Synastry is a technique in astrology that provides information on whether two people can get along or have a thriving relationship based on the energies of aspects between their birth charts. Common exact aspects in synastry include conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares, and sextiles. Each of these can create a rapport or create impediments.
Synastry astrology is divided into two parts: the first part focuses on the basic concepts to look out for, while the second part presents all the interactions between birth charts. The inner part represents the aspects, with the planetary aspects between two charts showing the compatibility of a person’s personality with a partner’s.
There are several types of astrological synastry, each with its own unique purpose and interpretation. Composite charts are created by combining elements from two charts, such as trines, squares, oppositions, and semi-trine. In relationships, Saturn aspects represent longevity, Venus comfort and charm, Mars sexuality and competition, and Mercury speed and change.
Key aspects in synastry include conjunctions, trines, sextiles, squares, and oppositions. Major aspects in synastry include the Sun/Moon midpoint, Venus/Mars aspects, Saturn aspects, the Descendant, and the Sun/Moon midpoint.
In summary, synastry astrology helps determine the strengths and weaknesses in romantic relationships or marriages by analyzing the angles formed between a person’s natal planets. By examining the top five synastry aspects in a relationship chart, one can better understand how their personality might mesh with a partner’s.
📹 Astrology SOULMATE INDICATORS: Sign Compatibility, SYNASTRY CHART, & YOUR SOULMATE in Astrology ✨
Astrology SOULMATE INDICATORS: Sign Compatibility, SYNASTRY CHART, & YOUR SOULMATE in Astrology ✨ // One of the …
What is the most important house in synastry?
Traditional teachings emphasize the importance of the “love” houses (5th, 7th, 8th) for good love synastry and worthwhile romantic connections. However, this perspective is challenged as we don’t all value these houses the same. A new approach was taken by reviewing the charts of over 50 people, focusing on long-term partners, short-term partners, crushes, and those with whom one did not have romantic interest. From this, common themes were assessed, with more weight given to the strongest or most lasting connections. The author covers “other people’s planets overlaying in my houses” for better insight.
What do the different aspects mean in astrology?
The birth chart of a person can be influenced by various aspects. Sextile, a harmonious aspect, signifies natural talents and abilities, encouraging communication and relationships. It occurs when celestial bodies are approximately 60 degrees apart, forming a subtle yet harmonious aspect. Square, a challenging aspect, creates tension and conflict, requiring action and effort to overcome obstacles. It is often associated with life lessons and requires action to overcome.
Trines, a supportive aspect, bring ease and flow, indicating natural talents that can lead to significant achievements if developed. They form when celestial bodies are approximately 120 degrees apart, indicating ease, flow, and natural talents in the areas governed by the planets involved. Opposition, an opposition, occurs when two celestial bodies are directly across from each other in the birth chart.
It represents a tug-of-war between opposing forces or ideas, requiring balance and often manifesting in relationships. Understanding these aspects can provide insight into a person’s personality and life path.
What is the most powerful aspect in astrology?
Ibn Ezra deemed opposition the most powerful aspect in astrology, as it is relational but not unifying like a conjunction. Some astrologers argue that opposition energies can be exaggerated due to their dichotomous quality. All important axes in astrology are essentially oppositions, meaning they can signify oppositional or complementary relationships. A Sextile (abbreviated as “SXt or Sex”) is an angle of 60°, 1 ⁄ 6 of the 360° ecliptic or 1 ⁄ 2 a trine (120°), with an orb of 4-5° allowed depending on the planets involved.
What is the strongest aspect in astrology?
Conjunctions are powerful aspects in a horoscope chart, as they intensify the effects of the involved planets. They can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on the planets involved. Highly favorable conjunctions may involve the Sun, Venus, or Jupiter, while highly unfavorable ones may involve the Moon, Mars, or Saturn. For example, in 1970, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter were in a three-way beneficial conjunction, while the Moon, Mars, and Saturn were in a 3-way detrimental conjunction.
What is the most loving aspect in synastry?
The Venus/Mars Aspects represent the dance of passion and affection, highlighting the spark and sizzle of a relationship. Venus interacts with Mars, creating a spectrum of romantic and sexual dynamics. Saturn Aspects emphasize commitment, responsibility, and the structures built together. These aspects can highlight areas for growth and maturity as a couple. The Descendant, opposite the Ascendant, represents qualities sought in a partner and can reveal the type of partner you’re attracted to and the dynamics in your relationship. These aspects help you understand your relationship needs and preferences.
