Tom Hanks has been a target of misinformation, including fake photos and conspiracy theories. Snopes fact-checks four recent rumors, such as Hanks wearing a pro-Trump shirt and portraying MLK in a Netflix movie. Some adherents push antisemitic propaganda, such as “blood libel”, a Middle Ages conspiracy theory invented by Christians to demonize Jews. A QAnon conspiracy theory falsely claims Tom Hanks became a citizen of Greece because it classifies pedophilia as a crime.
The claim about Tom Hanks is completely false, based on a fabricated BBC News story that has been spread on social media. Users are sharing an article that falsely claims actor Tom Hanks was executed by the U.S. military, stemming from a website repeatedly debunked. A woman accused Tom Hanks of sexually abusing her as a child and began posting reconstructed memories on Twitter.
Misinformation about the actor has spread on social media since he tested positive for COVID-19 in Australia, where he was shooting a movie. One conspiracy theory is the “Elders of Zion”. In July, QAnon conspiracy theories about powerful forces endangering children inspired a demonstration on Hollywood Boulevard.
A meme shared thousands of times on Facebook falsely alleges Tom Hanks is wearing an ankle monitor and that the actor was arrested in Australia. Actor Chet Hanks (son of Tom Hanks) joins the boys to unveil the truth about the Tom Hanks x QAnon conspiracy, how being kidnapped led him to god.
📹 The Disturbing Tom Hanks Conspiracy
Have you heard these Tom Hanks allegations? Do you believe, or do you think it’s a load of waffle? Comment below! ⬇
📹 The Tom Hanks Conspiracy Theory | The Jim Jefferies Show | 28 October 2019
Coincidence? We think not. ♂️♀️ Your weekly satirical late-night talk and news fix. Mondays on DStv ch122 at 22:00 …
Nobody even talks about Mya-Lecia Naylor, a child actress who acted next to Tom Hanks in Cloud Atlas. She was just nine years old or so when she was in it. 7 years after the movie, she was found hanging at home. “suicide”. The coroner says he didn’t think she really wanted to do it so he ruled it Death By Misadventure.
Ricky Gervais, the British comedian that does several of the TV or Movie Awards as Host—- made several accusations in the form of jokes in his comedy routine. But, he supposedly put several people on notice that he knows some of the names of Hollywood Pedophile Ring, For Real. Last week in an online acceptance speech (home due to quarantine), and this is almost a verbatim quote of his offhand joke, “Hey Hollywood, quit fucking little kids”
Hanks is just another man. I know that Sarah Ruth Ashcraft said her politically connected dad who once presented then Senator Obama with some sort of award, said that her dad sold her to Hanks when she was just 13 and that no one is challenging her legally for her claims and she has a lot of info. Being an actor, by definition, is to take on another persona, which Hanks does very well. R.I.P. Kappy.
Tom Hanks is def a creep. Him, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg etc… Those that ALWAYS attend Oscars and the globes. And Tom Hanks face during the Ricky Gervais jokes Said enough for me. TH is disgusting, everything about him creeps me out. My mom wants to go and see the Elvis movie, and I want to watch it to, if it wasnt for Tom Hanks being in it. Wtf did you need him for, god can he just retire please.
Here are the facts that was put out there and still to this day. (although mostly it has now been deleted) Isaac Kappy the actor who was invited to dinner by Seth Green and his wife for a ‘get to gether ” Seth is an accomplished actor. Writer and producer. He was in Austin powers, writes for family guy, and has also been on many independent movies and including mainstream movies. Seth mentions casually to Isaac whilst at dinner that he likes Kids. This confused Isaac as they didn’t have children at the time.. While in Seths house he opened up a secret room which had bunk beds, toys etc. But Seth and his wife have no kids. Seth then says to Isaac, ” This is where we keep the children” This freaked Isaac out. So he delved deeper and found out that a lot of Hollywood actors do buy kids for abuse. (I’m trying to keep this short as I can). At that time he started doing live articles on Periscope, I even chatted to him by asking questions and building up a kind of freindship with him, bare in mind I’m in the UK he was in L.A. He started going to other circles and a few people gave him lots of info. One of them is called ‘Vegan Mikey’ (still available on Twitter, ) from Portland Oregon. He was a music producer who was shown rooms under Pizza houses and a voodoo Donuts .All had these rooms to snuggle in the kids. As a music producer and part of a band he would have to take their equipment through these tunnels that was linked underground to many places and one was a club he was working in.
