 4 House yup makes total sense, I always appreciated my harmonious family life, and all the philosophies and ways I grew up. Also growing up and having a home in Switzerland is definitely a lucky place to live. Again thank you Chris, everything makes a lot more sense now! I can‘t believe sect is still not a big thing in modern astrology as it is such a important chart factor. During my Aquarius Jupiter Return this year I actually got into Ancient Astrology and is was the best thing that has happened so far in my Astrology Journey
I have a day chart and even though Saturn is the lesser malefic, his condition is not as good as Mars, who is in Saturn’s sign and exalted there. So I actually feel that Saturn is in some ways harder for me. However, goal setting has never been a problem for me and when I read charts for night sect folks they do agree that Saturn is more of a challenge for this reason alone – always changing the goal post etc.
Thank you Chris, this is soooo insightful ! To your reflection about the Sun being a few degrees under the ascendant but still considered as a day chart because there is already daylight at that time : Maybe the orb changes according to where the person is born ? Because the closer we are to the equator, the faster day comes and goes. Just a though while listening to you. Thank you for this amazing work !
My sun is above my ascendant in my first house by ~15 degrees, which would definitively suggest a day chart, sun over the horizon, but my lived experience of sect–of the greater benefic, of greater malefic is powerfully that of a night chart. I do not suggest this to quibble, to question, only to share anecdotal experience that may somehow be of value to someone.
Thanks, for all of this INTERESTING, and complex information!!! Perhaps you could explain how these “signs, and “celestial bodies” move?!… how is this best understood, when looking at these circular charts??!!… Explain all of the “rotational movements”, and “rates” of movements, and, so forth…. How do you “Start” analyzing such a “chart”??!!…
Thank you so very much for this, it is so fundamental it’s amazing we are not normally taught this ! This blew my mind, shows what an elegant, symmetrical and fabulous art astrology is! I was glued to this, and said ‘Wow’ so many times! Am definitely going to buy your book! Wonderful exciting info, thank you so much for sharing, you rule!!
Hi Chris, great presentation! A couple questions as to how to interpret a planet when sect contradicts rulership and fall. Example: In a night chart with Mars the lesser malefic in it’s fall in Libra and Saturn the greater malefic in it’s rulership in Capricorn, would Saturn still be the more difficult malefic? Also in a night chart with Leo rising and Sun being the chart ruler, would the Moon still in this instance be a more powerful planet?
Night Chart. Venus in the 12th in Taurus. Saturn in the 2nd in Cancer and Phasis (16 degrees behind the sun). My most positive planet is inactive in the 12th house. My most negative planet is raging and incredibly strong in negative significations. Luckily, Saturn didn’t come out from under the beams in the progressed chart until I was 34 so I literally did not feel Saturn energy in any way until my mid-30s. At 36, Saturn took over as triplicity lord of the sect light and because Saturn is so strong in negative significations, it has changed my life 180 degrees. From a comfortable life to poverty, homelessness and restrictions in every way…I have the incredibly bad fortune of having Saturn in the 2nd in nearly exact square with Pluto in the 5th. Would not wish this extreme placement on anyone…it is truly horrific. Yet, being a Gemini I have somehow adapted and found astrology to explain why my life went from comfortable to toilet bowl.
My DS is in the 3rd degree in Gemini, and my sun is in the 2nd degree, this should mean my chart is ruled by the moon. But the official sunset time on the day I was born is five minutes after I was born, which would mean that my chart is ruled by the sun. So I’m so relieved that you included the segment about twilight charts! I wonder if looking up the calculated sunrise/sunset time for other super close charts might shed some light on this discrepancy ❤
Delineating profections by sect light as an alternative to the ascendant sounds really interesting. I hope there will be a podcast on this one day – I have questions! 😀 (F ex do the houses keep their original qualities or will the second from the sun just be the second house, even if its f ex the 7th from the ASC?)
Excellent presentation! This technique explains much in my own chart and others. Thank you! Would be interested to know if day people with day people….and night people with night people….typically do better together in relationships (parent/child, marriage, boss/employee, friendship)? Do you see a lot of relationships where one is a day and the other a night? As I look back on my own experience, the troubled relationships I have are where the person is the opposite sect from me (I am day and they are night).