What synastry aspect is soulmate?
Venus-Mars aspects are crucial for generating romantic chemistry and sexual attraction in relationships. Venus rules love and beauty, while Mars rules desire and vitality. When these two planets connect favorably, the relationship passion is high, resulting in charm, affection, and mutual appreciation. Even years into the relationship, the bond goes deeper than physical attraction, as the couple enjoys laughter, being playful, and having adventures together. Their shared zest for life is a significant part of what makes them soulmates.
What is the meaning of synastry aspects?
Synastry astrology involves analyzing the aspects formed by planets, such as the Sun, Ascendant, Moon, Venus, or Mars, to determine astrological compatibility. A trined Venus indicates sexual attraction, while a square Mars indicates tension. While Sun signs are often used to determine compatibility, relational astrology offers valuable insights. Synastry charts can be used to interpret a couple’s potential for long-term success or potential staleness.
The Moon sign is a contender, while the Ascendant or rising sign is close. Sun signs’ compatibility also reveals a lot, but all nine planets should be thoroughly examined for a clear understanding. Planets highlight specific areas of life and should be accessed thoroughly when analyzing synastry astrology. The goal is to determine if the couple will flourish, stagnate, grow, or be encumbered by tragedies.
What is the luckiest aspect in astrology?
Trines are favorable aspects in astrology, occurring between planets approximately four zodiac signs apart (or 120 degrees). These planets are usually situated in the same element (fire, earth, air, or water) and create a gentle union distinguished by ease and fluidity. When they sync, these planets understand each other, allowing for easy movement with little external effort. However, too much trining can lead to problems, such as laziness and complacency.
The most notorious aspect is the square, which occurs between planets approximately three zodiac signs apart (or form 90-degree angle in the sky from our vantage point). These planets are usually situated within the same modality (cardinal signs), fixed signs, and mutable signs. Squares are considered hard aspects, creating tension and dividing intentions, leading to emotional or logistical roadblocks. Despite this friction, squares always catalyze action. They are considered motion-oriented, enabling us to easily identify issues and address them rather than sweeping them under the rug.
For example, when Mars (all about spontaneous motivation) and Saturn (all about rules and regulations) square, we may feel that our passions are being dampened by our responsibilities. However, this aspect also creates an opportunity to slow down and become a true master at our craft through refinement, hard work, and strategic planning.
To identify the zodiac signs that are always squaring each other, use the following list: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (fire), Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (earth), Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (air), Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (water).
What are the luckiest aspects in astrology?
Trines are favorable aspects in astrology, occurring between planets approximately four zodiac signs apart (or 120 degrees). These planets are usually situated in the same element (fire, earth, air, or water) and create a gentle union distinguished by ease and fluidity. When they sync, these planets understand each other, allowing for easy movement with little external effort. However, too much trining can lead to problems, such as laziness and complacency.
The most notorious aspect is the square, which occurs between planets approximately three zodiac signs apart (or form 90-degree angle in the sky from our vantage point). These planets are usually situated within the same modality (cardinal signs), fixed signs, and mutable signs. Squares are considered hard aspects, creating tension and dividing intentions, leading to emotional or logistical roadblocks. Despite this friction, squares always catalyze action. They are considered motion-oriented, enabling us to easily identify issues and address them rather than sweeping them under the rug.
For example, when Mars (all about spontaneous motivation) and Saturn (all about rules and regulations) square, we may feel that our passions are being dampened by our responsibilities. However, this aspect also creates an opportunity to slow down and become a true master at our craft through refinement, hard work, and strategic planning.
To identify the zodiac signs that are always squaring each other, use the following list: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (fire), Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (earth), Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (air), Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (water).
What is the luckiest Jupiter placement?
Jupiter in Taurus is a planet of abundance, creating endless opportunities for sensory experiences. This placement allows for luck in money, finances, and material success, making it easy to attract desired items. Jupiter in Taurus natives are generous and enjoy sharing their wealth.
Jupiter in Gemini is gifted in communication and can create abundance and opportunities through social connections. They are knowledgeable about various topics and enjoy learning from people from all walks of life. Jupiter in Cancer is known for their compassion and generousness, with intuitive intelligence and emotional capacity easily expressing themselves. They have a green thumb for nurturing people or projects, turning seedlings into bountiful gardens.
Jupiter in Cancer natives have an abundance of care to share and are not risk-takers but lead with an open heart when it comes to adventures. Overall, Jupiter in Taurus and Gemini are jack-of-all-trade types who excel in various aspects of life.
