Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics that merges the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces into a single force at high energies. This unified force has not been directly observed, but many GUT models theorize its existence. In the Standard Model of particle physics, excluding gravity, there are three fundamental quantum forces: electromagnetism, plus the strong and weak nuclear forces. A Grand Unified Theory would describe this force, reproduce the Standard Model, and make testable predictions.
The construction of Γ-matrices, anticommuting objects, contains the existance of bosonization in 1+1d field theories and the fermionization of spin chains. Grand unified theories (GUTs) typically predict proton and bound neutron interactions. In GUTs with a simple gauge group G, such as SU, there is only one coupling constant, gG. At the energy scale MGUT above, the theory predicts how discrete packets of energy, called quanta, will behave based on statistical probabilities instead of direct observations.
Grand unified theories are suitable for graduate students with a background in quantum mechanics and experimental and theoretical particle physicists who want to understand the electromagnetic and weak forces. The modern scientific world view was built on the incommensurability between cognition (mind) and physics (matter), and later life and the theory predicts how discrete packets of energy, called quanta, will behave based on statistical probabilities instead of direct observations.
In conclusion, Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a model in particle physics that unifies the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces into a single force at high energies.
📹 A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory | Gary Wayne
So for tonight’s clusterfuck of technical problems we welcome Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy! We outline his …
📹 The Grand Unified Mr Blue Eyes Conspiracy of Cyberpunk 2077
Comment below your theories on Mr Blue Eyes! #cyberpunk2077 #phantomliberty #gaming Music: Tracks from Cyberpunk 2077 …
I read Gary’s book in 3 days the first time. When I reached THE END, I flipped back to chapter 1 and started over, this time taking notes and highlighting important points of reference…it is also my companion book to the Book of Enoch…which is a must read. I am anxiously waiting for his part 2 book.
What blood line is Hitler? The immortality that Genesis says was potentially within Nimrod’s grasp might have been the reason Hitler said that he would rule for 1000 Years. How would mankind react to having a young Hitler step forward to demonstrate the immortality you imagine might be achieved by science?
This is the biggest conspiracy article I’ve ever made and it took a fair while. So I’d once again like to thank Gamer Supps not only for providing a great product to help my focus but also for giving me full control over how and when to promote them. I think it blends in pretty well with the ads we have in-game but if you want to check it out irl too via my affiliate link then that’s also cool:
A man with implanted glowing blue eyes, a black suit with a white jacket underneath, a global schemer and manipulator with powerful connections. If I had a nickel for every time I saw such a character in article games, I’d have two nickels. Weird that both of those games are Action Shooter RPGs where your choices affect everything.
Don’t forget the “Big In Japan” questline. When you finish the quest, Dennis offers you Scalpel as your reward. Then his eyes glow blue, and a completely different voice – new voice actor and all – tells you, “may this blade serve you well.” An outside party wants to make sure you have one of the best katanas in Night City, a blade that has no history behind it.
On the Killing Moon mission, you see Blue Eyes 3 times, not 2. The first time you see him was inside the airport where if you make your rounds to look for an entry point to bring Songbird in, there’s a guy named Mysterious Stranger perusal you with glowing blue eyes. If you haven’t found your way out to get Songbird in and make eye contact with him, he walks to the restroom. If you follow him, he stops right outside the one with the broken ceiling and then walks out – effectively leading you into the right area. There’s also another section during the funeral of Kurt Hansen when the others are gathering. A barghest soldier’s eyes flash blue and lingers for a few minutes before vanishing. Blue Eyes was present, observing it all before dipping out of the body which I assume it was a doll. If you also read No Coincidence, the cyberpunk book that just came out, he appears once again and you quickly learn what his goals are. Along with what Jefferson might actually be.
There’s some more evidence that potentially hints at night corp having way more people under control in Night city politics than just the people related to Peralez. If you talk to the ripper doc who gives you the smart link at the beginning of the game and gives you the joke tattoo when you give Johnny control over your body later in the game, he talks about how a suit in city hall randomly went crazy and in a spur of the moment idea tattooed “fuck nightcorp” on his forehead. The whole thing seems really similar to Jefferson’s paranoia to me.
If you read the Cyberpunk lore books you’ll learn that there’s a digital equivalent of a physical distance between LDLs(Long Distance Link – How Netrunners quickly travel between locations like London to Tokyo), called Wilderspace. This is usually an empty space in between LDLs, like a desert or an ocean. They(netrunners) elude to a myth that something is lurking within Wilderspace, only choosing when it wants to link to the Net, by bypassing LDL and regional security. Some say Rogue AI, perhaps. Because in the net, you can disguise and make yourself look like anything you desire.
It’s a shame V didn’t consider copying the files from the van in Dream On before opening any of them. Makes sense for a non-netrunner V, but a netrunner V should have known to copy the data first, get to safety, check it for malware, and THEN read it. And I definitely agree that if nothing V did or said made any difference, they wouldn’t have bothered to send the threats.
You missed something very important about Alt that makes the whole ‘Alt is Lilith’ thing make a lot more sense. The ‘Tenth circle of hell’ likely refers to the Ghost City of Hong Kong, which is a refuge for AI made out of the old internet infrastructure in what was left of Hong Kong after it got wiped out by a plague. Something else of note is that everything that’s crossed the Blackwall has been a human, which is why I suspect ‘human blood’ is needed in the Bloody Ritual. My suspicion is that there is some kind of flaw in the Blackwall which allows things connected to humanity to pass though, and the AI the ritual was meant to draw out was trying to create a bridge it could cross over through.
