The sun returns to its original position on a Wednesday in the spring, marking the beginning of the mitzvah. This event is observed every 28 years and is celebrated with a special blessing called Birkat Hachamah. Jewish rituals and observances, such as Shabbat, kosher, tefillin, mezuzah, and others, help us relive heroic moments of Jewish history and experience the presence of God.
Second Temple Judaism has rich diversity in Palestine and throughout the Diaspora, but there are several ritual practices and observances that can be said to be rooted in halakhah, an elaborate framework of divine mitzvot (commandments). These practices include circumcision for males, bat- and bar-mitzvah celebrations, and the practice of kedushah, ethics, and mitzvot.
Jewish liturgy is a complex phenomenon that manifests change over time and place, with today’s prayers emerging from the rituals of the Second Temple. The daily ritual of prayer consists of morning, afternoon, and evening prayers, with the most appropriate time for morning prayer being from sunrise.
A great deal of Jewish religious observance is centered in the home, including daily prayers three times each day, including Shacharit. Worship in synagogues includes daily services, rites of passage, and close rites of passage. Jewish people worship in holy places known as synagogues, and their spiritual leaders are called rabbis. The six-pointed Star of David is the symbol of the Jewish faith.
In summary, Jewish liturgy is a complex phenomenon that has evolved over time and place, with various rituals and objects used to represent different aspects of Jewish life.
📹 Origin of Judaism – A Brief History | 5 MINUTES
Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating back nearly 4000 years. This video covers the brief history of Judaism, …
What are the three practices of Judaism?
Jewish religious movements are often referred to as movements, denominations, varieties, traditions, groupings, streams, branches, sectors, sects, trends, and more. These groups reject the characterization of them as sects, which are traditionally defined as religious subgroups that have broken off from the main body. Within Judaism, individuals and families often switch affiliations and are free to marry one another. However, major denominations disagree on who is a Jew.
It is not unusual for clergy and Jewish educators trained in one denomination to serve in another, and many small Jewish communities combine elements of several movements to achieve a viable level of membership.
Relationships between Jewish religious movements are varied, with some demonstrating interdenominational cooperation outside of the realm of halakha (Jewish law), such as the New York Board of Rabbis. Some movements also unite with one another in community federations and campus organizations like the Hillel Foundation. Jewish religious denominations are distinct from but often linked to Jewish ethnic divisions and Jewish political movements.
What are the rituals of worship for Judaism?
The Tefillah, a series of benedictions, is the primary component of all Jewish worship services. It is also known as the Amidah or “standing” prayer and the Shemoneh Esreh, which originally contained 18 benedictions. On weekdays, it is composed of 19 benedictions, including 13 petitions for welfare and messianic restoration. On Sabbaths and festivals, these petitions are replaced by occasional prayers.
A major rubric is the recitation of the Shema in the morning and evening. All services conclude with two messianic prayers, the first called Alenu, and the second an Aramaic doxology called the Kaddish.
As a sign of devotion to God, the observant adult male Jew during weekday morning prayers wears both a fringed prayer shawl (tallith) and phylacteries (prayer boxes, called tefillin), derived from the scriptural passages that are recited as the Shema. As a gesture of respect to God, the head is covered during prayer, either with a hat or a skullcap (kippah). Pious Jews wear a head covering at all times, recognizing God’s constant presence.
The study of Torah, the revealed will of God, is considered an act of worship in rabbinic Judaism. Passages from Scripture, Mishnah, and Talmud are recited during daily morning services. The major liturgical Torah readings take place on Sabbath and festival mornings, with the annual cycle beginning again every autumn at a celebration called Simhath Torah (“rejoicing in the Torah”), which falls at the end of the Sukkot festival. Thematically appropriate readings from the Prophets (Haftarah) accompany the Torah readings on Sabbaths and festivals.
Jews recite numerous benedictions throughout the day before performing commandments and enjoying the bounties of nature. For the Jew, the earth belongs to God, and humans are simply tenant farmers or gardeners. The owner must be acknowledged before the tenant may partake of the fruits.
Jewish dietary laws relate to the Temple cult, with one’s table at home being analogous to the table of the Lord. Certain animals, considered unclean, are not to be eaten, and meat and milk products are not to be eaten together.