What is the most powerful aspect of astrology?
Conjunctions are powerful aspects in a horoscope chart, as they intensify the effects of the involved planets. Highly favorable conjunctions may involve the Sun, Venus, or Jupiter, while highly unfavorable ones may involve the Moon, Mars, or Saturn. In 1970, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter were in a three-way beneficial conjunction, while the Moon, Mars, and Saturn were in a 3-way detrimental conjunction. If a conjunction is also under tension from one or more hard aspects with other planets, the added presence of the conjunction will further intensify that tension.
📹 Hottest aspects in synastry! Venus&Pluto
In this video I will tell you more about hot aspect in synastry – Venus and Pluto. How is it like having this one with your partner?
The ascendant is not true at all. It is not superficial, it is not your first impression. It is your life path, your identity and so much more. And if you look deeper majority of people who are married/ in couple/ or just deep friendship 9/10 you touch each other’s ascendant with your inner planet. It is not superficial at all. And it is deep and real
I had a shock meeting with a medic while in an ambulance. I noticed only after while in the ER, he waited and watched ….. He was STARING frozen into my eyes. I felt a beam of energy then of course later, my curiosity rose etc etc… I found out his birthdate and location (no time). Immediately I saw his juno and Psyche exact to my south node and opposite my eros and NN in my seventh house. A big grand trine involving multiple planets as well as 14 double whammys many of which had the same aspect by similar degrees of applying and separating. He is NOT available so of course its been an insane jolt of pain in my patterns and working deeply with myself physically emotionally mentally and spiritually.
Im 34 and ive noticed that ive had a lot of friendships with Aries and Libras because im a Libra ascendant but i dont really care for them because Libras can be fake af and Aries are very selfish but they are good to have fun with and party. Also ive had Geminis as friends but they cant be trusted what so ever cause they will eventually screw you over in some way from my experience. My close relationships have usually been with Taurus because i can be emotionally vulnerable with them as well as Scorpios too and thats surprising with me being an Aquarius. Its like they understand how i feel even if they haven’t been through the situation because those 2 signs go through tourturos emotions just like i do. Even as a kid when my Taurus uncle would go on his tangents like a bull and itll piss me off for some reason inside i understood what he was going through.
My Venus conjuncts my partner’s Mars exactly, her Vertex conjuncts my Moon, my Vertex conjuncts her Venus exactly and her Sun, we have IC/DSC conjunction, my Moon Venus and SN fall in her 7H, Her Venus and Sun fall in my 8H. My Sun, Pluto, and Mercury fall in her 8H. My NN conjuncts her ASC, her Moon and Jupiter falls in my 4H, my SN conjuncts her DSC, Pluto and Mercury. Her Juno conjuncts my Venus and trines my Jupiter
I just met someone and we both have our Venus Trine each other’s Neptunes at relatively strong orbs (Me – 1, Him – 2). There’s TONS of other very interesting stuff that implies drama and lots of intensity (which I kind of like hehe) but that along with my Moon Trine his Venus at an almost exact orb of 0 sweetens it up a little bit.
I actually met a man not to long ago who’s vertex was in my 7th house but it was definitely not a soul mate or love connection it was a hot mess. We were not even physically compatible. So, he came from a family of hereditary practioners ( LHP). We had discussed working together including sex magick. Our age gap was about 20 years difference. I am in my 50’s and he is in his 30’s. So right there it was not ideal. The baggage he had was significant. A lot of alcohol and chain smoking. Top that off with the kiss of death for me ( black hair/blue eyes). Just a skinny, tattooed, insane type. The good thing is, I saw this all for what it was and ran like hell. It was not worth it. I door slammed him so fast that he had no clue what hit him. If he is reading this I want to tell him check out your 5th house and first house fool. That moon of yours is like an open sore. I don’t drink from anyone who has that much unprotected sex or who’s bloodstream reminds me of Love Canal (who knows what is dumped in it).
