Ribbons have become a symbol of support and awareness for various causes, including Turner Syndrome (TS). As February is Turner Syndrome Awareness Month, the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) offers tools to help spread awareness. The ribbons are divided into various color families, such as red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, neutrals, and color combinations.
TS is a chromosomal condition affecting only females, caused by the complete or partial deletion of the X chromosome. Disability awareness and acceptance are being achieved through the use of awareness ribbons. The ribbons focus on raising awareness about Turner Syndrome, a congenital condition that affects approximately 1 in 1,000 people.
Turner Syndrome was first fully described by American Dr. Henry Turner in 1938. It results when one of two of the X chromosomes is missing or partially missing. Awareness ribbons can be used as conversation starters to educate others on the condition, its symptoms, complications, and treatment.
A purple awareness ribbon gift is available, such as a shirt or pin, which can be worn to show support for Turner Syndrome. The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) uses pink and blue colors, while the UK’s Turner Syndrome Support Society (TSSS) uses lilac.
In February, Turner Syndrome Awareness Month was celebrated with a purple stack of ribbons, highlighting the importance of awareness and support for those affected by Turner Syndrome.
📹 What is Turner Syndrome?
Why is the butterfly the symbol for Turner syndrome?
Hope, a “butterfly” with Turner syndrome, was diagnosed when her mother was pregnant. The condition results from missing or partially missing one of the two X chromosomes females typically have. The name “butterflies” was chosen due to the X chromosome’s spread wings. Hope has been receiving care at the UNC Turner Syndrome Clinic since birth. About one in every 2, 500 children has the condition.
Is Turner syndrome a type of autism?
A new study suggests that nearly two-thirds of people with Turner syndrome have autism traits, and almost one-quarter meet the diagnostic criteria for autism. Turner syndrome, which affects about 4 in every 10, 000 people designated female at birth, usually results from a missing or mosaic X chromosome. It is associated with distinctive body changes, including short stature and ovarian insufficiency. Many people with the syndrome also have neurocognitive differences.
Social differences have always been recognized, but researchers attribute these differences to girls with Turner syndrome being shorter, more likely to be hard of hearing, or possibly infertile. However, the study suggests that girls with Turner syndrome don’t have trouble making friends because they don’t understand social rules that everyone else has been hardwired to understand.
What is the code of Turner syndrome?
The 2024 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis code is Q96. The American version, designated as 9, is utilized for the purpose of indicating a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The code is designated for billing purposes and became effective on October 1, 2023. The code is applicable to Turner syndrome, an unspecified condition. The code is applicable to female patients with a diagnosis of unspecified conditions who are exempt from the age of primary assurance (POA) requirement. It should be noted that other international versions may differ.
Is Turner syndrome a disability?
Although Turner syndrome is not regarded as a disability per se, it can give rise to learning difficulties, including those associated with mathematics and memory.
What month is Turner syndrome?
February is designated as Turner Syndrome Awareness Month, a relatively obscure disease that affects approximately 70, 000 American women and girls.
What is a Turner syndrome personality?
Turner syndrome affects girls through a phase in childhood characterized by physical overactivity, impulsivity, and a short attention span. These issues typically begin in toddlerhood but become more serious when they start school at 4 or 5. Girls with Turner syndrome may struggle to settle in class and may require different medications to treat ADHD. It is important to note that ADHD medications may not be as effective in Turner syndrome cases.
What is the symbol of the Turner syndrome?
The butterfly is now widely recognized as the symbol for Turner syndrome, with the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) referring to themselves as butterflies, butterfly sisters, and golden butterflies. In 2010, the organization updated its logo, which was previously believed to feature a cell dividing. The four circles of the previous logo evolved into the wings of the iconic butterfly, connecting the past to the present. The butterfly is feminine yet strong, symbolizing the strength and resilience of its members, and the TSSUS hopes that all those with Turner syndrome will continue to provide support.
What pair is Turner syndrome?
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder affecting a baby’s X chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, divided into 22 autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The 23rd pair typically consists of one X and one Y chromosome for people assigned male at birth (AMAB) and two X chromosomes for people AFAB. Turner syndrome occurs when one of a baby’s two X chromosomes is missing or incomplete. There are different types of Turner syndrome based on how one of the X chromosomes is affected.
Monosomy X, which occurs when each cell has only one X chromosome, affects about 45 people with Turner syndrome. Mosaic Turner syndrome, which makes up about 30 cases, occurs randomly during cell division early in pregnancy. Inherited Turner syndrome, which occurs in rare cases, occurs when a missing part of the X chromosome is passed on from the biological parent.