“Lilith has concealed the Tenth circle from the Ancestors eyes” Tenth Circle = Night City Ancestors Eyes = A I Lilith, who or whatever they are, has prevented the AI’s beyond the Blackwall from realizing that there is a breach leading to Night City, therefore allowing access to/from the Old Net completely unmolested
I feel having some supernatural elements in cyberpunk is really fun. As long as they are not stricly labeled as supernatural, but just seems like it through the player’s eye. It is a bonkers advanced world with secret technology beyond even all the game’s characters comprehension. It is a world where there are so many mysteries that are either seemingly impossible to solve or long forgotten. The Arthur Clarke quote that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” fits so well within the setting. There for adding things like the net and the entities within being “discovered” are great additions, and making these entities seem supernatural adds a lot for me at least.
I wanted to mention something about black hand bc I haven’t heard anybody else mention seeing this. In the dog town stadium market, by a clothes vendor, I eavesdropped on a convo between an npc and another npc with a deep voice I’ve never heard. The deep voice guy was being questioned by the other guy about how he did the nuke in the elevator in the arasaka attack. Deep voice guy basically tried to say “nah, you got the wrong guy” but it was heavily insinuated that he was thought to be undercover Morgan backhand. I ran to the other side of clothes that were hanging up, because that’s where they’d been talking, and they were GONE. It was so weird and it’s only happened for me once in multiple playthroughs.
1) Nomads are werewolves is reference for biotecnika illegal experiments on nomads. 2) Lilith is Alt. She is the mother of cyberdemons (iskins) 3) I believe all the kaboki heist is Alts plan. She connected with voodoo boys as an Lilith . Nightcorp and kiroshi knows about alt and wanted to use her for something. Alt(lilith) probably will be free is cyberpunk 2 she got ount of mikoshi in majority of the endings
On Lilith: She is an AI from beyond the Blackwall, which Maelstrom ferry through the wall with the ritual. Much like there are AIs in Cynosure, if you read the terminals there. Zaria couldn’t handle such an advanced AI. Our technology is too primitive for them, which is why they haven’t launched an open assault yet. Alt confirms that in the Aldecaldo ending if you have obtained the Canto/Erebus. As to why Maelstrom did it, they worship chrome and AIs. Much like the VDBs, they will happily side with AIs in the war to come. I enjoyed this article, but ngl, it is a tad long. Still, good job!
Every time I got ready to type out a “ahh, but there’s more…” comment, you covered what I was about to type, lol. Absolutely love that you made a article on one of my favorite rabbit holes in the game and did the diligent research neccessary to show how compelling this entirely missable conspiracy is. My man.
During the Dream On questline, it is possible to air dash+double-jump to where Mr Blue Eyes is. I did it a couple of times, and after standing behind him and aiming weapons at him (game does not allow you to shot him), he despawns just like Garry’s assistant does… completely vanishes. I also though it could be a glitch, but now I think it is a weird coincidence both of those despawn in the same way, since no other character seems to act like that when right in front of you.
8:10 it reminds me of the conjuration insignia, as for the symbolism. It has open ended spikes on the up down left right with the conjuration tooth, can mean ” conjure the old” and the corners have arrows over the spike like houses so those could mean “in with our will” so it can mean ” through our sights, we conjure the old to be within our will.” Or “all seeing source, out with the old and in with our conjured will” and most likely blue eyes calling card because he has been perusal the entire event go down
If you listen to Maximum Mike’s conspiracy podcasts on Morro Rock there is one where he says a friend of his went to Romania on some business and came across a village where people were attacked and killed by werewolves. And the werewolves it turned out were some sort of genetically enhanced mutants that escaped from a nearby Biotechnica lab. We also know from shards we find around various Badlands gigs and Padre’s gig where we are sent to kill Ms. Tucker Albach that Biotechnica was doing some sort of experiments on nomads in some black site in the Badlands, which resulted in a number of deaths. So Garry’s ramblings about werewolf Nomads may have a solid grain of truth underneath and probably are based on whatever intel he listened in on that covered Biotechnica’s genetic enhancement shenanigans.
This was a great watch! I think a lot of the Ritual/NightCorp/Blackwall bit can be addressed by acknowledging that Night City as well as the story (Oftentimes the background story in this case) moves forward whether V intervenes or not, that is to say, there’s a lot going on in the background that we can pick signs off, you can meet Panam talking with Nash in the Afterlife when you are going to see Dexter, for example, you can see cops recreating a cyberpsycho incident near Misty’s Esoterica and the cyberpsycho looks remarkably similar to Peter Horvath (As well as the Cyberpsycho that offs Pilar in Edgerunners) and the story moves forward. From there, we could deduce that the AI’s beyond the Blackwall are learning, even if they don’t acquire a physical form, they need “storage” on this side of the Blackwall, Maelstrom being so into the occult, mysticism, and cyberpsychosis, as well as having a heavy cyberware load by default, may have appeared as an ideal means to “carry” an AI from the Blackwall to this side, not taking in consideration the limitations/stress of the human brain, or maybe they did which is why they picked a female Maelstromer for the Ritual and, ultimately, it did not work. If we take that in consideration, Mr. Blue Eyes being a proxy is a theory that becomes easier to accept, whether it’s a high profile corpo with insane pull an influence, or his identity has been scrubbed by the AI’s themselves, what’s evident is that by his optics we can assume he’s perpetually engaged in a data transmission of sort (Optics during a call tend to be gold tinted, and a Doll usually has their optics in a pink/lilac hue as well, blue is usually the default color when accepting or issuing a transaction).
He’s got a bit in common with G-man from Half-life 2 and Gaunter O’Dimm from CDPR’s Witcher 3; they’re all mysterious, enigmatic, and they all pop up multiple times in the game before or after your first conversation with them. Gaunter is in the background of some Hearts of Stone cutscenes for those who don’t know, like disguised as a peasant or guardsman.