Fascinating and deeply informative, thank you for this Chris! I had a question about the recent ending of daylight savings time in the U.S. Looking at the chart of the moment, I see that I now get up with a new ascendant each morning, and all my regularly scheduled activities are also happening with new ascendants throughout the day. Does this have an affect on the way our day feels? Will the effect differ with day or night charts?
Hi, Chris! Thank you for your free lesson. I’m from Romania. I have a question about exaltations. Have you ever researched hermetic astrology? My mentor in astrology, who is also a great astrology teacher and researcher, discovered hermetic astrology and it seems that hermetics had other ideas about exaltation. These are: Venus in Cancer in exaltation (not Pisces), Venus in Capricorn in fall (not Virgo), Jupiter in exaltation and domicile in Sagittarius (not Cancer), In fall and exile in Gemini (not Capricorn). I hope that my mentor will make the research public, it seems to me that the hermetic version makes a lot of sense. He spoke and demonstrated how this version would be the correct one, maybe he will do the demonstration also in english. About the Planetary Joys, for Mercury it’s more simple to explain that in the first house he is in the the house of the head, as body part, so it’s very logical for this planet to be happy. Mercury governs thinking and is happy in the head.
Hello Chris, this was again an extremely well prepared and presented lecture, my appreciations for your time, energy and will to share. In my chart, which is a night chart with Sun in Aries, below DSC in 7th House, actually, Venus rx and Saturn are also in conjunction in the 7th WS House. 🙂 Both in Aries. The lesser malefic Mars is in Sagittarius in the 3rd House and the ASC is Libra, Jupiter rx is in the 1st House too. And it demonstrated itself as exactly as you stated. I always had an interesting charm to find partners but I divorced twice and now I am in my third long term relationship, we’ve been living together for 7 years, no plan to get married and quite happy. My Mars always kind of pushed me for learning, it is as though I can not get enough of it.
Hi Chris, this is super interesting. I do have a question about relocation chart. Say if your natal chart is a day chart, but your relocation chart becomes a night chart, so then do you go by the natal chart still, and use the day benefic and malefic planets for the relocation chart or would you go with the benefic and malefic planets of the relocation chart which became a night chart?
Chris words things in a way that makes it sound like the helenistic astrologers made astrology rather than uncovered it through observation. For example “they assigned these benefics to this sect”, it makes it sound like they decided to assign it and from then on it was an astrological effect that started happening. That seems really illogical to me at first, except that I do see sort of a quantum mechanic observer effect going on in other areas of astrology… like Pluto for ex, being such an arbitrary candidate in terms of size and orbit but yet so fitting for all its astrological significantions it was assigned.
Regarding the question about Michael J. Fox’s Moon in Taurus ruling 6th house which would make you think he had great health but Saturn is squaring that beautiful Moon and is in its sign of detriment (Capricorn). Also to be noted his amazing Venus in Taurus in a night chart in the house of family conjuct his Moon – he has a very happy marriage and a wife he credits with helping him cope with his health issues.
Hey Chris, I have a question for you if you don’t mind – the pattern of the day sect planets being in trine to their domicile rulerships and night sect being in sextile is very interesting, but this means that the planets in fall in the day sect will be in sextile to their domiciles and night planets in fall will be in trine to their domicile rulerships. This leads me to wonder if the significance is anything special beyond that fact that they are all in the same aspect (day in trine, night in sextile), since the significance of the aspect itself would suggest that the planets are happy in their fall. Do you have any thoughts on this? Thank you for the lecture!!