The Jewish liturgical calendar carries forward the divisions of time prescribed in the Torah and observed in the Temple cult. Every seventh day is the Sabbath, when no work is performed, returning the world to its owner, God, acknowledging that humans extract its produce only on sufferance.
What are the basic beliefs practices worship Judaism?
The concept of God is monotheistic, eternal, and is posited to have created the universe and humanity in His image. He established a covenant with Abraham, liberated the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, and bestowed upon them the Torah.
What are the rituals of ancient Judaism?
Jewish identity was shaped by a number of rituals, including circumcision, Sabbath observance, and purification bathing. In addition, a variety of popular practices involving what might be considered “magic” without centralized sanction also played a role.
What are 5 basic beliefs of Judaism?
Jews believe in a single, transcendent God who created the universe without help and is not subdivided into different persons. They worship only this one God, believing that He is transcendent and has no body. The Jewish relationship with God is a covenant, with each Jew having an individual and personal relationship with Him. They believe that God continues to work in the world and affects everything people do. This relationship is based on the many good deeds God has done for the Jewish People.
What festivals are Judaism rituals?
Jewish Holidays & Celebrations – ListShabbat. Rosh Hashanah. Yom Kippur. Sukkot. Shemini Atzeret. Simchat Torah. Hanukkah. Tu B’Shevat.
The Jewish calendar affords us with opportunities throughout the year to celebrate, commemorate, and reflect deeply on the many layers of our lives.
We gather as family and community to give thanks, offer respect, and stay connected to the ancient and modern traditions that shape Jewish life and identity. We remember, we re-enact, and we retain the light for generations to come. We also honor the moments, experiences, and values we hold in fresh, but powerful ways.
We welcome you to learn more about significant holidays and observations of the Jewish calendar. We also invite you to join us for our many celebrations throughout the year!
What are worship rituals?
A rite or ritual is a meticulously prescribed procedure, similar to a performance, which can be more repetitive and structured than a performance. In the gospel sense, sacred rituals reveal God’s eternal truth through prescribed symbolic action. These rituals have been part of sacred worship in ancient cultures, with the primordial purpose being to open communication to higher states or realms.
Latter-day Saints view sacred ritual as the symbolic act known as an ordinance, which means “precept” given by one in authority. Ordinance can also mean conferring or receiving something holy. The biblical Hebrew word “ordinance” usually means “law”, “statute”, or occasionally “rite”. Ordinance is derived from the Latin ordinare, which means to set in order or arrange in ranks to prepare for battle.
Holy rituals prepare us for battle, as God is a God of order and requires specific physical acts to prepare us for life’s battles. Many of these ritual acts are given in the “house of order”, the Temple. The power of godliness must be manifested through the ordinances, and without them, no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live. Therefore, God’s power is manifest not only spiritually but physically through these ordinances, involving the physical body for his power to be manifested.
What are the main beliefs and rituals in Judaism?
Most Jews believe their Messiah will come one day, worshipping in synagogues and led by rabbis. The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism. With about 14 million worldwide, most live in the United States and Israel. Jewish individuals are considered Jewish if their mother is Jewish. The Jewish sacred text is the Tanakh, or “Hebrew Bible”, which includes the Old Testament in a slightly different order.
What are the rituals practices?
Rituals are a significant aspect of human societies, including worship rites, sacraments, passages, atonement, oaths, dedication ceremonies, coronations, and even everyday actions like hand-shaking. The field of ritual studies has conflicting definitions of the term, with one suggesting it is an outsider’s category for a set of actions that seems irrational or illogical to an outsider. The term can also be used by insiders as an acknowledgement of the activity’s irrationality.
In psychology, rituals can be used to describe repetitive behaviors used to neutralize or prevent anxiety, but these behaviors are generally isolated activities. The term “ritual” can be used both by outsiders and insiders to acknowledge the activity’s irrationality.
What are 5 major beliefs of Judaism?
Judaism is a religious system that does not centralize authority in any single individual or group. The principles of faith in Judaism are debated by rabbis based on their understanding of sacred writings, laws, and traditions. The most accepted version is the opinion of Maimonides. Judaism affirms the existence and uniqueness of God and stresses the performance of deeds or commandments alongside adherence to a strict belief system. In contrast to Christianity, faith in Judaism requires adherence to God’s instructions (Torah) and the practice of all mitzvot.