Ok here are my top 5 with someone I just admire we aren’t even dating yet but I know we will be very soon. I think 1 is the most intense: 1. Mars conj Mars in Capricorn (I’m a Capricorn stellium so having my Mars here alone is a dominant placement in a female chart. 2. Moon conjunct Rising. He’s the moon 3. His Venus & Jupiter conjunct my Moon in my 7th house 4. His Mercury conjunct my sun in Aqua 5. His Saturn conjunct my entire stellium Negative Aspects: 1. His Pluto square my sun but that goes for everyone born in my generation. 2. His moon square my stellium in Cap. I don’t know if that’s negative because it doesn’t matter who I meet this stellium will always square a personal planet of someone else’s so the irony is that astrology isn’t about “synastry”. It’s about learning how your going to work with the energy whether positive or negative and in my case there will always be squares. Thanks for your article! ❤
when you say that my north node aspecting his personal planets or vice versa means there could be an instant karmic attraction is that bad? my sun is making a square with their sun. his north node is also in my 7th house. our saturn is aspecting as well as his jupiter with my saturn and also his saturn with my mars, uranus and neptune both aspecting with my mercury and also moon… my pluto and his moon also aspect.
I recently asked my gym crush out for a coffee as I felt a massive magnetic 🧲 attraction for her but she said…”I’m sorry I have a boyfriend” which bearing in mind I am probably at least 20 years older than her, (even though I’m told I look a lot younger) so I didn’t have a problem with it but now she totally ignores me turns her head if we pass almost to the point of being rude! I mean flaming hell I know she has a boyfriend but is there’s a chance that much of a problem to nod your head and be civil? I make sure I’m On the opposite end of the gym now and don’t make eye contact But I must admit I do feel hurt as it’s rare I find a girl that attractive ie maybe once every 3-4 years! I’m told I’m a good looking guy who looks a lot younger I would just luv to know if you think there’s a chance she secretly likes me back??
Obviously each person brings a plethora of variables to the synastry, but after analyzing hundreds of personal composite charts of people in my life, I found something interesting. Every person who has specifically his Venus square my Pluto, there is a raw, primal sexual attraction on my end. The attraction is rooted more in a dominance (him being the dominant energy). This type of feeling does not exist in my personal composites which lack this aspect. Some of them are platonic friends and even heterosexual, but I still have this attraction. There are other Venus-Pluto aspects in my composites that also produce strong attraction on my end, but it’s not the exact same feeling. His Venus trine or sextile my Pluto produces that raw sexual attaction, but it’s deeper than just physical lust. I’m also attracted to his entire presence. His Venus opposite my Pluto also produces sexual attraction, but it still feels different than the other V-P spects. Very interesting stuff. Of course, given how complex and unique all of our charts are individually, this may not be close at all to what others find about themselves. Studying astrology for years now has helped so much with personal healing. It has allowed me to see things about myself that the ego was trying to hide. Have a great day!
This happened. All the yucky stuff brought up then removed. Angry for like one day thats it. I am not even the type to act dark, it is the connection etc thank goodness scorpio rising i transform and shed. But yes fights were exhausting but i will say important now we have peace of mind. I did reiki on myself and said i let goooo of the pain after last fight that triggered old wounds and next day i had no stress i felt so happy and peaceful just wow like i am reborn!
I think you also need to consider the condition of the natal of the Pluto person to see how it may manifest. A natal Pluto square Mars will manifest differently than a Pluto trine Venus. Both intense but in different ways. I have Pluto trine Venus and my love can overwhelm some people I have come to learn I have to be careful who I totally open up to because not everyone can handle it.
Can somebody tell me why there is an exception in the case of Pluto – Venus in synastry when iT comes to the PLUTO person who feels the effect as Well. Because when we talk About Pluto-moon, Pluto-sun, Pluto-mars Its always the niet planet person who feels the effect more. So why this exception Pluto-VENUS? Where Pluto is actually experiencing most of the feelings. I have my Venus (aquarius) opposite to someones Pluto (LEO). 1 orb. We are both married But feel this attraction. I hate to feel love feelings…
I have experienced the square with two different people. The first time I was Pluto and he was Venus. We’ve been together for one year only, due to the intensity and pain we’ve been through. I felt extremely obsessed and dependent on him, but I think he was the one manipulating and controlling me, so why is that? Also, he was a very plutonic person, and that’s what attracted me in the first place. So why was I Pluto, sice I felt more like Venus? I’m now experiencing the same aspect with a guy I’m attracted to, but he’s Pluto and I’m Venus. I basically feel exactly like the first time, despite being Venus this time 😂 Also, this other guy is very plutonic, too, like the first guy. Why do I keep feeling obsessed and dependent, even if I’m not always Pluto?
