Chakra balancing is an art, science, and a path to self-discovery that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras, located along the body’s central axis. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Chakra healing is a practice that aims to restore balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit by working on the seven chakras. Meditation is one of the best chakra healing techniques, as it helps bring all of your chakras back into balance.
Chromotherapy (color therapy) is helpful when working with the chakras, as each chakra has a color associated with it. Chakras are the human body’s energy centers, and clearing and balancing the seven chakras promotes healing. Chakra therapy is tried and proven, and the health of your chakras and energy field determines the effectiveness of the practice.
In summary, chakra balancing is a process of clearing blockages and bringing the chakras to flow at a healthy rate. By understanding the intricacies of each chakra, their colors, meanings, and methods to harmonize them, one can lead to a life filled with balance and harmony.
📹 Unlocking 7 Chakras, Balancing & Healing | 7 Chakra 432Hz, Restoring the Mind and Reducing Stress
Listen to the sound of inner peace and experience the power of healing sounds! We mix thedeep and resonating Tibetan singing …
What does chakra therapy do?
Chakra Therapy is a method of treating and balancing the energetic body, which includes thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to clear any blockages from the energetic body, allowing energy to flow more freely, leading to fewer mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. To balance each chakra, one must be familiar with the seven chakras throughout the body:
- Root Chakra: This chakra is responsible for a sense of safety and grounding in one’s life. When it is balanced, one feels safe, secure, and grounded.
- Sacral Chakra: This chakra is responsible for creativity, sexuality, and emotions. When it is balanced, one uses their creative power, feels connected to their sensuality, and allows emotions to flow through them.
- Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra is located in the upper belly/diaphragm region and is responsible for connection to personal power. When it is balanced, one feels powerful, confident, intuitive, and has strong self-esteem.
- Heart Chakra: This chakra is responsible for giving and receiving love. When it is balanced, one experiences healthy relationships and joyful living.
- Throat Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the throat and is responsible for speaking truth and active listening. When it is balanced, one can use their voice to speak up for their beliefs and set boundaries with ease.
- Third Eye Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is responsible for seeing clearly and connecting with higher consciousness. When it is blocked from intuitive guidance or experiencing a glass half empty perspective, it should be unblocked and balanced.
- Crown Chakra: This chakra is responsible for our connection to the Universe and spiritual guidance. When it is balanced, one feels inspired, guided, and in touch with universal energy.
How to perform a chakra balance?
Malaspina suggests promoting balance in a chakra through yoga postures, breathing practices, and daily meditation. Chakras, meaning “wheel of light” in Sanskrit, are energy centers in the body. Hindu and Buddhist spiritual traditions view them as portals for energy. To function optimally, chakras need to be balanced or in sync. Energy medicine and Eastern traditions suggest that blocked or depleted chakras can lead to physical and emotional symptoms. Therefore, maintaining balance in chakras is crucial for optimal body-mind connection.
What does the Bible say about chakras?
The Bible does not explicitly mention the chakras or energy, which may seem like a cause for concern. However, it is important to note that the Bible is not the only source of information about God’s creation. It also shares God’s promises in the world. The Bible was not intended to be an exhaustive text describing the intricacies of God’s creation. However, we can find concepts like the “breath of life” in Genesis 2:7, which refers to the vital life force or life-giving energy. This highlights the importance of considering the Bible as the Word of God and not as an exhaustive description of God’s creation.
How do I know if my chakra is out of balance?
An imbalance in the root chakra can result in a range of symptoms, including anxiety, fear, nightmares, eating disorders, and physical issues. Nutrition can be utilized as a means of establishing a sense of grounding, whereas a deficiency in nourishment can facilitate the attainment of control. To reestablish connection with the root chakra, one may engage in activities that facilitate grounding, such as walking barefoot on sand, grass, or dirt. Furthermore, yoga poses have been demonstrated to facilitate the activation and balance of the root chakra.
Do chakras actually work?
Chakra-based therapies, which target the chakras, have been found to be beneficial for many people. However, there is a lack of experimental research on the subject, and few studies have proven their effectiveness. For instance, a 2021 study found that 89 people undergoing acupuncture treatment had no energy on their chakra meridians, which could increase their risk of severe COVID-19. However, the study did not test whether chakra-based therapies help prevent or treat COVID-19, and the participants were not COVID-19 patients but rather those with common symptoms like anxiety, back pain, and knee pain.