Orthodox Judaism emphasizes the belief in a single, omniscient, transcendent, non-compound God who created the universe and continues to be concerned with its governance. Traditional Judaism maintains that God established a covenant with the Jewish people at Mount Sinai and revealed his laws and commandments in the form of the Written and Oral Torah. In Rabbinic Judaism, the Torah consists of both the written Torah (Pentateuch) and a tradition of oral law, much of which is later codified in sacred writings like Mishna and Talmud.
What are the ritual days of Judaism?
The major Jewish holidays include the Pilgrim Festivals (Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkoth), as well as the High Holidays (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur). The Jewish calendar includes a cycle of Sabbaths and holidays, which are commonly observed by the Jewish religious community and officially in Israel by the Jewish secular community. These holidays are bound to the Jewish calendar, reoccur at fixed intervals, and are celebrated at home and in the synagogue according to ritual set forth in Jewish law and hallowed by Jewish custom.
According to Jewish teaching, the Sabbath and festivals are commemorative, reliving the past through creative physical activity, and sanctifying the Jews more than the Jews sanctified the Sabbath and festivals. Mundane meals become sacred, and joy and relaxation become sacred obligations (mitzwot). The Sabbath and festivals also contribute to communal awareness, with the ancient tradition stating that neither Sabbath nor festival can be properly observed in the synagogue if fewer than 10 Jewish males are present.
The sense of social cohesiveness fostered by the Sabbath and festival observances has stood the Jews well throughout their long, often tortuous history.
📹 5 Mind-Blowing Differences Between Sephardic & Ashkenazi Jews | Big Jewish Ideas
While about 93% of American Jews identify with Ashkenazi heritage, Israel and the globe are home to a diverse mix of Sephardic, …
1:37 So the Iranians actually helped Jewish people by letting them return to Judah, which lead to building of the 2nd temple. 3:40 And Musilm & Jews lived relatively peacefully during 9 ~ 13 century. Also, under Ottoman empire Musilm & Jews lived relatively peacefully, between 16th to 19th century. So it seems that Britain messed things up really badly, for tthe 20th century.
Hellenistic Judaism refers to the fusion of Jewish and Greek culture and ideas that occurred during the Hellenistic period, which followed the conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BCE and continued for several centuries thereafter. This period had a significant impact on Jewish thought, culture, and religious practice. Here are some key aspects of Hellenistic Judaism: 1. Cultural Influence: The spread of Greek culture throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, including the lands where Jewish communities lived, led to the adoption of Greek language, customs, and values among some Jews. This cultural influence is often referred to as Hellenization. 2. Translation of the Hebrew Bible: One of the most notable developments of Hellenistic Judaism was the translation of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) into Greek. This translation, known as the Septuagint, allowed Greek-speaking Jews and non-Jews to access Jewish scripture and played a significant role in the dissemination of Jewish religious ideas. 3. Philosophical Syncretism: Some Jewish thinkers during this period sought to reconcile Jewish religious beliefs with Greek philosophy. Philo of Alexandria, a prominent philosopher of this era, attempted to blend Jewish theology with Greek philosophy, particularly the teachings of Plato and Stoicism. 4. Diaspora Communities: As Jewish communities spread throughout the Hellenistic world, they faced the challenge of maintaining their religious and cultural identity amidst the dominant Greek culture.
Maimonides, who is seen as the most successful synthesizer of medieval Judaism and the Islamic world, “God has entangled us with this people, the nation of Ishmael, who treat us so prejudicially and who legislate our harm and hatred…. No nation has ever arisen more harmful than they, nor has anyone done more to humiliate us, degrade us, and consolidate hatred against us.” 1172
FYI: Zoroastrianism, older than Judaism, was the first monotheistic religion. Each of the major Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism) were born of violence and war. In actuality, each of their ancient or old proprietary foundational tribalist books (the Jewish Bible, the New Testament, the Quran, the Book of Mormon) represent political manifestos to form a moral fabric and trust for trade, and claims for real estate, back in the days when life was nasty, brutal and short and nights were long, dark and scary. It’s time to cast off the mythological stories, magical thinking, obsessive ritual, organized superstition, institutionalized intolerance and tribalist revanchism.
