The Rule of Three, also known as the Three-fold Law or Law of Return, is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans, Neo-Pagans, and occultists. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, whether positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. This principle is part of many but not all Wiccan traditions and is deeply rooted in ancient traditions.
The Rule of Three is a cautionary one given to newly initiated witches in some magical traditions, primarily NeoWiccan ones. The purpose is to keep them from engaging in harmful actions, such as slinging hexes and curses before they are ready. The most common way to make a short version of the Wiccan Rede is to modify the ending: Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love, in perfect trust.
The Wiccan Threefold Law is an ethical guideline that states that whatever you put out into the universe, magically or otherwise, will return to that person three times. It is a law of cause and effect, meaning that whatever you put out in the world comes back with three times the strength. If you use magic with good intentions, you are bound to return good threefold.
However, the Rule of Three is often misunderstood and misused. It is a central tenet in Wiccan philosophy and is deeply rooted in ancient traditions. The concept of karma in witchcraft is also considered threefold, meaning that whatever you put out in the world comes back with three times the strength.
📹 Wicca: The Three-Fold Law
This video is all about the basic belief behind Wicca’s Three-Fold Law. The Three-Fold law is a common belief between Wiccans’ …
What is the power of 3 in witchcraft?
The Rule of Three, also known as the Three-fold Law or Law of Return, is a religious belief that states that any energy a person puts out into the world will be returned three times. This concept is sometimes referred to as karma by Wiccans, but it is not strictly accurate. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and encourage upright behavior. In Hindu Vedanta literature, there is a similar idea of threefold Karma, which is associated with past, present, and future.
Some traditions believe that the rule of three is not literal but symbolizes that our energy returns as many times as needed to learn the lesson associated with it. Occult author John Coughlin suggests that the Law posits a literal reward or punishment tied to one’s actions, particularly when it comes to working magic. The law is not a universal article of faith among Wiccans, and some believe it is a modern innovation based on Christian morality.
Why is the rule of three so powerful?
The Rule of Three is a powerful and simple pattern that represents the smallest number required to create a pattern. The Rule of Three is an effective means of communicating complex ideas due to its concise, memorable, and impactful nature. In the field of music, a musical triad is defined as the three-note building block of harmony.
What is the rule of 3 example?
The rule of three is a common technique in various fields, such as storytelling, speeches, politics, advertising, and religion. It is used to make information more memorable and easy to retain. Examples of stories that use the rule of three include “The Three Little Pigs”, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, and “Three Billy Goats Gruff”. In politics, the Gettysburg Address promises a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”. In advertising, the adage “location, location, location” is common, while in religion, the quote “faith, hope, and love” is a common quote.
What is the sacred law of threes?
Cynthia Bourgeault’s 2013 book, The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three: Discovering the Radical Truth at the Heart of Christianity, introduced the teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff. The Law of Three asserts that every phenomenon is a new arising through three distinct lines of action: holy affirming, holy denying, and holy reconciling. This teaching is more’midwifed/mediated than taught’ and emphasizes the need for others to help midwife what is truly wanting to be born.
Marcella Kraybill-G Greggo, after attending a Wisdom School, wanted to experiment in a small group setting to learn what it means to help midwife this process in another’s life and how others can help in midwife what is happening within their own lives.
What are the spiritual laws of three?
The three laws of fasting, fast offerings, and tithing are based on faith and not money. They offer blessings and help overcome bad habits, addictions, and burdens. By disciplined fasting, individuals can resist temptation, overcome burdens, and be free from any yoke that binds them. By gaining confidence in the Lord, they can call down the powers of Heaven and know that He is guiding their footsteps. This discipline allows individuals to resist temptation and be free from any binds they may have.
What is the 3 witch hour?
The “triple witching hour” refers to the final hour of the stock market trading session, occurring on the third Friday of each March, June, September, and December. This event marks the expiration of three types of securities: stock market index futures, stock market index options, and stock options. The simultaneous expiration of these instruments increases trading volume and, at times, price volatility.
How does the 3 rule work?
The Safe Withdrawal Rule (SWR) is a retirement planning principle that suggests that retirees can live comfortably on their retirement savings by withdrawing 3 to 4 of their balance each year, adjusted for inflation. This conservative approach aims to balance having enough money to live comfortably without prematurely depleting retirement savings. Most financial advisers suggest that retirees can safely spend 3 to 4 of their total retirement fund balance, adjusted annually for inflation, focusing on the returns on investments rather than the principal in their account. This conservative approach ensures that retirees can maintain their retirement savings without running out of money.