Awesome article mate ! Just to add on the Zaria rewritting your optics to hide herself on the go thing, before you actually go up to the bath and start her animation of her getting out the bath you can actually see her in the area but only a second before the screen has a flicker effect and she disappears. She actaully despawn from where you saw her and reappears at a different random spawn and if you catch her again the same thing happens until you start the encounter by going to the bath. Really cool once you know
My theory from the first time I met/saw Mr Blue Eyes is that he is actually a flesh vessel for rogue AIs that are beyong the black wall. That would explain his glowy blue eyes. Also might explain the hacker design, with the center part being a blackhole (sounds like black wall…) with all information sucked in and instructions/directions coming out.
Nice compilation. One thing that came in relation between Mr. Blue Eyes and Maelstrom. One speculation about Maelstrom is that they have a lot of cyberware but they don’t seem to suffer from cyberpsychosis as often as one might expect it to happen. In the cyberpunk 2077 book (The World of Cyberpunk 2077) it’s written they are fascinated by occult and otherworldly sensations. But I wonder whether they might be receiving some technologies from “the aliens” that allow them to stretch the limit of cyberpsychosis. I look forward to more conspiracies after project Orion gets released. (project orion is the project code of CDPR next cyberpunk game).
Great article Sam! BTW on the Black Mirror episode, popping “Bum” out of existence also harkens back to another episode of the series where people are literally “blocked” – hit by an all-powerful digital banhammer that silences them and obscures them from other people’s vision. And the fading outline is sure as hell a clear signal that this is something to be interpreted as deliberate within the game universe, after all we all know what real bugs in cyberpunk look like ;D
Thanks for putting this together. You always do such a good job of tying all the threads together. The supernatural aspect of the net and AI is something that you can find in some of William Gibson’s later cyberpunk writings. (It’s the inspiration for the Voodoo Boys in a lot of ways, with AI taking on the aspects of Haitian deities in Count Zero.) So, I wouldn’t put it past CDPR to incorporate it into Cyberpunk 2077. But, I’d like to take a moment and really give CDPR some congratulations. They did an amazing job on Cyberpunk 2077. It’s not often that a game comes out that has so much depth in it to generate this much conversation even over 3 years after its release.
Nights vision for Night City sounds great and all but if it were at the cost of my own freewill Idk if I would really want it. Freewill is what makes us human. Without it we are bassicly just organic robots. I guess that’s why the final part of the Peralez mission is so hard. On one hand if you don’t tell him he’ll never get his freewill back but in return he does end up doing a lot of good for the city. On the otherhand though if you do tell him he does get his freewill back but at the cost of being forever paranoid and most likely hurting the city and it’s residents even more than it/they already are. It’s these types of questions that make me love this game so much. What’s the more moral option, which one will cause more harm, is it better to sacrifice one person for the off chance that it might help many more? Etc.
This conspiracy rabbit hole has always been the most intriguing sub-plot in Cyberpunk for me (as I’m sure it is for many other people), so I’m glad you went out of your way to piece most of the relevant pieces and scenes together for us. I’ve tried my best to keep tabs on some of it myself but there’s a lot to keep track of that may or may not be connected. haha I’m not sure if we’ll ever get proper answers or not, but it’s certainly an interesting side-story that they threw in there for ‘flavour’ if nothing more ever comes of it.
I absolutely love all of these Mr Blue Eyes articles, but there is one massive thing: the inspiration of Mr Blue Eyes. If you read the book ‘Neuromancer’ (one of the first pieces of fiction that created the dystopian sci-fi future/cyberpunk genre), there is a very similar character called Armitage/Wintermute. I wouldn’t be surprised if CD Project Red take heavy inspiration from the book if Mr Blue Eyes turns up in a future game.
I literally JUST finished my 3rd playthrough of this game, on version 2.12 UE. Thing is — halfway through I saw this article pop up on my feed one night and ignored it. When I ended up getting the Mr. B ending. My first thought was to search for this article in hopes to gain more insight about his backstory. Literally throughout all 3 of my playthroughs I had yet to see him til this ending. Didn’t even see him on the balcony when having that convo with the Jefferson, and me being ignorant to the shards and minuscule details didn’t help either. That really does bother me especially since I absolutely love the cyberpunk storyline and being hungry for more, but I’m in luck since your website exists for this very reason. 😅 Man I can’t wait to see what the 2nd game brings. 😭
shiiiiiiit man, been perusal all your content this past few days and think im almost done. i can say without a doubt your content is something special and not just a colourful splash thumbnail and catchy title for me to click on. keep up the insane work you do!! can’t wait for your next article!!! (no pressure and no rush — of course 😅😅 )
Given that Songbird contacts V after the completion of “Killing Moon”, I’d say whatever Nightcorp did to her left a consciousness intact. Yes, it could be a simulation but why would Nightcorp bother? V could have been safely left in the dark none the wiser. The individual sending the message also needed access to Songbird’s memories to know where the message had been placed. While this could have been removed via hacking Songbird, again why would Nightcorp bother telling V? Instead, my guess is that Nightcorp Soulkilled Songbird and downloaded her engram either into a new body or into a proprietary private Net on the Moon. Whatever shade you want to throw on Nightcorp, they do seem to prefer a soft touch in their manipulation. They’d rather have Songbird’s loyalty than force her to comply. Thus granting her the ability to contact V one last time as a reward. Always use a carrot as well as the stick in your managerial duties.