Traditional astrology is fascinating and far richer in its application than some modern concepts. However, with regard to Exaltations, Porphyry seems to have ignored the square aspect that Saturn forms with Capricorn – the first sign of its domicile. Likewise, with Mars in Capricorn, which shoots a square aspect to Aries – the first sign of its domicile…
Oddly, I had this episode started then wondered about something and then it was touched on.. I was beginning to wonder about sect impacts on signs and it eventually reached that sort of. Just in the sense of.. I have a day chart Aquarius moon wondering if there may be a difference between a day chart Aquarius and night which would kind of make sense there would be maybe mild changes but not severe in terms of house rulership. Not like a drastic difference with humanitarian to fascist dictatorship. 😜 One wondered with that specific related to listening to spotlights on Saturn related to the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. There was enough touched on to get a general idea with ascendant rulers. 👍 Started the Pluto episode, glad I took a break because I’m going to have SO much fun with that one. I had a comment with the astro-magic; I’ve enjoyed the planet series because it helps internally hone in on natal placements to actually feel that energy which is great for musical playlists. Well.. honing in on mars “magic wise” intensely may have inadvertently caused things which is most likely the LoS and nemesis lots. This deep dive, it’s very possible what I was specifically looking for in astrology is lots. A very minor episode on the lesser known lots would be awesome because it may be why I buy your book or why I’d break and actually study astrology. For humor, every myth Tarnas listed so far in the Pluto episode are personal favorites so completing that episode should be quite fantastic.
Excellent – that was riveting – watched on podcast. I had previously skimmed over day and night charts thinking I had a day chart being born at dawn but as it was on winter solstice, in the depths of darkness – even though at sunrise – I clearly have a night chart. I didn’t know it was that literal – look at the sky! thinking it was time-determined instead…….What a revelation! Couple of questions – does the rejoicing condition have a mutual reception? e.g. my mars in cancer (fav = Capricorn) and my Jupiter in Capricorn (fav Cancer) or too tenuous a link and mostly has to be same planetary exchange . Lastly, in the rejoicing condition it is said that the rejoicing position of Mercury is trine the sun but in reality this can never be as Mercury can only be around 60 deg max from sun – have I got this right? Please do more podcasts like this – I love to watch your regular podcasts but this deep dive workshop has been extremely beneficial – if not changed my whole view of what I know about astrology and my chart. Utterly brilliant and compelling (and very moving) – I would love to see your chart (and I’m sure I speak for others) if you would be willing to share with us. Star blessings Vx
This is fascinating! Thank you. I’m a night time chart according to your article here. I have Venus and Mars in my Ascendant in Cancer, and my Saturn is retrograde in my 9th house of Pisces. Jupiter is in my 11th house of Taurus. I have no idea what this means though. Looks like I have more malefic than benefic?
I’ve heard Chris say in other episodes that in day charts Mars is the primary malefic (and Saturn in night charts), but here he says it the other way around. Can someone please clarify for me? Edit: Nevermind, the only time he says that Saturn is worse in day charts is in the beginning; elsewhere he says its Mars. I’m assuming he just misspoke.
I’m curious (taking seriously your prompt to go outside at sunrise and sunset to see how the light behaves) if geographical factors will influence the sect of a chart at twilight. For example, I live in a quite mountainous area where the sun rises and sets prematurely because of the mountain ranges. Contrasting Barack Obama’s chart, he was born in Hawai’i so you have the perfect horizon: the ocean.
Oh geez. When I discovered sect I was so happy that I finally found out why I don’t really relate that much to my sun sign (libra), especially the social butterfly quality. I thought it was because mine is a night chart as I relate more to my moon sign (aquarius). But now I that I find out that twilight is another factor, I’m confused! My sun is just 4 degrees under the ascendent. Maybe mine is still a day chart but I’m a very private libra sun because all my planets are under the horizon?
Chris, it twists my brain to understand, so please do help. If Sun is the chart ruler, but it is placed below the horizon in neutral sign, and has only one aspect, not to the planets, but to the MC, does it mean it loses his importance? This chart is nocturnal, the moon is found in her domicile, and is the most aspected planet in the chart, placed in 12th house, which is diurnal part. Does this mean, that the Moon is stronger than the Sun, no matter that he rules this chart? In a sense of resonating with placements I don’t resonate that much with my Sun sign, but I have also Uranus and Neptune close to him, so they alter a bit the energy of the sign. I resonate the most with my rising, which is undersandable – that is literally me. But Sun vs. Moon I think I identify more with my Moon sign than with my Sun sign. Learning more about the sect thing, which I believe it is improtant, because it puts whole chart into a context, I haven’t founf the answer: what if Sun rules the nocturnal chart, where the Moon is the most aspected “planet” found in her domicile and leading the sect. And also where the Sun is “unaspected”. How to interpret that?