Very good though I would say Judisum endured and did not fade into history because, as you said, it was a matter of ethnicity, ancestry, identity & culture, and not geographic location. The standard practice of conquerors was to eliminate the upper classes and remove the middle classes to other lands (The poor were always subject to whomever ruled the land). The Jews carried their culture with them however and were not directly tied to a specific area. Good job, as usual. I wish you were around when I was trudging through all of this in college. Please keep it up.
Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, was an ancient Iranian prophet and the founder of “Zoroastrianism.” He is believed to have lived sometime between the 7th and 6th centuries BCE (501-700 BCE), though some scholars suggest he may have lived as early as the second millennium BCE13 (1300-1201 BCE). Zoroaster’s teachings challenged the existing religious practices of his time and introduced the concept of a single god (Monotheism), Ahura Mazda, representing truth and light. Abraham (Abram) was born in 1960 B.C. and is the father of the Jewish religion. His forefathers were from southern Mesopotamia (in present-day Iraq). According to the biblical narrative, their deity, Yahweh, led Abraham on a journey to the land of Canaan, which he promised to his children.
Jews lived as “dhimmis” or second class citizens in Muslim lands for centuries. Jews had to pay a tax called “Jizya” for not converting to Islam, and were subject to many prohibitions under the law and sometimes experienced massacres. In both Christian and Muslim countries, Jews were forced into being money-lenders because the Christians and Muslims usually prohibited Jews from having any other profession. I believe the prohibition against money lending in Christianity and Islam is actually based on the prohibition in Judaism, but Jews had no other choice but to be money-lenders. There were times of tolerance and intolerance of Jews in both Christian and Muslim lands. When your religion is based on another one, it’s easy to use the predecessor as a scapegoat for any problems in society.
I enjoyed the history in the article! But you lost me on the CLAIM that Judaism is NOT a religion but an ethnicity. That utterly fails to account for the different versions of Judaism (e.g. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform). It also fails to account for conversions, and Jews from different racial groups.
I had no idea that Romans could become Christians, though it makes sense given Paul’s gentile proclivities. Excellent history. I was raised Catholic–shame on the church for not teaching us about Rabbinic Judaism, the Mishna and all the other books I can’t remember, and then there is Enoch from which Paul got all his talk of third and seventh heaven. I have been sinned against!.
I’ve always wondered what is the REAL history of the origin of the Hebrew people, which included the Kingdom of Israel (or the “lost 10 tribes”) and Judah. Obviously, the Jewish Scriptures can’t be relied upon as a historical source because it mostly contains ancient myths and legends, with some historical facts. There are different theories as to the actual origin of Judaism, and the one that makes more sense to me is that they were the Hyksos, a group of people who ruled Egypt for a period of time, and then they were expelled, and eventually settled in Canaan. Other than that the origin of the Jews remains a mystery because there are scattered archaeological, and historical evidences.
Jew, Jewish.-Some people would insist that the word must mean either a race or a religion. It can refer to the race that were the tribe of Judah. It can also refer to those who practice Judiasm. The word has been used to designate both a race and a religion, but today it can not be limited by common usage to either one for several reasons. Today, the “Jewish people” are not “a single race” nor are they “a single religion.” The Jewish people range from being atheists, humanists, satanists, orthodox Talmudic followers, to Torah following Karaites, to upright God fearing messianic men and women. The Jewish Encyclopedia uses the term Jew to mean both those who follow Judaism and those who are merely genetically descended from those who followed Judaism at some time
💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️Abrahmic religion like Islam and christianity says their is only “ONE GOD” and everything is GOD made. But pagan religions like Hinduism says that “EVERYTHING IS GOD” so no duality ie ” AHAM BRAHMASMI”💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️ie SANATAN DHARMA and it says ” we cant distinguish GOD and GOD MADE” so “EVERYTHING IS GOD” So conclusion is SANATAN DHARMA OR HINDUISM is far more advanced then abrahmic religion💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛❤️
Only reason Judaism survived this long is cause of reveleance of its text with christianity and islam. If only there was no christianity and islam, an complete new religion or strict following of paganism it would have died or maybe jews are just very persistant to their text to this day which is also remarkable. I’m a muslim and I love reading about history and wars from old times especially about roman empire, crazy times!!
It’s not the oldest monotheistic religion, the Bantu, Dinka, Egypt with atenism and Zoroastrian is debated to be the oldest monotheistic religions. Also Judaism is a product of mixing mainly 3 religions and cultures, the Hyksos/ Habiru, the polytheistic worshippers of El and the polytheistic shasu of yhwh.