What to expect after chakra balancing?
Following a session, clients may report increased energy levels or a profound sense of tranquility. This is attributed to the balancing of the chakras, which facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body, and the enhancement of mental acuity, thereby facilitating focus, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
What happens when you balance your chakras?
Balancing your chakras allows energy to flow freely throughout the body, maintaining harmony. Blockages in one or more chakras can lead to dysfunction in the body and mind. Balancing your chakras is likened to a river flowing towards the ocean, overcoming obstacles like bends and trees. This process helps maintain a healthy landscape, preventing areas from experiencing drought and allowing the necessary water to flow. Balancing your chakras can help maintain harmony and prevent dysfunction in the body and mind.
What happens during a chakra balancing massage?
The practice of massage is believed by some to facilitate the opening of the seven body chakra points, allowing the expulsion of negative energy. However, it is not the case that all massage techniques are equally effective in achieving this balance.
Why don’t Christians believe in chakras?
The concept of chakras, which are believed to be spinning vortexes or wheels of energy, is often regarded as pagan by Christians, who view them as a form of “Eastern” mysticism. Nevertheless, the New Age chakra movement eschews Christianity as an oppressive belief system. In ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are described as spinning vortices located at various points in the body. In the early stages of yogic practice, practitioners identified seven key nodes that could be used to regulate pranic flow.
What religion believes in chakras?
Hindu and Buddhist texts describe the important chakras as a column along the spinal cord, connected by vertical channels. These chakras are believed to be continually present, highly relevant, and a means to psychic and emotional energy. The tantric traditions seek to master these chakras through various breathing exercises or with the assistance of a teacher. The chakras are symbolically mapped to specific human physiological capacity, seed syllables, sounds, subtle elements, deities, colors, and other motifs.
The belief in the chakra system differs from the historic Chinese system of meridians in acupuncture, as it relates to the subtle body, with no definite nervous node or precise physical connection. The tantric systems envision the chakra as continually present, highly relevant, and a means to psychic and emotional energy. Meditation is aided by extensive symbology, mantras, diagrams, and models (deity and mandala).
These ideas are not unique to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, but have overlapping concepts in other cultures in the East and West, known as subtle body, spirit body, esoteric anatomy, sidereal body, and etheric body.
Do chakras really work?
Chakras, a concept in Hinduism, are believed to correspond to physical body parts, particularly the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal column, which contain nerves that branch off from the spine in bundles called plexuses. Primary chakras, located down the spine, may correspond to the central nervous system and their connection to specific health aspects may relate to different nerve plexuses. For instance, a 2017 cadaver study found that the root chakra might be related to the inferior hypogastric plexus.
📹 Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing
Http:// presents a complete chakra balancing & healing session. Working from the base chakra up …
I began listening to this meditation 8 years ago. It was one of the only ones I could do at the time. Since then my life has changed forever. I started manifesting everything I wanted, went on multiple spiritual adventures across the country, met my soul family, started teaching meditation, got certified, began coaching people one on one, and so much more. To this day, this is my go to daily meditation.
I have been listening to this meditation for a long time. I feel it is perfect for me every morning to begin my day. It is not to short or long. Your voice is hypnotic and soothing and I trust you to take me in to the depths of my being. I am grateful that you have shared this with so many people. THANK YOU! Renee
I am at peace with everything I came to know.Wisdom and virtue has manifested within me.Intuition is still growing ever so greatly.My third eye is opening and allows me to see the energy of this universe.My goal is to commune with the Creator of our existence.May positive energies reach all other sentient beings.
Hi there, and welcome to this wonderful new experience. The idea behind this article is not meditation, where it is indeed best to focus on your breathing and allow yourself to become thoughtless and connect to source…This is rather to help heal and balance your chakras…it is one of the best articles I’ve found on YouTube in fact and I do it every day in conjunction with my daily meditation practise. I hope that helps clear things up for you. Namaste
This is a very amazing meditation. Last night my knee was in severe pain for an unknown reason, and I discovered this meditation and did it before bed {I have a desktop not a laptop so I had to do it by memory} and when I woke up my knee was able to be stood on completely! I also did this meditation after waking up. If you don’t have your computer with you and have to do it by memory, one of the most important parts is that at the end you have to close your chakras or else your energy drains.