At 06:47 the nocturnal side of the chart shows Mars as the malefic but at 57:44 Saturn becomes the most negative planet ( also in 1:01:00) also when I watch the sample charts I realized it is the Saturn that is the stronger malefic for the night sect. How come the malefic is not the same as the most negative then? Please can you give me a perspective on this? Great article, really in depth review of the subject anyways, thank you for it
Question: my sect benefic is Venus in Libra below the horizon in the 4th, and I have Jupiter in Pisces culminating and trining my ascendant, and he’s the final dispositor to my chart ruler (the moon). Venus and Jupiter are antiscia to eachother. Does it make any difference to their power that Venus is in her diurnal home and Jupiter is in his nocturnal home? Subjectively I notice Jupiter more in my life than Venus, despite his being out of sect and even retrograde. I’m wondering if there are more considerations to sect beyond what’s covered in this excellent lesson.
Born during the day, Mars is the main Melific, in the same sign as the Asc. Using Whole Sign its in the first but when using Placidus its in the 12th. Confusing bacause the 1st and the 12th could not be more contradictary. Same thing with main benific, Jupiter in whole sign falls into my 2nd but using Placidus its in the 1st. Which type of housing placements should i pay attention ???🤔🤔🤔
Checked out your social circle, many Sagittaruins, sag rising, sag moon … have adhd, they barely finishing their schooling, lack of mathematical intelligence, however they are good at non logic issues such as humanity, languages, history … anything subjective and opinionated. This big planet of sag definitely has huge negative impact on human social behaviours .
This is fascinating!!! Clearly this hierarchical distinction is foundational to Big Religion and the real reason why the Catholic Church won’t let women be Priests. Also, it must be foundational to Big Rulership and why women rulers are perceived as weak. But beneath all of this is the shift from Hunter-Gatherer culture to Agricultural culture and the invention of cities. That’s when hierarchies of every kind became established as a social norm. Prior to this, star lore primarily taught cosmology. I’m generalizing alot because some cultures made the transition in a clear way, while others not so much. But the ambiguity is also seen in their astrology. So all this stuff in this form of Astrology reflects the shift having already happened. This is one of the reasons why people want to change astrology to reflect less problematic ideas. I’m one of those people.
I have 5 planets in 2nd house all conj sun in scorpio conj my mercury ret saturn new moon in libra Neptune in libra mercury ret conj saturn in scorpio sun conj mercury ret and saturn in scorpio sun in scorpio conj Neptune in libra moon libra conj libra in Neptune New moon libra conj scorpio sun in 2nd house 10th jupiter 29 deg conj Uranus 28 In cancer 5th Mar aquarius 3rd Station venus in sag born 320 morning
Wouldn’t it be cool if each planet including Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto was domicile over 2 signs with 1 masculine and 1 feminine and 1 diurnal and 1 nocturnal? Then there would be 18 signs of the zodiac of 20 degrees each. There would be 9 diurnal signs, 9 nocturnal signs, 9 masculine signs, and 9 feminine signs and 18 houses. Instead of four quadrants we would have six sextants. There would be 3 modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) and 6 elements like Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Pressure, Volume based on the three dimensional phase diagram. That covers the three states of matter (solid, liquids, and gases) and the three ways that material can be convinced to change its state (heat, pressure, volume). Again, look at the three dimensional phase diagram. Water can become water vapor if the pressure is lowered enough. This occurs during cavitation or at high altitudes when the pressure of the atmosphere is at its lowest. Water can literally boil at room temperature. Additionally, ice can transition directly into water vapor at a high enough volume and low enough temperature and vice versa. Matter can change its phase while temperature and pressure are constant so long as volume is increasing. Again, look at the three dimensional phase diagram. The Egyptian bounds would have to be thrown out but those seem pretty random anyways.