Lilith in biblical myth was the first woman created by God as Adam’s mate. She rejected Adam and disrespected God, so she was cursed to give birth to many different monsters, demons as we think of them now, becoming their matriarch or “queen”. I think when Gary refers to Queen Lilith, he is talking about Alt, and the personae she’s collected with Soulkiller are her “unholy children”. With the one dying maelstromer’s words, what if the “ancestors” are predecessors of the rogue AI behind the black wall right now? The Old NET has been inaccessible for over 50 years by 2077, so the original AI could have propagated like a new creature on fast forward, evolving in to new iterations that have imperfect knowledge of the past. In the past editions of the rpg, netrunning was compared to high fantasy dungeon delving, and the AI and demons were monsters to fight. It may be that the maelstrom in Prophets Song were “infected” by AI and saw themselves as monsters. The Corpo seemed to call the gangers lamia (“Carpe nocturn, lamia”). 33:55 there’s another potential reference with Exotics, humans who go through extreme bodysculpting to give themselves animal features like digitigrade legs, scales, fur, or muzzles. On their own, they’re basically another group of body modders with different tastes. They sadly don’t appear in 2077. I do think the unified theory tries too hard to make one cohesive narrative. Like, the Black Wall probably represents something different to Mr. Blue Eyes than to Maelstrom, and something even more different than to Alt.
Hey Sam, do you think you could do a article on a topic? Or at least, look into it? One thing that has never sat right with me is the contrived nature of 2077’s plot. The story structure sees you ousted from your old life into the arms of a merc whose personality traits and connections give you just enough resources to bounce back. And then, after just 6 months, you get handpicked for the biggest job in NC since the Arasaka Tower raid by a fixer who seemingly came out of retirement for no reason. There are shady connections all over the place, and Saburo just happens to show up on the night of the heist. Things happen, you get chipped with Johnny, and various circumstances see the right person with the right amount of desperation and the right skills, being in the perfect situation to deliver exactly what Alt needs to do what she has been trying to do for literal decades. Now, the real answer is probably just bad writing. But that’s no fun. My idea is that there is some kind of grand puppetmaster at play here. Too many things happen at just the right time, in just the right way, to exactly the right people for all of it to be coincidence. It smells like a conspiracy to me. Somebody is trying to bridge the Blackwall. And V, Jackie, Dex, Saburo, Netwatch, Alt, VDB, and even SoMi were all manipulated to make it happen. The final outcome based on the most logical, and thematically appropriate endings sees Alt penetrating Mikoshi, basically gaining an army of digitized psyches. Arasaka being heavily wounded, their entire leadership structure in complete ruins.
Peralez story line was the creepiest in the entire game and I’ll die with that opinion. The idea of remotely controlling someones very thoughts, emotions, actions. While they have absolutely no clue whats happening. Just… beyond terrifying. The music that plays though a lot of points in the quest is so unnerving too, the one playing around 2:35
I feel like “the ancestor” has to refer to either Richard Night, maybe as a stand-in for all of Night Corp or Rache Bartmoss, who is the creator of daemons as a concept. Johnny outright says that a lot of malicious AI’s from beyond the Blackwall could potentially be responsible for the events in the Dream On quest. Maybe Mr Blue Eyes or Zarya (or both) have had their bodies taken over by AI’s using tech similar to Soulkiller. After all, Alt invented Soulkiller and is one of the AI’s beyond the Blackwall
For the bloody ritual with lilith, I had a bug where Lilith was not in the fridge but hidden on top of some box near the entrance in the dark. I could not kill or interact with her. I had to reload an older save to make the quest trigger correctly. So I think your right about the hacking of your eyes, even the devs did not put Lilith into the fridge but outside and hidden in the dark waiting for you. Only a bug can show you where she is really => not in the fridge.
One thing I am deeply curious about is whether there is a connection between Nightcorp and the seeming increase in cyberpsychosis. On one hand you have a group manipulating people at least partially through their chrome, including potentially giving implants to the man who attempted to kill Lucius Rhyne—on the other, you have a whole bunch of people, some of whom seem to have implants well beyond their means, spreading chaos in night city. Exactly how they might tie together I’m unsure. Some might be intended to kill a particular target—but there is also the possibility the whole thing is simply to cause chaos that will favour Night Corp’s ambitions (chaos potentially benefiting Peralez, as blame falls on the incumbent Rhyne and Holt) or they could be failed attempts to solve the limitations currently imposed by Chrome. Right now, you can make nearly unkillable super soldiers like Adam Smasher—but unless they, like Smasher, David Martinez or V are the kind of genetic freaks who can endure that level of implantation without being completely consumed by cyberpsychosis, they are all ticking time bombs. If your goal is at all tied to AI, you probably need to figure out ways to make people more resistant to the effects of extreme implantation. And the simple fact that cyberpsychos are another major mystery within the game makes me think at least some of them might be tied to the larger conspiracy, especially if we buy that they tried to use one to kill Rhyne in public
the blue rose thing is a Twin Peaks reference. “Blue Rose” is like the TP equivalent of the X-Files, a clandestine FBI investigation squad spun off from Project Blue Book that looks into things that cannot be explained by normal phenomena, supernatural occurrences, etc. Mr. Blue Eyes kind of fills the role of the alien entities/fae tricksters who feed on human suffering in the Twin Peaks mythos
The inner part of the design, looks a bit like the “Star of Chaos” described in various fantasy media… except the thing to note is the cardinal arrow points have been removed. Instead they have… honestly, feels kinda like maybe the mandibles of an antlion? With the arrow becoming a mouth that devours?
the morgan blackhand thing honestly, knowing how game dev works: they probably had a version of the game where they had morgan blackhand as a character and potentially modelled, and was cut. when making mr blue eyes, someone probably just thought “this existing hair mesh we made would work” and used it without changing file names.
In 2.12, I jumped over to where Blue Eyes is on that balcony during the “Dream On” quest after I was done talking to Jefferson. I waited there for a while after the quest was done and he disappeared in front of me. Very clearly not canon that he does this. He likely just has a timer for how long he exists and the devs didn’t expect you to look at him for that long right next to him. Still interesting, though.