What is the rule of three in magic?
The Rule of Three, also known as the Three-fold Law or Law of Return, is a religious belief that states that any energy a person puts out into the world will be returned three times. This concept is sometimes referred to as karma by Wiccans, but it is not strictly accurate. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and encourage upright behavior. In Hindu Vedanta literature, there is a similar idea of threefold Karma, which is associated with past, present, and future.
Some traditions believe that the rule of three is not literal but symbolizes that our energy returns as many times as needed to learn the lesson associated with it. Occult author John Coughlin suggests that the Law posits a literal reward or punishment tied to one’s actions, particularly when it comes to working magic. The law is not a universal article of faith among Wiccans, and some believe it is a modern innovation based on Christian morality.
What is the Rule of Three spiritual?
The Rule of Three, also known as the Three-fold Law or Law of Return, is a religious belief that states that any energy a person puts out into the world will be returned three times. This concept is sometimes referred to as karma by Wiccans, but it is not strictly accurate. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and encourage upright behavior. In Hindu Vedanta literature, there is a similar idea of threefold Karma, which is associated with past, present, and future.
Some traditions believe that the rule of three is not literal but symbolizes that our energy returns as many times as needed to learn the lesson associated with it. Occult author John Coughlin suggests that the Law posits a literal reward or punishment tied to one’s actions, particularly when it comes to working magic. The law is not a universal article of faith among Wiccans, and some believe it is a modern innovation based on Christian morality.
What does the rule of three symbolize?
The rule of three is a writing principle that suggests humans process information through pattern recognition, with three being the smallest number that allows for the identification of a pattern within a set.
How does the rule of three work?
The rule of three is a writing principle that suggests that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, or effective than other numbers. This technique is used in various forms of writing, such as slogans, film titles, and narrative fiction. Examples include the Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and the Three Musketeers. Adjectives are often grouped in threes to emphasize an idea.
The rule of three can refer to a collection of three words, phrases, sentences, lines, paragraphs, stanzas, chapters, or whole books. The three elements together form a triad and are used in prose, poetry, oral storytelling, films, and advertising.
📹 Black Magick & Rule of 3
Here’s all my links Send a donation 3obsidianeyes on TikTok Here is my Amazon …
Aw your sweet…but I re-watched my article and realized how my message was being misconstrued. She still disagrees with me, but that’s fine. I just don’t want people getting the wrong idea about my message. So I’m going to re-film the same topic when I get a chance. 🙂 Thanks for subscribing! My website is kind of a mash up between opinion and academic knowledge I gained over the years about different religions/faiths. It’s going to have quite a bit of different things. lol.
Remarkable, I too have studied different religions over 20 years, including Shawmanism, Zen, and Buddhism and have gained a vast insight to the approach of religion. I have discovered basic universal truths, written them down and have shown them to Buddhist monks, with praise. Currently, I am talking about dogma in atheism, because I feel compelled to at the moment but would love to share ideas from and with you.
Thank you for sharing your insight and talking it out with us. I agree with your points about karmic return, especially surrounding love spells aimed at influencing the affections of another. For confidentiality and privacy, I won’t name individuals but I suspect those who stumble on this article will want a real-life account of what that karma might look like so I will share an experience that I observed when someone cast a love spell. In this case, she had her eye on a guy and it seemed that he was interested in her of his own volition. I am saying that it seemed that this guy genuinely liked her “on his own.” Later, things had fizzled out and they seemed to be going their own ways. There just wasn’t any lasting “oomph” to the relationship. It just so happens that she wasn’t ready to let him go so she cast a basic love spell. For the next two weeks, she was at the top of the world. This guy was infatuated with her and gave her his undivided attention. He desired her sexually, started at her-you name it…he did it or tried. Then nothing! The spell had run its course and was now over. After the two weeks were up everything went back to the way it was and they then QUICKLY grew apart. In fact, he dropped out of classes at the college they were at and moved away. This might not be the best example of karma returning with a vengeance, but the act of the spell prolonged the discontentment with the relationship and fooled both of them into thinking they were compatible when they were not.
