Centuries ago, Christian forces sought to dominate pagan cultures by labeling non-Christian religious or spiritual practices as “black magic”. These practices were often seen as harmful and used against nature. White witches, on the other hand, work in harmony with nature, using curses and hexes when necessary. The distinction between white and black magic is imprecise, but it is used to differentiate practices with an intent that is not socially acceptable versus those that are.
White witchcraft is a marketing label for a type of witchcraft consistent with consumer capitalism, emphasizing growth and success. It has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes. Practitioners of white magic have been given titles such as Glenda, not Evillene. White magic is passive, meaning it receives something through divination, while black magic is active or proactive. Witchcraft is a term usually applied to harm brought upon others through the use of supernatural or occult powers.
In modern contexts, the line between white and black magic is somewhat clearer, with most definitions focusing on intent rather than practice. White witches are often more susceptible to strong influences from their environment, such as the influence of consumerism.
In conclusion, white and black witchcraft are two sides of the coin, with white witchcraft being a marketing label for a type of witchcraft that emphasizes growth and success. Both practices have their roots in social and cultural factors, with white witches being more susceptible to strong influences from their environment.
📹 The Difference Between White and Black Witchcraft
Former witch Julie Lopez explains the different types of witchcraft and which kind is the most dangerous. Only DailyWire+ …
My creepy neighbor was a witch and she put a curse on my girlfriend. 9 months later she birthed a demon baby (we had not had sex!!!). The baby had reddish skin and fangs and we knew he had the devil in him. We had him for only a few months and demons began haunting our house, our dogs both died, we had nightmares of the devil and ultimately my wife got possessed. She was cursing god in Aramaic and would levitate while a bright red glow surrounded her. Our priest came and miraculously cast out my wife’s demon but we knew we couldn’t keep the baby. We let Father Hoolihan take him and what happened to him know one knows. He told us it’s best all connection and knowledge of this demon baby be severed. Father Hoolihan must have been possessed as well because he shortly thereafter was transferred out and no one knows his whereabouts since. Demon babies ARE REAL. They WILL HARM YOU. Just shows the power of witchcraft from one simple curse.
Good and evil is so obvious today. You can easily see demons and demon possessed people in public out in the open, not trying to hide from plain view. Just watch the news, see criminals in action assaulting and robbing people. Watch a protest gathering, watch abortion enthusiasts, antisemitic protesters, see globalists at a podium speaking horribly oppressive agendas, dividing people by skin color, gender, sexuality, economic status, in every way they can come up with. DONT FALL PREY TO OPPRESSION, NEGATIVITY, AND CONTROL. Think positively, do good for others, protect and shelter kids from negative influences, love and care for one another and PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT, PROTECTION AND GUIDANCE. GOD BLESS US.
In 2020 a portal was opened over the white house. Christians who were in the know about spiritual realms, portals, and spiritual warfar were fighting against witches and warlocks over this portal. There is article on YouTube from the camera of strange sightings over the Whitehouse from the Whitehouse camera. I would go and watch the live feed and so much more interesting things happened that were never recorded, including the eyes of God searching Washington DC. We won the portal. But the war isn’t over. PRAY!!!! God needs prayer warriors! 🙏
There is NO difference between any forms of witchcraft – they all engage satanic powers and are deceived or led to deception to think they are doing something good. satan the spirit they engage is only wired to KILL STEAL DESTROY – John 10:10. satan is nobody’s friend and will always come for payback. It can be asking for a murder (sacrifice) or a loved one or someone else or the sacrifice of a loved on into satanic service
Heads up art dept! Your thumbnail with the white and black stuff apparently emminating from each of their heads leads one to visually associate the host: Michael Knowles as a white witch and his guest as a black magician. Something a little more background, less directly tied to the people in the foreground would work much better. Unless that was your aim.
Remember folks, theres no such thing as conjuring anything ‘cept yourself. Always. Better to walk the connection path whereby one practices indigenous ceremony, i.e. Lakota path n’ the red road. Connection n pray to earth n the animal spirit realm. Forget conjuring. No need. Peace love and success to you all! A’ho
There is no good witchcraft. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (KJV) “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.”
Michael, keep in mind that the Pharisees of Jesus time knew the Bible very well, yet they couldn’t understand the spiritual things Jesus was trying to teach them. There is an aspect of the spirit realm you are unaware of but this woman knows about it. She’s trying to explain a spiritual reality to you.
We know she can’t be an exorcist because Jesus said Bells above cannot cast out Bells above or he destroys himself, there is wicked Spirits out here that people are possessed with there’s certain things that go on that God lets go on just because of the evil times and people going to have to choose the god that they are going to serve and God lets them do that the Living God does but we already got an example where are the Pharisees said that Jesus was casting out the devil that’s the area where Jesus was talking about blaspheming the Holy Ghost where there is no forgiveness for blasphemy the Holy Ghost in This World or in the world to come, but he also gave them a parable that bills above cannot cast out himself or he would destroy himself and I’m paraphrasing you can read it for yourself you’ll look it up, close the devil’s not here to save or to serve another person he’s here to confuse cuz he wants to take as many people to hell with him cuz he’s already destined to go there and he knows that there is no hope for the devil he is done for the Bible says in Revelation like a spider clinging to the wall he’ll be drugged into hell and then hell be cast into the Lake of Fire
There’s no such thing as ‘good’ magic in the real world. This sort of confusion was aided by the brainwashing of television (e.g. Harry Potter, etc.) God’s inerrant word is pretty clear about it: Gal 5:19 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, uncleanness, immodesty, luxury, idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, contentions, emulations, wraths, quarrels, dissensions, sects, envies, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like. Of the which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God.” Rev 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Witches are not real, only the power of God is real, people who believe they’re witches are only fooling themselves into believing they have some sort of power in the real world so they feel better about their lives, Satan and demons only offer lies and ilusions, magic doesnt exist, as christians we should not believe in Harry Potter, and as christians we should all see the atrocities that have commited in the name of our faith (in the case I’m giving, witch hunting). I’m from Colombia, where is normal that some extremist nuns go out to kill black cats around october because they think they’re demons, those nuns are going to hell and will pay for their sins. PS: people who claim they have seen witchcraft or supernatural stuff happening, sorry, but is not true, is only the result of wild imaginations and likely some sad, sad mental illness (hallucinations are ALWAYS a sing of mental illness, nothing else)
The bible says in various places “Do not consort with mediums” The bible also refers to it as whispers, because they whisper to you while you sleep. This is exactly why super hero movies are so prevalent today. We are looking at generations of lazy people that don’t want to be human and work on being better in our natural abilities (Like being a hard worker to get a head). They day dream of mystical powers they can use to subdue other people. There is no such thing as black and white magic. It’s all witchcraft and consorting with mediums.