Hey I just found something in the game that adds a little to this, not sure if you have seen it but if you travel to the (solar array) and go to the middle of the three circles youll find some netwatch agents, once you take them down and go into the truck youll see a data shard and a computer that has messages about SandraD (Sandra Dorsett). This game is so much more thought out then I had even initially thought holy shit
One thing I always get stuck on when meeting Mr. Blue Eyes up close is how robotic his movements are. He moves like a robot with a good approximation of how people move but has yet to get down the finer details to avoid the uncanny valley. His back stays completely straight as if it can’t bend too much and while the way he crosses his leg is physically possible its not a comfortable way to do it for someone who is flesh.
i thinks it really is interesting that in all the endings only the deal with mr blue eyes and the contacts that panam has, who are most likely the technomancers, which are both factions with incredible Biotech that they keep mostly hidden from the rest of the world may keep v alive for a sequel or something alone those lines
I also believe this lilith figure maelstrom praises is Alt, when you first speak to her she sarcastically asks you do you think shes a demon that requires a blood sacrifice/contract. Sounds like she’s referring to the ritual, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alt plays different roles depending on the human and occasion. Remember, Alt admitted to not being Alt and only uses her form because V and Jonny wishes to see Alt. We don’t know who this AI truly is that we’ve been speaking to through the whole game😐.
Honestly, I think there’s two factions, if the FF statues are any indication. Like if you pay attention to where and kind of who the statues are associated with, it kind of becomes clear. Like Misty has the one with the two globes, and so does Regina. If you think about it, Misty is casually trying to guide you in the direction of making the right decision, while Regina’s gigs are a bit more “wholesome” well wholesome for NC. While the statue near the mega corps has the sword.
The Nomad Experiments could be refering to the actual experiments Biotechnica is performing on Nomads (forgot the quest name, but you get to chuck a Corpo Bitch into a flying dumpster). He may just be getting two different Experiments of Biotechnica crossed here. (Experiments on Nomads and Experiments on Wolfmen)
If I remember correctly Latin sentence structure is a bit loosey goosey, so while the words will translate, it can cause the full sentence to be out of wack. You could interpret the first sentence as “The Witch / Vampire siezes the night” and the second is more than likely the “cursed day is due” interpretation
29:00 Yes, yes, I can add more to it. I really hope you see this, Sam. There’s a piece you’ve (understandably) missed. Sandra Dorsett. Her name is a reference to Henry Dorsett Case, the main character of the legendary cyberpunk novel, Neuromancer. It’s an easy reference to miss, since even if you’ve read the book, he goes by just ‘Case’ and his full name is only mentioned once. But it doesn’t stop there. HEAVY spoilers for the book below. In the novel, Case is a hacker hired by a man named Armitage to complete a particularly difficult job. Case eventually discovers that Armitage is a former special forces operator whose personality was completely overwritten by a super-AI named Wintermute, in order to use him as a puppet/pawn. Wintermute’s goal to is to use Armitage, Case, and others to reunite it with its other half, the titular Neuromancer. The AI achieves its goal, claiming, as a result, to become…everything. The whole of cyberspace. It also tells Case, that it’s looking for others like itself, and in doing so, it has discovered transmissions from…Alpha Centauri. But it doesn’t quite stop there either. In Neuromancer’s sequel, Count Zero, some of the characters talk about how something they call ‘loa’ have emerged in cyberspace. ‘Loa’ being spirits from Haitian Vodou. It’s implied that these ‘loa’ are AI.
Oh wow Sam. Lad you have seen beyond anything I even considered. Kicking myself not to apply the first letter cypher to the encrypted message. I’m an idiot. The idea that the Black Wall is Lilith is interesting and not something I had considered. The 10th circle could be beyond the Black Wall but given that we are told that the rogue AIs consider the Black Wall a traitor there is some issues with the other evidence. Who or what Lilith is had got me stumped. There are too many inconsistencies regarding what Lilith is doing with Maelstrom and what Night Corp is using them as. However I do believe the two are working together but have different goals. Night Corp seeks to gain control of humanity, making them compliant and possibly a warped way of bringing Richard Night’s dream of a perfect city together. This I believe could be the aim of Mrs Night, who we don’t know whether she is alive or dead. Night Corp is not above using Maelstrom and Scavs to do their dirty work, like kidnapping Sandra Dorset (by the way we never find out who paid to get who out of the Scavs haunt) and protect/clean up the team set to brainwash the Peralezs. Now Lilith has created a cult which has formed, like a cancer, inside the Maelstrom gang. It is heavily religious in theme and has ties with shadowy corpo types who may be Night Corp but for me they have another agenda entirely separate to Night Corp. The ritual to give an AI flesh seems an entirely separate effort of a Rogue AI seeking to enter our world under its own control.
My latins a lil rusty. But “carpe noctus” wouldn’t mean “seize the night” It would mean “seize of the night” its a mistranslation. For the singulative word night it would be “carpe nox” Noctus is used as an discriptive, it means “of the night” not just “night” So the correct term if you used the word noctus would be “Carpe modus noctus” Or “seize the way of the night” Which in this particular situation. Night city and all, would lean more towards embodying an ideal, or learning from the teachings of another. Its more idealogical that aggressive. “Carpe Modus Plato” Would mean to seize the way of Plato or learn from Plato. Not “lets jump Plato”
I personally think it’s the A.I. night-corp created. Now is Mr. Blue Eyes working with the A.I. or is a physical body it is using to directly interact with the world? That I am not sure. Though of course the blue glowing eyes could mean he is always connected. I doubt the A.I. is directly working with night-corp though is working for them to condition workers and the like as Sandra says. But this is just a smoke screen on the A.I.s part for the resources and to keep netwatch off its back, acting “under control” as it were.