I’m a completely secular person, but I find meditation and the “spinning of chakras” very beneficial. I don’t believe meditation is supernatural, and people tend to make the mistake in believing it’s exclusively supernatural like prayer. I feel like I’m controlling my glands or something. Most potent for me is the fuzzy feeling in my legs and the feeling of the “roots of light” coming out and being connected. It really gets my head together. Beautiful.
This is the best chakra balance article on youtube. It was my first introduction to chakras 11 years ago and I continue to use this very day. It has helped me reach even higher levels of spirituality and I have shared this article with many others who have been helped as well. Thank you for this and I hope to use this many years to come!
I felt like I had very strong negative energy, racing uncontrollable thoughts and stubborn blockages blocking me from my full potential. Even after this excellent meditation which did help me feel a bit lighter. However, I realized one day while listening to it that humming along with each note (ommmm) helped me relieved stressed and made me feel the power of this meditation. A release happened and the humming helped me focus on the meditation.. Feels much much lighter. I believe this is working for me. And I hope this is working for you. If not try humming along with each note. It really helps. Good luck, peace and blessing to all.
I have been listening to this every day for a week. I get more and more from It each time. It only takes 10 minutes and it links colour therapy, chakra alignment and I love the reference to the musical scale and sound resonance. I play the piano every day, so this is particularly relevant to me and has given me a new appreciation of playing the scales daily . I now do this with Colour!! The best meditation and guiding positive affirmation practice I have found on You Tube yet and i have st
Thank you, have just used this Meditation due to feeling uptight, axiety to the brim – now feeling clear minded and calm, kept seeing what looked like tiny little black triangles coming nearer and then further to disappearance, then all of a sudden they turned to lights and flickered and disappeared, amazing! x
This is a kundali experience, I had one in the park, time just stopped, it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Its like the colours join together and start to spiral like the structure of the DNA, it lasted for a short while but I started saying in my mind “wow this is freeking amazing, whats going on” then it just went. It has changed my life forever, I have concluded this is what Jesus meant when he said I am the light. Good luck in your journey!!!
Você não tem idéia do quanto esse article me ajudou há 10 anos, estava passando por um momento muito complicado e muito nervoso. Ouvia seu article no meu fone de ouvido duas, três vezes ao dia. Esse article me ajudou eu ficar equilibrado. Tinha perdido o link desse article, e acabo de achar 10 anos depois. Seja quem for você que postou, fica minha gratidão e saiba que você mesmo que de longe me ajudou. (Renato – Brazil)
Yes. I personally have traded human interaction in for spirituality as a substitute because human interaction involves getting hurt from time to time and spirituality doesn’t hurt like people do. It really is important for many people to have human interactions and be around people that love them. What you said is extremely good advice. I hope everyone who clicks this article reads it. Thank you so much for sharing it with me : )♥
I imagine this being a 57 year old woman from East London who had an awakening experience and decided to become an energy healer. She goes to festivals and does reiki… she’s had several long term relationships. She like quinoa and lentils but she still has a good old cup of tea with milk and some Demerara sugar. She gives big long hugs. She used to smoke 25 per day but now just smokes very occasionally when she’s had a few wines … and she’ll toke on some wacky backy if it’s about. But I could be wrong
I’m not usually one for meditation–whether it’s because of the modern world or just my own lack of focus, I always find my mind wandering during attempts at meditation; not so with this one. I suppose it helped that I pictured every swirling ball of healing energy as a rasengan. Kudos! Amazing vid, I’m making this part of my daily routine!
Many thanks for this fantastic meditation. In my looong process of learning meditation and thereby learning to find myself, this more than any other has been immensely important to me. It has honestly changed my life, the chaos calmed, and slowly, for the first time in decades I managed to get some perspective and finally see and know my inner self. Good stuff! Cheers😁😉
Yes, human contact is definitely necessary. I also got way into meditation for yrs, meditating hours a day. It was very good in some ways but it was selfish. Eventually I realized I needed to quit avoiding life and love, and give my heart—take the jump, and deal with what comes up. Like others here, I found that relationship, & all the intense feelings & moral dilemmas that come with it, takes much more ego-transcendence than meditation after all.