Each group of society or nation has their own culture, ethnicity, language in the world if we look through the lens of politics. According to Bible the call of Abraham is unique and very meaningful to the whole world including to the descendants of Abraham. God has promised to save the world through Jesus which was promised already to Abraham and his descendants.
Not gods law or god promised specific land etc. Those claims are narratives of abraham and his predecessors and contents of their relegious texts. Human origin was from africa anfrom there they travelled and migrated in other areas of earth including africas vast land area, asia, europe, north and south america, australia cotinents.
This is a no-brainer question… ALL believers who read the Bible know that they are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob and God made a Covenant with Abraham through his Descendants… God changed Abraham’s grandson, Jacob’s name into ISRAEL… then, God took them away from Slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promise Land thru their EXODUS… God created the First United Kingdom for the People of Jacob/Israel (Israelites) and put King Saul as their first King, followed by King David… The Kindom was SPLIT into 2 due to the Sin of King David, the NORTHERN Kingdom retained the original name ISRAEL and the people were still called Israelites, while the SOUTHERN Kingdom was called JUDAH, taken from the tribes of Jacob’s 4th Son to Leah, named Judah, their people were called JEWS (derived from the name Judah)… to distinguish themselves from the People of the North still called Israelites… When the Assyrian Empire came, the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell, leaving the Kingdom of Judah in the South unconquered… thus, the Southern People in the Kingdom of Judah called their Faith/Religion in God, JUDAISM … while the Southern People were called JEWS, to separate themselves from the People of the Northern Kingdom that were exiled to Assyrian province. Facts and Truth, Biblically and Logically speaking… Amen.
3:03 Jews migrated to Gallia, the north of Gallia. They were shipped to the north of Gallia where they were welcome. Not Galilea, that is within a one day walk. Gallia was as far away as was possible, where the Rhine flowed in the sea. 5200 Jews of the 9th legion had killed everyone between Seine and Rhine. A give away is the word shipped. There are no waterways to Galilea and the Jews would have walked back the very same day. The fate of the Jews, their destination was as far away as was possible within the Roman empire. The 5200 Jews of the 9th legion at Novio Magus and the emerging of the Cananenfati proofs it. The Flamish were Christian from day one. Nobody converted them, for they repopulated the empty land that Julius Caesar had created with his Jewish 9th legion. History is wat happened, not wat is told.
4000 years….hmmmm here is a question: why didn’t Alexander the Great who conquered all of the known Middle East which includes Egypt and Libya, did not write one word of the Jews, Jerusalem, Hebrews, or Israelites, supposedly they are one and the same, not one mention. remember Alexander conquered in 330 BC, the first thing conquering generals do is write their history of the people the land, and the religions they conquered……
Religion, and that includes atheism and the material dialectic, is metaphor. The beginning of religion is what I call the big terror and the personification of the planetary Gods, Zeus, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and our dear Sun. The vestiges of these planetary gods are still with us in our language. For example, honor Saturn’s Day and keep it holy. Or the sacrifice of our children in things like circumcision and baptism. The Muslims have a rock from Mars, the God of war. Do they know this? Velikovsky proves that the beginning of religion is fear and trauma as witnessed in the mythologies of religions all around the world and the references they make to Venus especially as a comet coming into our solar system only 3500 years ago! What else happened then? The ten plagues of Egypt, which are referenced all around our beautiful world. The suppression of this knowledge is understandable in view of our trauma of these cataclysms. Please read Mankind In Amnesia by Immanuel Velikovsky which just might prevent us from nuclear annihilation. I think it’s too late, but it’s worth a shot.
Judaism was not monotheistic at all. They worshiped El, Baal and Yahweh all during the time after they entered the promised land. They constantly returned to the worship of Baal and Asherah after God punished them, sent them angles, prophets and warned them time and time again for 1000 years but they would return to the worship of the Canaanite Gods. The truth, Yahweh was a Canaanite God and the Jews were appointed Yahweh from the council of Gods. That is why the first Temple was destroyed and many plagues and losing wars was delivered by God.