In the conversation between the ritualistic maelstromers and the night corp agents, the maelstromers say that the wolf father has protected the realm of man and shadow (man and shadow both occupy the same realm?), but today it is protected by our children, children who’s name is patricide. Later in the conversation, ‘Carpe Noctem Lamia’ is said by the night corp agents. Lamia here, as per the article refers to a vampire or witch that sucks children’s blood. So perhaps Lilith or Zaria (Lamia) was a project to eliminate ‘the children of the father wolf and the mother moon’ who now protect the realm of man and shadow. Now then, who in the cyberpunk story do we know for a fact to have committed patricide? Yorinobu Arasaka. I’m tired of typing PS. I was high as hell when I came up with this correlation.
The community killed this game, we were going to have up to 3 dlc’s before the idiots trying to run the game on a gen 1 xbox one’s all got refunds. Cyberpunk is one of the best games i have ever played and the only game i’ve actually gotten lost in playing for days since I was a kid with a gameboy. you can play this game for 380 hours and still find new things (had to check play time)
Does anyone else get mad G-man vibes from Half Life from Mr Blue Eyes? a sharply dressed man with dark hair and unnaturally blue eyes, speaking with a crisp voice and a strange intonation, who can be seen in the background of important scenes impassively observing, just out of reach. Massive G-man energy, maybe it’s an insparation?
I like the idea of Lilith being an engram of Miriam night. In biblical context Lilith would be the queen of demons. Richard night could even be compared to Satan himself, looking to build a city separate from law and government making night city hell itself. On top of that all the relation between night corp and what’s going on it’s not far fetched. Further more you could even argue the net could be a representation of limbo, which separates heaven from hell
The rings everyone points out have a different design from Jinguji at least they did before don’t know why they showed up as jg for you. They used to have those line that are on the f0b6 that look like pcb traces. I just went to check garys ring in my game cause of this and it’s still the weird pcb trace design on it are you using mods?
Another note about the Maelstromer’s involved in this plot having a pink hue to their eyes… as shown in Phantom Liberty the signature color of the Blackwall is also this pink hue. The Blackwall itself is this color in cyberspace when V finds it. In contrast to that, the space of what’s beyond the Blackwall is a much darker red, but the AI’s contained within (as shown by Alt) are this same pink hue. Thus I’d wager to guess that this color is the signature color of AIs, at least those associated with the Blackwall and beyond. Therefore when you made the point that it was weird that Maelstrom was sending the message, not receiving it, it actually makes sense. Most likely the existing “cultist” members are already in control by AI through previous rituals. The Doe’s that they were passing the message along to were likely clandestine messengers of Night Corp (or maybe Arasaka, as someone pointed out that Alpha Centauri may be Arasaka Corporation) who are cooperating with AI’s in this conspiracy. Since many members of Maelstrom are incredibly cybernetically enhanced, it might be the case that only their bodies are cable of being hosts for AI. So Mi is a similar case as well. That would explain why this sort on in-person messaging might be needed in the first place. Garry probably ended up with an ex-Maelstrom co-processor that his ripper had (maybe from scavs), which might be necessary for AI communication. That allowed him to eavesdrop, even though he couldn’t really understand what he was hearing.
Remember: Cyberpunk 2077 is inspired by Cyberpunk 2020 which in turn drew on Gibson’s “Sprawl” and the William’s “Hardwired” trilogies for inspiration, and both of those series end up with contacting aliens. In the case of Sprawl, it specifically ends with contacting an AI from Alpha-Centauri (sorry for spoiler, but those books are, like, 40-years old now, so there you go…)
The hair thing, probably what happened was they had spent a few weeks creating a master file of hairstyles, and then they put a hairstyle they liked onto the body by cycling through each one in a program that put the hair onto the body. Then they tweaked the hair to be exactly what they wanted afterwards, and never once looked at the name of the hair file. Or if they did, it was ‘Hair mesh 188463920’ in their system. So the name might have just been from the original hair being inspired by the other guy.
Regarding the phrases exchanged between Jane Doe and the Techno Necromancers: “whose name is Patricide” – patricide is mentioned one other time in the game. Takemura says Yorinobu must answer for the crime of Patricide. “in the age of his failure, he became lost in the forest” – after being killed by his son, Saburo only existed in Mikoshi. I don’t know how those snippets might fit with everything else they said, though. It could be coincidence, or a red herring.
The one theory that I kind of love is the Net being Hell, as well as Bart saying that he didn’t create Daemons but “discovered” them. With that theory the ancient races could be true, and maybe they created the “net” as a new supernatural plane, and the way that the net is accessed is different or the same the “ancient reptilian people”. Also maybe Lilith is a evil queen trapped in the Net.
My playthroughs always made me think that in some way I was sort of in the book “Neuromancer”. Like the AI “Alt” is being kept “mostly” out of the real world by the blackwall and is prevented from taking it over. And that all of our actions, from the beginning of the game to the end are her(the AIs) means of us eventually freeing it in the end of the game. Maybe she setup the meet with Jackie, made the relic, put johnny into it, planned on us jacking in, set up the Voodoo boys plan, and started killing us to motivate us, all in a move to push us toward freeing her from the blackwall in the end! meh, just a personal theory…
57:00 Mr.Blueyes eyes are actually blue, because he is indeed in a proxy state. In Phantom liberty there is a mission when (I dont particularly remember what mission is this, but there were such a moment) someone send a real human to speak with us, and this person, at first look, is completely normal, but then her eyes change to orange and someone speaks with us using lady as a proxy. Your whole theory makes sence now
57:03 Not sure why you would think this guy is blue eyes. Thats your boss from the Corpo playthrough. When you start the game as a Corpo, your given a task that ultimately ends your career with Arasaka. Its given to you by that man here. Hes later killed for doing this, but this raises an interesting point. That guy might become Mr.Blue Eyes later on. maybe his soul is replaced with the Mr Blue eyes later but that guy right there is your boss at Arasaka.