I was feeling sick, my doctor said I had a sinus infection and i’m on antibiotics. I understand that antibiotics will only help with my physical body but they will not clean my meta physical. I decided to try this article. When the sound got up around my heart chakra, I felt the bottom of my jaw start tingling and then I felt what seemed like a whirlwind in my heart and I let out a huge laugh.Next the sound moved up to my throat and I felt what seemed like a river of tingling energy washing away my blockages, there too I also let out a huge laugh. Thank you so much for posting this.
hello dears,, as you by now know spiritual means being complete and happy inside your body and fully connected to your energybody,, during tis meditation i have mentaly replaced the sferes of collors with rotating flowers,, iwork in herb gardens and i love nature so that visualisation, works better for me,, love whwt youre doing and may the source be with you all,,
It’s true! It was my fault. Thanks for sharing your experience. Clearly you’re a passionate person, who figured this out by going deep into it. I appreciate that. Social isolation via spirituality is idealized nowadays. It’s not couched in those terms: rather to meditate, self-inquire, or detach to the point of self-realization. And to people like I was, who WANT to isolate rather than face the ego-transcending requirements of love, those things look promising WHILE denying our heart & humanity.
Meditation is the answer to everything. Imagine,see and feel a better world with free energy, total respect for nature and the animal kingdom,immediate cessation of all wars,immediate rescue to the poorest areas of the world.Rediscover your powers buried under a bunch of fears, worries,and other negative feelings.Be positive, think positive, act positive.Spread wisdom, love.No reason to hate anybody,to be angry, to be unhappy.Look inside yourself. Spirituality, Religion and Science say the same.
Wow, you’ve seen all of this while meditating? That’s powerful. I’ve just started meditating not so long ago. I’ve been seeing life differently for a few months, where I’ve come to realize the whole truth. But meditating just makes it better. I thought I had the third eye, but I guess it’s just growing. To see what you saw with the third eye chakra, I guess it’s a long way! I can’t wait
Without slight hesitation… The Grandfather Time crept along… The passage of Eternity… And I witnessed frustration setting in…. “Where are the wheels of light? How can I reach them?”… An innocent quest for elucidations… “You cannot reach them”… Came the response from beyond… “They reach you”… And I sat in deep reverence.
Listen to audio of “Ayatul Kursi” . If u think u have negative energy in u like a curse or evil-eye(simply someone jealous of u can cause this), anyway if you want to cure this please listen to this. “Al Falaq” and repeat. **1 crucial note: You must believe in the 1 creator of the heaven and the earth to benefit from this. If u have trouble believing, just play the 1st one and ask the LORD for a sign. Peace.
WOW! I have never even attempted to meditate before perusal (listening) to this article and I have to say it did something… I feel different, truly relaxed (which, unfortunately, i have not been for a while) but it is even more than that. I only wish i had opened myself to this practice much sooner because i have not felt this “at peace” in a long, long time. I honestly feel so good and want more! Thank you so much for posting! Anyone have suggestions for a beginner that are as good as this?
This might very well be, the answer to my prayers!!! Im not saying i feel COMPLETELY cured but its a start! I feel all tigely especially in my arms and legs!! Woah! Its crazy because i wasnt really doing all that she said in the article and then all of a sudden i felt things!! WOAH im gonna do it tommarow morning when i wake up! PeAcE n LoVe
@TowMater9 You just described exactly how I am! I honestly wish I could change like you have but unfortunately I’m surrounded with seriously disturbed people that seem to do everything they possibly can to get on my nerves, ruin my mood and provoke me, for a while thought it has to do with my aura (hence why I somehow ended up here) that or the fact that “god” is my personal tormentor. I’m glad to hear that you found that inner-peace you needed and I hope you never change back to your old ways.
i tried this during the last 15-20 minutes 8am saturday, there was a neighbour chopping wood with an axe, i could sense he was pissed off by the way he’d beat that wood, after reaching the troat chakra ifell into a light sleep, butit was really deep in fact. theguy stopped chopping wood and i woke up. my feet feel so warm, haven’t felt that in ages. thanks!
every life experience must be experienced, analyzed, then understood for its love/light. Meditation allows our chakras to balance accordingly to the experiences in our lives we have understood and accepted. Remember its more important to be balanced than to have strong open chakras that are not in harmony. Chakras are like seven strings on a guitar, and they need to be in harmony to sound beautiful. Namaste!