I have a day chart with both Jupiter (my benefic for day chart) and Mars (my more challenging and negative malefic for day) both in the 7th house in Aries (where Mars is at home) with Mars conjunct Chiron! Since learning my birth chart and studying astrology it has helped me become at peace with things about myself that seemed troublesome, such as why I have such a hard time with relationships. Thanks for this info.
My Saturn in the morning gives me more values education but My Jupiter is more on accurate and functional than of my Rising sign, I think all this time, I rely on my Saturn and Jupiter but sometimes, this is bad when Mars is uncontrollable, completely ruins my patience sooner as I feel being “collared”. Now, I hang on tight and run back to my Saturn and/or Jupiter.
I have a 0 degree sun 🌞 sitting on the DC in the cusp of the 7th house. Am I a day chart ? 🧐 (Also very interesting facts: Saturn rules my chart, I am cap rising. Jupiter is with 29 degrees my Atmakarka) If yes, then Mars is my malefic and rules in the 4th and 11th house. Benefic is then Jupiter rules over my 12th house.
Well.. My sun and ascendent are seperatad by 1 degree. Its looks different in plasidus vs whole sign. My sun is above my ascendent. But in the whole sign it’s not above the line. Because It’s in the same 1st house. I have a great connection with the moon and I enjoy being up at night and I hate the sun and the summer. so I thought I had a night chart. Now I don’t know because you’re said that… Ha. What you think?
Also it would be great to see more articles and workshops on various remedies for the strained energy from different planets in the charts. E.g. if in a night chart Saturn is in Leo and part of a T-square (opposite Sun (in mutual reception 4° orb), and □ Uranus (2°orb), □ Jupiter (9°orb)), does it makes Saturn even more non-cooperative, right? And would it make Saturn and Uranus transits especially influencing or not? I am trying to understand the principal of the sect theory.
Hi, interesting topic. When I was starting astrology I understood this concept to be atributed to a birth before noon and a birth after noon. I believe it was from a couple of pre 20th century books one specifically being by SImmonite. The pre nooon birth being assigned a day chart and after noon being assigned an evening chart. This made determining a day or night chart quite easy – it could be just a shorthand. I find many of them in my research of astrology over the centuries. An interesting wrinkle to this interpretation is that for a birth before noon you use the date previous to the current date of birth to erect the chart. If someone was born on the 10th at 8:00 in the morning the chart would be erected for the 20th. If they were born at say 2:00pm you would use the current date. I never really followed this approach so I can’t speak to it’s accuracy and strength but I htought I would add it as trivia. Very interesting topics for astrologers. Thanks for the article.
Interesting! Thank you for the article. Am I right to understand that it is more like 1-2 extra positive or negative points to the overall influence of the planets in the charts? And wonder what out of sign / house / day-night position and degree, as well as aspects are stronger in giving properties to the planets, or it is more of an total score, so-to-speak?
I think one of my problems in understanding is because MY chart is rather confusing: I have a nocturnal chart with all of the traditional planets in houses 3-6 except the Moon in the 11th in Scorpio conjunct the South Node (and Neptune). My Sun is in the 4th conjunct Mars in Aries. So what is my “strongest luminary” to determine my Master of Nativity? For a nocturnal chart should it ALWAYS be the moon, even if the Moon is the one planet NOT in the bottom half of the chart? The Sun seems to be strongest because it is so strongly aspected, conjunct Mars and in Aries, so would it be the Sun despite having a nocturnal chart? I feel like I have to get this right before moving on!
Ok, I’m a little confused. I was born during the day – sun is in either 8th/9th house, depending on who does it (1 degree Virgo). Mars is in my 12th house (Scorpio); Saturn in my 10th (Libra); Venus in the 9th (Virgo); Jupiter in the 5th (Taurus); Mercury in the 8th (Leo). So does that mean I have a night time benefic in my daytime sect; but Jupiter is in the night time sect? And both malefic planets are in my day time chart? And Mercury is also in day time sect. So am I screwed as to the most useful benefic planet?