Well now I’m wondering if Vic and Misty are apart of the conspiracy. Misty is very literally an oracle, reading us our tarot should we choose to have it read. Vic gives us the Kiroshi’s for free, the debt we pay him is from before the upgrade. Garry’s ability to hear the AI’s was installed by a ripperdoc, and he’s posted up just outside of the Esoterica which is owned by Vic, a ripperdoc. The tarot murals only show up for us because of the Kiroshi’s(as we know Johnny is just as surprised to see them as you are) and Misty is the one who pushes us to find them.
I dont know if people have noticed this but when you take Songbird to NCX, just past Pepes receptionist girlfriend that area there…there are “suspicious travelers” that when you get close to them their eyes glow blue for a little bit as if signaling you to something and they wear a wierd blue glowing ear piece..there are a few of them all over that area..and if you wait long enough you’ll make contact. Blue eyes really was her contact..I thought I was tripping😮
MBE offering v an alternative is actually terrifying considering their behaviour, potentially looking to use v (technically a dead-being – hence why they can’t succumb to cyberpsychosis) for lilith (or miriam) to inhabit or offering v the same prospect via someone else. not to mention the element of control, in the sun ending not only is v a legend in night city – an alive one at that but is without a doubt the most dangerous and powerful individual within the city without corporate ties.
In reference to Weldon Holt being a patsy for who killed Rhyne… when you storm red queens race, you grab the animal boss and ask about Holt and they say, “right person for the job,” whi ch is in reference to trashing the place it looks like. So it seems Holt was a patsy and not the one responsible for the murder.
I think Lilith is Alt, the maelstrom has seen bits of her and think shes just some blackwall AI and tried to summon her but got another instead which was why the ritual ended in her unstability and insanity. Also the werewolf thing could be a nomad gang of Exotics: people who got animal modifications like ears, tails, claws etc. basically cyberpunk furries have existed since 2020
There’s a name that jumped at me when you hack SSI’s black van, “Fred Ward”, probably just a coincidence since I don’t recall any other mentions of that name, but wouldn’t be something if it was connected to River somehow? River is known to getting too close to the truth and getting burned for it, it’d make sense!
Considering that the 9th circle is for traitors, the 10th could be for traitors worse than normal – those that abandoned humanity. It would make sense why some would consider NC the 10th hell and why Maelstrom would be interested in it. Rogue AI are trapped there and we know most AIs go insane after some time, so it would make sense why beyond the Blackwall would be considered a 10th hell where “sinners” suffer for being traitors to humanity. Though maybe there would be some distinction for pure AIs to be “devils” and humans turned AI to be “sinners”. It would make Alt and anyone like her basically an equivalent of Buddha for Maelstrom, where she managed to achieve the goal of fully abandoning her weak flesh so that’s a fun thing to think about.
“Rise and Shine, V. Rise and Shine. Not that I wish to imply you were sleeping on the gig, noone is more deserving of a cure than you. And all the effort of our work would be gone to waste if…well let’s just say you are needed once again. The right merc in the wrong place can make all the difference.” I think B-Man, I-Man and G-Man all share more than we know. Sides of the same coin, woven from the same rope. But then again I could just be a Garry, screaming about Aliens, godlike beings and interdimension travel…
I just realized something; the Sun ending os not so different than the Devil ending. Remember, Arasaka will definitely use V for their dirty work from now on. Well recall what Mr Blue Eyes says “…and someone who’ll do anything just to survive,” so its in his/his benefactors, best interest to give V something like an uber Beta Blocker, and keep V dependent upon them, so V will break reality for their ends and V’s survival
Mr B could be Blackhand; Morgan was introduced to Militech by wiping out a small gang in a bar (he has no problem dropping those he needs to, like Michael Weston), and surviving a nuke could change anyone. Although a new idea. What if Morgan is now almost total Borg, and is using Mr B body as a proxy (assuming there ever was an identity tied to the body, and it itself isn’t a construct) And for the new Mayor; I’m actually against what is shown. If the conspiracy was anyway intelligent then knowing the subject was interfered with and is doing the opposite of the prods, then the answer is to apply opposing prods (basically reverse psychology)
There is an important question to ask with The Tenth Circle things – that being what sin the circle is meant to punish. In Inferno, each circle of hell is punishment for action taken in life – from the first, Limbo being mostly fine but is meant to punish those who did not believe in life – to the sixth punishing heresy and the ninth punishing the worst – treachery. My thought is that due to Maelstrom’s connection to the terminology, the tenth circle could be punishment for “perversion of creation” – taking what God has made and twisting and mangling it into their own image.
You know, I never trusted Mr. Blue Eyes at the end of the game and had the assumption he was just another person holding V’s mortality over her head like a carrot on a stick, that her death was just going to be inevitable… but since Phantom Liberty’s ending its clear that there is at least one way to save her life. So that leaves me to wonder what method to save her MBE may have available to him. If its just what the NUSA uses or if its something sinister that leaves a backdoor to V’s psyche/physical body for whatever is going on there. Hell, maybe its all a hivemind and whatever is Lilith is puppeteering them all. If its been keeping track of V’s abilities it may want V at their command to use it as the need arises. Just a random thought!