Except for the history of the Jews, the divine concept on which Judaism and Christianity are based originated on the religion of the blacks of Africa, notably, the ancient Egyptian civilization. The first five books of Moses, written by Moses, is derived from the religion of Blacks. Hebrew is also spoken by a tribe in Ghana. Likely, this is the root of the Hebrew language. Much of the laws of the Bible, including the Psalms and the Proverbs pre-existed in the ancient religion of the blacks of Egypt of which Moses was a student. Have you ever heard of the wise sayings of Ani and the negative confessions? Please find out. As the saying goes, the 144,000 virgins redeemed from the earth followed Christ wherever he goesth and were not defiled. Christ was first stationed amongst the blacks and the same religion he gave them is the same religion he continued with the Jews and later the Christians. At least Moses saw Christ in Egypt, if you doubt, I will pinpoint it AMONG THE BOOKS OF PAUL. Therefore, the origin of the Hebrew religion and subsequently Christianity is black Africans. God has designed his route in such a way that, nobody can claim he belongs to him alone.
THE TRUE STORY regarding PALESTINE -Palestine is the land of the Prophets. -Jews have no rights in Palestine -Palestine is for Palestinians -Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine -There is no country of Israel Some of the Prophets who lived in Palestine are: Ibrahim (Abraham) Lot Ishmael Ishaq (Isaac) Ya’qoob (Jacob) Yusuf (Joseph) Daud (David) Solomon Zakariyyah (Zachariah) Yahya (John) {May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon them) Ibrahim(Abraham) has two sons: 1. Ismael 2. Isaac Isaac’s son was Jacob(Ya’qoob) where most of the Prophets came from his lineage such as Yusuf(Joseph),Daud(David),Sulaiman(Solomon),Zakariyyah(Zacarias),Musa(Moses) and Yahya (John). The second name of Prophet Ya’qoob(Jacob) is ISRAEL so his clans are called BANU ISRAEL(Son’s of Israel). Also, accordingly, ISRAEL means Abdullah (servant of Allah). But the tribe of Israel has been known for disobedience and stubbornness where they oppose and kill their own Prophets sent to them except for a small number them, this is how the Quran describes them. Among their disobedience are: -They disobeyed Prophet Solaiman (Solomon) -They disobeyed Prophet Musa (Moses) -They disobeyed Prophet Eisa (Jesus) -They killed Prophet Yahya (John) -They killed Prophet Zacariah (Zacarias). THAT’S WHY ALLAH PUNISHED THEM. THEIR PUNISHMENT IS THAT, THEY WOULD HAVE NO LAND IN THIS WORLD EXCEPT THOSE WHO BELIEVE. What happened to them for several centuries is that wherever they ended up in the middle east after the time of Prophet Eisa (Jesus), others went to Europe and America.
Isn’t similar to Ukrainian emblem trezub, but Ukrainian trezub has three tines unlike seven in menora as Ukrainians aren’t apes and aren’t that close to them so aren’t that hairy, doesn’t have fire at the ends as Ukrainians don’t enjoy killing others, doesn’t have places to candles as Ukrainians don’t hide when they need to battle, most importantly doesn’t have a handle as Ukrainians aren’t perverts and don’t put things in inappropriate places.
I wonder if any here have read the comics Asterix and Obelix? These are fictional stories. they portray the gauls as indomitable, taking on the Roman army and pulverizing the soldiers. . This is what the stories of old testament are about king David and Solomon. The truth is, Jews were decimated exterminated and kicked out of their land. These grandiose stories were made up to soothe their wounds. There has never been a historical evidence for Moses, Abraham, David, or Solomon
very wrong and misleading! you’re mixing without recognition the terms israel or hebrew which refers to people (the hebrew people or the people of Israel) with the term judaism which is a religion, one of the many religions that rose in the kindom of yehuda before 2000 years more or less. it is better to replace the word jew with the word pharisee or rabbinical to avoid those confusions between the people and one of their religions believes. by the way, not all of the religions in israel accept the whole bible as it is today, actually most of them reject the book of Esther for example.
Abraham migrated to Palestine 2000 BC from Babylon Nimrod where he had dispute with his father belief of idolatry. Philistine canaanites Palestinians called Abraham Abri means stranger in Palestine Hebrew and his tent Abrion Hebron. Philistine existed before Abraham migrated to canaanites Philistine Palestine.