What is the IQ of a person with Turner syndrome?
Turner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a higher verbal IQ than a performance IQ. It typically affects individuals with normal intelligence, with strengths in verbal skills but weaker nonverbal skills, such as arithmetic, visuospatial skills, and processing speed. Turner syndrome does not typically cause intellectual disability or impair cognition, but learning difficulties are common among women with the condition, particularly in perceiving spatial relationships.
This can manifest as motor control or mathematics difficulties. Most Turner syndrome patients are employed adults and lead productive lives. A rare variety, known as “Ring-X Turner syndrome”, has a 60 percent association with intellectual disability, accounting for 2-4 of all Turner syndrome cases.
Is Turner syndrome xo or xxy?
Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that is characterized by the non-functioning of one X chromosome in females. Approximately half of the population exhibits monosomy X, while the remaining half displays a mosaic chromosomal component. Anomalies in the X chromosome, such as isochromosome Xq, can result in a non-functioning X chromosome.
Which one of the following symbols represents a Turner syndrome?
The condition known as Turner syndrome is represented by the symbol XO.
📹 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health
The color and consistency of your number two might not be a good topic for the dinner table. However, it’s a good topic for your …
I’m 67, I’ve had IBS since I was born. I remember having to take Milk of Magnesia as a 4 year old or I wouldn’t poop. Of course it wasn’t called IBS back then. Doctors didn’t know what to call it until around the 1990’s. I found out what was causing my IBS from a German chiropractor who happened to ask a lot of digestive questions. That’s when I found out my body does not produce natural digestive enzymes my body needs in order to properly digest and break down the food I eat. So the food would just sit in my stomach for days and become fermented. I was always in Tremendous pain especially after I ate. I wouldn’t poop for days. So I had to take stool softeners and laxatives so I could finally have a bowel movement. Now I take enzymes and also probiotic which has helped tremendously. I only occasionally have to take a stool softener.
I’ve battled IBS nearly all my life. I go long stretches of constipation, and then to diarrhea. Earlier this year I thought I had a urinary infection. I felt like two fists were pushing into my kidneys, I had constipation, and amber colored urine. (I know – TMI. But, I’m getting to the point right now.) I went to my PCP who took a blood sample. Cancer markers all over the place! I’m now on chemo for pancreatic cancer. If you have a digestive issue significant enough to see a physician, ask him/her to draw blood as a safety measure. Seriously! There’s a possibility I can beat the odds on this because my doctor and I responded quickly. The sooner you get on a cancerous tumor, the better your chances.
Everyone says “see a doctor” but no doctors in America know or tell you exactly how to fix your digestive symptoms. They order colonoscopies, MRIs, CT scans and medicines that don’t cure anything but give you worst symptoms. Is there a place to test that isn’t too invasive to know what’s cousins the symptom? If so what tests ?
You could take two digestive enyzme capsules after each meal for digestion . And eat organic yogurt and kefir to promote good bacteria . Recently I had black diarrhea and went to the hospital . They determined I had bleeding due to taking ibuprofen that caused it . So from now on to use tylenol only for mild body aches, etc . And to properly heal I will be consuming Vitamin C 1000-3000 mg per day .
I completely freaked out when my stool and urine were PINK! After a bit of thought I realized I had eaten a lot of beets over the last few days. The color went back to normal in a couple of days. I love beets so I eat them frequently but now I don’t panic if everything going out is pink for a few days.
Medications will turn the color of both urine and feces. The first time I had an asthma attack it put me in the hospital. I used a nebuliser every two hours. I freaked out when I urinated as it was bright green. I buzzed the nurse because I thought I was dying. They didn’t know I had never used any asthma medicine and apologized for not telling me that the high doses would change my urine. Also dark purple or black icing will make feces green for a day or two.
I find giving up junk helps and drinking more water ..exercise is quite good too being active moves the bowels..but what helps one person goto the bathroom may not work for another .some healthy foods might cause someone cramps and diarrhoea. So it can be alittle bit complicated to get the balance right
My husband has belching problems. Has for years. Yesterday, he went to the emergency room at 4am because he had stomach pains and saw blood in his poop. (diarrhea) The hospital ran some test and said that they didn’t see any cancer and that he should see a primary doctor. I wonder if the blood is coming from his intestines. What do u think doctor?