I have 1st house Venus opposite 7th house Pluto within 1 degree, so everyone’s Pluto within my generation would makes opposition to my Venus. Plus, my Lilith is on my Venus/Pluto midpoint, so it’s a T-square between Venus-Lilith-Pluto. Idk if it’s a curse or a blessing lol. I have so many experience of my friends got obsessed with me. Like, if I befriend someone else they become jealous, and I have up to 3 experience with my friends manipulated me to hate my new friend lol. I became mad at them, but I also understand them, so I’d just forgave them. Also I got so many classmates that became my stalkers. It honestly is really creepy. My past partners also always got obsessed and controlling with me. It doesn’t sit right with my Gemini Venus.
I don’t know, I have venus square pluto in my birth chart, I share this aspect with someone in a synastry 😅 I am the pluto person 😶 This contact brings back to me all my insecurities, fears due to past wounds, scars from past relationships… etc The venus person does’nt even realize it However, I feel I can handle it, it’s strange but it helps to get over all of this and also to be aware when it’s “too much” 😬 I have the feeling that the venus person can feel or can have these “feelings” creating by pluto such as jealousy, fear to loss that person… etc Well, it’s a work to do, long probably but with some reasurance and trust, a couple can deal with it
My Pluto has a conjunction with someone’s Venus ( His Lilith also exactly conjuncts my Pluto) and I feel like I’m absolutely in control of the connection. It’s not active control or domination though, it’s just the energy between us where I feel much more in charge. But I have moon Square Pluto, Pluto square ascendant and mercury trine pluto natally, so I’m quite used to plutonic energies.
I’m Pluto and he was Venus. We have Pluto Venus conjunction in synastry. I was jealous and possessive but he was the one who ended this relationship. I have sun conjunct Pluto in my natal chart. Still the end of relationship brought a lot of pain in my life. I can’t get over him completely and I don’t go back to him coz I know it won’t work. He moved on I’m still suffering.
Hey what if it’s a pluto-venus double whammy: her Pluto square his venus at 7.5 degrees and his Pluto in minor aspect (semi square) her venus at 1.3-2 degrees. Would these aspects still be destructive long term, or because orbs are quite wide could it be more like background energies? Is semi square even felt here? Thanks P.s natal venus sextile Pluto – He venus square Pluto
So the Venus person doesn’t feel any emotion is what you’re saying ?? ( we have Pluto trine Venus ) I’m the Pluto and he’s the Venus. He was the one who was attracted to me first because he spoke to me first. I started catching an attraction after talking to him after a while because he stood out. He even asked for my phone number after he flirted with me all the time. And it seems like he texts me more than I do. We both do but he puts more effort in than I do. It was his confidence that drew me in
My Venus in Scorpio conjuncts his Pluto in Scorpio && also my Pluto in Scorpio conjuncts his Venus in Taurus. I have Venus conjunct Pluto in my natal chart && he has Venus oppose Pluto in his natal chart. So does this mean that he’ll become obsessive of the relationship overtime but I’ll still end up staying since I’m use to this type of energy?
Hi! Thanks for such a great article! I share the Venus conjunction Pluto aspect with someone – both in Scorpio 😅 – and we really enjoy the intensity of the placement. Do you think that’s because of the fact that they’re in the sign of Scorpio? I’m also water heavy and have Venus square Pluto in my natal chart so I definitely enjoy the energy and the emotional depth that it brings to our dynamic. I had the Venus trine Pluto with an Aquarius ex – I was not too fulfilled in that relationship although I could feel that Plutonian sexual attraction. It ended at the sexual attraction, though. He was air/fire heavy and only had one personal planet in water – mars in Pisces. It almost seemed like he could not handle emotional depth and that really turned me off. So, do you think that even if we share Venus trine Pluto (or other Plutonian aspects) with someone, that they should be prepared to handle it according to their natal chart aspects and placements? The Aquarius really drove me mad (lol) because he bought everything at face value and refused to go deeper into a situation 😖 he also had a moon in Leo so he really found it difficult to change his point of view or be flexible with the double fixed energy 😔
What if the Venus person has in their natal chart Venus in Aries 7th house making hard aspects to Neptune, Uranus, ascendent and mc, Conjunct Lilith and Quincunx Pluto?? But they have good aspected moon in Scorpio. And their Venus opposite my Pluto, Conjunct my sun, trine my Uranus and mars and making lots of harmonies aspects to my other planets? We also have Venus in 8th house
Hello Beata 🙂 I like very much your articles 💕 Im in love with someone whose pluto in scorpio square my venus mars jupiter in Leo (there are conjunct) and also my saturn, but unfortunately I just feel like he want to have sex with me and nothing more. He just want me like a trophy, no love.. This is so sad 😟