The concept is much more complex then just a spell being sent back three times If the spell is sent by witch a and person a paid him to do it who was simply trying to help person b, then person a (the one who thought of using a spell) and person b (who is in need) will both receive the events of the spell back. If the spell is intended on person b and witch a did the spell with person b buying a spell person b would receive the results maximised 4 times. Yet if person a paid witch a to do a spell on person b but lied that it was person b who told him to pay witch a to do the spell, person b will still get the results maximised by 4 since when the spell was sent the sender is using the supposed person b’s will
lol im sure someone has tried to prove karma or the three fold law is true. I understand how karma is in eastern religions, in regards to being born into a new life after you pass. Having faith may be hard to understand for those that prefer proof or evidence, but for those that have faith in it its not hard to believe that a spell didn’t work or did work. For them the way their life played out after doing a spell is proof enough.
has anyone actually done a test to see if this is actually true? sounds like a lot of confirmation bias to me. How do you know a spell works or doesn’t work. And if you do a spell and you get the results that you wanted- was it the spell that did it or were the circumstances just right for that to happen. Also Karma in eastern religions is more about how what you do in this life determines what you come back as in your next life.
Please put your article back up that BionicDance was bashing, on it’s your business what you believe. Don’t let people like her dictate what you have up. I have many articles on how full of crap she is. You’re welcome to copy and upload them to your website. She’s a fraud preaching to sheep I don’t totally know what your website is about, but I’m going subscribe just because I want to hear your point of view on the spiritual.
Hey beautiful! As always, I thoroughly enjoy your articles. Regarding the Rule of 3. Annie has an interesting view of the “law of three”. She’s a Traditional Gardnerian Witch. She was initiated in the 70’s. Her website is MirthandReverance. Her take on the whole 3 thing is different what I expected from a Gardnerian. Anywho, just an idea. Looking forward to seeing more of you & vids! ❤🌹🌺
So I agree with everything you said about baneful magick. Actually I put out a article a while ago pretty much saying all the same things, ‘How to Practice Real Witchcraft and Covens’. Though I dont know what kind of political witchcraft you were referring to in this article, cause you didnt go into much detail other than just mentioning it in general. But I want to say, The thing about political witchcraft, is you should still adhere to the witches pyramid and keep silent about it, as you should with all your magick.. At least if you want it to be the strongest it can be. This is why the large organized political workings people have been doing in recent years, dont ever work really. It’s all performative at that point. When you are going to cast baneful magick at someone, be it hexing, binding or whatever, it is always a bad idea to forewarn them, lest they prepare to defend themselves. Some people with weak minds, or who dont know how to defend theirself, you can get away with telling them your intent to hex, bind, etc. if they get that kind of warning and either dismiss it or fear it, it can take root and grow stronger to your favor. But in the case they do take it seriously and decide to fight back spiritually by any means, you do yourself no service in warning them or making your spells known to them at any point. Its always a risk to tell someone or expose your magick on the public stage. This is the part of political witchcraft that alot of people dont understand. Anyone in politics is almost 100% guranteed to Not have a weak/fear based mind, they dont get into positions of power without having some kind of charisma and magnetism of their own, they have their own kind of magick and a very strong Will, and not to mention support from the millions of people that they themselves are actively engaged in influencing.