Glad his mom is not around to see what her son is all about, she was a huge part of our community and I do not think she knew about him being involved with the rest of the list of the those involved in molesting, torturing, murdering and eating our lost and stolen kids….she would be turning over in her grave! The list is huge and it is very sad and maddening to see all of those that were involved with the cabal and their crimes against humanity….anymore, I look at them as God looked at those that he warned in Sodom & Gomorrah, inhumane and disgusting to watch as our children were taken and used for their own sick pleasures without any of them speaking out or standing up for them, except a very few. Justice will be served finally when they are all arrested and/or executed for their disgusting part with the Cabal.
Dear Mr. Shadow, Kappy told us everything. RIP, Kappy. ❤ 🐇 🕳 Tom Hanks’ son Colin has a handkerchief brand called Hanks Kerchiefs. 🕳 These Hanks Kerchiefs are limited, unique, and expensive. The images range from maps, color codes, disturbing images, some to be considered collectibles, etc. 🕳 Some of those images of maps on those Hanks Kerchiefs were of our Nationals Parks. 🕳 Follow Mr. Shadow’s adventures, follow the maps. 🕳Use the Hankerchief code. 🍄
Another clue I’ve noticed is who gets defended whenever they are accused of being pedophiles or some sort of sexual deviant. Michael Jackson: Pretty much every kid he knew, even the Neverland Schlockumentary was slammed by the kids now adults involved in that production. Bizarre but that’s the case. Steven Spielberg: Didn’t quite get as heavily defended as Jackson but he was still defended by a lot of kids-now-adults who worked with him. A few considered him a second father and said he was very protective and compassionate. There’s even a story that he saved a kid from being assaulted but I can’t confirm so take it with salt. Still consistent with what I’ve heard though. Vic Mignogna: Who didn’t defend him? Tom Hanks: … Crickets. No one came to his defense, not even his close friends. Same with a few others. Hollywood seems to protect the genuinely guilty because they agree with whoever is brainwashed by this extremist mentality while either being indifferent to or giving hell to the innocent. Call it whatever you want: Far leftism, fascism, wokeism-it all falls under the same umbrella-Cultish Stupidity. California is in need of the biggest political, fascist and corporate enema. It is that full of idiotic, malicious and corrupt shit.
@happyhourpodcast : Isaac Kappy. Tiffany Fitzpatrick did a few articles, heard she was forced to take hers down. She dropped a LOT of names. There was another woman can’t remember her name and also a woman in the UK who was a victim of satanic ritual abuse by politicians. She also named Nicole Kidman’s father. When I remember their names I’ll edit them in. And if I can find any articles, I’ll post them.
Very good article. I like that you are talking rationally and in a neutral way about this topic. Obviously it always holds: innocent until proven guilty and there are no proofs for this claim. But one claim in this article is actually wrong, namely the claim that Isaac Kappy negated his accusations afterwards. What he said is, that he made a terrible mistake and he shouldn’t have done something he previously did. He also said that he was sorry and the mistake he did would have consequences. But when he was asked in the chat of the stream if he was talking about his claims about Hanks, Spielberg, etc., he negated that question and again backed up the previous claims. Very weird story and strange rumors, indeed. I just wonder if Tom Hanks or other celebrities (Ellen D., Oprah,…) will make a statement in the future because the QAnon cult will never stop posting these accusations and Tom Hanks even disabled all comments on IG and doesn’t post on Twitter at all anymore. If I was a celebrity and was accused of this shit with literally millions of comments I would definitely do something.