Well, I have bowel movements every day, once or twice every day. And consistency I never know. I’m on quite a few medications. Some may cause constipation some may cause diarrhea and some may cause color change. I may have green diarrhea in the morning and brown constipation that night. Or vice versa. I check color and consistency every time. If one or the other starts happening regularly I will stop that medicine for a day or two until I get back to a normal color and density.
Watertoilet is the main reason to obesity. If you deal with your shit, make and maintain your own shit-pit or compost toilet, you automatically change your eating habits. I have a watertoilet, but I made compost toilet to learn about being a part of a ecosystem. If it has a right dry mixture, it does not smell at all. I have it in kitchen, and even in spanish summer, it does not smell if enough dry-mix. Result of dealing with my poop for couple of years seems to result changes in a diet. For example, I’m now getting rid of pot-belly and love-handles, as my body is changing it’s nutritional habits. Once the body has to carry every gram of poop out of the house and compost it, the body naturally starts to seek new ways of eating.
100% True words l am new in your YouTube website articles and sincerely speaking l enjoyed listening to all your topic because it’s so effective and beneficial for me. I like eating eggs a lot since my teenage years till today it’s so effective and beneficial for my health and safety especially to my whole body. Thanks for this helpful topic because it’s amazing and wonderful how beneficial and good the eggs are to the body. God bless you
Yes…be aware of your poop…but dont freak out if its not supposedly the perfect colour or consistency…everyones different….. My gp panicked me …after having the runs for a few days…and a bit of blood….sent me for a colonoscopy….and I was told I had a lovely, healthy bowel byr the worry I went through before my hospital appointment, made me feel so, so anxious… Yes..good to be checked out, but…just dont instantly fear the worst, thats all.
I have severe IBS complicated by several food allergies. I have a combination of diarrhea and constipation that would try a saint. No diet, no medication can fix this…I have altered genes in my DNA that cause my condition (they found them) and it’s various manifestations. I’m 78. 78 years of living with this. Until someone can come up with a drug that counteracts my conditions I will die dealing with this. Sometimes your stool tells you nothing.
What happens when a person has a surgery that requires anesthesia after the procedure people wake up but it takes 3 to 4 days for the organs to wake up and during that time all the food you eat is not being digested processed normally. Usually resulting in far above average sized fecal matter. So what happens if a person goes through this process five or six times maybe more were the body wakes up three or four days prior to the organs. And last but not least is there a way to tell the differences between blood from a hemorrhoid or blood from something else.
Please someone help me. I’ve been really stressed for the past two days and am developing diarrhea. This wouldn’t be concerning on its own; I’ve had the issue before, but I have severe emetophobia and generalized anxiety disorder, and lately the diarrhea has gone from brown to the color and consistency of water, and I’ve had this type of diarrhea twice today. Large portions of it seem to be gas, but there’s a decent amount of clear liquid too. I feel like I need to poop more than I am. I’m panicking right now, I’ve tried to rationalize it but everything points to an infection or food poisoning. I’ve been traveling so I haven’t pooped as much as I should be, and I also haven’t had many fruits or vegetables. Please someone give me advice.
The diet advice in this article is the exact opposite that anyone with constipation should be doing. Do not add fiber to a traffic jam… Also eating grains and vegetables is not healthy. Plants cant run and thus use chemicals to harm animals that try to eat them. Most animals have ways to deal with these chemicals, but humans don’t. Let the animals east the grains and veg so you can eat the eggs, cheese, drink the milk, and for those not opposed to it, eat the meat. Regenerative farming is the way forward for peak human health.
Great article but – PLEASE edit your article – anyone, ANY ONE, can say they’re a nutritionist. Anyone with an opinion about what to eat and what not to eat can say they are a nutritionist. DIETITIANS are accredited and earn degrees in their field. They aren’t giving opinion or anecdotal evidence only – they are trained and educated to best understand the dynamic of food intake and health. I am NOT a dietitian but someone with lifelong struggle with food, who has benefited by trusting dietitians, not everyone who thinks they know the food answers.
I’m pretty sure my daily meds including pain meds and health issues which affect my joints, causes me to have a bm every 10-14 days. My body goes thru so much trauma trying to go💩! I have to turn into a contortionist while on the toilet trying to stretch every which way, as I apply pressure and shake the left side of my stomach that feels like rocks or a soft ball in my intestines. I suffer abdomen pain that feel like I’m dying, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, teeth chattering😬 body trimmers, pressure on my chest which all get worst when I stand😫up! I drink at lease 40oz of water ×3 daily, 4 Colace every night, veggies (maybe once daily), more protein than anything smh I kno. I’ll take about 4 laxatives and 1 Linzess after about a week. But may not go until days later when I eat something that helps😫😫😫 oh I do drink pop(soda) daily. Smh HELP!!!!
so if i feel a fart up my butt I try pinching it with my rectal pinchers and if its solid I know its not a fart this means i have a torpedo in the launch tube. she is ready to fire so if i wait too long the expulsion bands of muscles will tire out from exhaustion and that turd is now stalled in the fire position.