I enjoyed perusal this article. I’m a black magickian / sorceress. I’ve been called a witch, and even calling me a black witch would be accurate, but I chose the term black magickian as my preferred label because I believe that we are all magickians, it is in our nature, it is by design. We all perform magick, all day long through the use of thoughts, imagination, intent, feelings / desire, and words. We do this, whether we realise it or not. That is pure magick without rituals and other things. But, most people tend to align themselves (with words, thoughts, feelings, etc) with the default reality most of the time, and I guess this is what I would call white magick. I’ve noticed that what a lot of people call white magick tends to involves things like healing, nner work, and things like that, but the white magickians don’t seem to alter their realities very much, at least not to the extent that black magickians do. This is just my own observations from throughout my magickal journey which I have walked since 2004. Black magick is when people use magick in a very deliberate, conscious way to alter the default reality to a reality of their choosing – and most people who do this are not usually aware they are performing black magick. They have other labels for it. An example of this would be those who follow the law of attraction stuff that we’ve all heard about. Look at Bob Proctor – he’s a big promoter / advocate of the law of attraction. He is wealthy, and he went from rags to riches using the law of attraction. He studied it for years (as well as wealth, etc) and look at him now. He probably wouldn’t call himself a magickian, let alone a black magickian, but that is what he is, imo. Another example of this would be that school leaver who is taking his final exams. He is living life as usual, just following the herd so to speak, but in his mind, he has a specific goal of becoming a doctor, he has chosen medicine as his career, so he has to get certain grades. So he aligns his thoughts, his imagination, his intentions, his will and desire, his energy with having these grades so that he can apply to the colleges he wants to go to, etc. As he does, he does the studying, etc that is also required. That is him being a black magickian, whether he is aware of this or not. So, within the context of my reality, white magick doesn’t exist, not for me, because I’m conscious of the fact that my thoughts create my reality, and I’m pretty conscious of my thoughts and feelings. I am working through the Black Gate pathworking with Belial, following my death in the Lake of Fire, and Belial has turned my life to chaos and is showing me all of my weaknesses, so I have to be the black magickian more than being a black sorceress or a black witch in order to get through this pathworking. The first four Gatekeeper pathworkings are designed to deconstruct Gemma version 1 so that I can create Gemma version 2. I have to rebuild myself and my life. I have to align my thoughts, emotions, imagination, my intentions, will, and desire towards my goal, before I even do rituals, or take action of some sort, basically. I have to stick my black hand into the clay to mold it deliberately with intent, otherwise others will create for me. He is showing me who controls me, who is attempting to create my reality for me (through manipulating my mind and emotions, usually). He is showing me my chains that are to be broken. And so on. So, within the context of my reality, white magick as I have defined it doesn’t really exist for me. It can’t. As for your example of the single mother whose promotion might make it possible for her and her kids to live a better or easier life, versus you not necessarily needing the extra money but it would be nice – my perspective in that type of situation is that if I was in a similar situation, as a magickian and as a sorceress I have more tools, but this won’t necessarily mean that I’ll win the promotion. That single mother would have a huge desire, most likely would apply her will and intent, and would likely be feeling her Source’s calling to align more fully, etc, and would probably work harder at it. My awareness of her situation would probably be somewhat undermining to my efforts because I’m not a heartless person, and I would probably see the wisdom in looking at other options, or just accepting that the single mother is just as likely to win the promotion because she has even more reason to. That’s just my perspective. In my mind, every person has to work with the tools they have, every person is responsible for their lives and who they are, and I wouldn’t feel that working magick to obtain the promotion would be evil because someone else might benefit from it more than I would. (That’s “scarcity” thinking. There is always abundance, but you have to allow that to flow, you have to have that active within your mind and your energy.) I would say it was their responsibility to ensure they apply themselves to winning it – but if they tried to crap on me whilst going after the promotion in order to ensure they got it, then they would be swiftly punished. The love and light force you refer to is archonic in nature – it’s the same kinda force like the oppressive force that is Jehovah / Allah, and is designed to keep people asleep and sheep-like, mentally / intellectually / perceptually, and emotionally. I’m with you on the cursing / baneful magick front. I found your website through Orlee Stewart, and I think you make great articles. Please keep making them because you and others like you are making a real difference. 🙂 <3
I personally don’t see black magic as a race thing. Don’t come at me. 🤣 It was called black magic because it was considered dark, as in evil. Today, we live in a society where everything is racist. If I call something white or black, I’m racist… despite the fact of referring to a color (not talking about people, just in general). I heard the subject come up on one of the latest live stream and I stayed silent. I am a white girl from northern Michigan, and because of my skin and my beliefs I will probably be labeled as racist. (I hope not)I don’t understand the political implications either., how is cursing political? I will most definitely read the book now to see how you came to that conclusion 💜 Not trying to stir the pot, just a lowly subscriber practicing my first amendment 😘🤓
As for myself having good personal ethics about magick keeps me right with the world of Horrors. The Rule of 3 is all about keeping a witch in line with fear. Wasn’t it Ray Buckland who came up with that one. Anyway that’s the first place I saw the witch’s Rede, I thought it was Bullshit the first time I saw it. The other school of magical thought I find rather annoying is the Altruistic School of Magic of not working magic for personal gain, but using only to help people. At the end of the day what other witches, warlocks and magicians practice may not be not be my cup of tea if it works for them then that’s OK just don’t lay that trip on me. It’s all about taking responsibility for one’s own actions and using magick responsibly.