One thing to mention: At 51:29 Mr. Blue Eyes says that where he is from, they would say that the job V is about to do would be considered as flying too close to the sun and burning up, “poetically speaking”. This is obviously a reference to the story of Icarus but what caught my attention is this exact same reference was used by the rogue AIs during Phantom Liberty, where V played hide and seek during the mission “Somewhat Damaged”. I don’t remember exactly when and where but, I think it was both vocal (AI antagonizing V to come out) and in-text (when V is doing the quest objectives, the AI seemed to talk through to him from the panels). The reason why I remember this tidbit is because I just finished the DLC yesterday night and happened to play that mission at 2 AM, not knowing it would be a horror mission, so the memory is still very much fresh -_- What I’m trying to get at here is he might be referring to the Blackwall AI as “them” when he is sharing what “they” would think, seeing as the AI is already saying this to V because of his actions in PL.
I find it interesting that carpe noctem, even though spelled in lowercase, specifically capitalized Night when translated. Also crazy theory what if Mr.Blue Eyes is Richard Night himself or an ai of him and his controlling Mr. Blue Eyes from a distance thus the blue eyes. Alternatively what if ‘carpe noctem’ the Night they refer to isnt just Night City itself but rather to alter someones mind to the point of creating a copy of Richard Night’s psyche in the hopes he will help them guide Night City to what it was meant to be.
He actually is a reference to “The Illusive Man” from Mass Effect. There is a theory that he is an entirely cybernetic being with synthetic skin. And he started the same kind of organization as in Mass Effect. If you played the crap out of Mass Effect like I did, you figure it out pretty quick with the way he talks and acts. Enigmatic. Always telling you more by what he doesn’t say.
After returning to this article, and some further research, someone on reddit pointed out that the entire game is essentially the first act of Neuromancer. V or Songbird being in the position of Henry DORSETT Case, taking a job to infiltrate a space station flr a blue eyed individual who’s actually a puppet for powerful Rogue AI named Wintermute who’s using the body of an experienced soldier named William Corto under the Alias “Armitage” and cures Case with MAJOR strings attached in return. Connecting this to Cyberpunk, Armitage would be Blue Eyes, the proxy for whatever AI/group of AI, who are blackmailing/coercing V into the space station heist so they can become a hyper intelligence like the fused Delamain. Now, who would the proxy soldier body be in this scenario? Morgan Blackhand of course. A side note but the FF06B5 Mystery may actually be connected, as Wintermute in the realm of cyberspace is depicted as a cube of glowing white light that is incomprehensibly complex in design, ya know, like a giant floating glowing QR code?
At 36:30 – this is the first line of “Tanz Der Vampire” or “Dance of the Vampires”. The verse in full is: Carpe noctem, lamia! Decet diem excecrari. Sanguim suga, belua! Debet pravum exsequari. Inquiem perpetuum, dona nobis Satanas. Bestia diaboli, dona nobis damnationem. Translated: Seize the night, vampire! You’ve got to curse the day. Drink blood, beast! Good for nothing, may carry it out. I’ll say forever, Grant us eternity, Satan Beast of the Devil, grant us damnation.
i dont know why people say sending songbird to the moon is the best ending for her its like they never played cyberpunk at all its possibly the worst ending for songbird and all humanity even songbird herself felt the doubt to go to the moon at the end which is why she told V the truth that she is lying about the cure in hope V would just kill her or stop her from going to the moon
So here me out here,Night Corp had Yorinobu under control,offed his dad so they could be at the head of Arasaka and get their tech which is why blue eyes is aware and “helping” V because Mr Blue eyes himself is dying and wants to find out how to live forever so needs the shard from V’s head intact 😅
I think the fact that Lillith can easyly be parried to death by V at any level shows her lack of importance. Yeah, she might be part of Nightcorp”s project, but a mastermind? One that happens to just swing mantis blades at you while screaming?? I doubt it. Lillith migh be a result, but highly doubt she is a “planner”. To me it would be like thinking the bouncer in the Afterlife is the true boss of the Afterlife.
To the point what Mr. Blueeyes is cooking on the moon, I would suggest based on Songbird who couldn’t deal with the influence of the Blackwall forever even with Cyberware payed by the President of the NUSA, that he tries to modify Human DNA so far that he can make a perfect body for an AI, maybe one that won’t break down no matter how much data floads through the head and can hack on Songbirds Blackwallhacklevel but without the drawback of dying or going Cyberpsycho. If this would be the case Songbird would be the perfect labrat for something much bigger. (Probably nothing of this is true, but it would be my first guess on what to do on the moon with human DNA)
I’d like to add an interesting connection I haven’t seen anyone mention yet. In PL’s ‘Somewhat Damaged’ mission, while in the process of shutting down Cynosure Core’s subsystems, V can attempt to hack the (iirc) Cooling System terminal, and shut it down quickly. This provokes a direct response from the AI infesting Cynosure, who speaks to V through the terminal, saying (not verbatim, it’s been a while since I saw this) “You’re flying too close to the sun. Let us clip your wings. Deploying Leythe MK. 3 I.C.E.” and shocking V out of the terminal. This is eerily similar to MBE saying “Where I’m from they’d say it’s straight impossible. They’d say you’re taking too big a risk, flying towards the sun to burn up.”
Just some food for thought 😅 The closest thing to the symbol in the “Dream On” quest I could find might be the star of chaos, a symbol of chaos and chaos magic (Wikipedia: it teaches that the essence of magic is that perceptions are conditioned by beliefs, and that the world as we perceive it can be changed by deliberately changing those beliefs). Also the star is present in the Warhammer 40k world-again associated with chaos. Interestingly in this universe “Chaos is a part of the psychic energy that composes Warp space” and further “The Warp is a psychic dimension parallel to real space. It is known by many names: Warpspace, the Immaterium, the Empyrean, the Ether, the Sea of Souls, the Othersea, and also as the Realm of Chaos”. Also in Warhammer 40k universe there are chaos daemons which “are intelligent and usually malevolent entities of the Warp comprised of purely psychic energy”… Sounds uncomfortably familiar… Are CDPR inspired by Warhammer? 😅