I don’t think the average person takes this seriously enough, they want to be speculative because they either don’t want to seem like a crazy “conspiracy theorist” which is considered a bad name now that’s just a way to dismiss someone’s point of view although the definition is spot on for what people should do. Or they don’t want to see the ugly truth, and shatter there view of reality. If something smells fishy look into it Don’t dismiss it and don’t dismiss others who are willing to look into it.
He said he told the truth about the pedo ring, he said he let people down and he forgot to “embrace the light”. It was all cryptic and haunting. He said everything he exposed was real and documented. That wasn’t what he was upset about in his periscope article. It is all spooky and full of sad dark reality.
He didn’t say he was wrong. He always stood by what he said. He also made sure he said he wasn’t suicidal and where he apparently ‘jumped’ of the bridge, Tom hanks posted a glove where he died. Mentions something about roadkill. Within a few days. When the Epstein shit got out, him and his wife became Greek citizens where the law exempts this. Before you accuse someone of being mad look into what they’re trying to talk about and expose first. Poor Isaac is a product of the environment he was in, didn’t like the evil he saw and wanted out and to expose it. Like many other celebs. Makes way more sense than what we’ve always been led to believe. The rabbit hole goes deep. Before you ask my tin foil hat is airing out lol 😂 it becomes less of a conspiracy when you research it all. Very sus indeed…
He was terrified on his last post . You can hear people in the background making him say it was unteue . He looked absolutely terrified Next thing ..within a week hes thrown off a bridge and hit by a car whichvhas never been identified . Very little can be found off issac as everything was deleted immediately 😮
4:10 it wasn’t a Russian search engine it was a regular American search engine actually. And when you say “conspiracy” without the word “theory” your accidentally confirming that it’s real. Usually when anyone accuses people of that it gets taken to trial by the accuser or the accused sues for defamation of character.
Listen to Joe Rogan tell a disturbing story about Tom Hanks & R Kelly. Then the very disturbing Isaac Kappy states he is a pdo. Tom Hanks then tweets a photo of “roadkill on route 66.” A month later Isaac was found dead on route 66, “after he forced himself off bridge before being hit by car.” I have felt total darkness from him SINCE THE 90S!
Then there is a part you left out about kappy’s death. Kappa died on like route66 and Hanks post leading up to and after area criptically saying he was responsible. Like a day or two b4 he post something about you he can run but he can’t hide. Then right after he dies Hanks post something to do with Roadkill . And if I remember correctly he used the same route number as Kappy was killed on.
But when kappy said he wasn’t suicidal. I didn’t really believer he wasn’t suicidal. He just got threw telling the world that he did something horrible. And that we all would hate what he did. But he wouldn’t say what it was that he did. I’m the same sentence he states that he wasn’t suicidal. He pretty much told us all he didn’t something horrific, and that what it was was against what Jesus has taught and we all would be completely upset when we find out what that was . (I’m pretty sure, nobody has any idea . what he was telling us at that moment. What did kappy do that was so unforgiving? No one has figured that out yet.?? How strange is that. Kappy doing something so horrendous, that he hid the details so well that nobody can figure out what he was actually hiding. What did kappy do?? That should be everyone’s question that they have about Kappy. What did kappy do a few days right before he died?. He never had a dead man’s switch like we all thought that he might have. He didn’t have one. What did kappy do ? that he said was so unforgivable?? That’s the next question the Internet should Dedicating on find out the real answer to that question. What did issac kappy do,? that was so unforgivable in all our eyes And unforgivable in Jesus Christ’s eyes as well? What could that possibly be? Find the correct answer to my question. And then I think you will solve a few other questions as well . Please do an update about this .. 👏✌🏼
I believe the documentary being referred to, was done by youtuber called Mouthy Buddah, I only wish I’d saved those articles cos the only websites I can find of that name now, don’t seem to be the same person ? There was also a second article, tho’ the “code” which led to the dodgy kid pics was from a article featuring, and I shit you not, Barak Obama & Anthony Bourdain( yeah, the chef who did suddenly a few years ago), having lunch or whatever at…. Comet Ping-Pong Pizza !!! There was a scene where, iirc, Anthony was sat at a table with his back to a wall, upon which there was a different six-digit “code”… Iirc the code was searched using an Asian app in this second vid, and I wish I could remember the name of the fashion house whose site had hidden directories for showing kids actually wearing the underwear, instead of just plain pictures of the items which were in the publicly visible directory. Yeah, this shit’s so far-reaching, it’s global, and so deep-rooted, it’s gonna take a good f’n cleansing, or an outright miracle to rid Society of it…!!!