I’m finishing my 3rd week in the Caribbean. Walking 2 – 3 miles per day, swimming laps, eating super clean fats (avocados and coconut), and roots (ginger, yucca, onions). Water with every meal. My poop has become irregular – every 3rd day, and in peices. BUT, I am eliminating mucus each time. All I can say is, I feel so good. Have not had one bout of bloat. Clothes are looser, skin is clear, and have not plucked more than 3 chin hairs since I’ve been here (usually pluck 7-8 every other day.) Makes me wonder if our Western standards for regularity and texture is based on our horrible quality of food and sedentary lifestyles? Or if say healthier cultures eliminate differently. Can’t exactly ask anyone here but I’m curious. I will be doing the chia pudding when I go home because although I’m 2 stools per day, with the perfect soft-firm, one peice, at home…I battle acne, tummy fat, unwanted hair, sore joints, and insomnia. Even with probiotics, fasting, OMAD, juicing, and regular exercise.
IMHO, having a stool every day is not healthy, and I’ve been there. Stool is your body’s way of getting rid of things it doesn’t want or need When I was have stool every day, I was eating too much, and not eating healthy. Now, I go every other day, which means my body is using pretty much everything I eat. That’s the goal.
This is too generalised… I have IBS (chronic) diverticular, and hiatus hernia. All these give different stools every day for me. A lot of foods shown here I am not allowed to eat, nuts, any citrus fruit because of the acid it contains. Exercise is fine if you can do it, but I can’t because of Arthritis. However I do eat good balance, of boiled root veg, mash potato. Plenty chicken, for meat I use what’s in steak and kidney pies, and beef or lamb casseroles. Don’t eat rubbish like KFC or Mc. But enjoy a fresh cooked Chinese once a week. Mainly chicken curry boiled rice and prawn crackers. Eat salads often tomato lettuce with chilled hams, some crisps, a chicken leg and potato salad. I do not eat certain cereals which has wheat. I’m a rice crispiest, crunchy kellogs flakes and a few shreddies mixed in. Yorkshire puddings dont like me, anything creamy is a no no. I feel this article does not take into consideration that many people, especially over 55s have some sort of disorder that can alter states of poo. Medicines also change the colour, true, under 40s or under 30s aren’t prescribed, but at 72 I’m on a few including omeprozele, Diazapam, a blood pressure tablet, and over counter relief for trapped wind.
Using the toilet in your bare feet? 🤢 Flushing a toilet with the lid raised sprays the toilet’s contents everywhere within 10 square feet. I’m not walking in that sprayed mess. I don’t wear shoes at home, but I never go in the bathroom without slippers on. I put the lid down when I flush, but still…
I have had tests done and they say nothing is wrong, I have diarrhea 17 times a day some days three to four days a week and no help. I have fistula in my bowal and again no help . I have been doing this for 5 years now and I’m getting sicker and I’m not going to last much longer . I’m 74 yrs and have stayed the same weight for the 5 years, I don’t have a Dr 🥵🥵🥵🥵
This past week I Cody William AQUARIUS Bryson of Irving Dallas County Texas USA 🇺🇸 AKA Aquarius William Grey sat on the pot no pain at all but a lot of bright red blood for my next 17 dumps I took my poops looked like Rabbit turds and little thin brown green beans and alot of mucus lookin burning stuff came out my backside
63 and regular as the sun coming up…Perfect color and I eat like shit…:D…Ice cream, PBJ, fried chicken, hardly any vegetables, no fish, lots of red meat, lunchmeat most often, It’s medicines that seem to affect people’s “business”…My wife takes so many pills, ALWAYS has problems…Grateful to be healthy in that area!
The easiest all overall flush for you if you’re having problems Garden salad with oil and vinegar and a lot of oil and loss of water I’m talking about 10 glasses of water a day minimum and if you’re eating a bunch of junk especially a lot of meat and heavy food you’re going to have a lot more problems than people that don’t but once you get over 70 you don’t have to worry about it