Regarding your experience with guided meditation, I can feel the pain and fear within you just from the text you have shared with us. Don’t be afraid! if you feel some of your own issues (demons) arise when you meditate, pray, focus soundly, etc. it’s nothing to run away from. Rather, it’s imminent that you stay with those thoughts of lacking, rejection, or whatever faces your demons wear. Stay with them, acknowledge them, and they will pass. Then you can replace and the fun begins 🙂 I heart u
Recent studies show that positive emotion/thought such as love, joy, greatfulness and etc. effects human DNA by making the strands longer and more perceptive (meaning uncoding the hidden talents such as ESP, precognition, clairvoyance and others), when negative emotion such as fear, anger, despair and etc. makes DNA shrink, therefore limiting human perception a great deal. One has to establish an ongoing positive thought in order for these changes to occur.
OMG, you are just like my teacher Amylas DelSol Spiritu! She is totally enlightened. She can see chakras so clearly. I have one offline chakra that she is healing for me. It it so awesome. And she lives in a different country! Remote healing and chakra energy balancing and certified spiritual guides will change the world! Thank u for sharing. (Maybe fix your 3rd chakra, just sayin`, but your 1st chakra is rockin!).
I found this exercise to be very helpful, so in that I thank you. However, there is much more one could say about the importance of each chakra. For example, with regards to the solarplex chakra it primarily deals with mental disturbances that’s why the Pleadians ask that each day you bring light down through your body and see it overflowing like a waterfall out of this chakra. Remember that Buddha said “a man’s mind may make him a buddha or may make him a beast”.
Thanks for your comment. Yes, and I figured out that relationship, not meditation, is how to reach happiness. And man, relationship takes incredible ego-transcendence. The yogi’s won’t tell you this, because they’re avoiding it themselves, but relationship is the hardest AND most fulfilling spiritual practice. It’s LIFE. It’s fairly easy to gain space on the mind, but caring for people takes patience, tenderness, flexibility, forbearance, and all kinds of things you never exercise in meditation.
I have plenty of experience with having withdrawn myself, so I know all about it. I spent most of my childhood being a bookworm/spiritual-seeker/hermit. Barely knew how to talk to people. I fell in love with a beautiful man when I was a teenager, and that helped a lot — I think that’s the only reason I’m still part of the human race to tell you the truth. If it hadn’t happened, I would have floated off into space a long time ago, without anything to keep me connected to this world. 😉
And more importantly, ppl NEED love & friendship, so we have a moral responsibility to offer that. In personal love, there is sweetness and human fulfillment that meditation can never offer. And it takes a bold soul to venture HONESTLY and wholeheartedly into those waters. And it takes tremendous INTEGRITY to remain unselfish when you’re in love, and full of beautiful responses & feelings & desires. Relationship is life, and life is important. Spirituality, too often, is the avoidance of life.
I prefer this meditation to all others I have experienced and I do agree that it would be perfect if it went slower. I also think it would be beneficial to do a slowed breathing technique which I have one memorized from Abraham that I used here. I went to this website and have purchased their meditation package. Can’t wait ta see what else they got!
It’s in every church I’ve been in and I’ve been in many. I was brought up Christian and my mother took me to any church she could find. They don’t say what I’ve put into quotations. They imply it with what they say. However, you are correct that it’s my personal experience in all those churches and, although many I have spoken to agree, I should have stated that. There is usually a point in most services when the pastor speaks of who God says will go to hell which is what instills fear.
Every single cell in a human body has a mind portion meaning it can be controlled-by thought. Cayce said that any physical disorder is a consequence of sin. You can repair it by a positive thought and self forgiveness. Any life situation, whether in business or personal relationship keeps on repeating until a lesson is learnt. Accept that situation, walk away with love, not anger- that life program will be de-coded.
I have been so, so hurt and abused in my life. My chakras are crying out still, “Why did you hurt me?” Underneath all the anger and all the rage, they are there, still innocent, still crying out. Its like a part of me is still innocent and still crying and sad instead of angry and full of rage. I wish we could paint pictures of everybody’s chakras so we could understand each other better.
Forget paying that amount of money. You can do it yourself. I like this meditation as it gives a focus and with practice, you will be able to visualize and the meditation will come easier. Google how to meditate and chakras and you will find info that will be helpful and will not require you to spend money. (I can’t believe what people will do to rip people off.)
What is strange is all my life i felt like i had great insight (even tho i didn’t know what insight truly felt). my mom would always tell me when she was young and had strong faith that she could tell the future in a way (im talking about she would know who was going to call before the person called). so i feel like my insight is more powerful the any other chakra i have.