I think about Isaac Kappy every now and then and listen to his song ‘the present’. Two teenagers witnessed him forcing himself to jump from the bridge…he didn’t want to…they didn’t want him to…there was a mystery vehicle parked up nearby, not Kappy’s who was on his way to his mums house out of state. He never made that journey.
Dead man’s switch. Same thing happened to my bf. I was raped and taken to a safe house while my bf was killed. I had texted him before losing my phone what had happened. While I was at this other house, my rapist must’ve killed him. He had set up a dead man’s switch on his computer at least a month prior. I don’t understand why, but he kept crying to me saying am I going to die today? And I still can’t understand how he predicted his death. I’m trying to figure out why the two are linked.
The pedo help produce the Ant Bully. In the film bugs are sitting in the belly of a frog, the frog swallows another bug and it drops down in the frog’s stomach with the other bugs and 1 of the bugs says “Did you see the way he came down his throat!” Who the F wrote that part? Who said that was ok? An agreement must’ve been made by the PRODUCERS that it was ok for kid’s and the big screen. SICK AND TWISTED.
Wow I’m so glad I’m not the only one that can see right thro this bs. There’s so much evil behind Hollywood. Makes me sick and sad to pretend I don’t know when I sit with my family perusal tv. They don’t believe Tom Hanks or the others are bad. Feel so alone. Kinda wish I didn’t know it’s all so twisted. We have been so betrayed🤢🤮
Let’s talk about Sara Ruth Ashcraft and the fact that she reported Tom Hanks as her abuser. Let’s talk about Isaac Kappy and the fact that he outed Tom Hanks before he “died”. Let’s talk about the Florida Keys. It’s not theories if there’s evidence that can be presented in a court of law. 😎✌🍿enjoy the show
Thought a lot of this was bs. The guy who started it Nickelodeon was into kids feet. Thought it was bs it’s true. Idk about this but look at Elijah woods career now. Great actor. I could go on and on but I’m just starting to hear about this. Just because people are successful doesn’t mean they’re decent people
It looks very specifically like something sinister. Most people have a filter for things like molestation jokes, morbidity, etc but he does not either bc he is truly sick or bc he is just wealthy and doesnt gaf, but both ideas are equally scary. He doesnt have to be signaling moloch for this to be discomforting. But it looks like he is practicing concepts very specific to crowleyan and luciferian werk where it is so hyperspecific to the ideas they express its hard to bend another random concept to these images, or it is some veeeerrey vague concept of his own creation that juuuuuust so happens to look like an established thing. Its really unwise and pointless of them to air something like this unless they really are about just constantly abusing the public with straight up mockery like human trolls
Yeah real clever there Jackson trying to make it sound like you’re against the evil going on but then you agree with it now well did you notice did you look over in the likes and the dislikes you’re dislikes of you and you’re showing your comment your comments are all down like there’s a lot of thumbs down more thumbs down than thumbs up like quadruple the amount his thumbs down
Does anyone remember that time Jim Jefferies was high on ecstasy and blacked out drunk on the Opie and Anthony show sexually harassing a woman live on air? He sure did talk about rape a lot during his high drunken State of Mind on some of his appearances on Opie and Anthony back in the day if anybody remembers those. But all in the sake of Comedy right? Not that he’s a sellout now right?