Abrahamic Religion isn’t for eternity their God limited to their prophets. Their God changes its proposition every time new Prophet came. Even his self proclaimed son claims diff. Where as Eastern gods make more sense even Odin seems more relevant and correct compared with all three Major Abrahamic religion. Just because of These three religions brought whole world is at chaos.
You are making a lot of assumptions. The biggest one is that Judaism has anything to do with the ancient beliefs of the people of the Levant. Today’s Christianity is not like the Christianity of the original Christians. Islam isn’t exactly the religion of Muhammad or his first followers or even the old Prophets that Muhammad believed were Muslims. And when exactly were those religious works first written. All we have are copies of copies. The original “Jews” were polytheistic believing in El, Baal, Yahweh, Ashtarte because they were Canaanites who for one reason or another choose Yahweh and moved to the hills.
Regardless of what you believe we all get to choose our faith. But the most basic everyday pieces of evidence and revelation of a Divine God is creation itself. “The day pours out speech and the night reveals knowledge, there is no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard.” In other words creation speaks of a Creator and we are all living in a world created by God whether you accept it or not, it’s irrefutable, we are all witnesses of this revelation of God’s power, beauty, order.and personality. Jesus Christ on the other hand is the full revelation of God’s character in bodily form, and the Holy Bible is God’s way for generations to know the truth. See God reveals Himself in ways us humans can communicate, understand, and comprehend. Of course we cannot fully understand all things and we won’t until the day we come face to face with God. And for some this mystery of God is a draws them away, for others its that they have a hard time believing the Holy Bible as a revelation from God because it seems too simple of a thing for a God to do, and for others its the whole concept of God coming into this world in the body of Jesus Christ to die for our sin and be raised 3 days later so we can have eternal life .. Bible says : “All Scripture is God- breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work”. “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people It teaches us to say, “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age while we wait for the blessed hope — the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own eager to do what is good.
no, Judaism is not 4 thousand years old. Judaism and the Torah of Yahweh are NOT a match. the Talmud is Judaism and it does NOT match the Torah of the King. are assuming that the oral law is the same as the written law? it is not. Judaism was developed during and after the Babylonian captivity. the Talmud wasn’t written on paper until the 4th century a.d. Rabbinical Judaism is not Biblical. 2600 years, yes. 4000, no.
As -Salam ha Shalom. This article is inaccurate. You omit what jewish historian josephus Flavius said that the levitical priesthood was divided into three sect: Saducees, Pharisees and Essens/holy warrior where in Macabees whose garb in all black belong to. Word muslim was first mention by prophet Isaiah. There already muslims before prophet Muhammad. It should concentrated in who established judaism. This article is a failure it should be remove from YT as it is misleading
It is all based on a lie. Abraham was likely a rich tribal dude in Ur or Mesopotamia. There must have been famine and probably child sacrifice in that area (the Bible mentions Baal as the deity that was offered child sacrifice). Abraham was likely called by the King to sacrifice his son. He concocted a story about God appearing to him out of a bush about sacrificing Isaac and then rescuing him at the last moment. He knew his time was up as the king would destroy him and his tribe. He then tells his tribe that there is a promised land called Canaan. Knew about Canan thru trade and the weak kingdoms. Hightails it before the king could act. If God was on SMS to Abraham, and then the “prophets”, what happened when Israel and Judah were being captured kicked down by Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Germans. Especially the last two. They slaughtered the jews in the millions. Romans wiped out Israel from the face of the earth and called it Palestine. All this time, God was not taking messages ?? Busy surfing the heavens on the internet. It is all hocus pocus.
Do Christians understand they are reading Judaism texts and call it the Bible? We are not in B.C. Times. We are not in the age of the Torah. Jews in particular had religion they struggled with. They were in elementary school teachings of the world. Even the religious law points to Christ who is our Messiah. “We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand.In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary (school) truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to discern good from evil. ” – Hebrews 5:11-14 “Therefore, leaving behind the elementary(school) teachings about the Messiah, let us continue to be carried along to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works, faith toward God,instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.And this we will do, if God permits.” – Hebrews 6:1-3 Judaism is not Love. BABYLON IS NOT Love. Religion is childish non sense for today. ” Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law of Moses and Elijah. – Romans 13:10 “Love never fails. Now if there are prophecies, they will be done away with. If there are languages, they will cease. If there is knowledge, it will be done away with.